HomeMy WebLinkAboutCongressional draft_dh.doc RE: REQUEST FOR ORAL HEARING, STB DOCKET NO. AB-564 CAMAS PRAIRIE RAILNET, INC. ABANDONMENT This letter is a follow-up to my previous request of _________urging the Surface Transportation Board conduct an oral hearing in Idaho pursuant to 49 C.F.R. ( 1152.25(d)(6 It is understanding that there are significant and substantial issues in this case that will be disputed. Consequently, the Board should convene an oral hearing in Idaho for the primary purpose of cross-examination of witnesses filing verified statements. I understand that the rail shippers on the line have reported that the Railroad’s forecast of shipments is vastly understated. Based upon traffic forecasts prepared by the shippers, car traffic for the forecast year will be in excess of 3,200 cars, or substantially more than the shipments estimated by the Railroad. This discrepancy in car shipments and forecast revenue merits an oral hearing. Finally, contrary to the assertions of Camas Prairie, the abandonment will have a serious adverse impact on rural and economic development in this area of Idaho. In addition to increased transportation costs for agricultural products, it has been reported that some crops may no longer be produced if rail service is no longer available. It has also been reported that at least one lumber mill in Grangeville may incur additional costs of up to $100,000 per year if the rail line is abandoned. Conversion of rail traffic to truck traffic will also have a significant impact on the local roads if the rail line is abandoned. These adverse impacts are ironic when considering that one of the Railroad’s largest shippers recently began operations at Craigmont premised upon the Railroad’s continued operation of the Grangeville line. In summary, there are serious discrepancies concerning the Application that can best be addressed by conducting an oral hearing in Idaho. I urge the Board to conduct an oral hearing in Idaho. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of June 2000. To Be Received NLT June 5 by: Vernon A. Williams, Secretary Surface Transportation Board 1925 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20423-0001 With a copy to: JOHN D HEFFNER REA CROSS & AUCHINCLOSS 1707 L ST NW STE 570 WASHINGTON DC 20036