HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211101Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: DATE:Rtu_ w_ Lt_t) I SUBIECT: NOTICE OF PENDING RULEMAKING - IDAPA 31.01.01 BACKGROI.,IND On January 16,2020 Governor Little signed Executive Order No. 2020-01, "Zero-Based Regulation." Executive Order No. 2020-01 requires each agency to review its rule chapters over a five-year period. On June 29,2021, Staff conducted a negotiated rulemaking session for the Commission's Rules of Procedure with stakeholders. Staff prepared a written summary of the negotiated meeting and submitted it to DFM on August 16,2021. On October 27 ,2021, Staff held a public meeting on the Proposed Rules of Procedure and received one set of comments from Idaho Power Company (Company). The Company recommended that the Commission add language in Rule 63 to facilitate service of discovery that exceeds typical email size limitations (see Idaho Power's comments). On October 29,2021 Legislative Service Office (LSO) informed the Cornmission that the House and Senate Subcommittees had reviewed the Proposed Rule as written and stated that there are no objections to the rule, and no meeting will be schedule (see LSO's letter). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the Commission adopt the Proposed Rule as Pending, and direct Staff to submit the necessary forms to publish a Pending Rule Notice with No Changes to Text in the Administrative Bulletin. COMMISSION DECISION STEPHEN GOODSON, POLICY ADVISOR NOVEMBER 1,2021 Does the Commission wish to approve Staff s recommendations? Anything else? son, Policy Advisor !NrmloNpp161 An DaCOe' COfrEarn USA D.]{ORDSTRil lordCounrrllnodr0onrdIdrhoonrcqn Oc{ober 27,2421 Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd, Ste 201-A Boise, lO 83714 secretarv@puc. rdaho. oov RE: Case No. RUL-U-21-01 RUTES OF PROCEDURE OF THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM'SS'ON, DOCKET NO. 31 -01 01 -21 01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: ldaho Porer Company ('ldaho Power' or "Company') appreciates the opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission'), Rules of Procedure (IDAPA 31-0101-2't01) noticed in the ldaho Administrative Bulletin on October 6,2021, The Company actively participated in the negotiated phase of this docket and reviewed the Commission Staffs recommended changes. ldaho Power appreciates the thoughtful consideration of the Company's prior informal comments and supports the adoption of these changes. The Commission might also consider adding language in Rule 63 (Service on Parties and other Persons) to facilitate service of discovery that exceeds typical email size limitations. ldaho Power believes language like the following would allow parties to transfer voluminous data and models of significant size more efriciently than is currently permitted by emailservice: 02. Servlce of Discovery. The service of discovery documents on parties shall be accomplished by email (as attachments to email or the information necessarv to access the discoverv documents throuoh a data tranefer method). For parties without email capabilig, service shall be made by ovemight mail, hand delivery, or the next best available service if these services are not available. See Rule 229. Very truly yours, X*!.fl^*t -*, LDN/sgcc: Patrick Ehrbar, Avista Corp. Ted Weston, PacifCorp Lisa D. Nordstrom Legislative Services Office Idaho State Legislature Terri Kondeff Director Seruing lilalu's Citizm bgislature {N October 29,2021 Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise. lD 83720-0074 Dear Jan Noriyuki: The Senate and House Subcommittees for review of administrative rules have reviewed the proposed changes to the Public Utilities Commission rules: IDAPA 31.01.01 - Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (New Chapter) - Proposed Rule - Docket No. 3t-0101-2101 No meeting will be held, and we are pleased to report that no objections will be filed Sincerely yours, Katharine Gerrity Deputy Division Manager KAG/jk Peul Hcrdlcc, Dcputy Dircctor Krbtin Ford, Mrnrgcr Kcith Bybcc, Mrnegcr April Rcnfro. Mrnrgcr Glenn Herrir. Mrnrgcr Lcgirletivc Serviccr Oltcc Rocerch & Lcgishtion Budgct & Poltcy Anrlyrir Lcgirlrtivc Audih Informrtion TcchnolqSr cc Strtchousc. P.O. Bor tJ720 Boirc, ldrho t3721r4031 Tol: 20t-33&2475 lcgirhturc.idrho.gov