HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071018ICAN Comments.pdf~-lf1! ,,1/01 V' ~iV~,,/ (0 TH E I D p, 1-1 0 CO 1\1 M UNITY A CTJ 0 f\J r~ ET\/\/(J RJ( 3450 HILL E:)OISE , 10 83703 (2.08) 385-9l46 FAX (20B) 336-0997 ECE i\/ ZUUf OCT 17 Pii lj: 4. , """ :,Q/\lif) dUr:U!H. :'-"; .-..... j,1 ()0 U f( IA L -(j 0'7-0:2. 101 AL ;ft. OF PAC:iCS; : -- .-=/ ... --- DATE;QCLfD-bR-- ()l I.L c2f)O _-_. To:lolRht ~vbtLL~~ lL-heS~r'\'\rvU57io0- 3?j -"37& --- R 0 =--rV1L~Dr"WL ~%;;-;~;~ d!;f!;~~ --- SLA..f:;c ("5 ESSAGEjCO 11/1 M ENTS: ~h.lS SV\b0.1c!. ~ \ l -j-1Iu. re.~ 0\ l-ed. O-v'\/1,O () VL +- o-F.g ; ~ Vl c hJ Iff' S. y') &' cl -fur 0- fVl-bl LG l'\etLl( 01\ ftLLQ. c;, CVL.cCV\ :j 1 . d LBBO9E:E:802 t-JI::J::J I d21 : SO LO L 1 ~oO Oct 17 07 05: 12p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Jioi~e, In 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dcar Commissioners: I CUll wl"iting to request that you hold a public hearing about thl.:) proposed changes to the Utility Cu~lomer Relations Rules. 1 am a rt;:sidcnt of Idaho ~d 1;1 m!~cr gfth,~ Idabo Con:w'H-I:H TIty Aotion NetWGd' (W.In 2004, lCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commis~ion to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rules that the PUC is considering include one of the changes tballCAN propOJ;ed, prohibiting shutol1s on Fridays. I think that members oFthe public should have an opportunity to address the Commission about - this Rule change. T am concemed about a propost:d change to the Rules that would ~How utilities to cmail shutoff notices to customers. 1 also think that the Coml1lis~;i()n should make other ch;mges 10 the Rule~ to make them stroJJger and protect utility customers more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission Stall this summer through workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Commission should give members of the public, the cOnsumers who will be atTt:cled by these rules, a chance to speak with the Commissioo about the proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sincerely, '4y dO I 11"/ 7 ;2.;z.. --;;;/ (~~ l'itn..) Oct 17 07 05: 12p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public.; Utilities Coll1mi~sion p 0 l)ox g3 Boisc, If) 83nO-OO74 Rc: DOCKP.TNO. 31-2H)J-O70J Dl.:ur Commissioners: J am writing to l'cqueRI that you hold a public heming ((bOllt the propn~r.::d chatlg~f.: to the Utility Customcr Relations Rules. I am a rcsid.tmt of.ldaho. In 2004, tlle 1dO111O Cmnmlmjty Ar;tioll Network (lCAN) petitioned the jlublic Utilities Commission to 111a1((,:: ;J. number of changc~ to the Cul'tomcr Rdatiolls Rule~- The changes to the Ruk.s that the PUC 11' considering include one ofthc: change~ t1,at lCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Frid:o1Ys, 1 think that members ofthe public should have an opportunity to address thc Commisf.:ion about this Rule change. T am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to cl1lail shutnff notices to custOl11C;Jrs. T also thinl( that the ConID1isslon should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility customers marc effective1y- Utility companies had an opportunity to mcet with Commission Staff this ::;ummer through work~hops in June ana July. 1 think that tIlt: Commission should givemernhcrs of the public) the eomurners who will be affected by these rules, a chance to $pc~tk wi111 the Commission about the proposed changes lo the Rl1les as wen. Sincerely,jl ~ /) /L~ )r/ ~j 7. (J Oct 17 07 05: 12p ICAN 2083360997 Idllho Pubhc Utilities (\H11mJt;sion POBox g3720 Boise, lD f-:3720-0074 Re: DOCl(J:~rNO. 31-2101-070J Dcar Commissioners: 1 am writing to request that you hold a publiehearing about thc proposed changes to the UtHity Customer Relations Ru1cs. T am a resident ofldaho. In 2004, the ldaho Commut'1ity Action Network (.ICAN) pditioned the Public Utilities Commission to make number of changes to the Customer Rc1ation~Rulcs. The changes to the Rulc!:: that the PUC is considering include one ofthe changes tlJallCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. T think that members ofthc pllblic should have an opportunity to address the COlnmission about this Rule change. J am concerned about a proposed cllangc to the Ruks th,1t would allow utilities to email shutoff notices to customers. J also think that the Conwnission should make other changes to the Rules to make t11em stronger and protect utility customers more d'fectivdy. Utility companies had an opportunity to Dlect with Commission Staffthis summer through workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Comnlissioll should give members ofthe public, the consumers who will be atfccteu by thcl'e rules, a chance to speak with the Commission about the propos(jcl changcs to the Rules as well. Sincerely, ~9--Sl - fL. \ (~/ \ - 1 / cl Oct 17 07 05: 12p ICAN 2083360997 Idilho Public Utilitic~ Commission POBox 83720 Boise~ ID S3720-0074 Rt;: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 D~ar CO1l1missioncrs: J am writing to request that you hold a pl.lb1ic 'heating about the proposed chlmg;cs to the Utility CLlstolllt:r Relations Rliks. I anl a resident of Idaho. In 2004, the Id~lho Community Action Network (lCAN) petitioned the: Public Uti1ilics Commission to 111Uku a numbt:f of changes to the Cm:tomcr Relations Rules. The changes to the Rules that t11e ruc is conside:;ring include one ofthe changes that JCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. 1 think that members of the pubEc shou1d have an oPPo1iunity to address the Commission about this Rule change. 1 am concerned about a proposed chaJJ.gc to the Rules that would allow uti,ljtius to em.ail shutoff notices to customers. I also think that th(:; Commission should make other chnngc::s to the Ruks to l1\alcc them stronger ~U1d protect I.llility customers more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this summer through worlcshops in June and July. T think that the Commission should give mcmbcrs ofthl;; public, the consumers who will bc affected by these rules, a Ch,lllCC to speak with tlm COl11111ission about thc proposed changes to the Rules as well. S incc.rcly, 0./ (i / 2-~ 7 W'\ t-\o BL€. Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 1duh(j Public Utilities Corllillission P 0 BOK 83 Boise, JL) 8372(H)()74 Rc: DOCK.ET NO. ~1-2 J ()'j -070'1 Dcar Cmnm is~ioll(;l'S: 1 am writing, to rcqul,;sl that you hold a public. 'hearing aboLlt the proposed dwngcs to t.l1l:. Utility CuStOJ11G.1' Rdations H.LlIe!). J um a rl,;side:;nt oflclaho. 111 2004, the Idaho Community Ac.tioll Network (lCAN) petitioned the Puhl1(; Uti1iLics Commission to 1llnk/;.': a number of changes to the Customer Rc1atiol1~ Ruks. The dlangcs to the:; Rules that the pue is cnnsjekring include one of the chaDges that lCAN proposed, prohibiting, shutoffs un Fridays. 