HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190621Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:JOHN R. HAMMOND JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: June 21,2019 SUBJECT: IN THE MATTER OF ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR BG & CM RAILROAD, INC.'S FAILURE TO PAY 2018 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT; CASE NO. BGR-R.T9-01 On April 20,2018, the Commission notif-red BG & CM Railroad, Inc. ("BG & CM" or the "Company") through Invoice No. 2018-247 that it owed $15,41 1.83 for its annual assessment (the "Assessment"). See Affidavit of Nancy Ashcraft, Exhibit A. On October 2,2018, a demand letter was sent to the Company by certified mail, retum receipt requested, demanding it pay its Assessment. See Exhibit 1. On December 31, 2018, the Commission notified the Company through Invoice No. INT-2018-04 that the Company owes an additional $924.71in interest for failure to pay its Assessment in a timely manner. 1d. Copies of these invoices are enclosed. On May 15,2019 a Statement showing the unpaid Assessment and accrued interest was sent to the Company. 1d. On January 23,2019, correspondence was sent to BG & CM by certitied mail, return receipt requested, demanding the Company pay its delinquent Assessment in the amount of $15,411.83, plus accrued interest of $924.71. See Exhibit 1. On June 6, 2019, a second demand letter was sent to the Company by certified mail, return receipt requested, demanding it pay its Assessment plus all accrued interest on or before June 15,2019. Id. The Company to date has failed to rectify this delinquency. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission issue the attached proposed Notice of Hearing & Order to Show Cause why the Company should not be required by the Commission to: DECISION MEMORANDUM I immediately pay its past due Assessment plus all accrued interest in the total amount of $16,336.54; and, pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per fbr its continuing failure to pay its Assessment and all accrued interest. See ldaho Code $$ 6l-706 & 6l-707. The proposed Notice of Hearing and Order to Show Cause further directs the attorney of the Commission to commence an action in District Court should the Company fail to show such cause. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to set a date for and issue the proposed Notice of Hearing & Order to Show Cause attached hereto as Exhibit 2? Jr. ttorney General I \LeBal\RAIL\BGR-R-19-01\BORRl90l decjhl docx a a 2DECISION MEMORANDUM .lohn R. EXHIBIT I True and Correct Copies of Demand Letters (Attached) JDECISION MEMORANDUM VIA CERTIFIED MAIL October 2, 2018 BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste. 105 Kansas City, MO 64153 Re: Gross Intrastale Operating Revenue Report - Notice of Possible Legal Action Attn: Mr. Colin Shclman, The Office of the Attomey Ceneral has been rnade aware that BG & CM Railroad has failed to submit its 2018 annual assessment. Idaho Code $ 6l-1005 stales that, "[o]n or before May lst of each year, the commission shall notifo each public utility and railrood corporation subject to $e provisions of this Bct, by mail, of the amount of the fee for the ensuing liscal year beginning July L Upon failure, refusal or neglect of any public utility or railroad corporation to pay such fee the qttorney general shall commence an action in the name of the state to collect the same." Commission Stsffhas notified BG & CM Railroad the amount of the fee on invoice 2018-247 dated April 20, 201 8. Idalro Code$ 6l-706 & 6l-710 s(ates that, "any public utility or corporation that fails to comply with any of the provisions of this sct or which fails to obey, ob.serve, or comply with any order, decision, rule, direction, demand or requirement is subject to a penalty of up to 52,000." To avoid further proceedings and court action, BG & CM Rsilroad must immediately pay its annual &ssessment. A copy of your original invoice is enclosed. Any qucstions concerning thc assessment may be directed (o Maria Barratt-Riley, (208) 334-0337, or by email: nrada barratt-rilev@puc idaho uov Sincerely, Brandorr Karpen Deputy Attorney General Enclosures cc: Maria Barratt-fuley Joe Leckie Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. 