HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220516Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER CHATBURN COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: STEPHEN GOODSON, POLICY ADVISOR DATE: MAY 11,2022 Rur-t- Ll-o t f Lu-L-tr- 2z-o a' SUBJECT: NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING - IDAPA 31.61.01 AND IDAPA 31.8r.0I BACKGROUND On January 16,2020 Governor Little signed Executive Order No. 2020-0l, "Zero-Based Regulation." Executive Order No. 2020-01 requires each agency to review its rule chapters over a five-year period. Executive Order 2020-01also directed Division of Financial Management (DFM) to create a schedule under which each agency is to review its rule chapters. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is scheduled to review IDAPA 31.61.01 - Energy Consumption Reporting Rules and IDAPA 31.81.01 - Stray Voltage Rules. DFM's memo directs each agency to fully analyze and perform a thorough and meaningful review of the rule and how it can be improved. On April46 and 5n Staffconducted negotiated rulemaking sessions with stakeholders. Pursuant to I.C. $ 67- 5220(3)(f), Commission Staff provided a written summary of any unresolved issues, key information considered, and conclusions reached during and as a result of the negotiated rulemaking (attached). Also attached are the proposed track changes to the two rule chapters that were reviewed at the negotiated rulemaking. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends the Commission direct Staffto submit the necessary forms to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Administrative Bulletin. Staffalso recommends the Commission authorize Staff to conduct proposed rulemaking consistent with ldaho Code $ 67-5221, Executive Order No. 2020-01, and DFM directives. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Staff s recommendations? Anything else? Policy Advisor IDAPA 31.61.01 NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING-WRITTEN SUMMARY Pursuant to I.C. * 67-5220(3)(f), the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) provides the following written summary of unresolved issues, key infonnation considered, and conclusions reached during and as a result of the negotiated rulernaking in Case No. RUL-U-22-01. Backsroutd On January 16,2020,Idaho Governor Brad Little issued Executive Order No. 2020-0l "Zero- Based Regulation." The Executive Order directs agencies to review their adminishative rules over a five-year period and gives the Division of Financial Management (DFM) authority to "develop a standardized process for the required retrospective analysis." Executive Order No. 2020-Ol directs an agency wishing to renew a rule chapter to take the following steps: The agency must perform a retrospective analysis of the rule chapter to determine whether the benefits the rule intended to achieve are being realized, whether those benefits justify the costs of the rule, and whether there are less-restrictive alternatives to accomplish the benefits. This analysis should be guided by the legislative intent afticulated in the statute or act giving the agency the authority to promulgate the rule. ...Agencies should start the new rulemaking from a zero-base and not seek to simply reauthorize their existing rule chapter without a critical and comprehensive review. ... The Executive Order notes that the purpose for each finalized rule chapter is that it "reduce the overall regulatory burden, or remain neutral, as compared to the previous rule chapter." In short, Executive Order No. 2020-01 directs each agency to look at its statutory authority to promulgate rules and cut down its rules to more cleanly and clearly achieve the statute-based purpose of those rules. DFM published a schedule for agencies to review their mles over a five-year period. For 2022, the IPUC is scheduled to review IDAPA 3 I .61 .01, Rules for the Measurement of Stray Current or Voltage (The Stray Voltage Rules). Procedural oventiew At its March9,2022 decision meeting, the Commission directed Commission Staff (Staff) to submit the necessary forms to publish a Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking in the Administrative Bulletin. The Commission authorized Staffto conduct negotiated rulemaking consistent with I.C * 67-5220 and Executive Order No. 2020-01. A Commission docket was subsequently opened, and the Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking was published in April 2022 Administrative Bulletin. The Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking I scheduled a public meeting for May 4,2022 and explained how written comments could be submitted. May 4. 2022 negotiated rulemakins meeting The negotiated rulemaking meeting was attended by the following persons: Idaho Power Company: Lisa Nordshom, Riley Maloney and Paul Ortmann Rocky Mountain Power / PacifiCorp: Will Smittr Commission Staft Stephen Goodson, Dayn Hardie, Daniel Klein, Joshua Haver, Riley Newton and Chris Burdin Prior to the public hearing Avista, Idaho Power and the Idaho Dairymen's Association (Commenters) filed joint comments. The Commenters reviewed and supported the Commission Staffs draft revisions to the Stray Voltage Rules. The Commenters also identified additional opportunities to further streamline the Stray Voltage Rules, effectively reducing unnecessary text, and provided minor clarifications to better align the Stray Voltage Rules with practical field application. Joint Comments can be found on the C'ontnrission's rvebsite. The three-member Commission will review the drafts of TDAPA 31.61.01-as well as this written summary, Executive Order 2020-01, and DFM's related memorandums to agencies. The Commission will then determine where it agrees with StafPs resolutions to stakeholder recommendations. The Commission may also choose to modiff Staffs proposed draft of IDAPA 31.61.01 as it thinlcs best. 2 IDAPA 31.81.01 NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING-WRITTEN SUMMARY Pursuant to LC. ti 67-5220(3X0, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) provides the following written summary of unresolved issues, key information considered, and conclusions reached during and as a result of the negotiated rulernaking in Case No. RUL-U-22-02. Backoround On January l6,2020,Idaho Governor Brad Little issued Executive Order No. 2020-0 | "Zero- Based Regulation." The Executive Order directs agencies to review their administrative rules over a five-year period and gives the Division of Financial Management (DFM) authority to "develop a standardized process for the required retrospective analysis." Executive Order No. 2020-01 directs an agency wishing to renew a rule chapter to take the following steps: The agency must perform a reffospective analysis of the rule chapter to determine whether the benefits the rule intended to achieve are being realized, whether those benefits justiff the costs of the rule, and whether there are less-restrictive altematives to accomplish the benefits. This analysis should be guided by the legislative intent articulated in the statute or act giving the agency the authority to promulgate the rule. ...Agencies should start the new rulemaking from a zero-base and not seek to simply reauthorize their existing rule chapter without a critical and comprehensive review. . .. The Executive Order notes that the purpose for each finalized nrle chapter is that it "reduce the overall regulatory burden, or remain neutral, as compared to the previous rule chapter." In short, Executive Order No. 2020-01 directs each agency to look at its statutory authority to promulgate rules and cut down its rules to more cleanly and clearly achieve the statute-based purpose of those rules. DFM published a schedule for agencies to review their rules over a five-year period. For 2022, the IPUC is scheduled to review IDAPA 3 I .81.01, Energy Consumption Reporting Rules. Procedural overview At its March9,2022 decision meeting, the Commission directed Commission Staff (Staff) to