HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180823Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KIELLANDER COMNIISSIOhIER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMSSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFT LEGAL FROM:EDWARD J. JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: AUGUST 23,2018 STJBJECT:UPDATING TTTE (1) UTILITY SAFETY AND ACCIDENT REPORTING RULES, AND (2) RAILROAD SAFETY AND ACCIDENT RBPORTING RULE.S,IPUC CASE NOS. RUL.U.18.O1 AND RUL.R.18.O1 Staff recommends that the Commission update two sets of rules. First, Rule t0l of the Utility Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 3l.ll.0l) adopts the2012 Edition of the National Electric Safety Code ("NESC"). Staff recommends that the Commission update Rule l0l to adopt the 2017 National Electric Safety Code, Second, Rule 102 of the Railroad Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 31.71.03) specifies the sources of water to be made available to employees of railroad corporations. Staff recommends that the Commission update Rule 102 to include "commercially bottled water." The recommended amendments are discussed below. 1. Utility Safety and Accident Reporting Rules. The Utility Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 3l.ll.0l) adopt by reference several national safety codes applicable to electric, telephone, and natural gas utilities and federal safety regulations applicable to natural gas and pipeline utilities. Currently, Rule l0l adopts the 2012 Edition of the National Electric Safety Code ("NESC"). There have been several minor updates and revisions to the NESC, including amendments to the grounding rules, guy insulator rules, ice loading rule, work safety standards, and other non-substantive editorial corrections. Adopting the cunent NESC will help protect telephone company workers and utility workers as well as the general public. DECIS ION MEIv{ORANDUNI I 2. Railroad Safcty & Accident Reporting Rules. The Railroad Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 31.71.03) do not include "commercially bottled water" as an authorized source of drinking rvater for employees of railroad corporations. Adoption of the proposed rule will make cool, clean, sanitary rvater more readily available for railroad company employees, STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission update: (l) Safety and Accident Reporting Rule l0l as described above and set out in the attached proposed amendment. (Attachment l); and (2) Railroad Safety and Accident Reporting Rule 102 as described above and set out in the attached proposed amendment. (Attaehment 2). The proposed changes should be fonvarded to the Administrative Rules Coordinator for publication in the October edition of the Idaho Admini strative Bul letin. Staff understands the DFM has recommended the Governor's Office approve the Administrative Rules Request Forms ("ARRF") that Staff has submitted for the two rule proposals. If that approval is received, then Staff recommends the proposed rules be fonvarded to the Office of the Administrative Rules Coordinator for publication in the ldaho Administrative Bulletin. The public rvill then have an opportunity to comment on the proposed rules, Once the comment period closes, Staff rvill prepare another decision memorandum asking the Cornmission rvhether it lvishes to adopt the proposed rules as a pending rule. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission rvish to update: (1) Rule l0l of the Utility Salety and Accident Reporting Rules to adopt the 2017 National Electric Safety Code, and (2) Rule 102 of the Railroad Safety and Accident Reporting Rules to specify "commercially bottled lvater" as an authorized source of drinking water for railroad company employees? If the AARF for a rule proposal is approved, does the Commission wish to forward the proposed rule change to the Administrative Rules Coordinator for publication in the Administrative Bulletin? 1D 1r*l( Edwardflervell DeputyVorney General l,Laurl,'r Rulcr?rctorcd,?01 &Dccirioo trlcm_cj 7DECISION MEMORANDUM IDAPA 3T TITLE I1 CHAPTER OI 31.II.01 - SAFETY AND ACCIDENT REPORTING RULES FOR UTILITIES REGIJLATED BY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IOI. NATIONAL ELECTRICALSAFETY CODE (NESC) (RULE IOI). The Commission adopts b1' reference the American National Standards Instirute (ANSI) C2- 201{ National Electrical Safety Code (NESC),20122 Edition. The National Electrical Safety Code,20lZZ Edition, is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., and is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997 and may be ordered by calling l-800-678-IEEE. All electrical and telephone corporations subject to the Commission's jurisdiction are required to abide by applicable provisions of the NESC. (+49-}3)( ) DECIS I ON MEN,IORANDUIVI Attachment l. IDAPA 3I TITLE I1 CHAPTER 01 3I.7I.03 _ RAILROAD SAFETY & ACCIDENT REPORTING RULES 102. SANITARY CUPS AND SANITARY DR|NKING WATER (RULE r02). 01. Water. An adequate supply of cool, clean, sanitary water, satisfactory for drinking purposes, shall be made available to all employees. Drinl.ing lvater shall be obtained only from sources approved by the State Department of Health. er an approved waler Iine- or commercially b (+-+-93)( ) 4DECISION IvIEMORANDUM Attachment 2.