HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990301Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure, Order No 27943.pdfl Offce of the Secretary Service Date March 1, 1999 11 BEFORE THE mAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF TH APPLICATION FIED BY CROWN PACIFC FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE COMMSSION'S RALROAD CLEARCE RULES, IDAP A ET SEQ. ) ) CASE NO. BN-RR-99-1 ) ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION ) ) NOTICE OF MODIFIED ) PROCEDUR ) ) ORDER NO. 27943 In November 1998, the Commssion received a request from Crown Pacific Lumber Company seekig a waiver or exemption frm the Commssion's Ralroad Clearce Rules, IDAP A et seq. Pacific Crown recently conscted a nettg platform alongside and above the railroad's spur tracks at its Bonners Ferr milL. The platform do not as constrcted, comply with the Commssion's side and overhead clearce stdads in Rules 201 and 301. The netting devices rectify a safety hazd for Crown Pacific workers who previously were requied to car a net up the ladder on the side of chip car, then balance on the top edge of the ral car while covering the top of the car. The Company filed its Application when it leared from railroad personnel that the platforms did not meet the Commssion's clearance requirements. NOTICE OF APPLICATION The platforms constrcted by Crown Pacific are 60 feet in lengt and approximately 3 feet in width. They ar constrcted so tht the catwal platforms are approxitely 11 feet from the top of the rails. The inide edge of the platform is 7' 65/16" from the horizontal center line of the trcks. The Commssion's Side Clearce Rule 301 requis a setback from the center line of trcks of 8' 6". See attched diagram. At each end of the platform there is a cable supporting ar extending perpendicular above the tracks that is 23' 4" above the top of the rails. The Commission's Overhead Clearance Rule 201 requies a clearce of23' 6" (at the center line of the trck at the highest point of the "arch NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDUR ORDER NO. 27943 -1- l . of the clearce zones). The Company uss an OSHA mandated safety haress to connect the worker to a cable tht stetches along the lengt of the platform. The raoad spur in queon termtes on Crown Pacifc's propert no fuer th 150 yards west of the platforms. No other rail users are afected as the trckage is used only for the temporar storage of idle chip car. The Commsion may grt exemptions from its Clearance Rule "upon proper application or notice from the caers, induses, or other intersted persons. An Application for Exemption.. must be accompaned by a ful sttement of the conditions existing and the reasons why the exemption is requested. Any exemption grted shall be limited to the paricular case covered by the Application." IDAPA NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE YOU AR HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Commssion has determined that the public interest m~y not requie a form heag in ths matter and will proceed under Modified Procedure pursuat to Rules 201 though 204 of the Idao Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA though -.204. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that any person desiring to state a position on this Application may file a wrtten comment in support or opposition with the Commission within twenty-one (21) days from the date of ths Notice. The comment must conta a statement of reaons supporting the comment. Persons desiring a hearng must specifically request a hearng in their written comments. Written comments concernng ths application shall be mailed to the Commission and the Applicant at the addresses reflected below: COMMISSION SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION POBOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 CROWN PACIFIC K.C.HANSEN SAFTYÆNONMAL COMPLIACE MGR SOUTH 200 HUTTR ROAD POBOX 729 COUERD'ALEN, IDAHO 83816Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W WASHIGTON ST BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 '. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDUREORDER NO. 27943 -2- l These comm~nts should conta the case caption and case number shown on the fist page of ths document. YOU AR FUTHR NOTIIED tht if no wrtten comments are received within the tie limt set, the Commssion wil consider ths matter on its merits and enter its Order without a formal hearg. If wrtten comments are received with the time limt set, the Commission wil consider them and, in its discretion, may set the sae for form~ hearg. ORDER IT is HEREBY ORDERED that Crown Pacific's request be processed under Modified Procedure. Interested persns ar encoured to submit comments regarg ths exemption request with 21 days of the date of ths notice. IT is FURTHR ORDERED tht the Commssion Secreta serve a copy of this notice upon the afected raoad, its ral unons, Crown Pacific's employee association (if any), and other interested persons. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion at Boise, Idao ths';¿' U day of Febru 1999. ATTEST:,~~~ MymaJ. Walters Commssion Secreta vld/O:BN-RR-99- i.dh NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURORDER NO. 27943 -3- t l .... ---~--.. .. .. \\ i I ,.,./I'//i, I t I ;i'~, Ii I. I. 11(, l 13~1I ~3''1' e'tp'l g'." . "I :-1=_...~--- Attchment to Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure, Case No. BN-RR-99-1, Order No. 27943