submit the necessary forms to publish a Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking in the Administrative Bulletin. The Commission authorized Staffto conduct negotiated rulemaking consistent with I.C S 67 -5220 and Executive Order No. 2020-01. A Commission docket was subsequently opened, and the Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking was published in April 2022 Administrative Bulletin. The Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking scheduled a public meeting for May 5,2022 and explained how written comments could be submitted. Malt 5, 2022 nesotiated rulemakins meeting The negotiated rulemaking meeting was attended by the following persons: Rocky Mountain Power / PacifiCorp: Will Smith Commission Staff: Stephen Goodson, Dayn Hardie and Joshua Haver Proposed changes to the rules were walked through and the floor was opened for comments. Mr Goodson noted that he was going to reach out to Idaho Department of Water Resources to see if rule 3l .8 I .01 I .02 should be retained. No further comments were made, and the meeting was closed. The three-member Commission will review the drafts of IDAPA 31.81.01-as well as this written summary, Executive Order 2020-01, and DFM's related memorandums to agencies. The Commission will then determine where it agrees with Staff s resolutions to stakeholder recommendations. The Commission may also choose to modiff Staff s proposed draft of IDAPA 31.81 .01 as it thinks best. 7 ?UL U-LZ o Om;ba lGC-rltCgC! Goerrrrtd Elr[ crlrh dtihfrlcrd.h ld.ho coda6l& G.m{fd pttlt r.oH tmLEhar-rrr.r b.ontidrfiorodlotrbo$EGdorft h.td!f,rtdt r5rftrrfud.t*.1 tI.GI.OI - RULEg FOR THE TEASUREf,EI{T OF 8TRAY CURREIT OR VOLTACE(fi E STRAY VOLTACE RUr.ES) GENERAL PROVISIONS Rdo 0 throrgt ll 000. LEGALAUTHORTTY(RULE0).Ih*Idaho Public Utilitier [av. Sccrions 6 I -5 I 5 snd 6 I -520. ldoho Codc,thc Stray Cunltrr.tld Voltrgp Rcmcdiation Act, Soction 6l-E03. ldrho Codc. ecJ.,. --.,tD\ilNtri'I &Ar lvti**BtArri-t*{rr"}J} Thwe *rr r*r p+e+*r* lior ad*+i+u*a*+e Wfer*; *ithin th++*xmttion Ha<ler {rs d€r OO{. INCORFORATION BY REFERDNCE - REFERENCE TO SATETY CODES (RULE '} 00t. TITLE Ali$g$ols(RULE t). et, Tld.. Thc rirlc of thcsc rules is thc IDAPA 3l.6l.0l. "Rulcs for thc Mcarurcmcnt of Stny Cumnt or Volregc" (Slroy Voltrgc Rule). ( ) eI treore. +h€ae de* oe appl*o.blc kldtrI p+€rdrhqs. publrt' t*+lite; wt +H per* * ent*mw+l+ed+* w in rl* n*+*r*eme}+# r€lrtediets-e+ilfay e*efi,t.e++oltcf€ *irhin ld*lyr { ) 001 \\'Ll'l TErti {*TIiRPnEtAJloN{; ACEN€Y GUtDEI-t}iX5{*'{.rl,li +Wrdenin*rpeett+iml$+l*re role+ste€bta*l€d*esrh€Serote+ve+ilreldehaPnbl* llr**+*('s*|rM ead ar" e+i+lJbl€ l+e* th+ e lli€c C {hc +flm*+** S+€rsffi- I ) () {} +.. -) t) 01. Srftty Codcr. I[Hrulei r€llftE..€ t$ o {: ) n.tioul dl€q c(xl€d,- r. Ttc NrtioDrl Elcctricel Safcty Codc (NESC) is oppliceblc to public utiliths and is adopted by rlc Commirion orrlcr i* lflAPA f I I l.$+, 'Safcty rnd Accidcr[ Rcporting Rulcs for Urilhies Rcguletcd by thc ldaho Public Utililicacommi$ior." ( ) b. Thc Notional Elcctricrl CodG (NEC) b eDplicrblc lo lhc insrlhlio ofwircs rnd feciliti6 urcd ro convcy Glcc{ric cuncot rnd !o lpperrtr to bc operatcd by orch clcctric cuntnt Adoption ofthc Narionrl Elcctricil Codcis fornd ot Scctiot S.l.l(X)l. Uaho Codc.and IDAPA 07.01,06. "Ru|cs Crovcrningthc Ure of Nationrl Electricel Codc." Scction0ll. ( ) 003-c0r. GDSEnVED) OIO. DEFINITTONS(RULEIOI I gL l}l$SukrrnssBjlrltclyls&E&radstrnrtions ftxrnd in ldsho ('txje t l-E02. drc NEC. and rhcf.IESCli Cl. Ad$qul+r llmedirlion Nlem +ereerre 'e+sn l}k€+lw c t**itr *]th4r rerults rR. md * kdn*}h h*r+ tc a{$t+ii. d r€CrFlidi {i.l {l}+v Gufrri$l rr rrrlragt eltnh{.labk lo $x url*r 5 4riributr+r +vs++nr t+ a n*asred krC tlal E {ilrt p€r€eol {50':-+tr }*;s +{ $* l*r+nrx ix*i* levC I I 0f- - -Asle+e.--l- uarr+Fseasn*e $+' €lm$* ,{ +*lluerp*+w ll*sandrh; {++$(.1{+ e+-{nlxne.G4 ( ) 0I (smx+hsien *le*x+ht lda$o{\rb+*{-..tl}+tr+s{b+}rflt*;i$n lll. Ge* {sfret*+lnl+ M{#s *} r*+{3}perslr*eJ+c*ully+endr*+*: s$re+aLi*gd$+} $St€S + dai* e* m+ +rfi {r l*rxf +rj+*m* * tl* delryl u{as.idchl+ r*d sulta*s€sil} refll*+.+l€{*iia{t +* *+tced*g+*{# ++J+-[edr.*{st#{f+*t+- l) 05. Eqrlpot.[ahl PL!c(EPP). See NEc.Meo*sanm *ithia {16. Pr+enli*+c+ien l*+l(}'l{,} S*p mrs rolt+get}r*t. *hmem+ly Hre*rured. *+*l*r. ) e , - . -,\ i*od{+ri&r€-+d€r-slcr*a{w]+*}+{l+c+n*m$.g€n++41-Fel-+++ e+#+Ht*R+{$t'\++ art*e $nougb * {x l*rdre.d 15urt +hgr *ri**x .{i + . +h{ff+ *iskx] -w-tcd bctw e* st#r-for*+r. * llHfuf,Hl h( a l# l* nr€l+r:s, { } h. Ae+ ${ud} $d{e. €nr AC *ll{tc e+ $+€ I I .{rl }r* rt' Hh}.r **r$ {ffr pi+Jl€l slht a lix }und+ed ( iOQ) d$s +elh{lil $3,, *tn} r€*i*krf t {$*ffe€r€d Se+w€e* Hx rrH+e"l Poi+++r rri meosu+er} \ r *T re-rmri rnefe+.() A. Prlnrry Syrtcm. A {ffirrln { d€l$€! }hr hrdr !!!ah voltsSc utility clccbicsl sydcm including thc gcocrrtion. hBmission md disrribution systcms. It llso rcfcrs to thc high voltrgc ri& of r dirtribution rrnefonrrt() 00. Sccoa&ry SyiluD. MH* Idrc lor,-voltagc utility Glcdricsl syrtcm on lhe rccoodrry sidc of e distribution trsnsfonDc(. Ttr deiry's on-fsrm 3ystcm bcgins on thc deiry's sidc of thc mctrring poins. Gxccpt for &idcr rnctcrcd on thc high voltrgc rklc of thc trrnsforma(s). ln 0rc cerc of drirla ,nctcrcd on thc high voltegc d&, thc on-form system bcgins at thc tnnrformcr's low-roltrgc lugs. ( ) !9. Scrvlcc Pr,or,ldrr. M€s{r+i{trArylrrson. comp.ny or othcr lcgal cntity providing stny voltrgc or cunGnt l$tin& conaultin& mcasutnEnB. 8o.lysfu scr"iccs. cotBtructioG ot hrdwarc. { ) 10. Shurt Redrtor. A physical rcsistor or combinrtion ofrcsirtorr uscd to simulatc o dairy resisrunce. bodv-ro-metal conlact rcsisto[ce. 8nd hoof-to+arlh contacr rssistnncr bclwcen the cow ond sontact poins during thc mcearrcrncil ofcow contsst voltrgc. r\r u*d n r$e* +ul+s Aa rhunl rcsidor shcll bc five hundrcd (5(X)) ohmg plus or minus two pcrccnt (+/- 2%). ( ) I t . Sorrcc Rcdrtucc. [leen*r fhat ponion of resislrnce in lhc circuit oth6 thon thc rcsbirncc of thc cow irnd its contrct resistance. whgn thc cow is complcting e circuit bctwccn contact points. I}'d+-trr-+rotal t-eH+aer r+*s.rg**+tlclreol-l€-caflh+a+i${ns"x"*q*"*r+" p.t+i**o{:t$d {€u{s|roirt.f,cGl ( ) r}r*{rn€u{t++l-{{r*+*"+iie++lcr+ d+l tr,H*srs hs* {i 1) ffip't&Hffiltd.rth.ld.ftrlbr* &nt rtr.br mlf tl!fir qxldar to fiar..*urt h il.d rrtrr tl{.t cr lh. Saarifui*rrrbrblnlendnlrrsa.ltLhtdrildrrEnr ul rtal.[aa fl! [ Gutct rrEE lirinrrouarrd13 stG $r0. Arnrrl tal* $r ior.toE.t*nd bhat5hrhthrtars.tt 6mrtd lOrD D.lI$ h ErnAarS. ft. Strry Currcnt or Volta83, $+or +$llde€ e+ sfr€n{ k e. As, J+erdv *ore, **rr- {6Of heer+}+*t+r*+u{+H-+ liffi d*eef}k\r+ oiess r;gr}re {fi}:) i*enr+r*g eurre*l {.\C) less +hen {$,eN+ {:s}rnrr+}tr*}peei (i*tr} lh}str€li i lr+e $tnd+ed {5{o} €h.t{a +esx*er (i.e,. shunl re*rlcr) w{€d+€t+v+eks* s@ $ ffr€#ie+ed hv * tH ls Fre{++ *: + - ) $. Aiy $€idi$al€= *rx{+ {r.{4f.l+ +rn+ludin lu€rw*+ thsc*t}. rm A+ vC$t€ o{:+d! tla${r*.€{t*ki *+x {.i+isdlet *irl$ a lire .hsscr€d 1 flt{t} qrl* siikx {+ + , sl+*x roiw-l wred ber+es G* Hlsr] p+iHr*++r+e+se+e4.bv+ tnrc mr*+rge* ( ) &- - . Stey eu+reei en4+Crage++**aral inh++eergMleres,nlhlel€e${ciry{+a+et$rf lh+€rrg$ g+*t+xhdol€€*x*lsyst+n$-iaels(li*g+d*iqA an4++ilisv-+distr.ibg$e*+ystes= +l*s. ryst*$ ee+eq{$}ed+yrhe-N*iena{+hc++ie*l{bd€+l+id} onrl.the }ia*ie*sl5t€€+del Sc&+Y eode+N$S+te be resn*+ese{+ry*ad}r$rbi$6{ { I vologc. d Unless thc contcrl odrcr[irc roquirct. thc lcrm "Ory voltsgc" rhall mcan $r!y cun,Gnt or slt"y() t,l. Todr, Mcerurcmcota lroc.drrar.[d Ar.hds. Mqra+rAny or oll of thc rrrly voll1gc t$ting. mcrsuncmc'nt. worh ard worl product dcfinc{ in thcsc rules. ( ) t5. Tr|Ddclt or Tr.atricnl Dcvhtion. T+u+;e*+er+ru*sient de+ieHon f,aesf* e'Larrn-slrady !ilrtc incrcasc or sgikc in volt tG o. qrmnt For rhc purpocc of idcndryi[g md rcponing trmricnlr in cow coottct vdtrgc (Vcc) or cutftnt (lcc). r trnrilnt occurt wtcn thc rctprdcd maximum Vcc q lcc in e rccoding intcwel ercccdr two hun&cd perccot (200elo) of the stcrdy sotc Vcc or lcc rcoordcd duriry thc samc rccording htcwrl. ( ) 16. Utilirf . Mean+.