HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051021Comments.pdf;10 0~V') 1 If N' JP~ Balbina Calvillo Farmway Village, Caldwell I am a first generation immigrant from Mexico. I came to this country five years ago and have called Idaho my home. Like many immigrants, I came here because I wanted to give my children a better future. Since arriving here, there have been good times and bad times. A few years ago my power was shut off during the winter months. I came home from work one day and noticed that I did not have power. I did not know what happened since no one warned me that the power would be shut off. I lived with my three children at that time, and the youngest was only one year old. I worked in a seed company earning $6.00 per hour. I would work my eight hours, but it was not enough to pay all my bills, so I fell behind with my payments. I was, and continue to be, the only source of income for my family. Because I had no telephone, I knocked on the neighbor s door and asked if they could help me call the power company. When I called, they told me that I needed to pay my bill and I should go to the Idaho Migrant Council and the Salvation Army for assistance. As instructed, I went to the Idaho Migrant Council and they helped me pay a portion. I then went to the Salvation Army and they helped me pay for the rest. The three days time that we were out of power were among the hardest and most challenging days I have ever faced. To cook after work, I went to the neighbor s house. During the mornings when I went to work, I could not use the neighbor s kitchen so I went to work with no food. As a mother I felt really bad and demoralized because I could not provide the basics for my children. Because we had no light I had to wake up my children in the dark so they could get ready for school. With no heater in the house, the temperature outside was the same inside. When my children needed to take a shower they would refuse because we had no hot water. Instead they too went knocking on the neighbors' door and took showers there before heading to school. Taking care of my one-year-old child in the dark was more challenging, because I had to change her diaper in the dark and provide for her in the dark. With all my children we would communicate with our hands and by touching because we had no light. The time has passed and that is now part of my history. Now, I need to get ready for winter so I will not go through that experience once again. Looking back, I wish the power company had sent me information on the winter moratorium, as well as information about my other options to avoid being shut off. I wish that the utilities had to print information in Spanish. My English is not good enough read complicated things like utility bills and notices. My children try to help by translating the letters, but they can t tell me what everYthing says in Spanish. It shouldn t be their responsibility, anyway - children should not have to translate utility bills for their parents. would not be hard for the utility company to send form letters like shutoff notices, and information about the winter moratorium, in Spanish. In general, I think families should not be shut off during the winter. v1o ~V7 (-t -116 r'V1 tJUN" Bernandina Flores Marsing, Idaho I first came to United States as a seasonal farm worker during the 1980s. Years later, my husband and I decided to call the United States our permanent home. We wanted to give our children a better future. Two of my children were born in Mexico and four were born in the U.S. We first lived in California where we worked in the fields picking strawberries. We moved to Idaho a few years ago and have called Idaho our home since. One of my sons has graduated from high school and the rest are still in school. Today, we continue to work in the fields to provide for our family. This summer I injured my muscles while working in corn detasselling. Since my injury in August , I have not been able to work permanently - my injury does not allow me to work many hours, because every time I raise my arm I have severe pain. A few weeks ago my husband and I started working in an onion-packing warehouse. Over the summer we were earning $6.00 per hour, but the wages at the warehouse are $5.25 per hour. Soon after we started working, I had to stop because my injury brought severe pain. My husband said that I should go to the doctor. When I tried to get my job back, I was already replaced by another worker. Now my husband is the only one that is working to support the family. The company does not give many hours so he is only working about 5 hours a day, but not all seven days. With such circumstances, we have fallen behind with our payments. I have just received a red