HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlaistow_dh6.doc July 7, 2000 FED EX Joseph J. Plaistow L.E. Peabody & Associates, Inc. 1501 Duke Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314-3449 Re: Filing the Protest Dear Joe: Enclosed you will find an original and ten copies of the State’s “Public Version” protests and their supporting verified statements. Included in the package are the verified statements of Gary Mahn, Barb Barrows, Ed Morse, Doug Scoville, Steve Peterson, Greg Servheen and Denver Tolliver. The Governor’s verified statement (or maybe just the signature page) is being sent to you under separate cover via Fed Ex for Saturday delivery to you. I anticipate that you can add the electronic version of the Protest, your verified statements and exhibits by slipping them into the spirally bound material. In addition to the original and ten copies, I have also provided a copy for you and a copy to be delivered to John Heffner. We also need to make an extra copy of the “Confidential Version” and exhibits for Heffner. I have also included as a separately bound volume the verified statement and exhibits of Ed Morse. I may put in some of the discovery letters and requests but they may need to go in the big spiral package. I’ll talk to you Saturday. Sincerely yours, Donald L. Howell, II Deputy Attorney General Enclosures Vld/L:Plaistow_dh6