*,q public chcrric utility rs dclincd in Section 5l-332A, ldaho Code. ( ) Ic+L-- FUnPoSE ernur .. ctlNFonJuil{gETe Bt EGTRIG^L GeDEGt'r I il} iry'-.--- -'--'----{'ct2.-020. (REsEnvErr) APPLICABILITY AND ADMISSIBILITY Rohr 2l throujh 30 02r. uTrLrTY GULETI).A utility nurtldtrg or lcraing for sny voltagc or cunGil al $c r.qucrr of a dairy produccr. rs dircctcd by thc Comnirsioa or m its own bitirtivc. shrll condrct sucb Dcrsulcncrts h .ccordsrcc wi6 lhcr rulcs. ( ) Gomatt EC.D Ih gcpoor ol thr rul- b drri*h!fir.hlohocod.. Grtmra tO?l0D ilr tff r$.mn i6 tridoLhura O22. DAIRY PR,ODUCER (RULE 22). 0t. $rvlDt Notlc. on ttc Utlllty. A dairy produccr providing wdttcn noticc to I utitity Seclion 6l{04. ldrho Codc. shdl s?€€{l *+r:, tlx dany p+edue+r.b*t++* r+s Ceir} e++s.s{€ b€nrs el*lg€{+sa€+!y$r+ihur+ble re rhe urdr++ +-dern+ r.rcaw hlytgryjlg such r4qlqc with or sittour cmductcd te3t3 or mqsuttmcnts of rtr8y voltrgc. Purluant to a+l€t*ed+r finr heving() 02. Coopcntlor. Whcn a writtcn notice is fihd widr ttc utility. thc rlairy is obligatcd ro make any contoct point(6), sclicc prncls, gromding rods or othcr clecricd cquipmcnt rt rhc driry.vlihblc to tbc ulility for mc0suring snd tcsting. Ttc utility shtll provide rearonrblc noticc rnd coopcratc with fic drlry producer to csublirh an eppmpriatc limc to condua thc tc6ts rnd mcasurclrenB. Thc dliry shnll coopcrrtc uith thc utility so that all tertE .nd rncasurcttrils acccsslry to idcntify thc cxistcncc and msgnitudc ofslr.y cuncnl or voltrgc, ifany. rtc completcd within founecn (14) drysof thc utility's neipl of snch nolicc. ( ) 023. SERVICE PROVIDENS NULE 23} 4l+.+?ermf€fliwe sn+++*-+vCragr.*+e*s$rerr+et+toFtts+*$ela*ci+rxiltr+sr{a++$a+l*deenr+d a rr+*r px*id***dAll scniicbrovitctJshallfollowthcscrulcs. ( ) {rl4- AnMttiEtBtI"rIY (Rtil,li'r}. *tl*lre+;e+Cet{+cl+ }+d+n*sible-b+kre+Mrffi s*srr+**+iv+hrhd- | ) 025.-0t0. (RDSERVED) QUAL| FICATTONS OF PERSONS PERFORMING AND ANALYZING RESULTSOF STRAY VOLTAGE TESTS RuhlSl through{0 OII. PERFORMANCE OT TESTS AND MEASUN.EMENTS (RULE 3I). Measuring and testing for srray voh.gc undcr thcsc rulcs for considcnrion by thc Cornmisshn shall bc pcrformcd by a qualificd tcstin8 prcl'cssional surlr a. Tlc k'lli+ser31**#?€{ui**{s+eqssli*+n}+e*n-efre+ee#}* I ) 0t. Profcrdolrl Elglnccr. A pmfessional engineer. licrnscd in any statc, who has complctcd no fawcr than forty+ight (,18) hon of Commirrionrpprovcd lr'.y vollsgc troining md who has bc.sn involvcd in no fcwtr than fivc (5) prior investigrtions involving $e measurcmcnl ortciing ofrusy voltrgc. ( ) 02. M.icr Elcctrlclr.. A msslcr clcctricirn, liccnscd in lny $.rc. who has complccd no fswcr lhan forty-eight (4E) hours of Commission+p,provcd srray voltagc lraining and who has bccn involvcd in no fcwcr thon fivc (5) prior invc-stigerions irwolving thc mc8surcmcil or tcting of sray voltrgc. ( ) 03. Tcclnlchn. A tcchnician who, undcr thc supcnision of a person prcumcd qualillcd undcr Sub,scctions 031.0t end 031.02. has completcd no fewcr than cight (8) hours ofCommisrion-approvcd stray volugc training ond who hrs bccn involvcd in no fewcr than frve (5) prior invcsligrtions involving lhc mcarurrmcnt or lcsting of*ray voltagc. ( ) ot2. DATAANALYSTS(RULE32). Amlysis of data undcr thcsc rulcs. for consilhration by lhc Commission shall bc pcrfunncd by a qualiftcd arulyst A profcssional enginccr. liccnscd in lny $src. wto has complacd no fcwcr thm fofiy+ight (4t) houn of stray voltagc trsining and Eho hrs bccn involved in no feurcr than fivc (5) prior invcstigations involving mcssurcmcnt or lcling of stray voltagc shrll bc prcsumcd to bc a qualiticd analyst. ( ) 033. PERSONS OTUERWISE QUALIFIED (RULE 33). A pcrson wto dccs not sctisry thc qurliftcations in Scctions 031 and 032, may non.thclcss be dctcrmincd by thc Commission to bc a qualitlcd tcsting profcssional or a qualified analyst if. on molion of 8ny paily, thc Commission finds that pc.rson othctwisc poascsscs rhc knowlcdgc. skill, cxperiancc. training. orcducation thar quali,ics lhrl p6son to offcr cxpert testimony beforc lhc Commission. ( ) 0t'1. - 050. (RESERVBD) CALIBRATION OF AND EQUIPMENT USED TOR MEASURINC Ganrtd F?tt[ t rrt PrrLlrtbrlrt.rlf d.ftr.dh$.t c0on. Illb$llifft,s.rJol| d&rt Glcrfd FTlt[ ttb nqutrlrrct 5 lndsdrd hut 61G. ANDRECONDING VOLTAGq CURRENT. AND RESISTANCE Ruler Sl tbrougb 60 O5I. GENERAL REQUIR,EMENTS FOR STRAY VOLTAGE MEASURING AND RECORDTNG EQUIPMENT(RULE 3I). Equipmcnt uscd for thc mcasurcmcnt or tcsting of stray voltagc, cultcnl. and rcsislancc shall mcct the followingcritcria: ( ) 01. Rcrolutlon end Accurry. Thc accutacy and rcsolution ofany instrumcnt uscd to measure orrccord cos' contoct voltagc or cuncnt. shall limit thc cror to fivc pcrccnt (5%) or less al onc voh (l V) or tno milliamperr (2 mA). ( ) 02. Voltrgc Mcerurcncl|. lustrumcnts uscd to mc.surc cow conract voltrgc shrll bc crpoblc of scpsraring snd irdcpcndently mcasuring oltcmating currcnl (AC) 0nd dirccl cunrnl (DC) volflgB. Thesc inrtrumenls shall havc a minimum intcmal impedance ofrcn thousend ( 10.000) ohm rnd shell bc cepablc ofmcasuring thc tnrc- rms volragc. ( ) 03. Currrnt M.uuremcnl. A clerrp-on ommclcr. a digital multi-mctcr (DMM) with clamp,on devicc. or an in-linc ammctcr shall bc utcd to mcasurc cunqrtblelE[a conduclor or resistor connected bctwrcr two (2) points. Thc mctcrs shall bc crpoble ofscparating and indcpcndcntly mcasuring oltcmsting corrcnt (AC) rnd dircct cuncnl (DC) end rhall bc caprblc of mcasuring thc brc-rms currcnt. Carc mu3l bc tskcn to .ssurc rhet clampon ammclcrsuscd havc thc rcquired rcsolution and accuracy. ( ) 01. Rcrba.rc. Morurcrcat. Resistancc shall bc mcazurcd using cithcr a volt ohmrnctcr (VOM) or 0 DMM. Rcsolution shall bc to the lcvcl of om ( l) ohm c lcss *hcn mcasuring a rcsistencc of lcss thrn onc thousand (1.000) ohm. Accuracy shall bc within plus or minus fivG (+/-5) ohm for s fivc hundrcd (500) ohm tgistsncc.() 05. Rcrlrtencr-to-Errlh Mcrrurcmont. Grounding clcctrodc rcsistancc-lo-caflh mcasurcmcnts shall be made with a firrc- (3) poinl fall-of-potcntial instrumcnt or ! clsmpon rcsistancc-to+rrth tcstcr. ( ) 032. CALTBRATTON REQUInEMENTS (RULE sa). 01. Merurirg EqulpmGil Crllbr.tioD, All meosunng cquipmcnt shall bc calibrctcd occording to tbc manufocturcr's rcrommcndcd colibmtion schcdulc, bu! no less thm annually. lo mcct thc m8nufacturcr's spccifications for lhc accuracy and rcsolulion ofthc equipment. Mcrsuring cquipmcnt shrll not bc uscd aftcr iB ncxl 'lalibrslion due' datc for mersurcmcnts or lcsts coodudcd during a stray voltagc investigation. Colibntion shall bc pcrformed by cilhcr: ( ) r. Thc muufacturcr of thc cquipmcnt. who shdl ccrtify fiat thc cquipmcnt mccts thc manuhcturcr's spccificalions for accuracy and rcsolution: or ( ) b. A lobor8tory cuncody ccnificd as mccting all applicrblc lnstitute of Elcctrical and Elcctronic Engincers (IEEE) and lntcmational Organization for Standards (lSO) st ndards. ( ) 02. Cellbrrtlon Ccrtlficrtcr. The servict pmvider pcrforming thc tcrB and mclssemcilg shall maintain ccnificatcs fiom thc manufachrcr or thc calibntion laboratory dcmonstroting compliancc with crlibntionrcquircrnents. ( ) 03. Field Chccl. Bcforc voltagc or c.rrrrent measurrmcnt or testing is pcrformcd lhc imtrur$cnt shsll bc field-chccked by coorparing mcasurcrncnts lo thosc ofothcr instruments or lgrinsr a knos'n source. ( ) Gqmrta l0tttl. Orilceohrcancv.ltro mrb. ilrff$q,rrr Pdl3LilrtltF rfil3.A &.ng-o.t r,tcrg{, murrdla oilrnr h il. Coll&r.l'|o f 3 .b.ttFd rrou,r.r. IXI3. REQUIREMENTS FOR MONTTORING AND RECORDING DEVICES (RULE 53). Digital recording dcviccs rhrll be uscd for thc purposc ofrccording cunent rnd vollrgc for crtcndcd pcriods, ruch as thc forty-cight (,t8) bourt6r. The reconding dcriccs rhall hgve thc ssme lcvel ofrcsolution and accuncy rs rhe metcrs bcing used for the mcasurGtncnts. Monitoring systcrm, which combine mcrnrring rnd recording functions in r singlc inslrumcnt shall havc thc samc lcvcl of rcsolution and rccrracy rs spccilicd in Scction 05 L Rccording dcviccs asd monitoring systcms shall be capablc ofrccording transicnt dcviations ofonc-tsnth (0.1) cccond or lcss in duotion ftom lhe stcsdy stllte. Digittl rccording dcviccs. which havc dcviation scttings, clrcll pcrmit thc dcviation scning to bc sct "lorf ' cnough ro mccr thc rrsolulion and accurcy requircmentr in Subrclion 05 I .01 of lhcrc ruhs. All rccording &vices shall bc rblc to log rhc limc rnd datc ofall &ta rccordcd rnd shall havc thcir intcroal clocks syrchronizcd.