HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230609DFM Suggestions_REDLINE.pdf Section 000 Page 1 JScholer_05162023 31.31.01 – GAS SERVICE RULES 000. LEGAL AUTHORITY. Chapters 1 through 7, Title 61, Idaho Code, and Sections 61-301, 61-302, 61-303, 61-315, 61-503, 61-507, 61-515, and 61-520, Idaho Code. (3-31-22) 001. SCOPE. This chapter applies to all gas utilities in their provision of gas service. (3-31-22) 002. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. 01. Testing of Smaller Capacity Meters. Available at: ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 and Z1.9 - Sampling Procedures and Tables Package. 003. -- 100. (RESERVED) CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES FOR TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS Rules 101 through 200 PRELIMINARIES FOR SERVICE Rules 101 through 150 101. MAPS OF FACILITIES (RULE 101). 01. Maps, Plans, and Records. Gas corporations must maintain maps, plans, and records as prescribed by this rule. The gas corporation will keep in the principal office of each of its division or district a map or maps and information about the distribution system that will enable the local representatives to furnish information about the gas corporation regarding rendering of service to existing and prospective customers of the gas corporation. The maps will show the size, character, and location of each street main, district regulator, street valve and drip, and when practicable, each service connection in the corresponding territory served. In lieu of showing date of installation and service locations on maps, a card record or other suitable means may be used. (3-31-22) 02. Maps of Manufacturing, Mixing, Compressor, and Storage Facilities. Each gas manufacturing or mixing plant and each compressor station and storage facility shall be provided with an accurate ground plan drawn to a suitable scale, showing the entire layout of the plant or station, the location, size, and character of plant, equipment, major pipelines, connections, valves, and other facilities used for the production and delivery of gas, all properly identified. (3-31-22) 102. INSPECTION OF CUSTOMER'S FACILITIES (RULE 102). The gas corporation shall inspect the customer’s installation before the connection of a meter to ascertain that the installation conforms to the provisions contained in the National Fuel Gas Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code, as adopted by the Commission. If the installation on the customer’s premises does not meet these requirements, the Company shall refuse to connect the meter and shall advise the customer in writing the reasons for such refusal. See Customer Relations Rule 301, IDAPA; see Safety and Accident Reporting Rules 201, IDAPA Section 000 Page 2 JScholer_05162023 (3-31-22) 103. -- 150. (RESERVED) STANDARDS FOR SERVICE Rules 151 through 200 151. STANDARD FOR SERVICE (RULE 151). Service to the customer shall assure the customer of adequate pressure, a definite heat content, and accurate measurement of gas. (3-31-22) 152. PERIODIC TESTS OF CUSTOMER METERS (RULE 152). 01. Testing of Smaller Capacity Meters. All meters with capacities up to and including four hundred (400) cubic feet per hour (cfh) that have been in service ten (10) or more years as established by last set date shall be tested within a prescribed sample size as determined in accordance with ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 and Z1.9 2003 (R2018), which are incorporated by reference.) 02. Testing of Larger Capacity Meters. All meters from four hundred one (401) to three thousand (3,000) cfh that have been in service ten (10) years as established by last set date shall be replaced or field tested. (3-31-22) 153. METER PROVING (RULE 153). 01. Meter Provers. Each gas corporation shall own at least one (1) meter prover of a type approved by the Commission and shall maintain such equipment in proper adjustment and so calibrated that the error of indication shall not exceed one-half percent. No meter prover shall be so placed as to subject it to excessive temperature variation and each meter prover shall be equipped with suitable thermometers and other necessary accessories. Additional meter proving station shall be installed when and where found necessary by the Commission. (3-31-22) 02. Testing Apparatus for Large Capacity Meters. Each gas utility using orifice meters, high pressure meters, proportional meters, or other large capacity meters shall own and maintain testing apparatus of a type approved by the Commission. (3-31-22) 03. Accuracy of Meter Provers and Testers. The accuracy of all provers and methods of operation may be established from time to time by a representative of the Commission. Any alterations, accidents, or repairs that might affect the accuracy of any meter prover, or the method of operating it, shall be promptly reported in writing to the Commission. (3-31-22) 154. CUSTOMER METER ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS (RULE 154). 01. Accuracy of Meters. A new gas meter installed for the use of any customer shall not be more than two percent (2%) slow and not more than one percent (1%) fast. Every meter removed from service when opened for repairs shall be adjusted to be not more than two percent (2%) slow and not more than one percent (1%) fast before being reset; and if not opened for repairs may be reset without adjustment if found to be not more than two percent (2%) in error fast or slow, when passing as in both instances at the test rates provided for in Rule 155 (Customer Meter Test Loads). (3-31-22) 02. Removal of Defective Meters From Service. No meter that is mechanically defective shall be placed in service or allowed to remain in service after the defect has been discovered. When any gas meter is not connected in service, the inlet and outlet shall be capped to prevent the drying out of the diagrams. (3-31-22) Section 000 Page 3 JScholer_05162023 155. CUSTOMER METER TEST LOADS (RULE 155). 01. Testing of Meters. All tests to determine the accuracy of registrations of gas service meters shall be made with a suitable meter prover or testing equipment. Unless exempted by order of the Commission, at least two (2) test runs shall be made on each bellows type displacement meter, the results of which shall agree with each other within one-half of one percent (.5%). (3-31-22) 02. Gas Flows During Testing. The rate of flow to be used in testing meters having capacities up to and including three thousand (3,000) cubic feet per hour shall be twenty percent (20%) and one hundred percent (100%) of the rated capacity. The one hundred percent (100%) capacity or open run test shall not be taken into consideration in arriving at the accuracy of these meters. Meters having capacities of above three thousand (3,000) cubic feet per hour, except orifice meters, shall be tested both at twenty percent (20%) and one hundred percent (100%) of their capacity. For the purpose of determining the accuracy of these meters, the average of twenty percent (20%) and one hundred percent (100%) tests shall be used. (3-31-22) 156. CUSTOMER METER TEST RECORDS (RULE 156). 01. Records of Meter Tests. Annually each gas utility will make tabulations of the results of all meter accuracy tests required by these rules and keep records of tests of the accuracy of each of its meters, until superseded by a later test, but not less than two (2) years. These records shall give: (3-31-22) a. Sufficient information to identify the meter; (3-31-22) b. The reason for the test; (3-31-22) c. The date of the test and reading of the meter; (3-31-22) d. The name of the person making the test; and (3-31-22) e. The accuracy as found and as left, together with enough of the data taken at the time of the test to permit the convenient checking of the methods employed and the calculations. (3-31-22) 157. -- 999. (RESERVED)