HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190816Notice of Public Hearing.pdfAUTHORITY: In compliance with Sectiots 67-5221(l) and 67-5222,Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that this agency has scheduled a public hearing and extended the period ofpublic comment. The action is authorized pursuant Idaho Code these rules are adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters I through 7, Title 61, Idaho Code. Chapters 8 through 10, 13, 15 through 17, Title 61, Idaho Code; Chapters 3 and 4,Title 62, Idaho Code; the Telecommunications Act of 1988, as amended, Chapter 6, Title 62; Chapters 12 and l3,Title 62, Idaho Code; and the particular authority of Sections 56-904,61-3M through 6l-309, 6l-501 through 6l-505, 6l-507, 6l-516,61-538, 6l-541,61-601 through 61-607,61-610 through 6l-619, 6l-621 through 6l-626,61-803 through 6l- 806,61-902 through 6l-905, 6l-909,61-1003 through 6l-1005,61-1007,6l-1305,61-1306,61-1603 through 6l- 1607, 6l-1703 through 6l-1709, 62-304, 62-305, 62424, 62-602 through 62-616A, 62-619, 62-622, 62-622A, 62-l20l through 62-1207,62-1303,62-1304,63-30291,67-6528,61-301, 6l-302,61-303,61-315,61-503,61-615 and 6l-520, Idaho Code. Sections 6l-129,62-606,62-612,and62-616, Idaho Code. Sections 6l-515 and 6l-515A. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE: Apublic hearing conceming this rulemaking will be held as follows: T[esday,August 20,2019 -9:00 a.m. (MDT) LIVE MEETING Idaho Public Utilities Commission Hearing Room 427 W. lVashington Street Boise, ID 83702 Or Via Teleconference: R-t tc- r-r" - lol -ot IDAPA 31 - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 31 -0000-1 900 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OMNIBUS RULEMAKING Toll Free: 1-800-920-7487 Participant Passcode: 667 4832# The hearing site will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for accornmodation must be made not later than five (5) days prior to the hearing, to the agency address below. DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY: The summary of this action is found in June 19, 2019 Idaho Administrative Bulletin (Special Edition), Vol. 19-638, pages 5149-5322.\n compliance with Executive Order 2019-02: The Red Tape Reduction Act. To provide staff overview of Commission Rules and receive input from the public and interested parties. The Rule sets that will be reviewed include: 31.01.01, Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission3l.ll.0l, Safety and Accident Reporting Rules for Utilities Regulated by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission 31.12.01, Systems of Accounts for Public tJtilities Regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 31.21.01, Customer Relations Rules for Gas, Electric and Water Public Utilities (the Utitity Customer Relations Rules) 31.26.01, Master-Metering Rules for Electric Utilities 31.31.01, Gas Service Rules 31.36.01, Policies and Presumptions for Small Water Companies 31.41.01, Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Corporations Providing Services in ldaho Subject to Customer Service Regulation by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (The Telephone Customer Relations Rules) Idaho Administrative Bulletin Page 96 August 7,2019 - Vol. 19{ ,DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISS'ON IDAPA3l Docket No. 31-@00-1900 Notice of Public Hearing 31.46.01, Universal Service Fund Rules 31.46.02, Rules for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) 31.51.01, Operator Service and Pay Telephone Rules 31.61.01, Rules for the Measurement of Stray Current or Voltage (Strav Voltage Rules) 31.71.01, Railroad Clearance Rules 31.71.03. Railroad Safetl'and Accident Reporting Rules 31.81.01, Energy Consumption Reporting Rules ASSISTAI\ICE ON TECIINICAL QIfESTIONS: For assistance on technical questions concerning this rulemaking, contact Stephen Goodson at (208) 3344323. SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: Anyone may submit written comments regarding this rulemaking during this comment period or a written comment may be submitted at the public hearing in lieu of giving an oral presentation. Any written comments submitted at a public hearing carry the same weight as oral testimony and will be considered as such. All written comments must be directed to the undersigled and must be delivered on or before August 27, 2019. Dated this 26th day of July, 2019 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208)334-0323 Fax: (208) 3344045 Idaho Administrative Bulletin Prge97 August 7, 2019 - Vol. 19-8