() rxr4. nEQUTREMENTS rOR U)AD BOXES (RULE 3a). 1h. l"wi hsr +au *r€r{ tl't L{h*ng *irsu {} 01. Voltr. A load box shall bc a primarily non-inductivc nomind t$,o hundred forty (240) volt. rcsistrncc hcating typc lood wilb a minimum nominal full load of eightccn (lt) kilowt$ ftW). ( ) C2, Splh-lard. A load box shall bc crprblc ofopcrotiog al two (2) ot morc load sdrings. including approrirmrely lifty pcrrcnr (50%) and one huodrcd plrccnt (10()o/c) of lhc load box's ntcd totrl load. ( ) 055.-070. (RESERVEIT) TESTING ANI' MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES Rrhr 7l through t0 07r. STRAY CURRENT OR VOLTAGE TDSTS (RULE 7r ). Subjcct to Subscction 071.02. lhcfr 8rc air (6) lcsts u3cd to dclmt and trEasurc Bttay cunEnt or volt ge, ( ) 01. $cttdetl4 ofslr.y Volt Sc Tcrtr. Efforls shall bc madc to pcrform thc tcrts under conditions substantirlly similar to ttocc conditions cristing at thc timc(s) thc dairy produccr bclicvcs stny vologe to bc opoblcm. ( ) r. Tcst I - Cow Co|rt cl Tcsli ( ) b. Tcst 2 - Forty-Eight (48) Hour Tcst ( ) c. Tcst 3 - Primary hotile Tes: ( ) d. Tcsr 4 - Sccondary Ncutral Vohagc Drop Tcst: ( ) a Test 5 - Load Bor Tcst; tnd ( ) f. Tcst 6 - Sigraturc Tcst. ( ) 02" Tcrth3 Scqrclcc, Tcs I shell bc pcrfonncd frr6l. Tcsts I md 2 .r. usad lo &tcrmine the prcrcnce rnd lcvcl ofstray voluge and shell bc pcrformcd in ell iavesigntions. srbject to the provisions ofSubrcctioo 071.03. Tcsrs 3. 4. 5, rnd 6 may be pcrfonncd in any order and may bc performcd witboul firsl dclcnnining thrt thcsc tcsts erc requircd undcr Patagruph 071.02.b. Tcsts 3, 4, 5. and 6 may bc pctformed prior to sterting thc rccording for Tcst 2 or while Test 2 is in progress. Tcst 2 rnay bc intcmrptcd 0s nGccsssry to conducl Tcsts 4. 5. and 6. or for rcvicw rad analysis ofthc data rtcordcd rp to thrt point. ( ) e, lf the tesults from Tcsls I .Dd 2 indicstc that oray vologc docs not clcrc{ lhc prwentivc ection level (PAL). the urility has no furthcr t sting or rmediation obligations undcr rhcse rulcs &rring this tcst cyclc.() b. lf thc PAL is cxcccdcd, thc utility shall pcrform thc rcmoining four (4) tcsts cxccpt ar providcd in Subccction 071.03. The utility shall llso pcrfosm malysis to detcrminc *'hcthcr thc ponion of thc atrsy currcil or voltagc anributrblc to an off-farm source excceds fifly pcrccnt (5F2") ofthe PAL. ( ) c, lfthc PAL is cxctcdcd. and thc ponion ofthc slray cut cnr or voltagc attributablc to an oft:tlrm source docs not cxcecd fifty pcrccnt (50%) ofth. PAL. thc urility has no furthcr tcsting or rcmcdiatbn obligntions.() d, lf thc PAL is cxcccdcd. and thc portion of thc stray curcnt or voltagc atribubblc to rn off-farm sourcc cxcccds fifly pcrccnt (50%) ofthe PAL. thc ulility shall conducr rcmcdi0tion pursuont to Scclion 091. Undcr this condition. thc forry+ight (48) hour rccording ofTcst 2 may bc rcduccd to no fcwcr thsn twenty-four (24) hours.() c. For dl testing conductcd undcr orcsc rules. thc utility shsll havc a qualificd rnalys prcperc. rsport pursusnt lo ScOion 0t2. ( ) llt. Surpcndcd or Llmltcd Tcrtlnt. \L{r+h€ st+s agrss}l $l l*xh-ti+e +r**+ #*{* diw 6*re+*+t+aa+r)tta€te rxe*ga+re+nxy$e+u1x+rdcd ar * ari*+ *the i*e*tigati+*lLif*+{*+stt* ag$€€ffi1 o+$erhr&+{l+i{+-ixrd t$+4*r+ypredu*e-tl+ u+rliv*av eerplrlia lr*xred *t cl-re+*{+*+aoi+nenre+s€rr1l{a{-1r*s pra o+ sn nr+exi*n*llv d'mre4 e+*luatien. {+r$c udlity prolur)rtr rdqoy supcnd a Sray volUgc invcstigation or rr conduct a limitcd cvsluation.ismrns lu domgre :hs+l be sd *{{h ifl +lr n.f+ilen rgreHreRl bel*een rll€ u+i$+y hnd 0s aereed b€lseen the utilitv ond hddo1gfpro<lCegl 1 ) O72. PREPARATION FIOR TESTING (RULE 72} The pcrson pcrforming the tcsts shall pcrform $c following: 01. RCaot Rcf.rmc. Gtoundlag Rod. r. Rcmotc rcfcrtncc Crounding rod(s) shall bc instrllcd snd pcnctrrlc moist soil to r dcpth of$irry (30) inchcs. Whcr practicrblc. rcmotc rGfcrsncc rods ghall bc instrllcd !t lclst twcnty-fivc (25) fcct away ftom thc ncarcsl undcrground conductive clcctricol cquipmcnt ofany lypc or rt o distance cqull to lhrrc (3) to four (4) timcs thc buried deplh ofrny mctrllic structurr conncctcd to thc scnice antrencc ncutnl. Thc rcfcrcncc ground rod shrll bc locatcd not closcr thrn trenty-fivc (25) fccr from thc ctnterlinc ofa primrry clcctricsl corduclor rightof-way. A refercnce rcd sholl bc locatcd not closet than onc hun&cd (l0O) fcct Iiom the cdgc of a trensmission linc rightof-wsy. ( ) b. All rcmotc rcl'crcncc grounding rods shall be chcckcd for 'rcmolcn6s" prior to thcir ulc for lcsls or mcasurcmcnls and if found to bc insuffrcicntly "rcmotc.". ncw location for that rctbrcncr ground rcd shall bc found and rclcstcd for rcmotencsg. Remotcnec! of thc rcl'crcrrc ground shall bc dclcrmincd by mcaruring the volbgc from thc tr.nsformer grounding clcctrodc conductor to the rcmotc trfcrcncc ground. Tha reistance-to-csflh of tha transformcr grounding clcctrodc ehall bc mccsurcd. Thc gmunding clectrodc currcnt shall bc mcosurtd. Rcmotcness is coneidcrcd odoqurlc ifthe mcsturcd voltagc (trnnsformcr grounding conductor to rcfcrtncc ground, Vp) ir within twcnty pcrccnt (2elo) of the vohogc crlculrtcd by multiplying the grounding clecltodc currcnl by the gmunding ele!'rro& rcsictrnca-to-carth. ( ) c- lfthe lransformer grounding clectsodc is within tf,'enty-fivc (25) fcct ofothcr primary or *condary gmulding clcctrodcs. lhis rcmolcness tcst sholl bc con&rctcd at thc firsl primary syslcm gronding clectrodc upstrcem of thc trrnsformcr thar is grcsrcr than twcnty-fivc (25) fcat ftom othcr primary or sccondrry systcm grounding clcctrodes. ( ) 02. Iorpcctlag the Trruforncr(r). Prior to tcsting. thc utility ronsformcr shall bc inrpcclcd, grounding clcdrode rcsistmcc m.asurrd, rnd any rtpoirs ncccssory lor safay bc madc and rq:ordcd. In thc casc ofa cutoncr-orvnc{ ltonrformcr. quelificd pcrsonncl ehall inspect thc installation. meosure grounding clcctrodc rcsistrncc. and makc and rccord any rcpairs nGccsssry lbr s.fcty. Meesurcmcnts that requirc contrd wi$ utility or customcr-ouncd primary wircs or cquipmcnt shall bc madc by the utility or othcr qualificd personncl. ( ) Gcli.r..td prl{D rltr3 bG..rilri. 9rrC0. o, egforml'radr.lf rq..trf t'OryeoaEr rnl aLatli.t3 03. In-Llac Arnotcn. lf irr,linc or rcrics lmmctcr .rc uscd, ftcy rhell bc installcd urdcr safc conditionsinaccordanccwilhll€},ls*enJlEkerrit+ltirlbty{'i|d+i!_[.tr\('.rdthcNarrml E!*rrx'C(ad€NtI s.ith thc eatirc deiry sysrsm or thc spccific cirt1lit to bc tcelcd &+ncrgized. ( ) 0.1. PrG.TcrtDocumcrl.tbr.( .. All prr-tcst calibntion rcquirerncnts from Saction 0J2 shall bc crmplacd and documenlcd.() b. A skach or dnwing of thc dairy slull bc prcpercd irdicrling: ( ) i. ThclocerionofthcbuildingE; ( ) ii. Sccondary clcctriccl rcrvicc panck rnd rccondary fccdcr syrEms scrving cow contact firas:() iii. Transformc(s) rnd ccntral distriburion point: ( ) iv. Existinggroundingclcctrodcs(iflno*n); ( ) v. Thc locction ofall cow contrcl poinb lo bc tcrtld: ( ) vi. All remolc rcfcrcrrc grounding rodst rtld ( ) vii. All primary and scconduy ncutr.l lcrt points ulcd in conjunction with thc rcmotc rcfcrtncc groundhg ro{s). ( ) c. A listing ofplanncd tcal pointc rhrll be prcparcd using thc ryplicablc form prior ro bcginning crch tcsl. Esch tcsl shsll bc lisrcd scpontcly rnd spccific rtfercncc numbcrs shrll b! givco to crch pl.oncd test point.() 05. Sefety () r. If thc scrvicc provider rcaronably corrcludcs thlt r deiry's noncomplirncc with thc F;*arulh-i*r*J rtdt !-t!