1 think that lDlJmbers of the public should llCtve an opportunity to acldTcs5 the Commission about this Rule change. J am l,;onclJmed about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utihtics to email shutoff notices to customers. 1 also think that the Conl1T1ission shO1..1ld mal(c other changlJs to the Rule1:-i to make them stronger a:nd protect lltilhy eustomer~ mOTe cfflJctlve1y. Utility Gompanief; had an opportunity to mcet witl) Conl1ilbsioll StafCtlus summer througb workshops ill June and July. I thirik that tht; Commission should give members ofthe publk, the l,;onSU1'Jjer~ who will be affected by these rules, a chance to ~pcak with the Commission about the propogcd changes t() tl)C Rules a::; wen. Sincerely, " .. -'" .,- - --,", Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public lJt.ilities Corr'1mi~sion POBox 83720 Boise, Tn 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dt;:ar Commissioners: 1 am writing to n;quest that you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the ULiljly Customer Relations Kule~. I m11 a resident of Idaho and a member or the idaho Col"nll1unity Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities Cornmi~sion to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations H.ules. The changes to the :Ruks that the P1JC is considering include onc of the changes that ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. T think that members of the public should have an opportunity to address the ColTIlllissiOli about this Rule change. 1 am concerned ~lbout a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to cmai.1 shutoffnotie(js to customers. I also thjl1k that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make them ~trongcr and protect utility customers marc effectively. Vtility companies had an oppmtunity to meet with Commjl)~jon Staff this summer through workshops in June m1d July. r think that the Commission should give members of the public. the consumers who will be affected hy these rules, a chance lo speak with the Commission about the proposed changes La the Rules as we! Sincerely,r") ' l1 .M\ '\c' ( '- .-'(-(.",/€/'._~ "-~' , -&' -, \ .'\ I 'l) ..1.. ! . Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 ldnbo Public Uti1itjc~ ('olllrnissio!1 POBox !D 720 !ioisc, II.) X3 710~OO74 Rc: DOCKET NO. J1-2\O1-0701 Dcar Commissioners: J am writing to request that you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Relations Rules. 1 (1m a n;sident ofTdalio and a member of the Idaho Communi ty Action Nctwork (JCAN). 111 2004, ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities CO111111ission to rnakc a number of changes to the Customcr Relations Rules. The: changes to the Rules that the PUC is considering include one or the chrmges that ICAN pmposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. J think that members of the public should have an (lpportunity to addrcss the Commh;sion about this Rule ~hangc. I am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would anew utilities to e111all shutoff notices to customers. 1 also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make them 0tl'ongcr and protect utility customcr~ more e'/Tectivcly. UtiJity companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this summer through workshops i11 June and July. 1 think that the Commission 8hould give n)cmbcrs of the public, the consumers who will be affcctcd by these rules, a chance t() ::;peak with the Col1lmission abou:lthe proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sincerdy, /) . ' . it /// ," ' i " U (~/ ! ./ / v' CL- , \/ )(/~) Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Uti! hies CO!1lllliSSlOn POBox 83720 Boisc, 10 83720-0074 Re: DOCI(ETNO, 31-2101-0701 Dear Ccm11'nissio1ll:rs: J am writing to request that you hold a p\lblic hearing about the proposed changes to the lJtility CustO1l1er Rc1mions RulGs. I am a residen1 of Idaho and a member ofth/;: Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to ltwkc a n\.1))1b(;f of cha.nges to the Customer Relations Rltles. The changes to t11e Rules thut the pur considering include one orthc changes t11(1t ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Frid?tys. I think that members of the public should h~lVC an C)pportl.lnlty to address the Comlllission about this Rule change, I am conccmcd about a proposed. change to the Rules that would allow uti1itics to email shutoff notices to customers. I also Uunk that the Commission should. make other changes to the Rule!:' LO make them stronger ,Uld protect utility customers more cffe~tivcly. Utility compcmics had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff1.his summer through workshops in June and J~11y, 1 think that the Commission should giv~ members of the public, the consumers who will be affected by thcsf;: rules, a chance La speak with the Conmijssion about the proposed ChaJ1gcs to the Rules as well. Sincerely,/1 ;ttifi +k/ (l)ijNM J()/Z/O Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 p. 10 Idaho Public 1Jti1iti~s Commission P () Box 83720 Boise. lD 83720-0074 \9~ (\C ~ \' fl..J ~ \ "-J \" Rc: DOCKET NO. 31 -2101-0701 Dear Commls~ioners: T am writing to request lhat you hold a public hearing abO'ut the proposed changes to' the UtiEty Customer Relatians Rules. J am n resident of idaho and a member of'lhe Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). 1)) 2004, .ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to l11:;lke a numher of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rules that the PlJC is considering include ane of the change~ that lCAN pl'op()~(;d, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. J think thai me:rnbt:ts ofthe public should have at1 opportunity to address the Commission about this Rule change. I am c()nccrn~d about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to email shutof'j' notices to customers. 1 also thin1\, that the Commission ~hould make other changes to the Rules to' make them slronger and protect utility customers more effcctiwly. Utility companies had an opportunity to m~d with COI11!nission Staff Lhis summer through workshaps in .June and July. :I think that the Commi~sjon should give mcmber~ ofth~ public, the consumer::; who will be affected by these rules, a chance to spt::ak with the Commission about the proposed changes to the Rules.., well. Sincerely, ~~J\\j~\ /C, ~ l\ '\ f .. :, \l ./ "" ,: ~",--, ' I .J Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 p. 11 Jd(1ho Public Utilities Comrnisslon POBox ~;3 720 J3ois~, TD 83720.0074 DM~ ~ ~GO Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Commlssiom;rs: 1 am writing to rcque::;tLhat you hold a public hearing about the proposed change:.:; to the Utility Cl.lstOI11Cr Relations Rules. J am a resident 0(' Idaho and a member of the Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, JCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to make ~ number of chrmgcs to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the RuJes that the r'LJC