HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190410Notification of Letter of Credit Termination.pdfXPecrnConp i C"El\/l:flt 1'*'# 1* l V .-. lJ :.::LPI 1il Pil 12:36 Pacifi< Power I Rocky ltlountain Power 825 NE Multnomah. Suite 2000 Portland. Oregon 97232April 10,2019 VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720 Attn: Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Re: Case No PAC-S-94-1; Order No 25443; Case No PAC-S-95-2; Order 26039 Notilication of Letter of Credit Termination Dear Commissioners Pursuant to the referenced Orders, PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company") submits to the Commission a copy of the following documents: Notice of Termination for Letter of Credit Agreements, dated March 8, 2019, among the Company and The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Letter of Credit Issuing Bank for the following Bond issues: a. $21,260,000 Sweetwater County, Wyoming Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1994 b. $24,400,000 Sweetwater County, Wyoming Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1995 Notice of Termination for Letter of Credit Agreement, dated March 7,2019, among the Company and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as Letter of Credit Issuing Bank for the following Bond issues: a. $121,940,000 Emery County, Utah Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1994. Because PacifiCorp has not issued any new securities in connection with the referenced transactions, no Report of Securities Issued is enclosed. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I know the contents of the enclosed documents, and they are true, correct and complete. Please contact me at (503) 813-5401 if you have any questions about this letter or the enclosed documents. Sincerely, eems tt Vice President, Controller and Assistant Treasurer c Case No PAC-S-94-1; Order No 25443 and Case No PAC-S-95-2; Order 26039 Notice of Termination for Letter of Credit Agreements Dated March t, 2019 Between PaciliCorp and The Bank of Nova Scotia $212601000 Sweetwater County, Wyoming Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1994 ,> BNY MELTON Corporate Trust 2 N LoSatte Stroot, Suite 700 Chicago. lL 6O602 March 7,2019 VlA UPS The Bank of Nova Scotia 250 Vesey Street NewYork,NY 10281 Attn : Standby [etter of Credit Department Re: Sweetwater 1994 - Letter of Credit No O5B13443NYA Termination Dear tetter of Credit Department: !n connectlon with the termination of letter of Credit on March 7,ZOl9, the Trustee hereby surrenders to you the Letter of Credit listed below on March 8, 2019. lrrevocable Transferable Dlrect Pay tetter of Credit No. OSB13443NYA (Sweetwater Serles 1994) I can be contacted at (312) 827-1358 ifyou have any questions. \tu"-' Cynthia Reis Vice President cc: Frank Sandler Scotia Bank 250 Vesey Street, Floor 23 NewYork, NY 10281 (No enclosures) KristiOlsen PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 (No enclosures) o EXHIBIT 5 TERMINATION CERTIFICATE The urdersigred, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (lhe "Trused'), hercby oertifies to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the "Banlt'), with reference to lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. OSBI3443}.IYA (the "Lett€r of Credif'; the tenns defined therein and not othenrrise defined herein being used herein as therein defined) issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee, as follows: (l ) The Trustee is the Trustee under the Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (21 The conditions to termination of the Letter of Credit set forth in the Indenture have b.een satisfied, and accordingly, said Letter of Credit has terminated in accordance with its terms. (3) The original of the Letter of Credit and all amendments thereto are rctumed herewith. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this Certificate as of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON as TrusteeCOMPANY, r ""' To be used upon cancellation due to the Trustee's acccplancc of an Alternate Credit Facility pursuant to the Indcnturc, upon Trustee's confirmotion lhat no Bonds remain outstanding or upon termination pursuant to Section 6.(X of thc lndenture. By: Its: Date: March 19,2015 Amounfi USD 21,595,501.00 Erpirafion Drte: March 26,2017 Beneficiary: The Bank of New Yor{c Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustii ,{4u 2 North Lasallc Street, Suitc 1020- f''= t .- Chicago,Illinois 60602, USA 6r.\" Attention: Gtobalcffi. Dcar Sir or Madam: THE BANK OF NOVA SCONA Ncw York Agcncy 250 Vrroy Strcct, J{cw York' }1.Y. l020l IRREVOCABLE TRAIISFERABLE DIRECT PAY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. osBl3{43NYA g Scotiobonk Applicant: -"ndi"nt"rn\t25N.E. Multromah Street, Suite 1900 'Portland, Oregon 972324116, USA We haeby issuc our lrrcvocable Transferable Direct Pay Lettcr of Credit No, OSBI3443}.IYA ("Lttter of Credif) at the request and for the account of PacifiCorp (thc "Companlf) prsuant to ttrat certain Letterof Credit and Reimbursenrent Agreenrent, dated as of March 19, 2015, between the Company and us (as amende(or othenrrise modified from time to time being hcrein refened to as the in your favor, as Trustcc undcr the Tnst Indenturg datcd as of I as amended and rcstated by the First Supplernental Trust lndenture,l, 2008 (as further amcnded, supplemented or othenpise modificd lhe "IndcnturC'), bctwcen Sweetwat€r County, Wyoming (fte It Trustec for the benefit of the Bondholdcrs reftned to therein, pursuant to 21,260,000.00 in aggregatc pnncipal amount of the Issuer's Pollution Contnol Revcrtue Bonds (PacifiCorp Project) Serics l99l (tlre u&ondf') were issued. This l^€ttcr of Crodit is only avsilable to bc drawn upon wi0r rcspec{ to Bonds bearing interest at a daily interest rate or a weekly interest rate pursuant to the Indcnturc. This lrttcr of Credit is in thc total amount of USD 21,595,501.00 (subject to adjustnerrt as provided below). This Letter of Credit shall be effective immdiately and $all expire upon the earliest to occur of (i) March 26,2017, or if not a business Day, tre next succceding business Day (the*Srdcd Expirution Dote"), (ii) four business days following your reoeipt of written notice from us noti$inE you of thc occurencc and continuanee of an Event of Default under thc REM ^y Scotiobonk Reimburscnrent Agreenrent and stating tlrat such notice is given pursuant to Scction 9.01(g) of the Indenture and (A) directing you to accelerate the Bonds pursuant to Section 9.02 of the Indenture or (B) informing )lou pursuant to Section 3.02(a)(iv) of tltc Indcnturc that tttis kttcr of Credit will not be reinstated in accordancc with its tenns following a Rqular Drawing drawn against the Interest Component, (iii) the date on which we rcceive a unitten and completed certificate signed by you in 0re form of Exhibit 5 attached hereto, (iv) the date which is 15 days following the Conversion Date for all Bonds rcrnaining outstanding to an intcrest rate mode other than a daily interest rate or a weekly interest rate pursuant to thc Indenture as such date is specified in a written and completed certificate signed by you in the form of !4[i[g[ attached heneto and (v) the date on which we reccive urd honor a writtcn and completed ccrtificate signed by you in the form of Exhibit l.Exhibit 3 attached hereto, stating that the drawing Lencr of Credit (such earlicst date being thettrereunder is the final &awing "Canceilarton DatC). Prior to 0re we may extcnd the Stated Expiration Date from time to time at the request of the form of Exhibit 8 by delivcring to lou an amendment to this Letter of Credit in being extended designating the date to whidr thc Stated Expiration Datc is of the Ststd Expiration Date shall become effective on the date of such and thoreafter all references in this Lctter of Credit to the Statd Expiration be deerned to be rcfcrcnccs to the date designatcd as such in such to which the Stated Expiration Date has bocn cxtended as herein providcd may be extended in a like manner. The aggregate amount which may be drawn under this Letter of Credit, subject to reductions in amount and reinstaternent as provided bclow, is USD 21,595,501.00, of which the aggrcgate amounts set forth below may be drawn as indicated. (i) An aggregate arnount not excecdiog USD 21,260,000.00, as such amount may bc reduccd and restored as provided below, may be rcspect ofpayrnent of principal of the Bonds (or the portion of the purchase corresponding to principal) (the " Prtncipol Componenfl. (ii) An aggregte amount not 335,501.00, as such amount may be reduced and restored as be drawn in rcspoct of the payment of up to 48 days' interest on the of thc Bonds computcd at a maximum rate of l2o/o per onnum purchasc price ofBonds basis of a 365day year (or thc portion of the thereto) (the "Intercst Componenf'). The Principd Component and the lntcrest Component shall be reduced effective upon our receipt of a ccrtificatc in ttre form of Exhibit 4 attachod hereto completed in strict compliancc with the terms hcrcof. The presentation of a certificatc rcquesting a drawing hereunder, in strict compliance with the terms he,reof shall bc a "Drawlnt'; a Drawing in rcspec-t of a rcgularly schcdulcd interest paymcnt or paym€nt of principal of and interest on thc Bonds upon scheduled or accelerated maturity shdl b€ a"Rcgulor Drawdng'; a Drawing to pay principal of and intercst on Bonds upon redemption of the Bonds in whole or in part shall be a*Rcdemflion Drawdnt';artd amendmcnt. R ^y Scotiobonk a Drawing to pay the purchase price of Bonds in accordance with Section 3.01(a), 3.01(b), 3.02(aXi), 3.02(aXiii) or 3.02(aXiv) of thc lndentrne shall be a"Tcnd* Drafrng". Upon our honoring of any Regular Drawing hcreunder, the Principal Component and the Intercst Componcnt shdl be reduced immediately following such honoring in each case by an amount cqual to the respectiv€ oomponent of the amount speified in such certificatq provided, however, that, unless the Cancellation Date shall have oocurrcd, the amount of any Regular Drawing he,reunder drawn agalnst the Interest Componurt shall be automatically reinstated on the eighth business day following the date of such honoring by such amount so dnwn against the Intercst ComponenL unless you shall have received written noticc from us rp later than swen business days aftcr the date of such honoring that thcrc shall be no such reinstatcment. Upon our honoring of any Redemption Drawing hereunder, ttre Principal Componcnt shall bc reduced immediatcly following by an amount equal to ttre principal of such Redanption thawing and theamount of the Bonds to be r Interest Component shall be following sudr honoring by an amount equal to 48 dap' intercst on of thc Bonds to be redeerned computed at a motimum rateof l2o/o on the basis ofa 365-day year. Upon of any Tender Drawing hereunder, the Principal Componcnt and the Interest be reduced immediately following such honoring in each case by an amount equal to the respectivc compon€nt of the amount specified in such certificate. Unless the Cancellation Date shall have occurred, promptly upon our having been reimbursed by or for the account of the Company in respect of any Tender Drawing together wittr intaest, if any, owing theroon pursuant to the Reimbursernent Agrccment the Principal Component and the Intqcst Componen! respectively, shall be reinstated when and to ttre extent of suctr rcimbursenrent. Upon your telephone r€qu6L we will confirm reinstaternemt pursuant to this paragfaph. Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to )ou against the app,ropriate certificote specified below, duly executd by you and appmpriately completed. Exhibit Setting Forth Trloe of Drawins Form of Ccrtificarc Reguirod Regular Drawing Exhibit I Tender Drawing Redempion Drawing Drawing certificates and other certificates presentation and shall be presented on a business day be datod the datc of (as defined) by delivay via a nationally recognizd overnight courier to our office located at The Bank of Nova Scotia" New York Agency, 250 Vcsey Sfreet, New Yorlq New York 10281, Standby Letter of Credit Departne,nt (or at any other office which may be designated by us by written notice delivered to you at least 15 days prior to the applicable date of Drawing) (the "Banh's Otlice'). "Ihe sertificates you are rcquired to submit to us may be submitted to us by facsimile transmission to the foltowing numbcrs: (212) 225-ffi4 and (212) 225-57W, or any other facsimilc numbe(s) d ^y Scotiobonk which may be designated by us by written notice delivered to 1ou at least 15 days prior to the applicable date of Drawing You shall use lourbest efforts to confirm such notice of a Drawing by telephone to one of the following numbers (or any other tclephone numbcr which may be designated by us by unitterr notice delivered to you at lcast 15 dap prior to the applicablc date of Drawing): (212)225-5424 or (212)225-5705, but such tclcphonic notico shall not be a condition to a Drawing hercunder. If we rcceive your certificat{s) at zuch office, all in suict conformity wittr the ternrs and conditions of this Lener of Crcdit, (i) with respect to any Regular Drawing or Redemption Drawing at or bcfort 12:00 noon (New York City time), we will honor such Drawing(s) at or before 10:00 A.M. (Ncw York City timc), on the next succceding business day, and (iD with respcct to any Tender Drawing at or beforc l2:fi) noon New York City timc), on a business day on or before the Canccllation we will honor suctr Drawing(s) at orbefore 2:30 P.M. (Nav York City timc),on the day, in accordance with your paymcnt irutrnctions; provided, howaar,usc )our best efforts to gvc us telephonic notification of any such to tlre telephone numbers designated abovg with Drawing or Tendor Drawing at or before I l:30respect to any Regular A.M. (New York City same business day. If we receive your certificat{s) at sudr officg all in strict with the tenns and conditions of this Letter of Credit, after 12:00 in the case of a Regular Drawing a Redemption Elrawing or anoon (New Tender business day on or bcforc the Canccllation Date, we will honor suc{r 2:00 P.M. (New York CiU time) on the ncxt succcoding busincss day.certificate(s) at or Paymcnt under this Letter of Credit will bc madc by wire trarufer of Federal Funds to your account with any bank that is a member of the Fcdcral Reserve Systcnr. Atl payments made by us under this Lctter of Credit will be madc with our own fuirds urd not with uy funds of the Compann its affiliatcs or the Issuer. As rscd hercin, "Dzsrhess da./' means a day cxccpt a Saturdan Sunday or other day (i) on which commcrcial bdrlcs located in thc cities in which the office of the Bark whidr will honor draws upon this Letter of Credit, ttre designatod office of the Trustee undcr the lndenture, thc designated office of the remarketing agcnt under the kdcnturc or the dcsignatcd office of thc paylng agent undcr thc Indenture are locatod are rcquired or au0rorized by law to remain closed or are closc4 or (ii) on which Thc New York Stock Exchange is closd. This l.etter of Credit is uansferable in its cntirety (but not in part) to any who has succeeded you as Trustee under the lndenture, and such uansfcrred Lettcr bc successively hansferred to any succcssor Trustee thereund€r, but hansferred or conveyed under any other circumstancc. Transfer of under this Letter of Credit to such transferee shall be effccted by the of this Letter of Crdit and all amendments hcreto, accompanid by a certificate forth in Exhibit 7. Upon such hnsfer,we will endorse the ransfer on the Lctter of Credit and forward it directly to such hansferoc with orn In onnection with such transfer, a transfer fee will be charged to ttre Applicant, but the payment of such fee will not be a condition to the effectiveness of such ransfer. This Letter of Credit may not be transfcncd to any percon with which U.S. pcrsons are prohibited from doing business under U.S. Forcign Assets Conhol Regulations or other applicablc U.S. laws and Regulations. 'R EralItt,fl Scotiobqnk Except as otherwise provided hmein, this Letter of Credit shall bc governed by and construed in accordance with International Standby Practices, Publication No. 590 of the International Chamber of Commerce ("LSP98). As to matters not covered by ISP98 and to the extent not inconsistent with ISP98 or made inapplicable by this Letter of Crcdit, this Letter of Crcdit shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Yorlq including the Uniform Commersial Code as in effect in the State ofNew Yodc This Lettet of Credit sets forth in full our undertaking urd such undertalcing strall not in any way be modific4 amendd amplified or limited by reference to any documenf, instrument or agreement referred to herein (including without limitation, 0re Bonds and the Indenture), exccpt only the certificates referred to herein; and any such ref€rencc shall not be deemed to inoorporate herein by reference any document, instument or agreement except for such certificates. Whenever and whcrever the terms of this lrttcr of Credit shalt refcr to the purpose of a Drawing hereunder, or the provisions of any agrcement or document pursuant to which such Drawing may be made hereunder, such purpose or provisions shall be conclusively daermined by reference to the statements made in the certificate accompanying such Drawing. Denci Titlq Vice President f, Signature Name: Sandra Edwards Title: Manager EXHIBIT I REGULAR DRAWING CERTIFICATE The undersigred, a duly authorized ofEcer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Trastee"), hereby certifies as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the "Barlr"), with reference to lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. OSBI3,[43NYA (the "Lctler of Credit'), issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee. Terms defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not defincd herein shall have the meanings given them in the lrtter of Credit. (l) The Truste is the Trustee under the Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The respective amounts of principal of and interest on thc Bonds, which do not exceed the Principal Component and Interest Component, respectively, under the Letter of Credit, which arc due and payable (or which have been declared to bc due and payable) and with respect to the payment of which the Trustce is Certificatg are as follows: Principal: Interest: (3) The respoctive principal of and interest on Certificate complies with) the the _ day of_,20-. amount of this Certificate in respect of payment of the been computed in accordance with (and this of the Bonds and the Indenturc. 4 (4) Pleasc send the payment requested hereunder by wire bansfer to [insert wire transfer instructions]. l(5) Thls Certificrte is being presented upon the lseheduled maturity of the Bondsl leccelerated maturity of thc Bonds purrurnt to the lndenturel' end ic the linrl Drawlng under the Letter of Crcdit in rrcepect of princlprl of and lnterest on the Bonds. Upon the honorlng of tlris Ccrtllicrtg the Letter of Crcdlt will expire in eccordrnce with lts terms. The ortglnel of the Letter of Credit, together with ell lmendments, is returnedherewith.l" .f.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has exectrted and delivered ttris Cdtcate as of tl THE BANK TRUST COMP OF MELLON as Trustee a By: Title: Insert appropriate bracketed language. To be used upon schedulcd or accelerarcd maturity of the Bonds. EXHIBIT 2 TENDER DRAWTNG CERTIFICATE The undersigred, a duly authorized ofticer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Tnrstee (lhe "Trustee"l,as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the"BanE'), with rcference to Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. OSBI3443NYA (the "Letter of Credif'\,Bank in favor of the Trustee. Terms herein shall have the meanings givendefined in the Letter of Credit and used but thern in the Letter of Credit. (l) TheTrustee is theTrustee Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The amount of the under this Certificate to pay the portion of the purchase price of the Bonds principal as of_ (the"Purchose Datd'l is USD , which does the Principal Component under the Letter of Credit. (3) The amount of the T Drawing under this Certificate to pay the portion of the purchase price of the Bonds corresponding to interest due as of the Purchase Date is USD ,"' which does not exceed the Interest Component under the Letter of Credit. (4) The total amount of the Tender Drawing under this Certificate is USD (5) The respective pofiions of the total amount of this Certificate have been computed in acordance with (and this Certificate complies with) the terms and conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture. (6) The Trustee or the Custodian under the Custodian and Pledge Agreement referred to below will register or sause to be registered in the name of the Company, upon payment of the amount drawn hereunder, Bonds in the principal amount of the Bonds being purchased with the amounts drawn hereunder and will hold such Bonds in accordance with the provisions of the Custodian and Pledge Agreement, dated as of March 19,2015, among the Company, the Bank and The Bank of New York Mellon Tnrst Compann N.A., as Custodian, as amended or othenvise modified frrom time to timc. (7) Please send the payment requested hercunder by wire transfer to [insert wire transfer i nstructions]. "' Assuming poymcnt under the Lettcr of Crcdit pursuant to a Regular Drarring for interest on the Bonds due ard papble on or alier the date of this Certilicate bul prior to the Purchase Date. l(8) Thls Certlticate is bclng presented upon the occurtrence of e rnendrtoty purchase under either Scctlon 3.02(rXlll) or 3.02(r)(lv) of the lndcnture end ls the linel Drawing under the Letter of Credit Upon the honoring of thir Ccrtlflcate, the Letter of Credit wlll expire in accordrnce wlth ltr terms. The orlglnel of the Letter of Credl$ together wlth aI amendments,ls returned herewlth.l"" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has cxecuted and delivered ttris Certificate as of the _ day of 20-_. THE BANK OF MELLON TRUST COMPAI.IY, By: Its: "" To be included if Cenificate is bcing prcsented in connection wifi a mandatory pruchasc of thc Bonds under eithcr Section 3.02(aXiia) or 3.O2(aXiv) of the Indenture but only if no further draurs under the Letter of Crcdit are required pursuonl to the lndenture on or prior to the Purchase Date. EXHIBIT 3 REDEMPTION DRAWI}IG CERTIFICATE The undersigred, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Trusted'), hereby certifies as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the"Banll'), with reference to Inevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. OSBI3443NYA (the "Lctter of Credif'), issuod by the Bank in favor of the Trustee. Terms defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not them in the Letter of Crcdit. shall have the meanings given ((1) The Trustee is the Trustee under for the holders of the Bonds. T (2) The amount of the to pay the portion of the redemption price of the Bonds conesponding to which does not exceed the Principal Component under the Letter of (3) The amount of the under this Certificate to pay the portion of the redanption price of the Bonds to interest is USD which does not exceed the lnterest Component of Credit. (4) The total amount of the Redemption Drawing under this Certificate is USD (5) The respective portions of the total amount of this Certificate have been computed in accordance with (and this Certificate complies with) the terms and conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture. (6) Please send the payment requested hereunder by wire transfer to [insert wire transfer instructions]. I(7) This Cerdficate h the fmal Drawlng under the Letter of Credlt end upon the honorlng of such Cerfftcrte, the Letter of Credlt wlll cxpire in rccordanoe with lts terms. The origlnal of the Lettcr of Credif together wlth all amendmenE, ls rcturned herewlth.l"" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the _ day of _, 20-. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Trustee By: Its: To be rsed upon optional or mandaiory rcdcrnption of the Bonds in firll. EXHIBIT 4 REDUCTION CERTIFICATE The undersigred, a duly authorized officer of Thc Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Trustee"), hereby certifies as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (lhe "BanE ), with reference to lrrevocable Tnnsferable Direct Pay Lrtter of Credit No. OSBI3443NYA (he "I*tter of Credil'1, issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee. Tcrms defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not defined herein shall have the meanings glven them in the Letter of Credit. (t )The Trustee is the Tnrstee under the for the holders of the Bonds. The aggregate principal amount Bonds outstanding (as defined in the has been reduced to USD (3) The Principal Component conespondingly reduced to USD (4) The Interest Component is to USD _, equal to 48 days' interest on the reducd amount of forth in paragraph (2) hereof computed at a maximum rate of l2Voper annum the basis of a 365day year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,has executed and delivered this Certificate as ofthe_dayof ,20-. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Trustee By: Its: (2) Indenture) EXHIBIT 6 NOTICE OF CONVERSION The undersigrd, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the "Tntstce"), hereby certifies to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the *Baaf'), with reference to lrrevocable Transferablc Direct Pay Lettcr of Credit No. OSB!3443NYA (he "Letter of Credif'; the terms defined therein and not othenvise defined herein being used herein as therein defined) issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee, as follows: (l) Thc Trustee is the Trustee undcr the Indenturc for the holders of thc Bonds. (2) The interest rate on all Bonds remaining outstanding have been convertd to a rate other than a daily interest rate or a weekly interest rate pursuant to the lndcnture (the"Conversion DotC'\, and accordingly, said Letter of Credit shall after such Conversion Datc in accordance with its terms. 5) days (3) herewith. The original of the Letter of Credit and all thereto arc rcturned lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has delivered this Certificate as of the _ day of 20_. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Trustee By: Its: EXHIBIT 7 TNSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSFER 20 The Bank of Nova Scotia New York Agency 250 Vesey Stroet New York, New York 10281 RE: The Bank of Nova Scotig New York Agcncy lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Lctter of credit No. osB I 3443NYA Ladics and Gentlemen: The undersigred, as Trustee under the Trust lndenture,November l, 1994, as amended and restated by the Fint Supplanental Trust as of October l, 2008 (as further amended, supplemented or othenrise modified to time, tlrc ulndcntare"'1, between Sweetwater County, Wyoming and The Bank York Mellon Trust Company, above (the "I*tter of Credlf').N.A., is named as beneficiary in the Letter of Credit The bansferee named below has succeeded the 'as Trustee under the lndenture. C Nuta ffihnsferee) (Address) Therefore, for value received, the undersigned hereby irrevocably instructs you to transfer to such transferee all rights of the undersigned to draw under the Letter of Credit. By this transfer, all rights of the undersigned in the lrtter of Credit are transferred to such transferee and such transferee shall heresfler have the sole rights as beneficiary under the Letter of Credit; provided, however, that no rights shall be deerned to have been bansferred to such transferce until such transfer complies with the requirernents of the Letter of Credit pertaining to transfers. The undersigned transfemr confirms that the transferor no longer has any rights under or interest in the Letter of Credit. All amendments are to be advised directly to the transferee without the necessity of any consent of or notice to thc undersigned transferor. The original of such Letter of Credit and all amendments are being returned herewith, and in accordance therenith we ask you to endorse the within transfer on the reverce thereof and fonvard it directly to the transferee with your customary notice of trans r. t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 20-. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as transferor By: Its: lNAME OF By: Its: EXHIBIT 8 EXTENSION AMENDMENT IRREVOCABLE TRANSFERABLE DIRECT PAY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. OSBI3443NYA Dated: Beneficiary:Applicant: The Bank ofNova Scotia New York Agency 250 Vesey Street New York, New York 10281 The Bank ofNew York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite t020 Chicago, Illinois 60602, USA a Attention: Global Corporate Trust f'/' a ^<#'lr:;.Trultnomatr sbeet, suite I e00 4* - Portland, Oregon 972324116, USA We hereby amend our trrep$ble OSB I 3,143NYA as fof fprs? Transferable Direct Pay Lctter of Credit Number Amendment Sequence Number: Stated Expiration Date is extended to: All other terms and conditions rcmain unchanged. This an integral part of the lrtter of Credit and must be THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, NEW YORK AGENCY Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Authorded Signu Authorized Signer Thc Banl of Nova Scotla New York Agency 250 Ve5ey Street tlew York. N.Y 10281 The Bank of NeIry York Mcllon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee 2 North taSalle Sheet, Suite 1020 Chicago, Illinois 60602, USA Attention: Global Corporate Trust $ scotiobonk"' PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah Sheet, Suite 1900 Portland, Oregon 972324116, USA {tln- Lq EXHIBIT 8 DffENSION AMENDMENT The Bank of Nova Scotia ^farNew York Agency ^o-^250 Vcsey Street d ' New York, New York 1028k4 TRREVOCABLE BdrbrenesLe DTRECT PAY LETTER OF CREDTT NO. 4q) osBl3,t43I.IYA Dated:r*r"6,r}; Beneficiary: Applicant: Amendmeot Seguence Number: I Stated Expiration Date is extended to: March 26,2019 All other terms and conditions rernain unchanged. This Amendment is to be considerd an integral part of the [,ater of Credit and must be attached thereto. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTI,A, NEW YORK AGENCY 1 13t Authorized Signahre ff h."ol We hereby amend our Irrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit Number OSB I 3443NYA as follows: UPS CampusShip - United States Curtomgc wlthout a Dally Plckup Take your paclega to any locaUon of The UPS Store@, UPS Aeccss PointOM) locatlon. UPS Orop Box, UPS Customr Ccnter. Staplcr{9 or Aulhorlz3d Shipping OuUet near you. lL.Irs sant via UPS Return Scrvirs(SM) (lrcludhg vh Ground) arc algo acceptod at Drop Boxee To lind lhe locelion noorcst you, pleara vlsit lhe Regourccs arca of Campusship and selett UPS Locallons. Sdrcduls a ssme day or fulure day Pidrup to havc a UPS driver pieJtup all your CampucShip padogcl Hand lhc pac*ags to any UPS ddver ln your area. Page I of I UP1S Acc.rrl,otril THE IPSSIOFE 20r wt xE sr ctrc^Go,[0o8G FOLO HERE UPSLc.r.hrtE T}G UPS SIORE27ilw c(ERof, cHrcAGO ,rL e06cri UPS AcE.$ PdITE TIG UPS SIOf,E 17 E Moi'IROC SI cHrcAGo rL 6060! (r)\oo\o CDfi\oC'\ o \o(r) \o Nr< +IzoU F il ta F{xF]z u,A J E*s EiHhs otrh F{ EIz fr98*g!ge P?EE E BHtrR Z q FT Eo r.l dL;l rAo-loo bella1ob E.-:gEBSSJ i;EEgir!!iUa6ilU F{ E o E2Et :l ;x 5.s Izlo olaI o {, gu 6U 3 U IU00G G = o\oIo\ Not{ z ------- - ---- htlac.//rrn..rr,nnar^.,.c1.i^ rrna n^*/^..l.inl^*^^r^DA^ri^-A-i,.i-Il^!-.1^l'^..1r ]l-i-rll,!-1.-'..rl a'trt,rt,1 UPS CampurShlp: UcurrPdnt t bol l. En$tr thera .rr no othar shlpplng or tracftlng hbeb ataclpd to your p.cllge. SGleci the Prlnt button on ha pnnt dlrlog bor thst rppaarg. Nole: lf your browscr does not support tho funciloo ielcct Print fiom lhe File rnenu to pdnt the lebel 2. Fold thc prlntcd lrbcl et thc mlld llnc bslo* Place ths labcl in a UPS Shippirrg Pordr. lf you tlo nol hevs e poudl, alfix lha folded tabel using clcar plesuc lh;pping lape ovcr lhe entire labcl 3 GETTING YOUR SHIPTIIENT TO UPIS Cu3tomrrt wlth a Dally Plckup Your driver wdl pir(sp your rh'prflent(3) .3 usuel. - T ffi Case No PAC-S-94-1; Order No 25443 and Case No PAC-S-95-2; Order 26039 Notice of Termination for Letter of Credit Agreements Dated March 8, 2019 Between PacifiCorp and The Bank of Nova Scotia $24,4001000 Sweetwater County, Wyoming Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (PacifiCorp Project) Series 1995 ; BNY MELLON Corpor.toTrurt 2 N LaSalle Straot, Suit€ 700 Chicago. lL 60802 March 8, 2019 VIA UPS The Bank of Nova Scotia 250 Vesey Street New York, NY 10281 Attn : Standby letter of Credit Department Re: Sweetwater 1995 - Letter of Credit No 93t144/80085 Termination Dear Letter of Credit Department: ln connection wlth the terminatlon of the Letter of Credit on March 8, 2Ot9, the Trustee hereby surrenders to you the Letter of Credit listed below on March 11, 2019. lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credlt No. 9344/,180[i85 (Sweetwater Series 1995) I can be contacted at (312) 827-1358 if you have any questions. Cynthia Reis Vice President cc: Frank 5andler Scotia Bank 250 Vesey Street, Floor 23 NewYork, NY 10281 (No enclosures) KristiOlsen PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 (No enclosures) a,- 6 EXHIBIT 5 TERMINATION CERTIFICATE The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Cornpany, N.A., as Trustee (the "Trastee'), hercby certifies to The Battk of Nova Scotia (the "Bonk'), $rith reference to lrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. 