_!orcs r siglificrnl and imrrdirte cafcty hozud which prcvorm complctior of rny tcst u mnrrGilcnt rcquircd by thcrc rulcs. lhcn thc scnicc providcr's obligetionr lo prococd undcr thcsc rulcs shl[ bc 3uspcndcd until thc hrzrrd is climinrtcd. ( ) b. Ar $c discrraion ofthc rcrvicc providcr conducting thc tcl. litcstock shrll bc rsnovcd from eny arcr wLcrc clcclrical cquipmcnt or wiring ir eramincd or clcctrhrl nruurtrncntr rrc tllen. Tcting may bc rupcndcd ifthc prcrcncc ofco*r or olhcr rnimrb ctrtcr a potcntirl hazrd to teting pcrsomct. Thc locrtiom ofclcctric fGnccs and othcr clcccificd cow control d.viclr sholl be nolcd rnd de*ncrgizd *hcrt pnctic.l. ( ) 07J. TESTr -COWCONTACTTESTGULETS). 01. Purpor. Iire prqrx ol this tast is to dctcnninc rhc locotion(s). if rny, wicrc slray ctnrcnt or voltoge cxcccds thc prt+e$lr!€ ft'ri{xr l*el t PALI and lo idcnti$ thc location(t) rt which rhc cow cont ct voltotc will bcrccrrdcd inrhc forty+ight(48)hourtc$. ( ) 02. Sclcctlon ofCor Contrca Poltrtr, Thc sclection ofcow cont.cr points to bc tesrcd shall includc r sufficicnt numbcr oflocations rcrronably likcly to dcmonslralc lhc prcscncc ofsEry volbgc or curtcnt, ifsny.() 03. Cooductlng thr Tcrt. The voltagc 8cro3s thc shunt reristor or curGnt throrgh thc shunt rcsistor CogDcrPlaG. iDdt mhiltlttr Wclhrd 16quc shall bc mcosurtd betrvccn cow conbct poins as eln*r in Figurc l. Thc sottrrc rcsilt nc:c shrll bc calcuhtcd during aulyris for ell cow cootaci poinB. aat4 ttrlt ?raa rt rI icl ttrEror,rr lo,LCCI Fir*++ee*eeeset+rol r I ) r. Whcn using !vollrnclcrlo mcanrc vollrgc bctwcco contscl poinl3s'hcr! onc (l) ofthosc poina is lhc floor surfrr. thc cAigncnt rhdl bc rrangcd rs drown in Figurcs I rnd 2. uring a mcbl plat . whicb !h!ll trukc a high qurlity conductivc conoct with thc Aound or floor. lfthe rrvicc providct ir unrurc ofhoving a high qudity conductiw ctntrct with thc lloor or 3round, thlrr thc proccdurc dcscribcd in Prrograph 073.03.c. shell bc followcd. If noccssary, cormoion rhdl bc rcmoved ftom tlr poiD(r) whrrc tcrl h.d(r) m.kc cmucl with mctrl cguipmcnl. IIULTIUETER 500 drtn $rrut l-r:urc 2 (ir* ('*tarr Vr{tagr Msruremnt G..r..fa Eat* ll trrr ld reratd d tc thOmnfaon r*clr i rruflrqld.holpr rG,OY b. Whcn ucing an inlinc millirmmctcr or e clomp-arormd millianrmelcr to mcasurc cuncnl bctrrtcn contsct poiotc alrd onc ( I ) of thosc pohls ii thc floor $rfacc or carth. thc cquipmcnt shall bc arrangcd as sho*rr in Figurc 3. using a mctal plrte which shall malc high quelity conducriw conoct wi$ rhc grouod u floor. Ifthc rcrvicc provider is usurc of having r higt qurlity condudivc contrt with the lloor or glound. thcn thc prcccdurcs &scribcd in Pangroph 073.03.c. shall bc followed. Ifnccessrry. corrocion rhsll bc rcmov€d from lhe poinl(s) whrw tc* lead(s) mckc contel witb mct l oquipnsll. IIILLIAII1.ETER t,EEL ,ttEI .crtll rtr.rt at rlt-Lllrl ttaat aa t ril T too a I.ig* -i. let {-e**}l+e+n3,4-w+ (-*-({*rit+ psif,+l+(*$ufld I .l c. A mctrl plltc uscd to mlkc rn clcctsical contmt with lhc canh or lloor shsll bc ofrcgulor shopc (square. rcctanguhr or murdl rnd shall havc r surfrct arca cqual lo or grc.lcr lhrn sirtccn (16) lqusrc inchcs (4 inchcr x 4 inchcr or cquivrlcrt). Plrcc a wcight not lca3 th.n twcnly (20) pounds on tlr raetal platc. This wcight rhrll bc applicd cvcnly rcross thc mctrl plilc rnd mt to ftc rdjaccol coDcrctc or clrth. Phcc thc metrl phtc r minimum distancc of twelvc (12) inchcs liom rny mGtal cquipmGnt moking contrt with thc ,loor or c.rtt. ( ) i. Whcn &c meul pletc ir to bc phcod m . ctxrcrcle firor. thc srfrcc shall bc llat. Clcan thc lloor surfacr with a *i*hdb.rh ro rcmovc dcbris that may add cxces rcsirtgnce. Use watcr to clcan thc floor surfacc at thc point wtcrc thc mctrl plrtc will bc plrc-cd. Plrcc a pepcr lowcl or similar rnrtcrial soakcd in seltwatc bcturcco tbc mctal platc and thc concrctc lloor. ( ) ii. Whcn rhc mcirl platc i3 to bc placcd on thc ground or carth surfacc, thc surfrcc shall bc flrl. Rcmovc ony &bris ond add wrtcr to thc ilco. if noccrsory. to .lsmpco tbc roil. Thc eurfacc of lhe mctll pl.lc that will mstc contacr *'ith ihc cirth slrrll bc clcrn rnd ficc of cormrion beforc urc . Rcrnovc rny conosim. if ncc6..ry.() M. Rccordhg the Drtr. Thc pcrron conductint this test shall r6ord thc location of. aad mcesursd valucs rL erch tcst point. Al cech cow conlacl location. m opcn circuit volugc rcading (Voc) rnd a vollrgc with fivc hundrcd (5{)0) ohm nominat shunt rcai6tos placcd rcross the input to $e rnctcr O rtrn) shall bc okcn. Thcsc readings rhall bc takcn with tcn (10) scconds or lcas timc bctwccn cech rcading. Altcrnriivcly. 8 currcot nrcrsur€mcnl @) *.y u. t"kcn in phce of the voltagc rcading O'fu') . DEta for drclc lcst poinrs shatl bc rccordcd on thc form inAppendix l. ( ) lxl. sourc. Rcdtt.nce c.lculrtlon, Thc aourc! rcsict.r". (k) shall bc calcutatcd for .ach cow Gorufa FTlq: A ,clrrhrdchrr b.s.ry dhadrraa.rddoa.rftnrtodl.ddto.trla. irlrluha. AC'OY conlact locrlion mcsurcd and thc vsluc rccordcd in ADpcndix I. Thc follo*ing formulas shall bc uscd lo calculrtc 60utga t!3istancc, !'oc -Vur Rslrcc- l'U r R.6an Voc Rstr- ltu -ntu 011. TEST 2. FORTY.EIGIIT HOUR TEST (RULE 7{). 0t. Putlolt. }k ptrprr.*+t this tcst is to dctcrminc whclhcr stray currcnl or voltsgc exccGds tbc pr{r sr{rr il'{sn lcw.l {PAL} ar sclectcd locrtion(s) ovcr ! forty-cight (4t) hour pcrio4 subjcct to Subocction 074.06 and Poragroph 071.02.d. Thc tcst.lso dcmonstBtes $'hdter thc primary or rccon&ry sides of thc ryetcm have a spccilic inpact on thc rccorded ctrrcat or voltage at spocilic times ofday. ( ) 02. S.tup. A digitizing data rccordcr with svcrqging cspability md capablc of dctccting md rccording tnnsicnt dcvistiorr oforc-tcnth (0.1) cccond or lcss in duntion shlllbe uscd to record thc following: ( ) 1 Voltagc ftom primary ncutral !l fic hnsformcr lo rcnrotc rcfocnce ground Vp. b. Voltagc ftom sccondrry ncu$al in thc sclicc porcl ccrving thc uta of tbc cow contrcl to rcmotc rcfercncc ground. Ve. ( ) c Volugc drops (Vps) from prim.ry ncutsal st thc locrtion ofconncction forVpto srcondary nculrsl at thc loc.tion ofdrc conncction for Vc. ( ) d. Cow conl.ct curcnt through (lcc) or yoltsg! across a fivc hundrcd (5(X)) ohm rcsislor &t lhc high voltage poin(s) found in Tcsl l. Vcc. ( ) 03. Mcrsr.mcnt lEt rvrl. Thc rcsults of thc forty{ight (4t) hour tcsl may bc highly indicrtivc of thc prcscncc of ctray voltagc. A Fcording intcrval rs high rs tcn (10) scconds mry bc uscd providcd thrt ts nsicnt &vistims of voltagc or ctntot of onc-rcnth (0. I ) second or lcss in duration of volt!8c or curcnt arc recordcd o thc maximum ability of dtc inrtsrmart. ( ) 04. Mc.$rrcorDt rt thc Cow Cort.ct Polnt(r). Messurcmcnts to the earth or ooncrctc surfscc shall bc to r mctal platc as dcscribcd in Pangrrph 073.03.c. Whcn maling mcasurcmcrils lo nEtel objcct8, cormsion shall bc rcmovcd to oboin a low rcsistanc.c connection. ( ) 0t, Rerrdlng thc Drt . ,\lt trr rl* &ta gathcrcd by thc rccording cquipmcnt during thc forty-cight (4t) hour tcst including tnnricnr sholl bc downlordcd urd rct incd with the rccods of thc invcstigotion. ln odditiori. tha stcsdy-ststc drta shall bc sumrnsrizcd in the invcstigetion rcport. Thc rccordcd data shall be mrdc awihblc to thc dairy produccr or utility upon rlqucat. Thc pcrson conducting this tcst 3hall rccord lhc locelion of, md mcosurcd values rt. c.ch tet poinr. Thc idcntificetion ofthe cow contct point Ehsll bc rccordcd on the form in Appcndix 2. Trunsient dcviations shrll bc rccordcd on thc supplcrncntal data form. pogc 3 of3 h Appcndir 2. A plot ofthe voltagc versus time may be sub3titutcd for thc rccording ofmcasured valucs in Appcndix 2. ( ) 06. Rcduccd Rccordtng Pcrlod. If a qurlificd analyst concludcs that rcrncdiation by thc utility is rcquircd urdcr Psragrlph 071.02.d, prior to thc corphtim of a forty..ight (48) hour rccoding pcriod, thc rccoding pcriod mry bc rcduced to no fcwctthoD tscnty-for(24)houts. ( ) 03. TElsT 3 - ?mMARY PROFTLE TEST GULE ?3). 