is considering include one ofLhe changes Lhat ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. I think that members of the public should havc an opportunity to address the Commission about: Lhi~ Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities LO cmail simtoff notices to customers. T also think Lhat the Commission should mal\(: other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and prot~ct utility cllstom!:rs more ~ffcetjvely. Utility comp~U1ics had an opportunity to meet with Comllli.::;::;ion Stafr lhis summer tlu'ough workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Commission should give member::; of the public, the consumer::; who will be affected by these rules, (1 chance to ::;pcak with the Comrnission about the proposed changes to the R1.11es as weB. Sincerely, ~~~ Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Bois~, TO R3720-0074 Re: DOCKETNO.1\-2101~0701 Dear Commissioners: I am wriljng to rcquest that you hold a public htariog about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Relations Rules. I am a resident of Idaho and a member of the Idaho COl'L1111unity Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, JCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to make a number of ch~mgcs to the Clt~tomer Rdatiol1s Rules. The changes to the Rules that th~ PUC is considering include one of the chang!::!.' that lCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. I think thai members of the public should have an oppol1,unily to address the Commission about this Rule change. 1 am concerned ahout a proposl,:;d change to thc Ruks that would allow utilities to email shutotT notices to customers. 1 also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make tl1crn stronger and protect utility customers more cffcctjvely. Utility companics h~ld an opportunity to meet with Commission Stall this SU1l11i.i.er through workshops in June and July. ) think that the Conunission should give members of the public, thc consumers who will be affected by these rules, a chance to speak with the Commission ~lbout the proposed changes to the Ruks as well. SiDoerely, ~~,~ \lM~\t:~ Oct 17 07 05: 13p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utilities Conunission POBox ~D 720 Boise, m 83720-0074 Re: DOCK.ETNO. 31-2101-0701 De~LJ' Commissioners: 1 am writtng to request that you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer ReiatiOl'1S Ru\cs, 1 am a resident ofldaho and a mernbcr of lhc Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN). In 2004, lCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to l'1'1akc a numl)(;~r of changes to the Customer Rc1aiion~ Rules. 111e changes to the Rules that the PUt is considcring il1clude one orthc changes that lCAN propo~ed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. 1 think that member!; or the public should have an opportw'1ity to address the Commission about this Rule change. J ~1I11 concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that woll1d allow utilities to cmuil shutoff notices to customers. I also think that the Commission should make otl1cr chi:ll1ges to the Rules to make them stronger m1d protect utility cLLstomers more effectively. lJtillty companies had an opportunity to meet witb Commission Staffthj!;; SUffiIner through workshops in June and July. l1hink that the Commission shou1cl give members of the public, the COnSU!l1l;rS who will bc affected hy these ruks, a chance to speak with the Comrnisf;ion about the proposed changes to the Rules as wdl. Sincerely, i: ;' ,\ -' ,!, / I h /' I ( , I .,. t..A;. I v'( ///;: tl(~;~t.-:t-i (. ( / .. '/ .' '. (- ") : /o~/c Oct 17 07 05: 14p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission POBox 83720 Boisc, lD 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Deal' Commissioner::;: 1 am writing to request thai yOll hold a public hearing aboutthe proposed ~hangc~ to the UUliLy CLl~tomcr R,claliDlls Rules. 1 am a resident of Idaho and a member of the Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). hi 2004, lCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to l11(lke a numbc1' of changes to the Cu::;tomcr Relations Rules. Thc ch,mgcs to the Rules thuL the PLJC is considering include one ofthe changes that lCAN propo:'!cd, prohibiting shntoffs on Fridays. I thinlc that members oftbc public should have an opport1mity to address the Commission about till!; Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed changc to the Rules that would allow utilities to em!liJ shutoifnoticcs to customers. I also think that the Commission should make other changes 10 tilC Rules to malcc them stronger and protect utility customers more c1fcctively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission StaffLhis summer tI:U'ougb workshops in June and July. T think that the Commission should givc members of the public, th~ consumcrs who will be affected by these ru1es, a chance to speak with the Commission about the :OPOSCd c~ge' '" the R~e' :/211Smc= fjtuf Jj/I~ ,/ / ph-Ie daho Pub 1 ic 'Util ities COllll1l ission POBox 83720 Boise, It) 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Comm.issioner~: T am writing to request that you ho,ld a public hearing aboul the proposed chu.ng~s to the Utility Cust01lle1' Relations Rules. 1 ,1m a resident of Idaho and a m.c\1lb~I' of the Idaho CoJ1lli1unity Action Network (ICAN). In 2004, JCAN petitioned the Public 1Jtilities Commission to make a number of changes to the Cu~tomer Relations Rules. The changcs to the Rules that the PUC is considering include ODe oftbe changes that JCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on friday:=;, J think. that members of tk public should havc an opportunity to address the ComJ.Jlission about this Rule change. I am Goncel1lcd abont a proposed changc to the Rules that would allow utilities to email shutoffnotices CO customers. J also think that the Commission should make other changcs to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility cw;lomer::; morc effectively. Utility compan..ie~ had an opportLl1'lity to meet with Commission Staff this slimmer through workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Commission shouJd. give members of the publlc, the consumers who will be affected by these rules, a chance to ~pcak with tbe Commission aboLLt thc propo~ed changes to thc Rules as well. Sincerdy, '\ ~ , I:::J.J.-~'!\r" "-I(Y\ .~'jU",-- SI 'd LBBD9E:E:802 t-JI::J::J I dvl :SD LO L 1 ~OD idaho 'Public U lilitics Comrnit;siOl1 PO Rnx S3720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 3l-2101-0701 Dear Commissioncrs: 1 am writing to request that you hold a public hCl1ring about the proposed chaJlgl,;s to the Utility Customcr Relations Rules. 1 ~U11 a re~ic1cnt.ondah(J and a member of the Idaho Community Action Nctwork (lCAN). In 2004, JeAN petitioned the Public l)111itlc::; Commission lO make a number of changes to the ClL5tomcr Relations Rules. The chfHlges to the Rules that the pur is considering include one of the changes that ICAN propo::;ed, prohibiting shutolTs on Fridays. 