8or El720, 8obs, l0 &naHIII4 C.L B{rtt r Govtrrer Prul Xtcllrndcr, Krlsdnc Rrpcr, Erlc Andorron, Commlsdoncr CommlsslonGt Cornmbslorpr BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 64153 Assessment lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 4t20t2018 2018-247 Due Date 5/t 5/20 r 8 2017 G|OR sI,54t,953.57 Tlre 2018 assessment fee for public utilities is .21'19o/o and .9995910 for railroads by Commission Order Number 34033 and 34032 respectively. The minimum assessment fee is $50.00. The 2018 assessnrcttt fee nny be paid in equal semi-annual installnrcnts. The Jirst installment of the regulaton,fee is due no later than lt{oy I 5, 2018. Thc second ittstallment is due no later than November 15, 2018. Outstanding balances after Novenrber 15, 2018 will be assessed with a 60,6 annual intereslfee. Per ldaho code 67-2026, assessntentfees over $100,000 must be paid by an elecn'onicrtmds transfer. AIYY UTTLITY OR RAILROAD OBJECTING TO THE ASSESSMENT STATED ABOVE MAY FILE AN OBJECTION WITH THE COMMISSION PI,RSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 6I.1007. Please make checks or money orders payabte to: ldaho Pubtic Utitities Commission PO BOX 83720 BO|SE lD 83720-0074 Please contoct Nancy Ashcraft with queslions or comnrcnls: (208) 334-0325 or nancy.ashcraJi@puc.idaho.gov Remittance advice for: BG & CM Railroad Account No.BGR-R Description Assessment Amount 20 I 7 Railroad Assessment .9995%15,411.83 Total sl5,4l1.83 Payments/Credits s0.00 Balance Due sl5,4l1.83 Account No. BGR-R lnvoice No. 2A18-247 Remittance amount: $ x E.Namo)R*,snt{,{ytmntea r Complote ltsrs 1,2, and 3.r Pdnt your n.ure 8nd addr€cs on the reverse so that we can r6tum tha card to you.r Attach thts card lo the back of the mallpl€ce, 'J'1l1 BG & CM Railroad Attn: Cohn Sheiman 101qp N Amba:sador Dr., Ste. 105 rXansas CitY, MO, 64153 D. ls d6liv6ry addmss diftor6.rt frun ltsrn 1?ll YES, ontsr ddfuory addres below: E No Ag6nt sll R6t Hrd od,rory 0 ftlo.tty lrsl Elp,€3so'r-trtd Mrlr '^n Rrdrlc-tod 6u -{nrl|ncql,hrlatlqlflO Slgnst ! Cdrrl.rurb.tFdlclldO.tvdy il llilli ilil lilillililt illilit I til til ilit ilt 9530 9402 '1657 60s3 3630 45 2. ArUclo Ctulstor t on saMlce labal) ?015 ub'{0 00tltl 1,710 15 ht il CdldmOo$ily! Colcf m Dcovsry R6trtcttu. n ,-.J r.!tr PS Fom 5 PSN Tsgo-oz-@+e053 Domosllc Retum Bocalpt 1I i"li-l L -u-atn(r (f, TTr-r:l cf, rfrf EJJ JEI l4rtEI (L Ti PGtmrl( I iem )6to, t lfillilil llll llltffiffiil mml iliI ill Iillll us2$qHIilffttts 1S10 1q0a 1,t57 L05l lt30 t{5 (2 C') ib lr R18t-Cbss MEII. Pmbgp &Foo! USPS Permil No. G10 unlted Stalcr +eLS.fii. \r, el :CD Gl luE= F. HE ffi CC}' Cs!flod Mr0 Fo! I,tr sflkq 4 FB ie boa rfr,t. 6Fs@ Df'.MtL.dplEryrl t- Eb fl.6Fr (.l.drutC I --Ecdfl.d Md hdrl.d &inry I - D^di 6h'drtl.crd I -.-OAaragerfidtrdHEy t IorllPBt galndfs ! For dciuorl lolormatton vlral our rrebsllcil lolS Pal ?ra, Ee !oo.!or, , Sac nc{arsr lo, lntlrucllmtIB Form ldaho Public Utrlrtres Commi,sion Attn: Nancy Ashcraft 472W. Washington 5t. Boise, ld 83704 pnnt your name,box' or on 1. 26t {o t STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G, WASDEI.J VIA CERTIFIED NIAIL .lanrrary 23,2019 RG & CM Railroad 101000 N. Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas Cit,v, MO 64153 Re: Unpaid Annual Asscssmcnt Fees - Notice of Possible Legal Action Dear Mr. Clolin Shelman, 'l'he Ottce of the Attomey Gencral for the State of'Idaho has been made aware that BG & CM Railroad ("Company") has failed to submit its 2017 annualassessment to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). This failure will result in Iegal action if not remedied rvithin ten days of receipt of this [etter. Idaho Cocle $ 6l-1001 provides that each railroad "shallpay to the commission in cach year, a special regulatory fee . . . to defray the amount to be expended . . . for expenses in supervising and regulating . , . railroad corporationsl.)" Iclaho Code $ 6l-1005 states, Such fee shall bc paid to the commission in equal serniannual installments on or betbre the l5th days ol'November and May in cach fiscal year. If payment shall not be made on or before said respective dates, the installments so due shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6Yo) per annum until such time as the full amount of the installment shall havc been paid. Upon failure, refusal or neglcct of any public utility or railroad corporation to pay such fbe the attorney general shall comnrcnce an action in the name of the state to collect the same. On April 20,2018, the Commission notified the Company through Invoice No. 2018-247 that the Company owed $15,411.83 for its 2017 annual assessment. This amount was calculated pursuant to ldaho Code $ 61-1004(l) and is equal to lYo of the Company's gross operating revenues derived from intrastate business during the preceding calendar year. On December 3l , 2018, the Commission notilied the Company through Invoice No. INT-2018-04 that the Company owes an additional $924.71in intcrest for failure to pay the2017 annual assessment in a timely rnanner. Copics of these invoices are cnclosed. Contracts & Administrative Law Divisir:n, lclaho Public Utilities Com:rrrssion P0. Box 83720. Boise, lrlalto 83720-1t074, Tele;:hone: {20e} 334.fJ300, tAX: (208) 3349-3762. Email: ipucApurc,siar1l .id.us Located at {72 Wcst Washington St., Boisc, ldaho 33702 Due to the Company's Iailure to mcct its deadlines, if the entire outstanding amount of $ 16,336.54 is not paid to the Commission within ten days of receipt ol'this letter, the Office of the Attorney Gencralof the State of Idaho is empolvercd to commence an action to collect the total outstanding amount pursuant to lduho Code $ 6l - 1005. fhe Company may also be subject to a penalty of up to $2,000 per violation pursuant