93444180085 (the uletter of Credlf'; the terms defincd therein and not othenpise defined herein being used herein as therein defined) issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee, as follows: (l) The Trustee is the Trustee under the Indenturc for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The conditions to termination of the Letter of Crcdit set forth in the Indenture have b.een satisfied, and accordingly, said Letter of Credit has terminated in accordance with its terms. (3) The original of the Letter of Credit and atl amendments thereto are returned herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Trustee has executed and delivered this Certificate as of ure ?fi*dayot l/lan-h ,20-n TI{E BA}.IK OF NEW YORK MELLON N qs Trustee By: Its:i /' e a ""' To bc uscd upon canccttation due to thc Trustcc's acccptoncc of ut Altcnratc Crcdit Facility putsuant to thc lndcntut, upon Tnrstcc's conftrmation lhat no Bonds rcnrsin outstanding or upon tctmination punsuant to Scclion 6.06 ofthc lndenturc. g Scotiobonk THE BANK OF NOVA SCONA New York Agcncy Onc Ubcrty Plaza, Ncw York, lt.y. IOOO6 IRREVOCABLE TRANSTERABLE DIRECT PAY LETTER OX'CREDIT NO. 93444/t00t5 Date: March 26, 2013 Amount: USD 24,801,096.00 Erpiratlon Dato: March 26,2415 Bcncficiary: Thc BankofNewYork Company, NA. as Trustcc 2North LaSalle Applicant: PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah Strreet, Suite 1900 Portland, Oregon 972324116, USA r020 Chicago, lllinois USA Attcntion: Global Corporate Trust Dcar Sir orMadam: We hereby issue our Irrevocablc Transferable Direct Pay ktter of Credit No. 93/144180085 ('Lctter ol Credtf) at the request and for the account of PacifiCorp (the "Conpony') pursuant to that certain LeBer of Credit and Rcimburscment Agreement, dated as of March 26, 2013, betwccn the Company and rs (as amendo{ supplcmcnted or othcnnise modified from time to time bcing hercin refcned to as thc Agreement), in your frvor, as Trustee udcr the Tnst Indenture, datcd as of 995, as amended and supplemcntcd by the First Supplemental Tnst amcndo{ supplemented or othenrisc modified l, 2fl)2 (as Sweetwater County, Wyoming (the aa ulndenlurc'), betwecn for the bencfit of the Bondholders refened to therein,24,400,000.00 in aggrcgate principol amouot of the Issuer's Environmental Rcvenue Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1995 (the uBondl) were issued. This of Credit is only availablc to be dravm upou with rcspcct to Bonds bcaring intercst at s dnily mtc or a weekly ratc ptusuant to the Indeoture. This Lctter of Credit is in thc total amount of USD 24,801,096.ffi (subjcct to adjutxrcnt as provided bclow). This l.cttcr of Credit shall bc efffec'tivc immodiately and shall expirc upon thc carlist to occur of (i) March 26,2015, or if not a Business Dan the noil succecding Buincss Day (the "stoted Esqbation Dot{), (ii) four business days following your recctpt of uirincn noticc from us (A) notifying you of the occuncncc ad continuance of an Event of Dcfault under tbe g Scotiobonk 2 Rcimbursement Agrcement and sating that such noticc is givcn pursuant to Section 9.01(f) of the Indenture or (B) notiSing you, not latq than the ninth Brsincss Day following thc datc we honor a Rcgular Drawing drawn egei66 tho Interest Component thst we will not reinsate the Lettcr of Crcdit in thc amount of said intcrest drawing and stating that such notice is givcn pursuant to Section 9.01(g) of the Indenturc, (iii) the datc on which we rcceivc a written and completed certificate signed by you in ttre form of Exhibit 5 attached hereto, (iv) the date which is 15 days following the Convcrsion Date for all Bonds remaining outstanding to an interest ratc mode other thur a daily rate or a weekly rate pu$uant to thc Indenture as zuch date is specified in a written and completed certificate signed by you in the form of Exhibit 6 attached hereto and (v) the datc on which wc rcceive and honor a written and completed certificate signcd by you in ttre form of Exhibit l. Exttibit 2 or BEb!!.3, attached hereto, stating that the drawirg thereunder is the frnal drawing under the ktter of Credit date being the "Csncellotioa Date'). Prior to the Cancellation Stated Expiration Date from time to time at thc request of the the form of being extended.of tbc Ststed Expintion Date shall bccomc effective on the date of such and thereafter all refercnces in this Letter of Crodit to thc Stated Expintion Date shall be deemed to be rcfercnces to the darc designated as such in such amendment. Any date to which &e Stated Expiration Date has been ortended as tprein provided may be extended in a like marurcr. Thc aggregate amount which may be draqnr under this Letter of Credit, subject to reductions in amout and reirutatcmcnt as provided beloq is USD 24,801,096.00, of which the aggpcgatc amounts set forth below may be drawn as indicated. (l) An aggregate amount not exceeding USD 24,400,000.(X), ss such amout may be rcduced and rcstored as provided below, may be drawn in respcct of payment of principal of the Bonds (or the portion of the purcluse price of Bonds coresponding to principal) (ttrc, " Prlnctpd ConEonenf), (iD An aggegate amount not exceeding USD 401,096.00, as such amount may be rcduced and restored as providcd below, may be drawn in rcspect of the rurrnent of up to 50 days' intercst on the principal amount of thc Bon& computed at a maximum ratc of l2o/o per an nn calculated on the basis of a 365day year (or the portion of the purchase price of Bonds corrcsponding thercto) (tlrc"Interest Conryncnl\. The Principd Component and ttre Intercst Component shall be reduced effectivc upon our receipt of a ccrtificate in the form of EXb!b!!j attached hercto completed in withthe terrns hereof. The presentation of a certificate compliance with the terus hereof shall be a "Drawlngl'; a of a regularly scheduled interest paymcnt or psyment of principal of and on thc Bonds upon scheduled or accelerated maturity shall be a"Regulu Drawkt'; a Drawing to pay principal of and interest on Bonds upon redemption of the Bonds in whole or in part shall be a"Redemption Druwingl",and to 1ou an amendment to this Lettcr of Credit in the date to which the Stated Expiration Datc is g Scotiobonk 3 Upon our honoring of any Regular Drawing hereunder, the Principal Component and thc Intercst Component shall be reduced immediately following such honoring, in each case by an amount cqual to the respective component of the amount specificd in such certificatq provlded, however, that rurless the Cancellation Date shall have ocouned, the amount of any Regutar Drawing hereunder dravm against the Interest Component shall be automatically reinstated as of our closc of business in New Yorlq New York on the ninth brsiness day following thc date of such honoring by such amount so drawn against the Intsrest Component unlcss you shall havc rcceived written noticc from us no later than the ninth business day following the date of such honoring that therc shall be no zuch reinstatemenL Upon our honoring of any Redemption Drawing hercunder, ttre Principal Component shall be reduced immediately following such honoring by an amount equal to the principal arnount of the Bonds to be redeemed with the proceeds of such Redemption Drawing and the Intercst Component shall be reduced following such honoring by an amount equal to 50 days' intercst on such of the Bonds to be redeemed computed at a macimurn nleof lZYo on the basis ofa 365-day year. Upon any Tender Drawing hereunder, the Principal Component and the Intcrest amount be reduced immediately following sush honoring, in eash case by an respectivc component of ttre amount specified in such certificate. Unless the shall have occurred promptly upon our having becn rcimbursed by or for the account of the Company in respect of any Tender Ihawing together with interest, [*y, owing thercon pur$ant to the Reimbursement Agreement, the Principal Component and the Interest Component, rcspectively, shall be reinstated when and to the extent of such reimbursement. Upon your telephone r€quesL we will confirm reinstatement pursuaot to this paragraph. Funds under this Irtter of Crcdit are available to you against the appropriatc certificate specified below, duly executed by you and appropriately complctcd. E dribit Setting Forth Tvlc ofDrawins RegularDnwing Tender Drawing Redemption Drawing C Efiibit I Exttibit 2 Exhibit 3 Drawing certificates urd other sertificates hereundcr shall be dated the date of presentation and shall be presented on a business day (as hereinafter defined) by delivery via a nationally recognized overnight courier to our office located at The Bank of Nova Scotia, New York Agency, One Liberty Plaza, New York, New York 10006, Standby Lettcr of Credit Departnent (or at any other office which may be designatcd by us by written notice delivered to a Drawing to pay the purchasc price of Bonds in accordancc with Section 3.01(a), 3.010), 3.02(a)(i), 3.02(aXiiD or 3.02(a)(iv) of the Indenture shall be a"Tender Drawingl'. g Scotiobonk 4 you at least 15 days prior to thc applicable date of Drawing) (lhe "Ban*'s Otfice'). T\e certificatcs you arc ruquired to submit to us may bc submittcd to ts by facsimile tansmission to the following numbqs: Ql?) 225-6,464 and (212) 225-57(D, or any other facsimile numbc(s) nftich may be dcsignatcd by us by writtar noticc delivcred to you at least 15 days prior to the applicabte darc of Drawing. You shall use your bcst efforts to confirm such notice of a Drawing by telcphone to onc of thc following numbers (or ury othcr telepbore number ufiich may bc designated by us by written noticc delivered to you at least 15 days prior to the applicable date of Ihawing): Ql2) 225-5424 or Ql2)225-5705, but such telcphonic notice shall not be a condition to a fharrying hcreunder. If we rcceive your ccrtificate(s) at suoh offico, all in stict conformity with thc terms and conditions of this Letter of Credit, (i) with rcspect to any Rcgular Drawing or Redomption Drawing,at or bcfore l:30 P.M. (New York City timc), we will honor such Drawing(s) at or bcfore l:ffi P.M. (New on the next succeeding brrsiness dan and (ir) with rcspect to any Tender I l:00 A.M. (Ncw York City timc), on a business day on or bcfore the will honor such Drawing(s) at or before 2:30 P.M. (New York City dan in accordancc with yorn payment instnrctions;you will usc your best efforts to give rs telephonic notification of any ptcsentation to thc tclephonc numbers dcsignated abovg with Rederption Drawing or Tendcr Drawing at or before 10:30respect to any A.M. (New York City timc) on thc samc buincss day. If we reccive your certificate(s) at such officc, all in suict conforrrity with thc terms and sonditions of this Lcttcr of Credit (i) after l:30 P.M. (Ncw York City timc), in thc case of a Regular Drawing or a Rcdemption Drawing on any bwincss day on or before the Cancellation Datc, we will honor such certificarc(s) at or bcforc l:00 P.M. (New York City time) on the second succceding busincss day, or (ii) after I l:00 A.M. (New York City timc), i! thc casc of a Tender Drawing on any brsiness day on or beforc thc Cancellation Date, we will honor such ccrtificatc(s) at or bcfore 2:ffi P.M. (Ncw York City time) on the ncxt succceding business day. Payment rurdcr this Lefier of Credit will be made by wire transfer of Fedcral Funds to yoru account with any bank that is a member of the Federal Rescrve Systcm. All payments made by trs under this Ictter of Credit will be made with our own funds and not with any finds of the Company, its affiliatcs or the Issuer. As uscd hercin, "buslncss day''mears a day except a Satuday, Sunday or other day (D on which banking institutions in the city or citicg in which thc designated office under thc Indcnturc of the Tnrstee, the remarketing agent undcr the Indenture or the pa$ng agent urdcr the lndenture or thc officc of the Bank which will honor draws upon this Lctter of Credit arp loc*cd are required or authorizsd by law or executive order to close or are close{ or (ii) on which the New York Stock Exchange, thc Company or remar*eting agcnt under the Indenturc is closcd. This Letter of Credit is tansferable in its cntircty (but not in part) to any transferoe who has succecdcd you as Tnrstcc under the Indenturc, and such mrsfcrred Lctter of Crcdit may bc succcssively transferred to any sucoessor Tnrstcc ttrcreunder, btrt may not be assigrrcd, transferrcd or oonveyed under any other circumstance. Transfer of the available balancc under this Letter of Credit to such transferee shall be cffected by the prescntation Letter of Cledit and all amendments hcreto, accompanicd by a certificatc in Exhibit 7. Upon such transfcr, wc will cndorse thc tansfcr on of Credit and forward it directly to such transfcree with otr srrch ransfcr, a transfcr fee will be charged to . ln connection with Applicang btrt tlre payment of such fee will not bc a condition to thc transfer. g Scotiobonk 5 This Lener of Credit may not be transfened to any person with which U.S. persons are prohibited from doing business under U.S. Foreign Assets Control Regulations or other applicable U.S. laws and Regulations. Except as otherwise provided herciru this Letter of Credit shall be governed by and constnred in accordance with International Standby Pnactices, Publication No. 