1 think that members of the public should h~wc an opportunity to address the Commi::;::;ion about this Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed cbange to the Rule::; that would aJJow utilities to email shutoff notice::; to customers. 1 also think that the Commission should make othcr changes to the Rules to make them. stronger and protect utility custOmers more effeclively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with. Comm.ission Staff this summer through workshops in June and July. 1 thil1.k that the CoffiJ:ll.issioD should give members ortbe public, the consumers who will be affected by tllesc rules, a chance to speak with the Commission about the proposed changes to the Rules as wel1. Sincerely, /~ ,.,..'1)11 b -...64fr~lj 4/ ~&A4 91 'd LBBO9E:EBO2 t-JI::J::J I dtrI : SO LO L 1 ~oO Idaho Public 1 JLilitic::; Commissiol1 POBox 83 Boise, ID 83720-0074 R~: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Col11I11issioncn;: r am writing to request that you hold a puhtic hearing about the proposed chal1gcs to the Utility Customcr Relations Rules. .I am a rcsidcl1t of Idaho and a member of the Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The cha11gcs to the Rules that the PUC is considering include one orthe ~hanges that lCAN proposed, prohibiting :;;h11tol1'5 on. Fridays. 1 tllink that members oft)1e public should have an opportunity to address the Commission abollt this Rule change. 1 am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would aJIow utilities to email i'hlltoffnotjces to ~ustomers. I also tbjnk that the Commission should make otl1er ch"mges to the Rules to make them slTOllger and protect utility customers more eHectivdy. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commis::;ion Staffthis summer thrOllgh work::;hops in June and July. 1 think that the Commission should give members orthe public, the consumcrs who will be affected by these nIles, a chance to speak with the Comnlission about the proposed changes to the Rules as welL Sincerely. RJ:t:t ? '~1- L1 'd LBBO9E:E:802 t-JI::J::J I dtrI :SO LO L 1 ~OO idaho Public 1.!Liliti(;s Commission POBox 83720 Boi~c, ID 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Commissioners: Jam writiTlg to rcqucst that you hokl a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Rdations Rules. 1 am a resident ofldaho and a member oi'the Idaho C()mmunity Action Network (lCAN). Tll 2004, .ICAN pctiL!oI1cd the Public Utilities Cornmissiol1 to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The chunges to the Rule~ that the Pl.lC is considering include one of the changes that lCAN proposed~ prohibititlg shutoffs on Fridays. 1 think that members ofthe public should havc an opportunity to address the Comrnission (.lbout this Rule change. J am conccl11ed abollt a proposed change to the Rules that wou1d allow utilities to email shutoff notices to customers. J also think that the Comrrussion should make otber changes to U1C Rules to make them stronger and proteGt utility customers more e1fcctively. Utility companies had an OPPOltl1ruty to meet with Commission Staffthis SUIllIJ.Hor throug11 workshop~ in June and July. T think that the Commission should give members o1'thc puh11c~ the consumers who will be affected by these rules, a Ghance to speak with the Commi~$ion about the proposed chang!;;s to the Rules as well. Sincercly, /) ") I..,J/ /- / /.., IL"l.,/!/l/U //;"7 L" "'~"" -.....! :,J, ./ // "../\ " -,........-- .." ... ~. \./ ;(\ c)J i~) 81 'd LB609EE:802 t-JI::J::J I did :So LO L 1 ~OO Idaho 'Public Utilities Commission POBox 1-:3720 Boise, IT) R3720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-:2101"0701 D(;31' CommissIoners: 1 am writing to request that yoll hold :;l public hearing about the proposed changes to the UtiJity Cu.stOI11C1" Relations Rulr.:s. 1 am a residcnt of1daho and n I'ncmber orthe Idaho Community Action Nctwork (lCAN). In 2004, lCAN petitioned Lhe Public Utilities Commission to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations RuJes. The changes to the Rules that the PUC considering include one of the changes thallCAN proposed , prohibiting, shutoffs on Fridays. I think that members oftl1~ public should have an oppOltunily to address the Commission :;lbOl,.ll this Rule change. 1 am concerned about a proposed change 10 the Rules that would allow utilities to emall shulo(Tnotices to customers. T also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to Illake them stronger and protect utility customers more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission StalTthis summer through workshops in June and July. J think that the Commi.s:$ion should give members of the public, the consumers who will be afCected by lhcsc rules, a chance to speak with the Commission rlbout the proposed changcs to the Rules as welL 1/: ...,' "-K \1 I \ - 0- 1:\ \ / \,./ .. ,--.J' \.-..1 Sincerely, \)(:\ (~\.\ J) \ \ k) ~- ~~ j.J Bl 'd LBBO9E:E:802 t-JI::J::J I d-vl :SO LO L 1 ~oO Oct 17 07 05: 14p ICAN 2083360997 hlaho Public Utilities Comnlis~ion POBox g3720 Boisc, TD ~3720-0074 Rc: DOCKl'.TNO.3J-2101-0701 Dear Commissioncrs: I am writing to request that yoLillold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the 1.Jtility Customer Relations Rules. 1 am a residcn1. of Idaho. In 2004, the 1daho Community Action Network (lCAN) pctitiolll:d the puhl1c Utilitics Commission to make a nUmbL1" of ch~Ulges to the Customer Relations Rules. The Ch(111ges to the Rules that tllC PUC is considering include one of tIll: changes that lCAN propm:ed, prohibiting shutoff8 on Plidays. 1 thi11k that members of the public should have an opportunity to address the Commission about tlus Rule change. J am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to 1::1"11(1il shutoff notices to customer~. 1 also thin1( that the Conmlis~ion should make other changes to the Ruks to make thcm stronger and protect utility customers more cffeetivdy. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with COInmi~sion Staff this summer through workshop:i; 1n June aDd July. 1 think tbat the Commission should give members ofthe public, the comumer:=: who will be affected by these rules, a chance to spcRk wit11 the Commission about t11c proposed changes to the Ru1cs as welL /J (' '1 SincerOJY, .;t;Z.e iaJJ) _;Z.J-OI;CV, (r".-uf /1k.r' rl/L-/'23'6'11-, Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho PLlblic Utilitics Ccnlllnission POBox. g:\720 Boise. 