01. ?rrpoc. ]s+ pu+p* $.t this lcst is lo mcasur or crlculatc nGutrrl-tG.carth voltagc (NEV) for I multi-grumdcd diaribution rylcn.( ) 02" Cotd[crltr8 thG Tcrt. Thc prirnary proflc tcst rcquira concurcrl mc.surmcnl ofthc ground cloctmdc rtsirbncc rnd cuEcnt rt oll prirnrry syrtem gound points s,ithio lhrcc quancn (3/4) ofr milc on cithcreide of all primuy rsvicc Doinb rcrving thc dairy. or lo thc cnd of thc linc if hss tbrn thrc. q[.r!crs (3/4) of r milc. Alrcraetively. rhc voltegc bctwcan r rcmotc gr,ounding rcd .nd $e pimrry grouod point bciog rcncd mry bcmcasrtrcd. ( ) .. This tc$ rhdl bc corductcd strninS rl one ( l ) cnd of thc dirtributior rystem end wo,*ing toword thc othcr and ahng thc mrin prim.ry disrbudcr systcm. Figurc 4 bclow ilhrtratcs thc proccdue. ( ) i. Wtcrc thc deiry is scncd by r dcdicatod lep of Icss lhrn onc-hrlf (12) milc in lorgth frrm r disribution linc. thc nrutnl-to.crr$ voltrgc ghall bc mcaErcd rt c.ch prinury gound rlong $c tap ud alorg thc distribution linc to . distlDce of thr.G{urrrctr (3/r0) of s milc in crch dircctbn from thc point of thc trp: or ( ) ii. WblE r driry ir rcrvod by . &dh.td tap thrt cxrar& rmrt rh.n ooc-h.lf (l/2) milc ftom thc distribution linc. thc ilutrsl.to.cuth vottrge dull bc nceorcd rt crdr primrry gruding elccoo& elong thc up md olong thc di*ribution linc to r dissncc of anc-lulf (12) milc in crch direcrirn from the point of tfic trp. ( ) 0:t. Rcoordlr3 itc D.tr. The pcrron cilducting thig Es shsll tccord thc locabn of. rrd tmlrurcd valu6 rt. crch tcrt point. Dttr end crhuletion rcsrlts for thcsc tcrt poinr elrrll bc rccordcd or thc form in Appcndir 3. ,r i Minir sr lrrbrsoma { rl la I *dtra.a - l: nlil.rL..rr..*Bsk8t Iiigurr 1" Prmr.rry'l'n*ile Tei;t - 076. TEST ' - SECONDANY NEUTRAL VOLTAGE DROP TEST (RULE 76). ttltxAriYrnoltr.r 01. P.rDo... This tcd is ulcd ro ddarminc thc impact of G.ch cccoadery ravicc on lhc nailnl-tc,c.rth (NEV) ud cour contra voltrgcs on thc &iry mdcr cofltrollcd conditiotrs. ( ) 01. Coaducdo3 tbc Tcl. This tcst lhall bc pcrfonrrd for dl ccwicc artrmcco. A proxy lord of known cha.ctcristic! (such.s r Erisrivc tord likc e om lrundrcd lwcnty (120) volt, fiftccn hur&cd (1.5m) w.tt b.irdrlcr) is rcquirtd for thir 16l. Th. p[oxy lo.d mu$ crlrac r know! rnd rtrblc ouncnt md sbccquau voltrge &op for cach mutrrl rrwing ! rn in psocl. rub+oncl or cn&of-ecrvic'e rree. All rcwicc cntnrs oltcr ttn thrt bcing tcrtcd rhall bc omcd 'ofl to pcrfonr thir tcst. A dirgrrm showing thc conncctionr rnd mcrrurcficnt pointr for thir icrt ir sbs? in Figurc 5. a aQ)t ria* lE. DAT'I - .-- Iifr*r+&SceenCur_vNeutrul voltetel)repTegA++rnBeuent --- --- -- ------..-+.'.--l C3. Drtr Colhctbn. Thc following drtr rhdl bc collected fot c.ch rccoodrry nanrrl tetcd: ( ) r. Grugc rnd t1ryc of natrl *irc. ( ) b. L.ngrh of ncutral wirc. ( ) c. Neutnl curcnt lsn. ( ) il. votragearopcM) to,r*nuot-arofrhcrocond.r,rmutnlbchgtcncd. ( ) r. Cow cootact voltrgc (Vcc) or cl|ntllt (lcc) st thc lrmc poina utcd in drc fmy+ight (rlE) hour tcrt.() f. Primary ncutnl at thc lnneformcr to rrfaucc Aormd voltage Vp. ( ) g. Secondrryncutraltorcfcrcnccgroundvoltage. Vs. ( ) 0.f Mclrlrttncolr. Th. thrcc (3) voltrgca (Vcc. Vp and Vs) dnll bc mcr$rcd $'ith thc prory bed 'brf'.nd'on." Calcuhtcd cxpcctcd voltrgc dropGb'!'c) (ocr Appcrdix 4) rhrlt bc wirh mcrancd ,otrogo O*p.GW) . Ifthc mcrurcd and calcutrtod voltagc &ops dirfcr signitlcmtly. tuft.r invcrtigrrior shsll bc undcrrr&en to dctcrmim thc sourcc of rdditionrl voltegc drop withln the circrdt. N.otr.l cumnr 3h.ll b. m..nlrcd ,nd rcco(dcd with tbcproxyhod on (lsn). ( ) os. Rrcordlng tlc lrrtr. Any pcrson cmducdng this Gst 3b.ll Dcord thc location of, and rmgurcd vrlurs at e.ch tcst point, Dato rrd cslcuhtion rcsulrs for thcrc test poinB rhrll bc rccordcd on tbc form in Appcndir4.() TI7. TEST s-THE LOAD BOX TEST (RULE 77). 01. Plrperc. Thp+est-i;sad lo &tqmine thc cxtcnt o wtich tr prirnry sydcm contributcs to stray currcnt or voltagc rt cow contacl poinB. For dairics wi6 ttrcc (3) phalc bslamod primary scrvicc. thc rcrvicc providct shall pcrform Stcpe Orc rnd Tivo in Prngrph 077.02.b. bclow. ( ) 02. Cmductirg tlc lard 8or T6t. This tcst shau bc p.rfonrcd at thc rsmc timc of day ss the timc(r) of highat cos' contecl vohtgr foud in tte forty.cighr (4t) horr lcar. During this tcst. vohrgc 8nd cuncnt shall bc mcssurrd.nd rccoflkd .t lhc points indil,atcd in Figurc 6. lE5ffil cEala^tYAIDDd.l Lll !'.igu* * lcarl8ex T+*r. 1 l .. The lord box tcst rc$ircs thc rccording ofcight (E) drtr pointr during cach ofthc fivc (5) tcst stc?s. The cighl (t) drta points thrt shrll bc mcasured or oalculatod md rccordcd for cecb flcp etc: ( ) i. PrirnErylineroncuttElvollrgc, VF . ( ) ii. Losd Bor Currnt, llb. ( ) iii. Voluge at loed box coonccliqr to sccondrry 3ystcm. Vlb. ( ) lb r l'D iv. cahul.lc trrmform.r cuncnl h uringb ' Vpi I ) k,rtlirtoia{ / 4 I v. Volt gc from primary ncutrel st thc tnnsformer to rcmote rcfcrence ground rod. Vp. ( ) vi. Voltrgc lrom sccondrry ncutsal in thc scrvicc peml scrving the arta ofthc cow contecl lo remotc rcfcrcncc gmund rod. Vs. ( ) ' vii. Vohage from primrry neutral .t lhc transformer to sccondary nculrrl rl thc tcrvicc psncl scrving thc ora ofcow contrct, Vps. ( ) viii. Co\tr contact voh8gc (Vcc) or c1rrcnt (lcc) st thc slrrc poin(s) urcd in thc fofiy-cighr (4t) hour tesr.() b. Except for dairies with thret (3) pha$ balrnccd primrry scwice, thc folloring fivc (5) tcst ncps slrall cach bc conductcd for al lcast t*o (2) minutcs. hnd thc detashel_!_b!19qqdd lin SlSblgpl ( ) i. Stcp One: Thc load box shall be de<ncrgizcd. thc dairy shall rcmain 'on," a{t$e dirt {i*ll h( tl*CcC ( ) lt.Srcp Two: Thc load box shrll bc de+nctgized. thc driry shul "ofl" xl th+ da*r rSal.l tr* k+rx d:ri() llt.Step Thrce: Thc loed box shrll bc rct to halflod. thc dairy shut "oIF." dflii Ac dars shall se +tt+rl+d() Stcp Four: Thc load box shall bc act to full lood, thc dairy shut "off." md+h+ dtx+ **ll be e{q{ed() s+d+C Step Five: Thc load box shall bc rct to full lod. thc dairy shall be tumcd "on." alC d* di{d J+d+l ht()v. 03. Crlcuhdog thc K Fector. Thc K frctor is o salcuhrd rstio (VccA/s). Tbe K fector rhould bc hsr lhan onc (l) bccsuse Vcc (cow conlsct volugc) shouH bc lcss then Vs (thc dairy ground lo refcrcncc ground voltagc). lf thc K frctor is grcarcr thln onc ( l). lhcn thcrc is contriburion to Vcc from sourccs othcr lhsn Vs. ( ) 01. Rccordh3 thc D.tr" Thc pcrson conducting rbir tcst sb.ll rccod thc locetion of. ard nsautd valucs rt cach tcst point. Data and celculation rcsrls ffi thcsc lest poins shall bc rccordcd oo thc fqm in Appadir5.() 07& TEST 6 - STGNATURE TEST (RULE 7t). 01. Purporc. Thir tcct is usrd to dctcrminc thc conrribution o stray picces ofcquipmcnt opcrating on thc driry. Thc tcst is bcst pcrformcd whcn thcrc is curcnt or voltage of individual minimrl farm clcctrical activitv.() 02. Corducllng th. S[arttrc Tcat. During lhis re$. irdividuol piccx of mrjor curcnt dr8witrg cquipncnt drrll bc $.ncd lnd Etoppcd. Thc cflccts ofstarting opctating. and stopping cach piccc ofcquipmcnt rhall bc mcasurcd and rtcordcd for o pcriod of opcrotion of rl lcrst fiftcen ( I 5) scconds. Thc pcrron conducting fic lcat shall idcrdry rnd rccord thc cquipmcnt bcing testcd md rccord thc spccific limcs thrt thc cquipmcnt wls stortld ond stoppcd. A digilizing dato rrcordcr wift avcroging capability stull bc uscd to mcasurc and rccord thc rcquired clcctricol dsta. Thcsc msrsullmcnls sball be takcn at thc ssmc locations 8r thr deiry whcrc mcasurcmcils ncrc trkcn lbr thc purposc ofthc lord box tcst rnd forty-cighl (48) hout rcar. ( ) r. Vologc from primrry ncutral at lhc transformcr to rcmotc rcfcrcncc gtound rod. Vp. ( ) b. Sccondary ncutral at thc scrvicc poncl scrving thc orer ofcow conloct lo remotc rcfcrcncc gmund()voltngc. Vs. c. Primary ncotral vohrgc drop ryps) from thc locrtion of conncction for Vp o cccon&ry ncurrl vologe at rhc loc0tion ofthc connection for Vs. ( ) d. Corv conlrcl voltagc (Vcc) or crrrcnt (lcc) Et lhc prgcl€clcd point.