to ldulzo Code $ 6l-706. Furthermore, Idaho Code $ 6l-709 provides fbr personal liability for officers or agents of public utilities ',vho fail to comply with Commission orders or directions. Any questions concerning payment of the Cornpany's 2017 annual assessment may be directed to Nancy Ashcrolt at (208) 334-0325 or by email at 44!9).:.ash_qroft,l puc.idaho.qg_-v_. Sincerely, Ed ewell Dcputy Attorney General Enclosures Maria Barrat-lUIey Joe Leckie Nancy Ashcroft cc ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Bor &t7Il, Bolse, l0 Sl2ll-fi)74 C.L Eutct otter, Govorllr Prul Xjellander, Commlrstoner Krlsdne Rrper, Commlssloncr Erlc Anderson, Commbsloncr BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 64153 Assessment lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 4t20t2018 2018-247 Due Date 5/15/2018 2017 GIOR 20'17 GlORAmount The 2018 assessment fee for public utilities is .2179% and .9995% ibr railroads by Commission Order Number 34033 and 34032 respectively. The minimuln assessment fee is $50.00. The 201 8 assessment fee may be paid in equal semi-annual installments. The Jirst installment of the regulatoryfee is due no later than May 15, 2018. The second installment is due no later than November 15,2018. Outstandingbalancesa/terNovemberl5,20lSwillbeassessedwitha6okinterestfee. Per Idaho code 67-2026, assessment fees over $100,000 must be paid by an electronic ftmds transfer. ANY UTILITY OR RAILROAD OBJECTING TO THE ASSESSMENT STATED ABOVE MAY FILE AN OBJECTION WITH THE COMTVflSSION PTJRSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 61.1007. Pleasc make chccks or money orders payablc to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO BOX 83720 BOISE ID 83'120-00'74 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft with questions or comments: (208) 334-0325 or nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov Remittance advice for: BG & CM Railroad BGR-R lnvoice No. 2018-247 Remittance amount:$ Account No.BGR.R Description Assessment Amount 2017 Railroad Assessment .9995%15,411.83 Total s15,411.83 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $15,411.83 Account No ldaho Public Utilities Cornmission P.0. Bor &1720, Bolse, !D mruHxl74 C.L Sutdr Otter, Govermr Paul K.lal lrndcr, Commlssloner Krlstlne Rapcr, Commlsslonar Erlc Andcrson, Commlssloncr BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas Ciry, MO 64153 lnterest lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 1431nA18 rNT.2018-04 Account No.BGR.R Due Date 12t3u2018 Description Assessment Amount lnterest assessed on accoult balance after November l5 924.71 Total 9924.7t The second installment of the regulatory fee was due no later than November I 5 , 20I 8. Outstanding balances after November I 5, 20 I I have been assessed with a 6%o interest fee. Ptease make checks or money orders payabte to: ldaho Pubtic Util,ities Commission PO BOX 83720 BO|SE tD 83720-0074 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft with questions ar comments: (208) 334-0325 or nancy.ashcraJi(@puc.idaho.gov Remittance advice for: BG & CM Railroad Account No. BGR-R lnvoice No. INT-2018-04 Remittance amount $ I I ,l IllililffiItil 1510 1'{0P l,ts 7 t053 3!31 tr Unlted States PostalServlce r iompiete ltems 1, 2, and 3, r Pdnfyour name and address on lha revorue so that w6 can rsturn the card 1o you. t Attach thls card to the back ol the mallplece, -, or on the kont ll space pqglF:___ . ArtlclaAddressedtq: gG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste. L05 Kansas City, Mo 54153 rhrl,lt,,ilt,,tlrlt,,ht,,,lilt,il1ilrt,, rf lf ltl;1'lll,,f ,,l,t,l I I lI I I i D. lsdelltnty sddra$ ditforartt from ltam 1? tt YEg, sntar dolivory addre$ bolow: E Agent trNo lllllllll lllllllilllllll llilllillll I ll llll I lil 3. 6trvlca1}p6 U Adon8erElrr! F.rtlcbd o.0v.ry i,hroOdtHMllln.il|cidD.&,!.y O Cot*ran lhlvry O Cofelan Oofvuyn.dfitt.d fHlvdynr-.dMrll *tcttylUeleqe'o Hecbts.€d MaIn ffixfidMalBorbk d n umnocdlrMschddt* sllnEtro Cfifrrmsltoou Slgnaun ConfrmruonRBblc.d Oolvry Domosuc Beturn Recoipt tr tr tr u T:l 9590 9402 1657 6053 3633 66 l. AftJcl€ Numbor (rani,or fam eellca labal) 7nl,L Bb00 0u00 5a3h 301,I )s Form 381 'l , .luty 2015 psN 7s3ooa-o<n-soolt Flrsl-0laBs PoslaOe & Faes USPS Permlt No, G.l0 ldaho public Utilities Commission Attn: Nancy Ashcraft 472W. Washington St Boise, ldaho g3702 a ln box.nder: Please prlnt your name, addross, and -fiff:ouro a,H\- L Rocofued by 1Pllnhd,Vomol MrI R6tlclrd 061tuq ilil1til ilt ilt , I J STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENEBAL LAWRENCE G. WASDEN VIA CERTIFIBD MAIL June 6,2019 Webb Roberts BG & CM Railroad, Inc. 10100 N. Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 64153 Rc: Unpaid Annual Assessmcnt Fces - Notice of Possible Ordcr to Show Cause and Legal Action Dear Mr. Roberts, 'l'his office represents the ldaho I'ublic Utilities Commission (the "Commission"). On January 23,2019, a letter was scnt to BG & CM Railroad, Inc. (the "Company") notifying the Company it had failed to pay its 2018 annual assessment ("2018 Assessment"), in the amount of $15,411.83. Interest charges of $924.71 have accrued on that unpaid balance. In addition, in April of 2019 the Company was sent a statement tiom the Commission setting forth its 2019 regulatory fee of $12,862.10 (.'2019 Assessment").1 Half of the Company's 2019 Assessment in the amount of $6,431.05 was due on May 15.2019 and remains unpaid. A copy of the latest Statement lrom tlre Commission along rvith Assessment Invoices shorving these amounts are enclosed. DBMAND IS HEREBY MADE that the Company immediately pay the 2018 Assessment, including all accrued interest and the first half of the 2019 Assessment, in the total amount of 522,767.59, by hand delivering or mailing the payment to the Commission at 472 W. Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83720 or by U.S. Mail at P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, Attn: Nancy Ashcraft. If thc Commission does not rcccive thc Company's 522,767.59 payment by June 15, 2019, the Commission will initiate legal proceedings to compel that payment. Such proceedings may include an administrative proceeding in which the Company is required to appear before the I AnnuaI asscssmenls are calculated using annual gross operating rcvenues derived frorn intraslate business as reported by the Company. The Commission Staff is currently auditing the Company to determine il its reported gross opcrating revenues are accurate. To the cxtcnt the Company underreported its gross operating revenues from intrastate business it may orve further amounts for its annual assessments. Contracts & Adminlstratlv€ Law Dlvlsion, ldaho Publlc Utlllllos Commlsslon P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: 1208| 3349-3762, Email: ipuc@puc.stato.id.us Localed al 472 West Weshinglon St., BoisE. ldaho 33702 Page 2 Commission in Boise, Idaho to show cause rvhy the Commission should not order the Company to: . lmmediately pay its 2018 Assessment plus all accrued interest and half of its 2019 Assessment; and, . Pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per day for the Company's continuing failure to pay the 201 8 Assessment and all accrued interest and half of its 201 9 Assessment. See ldaho Code $$ 6l-706 &.61-707. Additionally, the Commission may sue the Company in court to collect the 2018 Assessment and allaccrued interest, half of the 2019 Assessment and any penalties it may assess. See ldaho Corle $$ 6l-1005 & 6l-712. In both administrative and court proceedings, the Commission would ask the tribunal to order the Company to pay the Commission's attomey's fees and costs to prosecute the case. Sec ldaln Corle $$ 12-117, -120, -l2l and ldaho Rule of Civil Procedure 54. Thank you for vour prompt pttention to this matter. Sincerely, Hammond Jr. Atlomey Cencral Enclosures Kerry A. Wagner Maria Barratt-Riley Nancy Ashcraft I 1l-.Brlr L.-!.1 I\ti!( Iqldcr LLETTIRS'Coll(tron Lrltcriu)rruo{, t.rllrr l}(Il 0{,-06 :019 ds cc: ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720, Bolse, lD 83720.{,074 Brad Govemor Prul KJallrndcr, Commlrrlonrr XrltUna Rapor. Comml!!l oncr Erlc Andrrron, Commlrrl onrr StatementBC & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, IvlO 64153 Date 5 t5 t0r9 Account #BGR.R Autstanding balances after November 15, 2016 willbe assessed with a 6% interest fee. Plcasc contact Nancy Aslrcraft at (208) 334-0325 or by ernail at nancy aslrcraftia puc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or nccd additional inlonnation. Date Transaction Amount Balance 03/3 1,,20 I 8 04/20,20 t 8 t2/31'20t8 04/16'20t9 Baiance ibnvard INV #2018-247. --- 2018 Railroad Asscssmcnt S15,411.83 -.- Tax: Slote Sales Tax @ 6.0% ,, 0 00 INV #tNT-20t8-04. --- Assessment Interest 5924.7 I -- Ta.'i: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% ". 0.00 tNV #2019-037. -- 2019 I(ailroad Assessnrcnt S I 2,862. t0 - Tax: Statc Sales Tax @ 6.0or'o = 0,00 r5,4lt 83 924 7t 12,862 t0 0.00 t5.41 I 83 16,316.54 29, I 98 64 CURRENT 1.3O DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61.90 OAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PASI DUE Amounl Due I2,86? I0 000 () 00 000 16.116.5{s29. I 98 6{ ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720, Bolse, l9 83720-0074 Bmcl Govemor Plul Klcllrndar. Commlarloner KrlstlnG Rapor, Commlailon!r Erlc And.rton, Commlrtlon!r BG & CN4 Railroad 10100 N Arrrbassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 64 153 Assessment lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 4/16n019 2019-037 Du€ Date 5,15 l0t9 The 2019 assessmcnt fee for public utilitres is .25299'n rnd .9996 ' n for railroads by Comnussion Ordcr Nuntber 343 l0 and 343 I I rcspcctivcly. The rrrinimurn assessnrent t'ee is S50.00. The20lgassessmentfecnwybepaidinequolscmi-anrtualinstulluents. TheJirstinstallntento.l'the regtlaton'fce is cluc no later tlnn l|ay 15, 2019. 