10 R3720-0074 R(;\: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-070J Dear Coml11i~si()ners: I am writing to requcst that YOll hold il pllblic hearing, abO1.11 tht proposed changes to the UtiHty Customer Relaliom; Rulcs, 1 arn a resid\:;nt ofldaho. In 2004, the 10.a110 Community Action Network (JCAN) pedtioned the Public Utilities Cmn111ission to 111a1(c a Jlll111bcr of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rules th~lt the PUC is considering include one ofthc changes that lCAN proposed, -prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. I think that 111t1mbers of the pubJic should have an oppurtu11ity to adc.lres~ the Commission aboLlt this Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to cl1lail slmtoffnotices to customers. 1 also think that the Con1n1ission should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect l.ltility customers mor~ cfCecLivc)y. Utility COlnpanics had an opportunity to meet with ColT:nni~sion Staff this ~m1llmer tl1TOUgh workshops i):1 J lilC and July. 1 think that the Comrnission should hrive ffie;,'ll1bers of the public, the consumers who w1l1 be affected by these r111~~) a chance to speak with the Commission about the proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sin ~ ~ iff 4 ~J~ G' Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360897-"-, - - n. -~ - - Iduho Public Utilities Commission pO Rex X3720 Boise, 1D 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 3'1~2101~O701 Ocm Comll1iSsiol1crs: a111 writing, to rcquc~t that you hold (\ publlc healing about the propm:ed changl;s to the Util1ty Customer Relations Rules. 1 am a resident oflchlbo, In 2004, the Idaho Comnlunity Action Network (JCAN) petitioned tlJe Pllblic 1Jt.ilitic:s Commission to make a n,l1l11her of changes to the Customer Relations Ruk~;. The changes t() till; Rules that the PUC is considering indLlde one ufthc changes that lCAN propo~cd, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. I think that mcmbers of the public should have an opportl1nity to address the Commission about this Ru1e change. J am concerned about a proposed change to tile Rules that would allow utilitks to c11lail shutoffnotiees to customers. T also think that tile Commission should make other changes to the Ruks to malce them strollger and protect utility Cl1stomcrs more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Coml11is~ion Staff this s.urnll1cr through workslwps -in June w1d hlly. 1 thin), that the Commission ~bou1d give membCf:-1 of the public. the consumers wIlD will be afl'eet(;:d by these nL1es, (\ chance 10 ~peak with the Conllnission about the proposed changes to the Rules ,15 well. Sincere1y, /) YU-"1U--fflaA4k!-.37 ~-- 3/oS--' Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho !'uhlic Utilities Commission POBox g3720 Boisc, lD 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31,210'1-0701 Dear Commim1lon.ers: 1 am writing to n~quest that you hold a public llearing about the proposed ch,ll1ges to the Utility Customer Relations Ru1cs. I am ,-l resident of1daho. In 2004, the 1daho Community Action Network (lCAN) petitioned the Public Utilities Commis~ion to make a l1.UJl1ber of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. Tl.1c clJangcs to the Rules that the PlJC is considering include onc ofthc changes t11at .lCAN proposccl. prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. J think that members of the public should have an opportunity to address the Commission about this Rule change. 1 a.L11 concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would anew utilities to email shotoffnoticcs to customers. 1 also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Roles to make them stronger and protect utility cust~1tnerS more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to ml;ct with COlnmh;sion StaiTthis snmmer through workshop~ in June (l11d July. 1 think that tbe Commission should give members of the public, the C(JnSLlm~rs who win be affected by these rules, a chance to speak with the Commission about the pro:po~cd changes to the Rules (1S well. Sincerely, .d .tJ 0 /J C~ ..!.. \ ti-u.- 1r-3~)r Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 idaho Public Utilities Coml11is~ifJll POBox g3720 Bolsc, lD 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKETNO.3J-2JO1-0701 Dear Commissioners: J am writing to n:qucst that you hold a public h(;laring about the proposed change~ to tl1':\ Utility Custmm;r Relations Rules. 1 am a resident of Idabo, 1n 2004, tl)!,:: Idaho Con1t'J1Lmity Action Network (ICAN) petitioned t11e Public Utilities COn1111ission to l11.al((~ a nutrtbcr of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. " nlC chunge~ to the Ruks that the PUC is considcring includ(;l one ofthe changes that ,ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. J think. that mcmhcrs of the 1lUbhc should have an opportunity to ~dc1ress the Commission abo~ll this Rule change. 1 am concemt:d about a propo,;ed change to the R111es that would allow otil1tit:s to email shutoff liotices to customers. 1 also think that th(:;j Commission should Inake other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and ' protect utility CQstomers more effectively. Utility cOlnp311ics had an opportunity to meet with COlumission StafF this Sl.lmmcr throl.lgh worlcshops in J l1ne and .ll.lly. 1 think that the Commission sb(,)uld give mcrl1bers ofthe public, tlw consumcrs who will be affected by th~sc rules , a chance to speak with the Co111mit\sion about thc proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sincerely, d1p~ /"";- 0 ; 9-c.~ ... C.........(/...- Cj/?E ~)+Ol-~73 $'- 'i-~F3 Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 k\aho Public Utilitie!:i Co1l1llli::;sion :r 0 Box 83720 Boise, 10 85720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to request that you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utjlity Customer Relations RLlJt;$, I am a resident ofJdaho. In 2004, the Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN) petitioned the Puhhc 'Utiliti(;~ Commission to make a mlmb~r of changes to the Customer Rdations Ru1es. Thc changes to tbe Ruk8 that tbe ruc is considering il1dude one of the cbar'lges that lCAN proposed , prohibiting ShlllOffson Fridays. J think that members of lhe public shou1cl have an opportunity to address the Coml11ission about this Rule change. 1 am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to email shutofF notices to customers. 1 also thin:k th:11 the Commission should make other ch:mges to the Rules to make them stronger :;l11d protect utUity custornc;rs more eftcctivdy. Utility exnnpanies had an opportunity to me~t with Commi8s1on StafFthis summer through workshops in JUIiC and July. 1 think that the Col1unissim1 sho111d b';iyC mcl'J:lbcrs of the public~ the ~onsumcr::; who will be affected by these rlJle~, a chance to speak with the Commission about t11C proposed changc!:i to the Rules as well. Sincerely, /l.u! I~.1:-( - g (./ Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho hlblic Utilities Commission POBox H3720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dl;:ar Commissioncrs: J am writing to requc1't that you hold a public hearing about the prop()~ed changes to the Uti1ity CustO1ller Relations Rules. 