590 of the International Chamber of Commerce (*ISFIF'). As to matters not covercd by ISP98 and to the extent not inconsistent with ISP98 or made inapplicable by this Letter of Credit, this Letter of Credit shall be governed by the larvs of the State of New York, including the Uniform Commercial Code as in cffect in the State of New York. This Letter of Credit scts forth in full our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any luay be modified, or agrcement refened except only the incorporate certificates. ofa Drawing by /6 Authorized Signature Name: Bruce Bleier Title: Director amplified or limited by refercnce to any document, instrument (including, without limitration, the Bonds and the Indcnnre), to hercin; and any such rcference shall not be deemed to any document, instrument or agreement except for such wherever the terms of this Letter of Crcdit shall rcfcr to the purpose or the provisions of any agrcement or document pursuant to which such hercunder, such purposc or povisions shall be conclusively determined statements made in the certificate accompanying such Drawing. Etr (t'lo Pindling Manager EXHIBIT 1 REGULAR DRAWINC CERTIFICATE The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Tnst Company, N.A., as Tnstee (tlrc "Truslee"), hereby ccrtifies as follows to The Bank of Nova Seotia (the"Banlf), with refcrcnce to Inpvocable Tnnsferable Direst Pay Letter of Credit No. 93444/80085 (the "Lefrer of Credit), issued by the Bar* in favor of the Trustee. Terms defined in the Letter of Credit and uscd but not defined herein shall have the meanings given them in the ktterof Crcdit. (l) The Trustee is the Trustee undcr the lndenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The rcspective amounts of principal of and interest on the Bonds, which do not exceed the Principal Component and Interest under the Letter of Credit, which arp due and payable (or which have becn to be due and payable) and with respect to the payment of which the Trustee is ale as follows: Principal lnterrst: (3) The respective portiors principal of and interest on the of this Certificate in respect of payment of computed in accordance with (and this the Bonds and the Indenture. been ofCertificate cornplies with) the terms and (4) Please send the payment requested hereunder by wire tansfer to [insert wire fransfer instnrctions]. (5) This Certilicate is being presented upon the [scheduled maturity of the Bondsl [accelerated maturlty of the Bonds pursurnt to the Indenturel- end is the finel Drawlng under the Letter of Credit in respect of prlnclpal of aud interest on the Bonds. Upon the honoring of this Certificate, the Letter of Credit will expire in accordence with ih terms, The hercwith.l" originel of the Letter of Credit, together with all lmendments, is returned IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this the _ day of 2A-., THE BA}.IK OF NEW TRUST COMPAI.TY, By: Title: lnsert appropriatc brackcted language. To bc used upon schcdulcd or accclerated maturity ofthe Bonds' of a aa EXHIBIT 2 TENDER DRAWING CERTIFICATE The undersigne{ a duly authorized ofticer of The Bank of Ncw York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Truslce'), hercby certifies as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (*c "BanP), with reference to lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Lcrer of Credit No. 934/04/80085 (the "Iit er of Credlt'), issued by the Banlc in ftvor of the Trustee. Terms defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not defined hercin shall have thc meanings given them in the Letter of Credit. (l) The Trustee is thc Trustee under the Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The amount of thc Tender under this Certifisate to pay the portion of the purchase price of the Bonds as of_ (the"Purchase l)ote") is USD which does not Component under the Letter of Credit. (3) The amount of the under this Certificate to pay the portion of the purchase priL".of the Bonds to intercst due as of the Purchase Date is USD -t which does not Interest Component under the Letter of Credit. (4) The total the Tender Drawing under this Certificate is USD (s) The of the total amount of this Certifrcate have been computed in accordance with (and this Certificate complies with) the terms and conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture. (6) The Trustee or the Custodian under the Custodian and Pledge Agreement refened to bclow will register or cause to be registered in thc name of the Company, upon payment of the amount dravrn hercunder, Bonds in the principal amount of the Bonds being purchased with the amounts drawn hereunder and will hold strch Bonds in accordance with the provisions of the Custodian and Plcdge Agreement, dated as of March 26,2011, among the Company, the Burk and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Custodian, as amended or othenuise modified from time to time. (7) Please send the payment r€questd hercunder by wire transfer to transfer instructions]. "' Assuming psymcnt under thc lrncr of Credit pursuant to a Rcgular Drawing for inrcrest on the Bonds duc and papble on or after thc datc of this Certificate but prior to the Purch$e Datc. Credtt wlll expire in rccordrnce wlth lts terms. The togetherwith ill emendments, is returued herewith.l"" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Trustee has exccuted the _ day of , 20-. l(8) This Certilicete ir being prcsented upon the occurrence of a mandatory purchrsc undcr either Sectlon 3.02(r)(iii) or 3.02(a)(iv) of the Indenture and ls the finrl Drrwing under the Letter of Credit Upon the honoring of thtg Certilicete, the Letter of the Letter of Credit, this Certificate as of THE NEW YORK MELLON , N.A., as Trustee "" To bc includcd if Ccrtificate is bcing prcscntcd in conncction with a mandatory purchase of thc Bonds under cither Scction 3.02(aXiii) or 3.02(aXiv) of dre Indennnc but only if no furthcr draws under thc Lcncr of Credit arc rcquired pusuant to thc Indcnmre on or prior to the Purchase Datc. By: Its: EXHIBIT 3 REDEMPTIO}I DRAWING CERTIFICATE The undersigned, a duly authorized offrccr of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (thc "IrzsteC),as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (thB"Bonk"), with refercnce to Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. 93444/800E5 (he "Leiler of Credll'), issued in favor of the Trustee. Terms defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not Letter of Credit. shall have the meanings given them in the (l) The Trustee is the the Indenture for the holden of the Bonds. @ The amount of Drawing to pay the portion of the redemption price of the Bonds principal is USD _, which does not cxceed the Principal Component under of Credit. (3) The amount of the Redemption Drawing under this Certificate to pay the portion of the rcdemption price of the Bonds corresponding to interest is USD , which does not exceed the Interest Component under the Letter of Credit. (4) The total amount of the Redemption Drawing utder this Certificate is USD (5) The respective portions of the total amount of this Certificate have been computed in accordance with (and this Certificate complies with) the terms and conditions of the Bonds and the lndenture. (6) Please send the payment requested hereunder by wire transfer to [insert wire transfer instructionsJ. l(7) This Certilicate ls thc lind Drrwing undcr the Letter of Credit end, upon the honoring of cuch Certificrte, the Letter of Credit will expire ln eccordrnce with its terms. The originel of the Letter of Crcdit, together with rll emcndmenE, ls rcturned herclvith.l"" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this the _ day of . 20-.of THE BA}.IK OF NEW TRUST COMPA}IY,N By: Its: To bc used upon optional or mandatory redemption of the Bonds in full. DC{IBIT 4 BEpUCION CERTTFTSATE The undersigred, a duly authorized officer of Bank of Ncw York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "TrwteC'), hereby as follows to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the"Bonk'),with reference to lrrevocable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. 93444/80085 (the "Letter of Credif'), issued in the Letter of Credit and used but not Letter of Credit. favor of the Tnrstee. Terms defined have the meanings given them in the (l) The Trutee is the the Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The aggrcgate Indenture) has been rcduced to (3) The Principal amount of the Bonds outstanding (as defined in the Component is hereby conespondingly reduced to USD interest on the reduced amount of principal set forth in paragraph (2) hereof computed at a modmum rate of l2o/oper annum calculated on the basis of a 365-day year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this the_ day of-r 20-. THE BAl.lK OF TRUST COMPAI{Y, By: lts: as of MELLON EXHIBIT 6 NOTICF OF CONVERSION The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the "Ttuslee"), hereby certifies to The Bank of Nova Scotia (the"Bank'), with reference to lrrevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Crcdit No. 93444/80085 (llrc *Letler of Crcdif'; the terms defined therein and not othenrise defined herein being used herein as thercin defincd) issued by the Bank in favor of ttre Trustec, as follows: (l) The Trustee is the Trustee under the Indenture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The interest rate on all Bonds rcmaining outstanding have been converted to a rate other than a daily rate or a weekly rate pusuant to the Indenturc on - (the "Convercion DolC), and accordingly, said [rtter of Credit shall terminate fifteen (15) days after such Conversion Date in accordance wittr its tcrms. (3) Thc original of thc Letter of Credit and all amendments thereto arc retumcd herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this as of the_day of ,20_. THE BAI.IK OF MELLON TRUST COMPANY, By: Its: E)(HIBIT 7 TNSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSFER Lener of Credit; provided, however, that no rights shall such Eansferee until such transfer complies with the 20 Thc Bank ofNova Scotia New York Agcncy One Liberty Plaza NewYork,NewYork 10006 RE: Thc Bank ofNova Scotiq New Yorlc Agency Inevocable Transferable Direct Pay lrtter of Credit No. Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned, as Trustee Trust Indenturc, dated as of November l, 1995, as amendod and supplemented by Trust Indenture, dated as of February l, 2002 (as amended,modified from time to time, the "Indenlare"), between Sweetwater County,and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., is named as Letter of Credit referred to above (ttrc "Lctter of Credit'). The uansferee named the undersigned as Trustec undcr the Indenture. (Name of Transferee) (Addrcss) Thercforc, for value received, the undersigned hereby you to ransfcr to such transferee all rights of the undersigned to draw under Credit. By this transfer, all rights of the undersigled in the are tansfered to such nansferee and such transferee shall hereafter have the to as beneficiary under the have been nansfened to of the Letter of Credit pertaining to tansfers. The undersigned hansferor the transferor no longer has any rights under or interest in the Letter of Credit. All amendments are to be adviscd directly to tlre tansferee without the necessity of any consent of or notice to the undersigned transferor. The original of such Letter of Credit and atl amendments arc being rctumed herewith, and in accordance therewith we ask you to endorse the within transfer on the rcvqme thercof and fonrard it dircctly to the transferee with your customary notice of ransfer. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of 20-. THE BAI-IK OF MELLON TRUST fransferor By: Its: as transfereeINAME By: lts: EXHIBIT 8 EXTENSION AMENDMENT The Bank of Nova Scotia New York Agency One Liberty Plaza Ncw Yorlq New York 10006 IRREVOCABLE TRAI.ISFERABLE DIRECT PAY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 93444/80085 Dated: Beneficiary: The Bank ofNew York Company, N.A., as 2 North LaSalle I Chicago, Illinois Attention:Trust We hereby amend our Inevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit Number 93,+44180085 as follows: Amendnrent Sequerrce Number: Strated Expiration Date is extended to: All other terms and conditions remain unchangcd. This Amendment is to be considered an integral part of the Letter of Credit and must be attached thereto. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTI.A, NEW YORK AGENCY Authorized Signature Authorized Applicant: PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomatr Str€ct, Suitc 1900 Portland, Orcgon 972324116, USA Autharlzed Signer .t SweeTw hTEt nq{EP Scotiobonk THE BAilK OF I{OVA SCONA Ncw York Agency 250 Ycrcy Strcot, J{rw YorI, }1.Y. 1028t EXHIBITs EXTENSION AIVTENDMENT Thc Bank of Nova Scotia Nqr YorkAgcncy 250 Vescy Strea Ncw Yorlc, Ncw York l02tl IRREVOCABLE Beneliciary: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.r{., as Tnstee 2 North LaSallc Street, Suitc 1020 Chicago, Illinois 60602, USA Attention: Global Corporate Trust We hereby amend our lrrevocable as follows: Amcndment Sequence Numbcr: I Transferablc Direct Pay v ErTER OF CREDIT NO. 93444/80085 Datod: F&ruary 13,2015 Applicant: PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnornah Strcct, Suitc 1900 Portlan4 Oregon 972324116, USA 93444/80085 Stated Expiration Datc is extc'nded to:2017. All otlrcr terms and corditions remain unchanged. This Amendment is to be coruidcred an intcgral part of thc tettcrof Crcdil and must bc attachcd thcrao. NOVA NEW YORK AGENCY afr Authorizcd Signature Authorized PacifiCorp E25 N.E. Multnomah Strect, Suitc 1900 Portland Oregon 972324116, USA Thc Eenk of Nova Scotla Nqn./Yotk Agency 25O V6ey str€et ilew Yo*, N.Y 10281 $ Scothbonk'' EXHIBIT 8 EXTENSION AMENDMENT The Bank of Nova Scotia New York Agency 250 Vesey Strea New Yorlq New York 10281 IRREVOCABLE TRAI.ISFERABLE OF CRE-DIT NO. 93'144/80085 Dated: January 18,2017 Bcneficiary:Applicant: The Bankof Neu, N.A., asTnstee Mellon Trust Company, 2 North LaSallc Street, Suite 1020 Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA Attention: Global Corporate Trust Wc hereby amend our lrrcvocable Transfemable Direct Pay Lettcr of Crcdit Numbcr 93444/80085 as follows: Amendment Sequance Nurnbcn 2 Stated Expiration Date is cxtended to: March 26,2019. All otherterms and corditions remain unchanged. This integral pan ofthe Irtter of Credit and must be attachod thereto. THE BAI{K OF NOVA SCOTI.A, NEW YORK ACENCY an T r,'''r1 "-/&Authqfized Slgnaturc d P3 / 4l- L *l Authorized Sigrrature n L-"o*l Case No PAC-S-94-1; Order No 25443 and Case No PAC-S-95-2; Order 26039 Notice of Termination for Letter of Credit Agreement Dated March 7,2019 Between PacifiCorp and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce $1211940,000 Emery County, Utah Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds @acifiCorp Project) Series 1994. p BNY MELLON Corporate Trutt 2 N Lasalle St,e6t, Suito 7@ Chicago, lL 60602 March 7,2019 VIA UPS Canadian lmperial Bank of Commerce, New York Branch 425 Lexington Avenue Attn: Charmaine McPherson NewYork, NY 10017 Re: Emery 1994 - Letter of Credit No S8GT757054 Termination Dear Ms. McPherson: f n connection wlth the termination of the Letter of Credlt on March 7,20L9, the Trustee hereby surrenders to you the letter of Credlt llsted below on March 8, 2019. lnevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054 (Emery Serles 1994) ! can be contacted at (312) 827-L358 ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, Cynthia Reis Vice Presldent cc: Canadlan lmperial Bank of Commerce, New York Branch 425 Lexington Avenue, 4rh Floor NewYork, NY 10017 Attn: RobbyCasey (No enclosures) Kristi Olsen PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 (No enclosures) W 6 t.iltat 2r06C!rt.20t2,01Ganadlan lmperlal Bank of New York Branch Plrrc rnd This Page forms an integral part of our Letter of Credit No. S8GT75705.4. EXHIBIT 5 TERMINATION CERTIFICATE The underslgnad, a duly authorized officer of The Benk of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Irustee'), hereby certlffes to Canadian lmpedal Bank of Comm€rce, New York Branch (the 'BanK), with reference to lnevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054 (he 'Letter of Ctodlf: the terms delined therein and not otherwisa defined herein being used herein as trerein deftned) issued by the Bank in lavor of the Trustee, as follows: (1) The Trustee is the Trustee under the lnd€nture for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The oonditions to termlnation of the Letter of Credit set forth in the lndenture have been satislied, and accordingly, said Letter of Credit has terminated in accordanca with its terms. (3)The originalof the Letterof Credit and all amendments thereto are retumed herewith. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and def,vered this Cerlilicate as of theMarcq ,20-l-2. -*I day of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST /k", QSi(khjl Page 9 of l3 Ttrc OBC logo h r rcgbtcrcd t'.domerk of Erngur Q8C tc ,ogo CrrC 6t u,rt,rrrrquc d(pot h d! r. f.iq.rc CrtC. CIBC N.A., as Trustee By: lls:lC..Z ? L2llat 2r06C 3rt.lor2r0rCanadlan lmperlal Bank of New York Branch lrrsvocable Trensferablo Dltact Pay Lettar of Grodlt No. S8GT757054 Effectlvc Drte: March 19,2015 Beneficlary: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee 2 North LaSalle Street, Sulte 1020 Chlcago, llllnols 60602, USA Appllcant: PaciliCorp 825 N.E, Multnomah Street Suite 1900 Portland, Oregon 97232-4116, USA an Event of Default under lhe Amount: USD123,864,314,00 One Hundrcd and Twcnty Three Milllon Eight Hundred and Sixty Four Thousand Three Hundred and Fourteen US Dollars Date of Explry: 19 March 2017 AttenUon: Global Corporate Trust Dear Sir or Madam: We, Canadian lmpedal Bank of York Branch, 425 Lexington Avenue, 4b Floor, Nsw York, New York 10017 (the No. SBGT757O54I'LetEr issuc our lnevocable Transfcrable Dircct Pay Letter of Credit he requcet and br the account of PaclfiCorp (the'Company') pursuanl to that ccrtain and Rclmbursemcnt Agreemcnt, dated as of March 19, 2015, ohenrisc modified from [me to timc beingbetween thc Company and us (as amcnded, supplcmenEd or herein rcfened to as he "Relmbutsemant Agreemenf), in your favor, as Trugbc under the Trust lndenture, dated as of November 1, 1994 (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "lndenturdl, between Emery County, Utah (the'lscue/) and you, as Trustee for the benelit of the Bondholders rcfened to therein, pursuant to which USDl21,940,000.00 in aggregate principal amountof the lssue/s Pollution Control Ravanue Refunding Bonds (PacittCorp Project) Serlas 1994 (the '8onds') wete issued. This Letter of Credtt is only amllable to be drawn upon wtth respeci to Bonds bearing lnterest at a rate other than a term interest rate purcuant to the lndenture. This Letter of Credil ls ln the total amount of USDl23,864,314.00 (subjec{ to adjustment as provlded This Letter of Credit shall be effectve lmmediataly upon the above and shall expire upon the earliest to occur of (l)March 19,2017, or if not the next succeedang Business Day (the'Stated Explntton Date'), (ii) four notice from us (A) notifying you of &e occurrence ard your receipt of written Reimbursement Agreement and steting that such pursuant to Section 9.01(g) of he lndenture, or (B) notlfylng you, not later than he Regular Section the lnterestDrawing against 3.02(aXiv) of he I that such Day following the date we honor a notice ls being given pursuant to lndenture and that this of will not be reinstated in accordance wilh its terms, (lli) the date on which we raceive a written and completed certificate signed by you in the form of Exhibit Q attached hereto. (iv) the date which is 15 days following the Conversion Date for all Bonds remaining outstandlng to a term interest rate purauant to he lndenlura as such date is specilied ln a written and compEted certilicate signed by you in the fom of Exhibit 6 attacfred hereb and (v) he date on which we recelve and honor a written and completed certificate signed by you in the brm of Exhiblt 1, Exhibit 2 or EIhiEILll attiached herelo, atating that the drawing thcrcunder ls the linal drawing under the Letter of Credit (such earllest date being tp"Cancellatlon Dafe). Prior to the Cancellauon Datq, we may axtend the Stated Expiration Date from time to Ume at the rcquest of he Company by delivering to you an amendment to this Letler of Credit in fre form of Exhiblt I Ettadted hercto deslgnating the date to which the Stated Expiration Date ls belng extended. Each such Pagc 1 of 13 Itc OEC logo b . rcgincrcd tr.dGmrrl of lrnq,C OBC t! bgo crDC ltt unc ,', rqur @ota. & h ,,,nC1uD Clgc CIBC Salttaa lrocc l|l.20tu0rCanadlan lmperlal Bank of New York Branch This Page forms an integral part of or Lctter of Crcdit No. S8GT757054. extension of the Stated Expira6on Datc shal becomc efiadive on the dats of such arendmcnt and thereafter all rcferenccs ln thls Lcttcr of Crdit to thc Steted Expiration Detc ahall be dccmed to be references to the date designatcd as such in such amendmcnt Any datc to whlch he Stated Expiration Date has baen cr[ended as hereln provided may be extended in a like menner. The aggregate amount which may be drawn under this Letter of Crcdit, subfcct to reductiona in amount and reinstatement as provided below, le USD 123,864,314.(X), of which the aggregate amounts set brth below may be drawn as indlcated. (i) An aggregate amount not exceedlng USD 121,940,000.00, as such amount may be reduced and restored as provitled belor, may be drawn in of (or the portlon of the purchase price of Bonds conespondlng to (ii)USD 4, aB such amount may be reduced and restored as payment of up to 48 days' intercst on lhe prlncipal of a 36$amount of the Bonda compubd at a day year (or he portion of the of 12% per annum calculated on he basisgbe of Bonds conesponding thercto) (thc 'lnlerest Componenfl. The Prlnclpal Component Component shall be reduced effective upon our recelpt of a certificate in the form of hereto completed in strict compllance with the terms hereof. The presentation of a requee0ng a drawlng hereunder, in strlct oompliance wlth the terms hereof ehall be a"Dnwlngf; a Drawing ln respect of a ragularly schaduled lnterest payment or payment of prindpal of and interest on the Bonds upon scheduled or accelerated maturity shall E a'Ragular Drawlnt a Drawing to pay principal of and foiterast on Bonds upon redemption of the Bonds ln whole or in part shall be a'Redemptlon Dnwlngf; and a Dnawing to pay the purchasa price of Bonds in accordance with Section 3.01, 3.02, 3.03 or 3.M of the lndenture shafi be a'Tendelr Dnwlngf. Upon our honoring of any Rcgular Drawing hereunder, the Principal Component and the lnterest Component shall be reduced lmmediately followlng such honorlng, in eadr case by an amount equal to the respcctlve component of the amount specified ln such certlficate: pnvlded, hovnver, that, unless lhe Cancellation Date shall have occuned, the arnounl of iny Rcgular Drawing hercunder drawn against he lnterest Component shall be automatically reinslated eighth 1ath1 Businass Day foltowlng thc d'ate of such lnterest Componen[ unless you Business Day following the date accordanca with its tcrms. as of the close of business York on the honoring by such amounl against the 05sevanth bc reinstated in shall have recelved written notice from us no of such honoring, stating [rat this Lettcr of Upon our honoring