HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031021Comments from Intermountain Gas.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY RUL-U-O3-0/ 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608 . BOISE, IDAHO 83707 . (208) 377-6000 . FAX: 377-6097 October 20 2003 :::i c. (/I (..(j- e'-:I: r' (/1(=:(/I :::z:: ~ ' \1::0rf"l rrl fT\n 0--I ~ Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ~ DB Re:31.11. 01 - Safety and Accident Reporting Rules Docket No. 31-1101-0301 Dear Ms. Jewell: Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain ) supports the proposed rule changes as attached hereto regarding 31.11.01 - Safety and Accident Reporting Rules for Utilities Regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. More specifically, Intermountain supports the adoption of the International Fuel Gas Code ("IFGC") and the International Mechanical Code ("I MC") when promulgating rules to which these codes pertain. If you have any questions , please call me at 377-6168. Very truly yours Director Market Services and Regulatory Affairs .. ,; ~ IDAPA 31 . PUBLIC UTILmES COMMISSION 31.11.01- SAFETY AND ACCIDENT REPORTING RULES FOR UTILITIES REGULATED BY THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 31-1101.0301 NOTICE OF RULEMAKING - PROPOSED RULE AUTHORttY:ln compliance with Section 67.5221(1),' Idaho Code, DoLlc~ is hereby givcn or the Public Utilides, Commission s proposed tu1cmaking. This action is authorized pursuant La Sections 61-515, Idaho Code. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE: A pubUc bearing concemin~ this N1c:maldng will be scheduled only if requested in writing by tWenty-five (25) persons, a poJiLical subdivISion. or an agency, not later tban October IS, 2003. The hearing lite will be acceSsible to persons with disabilities. Reque$tS for accommodations must be made no later than five (5) days prior to the hearinG, to the Commission s address set out bclow. DESC1UFI'IVE SUMMAR\': The following is a non-tcc:hnical oltplanation of the substance and purpoSe of theproposed rule: The commission s Safet)' and Accident Reponing RuleS currently adopt by reference several Dtttional $1tety eodes. In Rule ~02. me Comnussion proposes to adopt Lhe 2003 edition of Lhe Intec1\ational Fuel Gas Code (IFGC). TheCommission proposes to replace the pn:viouslyadopted 1~99 edition of the National Fuel Gas Code with the 2003 edition of-the IFGC. The IFGC is intended to be consistent and inclusive with the latest edition of the National FuelGas Code: (2002). Sections 39-4109 and 39-4116, lda1\o Code, pcnniL 1oca1 &overnments \0 adopt various IutcmationalCodes published by thelntcmational Code Council. Most if not all communities that have adopted . (\&ct gas code have adopted the IFGC. lDlwle 203,1hc Commission proposes 1.0 adopt ihosc portions of the 2003 Intomatlo"" Mechanical Code (IMC) that explicitly refer to gas or cas-bumUtg appliances. The IMC Is published by the International Code Council. Ponions of the IMC will rcplaIX: the previously adopLOd 2000 edition of the Unironn Mechanical Code. Nearly alt communities thai have adopLcd a mechanical code have adopted the IMC. FEE SUMMARY: There arc no rCCjl associated with ibis proposed N1cmaking. . NEGOTIATED RU~EMAKING: Pursuant to IDAPA, negotiated rulcmaklng was not conduc~ because these proposed rules adopt naLiona' safety codes dealing with the provision of natural gas services. , ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAt.. QUESTIONS, SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: For assistan= on ~hnical questions concerning the proposed rulc.o;. contact Donald L. Howell, n. DcpuLy A~mey General, aL (208) 334-0312 or Michael t:uss. PUC Staff Engineer. at (208) 33'H)366. Anyone may submit written comments regarding these proposed rules. All written comments concerning the proposed Nles must be delivered to the Commission Secretary at the address Identified below or must be po~aIkcdon or before October 22, 2003. Persons desiring to cornment arc encouraged to submit written comments at their earliest convenience rather than wait unLil the comment deadline. DATED at Boise, Idaho Ibis 1 I tit day of August, 2003. Jean D. Jewell. Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box. 83720 Boisc, ID 83720-0074 TetephoDe~ (208) 334-0338 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 Streetaddrcss for express delivety: 472 W Washington Boise. ID 83702-5983 IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETIN Page 480 October I, 1003. Vol. 03- , ' PUflUC UTIUTIES COMMISSION Safety and Accident Reporting Rules Docket No, 31..1101-0301 Proposed Rulemaklng THE FOLLOWING IS THE TEXT OF DOCKET NO. 31-1101-0301 , 201.INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE CNIFGA) (Rule 201).01, Adoption By Reforouec. The Commission adopts by reference the '!FlJi 5/ .'INS! Z223.! Nati6lftKInternationalFuel Gas Code. +999 2003 Edition and the erraLa 99-1 daLcd April +13.20003., The 199-9 Edi:i8ft oJlheNatitJ';ffll PlN:l CIlS Cak 13 ialglt.4/U 4t 'S..' n2l./999 by-f/rn4~n.Nalional-Siandard3-/NlIilute;-lne-.(.1JISl). lIft'lIS NPRf 511999 by Ih, .'4118,.111 !,j,~ ;)tt:.t.tid" As:J."ifllwll (A'f'.':f The NuJkmul IntemRlinnAI Fuel Gas Code is J6ittIly published by the Alfle"etlII. CM .f:UtICktti8H, C8da (ItJId h,4ilfth, 4(J9 N. Capit(jI-GhC!d, NW,W.s1fi;tgtalf. D,C. 29091. alltl Itlt! N4Hdllfll.il~ .J'dte'H811.!~i4ti8!1 : &Ht:.)..,j4...J. J., ro Bone !JJ9/. Quincy; M~c1rusel:ls-O:!:!69 9191, .". Inlernationlll C".ndt'. ('.mml:i1. ~20' t.fI.e!lhqu fi~e Suire 600. Falls Church. VA22041 The Code is avaIlable Cromdrcn, the Code C'.:nuncll and may be onlc:n:d online lit www.iccsar~.nT\" Tcl~hnncorder!! mil)' he plaeed by calling -1-800 311 Jjjj 284-4406 L-J D.Z. Ufili~ CompOanre.AU gu corporations subject La tho jurisdiction or this Commission arc~uircd to abidc:by applicable provisions of me Nali8H41lntemational Fuel Gas Code and 10 connect rot setvice andlight only those mstaUaLions that: I, Have been Inspected and approved by authorized ~c:nciC:Si or (4-1-98), b. When inspecdag agencies do not exist. to require their CUStomClS 10 abide by applieablc provisions, of the lDwNDational Fuel Gas Code as a condition of receiving ~Nice or continuing 10 receive S4:rVice. f++98JL-.J 203,V:W.r:'9Rl'of INTERNATIONAl.MECHANICAL CODE C-lI1MC) (Rule 203). " " 01. Adoptioa By aefereace. The Commission adopts by reference those portions of the u"ijiJ. nl 2003ImernatlanalMechanical Code 1Hfftd Ifte lIlftla:eJ /i.at el'mM explicitly referring to gas or gas.-bumingappliances: plVJvikJ. !l811fC~J: ~at 1t1l~IMl'd/t." Jlf:."'..,~ II..' "1~"illJ.~";f'elHems ef SetJIiBIt S97(o) sf lhe u"P"Iff AleeIttI,,1etfl Cade "lay be e81111tClM f'"", 6enict 1/ tIi.". /Mltlpl) tritt, $(efld,j3 21 mra 011 r.~,--HatitmalAH:l CM C8tl~The t'18#/8rlll Internl'lrin"aJ Mechanical Code -20Q(J EdItitll1 Is p"btished by the IntcmationalA~"':atiD/i l1.fJVllmbitrj; /ltttl Afi:elttllf;ea! o,Qielah e.ode f'.bJltuoi.L 2()()()! s"ltl!j "~bUil Drive, 1J'al1ll(1, Cali;" ,"oS 9:'7$9281$ 5203 l..eestiuiv Pike. Suite MO. FAlId~hlJre". VA 22041 and may be orderod by calling BOO- 284-4406 or online at www.iccsare.L-:'I J!l. Utility ComDIiIlRC'.f'. ... CWI ~orporatioDS subject to the jurisdiction ofrht.'Commission arc req.,uted La abide by applicable provisions of the UnUoI'IH International Mechanical Code and to connect for service and lightonly those installations that: Have been impccted and approved by authorized agenciell; or (4-98)b. When Inspecting agencies do noL e:Kls1. 10 require: thc:ir c:usLomcrs to abide by applicable provisions of the UHifa""" International Mechanical Cade, jJ'...riJ~J, (."Kn~r. 1tf-UlWe1tled rt18.'11 hettler's /flit meeting; Me rqui/~nliHr15 8)1'.~fi8lt BD'!(e) l';,the lJ/fUOI'IfI A~/lltJfietl,' C8tl, /1141 he ~8Ihl"/~,J l.Jj J4t:1 r:t:" if /J.t.) """"" ni#l St,,:.ol... &.21 il.1I;/ 7.&If t:.c....VaHtmtd-Fuel OM ClItie as B condition of receiving service or continuing to receive service. (4 98)L-.) IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETIN Page 481 October 1,1003 . VoL 03.