1 am 11 resid~nt of idaho. In 2004, the .Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN) petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to n1akc a number of changes to thc Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rules that the POC is comddering include onc ofthe changes that ICAN proposed , prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. J think that mclnl1crs (1fthe public should have an opportunity to address the Commission about this Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed change to the Rulcs that would anew utilities to email shutoff notices to custol11ers. 1 also think that the Commission should make other changes to tl1t:: Rules to make tht,'ffi strong('1' and protect utility customcrs Inore effectively. Utility companies had an oppm1unity to meet with Commission Staff this sumnl(,T through workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Com111i~sion S110111d give mcmbers of the public, the con~Llmers who wi1l be affectt;d by these rules, a chance to speak wit11 the Commission about the proposed changes to the Rules as welL /x( 3782 ;J PI)(tJJ 14v'~ f1J e ~ / /:)/ "V I,) ff3 t..:;LC p?t7Y cff? P'O3/ Idaho Public l.hilitil.:s Commis~ion POBox 83720 Boise. JD g3720-007tl Rc: DOCKET NO. 31.2101.0701 Dear Colll111issjoncrs: 1 am writing to request that you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Relations Rules. I am a rc~idel1t oC Idaho and a member of the idaho Community ActioD Network (JCAN). In 2004 , lCAN petitioned the Publ.ic Utilities Commission to make a number of changes to the Cu:::t01ller Relations Rl,.t!cs. The changes to the Rules that the POC is considering include one of1.hc changes th,11 ICAN proposed, prohibiling shutoffs on l"ridays. I think that members of the pl,.lblic should have an opportul1ity to address the Commission about this Rule change. J am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would aHow utilities to email shutol1' notices to cllstOlners. 1 also think that the Commission should l1Kl,kC other changes to the RulcslO make thenl :-;tronger and protect utility customers morc eHectively. Utility companie:; had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this summer through workshops in .Tun!:: and July. J think that the Commission shou1d give members of Lhe pubEc, the consumers who will be affected by these rules , a chance to speak with the Commission about the proposed changes to 11)(:; Rules as well. SinceJ'e1y, j27 a7~ c!~ L2 LBBO9E:E:802 t-JI::J::J I dSI :SO LO L 1 ~OO Oct 17 07 05: 15p ICAN 2083360997 idaho Pub!ir.; Uti1itics Com1l1iSRIO1) POBox 83720 Boi5C, lD 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO.3 J -2 J 01 ~070'\ Dcar Co11llTIi3sioners: 1 am wliting to rcqucsl t1Jut you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the 'Uti1ity Custo111el' Rdations Rule:,;. 1 a111 a Tl;sident oflc.laho. In 2004, the Tdal1o Col1ullunity Action Network (lCAN) petitioned thc Public Utilities Commission to mal(c a number of changes to the Customer ,Rclalion~ Rules. The changes to the Rules that thc rue is considering include one of the changes that lCAN proposed , prohibiting S11utoffs on Fridays. 1 think t11O1t nlc111bcr~ of the public should have un opportunity to 8(ldress the Cor111l1isslo!l about this Rule change. 1 urn l;onccfnt:d about a proposed change to tbe Rules that would al1ow utilities to eroail shutoff notices to custonlCfS. 1 also think that the Con1l11ission should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility customers wore cff~etivdy. Utility companies l1ad an opportunity to mcet with CormniSSjoD Staff this summer through worksliops in Junc and July. 1 think that the CoD1mi::;sion should give l11cni.bers of the public, the consumers who wilJ be affected by these ruks , a chance to sp~ak. with thc Cornmis~ioli about the proposed chang~s to the Rules as well. ~O'-;or .Q cJ l' '/.,rul ~, /Vf r "" . ./:3' If' ~f8'. '3"7' Sincerdy, Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public l Jtiljties Commission POBox 83720 BOl~C, m 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-210\-0701 Dear Commissioners; I am writing to r~qucst that YOLI holo a public h!;:aring about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Rcbtior\s Ruks, 1 mn a resident of ldal~o. in 2004, the Idaho Col11munity Aetion Network (TCAN) petitioned the Public Utilities CcJ1nrnission to make a number of changes to thc Customer Rcbtions Rules. The cbanges to the Rules that the rue is considering include on(;\ of the changes that JCAN proposed, prohibiting, shulolTs on FJidays. J thir\.k that mcmbers ofthe public should have an opportUllity to (lddrcss tlw Commission about this Rule change. T am concerned about a propm:ed change to the RuJes that would allow utilities to email shutoff notices to custO1ncr~. I also think that the CoD1lTJissioll should make other changes to the Ruks to lTmke th(:,111 stronger and protect utility customcr$ mOTC effectively. Ut1!ity companies had an opportunity to meet witl) CoT'l11nigsion Staffthis su111mcr through workshops in J un!;: and July. 1 think that thc Commission shO1..l1c1 give 1TI1;.'111bcrs of the public, the con~UlI1crs who will he affected by tht;:sc rules, a chance to speak with thc Commission about the proposed changes to tht;; Rules as well. Sincl.1"el y.--:P~'t VIS Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 1duho Public Utl1itict:\ ConUl1isiiloJ1 POBox ~;372U Boise, 10 g3720~OO74 Rc: DOCKETNO.3J-2l01-0701 Dear Commissioners: 1 am writing to request that you b01d H public hearing uhou1. the IJropos(;d changes to the UtiHty Customer Rdations Rules. 1 am a rc~i(k:nt of idaho. ln 2004, the idaho Cornrnunity Action Network (lCAN) petitiom;d the Pu1111c UtilitlfJS Commission to make a nu.:mber of changes to the Customer Relations R:ules. The changes to the Rules. thai the PUC is considering include one ofth(;: changes that lCAN proposed, prohibiting shutofFs on Fridays. 1 think that mOmhL'1S ofthe public should havc an opportunity to address the CO111111i58io11 about this Rule changr;:. 1 am eonecmed abMt a prop()sed change to thc Ru1cs that would allow utilities to emai.1 shutoff notices to customers. T also think that the CoffirnissjO1i should make other changes to the Rules to lllake tll(;111 ~tronger and protect. ntility cLlstomers more effectively. Utility compan..ieB hud an opportunity to med with ComD1issio~l Staff this summer through workshops in June and July. 1 think that the Conmllssion shou1d givc members oftlle pubEc, the C0l1sumers who win be affected by these ru1cs, a chance to speak with the Commission (lbout. the proposed changes to th~ Rules as welL Since,"! y, '1n a'!J .tf:, 5!" ~ . 9~g 150 ~ijo.