'flrc second installnrctil is due no later llvn Noveutber 15,2019. OutstandiugbalancasofierNovantberl5,20l9rvill beassessedwitha6%oottaul interest.fee Pcr ldaha cocle 67-2a26, assessmerttfees ot,er 810A,000 rttust bo paid b),an electronicfunds transfer, ANY UTILITY OR RAILROAD OBJECTING TO THE ASSESSMENT STATED ABOVE MAY FILE AN OBJECTION WITH TT{E COMI\ITSSION PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 6I.IOO7. Ptease make checks or money orders payabte to: ldaho Publ,ic Utitities Commission PO BOX 83720 BO|SE rD 8]7ZA.A074 Please contact Nancv Ashcra.ft tvith questious ot'comnrcnts: (208) 334-A3J5 or narrcy.ashcraJi@puc.idaho.gov Remittance advice lbr: BG & CM Railroad Account No BGR.R 2018 GIOR s t,286.725 00 Descriptron Assessment Amounl 20 I 9 Rarlroad Assessrnent .99960."12,862. I 0 Total s 1 2,862.1 0 Payments/Credits S0.fi, Balance Due 5r 2,862.10 Account No. BGR-R lnvoice No. 2019'037 Remittance amount: $ ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Box t(lzo, 8olse,l0 83720-0074 C,L Butclt 0lter, Govemor Paul Klallrnder, CommlsConcrXrlsllne R!per, Commlsrloncr Erlc Anderson, Commlrsloncr BG & Clvl Railroad 10100 N Arrrbassador Dr., Stc 105 Kansas Cily, tvlO 64153 Interest lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 143112018 INT-2018-04 Account No.BGR.R Due Oate I2l3t;20t8 Description Assessment Amount Intercst asscssed on account balancc aiicr November l 5 924.71 Total 9924.71 Thesecondntslallmetio{thcrcgulatory,.{ccv,asdue ttolatet'thanNovcttrberl5,20l8. Out.:lattdittg balattces a.fier Novetnber l5,20l8lnve bean ossesscd v'ith a 6loinlerest.fbc. Ptease make checks or money orders payable to: ldaho Public Utitities Commission PO BOX 83720 BOISE rD 837?0-0474 Pleose coiltoct Nuncy..lsllsrafi with qrtcstions or c'ottt,,tailts (208) 334 0325 or nurrc),.ushcruli@puc'.iilulru.gav Rernitlance advicc for: BG & CI\4 Railroad Account No, BGR-R lnvoice No INI-2018-04 Remittance amount: $ ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Bor 8320, Bolse, l0 83720-0074 C.L Buldr 0tter, Govemor Prul Kfcllrndcr, XrlsUne R!p?r, Erlc Andcrson, Commlssloncr Commlssloner Commls:lone r Assessment lnvoice BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Amba-ssador Dr., Stc 105 Kansas Ciry, MO 641 53 Due Date 5/ I s/:01 8 2017 G|OR 2017 GIOR Amounl The 2018 assessmcnt fee for public utilities is .2179ot, and.99959o for railroads by Commission Order Number 34033 and 34032 rcspectivcly. Tlrc minimurn assessment fee is S50.00. Thc20lSassesstneill.faenruvbepuidincqualscrni-ortnrml htstallmenls. Thefirslirtstollmentofthe ragulatory,/ce is rlue no luler lhun Moy 15, 2018. The second iuslallnrcnt is due no laler than November 15, 2018. Orttstanding balanccs after Novcntber 15. 2018 nill be ossessed with a 6'% interestfee. Per [clalrc corle 67-2026, assessnrenlfees over SlA0,A00 tttust be paid by ail electronicftmds transfer. ANY UTILITY OR RAILIIOAD OBJECTING TO THE ASSBSST\{ENT STATBD ABOVE I\{AY I.-ILE AN OBJBCTION IVITH'THE COIVIN,IISSION PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 6I.IOO7. Ple:rsc make chccks or moncy orders piryirble to ldaho Public l.,lilitlcs Comnussion iro 00x 837t0 uorsE lD t{372t)-007.1 Pleose cotttuct Nuncy Asltcru.li v,itlt questiutrs or comn,etus. (208) 331-03J5 or nanc.v.usltcroJi@puc.idaho.got' Renrittarrce advice for: BC & CM Railroad BGR.R lnvoice No. Date lnvoice No. 4l2At2A18 2018-247 Account No.BGR.R Description Assessmenl Amount 2017 Railroad Assessn:ent .99954 15..1t 1.83 Total st5,4l t.83 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $15,4t1.83 Account No.2A18-247 Remitlance amount: $ United States PostalServiceoul UI(J urE. r Complete items 1, 2, and 3.I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you.r Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if Article Addressed to: \\'cbb Roberts llc & CN{ Railroad, Inc. 10100 N. Anrbassaclor Dr.. Ste 105 Kansas C:t1', Ir4O 6.1 I 53 jT?*-**T.+ ll,ltl'ltll,ltlllltllll,hlltlll,t,,,l,,l,l,,lllllltlll,,llllllli ttlill 15 q0 1q0e l,b5? t053 3t3e 3h (, D. Is delivery address different from lf YES, enter delivery address below: El No lillll llllll First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 A x E Agent of 6 1?Yes ilililIt ilr llilililill [ffiit I I illt I I il l|t 3, Service Type tr Priority Mail Express@ El Adutt Signaturs tr Reglstered Maiifl O Adult Signature Hestdcted Delivery tr Heglstergd Mail BestictedYoBrtifiod Majl@ ,DefiveryOC€rtifiedMailRestsictodD€livery E HoturnHeceiptfortr Collect on Dellvery ' Merctandls€' tr collect on D€livei Restrlctea oetivery tr Slgnature confirmationH' ',tail E Signaturo Confirmation 9590 9402 1657 6053 3632 36 2. Article Number firansfer from seNice label) 70L,h 0hUU 00U0 5E3t 31?1, lairHestrictedDelivery trestrictedoerivery PS Form 381 1 , ,luty zo1 5 psN Tsso-02-ooo-90s9 a 9!9raano Public Utilities commission 4:Z+l Z W. Washington Street i$.o.Box 83720 ?.'nBoise. ID 83 720-0074iiirta= in this box'a Please your name, address, B.