HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130702Notice of Intent.pdfIDAPA 31 _ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 31.01.01 _ RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 31-0101-1301 NOTICE OF INTENT TO PROMULGATE RULES NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: In compliance with Sections 67-5220, Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that the Public Utilities Commission intends to promulgate rules and desires public comment prior to initiating formal rulemaking procedures. This negotiated rulemaking action is authorized pursuant to Sections 6 I -601 and 62-615, Idaho Code. MEETING SCHEDULE: A public workshop on the negotiated rulemaking will be held as follows: August 21,2013 at 9:00 A.M. (MST) PUC Hearing Room, 472West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho The meeting site will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for accommodation must be made not later than five (5) days prior to the meeting to the agency address below. METHOD OF PARTICIPATION: Interested persons wishing to participate in the negotiated rulemaking must respond to this notice by contacting the undersigned either in writing, by email, or by calling the phone number listed below. The Commission intends to convene an informal public workshop for the purpose of reviewing and discussing the draft rules. During the workshop interested persons will be permitted to ask questions and give oral presentations. Interested persons may also participate by telephone by calling toll-free (888) 706-6468. The participant code is: 2253752. The Commission also invites the submission of written comments as set out below. Upon conclusion of the negotiated rulemaking, any unresolved issues, all key issues considered, and conclusions reached during the negotiated rulemaking will be addressed in a written summary and made available on the agency web site. DESCRIPTM SUMMARY: The following is a statement in nontechnical language of the substance and purpose of the intended negotiated rulemaking and the principle issues involved: The Commission is reviewing changes to its Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01. The reasons for the proposed changes include: improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness by allowing the Commission to update its list of current utilities and railroads subject to the annual regulatory assessments (Rule 18); updating references and citations to other authorities (Rules 19, 43); increasing public involvement by making RSS feeds more user-friendly (Rule 39); recognizing utilities formed as limited liability companies (Rules I l1 and 114); and improving the clarity of two rules regarding customer notices (Rules l2l and 125). The Commission encourages those interested in participating in the informal workshop to obtain and review a copy of the draft changes to the Rules of Procedure prior to the public workshop. ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTIONS, SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS, OBTAINING COPIES: For assistance on technical questions concerning this negotiated rulemaking or to obtain a copy of the preliminary draft of the proposed rules, contact Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, PO Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312, don.howell@puc.idaho.gov. The draft changes are available on the Commission's web site www.puc.idaho.gov by clicking on 'oDraft Procedural Rules" under "Hot Items & Updates." Anyone may submit written comments regarding this negotiated rulemaking. All written comments on the draft rules must be directed to the undersigned, and contain the Docket No. 31-0101-1301 and must be delivered on or before August 23,2013. I DATED this eno day of July 2013. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street (83702-59 I 8) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-mail: secretary@puc.idaho. gov Tele: (208) 334-0338 FAX: (208) 334-3762 D. Jewell// mission Secretary DFI{ Hiiif{;#r."r:;, DFM Tracking No. 2013-900-l Proposed/Temporarv Administrative Rules Form Agency Name: IDAHO PUBLIC UT!LITIES COMMISSION STARS Agency Code: 900 Fax Number: 334-3762 Date: June 10.2013 Contact Person: Joe Leckie Title: Executive Administrator Phone: 334-0330 Email: Joe.leckie@nuc.idaho.oov Person Authorizing Rule: PaulKiellander Title: President, PUC Phone: 334-2898 Emai!: Paul.kiellander@puc.idaho.uov Statutory Authority for the rule making (ldaho Code, Federal Statute or Regulation): l.c. s61-507. 61-601. 62-619 Title, Chapter, and Possible Docket (IDAPA) Number: 31-0101 -130f This rule is: X Proposed tr Temporary Effective Date: After 2014 session lf this is a temporary rule: N/A E] Necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare; or EI Compliance with deadtines in amendments to governing law or federal programs; or E Conferring a benefit. Please explain: lf this ls a temporary rule which imposes a fee or charge, provide justification as described in ldaho Code 67-5226121: Agency has determined according to ldaho Code 67-5220(1): X fnis rule is to be negotiated EI Negotiation of this rule is not feasibte lf rule is negotiated: Agency certifies that the rule E has been or X will be negotiated with interested persons as outlined in ldaho Code 67-5220(3). (indicate which) lf rule negotiation is not feasible, the agency has determined: E nule is temporary; or E Ucf of identifiabte representatives of affected interests; or E Rule is simple in nature; or El effected interests are not likety to reach consensus; or E ottrer. Please explain: Provide a fiscal impact statement for all programs affected. Be sure to reflect both positive and negative impacts and to include allfund sources including both the General Fund and dedicated funds: No fiscal impact. The cost of publication is estimated to be $600 from the PUC's dedicated fund. Provide a short exptanation of the need for this rule: The proposed changes to the PUC's Rules of Procedures are intended to clarify rules, improve agency efficiency, and promote greater public participation. Provide a short summary of the changes this rule makes: Proposed changes to Rule 18 are intended to allow PUC's Fiscal Officer to more efficiently update the list of utilities operatlng in ldaho; update rules 111 & 114 to recognize that utilities may be formed as LLC's; clarify rule 125.03 and make minor housekeeping changes to rules 19 and 43. Revised: May 15,2012 - Provide a list of those persons or interest group(s) affected by this rule: Utilities and utility customer groups DFM Analyst Gomments: Proposes administrative revisions. DFM Analyst Fiscal lmpact Review: No significant fiscal impact. DFM Analyst Signature & Date: Rlchard C. Budzich 06111113 Gov Special Assistant Signature & Date: Stephen R. Goodson 611112013 DFM Administrator Action: R Approved tr Authorized to Advance Rulemaking Process, DFM to revlew draft rule prior to publication (See Secfion 3) tr NotApproved DFM Administrator Signature & Date: Q1t DFM Analyst Signature & Date: Administrator Signature & Date:Approved:trYestrNo Return vla email to: info@dfm.idaho.qov Revised: May 15,2012