-' 07 Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 idnho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boisc~ .10 1\3720-0074 Re: DOCKI:':TNO.31-2JOl-O701 D~ar Commi~f;1oners: 1 am writing to rcqucsl t11ilt you hokl a -pu.bli~ hearing about thc proposed ~hangcs to the Utility Customer Rdatlons RuJc~. I am a n:sident oJ: Idaho. In 2004, the Id.:1110 Community Action Nctworl( (lCAN) petitioned the Public Utilities COD1ITlission to ll1alw a number of changes to the Cl.1sto11101' Relations Rules. The chang(;~ to the Rules that the PUC is eomddcring include one ofthc changes that 1CAN pmposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. 1 think that members of the public should have an opporLllnity to address the Commission about this Rule change. 1 am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would ullow utilities to em ail shlltoffnoticcs to cliston1ers. 1 abo think that the Commission shou.1d make other ehangl;s to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility customers marc effectively. l.Jtility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this Sl.l111mer through workshop~ in June aDd July. 1 thin1.;: that the Con1mi~f;ion shou1d giw member~ of the public, the conSUlllers w11o will be affected by these rules, a chance to ~pcak with the Commission (lhout thc proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sincerely, qS-!J - /OJ:7J Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utilitit:s Commission POBox 83 Boisc, ID ~3720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. :11-2101-0701 Dear Commissioners: 1 am writing t() rt:qucst that you hold a pubJl~ hcari11g about the prop~)scd changes \0 tl1~ Utility Custo111t:1" Relations :Rulcs.I am (l resident ofldaho. 1n 2004, the Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN) petitil)11cd the Puh1ic Utilitie$ COll1J1lission to make a number of changcs 10 the Customer Relations Rutes- The ~hanges to the Rules that. the ruc is considering include one of the c11,-mgcs that lCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays- I think that members of the public should have an opportunity to addre$s the Commission about this Rule change. J am con~~rned ~lbout a proposed chang~ to the Rules that would aUow utilities to email shuloffnotices t() customers. I also think that the Connttission should make other chaDgcs to the Rules to make them stronger and prolcct utility customers more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with C()mmi~sion Slaffthis sumUlcr tlmlLlgh workshops in June and July. J think that the Commission should give mclJlhcrs of the public, tlJe ~OnSUl11t1rS who wi! 1 be affected by these ru 1es, a chance to speak with the Commission about the proposcd changes to the Rules as wt;Jl1. tf-~ /OJ F:Cv.n 91, Iv "--P CL- I P ii j b 9'0 0& tJ: It, )(~~q lAW\..t;! L( (, ,- (0 Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Publ1c Utilities COml1'11Ss;on POBox H3710 Boi~c, 10 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 DcaI' Commissioners: ! am writing to rcq1Jc~t that you hold il public hcaring about the Pro1~oscd changes to the lJtility Cl1stomf;Jr Rclation~ Rule1;. ! am a resident of Jdaho. In 2004~ the Id::U10 COl1Ullw-uty Action Network (JCAN) petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to mak~ 11 l1Ull).bel' of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rulcl' that the PUC is comddering include one of the chal1ge~ that ICAN proposed , pro11ibiting ~lmtofls on FJidays. I think that members of the public should have an opportunity to addres:,; t1u; Commission about this Rule:: change. 1 am conccmed about a proposed change to the Ruks that would alJow utllities to eman ~hlJ.tot1' 1106ces to custOlllcr:,;, I also think that the Co111rn.l::;sion should malw other changes to the Rult:Js to make them stronger and protect utility customers more effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this SUm11ler through workshops in J lillC aDd July. I think that the ColTIrnission ~hould give )llt,'111ben; of the public, the conSUlDL'ts who will be affected by these rules, a chance to speak with the Cornmission aboL1t the.: proposed chang(:;s to the Rules as well. Sincerely, Y::c h~Mf~ U't \ () ~ - \iq\ ).~ ~\L\~l ~~1. 1v'6 U tf1.-ot --- Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Publk (Jti1itir.:::: Commission POBox g3720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 3\-210J-0701 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to request that you hold ,1 publlc hearing about Lhc proposed change:-; to the Utili ty Cm:tOlm::r Rc.lations R ul~s. I am a resi dL'TIt of Idoho- in 2004, the Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN) petitioned the pnblic lJtilitiei; Commission LO make a number of cl1anges to the Customer Rclntiolls Rules. The changes to the Rules that the PUC is considering include onC of the changes that ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoHs on Fridays. 1 think that members of the public should have an opportunity to addrcss the Commission about tIlls Rule change. 1 am concell1r.:d about a proposed change to the Rules that would .tHow utilities to email shutoff noticcg to customers. 1 also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to mak:e them stronger and protect utility cn~tomers more etlectiveJy. Utility companics had an opportunity torneel with Commission SLaffthl~ summer through workshops in June and July. J think that the Commission ShOl.lld give l1lcn'ibers of the pllblic, tbc conSUl1lers who will he affected by thesl.: rules, a chance to speak with the Coml1l1s~ion abollt the proposed changes to the RuJes as wd1. Sincerely, ~ \; V\~ "-\ \ \ .S"' 0\ '23-S- S. E ~- +-~ fY\e.(". . ~ \'--c.""""-1-~ :? ~ 42. Oct 17 07 05: 16p ICAN 2083360997 idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox S3720 Boisc, TD 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO.3! -:l\ 01-0701 fkar Commissioners: r am wliting to rcqu(;~t that you hold a public hcaring about t11C proposed changcs to the Utility Customcr Rdation~ Rule$. I am a rcsidcnt of'!daho. In 2004, the idaho COffil11unity Action Network (lCAN) petitioned tl1(; Public Utilities COJ1l1'l11ssion to make a l1llmber of changes to the Custorncr Rdati()m~ Rules. The ehaI1g(;s to the Rules that the rue is considering itlCludc one of the changes that JCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. T think that members of the public sh(J"uld have an opportunity t() address tbe Comrnission about this Rule change. 1 am eoncen1cd about a proposed change to the R1.Jlcs that would allow utilities to cmail shutoffnotiecs to cllstomers, I abo think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make then'L stronger and protect utility customers more effectively. UtiJity com-panie~ had an opportunity to meet with Comuussion Sturfthis summCf through workshops in June and July. J think that the Commission should give mcmbLTs oftllC pubJic, the eOllf;U11lCrS who will be affected by these ru1es, a chance lo speak with the Commission about the proposed change~ to the Rules as weB. ~~=ff~~ 20'S- 1J~ QJ 73 JOb 85-C(-7~io Oct 17 07 05: 17p ICAN 2083360997 Idaho Public Utiliti~s Commission POBox ~3nO Boise, lD 10720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear CommissiQn~rs: I all1 writing to request that you hold u public hearing about the pro:pos!::d changes to the Utility Customer Rdations Ru1cs.1 am a resident of Idaho. In 2004, the Idaho Comrnunity Acticni Network (1CAN) petitioned the Public Utilities CO.1mnissieJ11 to make a number of changes to the Custon1er Relations Rules. The changes t.