(Pinted COMPLETE TH'S SECT'OA' ON DELIVERYSENDER: COMPLETE TH,S SECI,ON Domestic Return Receipt 1 I I t i I tI I t * I t EXHIBIT 2 Proposed Notice of Hearing & Order to Show Cause (Attached) 4DECISION MEMORANDUM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF BG & CM RAILROAD, INC.'S SPECIAL REGULATORY FEE PURSUANT TO rDAHO CODE $S 6l-1001 THROUGH 61.1005 CASE NO. BGR.R.19.O1 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO. BG & CM Railroad, Inc. ("Railroad") is a short line railroad providing service in Nez Perce and Clearwater Counties, Idaho. The Railroad is a "railroad corporation," and a "common carrier" as def-rned by ldaho Code $$ 6l-11l and 6l-113. As such, the Company is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Idaho Code $ 6l-129. This matter comes before the Commission due to the Railroad's failure to pay its regulatory fees for 2018, as required by ldaho Code $$ 6l-1001 through 6l-1005. BACKGROUND I. Commission Regulatory Fees The Commission's operating funds are derived by assessing regulatory fees upon utilities and railroads subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. Each year, the Legislature authorizes the Commission to expend funds necessary to regulate and supervise utilities and railroads doing business in Idaho. Idaho Code $ 61-1001. The maximum annual assessment fee for each railroad shall not exceed one percent (l%) of its gross intrastate operating revenues, and the minimum annual fee shall be no less than $50. Idaho Code $ 6l-1004(l) e (q. Idaho Code $ 6l-1003 requires that, "[o]n or befbre April lst of each year, each public utility and railroad corporation subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, shall file with the commission a return verified by an otficer or agent of the public utility or railroad corporation involved, showing its gross operating revenues from its intrastate utility or railroad business in Idaho for the preceding calendar year during which it canied on such intrastate utility or railroad business." Idaho Code $ 6l - 1003. Idaho Code $ 6l-1001 requires that "each railroad corporation, subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, and subject to the provisions of this act, shall pay to the commission in each year,a special regulatory fee in such amount as the commission shall find ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO. I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) and determine to be necessary. together with the amount of all other t'ees paid or payable to the commission by each such public utility and railroad corporation . . [.]" Idaho Code $ 6l-1001; see also ldaho Code $ 61-1005. Once all the railroads have reported their intrastate operating revenues for the previous calendar year, the Commission calculates the "proportionate assessment that all railroad corporations . . . shall bear. . . in proportion to their respective gross operating revenues derived from intrastate [railroad] business in Idaho for the preceding calendar year . . f.f" Idaho Code $ 6l - 1004. The Commission then notifies each railroad of its assessed regulatory fee no later than May 1 of each year. Idaho Code $ 61-1005. The regulatory f-ee may be paid to the Commission in equal semi-annual installments due May 15 and November 15 of each year. Id.; see also Idaho Code $ 6l -1003. Idaho Code $ 6l-1004 sets forth the duties of the Commission with regard to the determination of fees. With regard to the year in question, the Commission has fulfilled its statutory requirements, and the rates set by the Commission were below the statutory maximum of one percent (1%) ol gross intrastate revenue. See Order Nos. 34033 & 34032; see also A/fidavit o.f Nancy Ashcrafi. In the Decision Memorandum. dated June 21, 2019, Commission Staff alleged the Railroad failed to pay its assessed fees for calendar year 2018. Specifically, on April 20,2018, the Company was notified through Invoice No. 2018-256 that it owed $15,411.83 for its annual assessment (the "Assessment"). See Affidavit ofNancy Ashcraft, Exhibit A. Furthermore, on multiple occasions, the Commission Staff attempted to collect the Railroad's annual fees, sending invoices, demand letters, and notification that failure to comply may result in legal action. See Exhibit No. I to Decision Memorandum and AfJidavit of Ashcraft Nevertheless, the Railroad has tailed, refused, or neglected to meet the requirements of the statutes and the Commission Staff s demands it pay its outstanding regulatory fee. Id. The Railroad has failed to pay its statutorily required annual regulatory fees to the Commission fbr 201 8. See Alfidavit of Nancy Ashcra/i. Each failure to pay violates ldaho Code $$ 6l-1003 & 6r-loos. In December of 2018, the Railroad was assessed$924.71in interest on its outstanding balance of $15,411.83 (6%). See Idaho Code $ 61-1005 (stating that utilities and railroads failing to timely pay shall incur an annual fee of 60Z interest on all unpaid balances). ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO. 2 The Railroad's current outstanding balance is $16,336.54. JURISDICTIONAL STATEMENT The Commission has jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to ldaho Code $$ 6l-101, et seq., including ldaho Code $ 61-501, which vests the Commission with the authority and jurisdiction to supervise and regulate every public utility in the state. More specifically, Idaho Code $$ 6l-701, et seq., provides direction to the Commission relating to enforcement, penalties, and interpretation of public utilities law. See also ldaho Corle $$ 61-1001 through 6l-1005 (relating to regulatory fees of railroads). CLAIM l. Violations of ldaho Code $$ 6l-1001 ond 6l-1005 Idaho Code $$ 61-1001 and 6l-1005 require that the Railroad pay to the Commission an annual regulatory fee in a proportional amount based on the Railroad's intrastate gross operating revenues as reported in its annual verified return. The Railroad has been contacted on several occasions by Commission Staff demanding that it pay its annual regulatory fee for 2018. In May and November 2018, the Railroad failed or refused to pay the annual regulatory fee totaling $15,411.83r to the Commission in violation of ldaho Code $$ 6l-1001 and 6l-1005. See ffidavit of Ashcraft. Because of the Railroad's failure to pay its annual regulatory fees, it has incurred $924.71 in fees.2 At the time of the entry of this Order, BG & CM Railroad, Inc. owes the Commission $16,336.54 in regulatory fees and interest charges. Id. ORDER Accordingly, based on the evidence before the Commission, and good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that BG &CM Railroad, Inc. shall appear before the Commission AT A.M./P.M. (MDN ON . IN THE COMMISSION HEARING ROOM. 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. BOISE. IDAHO, to show cause why the following relief should not be granted by summary order of the Commission: I This amount represents an outstanding balance for failing to pay its annual regulatory fee for 2018. 2 ldaho Code $ 6l-1005 requires that any outstanding balances be charged an annual fee of6oh interest on the balance. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO.aJ l. Order the Railroad to immediately pay the current entire outstanding balance fbr 2018 annual f'ees, plus interest, in the amount of $16,336.54: 2. Direct the Commission's attorney to seek the imposition of civil penalties pursuant to ldaho Code $ 6l-706 of $2.000 fbr each and every ofTense, totaling $ 3. Direct the Commission's attorney to initiate an action in District Court to enforce the determination of the Commission. consistent with ldaho Code $$ 6l-705, 6l-706, and 61-1005. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all hearings and prehearing conf-erences in this matter will be held in facilities meeting the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Persons needing the help of a sign language interpreter or other assistance in order to participate in or to understand testimony and argument at a public hearing may ask the Commission to provide a sign language interpreter or other assistance at the hearing. The request for assistance must be received at least five (5) working days before the hearing by contacting the Commission Secretary at: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0338 (Telephone) (208) 334-3762 (FAX) E-Mail: secretary@puc.idaho.qov IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all proceedings in this matter will be conducted pursuant to Title 6l of the Idaho Code and the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 3l .01 .01 .000 et seq. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission Secretary serve this Order to Show Cause by Certified Mail (return receipt requested) upon the person designated to receive Notices of Summonses and Complaints (IDAPA and upon the person designated by the utility to receive legal service in Idaho. Idaho Code $ 61-615. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO.4 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day ofJune 2019. PAUL KJELLANDER. PRESIDENT KRISTINE RAPER, COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary I \LeSal\RAIL\BGR-R- I9.0I\BGCM_Notice I doc ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF HEARING ORDER NO.5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF BG & CM RAILROAD, INC.'S FAILURE TO PAY SPECIAL REGULATORY FEE PURSUANT TO IDAHO coDE $$ 6l-1001 THROUGH 61-100s CASE NO. BGR.R.Tg.OI ) ) ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT NANCY ASHCRAFT, being duly sworn, stated: l. My name is Nancy Ashcraft. I am over 2l years of age, of sound mind, and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. 2. I am a Financial Specialist, Senior at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. I started working in this position in 2016. I am responsible for the billing and collection of annual fees assessed on public utilities as describedin ldaho Code $$ 6l-1001 through 6l-1005. 3. In May and November 2018. BG & CM Railroad, Inc. ("BG & CM" or the "Company") failed or refused to pay its annual regulatory fee of $ I 5,41 I .83 ("Assessment"). 