() 01, Rccordlng thc Deb. All oflhc datr g.lhcrcd by dtc rccording cquipmcnt during thc eignature tcct. including tronsicnts shall bc dovmlordcd and retoittcd silh thc rccor& ofthc invcaigltion. In rddition, thc ltcrdy sl0lc dsra shall bc summarizcd in thc invcstigotion r@rt. Thc rccoded &ta shrll be medc awilablc to thc deiry produccr or utility upon rrqu6t. Thc locrtion ofall lc$ poin(s) shrll bc rccordcd oo thc form in Appcndh 6. A plot ofthe voltagc verrus timc may bc substitutcd for thc r.coding ofmcasurcd vrlucs on Appcndir 6. ( ) frre. - 00. (RESERVED) ANALYSIS AND REPORTING TTTE DATA Ruhr tt thror3b 90 OII. ANALYZTNG THE COLLECTED DATA (RULE tI). 01. Cor Coltrct Pohr. Er.minc tbc dat rccordad for thc forty+ight (4E) hour lcsr in Appcndix 2 cnd &tcrminc fic highcs 3lrrdy ltrtc value of cow cottl.cl vollrgc (Vcc) or c1trcnl (Icc). Dacnninc thc vrluc of prirn ry ncutrrl lo rcfcrcncc voltagc (Vp) thrl wo! prcscnt for thc highcl cow co,lt cl vrlue. Rccord thcsc valucs on the deta chccr of Appcndix 7. Thcsc vrlues shrll bc klentified er "tcrt cow contod volhgc or currcof' (t'oc '& or tct ru 1 ,16 'rir-ry natr.t to rcfcmcc volt gF .t timc of maxirmrm cop c<xttrct voltrgc or ar*nr' , l'pl& ). Thc thIrr (3) &ta scG crlrlcd li'om thc valucs rrc: ( ) r. Thc prirnrry to rcfaarcc ground vologc rnd thc cow clnlsct voltsgc or olrcnl mcesurcd during thc lord box rc$ (Appcdir t) with thc farm powcr'bfl" and thc load box -o,f'sholl bc rccordcd on thc dslE shccr of Appendix z ., I'P ffi on6 .11r., !'cc GF o, le orr . ( ) b. Thc primary to rcfaancc ground vohagc and lhc corf, con!.cl volugc or currcnt rncosurcd widl thc load box scr ar one-half (l/2) load shatl be rccordcd on rhc drrr rhecr of Appendix ,.rl'pA^f,ftnfO and cirher Ycc EILF LoAD or lcxerrroeo . ( ) c. The prim.ry to rafctcncc ground voll.g3 md lhc cow ctmloct voh,rgc or flrrcot mcasurcd $ith thc loed box at mrximun shrll be rccodcd on rhc dru rhcct of Appaadix T rrvprtutoro rnd cithcrYeFL1'rLolD or lo.PrjLlLoAD. ( ) 02. Cotrarlbrllo$ to Strry Volhgc or Currtnt for Shglc Phu llelrlcr. Thc utility contntution to cow cootsct voltrgc or cuncnt shall bc dctcmincd using drc following formula, Comparc thc values dacrmincd to the prvcntivc action lcvcl (PAL). Utility conlribution lo Vpra - lpmrr oowconracrvoltsg.=VPftff - l'pHllf I Olca FUtt - \'GcHrf$ +\'ccn*r or hxx FlcunEs mp eBEttDlcEs rnuur xxr 01. AII Orrrtrrrd roocrdler crr bc hrrd ce tl. C;onnhdert rctrlrc rt rrr.orcJdrtr.ror f _ 09L-rr. (REsEnvErr) APPENDIX { TEST I CO$' CONT tCT POINT DAT FORM I+S[-[-- GOlr c()iilAGT PotfiT DATA l'onM lNSTRlr€TlOris I- '- -- Ths ldlsl *ltirnrulien frevdcd h! ths €enl$et poinl dsntili€shon. lh€ sonl.sl FrE* dsffraFtisn, .nd lh+ derr) *+tsh{3*lC*Ut+{u$Gr€ilredl*.**rh*dna*r te-cee{lfat+ty+epcartlt+**tl{)!rti4{*c{|eetr {e+srql{+l pcrat+ tix r*pcc++ !Yn+s*C$f + Ide+elteg.rs.aJd,n {C*rh*t.* shcll+s{k{r+$xxr{srflfi{$a-srtein+tnrflr.n{+lb}}d$dlr. fl}in +{)nc reedif,Fshcl}$e{r*€s i6tfl{€dre{€+y ti}$rr*in1:*h*clhcr urfiArherurselneer The a(tuil srlr*trc re$stwr rJ takulared ri{*n dk I$$*n slNDt rcsNldocr e+rd t}s ffrcasured voko€€ *eer+*emmr:n++r$atl*6pri*e m #cc$r6 tle*+,-liamo; Da+yfecatr* Shuar{tesige* Voc - Vur R.rortr - l'fu Di{e "5*1R-q t + r B^h. -* &.m) CelrLc Pclel B.e$0.r Ceet..t Pclat O...dftLn tc[.0. Laa.l,ad uloShuC Ra.iarar lrc. V.lt{.Cm.fIer..lod ufEtsrf Roclrlcs lr€c SosorSorlebroC.Ldsd Racutca Ccanrelr I 2 Utility conrribution to Vpo - l'pnru cowcont.crcuErnr= I'pFur - Vpnerr r OocFU'LL - lcctlAtf) +lccxrr-r () 03. Contrlbrdor to Strry Vollrgc or Currcrt for Tlrte Dber lhlrlcr. Thc utility cootribution to corry contact voltsgc or curicnt for dgirics with thrcc (3) phase bslnnccd lood rcrvicc, sholl bc dctGrmind by dircctly usingthercsuhsofthclordboxtcrtrcsultsforStcp I rndStcp2rsspccificdinP.ragtrph0TT.02.b. ( ) l. thc lotal Vcc. Thc Vcc mcrsurcd during Stcp I of lhc load box with thc load bor "off'ud thc dairy'on" will bc() b. fic Vcc mcaorcd duriag Slcp 2 of thc lood box tcs with thc loed box "otf'md the ddry 'o'I ir the contribution to Vcc fmm thc utility. Vcculility. ( ) C. - Vcculilfuy. Thc contriburioo lo Vcc by thc dairy is thc diffcrcncc bcnpccn Vcc nnd Vcculility, Vccfiiry - \r'66() Ot2" NEPORTING (RULE !2). Within a rcasonoblc pcriod of timc affcr complction of .ny tcsts rcquircd to bc pcrforflcd by rhc utility udcr drcsc rulcs, e qualilicd enelya rhtll prcparc a nrincn rcport. Thc rtporr ehall includc r summrry ofthc tcstr pcrformcd. a copy ofthc skctch or drawing ofthc driry prcparcd pursuant to Scction 072. all ofthc dou or rcsrlE oboincd from thc Ests, .nd rn Delysis of thc deto or rcsults obtrincd fronr thc tcsts. lf tsncdirtion ws roquircd mdcr thcsc ruhs. the Epon shsll spa:ify rhe sctions trkcn or to bc toksn. Thc utility shrll provide r copy of the wrinen rcport to dlc dairy poduccr. ( ) 0&t. - 090. (RETSERYED) REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND COMMISSION PN,(rcEEDINGS Rrhl 9t ttrough 9l oDI. REMEDIATION (RULE 9". 0t. Utfia! Syrl.D. lfthe utility is rcquircd to conducl rcmcdiation. it shell commcnce euch rerncdirtion within live (5) busincss &ys. Thc ulility shrll diligcntly pursuc to comphtion rcmcdial proccdurcs which shall rcducc. and arc rcasonably likely to ruslli[ lhd poriion oflhc 0tr.y curnnt or vohrgc sEdbulrblc to ftc ulility's di8tribution systcm lo a levcl cqual to or lcss than fifty pctrcnl (50o/d oflhc l,rcrerti.t octxm l+vrl (PAL|. This moy include rddrcssing otheroff-dairy courccs. ( ) 02. Ottcr Ddrka Irrmr ud hduilrbl Slt.r. If r utilily's conlribution b $ny voltrgc cxcecds lifty pcn:enf (50%) of lhc pretenr+++ +*m l€++l {PAL) rnd lhc ulility dctcrmincs thrt onothcr custorncr is a si8nificsnl contribuling roorc-c ofstray voltrge. thc utility shall noti& both thc dairy and lhc odrcr cuetomcr in rEiring.() 0,.2. COMMISSIONPROCEEDINGS(RULE'2). 01. Ffirg wltb thc Corulrrlon. All pctitions sceking relicf un&r Socrion 6l{05. l&ho Codc. shgll bG Iilcd with thc Commission Sccrctary pursuant to Scction fl)S. Potilions shlll cmform lo IDAPA 31.01.01, ltul* *l #+rxtdwe st the {d+hc ttnbhc t;gl{*; ( sn*rsro+r " Scction 053, The pctitioner rhall fih rn original rnd livc (5) copics ofthc pctition. ( | I Of, 4{*Gr&e{ Itcti$o. ISe 9er*rer sha{ Goe{€+s l€ IDA+A }+O{.O}:::Rrlc+e{ P+eeedurosllho Vclm- l- rIDEXDIXJ TASE{- .40 lleun- T"ET R.neRT Fenil I G$m.c+L,m.; Ste*Tarncr ti.it ei+.irddrilr$.+)rltmba{ Dd.; Step+inr, rNtT*uGIrolis - - *ceeC'*c-tblle+iryd$sx,4$l*@{$rqu+d,aatlbr-emrr+imu*+C{{a hn r+{r{prdifi.di**rha7,t t*ttegrtior*f,imeqia.Irft1 rereneie+r{rrerccXre*4+pr++reefocrr* '- --- - +- -- @rcurl*tt+{c*otc-rafaitcc;mre4}eLgc-l**+{te.Lc"ieo}fln }-e.Hring{t -rrce hr.$c+rmrl€erclccrc* SriemryacunrlreJ.Gender, nculrd rehst., Vpr, b.trtct FeintE of €eoncelieDfu+e{"*V" {- - --Sl€e+-$t rer€$+ot*ecl{€ltafeo+coF€D}$*crr.6alcel€dfinltd}+rtF Htghr.}cc*.afia€t veltr6e+++r*cn*ceedc*ir Trst l. Vre or lec, ArUySt*fX+ - SL.d.l/ flor. dol. r€€ord.d dwiot thc 13 h6ur r.$ $.ll lc ?rlrGrrod ie t.bd.r lbnEt eFf.er+**doredlrd brle*;orir+hrll bo pnecntrC grrf hirrlly, Gnphied prrgrrrien C|ell in*ldo+*rnr-rerh*cre+e*irc **eC[Ft p.riC red r ehgr hxlier*e*€f th. ttrrdy et.{. +crdirtts €fJeee+lee $. Ve end Y.p* fec rhc rGcordi}t inlGerlt * L.{. hrdOeuE.r. 0rrrll.{**dl..tal.aayll*fr....{.. tl.ff.|o{oc.p...t .[fl$rlnrltrtil,3cd.. Fllrry{Ltrlb*frC..r.aGirri Ut 3ronaryL.ri..l5Idbimo erl.,.d Y3 Bla.ry{.Lcda?VofrfOrfur. O.d.r3t.l*a$lrrerlopIr*dffHeomllr*Irdad + 2 @ ie ef Ver er lee wm rreo*O in Old t e+fe++rnd-th*.tetrl.rimeA*hg*G+eurlhceth'*..+*rtollee*]i* or*Cedrlc4AL T-STI &f,r(}RTFenmltullr EMENTAThATA rgn r'tnH T|TLINEIEIIT DEVIATIENE TETI{i;D DU&I}fG'IE HESN' TF'T Curtsmc+)lam+ $.rJrnrci C-eil.c+.8.rd-ldafilifi.Fl.lsmb.t' t*.a.- Sle?Ji.i.. {*rne*n+{c+i*em r*f,rotx $$1} [1c PAt lercl 16 f3.{ct.{6+{lc.+$er€yell.gsr but li,it d.rrc not .tply t6 lr.naictrl vollefc d.vi.trone' TEST I .II lrutl*' TTSI TEPCRT FIBET+I IN#T*ITGHEDiE Rcoerd*6+*ncica+Setr, o$-r*n+Q{ng:{id +cfda$*g *clr$oil {c$}.L*. o *resrc*r{h+retie*oeog+*-uAo* rlc @ .* J+onicntdsts-recesddunrEi{H8furrcr+*.