() the Rules that the PUC is considering inc1udc one ofthe changes that 1CAN proposed, pro11ibiting shutoffs 011 Fridays. I think that members of the publ ic ~hould Dave an opportunity t(1 address the COlll1nlSsiol1 about this Ru.1c change. 1 am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to c11lail shuloffnotices to customers. T also think that thc Comm;::;sion should make other ch~n1ges to the Rules to make thcm :::trongcr a11d protcct utility cnstOn1crs rnore effectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Commi~~ion Staff this summer through workshops in June and J lily. T thiDk that the Commission should givc u)G1llbers of the public, the consumers who wilJ he afJ:'t;ctcd by thcse rules, a chance to sp~ak with the Commission abouL the propo~;I.;d chm1.ges to the Rules as wel1. Sincerely, ~e-:3/ J, I q (t) I ~~bble/b-y-,v 0- fGU;luL/)~ '6 30-J Oct 17 07 05: 17p ICAN 2083360997 idaho Public Utilities COD11llission POBox ~3nO Boise, 10 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear COll1missioners: I am writing to request that you110ld a public hl:aring about the proposed changes to tb~ Utility Customer Relations Rl.lks. 1 am a resident of Idaho. 1n 2004 , the Idaho COlnnwnity Action Network (lCAN) petitioned the Pubtic Utilities Commisskm to make a number Df c11angcs to the Customer .Relations Ruks. TI1C changes to the Rules that the rue is considering include one ofthe changc:s that ICAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs 011 Fridays. J think that members of the public shonld havc an opportunity to address the Cotl1mis~ion about this Rulc change. J am Goncemcd (lbout a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to elllail shutoff notices to cu:-::tOlTJ.ers. J also thill'k that th(:; Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utj1ity custO111er~ more effectively. Utility colDpanle~ had an opportunity to meet with Cotru11isslon Staff this SUTnn\(~r through work~hops in June and July. I think that the Com.rnisslon should give members ofthc public, the con~umers who will be affected by these rules, a chaDtc to speak with the Commission abont the proposed Ghangcs to the Ru1es as welL Sincerely, 1'1/J ~. ~ /....~ ~" 3/-.3 S/Y' Oct 17 07 05: 17p 2083360997ICAN idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Rc: DOCKET NO. 3.2101-0701 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to request that you l)()ld a public healing aboltt the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Relaliom: Rulc!;, 1 um u resident ofldaho. 111 2()()4, the Idaho Community Action Ndwork (lCAN) petitioned the Public UtHitk!:' Commission to r'1'\ake a number of changes to the Custonler Relations Ru.lcs. The change~ to the Rules that the PUCis considering include one afthe changes thut ICAN propostJd, prohibiting shutoils on Fridays. J think that Il1cl11hers of lhe public should have an opportunity to address the Commission abol.1t this Rule change. 1 (1111 com~erned aboul a proposed change to the Rules that WO11ld allow utilities to email shutoff notices to cu.stom~rs. I. also think that the Cornu11ssion should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility customcrs more effectively. Uti1ity companies llad un oPPol1:11uity to meet with Commission StafF this SLlmJ.11cr tluough workshops in JUDe and July. I think that the Commission should hrive members ofthe public, tllC consumers who wiD be affected by t11cSC rules, a chance to speak with t11e Commission about the proposed changes to the ,Ru1es as well. Sincerely, ell --' (;2 tJ S) 376 - ~ 2. () Oct 17 07 05: 17p ICAN 2083360997 idaho Public Utilities Corrunissioo POBox 83720 Bois~" ID 83720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Commission!.:rs: I ani writing to request that you hold a public hearing about thc proposed changes to the Utility Customer Rehttions Rul~s. I am a resident orIdaho and a member ofthe Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN). In 2004, ICAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to make a number of changes to the Customer Relations Rules. The changes to the Rule:::: that the PUC is wnsidcring include one of the chilllgcs that 1CAN proposedo prohibiting shutoll"s OI'I Fridays. I think that members of the public should have ~n opportlmiry to address the Commission about this Rule chm1ge. I am concerned about a proposed change to the Rules that would allow utilities to cmail shutoff notices to customers. I also think that the Commission should make other changes lo the Rules Lo make them stronger and protect utility customers more effectively. Utihty companic$ had an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff this summer through work::;hops in June and July. J think that the Commission should giv~ member:; ofthe public, the consumers who will be affected by these rules, a chance to sp~ak with the Commission abou11ht: proposed changes to the Rules as welL //\fIr,ctltd )-/')- $y52J PZfA ~q)V aLE ?f2yf 7L, 7I (4/c:~ (j -:' / / "I-_t'/~i!- ;::~--~"-..., ... d.- ~-. I'CK. ........ ~.3? &f/,b Oct 17 07 05: 17p ICAN 2083360997 Idabo Public Utilities Commission POBox R3720 Boif;e. ID &3720-0074 Re: DOCKET NO. 31-2101-0701 Dear Commissioncrs: I am writing to request Lhat you hold a public hearing about the proposed changes to the Utility Customer Rebtions Rules. 1 am a resident of Idaho and a member of the Idaho Community Action Network (TCAN). In 2004, lCAN petitioned the Public Utilities Commission to make a number or chal1ge~ to the Customer Relations Rule~. The changes to the Rules that the PUC is considering include one of the changes tb~lt JCAN proposed, prohibiting shutoffs on Fridays. I think that members ofthe public should have an opportunity to addn:ss the Commission about this Rule change. I am concerned about a proposed change to the R1.I\cS that would allow utilities to email shutoff llotice0 to customers. I also think that the Commission should make other changes to the Rules to make them stronger and protect utility customers more efFectively. Utility companies had an opportunity to meet with Cornrrdssion Staff this summer through workshops in June and July. j think that the Commission should give melllbcr~ orthc public, the consumers who will be affected by the"c rules, a chance to speak with the Commission about the proposed changes to the Rules as well. Sincerely, ~ L ~-" ~1211 N' & IC~ (4-' 18'1 n1E/l4 tt'al1 , Iv 13b If