HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140515Objection Letter.pdfPArNm # nAh{mrEN* ATTORNEYS May 14,2014 RECf; IV": ii Ugil' tlAY 15 $l t& 33 lBAliO IjuliLlt"uTluT tE3 c0 rtl rd I ii *q I o :,, Ausey H. Robnett, [I Partner au s ey. ro bn ett@p ai ne hamb I en. c o m Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 E,lR-R- l4-ol Re: Idaho Code 6l-1007 Objectionto 2014 Railroad Assessment Fee Eastern Idaho Railroad To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as Eastern Idaho Railroad's Idaho Code 61-1007 Objection to the 2014 Railroad Assessment Fee contained in Assessment Invoice No. 2014-010, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment A. This objection is based on Eastern Idaho Railroad's erroneous reporting of its Idaho Gross Operating Revenues for calendar year 2013. Eastern Idaho Railroad mistakenly reported its interstate gross operating revenues instead of its intrastate gross operating revenues for 2013, as required by Idaho Code 6l-1003. The erroneous interstate gross operating revenues reported for 2013 were $16,336,596.00 and attached hereto as Attachment B is a copy of the erroneous Class II & ru Railroad Annual Report that was timely filed and reported the incorrect gross operating revenue number. The correct intrastate gross operating revenues for Eastern Idaho Railroad for 2013 are $3,236,286.00 and a revised Schedule of Gross Operating Revenues for 2013, on the appropriate reporting form, is attached hereto as Attachment C. Eastern Idaho Railroad apologizes for this erroneous reporting and is taking permanent steps to prevent this mistake from occurring in the future. In the meantime, Eastern Idaho Railroad awaits acknowledgement of its objection and further instructions from the Commission on how to proceed on this matter. 701 E. Front Avenue Suite l0l P.O. Box E Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 T (208) 664-81l5 F (208) 664-6338 www.painehamblen.com A Limited Liebility Partnership with oflices in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, Priest River and Tri-Citles Ms. Jean Jewell Page2 Also, pursuant to Idaho Code 6l-1005, Eastem Idaho Railroad will proceed with making the first timely semi-annual installment payment of the current 2014 Railroad Assessment Fee in Attachment A, during the pendency of this objection and any Commission proceedings, and will rely upon the refund provisions of Idaho Code 6l-1007 if the Commission determines an adjustment is needed based on Eastem Idaho Railroad's intrastate gross operating revenue for 2013. Under the IPUC Rules of Procedure, if the Commission determines that this matter should be handled as a formal proceeding, please consider this Eastern Idaho Railroad's Petition for relief as described herein. RP 25, 53. If you have any questions or require any further materials, please contact me as the Representative for Eastern Idaho Railroad. RP 4l. Very Truly Yours, PAINE HAMBLEN LLP Ausey H. Robnett, III cc:Craig Richey, Executive Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary ATTACHMENTA Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO BOX 83720 BOrSE rD 83720-0074 Paul Kjellander, President Marsha H. Smith, Commissioner Mack A. Redford, Commissioner EASTERN IDAHO RAILROAD 420 HANSEN STREET SOUTH TWIN FALLS ID 8330I Assessment Invoice Date lnvoice No. 4t1U2014 2014-010 Account No. I EIR-R I GIOR Amount I $16,336,596,00 Due Date I 511512014 Description Assessment Amount 2014 Railroad Assessment .5327%87,025.05 The 2014 assessment fee for utilities is .2371%o ad .5327% for railroads by Commission Order Number 3301 7 and 33018 respectively. The minimum fee Total $87,025.05 is $50.00. The 2014 assessmentfee may be paid in equal semi-annual installments. Thefirst installment of the regulatoryfee is due no later than May 15, 2014. The second installment is due no later than November 15, 2014. Outstanding balances after November 15, 2014 will be assessed with a 60l interest fee. AI\-Y UTILITY OR RAILROAD OBJECTING TO TIIE ASSESSMENT STATED ABOVE MAY FILE AN OBJECTION WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 6I.1007. Ptease make checks or money orders payabte to: ldaho Pubtic Utilities Commission PO BOX 83720 BOTSE tD 83720-0074 Please contact Tami Humiston with questions or comn ents: (208) 334-0325 or tamara.humiston@puc.idaho.gov Remittance advice for: EASTERN IDAHO RAILROAD Account No, EIR-R lnvoice No. 2014-010 Remittance arnounl $ ATTACHMENT B IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES C.L. "Butch" Otter, Govemor Paul Kjellander, Commissioner Maok A. Redford, Commissioner Marsha H, Smith, Commissioner February 18,2014 EASTERN IDAHO RAILROAD 420 HANSBN STREET SOUTH TWINFALLS,ID 8330I RE: Idaho Gross Operrting Revenues Idaho Code $$ 6l-1003 and 62-611 tequirc all publicutility corporations to annually report to the Commission their gross operating revenues derived from business operations in Idaho lhat are subject to the annual assessment during the preceding calendar year. We request that your calendar year 2013 gross intrastaterevenues be prcvided to the Commission on or before April l, 2014. Your company must report eveu if it had zex, gross intrastate operating levenues during the preceding calendar year. The form provided belorv is for your convedence. Please complete antl retum it to the above address as soon Bs possible. Please note the larv requires informatiott on the retuin be certified by an ofiicer, or agent, of your cotnpany, To meet the April l, 2014, deadliue you may send a faosimile of this fonn to lhe Comrnission at Q08)334-3762 or email a pdf version to the ernail to rnaria,barratt-riley@prrc.iclaho.gov. The IPUC must rcceive a certified hard copy rvithin five rvorking days of the fax or e-mailed transmission. Should you lnve any questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 334-0337. Sincerely, ?rl Bann atrS;/"ro'\tr Mada Baratt-Riley Deputy Adrninistrator Certlflcatlon: Our Idalro Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue for the Calendar Year 2013 was $ I certifu that lhe foregoing statement is true and con'ect to the best of my knowledgq information and belief, Company contsct should rve have questions regarding this fotm or any updates to company contact information: GLASS II& III RAILROAD ANNUAL REPORT TO THE IDAHO PUBL]C UTTLITIES COIIMISSION ldaho Code $61-405 requlres every rallroad operatlng ln ldaho to properly complete and return lts Annual Report hy Aprlll6h of each year IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 20{3 ANNUAL REPORT Thls report ls flled by me as owner, proprlotor, partner or authorlzod oorporalo ropresentatlve, and I have prepared or carefully revlewed It. To the best of my knowledge, informatlon and bellef, the report ls true and correct and no materlal fact has been ornltted. , b Date: ?')o'lt'l 1.Ralhoad Name and Comolste Buglness Address: Name: tqs-utn ltat,o k;ltooal Lnon"r hlt . 19/'2e ro Executlveofficer: "IaU t( hrltt Fax: Address: qE Ut, q'4 fu, cltv/state/Zlo: Di*tllvrt - bl b D.IOA 2.Equlpment: a. Locomotl Dleael:Steam: Electrlc: Other: - Total - b. Passenger Cars: - c, Frelght Cars: 1 d. Olher: a. Locomotlvosl . zIllanal. l5 3,Total mlleage of tracks owned and operated by rospondent in ld*to: 4.Prlnclpal commodltles hauled ln l{qho: 6.ldaho lntrastate Gross Operallng Revenue $ ---tP , ?10 . 57b -6.Do you transport hazardous materlals, substances orwastes? fFves n Uo 2013 ATTACHMENT C