of any RedempUon Drawing hereunder, the immedhtely following such honoring by an amount equal redeemed wlth the proceeds of snch Redemplion Drawlng to immedhtely folloring such honorlng by an amount equal the Bonds to be redeemed computed at a maximum rate 365day year. per annum shall be reduced amount of the Bonds to be Component shall be reduced on such pincipalamounl of calculated on the basis of a Upon our honoring of any Tender Drawing hereunder, the Prlnclpal Component and the lnterest Component shall be reduced immediately following such honorlng, in each case by an amount equal to the respective component of the amount specified ln such certificate. Unless the Cancellation Date shall have occurred, promptly upon our having been reimburscd by or for the account of the Company in respect of any Tender Drawing, togcther with intercst, if any, owing thcreon pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement, lhe Principa! Component and the lnterest Component, respec0vely, shallbe Page 2 of 13 Thc Cllc logo lr a ruginGrcd md.lrt.rt of Eurqr,ro oBc t. ,o!p crrc a uE ,,urq,te ilPtae & h ,|a$t cEc CItsC l.!ltral 2r06C ilL.Iorzt rCanadlan lmperial Bank of New York Branch Thls Page forms an integra! part of our Lefier of Credit No. S8G757054. reinstated when and to the extent of such reimbursement. Upon your telephone request, we will confirm reinstatemont pursuant to this paragraph. Funds under thls Letter of Crcdit are available to you against the appropriate certificate specifed b6low, duly executed by you and appropriately completed. Exhibit Setting Forth Tvoe of Drawino Form of Certificate Reouired Regular Drawing Exhibit 1 Tender Drawing Redemptlon Drawing Drawing certificates and other certificates hereunder shall Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 date of presentation and shall be prcsented on a business day (as hcreinafrer defined) courler to our office located at Canadian lmperial Avenue, New York, New York 10017, wih a copy facsimile to our global operafions ccnter in Toronto, Canada and addressed in Agreement (or at any oher office whictr may be designated by us by dclivered to you at least 15 a nationally reognized ovcrnight New York Branch, 425 Lexington applicable date of Dnwing) (the'8anf,'s be submitted to us by facsimlle may be designated by us by written Drawing. You shall use your following number (or any other dallvered to you at tr424344 certficates you 948-1934, or any to you at least 1 confirm such nolice are required to other facsimlle days prior to the submil to ue may numbe(s) wtrich 5 days prlor to of a Drawing the applicable date of by tehphone to the by written notkr (Betty Schaubel)least 15 days prior or (416)(Frederick Page), but telcphonic notice shall not be a condition to a Drawing hereunder. lf we receivc yotr certifrate(s) at atrh office, all in stict conbrmity f,,ith he terms and conditions of thls Letter of Credit, (i) with respect b any Regular Drawing or Redemption Drawing, at or before 3:00 P.M. (Ncw York City time), we wlll honor such Drawing(s) at or beforu 1:00 P.M. (New York City time), on the second succeeding business day, and (li) with respcct to any Tender Drawing, at or before 12:fi) noon (New Yoilt City tirne), on a business day on or bebre the Cancellation Dale, ure will honor such Drawing(s) at or before 2:30 P.M. (New York Cig time), on he game buslness day, in accordancc with your payment insbuctlons; plorvlded, however, that you will use your best efforts to giva us telephonic notiftcation ol any such pendlng presentation to the telephona numbers designated above, (A) with respect to any Regular Drawing or Redempton &awing, at or before 10:00 A.M. (New York Clty time) on the next preedlng business day, (B) with respact to any Tender Drawing to pay the purchase price of Bonds in accordance with Section 3.01 or 3.02 of tre lndenture, at or before 10:00 A.M. (New York City time) on lhe seme businesg day and (C) with respect to any Tender Drawlng to pay the purchase price of Bonds ln accordance with Section 3.03 or 3.(X of the lndenture, at or before 12:00 noon (New York City time) on the next precedlng business day. lf we receive your certificate(s) at such offce, all ln strlct conforml$ wth the tcrms and conditions of this Letter of Credlt (l) after 3:00 P.M. (Ncw Yorft City time), in the case of a Regular Drawing or a Redemption Drawing, on any buslness day on or before 0te Cancclation Date, we will honor such certificate(e) at or bofore 1:00 P.M, (New York City tme) on the third succeeding business day, or (ii) after l2:@ noon (New York Clty time), ln the case of a Tender Drawing, on any business day on or before the CancellaUon Date, we will honor such certlficate(s) at or before 2:30 P.M. (Nau York Ci$ time) on the next succeeding business day. Payment under this Letter of Gredit will be made by wire lransfer of Federal Funds b your account with any bank that ie a member of thc Federal Reserve Systcm. All paymenb made by us under thls Letter of Credit will be made with our own funds end not with any funds of the Company, its afiiliatcs or the lssuar. As used Page 3 of 13 fhe CtsC logo lr r rcgino:d radcrnr* of lanqur CIBC tc rogo Of Gil.rn€,n rquc daporac & h la,qw CIBC, CIBC< tGrrIt :r06c all.loruICanadlan lmperlal Bank of Commerce, New York Bnnch 425 Lexlmton Avenue.4m Floor This Page forms an integral part of our Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054. herein, 'buslness da1l means a day except a Saturday, Sunday or other day (i) on whlch banklng insUtutlone in the city or cities in whlch the deslgnated office undcr the lndcnture of hc Trustcc, the remarketing agcnt under thc lndenture or thc paylng agent undcr thc lndcnturc or the officc of the Bank which will honor draws upon this Leter of Crcdit aru located are requircd or auhorized by law or executive order to close or ara cloeed, or (ii) on which thc New York Stock Exchange or ramarketing agent under the lndenture is closed. Thls Letter of Credlt is tansfcraUe ln its entlrety (but not in pail) to any transferee who has succeededyou as Trustee under the lndenture, and such transErrud Letter of Credit may be successively transfensd to any suooessor Trugtee thereunder, but may not be assigned, transferred or conveyed under any other circumstance. Transfer of the available balance under thls Letter of Credlt to such tsansferee shall be effected by the presentation to us accompanbd by a certificato in tha form set forth ln of [rls Letter of Credit and all amendments herclo, Upon such transfer, we willendorsa the transfer on the Gverse of thls Letter of Credlt and to such transferee with our customary notice of banshr. ln conneclion with such fee wlll be chargcd b he account of the Applicant, but the payment of such fee will not be to the effectiveness of such transfcr This Latter of Credit may not doing business under U.S. be transfened wlth which U.S. persons are prohlbited fom Foreign Regulations or other applicable U.S. laws and Regulations. Excapt as othenrise provided Letter of Credlt shall be govcmed by and construed ln accordance with lnternational PublicaUon No. 590 of the lntemational Chamber of Commerce ("lSP98'). As to covered by lSP98 and to tho ertent not inonsistent wlh lSP98 of Credlt, his Lctter of Crsdit shall be govemed by the laws of thc Uniform Commcrcial Code as in effect ln he State of New York. This Letter of Crcdit sets forth in full our undertaklng, and such undertraklng shall not in any way be modified, amended, amdilied or limited by reference to any document, lnsbument or agreement rcfened to herein (including, without limitalion, tha Bonds and ha lndenturc), except only the certificales refenad to herein; and any such rebrenco ghall not be deemsd to lncorpoate herein by rehrence any document, instrument or agreement except for such certifrcates. Wlrenever and wheraver he terms of thls Letter of Credit shall refer b he purpose of a Drawing hereunder, or the provisions of any agrBement or documenl pursuant to which such Drawlng may be made her€under, such purpose or provislons shall be conclusively determined by relerence to he statements made in the cartiticate accompanying such Drawing. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bank has caused this Letter of Credit to be duly cxecutcd and delivered of the date first above written. CANADIAN IiIIPERIAL NEW YORK By Name: TiUe:GcncralManagPr By Title:Blair Kissack General Manager Page4 of 13 Ttrc CltC logo h a rcglnrcd rradcmllt ol B.nqE C|EC U bgo Qrc & uE ,t,rW d6po,Ic d! A 8.n$r. Otc. CIBC -: 35;lr:tat 2r06c B[.-20rz0rCanadian lmperlal Bank of New York Branch Pl.ce This Page forrns an integral part of our Leiler of Credit No. S8GT757054. EXHIBIT 1 REGULAR DRAWING CERTIFICATE The underslgned, a duly authorized officer of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the'Iruslee"), hereby certifies as follows to Canadian lmperial Bank of Commerce, New York Branch (th€ "Banl(1, with reference to lnevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit No. SBGT757054 (the 'Letter of Ctoditl, issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee. Terms deltned in the Letter of Gredit and used but not deflned harein shall have the meanings given hem in the Letter of Credit. (1) The Trustee ls he Trustee under the lndenture for the holders of he Bonds. (2) The respective amounts of principalof and lhe Bonds, which do not exceed the Principal Component and lnterest Componcnt, respectively,Lettsr of Credit, which are due and payable with respect to the payment of whhh the(or which have besn dedared to be due and Trustee is presentlng this Certilicate, are as Pdncioal: USD lnterest USD (3) The respective portbns interest on the Bonds have Ccrtificate in respect of payment of principal of andof the been accordance with (and this Celtificate complies with) the terms and conditions of the Bonds (4) Please send the payment by wire transferb [nsert wlre hansfer instructionsJ. (5) Thls Certlflcate le balng presented upon the [rchcduled malurlty of the Bondst [accalcretedmaturlty of the Bonds purruant to the lndenturcl and ls the flnal Drawlng under the Lcfier of Credlt ln tuepect of prlnclpal of and lntercst on the Bonds. Upon the honorlng of thlr Gcillflcrte, tha Lstter of Crcdlt wlll explro ln accordanca wlth ltc tcme. The orlglnal of the Letter of Crcdlt, togethcr wlth all amendments, l8 rctumed herawtth.t lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered this Certificale as of the day of,20_. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A.. as Trustee Title: Page 5 of 13 By: fhc CIBC logo b . r.gtrtar€d radcol.]t ol Banqc OBC & bgo c,8( !'t un ,rl tqr,r d(pa(c da ,r trnqc CllK r2ltat :ro6c BE 20r2,DrCanadlanBank of New York Branch Pl.cr This Page forms an integral part of our Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054. The undersigned, a duly authorized officar of of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as lmperial Bank of Commerce, l,$ew York Transfcrable Dir€ct Pay Lelter of Credit lhe Bank in favor of the Trustee. Terms defined in Trusbe (the'Irus0ae'), hereby cartifies as Branch (the "&enfl. No. SBGT757054 (the with reference to "Letter of the Letter of Credit and used but not Credit. shall have the mcanlngs givcn them in the Letter of (1) Thc Trustee is the Truslee under the for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The amount of the Tender Drawing under hb Certificata to pay the portion of the purchase pie of the Bonds conesponding to princlpal ae of (thc 'Purciase Dale') is USD -, whlch doEs not exceed the Prlncipal Component under the Letter of CrEdit. (3) Thc amount of the Tendcr Drawlng under this Certificate to pey the portlon of tha g.rrchase gbe of the Bonds corrcsponding to intcrest due as of the PurchasE Date ls USD , wtrich does not exceed 0re Interesl Component undcr lhe Lettcr of Credlt. (4) The total amount of the Tender Drawing under $b Cerfificate is USD -, (5) The respective portions of the total amount of this Gertlffcate have been computed ln accordance with (and thls Certiftcate complies wi0r) the tcrms and conditlons of he Bonde and the lndenture. (6) Ihe Truetee or the Custodian urder the Custodian and Pledge Agrcemcnt refenad to below will register or sause to be rcgistercd ln the name of the Company, upon payment of the amount drawn hcrcundar, Bonds in the princlpal amount of thc Bonds behg purchased with lhc amounts drawn hcrcunder and will hold such Bords in accordance wih the provisbns of he Custodlan and Plcdge Agrccment, dated as of March 19, 2015, emong the Company, the Bank and The Bank of Nevtt York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Custodian, as amended or otherwise modified from time to tlme. (7) Please send the payment requestad hereunder by wire transfer lo [insert wire transfer instructionst. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delivered hls Certificate as of tha _ day of,20-. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A, as Trustae By: Its: Pagc 6 of 13 The QBC logo b r rag[*rrGd ttaduDrk of Bmquc CIBC' t " ,o!o CEC Gn uac ma,ql,C dpo,.c da h ,,,,,r//u. OrC. CIBC ltctttaa 2t0€c ![-2or2r0rCanadlan lmperlal Bank of New York Branch This Page forms an integral part of our Letter of Credit No. SBGT757054. 3 The undersigned, a duly authorizcd Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., aE to Cenadian lmpcrlal Bank of CommGrce, New YorkTrustee (tha'Tnrstee'), hereby certifles Branch (the '8anlt'), with reference Transferable Dlrcct Pay Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054 (the "Letter of by the Bank in favor of the Trustee, Terms defined ln the Lctter of Crcdit and used bul ttot Credlt shall have the meanings given them in the Latter of (1) The Trustee is the Trustee under for the holders of the Bonds. (2) The amount of the Redemption to pay the portion of lhe redemption fice of the Bonds which does not exceed the Principal Component underconesponding to prlncipal is USD the Letter of Credit. (3) The amount of he Redemplion Drawing undcr this Certificate to pay the portion of the redemption prce of the Bondg conesponding to lnterest is USD , whlch does not exceed lhe lnterest Componenl under the Leter of CIBdit. (4)ThelotalamountoftheRedemptionDrawingundcrhlsCefficatelsUSD-. (5) The respective portions of he total armunt of thb CcrtificaE havc bccn computed In accordance wtth (ard this Certlficatc complieswith) lhe terms and condiUons of the Bonds and the lndenture. (6) Please send the paynrcnt requcsted hereunder by wire tsansfer to [insert wire transfer inshuctlonsl. (7) Thlc Ccrtlflcate E Oe llnal Drawlng under thc Lctter of Credlt end, upon the honorlng of such Certlflcatc, the Lettr of Credlt wlll cxplrc ln accordrnce wlth its tcmt. The orlglnal of the Lettcr of Cmdlt, together wlth all amendmcnE, ls returncd hcrswlth. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed and delvered this Certificate as of the day of,20-. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Trustee By: Its: Page 7 of 13 Ihe C|EC logo ir ! rcghrrcd tr.dcraark of Eanquc CleC Lc bgo CIBC ltt unc ,Datquc daporCc de h 8,,rqw CltC. CIBC ta:llraa 2t06c 8tt-2012trrGanadlan lmpcrlal Bank of Commolcq ilew York Branchi25Larl@ptxcandllmtYor{tFwdodr.tffi;l This Page forms an integral part of our Letterof Credit No. SBGT757054. The undersigned, a duly authorlzad officer TrusEe (the'Inrstec'), heraby certifies as of of New Ysk Mcllon Trust Company, N.A., as lmperial Bank of Commerce, New York Branch (the '8enlf), wih rcfcrcnca to Transhrable Direct Pay Lcttcr of Crudit Bank h favor of the Trustee. Tcrms dafined in I have the meanings given them in hc Letter of No. S8GT757054 (thc'Lctter of Cr.dltl, the Letter of Credil and used bul not defined Credit. (1) The Trustee is he Trustea under (2) The aggregate principal amount reduced to USD ':; ,;::mH:::i::X"fi ,he nden,ure, has been (3) The Principal Component is hereby conespondingly reduced to USD Its: Page I of 13 Itr OBC logo Ir a rGgbterrd t .d.m.rt o, t.nqe OtC tc logp CllCcst uac auquc d{poCc da ,e Arnqn CrtC CIBC Lilrtaa :rGC B[..t0rz0rCanadian lmperlal Bank of New York Branch IltilerVodq ltleil {!r{!t004'7 Thls Page forms an integral part of our Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054. EXHIBIT 6 NOTICE OF CONVERSION The undersigned, 'Irustae'), heraby of New York Mcllon Trust Company, N.A. (the Nal York Branch (the'Baa*'), wiUt reference to lnevocable Transferablc Direct Pay Credit No. S8GT757054 (the 'Letter of Crcdfl: Sre terms defined therein and not herein being usad herein as therein defined) issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee, as (1) The Trustee is the Trustee undcr the I holders of the Bonds. (2) The lnterest rate on all Bonds hava been converted to a term interest ratc pursuant to thc lndenture on Daie"), and accordingly, said Letter of Credat shall terminate fifleen (15) days after such Date in accordance with its terms. (3) The origlnal of the Letler of Gredit thereto are returned herewith. IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the ,20_. day of Its: Page 10 of l3 Ilr: C|BC logo b a rcgbtorcd trrdcrnrrk ol Eenqn CE(. t. rogp OSCett rrru m.q,E da?ea de h ?l,nC,ta CltC. CIBC ts Llrtat I06C irt zotz0rGanadlan lmparlal Bank of New York Branch Ph(c This Page brms an integral part of our Letler of Credit No, SBGT757054. EXHIBIT 7 INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSFERs canadian lmperlal Bank of Commerce (' NewYork Brinch 4' 425 Lexington Av€nue, 4'n Floor tNewYork,NewYorkl00lT ( RE: Canadhn lmperial Bank of Commer$frew York Branch, lnevocable Transferable Direct PayGher of Credit No. S8GT757054 Ladies and Gentlemen:q ,ro"(n, Trust lndenture, dated as of November 1, 1994 (as amended,The undersigned, as Trustee supplemented or othenrise modlfied from time to time, the 'ladenture'), between Emery County, Utah and The Bank of New York Mallon Trust Company, N.A., is named as beneficiary ln the Letter of Cradlt refened to above (the 'Letter of Cr€dltl. The lnansferee named below has succeeded fte undersigned as Trustee under the lndenture. (Name of Transfcrec) (Address) Therefore, for nalue received. the undersigned hereby inevocably lnstructs you to transEr to sudt transferee all rights of the underslgncd to draw under the Letter of Cradit. By this transfer,all dghts of the shall heraafter undersigned in the Letter of Credit are transfened to and such transferee have the sole righls as beneficiary bansfened under the howevar. hat no rights shall be deemed to have been to such complies with the requlrements of the Letter of Credlt pertalning to transErs.transferor conlirms that the transferor no longer has are to be advised direcUy to the any rights under or interest in Letter of Credit. All amendments transfer€e without the consent of or notice to the undersigned transbror The original of such Letter of Credit and all amendments are behg reru4gfficrewith, and in accordanca therewilh we ask you to endorse th€ within transfer on the revede tne$t and fonrard it directly to Sre transferee with your customary notice of transfer. \. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the _ day of 20_. Page 11 of 13 ThG OsC logo b . rcakitcrcd trldutr.rk of Brquc OBC, tc ,ogo OEC 6t wE muqw daptls & b Ee,nqun ClK,' CIBC--:: 20- Ganadian lmperlal Bank ot New York Branch ta2ttat 2to5c l[.2or2r0r This Page forms an int€gral part of our Letter of Gredlt No. SBGT757054 THE BANK OF NEW YOBK COMPANY, N.A., as transtgfl MELLON TRUST By: Its: ll INAMEOF as transferee By: Its: Page 12 of 13 Th. ctBC logo Ir r r.gart .Gd tradcmrrl ol Brnquc CIBC ta rogp OrC cti una ,,,d,q/ua diopitac dc le &aguc OtC. CIBC tttrtaa 2t06c ot-lot2l0rGanadlan lmperlal Bank of New York Branch 125 and This Page forms an lntegral part of our Letter of Credit No. S8GT757054. EXHIBIT 8 EXTENSION AMENDMENT Canadian lmperial Bank of Commeroe New York Branch 425 Lexington Avenue, 4h Floor New York, New York 10017 RE: Inevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letter of Credit Beneficiary: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust N.A., as Trustee 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1020 Chicago, lllinols 60602, USA Atlention: Global Corporate Trust PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah Strcet, Suite 1900 Portland, Oregon 97232-4116, USA We hereby amend our lnevocable Transferable Direct Pay Letler of Credit No. S8GT757054 as fdlows: Amendment Sequenca Number: Stated Expiration Date ls extended to: All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Thls Amgndment ls to be considered an integra! part of the Letter of Credit and must be attacfied thereto. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE NEWYORK BRANCH Auhorized Signature Authorized Signature Page 13 of l3 The oEc togo b a ?lginc.ed tra&mul of Srnquc cllc t c ,o!p o8c at ur nuqn dlp*o & L tu'4,,tc cl9c' CIBC Canadian lmperial Bank of CommersE, New York Branch 19 December2016 Phc. .nd data of l$ue Uau et d.tr ddm&ricn !r:rtttat 2!06C ilt'2or2/01 Letter of Credit Reference No.SBGT757O54 AMDOOlAmendment No. Beneficlary: Appllcant: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust PaclfiCorp Company, N.A. as Trustee EE N.E. Multnomah Street z ttoittr t-asate street, suite 1020 lSi[tsoo Chicago,lllinois60602, USA rynd,Oragon 972324116, USA .l\' We hereby amend our lnevocabla TransferaOfe;fi& Pay Letter of Credit No, S8GT757054 as follows: AmendmentSequenceNumbec00l * Stated Expiration Date is extended to: Uar,fig,2019 All other terms and conditionE ,rr"irlHanged. { This Amsndment is to be considersdln integral part of tne Le$r of Credit and must be attachedthereto. A [,-? *r Canaoian lmperial Bank of Commerce, {f.lewYork Branch d llltlec 0ott.:t 1ri # -.r* Pagc 1 of t fh€ CISC logo ir . ?cgb&rcd trrdemark of Eenqua ClgC, Le loge Crgtr 6t une maryi.n &potac da h Sraqm (loc. CIBC - UPS CampusShip - United States UPS CampurShlp: VhwrPrlnt Labtl 1. Ensur? thor" ars no other shlpplng or tracllng labolc ettached to your paclage. Seled lhe Print button on lhc priot dialog box thet appcars. NotB' l, }!ur browscr does not supporl thir funciion ttbd Print trom thc FalG mefiu to pdnt the label. 2. Fold ths prlnhd lebrl et tic rolld [nr bctqv. Plec. tho lrbrl ln a tlPS Shipping Pouch. lf you do not hav. s poudr, allir the lolded label using dcar plastic shpflng trBpc ove, lhe €ntirs labcl. 3. GEfN}lG YOUR SHIPIENTTO UPS Gwtomcn wlth o Drlly Plclup Your drtvcr wll pldtup your chipnont(lf .r ulusl. Cullom.t! wlthost a Oelly Plokup Takc your pacltsgc lo any locstftrn ol The UPS Store0. UPS Access PointffM) bcation. UPS Drop Box, UPS Custmrcr Center, Slrplcs8 or Autho.ircd Shipping Outlct near you. ltcrns sent vh UPS Rclurn S€rvicss(SM) (hchrdlng via Ground) 8rs alSo scocptod at Drop 8oxas. To ind lhe bcatron nasrest you, plcasa visit lhe Rsrourccs arca of CampuaShip and selcct UPS Locatione. Sclrcdulc a same dey or future dey Pidrup to hsvs s UPS drive, pi*up all your CampucShlp packagcs. Hand ths ped€ge to 8ny UPS tttlr,et in your area. Page I of I I,JPS ACG"I P0t{D lHE UpS SIOnt 20r tYtlKE sr o{c^@ |t6066 FOLD HERE UPS Accart PornlD IBE UPS SIONE ?7 NW^CKER OficrrcAco.tL605G UPs Accaat Po6l?.trG uPs s?oiE 17 E rrorno€ sr CHEAGO,tL 60603 F{lro FI * 5 oErJoo Ih.i3Soc6GO ST =a{t-o Uo o\t6lNr\ \oo\ F{o \oce F{ \o NF.l + r)zg U F dl{ t CI Hx 14z u)AD Sd) EB9N., Fr60vOz2-.d B iE-a E g=EpEX =eq.3*66Er igg '$*a*EZ t ffit-{ a Q2Et ; -- o. D Izl ci\oI No i.;0cou oU 3 ct o00G GE \r\f, Io\ooF{ 2 -- -- --------t-It -