+}fig?FGnoil.dr*+abr*x{bm*eat}+--{,8.te*-Tcc+ Tr.n*irot r'.ri{ien Det " lbrm r€ &$tibcd Le let', er il 'h.llllc prrmlrd gr.T*igCly, Gr.?l$eel pnc.il.tien Eh.ll i*ehC0-*tirha re.lg lbr rh. Cl|tira rccerdirt psriod snd r €loit HgiGrtien+rrl$$r*r,mg{*+ee€r{€c{ieoC.d{sHSc lrds$ea+d.+ialionr r+rrr-{bs{.-t*o€-$}-ve*+<}Fj+c.{$on€aGel dc+i*len*rrerbevrri*{l)*tdlirmp**c+asily idcn$.g.bL {+si"t-*{ah$.rlbmeHhG{naly€[{A*&€F.erd$*{+*€{*b{*.ecb}ct}e+*}4*}eurr{{"thct 6fir @+Dh*hel+ ire.luderhe @dcr*iarie**rVcc or lce u-irh rhr lrrBoit pcrk mr€niudc eteu+rtd: rftc eenGlp*dinf pcrll Yoo or lcer rha terl rumbcr Lr.,{fr..fllt|t.lL.ltslr.. €.3l X|lh..arr.l.|oRa..C..l Tolrl{gnforTriai'ir Oavlrticea ffifn ahff,C{al{ilt8..l{.inmr{aar.Ltlh*{tfrol.(z"c-nlgmpf I 2 F *{E$ihC.{S$re++€+*er. I€ll}rer+sC3r-[0r|}{+e}.se}}fi*Ir.rn } fix{cc A}}5!{DIX,a TElpS- PNffA&I' PEOTILD DTTA FENM P*+Xrmc: tlolty-t"ecctm D* *.n Fclr.l*rth 3 ad.dff,3$.e lln qlrof Pdrn ryArs{.f hs loebl.m Pdr.q,Opsrl nD. CJouLl.a\rcf.f hdrEryir,*al+..rA)-lrtr. Ilrulrdfr.hl. $d;.q,a*{rrHc-..rh).lhr. I (i*)(Olie)ev)s4 llc.s 1 7 Xer+++ee+lu+or*r+it*-ee+ ..leid.tC+F.=Jn+.6{.*lc+e+p+i@ GSdVp-@grRpfl/l& ^}PENE['E{ T*S+4- SECOI\IDARI' NEUTIAL \'OI T,TCE SROP T"CT fce*ortb+axd+t+ llr; (*emerll* t'+llethefen* lsderncc+nerr+{i*-odr-€fl G#rGr+ir€{.iFJ $Ifr I 7 3 a 5 A S*}Leecbf,t eia 3 C*csell.l$r.l ft le Ce,!l.AflE c Cirs.il|Lulral AL.r€U TI}SF4- SEC()I'ID tnl' NEIITR/\L rorJ-{t6f DNEP-TA+T INSTNUCTIONS l+sM.-.-- E\r.,tNATleN AJ $c*ribe leadix+"lecui* ae$+al *i+e go$fc,.iorrtrdl-*ira{ea$b{r*-H$vogecr}*csi$ieec pe+ +e}{oct 100{roWiloJ.nclh (i*rOgr+t E glroo&n F Iei.tJl.3irLf,s(D{in e€}o Uoaar$cd+Lirtalq.lra*lrLn A6 H c.lceLtc4lrclgcoreP, .lbrc(E$n*4) v I lre.c{r.edlrelaro€ie] Ib,li|Y J Pora.c{fii.Gca {n"qnFoo t6 rh***v v\r.5..14 v\re,lsSIE lecledSJ il*.a4.lrC vvp{e.d$ ll.,le.d-hd v VGebaC:eo'v Lelea4'€e,: il.maarrd h;€elable$cle*)h mcaEHrsC lsslral €urrent. rrc.s{rrcd vCts!:saalp+g+srna+ee-e*eetoilercj+tp:r.dlord:b# ATTAGHMENT 2 oJE(E= 6- -= u'=CLtrCLeotL)E E's =(!.go 3(uur39 o (U Evo oo o c .9.E(,c.l! vt Eo 0,oo(U!o tac .9sl.,tr|u an \7 mm am lFotto EIJo c- ,rt .i.{'axotsEln EEm oTL EL Eo tt clc)oln c,iPo E E.9 ,c shEr-oosboo Q,t{-Lo,TEcr ciocu8 E =.E .E E EE E:O,JbgElJ) o c, E!o 9o E5EbEa EE $ EEEq= h0 CL l.lo- *H c _o. cCL ulo CLe uoCL<.+ oLE7=lEgo(! ot?P0-aE91EAEEs EEh Iclo-* qo CL E CL E'^o> gE€ OE.:,o tr a!6 IrEct!e $gE oa,C$'CI EgE CIostt otct! 6o CLoo t CLoo o,oo.! o Ir oL.Eo- 'E G,,tl o O o xo!o !,l!I cti (u(, L' EEb,Eoc o)cl [- .c,^or>,.Et.=gE€oc5o Ir oCL c,E Eat Cg CL tttl.ol - EiIEROY OOXSTIFTIOil REPlOiTltlO RUl"Et GDI{EBAL Tf,OVISIONS Xrhr t ttrcql l0 ln Incat.(nurEQ. 13, Tld.52, ld.ho Codc-.*d tle ethlie RceeCs Ar{. Scctioi 7{-}e?6+ Iirh ?+ Utfo{hatr ( } K.r.d- Zz-'o'L 001. $+r++*nesco?E(RrrLEt). 1lr. Iith cf ilrcd. ilLr ar dr. "6osrg! t'-nttnFtion e.prtBu Er*!r," Flf fuhr qfp.ly b rl c pooo&mlnilchdcntLrq,taritfo&otrplhoo! witfitlEil irirynctit$lc, rursorrtry.snot intlEpr5lichilirc. ( ) &- $,*trt-En Fil"lt*nrltFol{$ ^G$nGr GulDtil[tt{Fr (ftu, li r}thtrrr itrcrrrelrtic-e re tl-* rlce trr hc ebninrd ftsnr th. Sf,er:ttry ef lbr }.Lhe h5lir Udliier {'txnrds"ion -nC lru r rttlf *er 'f: en'gr * *: t ffi ( l', 02. CcrrloDdoe thc Dcpuman nuy rclcrrc conrumpdoa $poNtr to nrE Hrlrl16 edcnl Gdit'c! dfucloarc tlgorll. oat DEnNmoMt(nuLEs!*tlonc*+@r*relb*C+:i+th*lnogy{irxt rmpio*,tcl-rl$H.rm{*sil}@IhcfirlbwinsGrluurdinllorcruk rcilcfinqft ( ] 01. Coubder.Thcl&hohtltoUtitili.rCmirrftn" ( ) a3. Ccrnpdcr n gortt ltc rtpdlt cr!.ld by drc.o!i5l erydiss rs eulrrizod by tlEG ruh.rdr&trinGdbth3Oeutnat ( ) 13. Dcpracrt ftcldfro Dcpmmon of Srr$r Rcroutcc. ( ) aa. E rr3t Srpf0crr All rrydico of clocrlc pora md nranl o nruufrclrr,cd gr hdu&U dl cu$omcn q mnafu elotlctld fim Fatc() StEllo.0oo Prgc t AAdrarjlll2oZl @lh udlidcq nonisiFl,, mutrnl rmpr!ftt, .nd coopontlw otloltionl povl&ry srly !o m inigniorsffitr*' ( ) 05" mffffiffi A+ra.rn+*ir rncrrr.rnutiraere @i.idcgigU{di.riixd tf Oclegg Uigiq$epefre*.-$reg*gr{AHs.rrrr{rG{.picxCir-C**ilrdi{-${hcsrilL*(! N. lrrtf0beCurlorcr.Acugomcnndpinggioundrvaeihatis ( I 1 *ocivi4 rrth fiom m caqy rspp$cr udcrm ilription wkrmiffornre'retorhrlclor() h hri!$i4fir*(3)orrwcrcmrifnrhin'formtiontstnowntod!06[[F rrrylicr. ( ] 97. lrrlrlhn Srrror. As urqd in thcc rulcr mnr t|tc crlcdr psiod from Mucli I through Oeetcr3l orthaulyar$ia'r,hillfucryGhcftrtincludcdrerkadrpcdod. ( ) 0C. Srrrer Lwrthn, Ib gco{FlpDic po0ilbil of ltle irl$lion qnlomc.rr $rrf,b8 loasfut(s) by rd&rcsg @ auabcr, I!0d dcgcrlFioq @ilud!'bdtt& dclBnltioo, or dror dcscrtptoo of sdtGGG thc rcrvi* b ddivcrorl, b &acxtcat rrch in6mution brcrdily rvrihblcf fi. ch.!S, rlrpplLr. ( ) 0oa:Ill. ossDnYED) ca*---+'errs{*ur+rrIfu hrprnnc*HlfiL"Iadnet end {icrtlF tlrnrtqrry crrrlrtr rrh* &- GerlBSrOiHFErtlGE GltArrGEelApEn'ffi tlut,Ea), --- - -Olr-- E!-iTlf.ailt l,*f*-! '4lr.I, ,l$ €or6{ror'cr€F F-ith ahr r\ftglilsot ruar$hg lhcs. rulcr () -..*ln*f;per*e*es.r -__-r{.fr6 jj;ffi;m{iri3#h.*"|r"6 ---ee8e**tg*) Ika*ffi-te$]7a$.e{$$= c0r.-a10. (BEsGnvED' NEFONTINCNULES Rrhr ll ttreuj! il 0lt. BDQUTST ronnS?'Onr$ (nl'ILE rr), No hcr lhu tuly I of ceeh pr, rhc Dc1rilmnt mry nrpcrt @n$mptioo rcpons ftom ora1pr npfllrr 6r thc.rlftrnrir,i|rti([lsmri. ( ] 01. Ncdficrdon b1 Dcprtnrrt. ntc Dcprrtmctt will noti$ cncryy lryplion scring ryeiftgrqnpftdcr*thtcmupOonrcportaudbcr*hitt d" ( ) 02. Submlrrlon of Comumptlon Reportr. Oncc the Dcpartmcnt requ6B thc consumption rcports. the eneqy supplier will prcpare and submil thc rsporr o ftG Dc?arttlcnl as soon rs possiblc following thc close of the irrigation sceson but no lrtcr than Jrrutry 5 ofthe following year. ( ) 0t2. CoNTENTSOFCoNSUMPTION REFORT(RULE t2). 01. Cortill of Con$mptlon R.port!, Each consumption rcport will contain, to thc cxtcnt available, the customer's full name, cuslomer rccount number, servicc location, service location idcntiftcation numbcr, ond the amount ofcnergy consumcd in krbwan hours (KWH), or cubic fcet ofgag or othcr rpplicrble volumc mcasutmcnt for cach scn'ice location. For cach scrvkr location, the annurl consumpion rcpon will sutr how much arcrgy the customcr consumed for each billing pcriod during thc inigstion scason. rnd for thc artirc irrigation scason. ( ) ail fiq+rphlc fl.(r) (+#d h {m*fi*{.+r€+ llre-wg, *tple mr li! a$ls}|+rn +qi{r{ mug il* gslit gry4*rema}rl lir{h m lhr l\.fef+Mt . hr{hr H * rhartxx+m cl +l* *rfi.ls, a kt{* tst+-*'r*llk a Istrr t$T}tr,rt * lr*g r +hc {)q${rut r Ccrr*rtt3 m iEirl*d# ( ) 0r3. REFORT FORMAT (nULE l3). Consumpion rc?ons will be forwarded lo thc Deportm3nt nr m +hrtnwr ir*nfr rx$d m r krar,rr mtlralh r,eq++irk' k, rh( l)tfinflrrnr iltl +lx t*gg.r *1pl*'gli'rtrqrqi]r !nl$:rflfgr !\l:q irgrcgr-l 1r'. ll m ilr*w{t+t * sl rrft]&l (4 tl lhe $flplis s tsul,h t,, lx,,r rk tlrt (rrR{rlFlk{l tcFqt in rlertr,'nk n*dra th< hlvrt * ill lx rrh*i+t*l ui w*ix ( ) 0l't. - 020. (RESERVED) REIMBURSEMENT RULES Rulcr 2t throutb 3ll O2I. REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS (RULE 2I). Encrgr supplicts are cntidcd to reimburscment [rr llir l)t1'.rr1rrr91r.of thc costs for prcparing ard submitting thc consumption r@rts. EncrLS/ suppliers scdring rcimburscmcnt will iteaizc in sulficicnr dcuil 0reir.cturl costs in preparing ud submitting lhc drE. Rr\si+s{xwo{ r r. \' p*rl lrr +lN +}q*l$Nfll ( } 022. RESOLUTION OF REIMBURSEMENT DISPUTES (RULE 21), When an cnerjy supplicr and thc Dcpartmcrt arc unablc lo rcsolvc 8 r.imburlcmcnl dispule, eithcr party or both may scc& infonnal disp{lc resolulion rvilh lhc Commission's staff. \< ll).\P.l : l {,l r l l{!k: .,1 |'rftflh,rc tl rl* l"l.}h$ l'*l'k l,+d+te. (unnt"'t.ut \\,{th'r}! lrrl drrr:lt lrli lf lhc outcomc of thc informal procccding is unsatishctory ro either prrty, thc aggricvcd party mry Iilc r formal complsint with thc Commission. I \(. lt ) \ l, \ il{rl0l S*.lr{F{r-11tl++h{}li dr,l{}il lltrr{r.hr)is I llk, lr+nxpe*uttetrd." t"qrul .rqrri+ar*-UndetilS Rulcg of hoccdure. i I rr.l ril 0i{r r.t \.(i. ( ) 023.- 999. (RESERVED) GnmdElllD StdirF.d..f, tG.c.r{ tad'| fnd.f,h OTLOL Sccrlon 000 Pegc 3 AAdrmr_03132022