4. In December of 2018, the Company was assessedg924.70 in interest on the outstanding balance of its Assessment of $ I 5,4 I I .83 at the rate of six percent (6%). 5. Currently, BG & CM owes the Commission $16,336.54 in fees and interest charges. 6. Staff has attempted to collect the Company's past due Assessment by sending invoices to it. Additionally, demand letters have also been sent to BG & CM notifying it that failure to pay its Assessment plus all accrued interest would result in legal action. True and correct copies of the invoices are attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as Exhibit A. 7. Despite such actions by Staff, BG & CM still has failed to pay its Assessment and interest owed to the Commission remains unpaid and past due. AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT I Nr Financial Senior Idaho Public Utilities Commission ., , l- SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to befbre me this -.- day of June 2019. Yui ir.itdw"Yti\ Notary Publib for Idaho My commission expires on l .i 5 . lii,?.{> l:\Legal\RAIL\BCR-R- I 9-0 l\Affi davir_Ashcrafl_BGCM docx 2 OF t. Ha AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT Dated this Z I day of June 2}lg. EXHIBIT A True and correct copies of Invoices sent to the Company (Attached) 3 AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Po Box 83720, Bolse. lD 83720-0074 Brad Govemor Peul Kicllandcr, Commi!3ioncrKrlltin. Repcr, Comml$ioncr Eric Andrrron, Commlr3lonar StatementBC & CM Railroad I 0100 N Anrbassador Dr.. Ste I 05 Kansas Ciry, MO 641 53 Date 5/l -51201 9 Account #BGR-R Outstanding balances after November 15, 2016 willbe assessed with a 6%o interest fee Plcase contact Nancy Aslicraft at (208) i34-0325 or by email at nancy.ashcraft(nlpuc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or need additional intonnation. Date Transaction Amount Balance 03/-3 l/20 I 8 04/20!2018 t2t3tt20t8 041t6t20t9 Balance tbnvard rN v #20 t 8-247 . --- 2018 Railroad Assessment S 15,41 1.83 ---'l'ax: State Salcs Tax (tD 6.0%:0.00 rNV #rNT-20r8-04. --- Asscssment lnterest 5924.7 I --- Tax: State Sales Tax (d;,6.09'o : 0.00 INV /i2019-037. --- 2019 Railroad Assessrnent $ 12,862. 10 ---'l'ax: State Sales'f ax (Q 6.09/o:0.00 r5,41 r.83 e24.71 12,862. t 0 0.00 r 5,1t I .83 16,336.54 29.t98.64 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 12.ti62.10 0.00 000 0.(x,t6.316.54 s29, | 98.64 OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Bor flil720, Bolse,l0 83720-0074 C.L Bulclr Otter, Governor Paul Kjcllander, CommissionerKristinG Rrpcr, Commlssloncr Eric Andcrson, Commlssloncr BG & CM Railroad 10100 N Ambassador Dr.. Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 64153 lnterest lnvoice Date lnvoice No 12t31t2018 tNT-2018-04 Account No BGR-R Due Date t2t3ltz0lE Description Assessment Amount Interest assessed on account balance alier Novetttbcr l 5 924.7 t Total $924.7t The secontl in.stqllnteill o/'thc regulnlrn,.fee v'as due no later thort Noventber 15, 2018. Outstandirtg balances a.fier Novetnber 15, 2018 have hecn ctssessed with a 6(% intcrest.fae. Ptease make checks or money orders payabte to: ldaho Pubtic Utitities Commission PO BOX 8372A BO|SE rD 83720-0074 Pleuse contsc't Nanc'.v ,,lslxrn/i rvith qrtestittns or contntettts: (208) 331-0325 or nunc.v.uslt<:ruli(i;.puc'.irluho.gov Remittance advice for: BG & CM Railroad Account No. BGR-R lnvoice No. INT-2018-04 Remittance amount: $ ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. 8or &1720, 8oise, lD 83720-0074 C.L Butch 0tler, Governor Prul Klcllandcr, Commlssloncr KrlsUnc Rrper, Commlssloncr Erlc Andarson, Commissioncr BG & CIU Railroad l0100 N Arnbassador Dr., Ste 105 Kansas City, MO 6.1I 53 Assessment lnvoice Date lnvoice No. 4l2At2A18 2018-247 Due Date s/r512018 2017 G|OR 20'17 GIOR Amount Tlre 20 18 assessnrent t-ee for public utilities is.2179o.to and.9995%o tbr railroads by Commission Order Nunrber 34033 and 34012 respectively. The urinimum assessment fee is S50.00. The20lBassessment.fbe nwybe poidineErul semi-otutual installnrcnts. The.firstinstallnrcnto/'the regulaton,fee ist{trcnolaterthanA,[av'15,2018. Thesec:onc{ inslqllnrcntistluenoloterthanNot,enrber 15.2018. Outstanelingbolancesu.fierNoventberl5,20lSwill beussesseclv,itha6(%interest./be. Per Iclaho c'odc 67-2026, assessment./bes over 5100,000 rnusl be poicl b.t'an electronic.funds trans.fer. ANY UTII,ITY OR RAILROAD OBJECTING TO THE ASSESSIVIENT STATED ABOVE MAY FILE AN OBJECTTON WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE 6I-1007. Please make chccks or mtlney orders payable to: Idaho Public LJtilities ('onrrnission PO BOX 8:i720 B()lsE ID ti372()-007,1 Pleuse cottact Nrtnc1,,-lshcraji v'illt questitlns or coil,menls: l)08) 334-82-r or notc.v.oshcra/i(tlpuc.itluho.gov Remittance advice f'or: BG & CM Railroad BGR-R lnvoice No. Account No BGR.R Description Assessment Amount 20I7 Railroad Asscssmenl .9995oh 15,,11 1.83 Total sl5.4l1.83 Payments/Credits s0.00 Balance Due s r 5,41 1.83 Account No 2018-247 Remittance amount: $