paper in the mail saying that my utility service will be shut off if I don t pay my bill. I am not sure what I am going to do. We need to expand the winter moratorium for all families. And we need energy assistance programs that meet the needs of all Idaho families. Right now, the LIHEAP program (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program) is not available to families that are undocumented - someone in the household has to be a citizen or legal permanent resident. That is not a problem for my family, but there are a lot of other families that are affected. They are your neighbors, people with kids who work hard to give them a better life. Closing them out ofLIHEAP is just not fair. Next year, if the PUC changes the rules, people who get LIHEAP will also qualify for the Winter Moratorium. That's one more reason to open the program to all families that need it. As the months are getting colder, my bills are only going to continue to go up. Please something needs to be done so that working families do not have to go without heat this winter. ~~ ofVl It jJrJI vi fa (ft-v , /1 Public Hearing IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION RUL-O4- Boise. Idaho WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC , PO Box 83720, Boise, 10 83720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web Site. . http://www.puc.idaho.gov Click on "comments & questions. ~Oc~ oa ..(;;r- (,(;\/ ;"7 rY tAr rtq O-,vd Ie '?I'(/ t f- tJ9 (.-.z c. :J fL!: /Z 5' C? 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"- GVl \A~ s"~ I"1rl0 ~k( ~ ~J2A 1 (-; 1/1. 11 v'1v OW'IYU0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 Comment/In Form RUL-O4- ~o N relJ --S tI I 'e- 5 . \ Q'-.. \~ ;.J G l \ 61 (; s-Ct 6;;IS rJ ~. r~ s 6 s-- t- l~crI fIN;. ~c. (1 141\. Case No. Your name Address City State ZIP Home tele hone Email Address Name of Utility Company Add to mailin list for this case - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- Below, please describe your question or comment briefly. ~kk ('fL Ct ~ ~ fV\. ~ ~c.J 56 4.(\/ re.. G rJ (/ l: "'"~ -\e.- ~ \. ~cOll\..e be UI..J se uJ e. ~r(? J ~:),,i~~ We.., Wcu \~ l :)L~ +0 ~ Q 14,,- w~\.\ be CtbJ~-+0 ~'5-e-J" A.d Ver /f. ~lX ~~ ~ '\k &J~~,) s P t-\. -\ B' ' II ~ I:A . . ~V. jOf"Z-l u-, j)..V' ,/ ~ ;t/!-vtv Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 Comment/In 5T. Case No. Your name Address City State ZIP Home telephone Email Address Name of Utility Company Add to mailing list for this case I/. ~- (j J..L.sJ -Cd-/- d.l. - -6'A.s. - - - - - - --- Ye Below, please describe your question or comment briefly. "'-. ., ""'~"-- ::r (Pace I t/(~e La k"v.scd /..,) t... V The y lJiQ p ~/ (6W Co? 'C((1'?,cJ (Z fZ )kJt4 (;/15 l.d A ~AI YdU hA U e r T( ~h I JtRfPJJ JU Y6dJe k,(5 /V'JE:..;J In ~I GAS" IdA -rei ~ .J.J~ ~FP JI)~.J. ::r: ~(J~ 7- -rh I :,u /' /5" r/1/Q. -rtve V ~o 13 .Rp~~ /T Jt:? ) A S-d Y d U ~,.. IA'J...J P A:V J':J c.p~ r/f-L .A ,/VI/) r, U T P.A ~ It /Y1 t! AI' )' A :II c) Q cr, M d' 1/ --r ,:1 ls:i. M.d...,tJ-' )/~/J~ eJ-LJ /i)/ J .LP.l )ler;...Jf! -(4v?7' /~(J~ A r ,y:I'1 ,'II~ ., I Ai -r ~ to /;-fl-~r:::; 6"A/ AS t ~ :5 PoA J'J1,V tuJ~se 8A1d Th;fr I rt.ie ad I $"(J~~ ~ (! t3 F he. ..q 714, we ~')e -, :r:. Ad) .di S- f1-8 Ie j A III \/ .d Ai /l F- P cl / U C(f' /)/I. I~ 101-1 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 t/1u It. /' 10 f'/'" Comment/In Case No. Your name Address City State ZIP Home tele hone Email Address Name of Utility Com any Add to mailing list for this case - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - Below, please describe your question or comment briefly. ()f I~~. ~/ lu! z,ll o~ vf:; llI, Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 V' 'f,: ~'Y'-0; (' Comment/In Case No. Your name Address City State ZIP Home tele hone Email Address Name of Utility Company Add to mailing list for this case - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Below, please describe your question or comment briefly. --. ,... - . /1I .. . t/"t;jVr'- IJ/1 6 ' ,/10 j1.1 () ()yv--~6~ ~ (t : '" ( c' n1 F r \. '~~. ( . L I Ii '. Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 ;LED f\~'4 g: t:.L \ \ bj ,-., . -~ Comment/In Case No. Your name Address City State ZIP Home tele hone Email Address Name of Utility Company Add to mailing list for this case ---- - ---- - - -- - -- -- --- - -- ---- ------ ----- - --------- Yes Below, please describe your question or comment briefly. (f -c.o, &y: kr J -J4 -- --ii.- d-- f#2r kri(( ~ sU fYc~ \J'?' . -:. f'k--~'eX c~~ LN IA ~.~ W!.. ~Of' J:ikwv. So ~ ~ ~1v,-h frJL -:SO ~ ~ Ct~'1 lA.S e -1k I-e L-v ill ~+- ~(- 6~ ~J j" e.-olJ :r Jvuo j", f re... ""( ~ () t.J 1P w 0 3t:; c4,:ft ~t-- ~~ Uf&'o (ll~ c.5~ --c- ,J L..)'~it :Sl ~. Cflrel j;