HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940322Final_Order_No_25443.pdfOffice of the SecretaServiceDate MAR 2 2 1994 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) PACIFICORP FOR AUTHORITY TO (1))CASE NO.PAC-S-94-1 BORROW THE PROCEEDS OF NOT MORE ) THAN $225,000,000 OF POLLUTION )ORDER NO.25443 CONTROL REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS ) TO BE ISSUED BY VARIOUS COUNTIES,) (2)ENTER INTO SUCH AGREEMENTS OR ) ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE COUNTIES ) AND WITH OTHER ENTITIES AS MAY BE ) REASONABLY NECESSARY TO EFFECT ) THE BORROWINGS AND TO PROVIDE ) CREDIT ENHANCEMENT FOR THE RE-) FUNDING BONDS,INCLUDING THE ) ISSUANCE OF FIRST MORTGAGE AND ) COLLATERAL TRUST BONDS,AND (3)) REPLACE OR MODIFY FROM TIME TO ) TIME THE CREDIT ENHANCEMENT ) ARRANGEMENTS SUPPORTING THE ) REFUNDING BONDS.) On February 22,1994,PacifiCorp(Company)filed its Application,pursuant to Idaho Code §61-901 et seq.,and Rule 141 (IDAPA 31.01.01141)of the Commission's Rules of Procedure for authority to (1)borrow the proceeds of not more than $225,000,000 of Pollution Control Revenue RefundingBonds (RefundingBonds) to be issued by the Counties of Emery,Carbon (Utah),Lincoln,Sweetwater,Converse (Wyoming),and Moffat,Colorado (Counties),(2)enter into such agreements or arrangements with the Counties and with other entities as may be reasonably necessary to effect the borrowings and to provide credit enhancement for the Refunding Bonds,including the issuance of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds as collateral for the Refunding Bonds,and (3)replace or modify from time to time the credit enhancement arrangements supporting the Refund Bonds. The borrowingswill be made in connection with the refunding of up to nine series of outstanding pollution control revenue bonds (Prior Bonds)which were issued ORDER NO.25443 -1 - to finance,or refinance,the cost of certain pollution control,solid waste disposaland sewage facilities at the Jim Bridger,Carbon,Dave Johnston,Huntington,Hunter, Naughton and Craig electric generating plants. On September2,1992,under Case No.PAC-S-92-4,Order No.24479,the Commission authorized the Company to borrow the proceeds of not more than $150,000,000 of pollution control revenue refunding bonds to be issued by various counties.Pursuant to that authority,the Company refunded six series of bonds aggregating$109,325,000.This Application is intended to increase and replacethe unused authority granted by the Commission under Case No.PAC-S-92-4. The Commission,having considered the Application and appended exhibits, the information in its files concerning the Company,the applicable law,and being fully advised in the premises,finds and concludes: FINDINGS OF FACT The Companywas incorporatedunder Oregon law in August 1987 for the purpose of facilitating consummation of a merger with Utah Power &Light Company, a Utah corporation,and changingthe state of incorporation of PacifiCorpfrom Maine to Oregon.The Companyuses the assumed business names of Pacific Power &Light Company and Utah Power &Light Company within their respective service territories located in the states of California,Idaho,Montana,Oregon,Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Approximately 99%of the Company'sdirect utility revenues in 1992 were derived from its electric operations and approximately 6%of those revenues were derived from its Idaho operations. The Counties will issue the RefundingBonds.The Companywill enter into an agreementwith the Counties pursuant to which it will receive the proceeds of such issuance and agree to make paymentssufficient to pay principal of,interest on, and premium (if any)on the Refunding Bonds,and to cover certain additional expenses.The aggregateprincipal amount of the Refunding Bonds will not exceed $225,000,000.In order to achieve the lowest cost of money,the Companyalso expects to enter into one or more agreements with unrelated third parties,such as ORDER NO.25443 -2 - commercial banks or insurance companies,to provide further assurance to the purchasers of the Refunding Bonds that the principal of,the interest on,and the premium (if any)on the Refunding Bonds will be paid on a timely basis.These arrangements may involve the issuance of the Company's First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds as collateral for the Refunding Bonds in an amount not greater than the aggregateprincipal amount of the Refunding Bonds. The borrowingswill be made in connection with the refunding of the Prior Bonds,which were issued by the Counties to finance or refinance air and water pollution control,solid waste disposal and sewage facilities (Facilities)at the Jim Bridger,Carbon,Dave Johnston,Huntington,Hunter,Naughton and Craig plants (Plants).The Facilities consist principally of systemsto remove and finally dispose of particulates and sulfur dioxide from flue gases and certain solid and sewage wastes. To accomplishthis refinancing,the Companywill apply the gross proceeds from the appropriate issuance of Refunding Bonds to the redemption and cancellation of the aggregateprincipal amount of the Prior Bonds.Because some of the Prior Bonds have a redemption premium,this premium (as well as the costs of issuance) will be funded from sources other than the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds. The Refunding Bonds will be issued pursuant to an Indenture of Trust between the County and a trustee.Pursuant to an agreementbetween the County and the Company,the proceeds from the sale of the Refunding Bonds,other than refundable accrued interest,will be loaned to the Companyto refund the Prior Bonds, and thereby refinance the Facilities.Under the agreement,the Company will be obligated to pay absolutelyand unconditionally,to the extent sufficient funds are not already in the possession of the trustee,the principal of,the interest on,and the premium (if any)on the Refunding Bonds,as well as certain fees and expenses of the County.Under no circumstances will the Refunding Bonds and their related costs become an obligation of the County. To achieve the lowest cost of money,the Company may enter into reimbursement agreements,guarantees,pledges,or other security agreementsor arrangements,guarantees,pledges,or other security agreementsor arrangementsto ORDER NO.25443 -3 - assure timely payment of amounts due in respect of the Refunding Bonds.For example,a letter of credit may be added in order to support the Refunding Bonds. In connection with a letter of credit,the Companywould enter into a reimbursement agreementunder which a bank would issue a letter of credit to support paymentsin respectof the RefundingBonds.Under the reimbursement agreement,the Company would be required to reimburse the bank for any drawings under its letter of credit. Amounts advanced by a bank under a letter of credit are expectedto bear interest based upon various short-term rates.The Companyexpects that any letter of credit bank will have a long-term credit rating not less than AA and a short-term credit rating of A-1/P-1.In the event a letter of credit is obtained,it is expectedto have an initial term of three years unless extended by mutual consent of the bank and the Companyor replacedby the Companywith another letter of credit or an alternative credit enhancement arrangement. The fees associated with the credit enhancement arrangement are not expectedto exceed 0.75%per annum.The Companybelieves,and its experiencein previoustax-exemptfinancing confirms,that the interest savingsfrom enhancingthe credit support for the Refunding Bonds will exceed the cost of the letter of credit or alternative credit arrangements;that is,the effective cost of the RefundingBonds will be lowered by the credit enhancement arrangements. Over the life of the Refunding Bonds,it may be necessary or desirable to replaceone or more letters of credit or alternative credit enhancement arrangements from time to time as,for example,the credit ratings of the various banks (and thus the Company'sinterest costs)fluctuate or market rates for letters of credit change. The Companytherefore requests authority to substitute,as necessary or desirable from time to time,letters of credit or other credit enhancement arrangements for letters of credit or other credit enhancement arrangementsthen in effect with respect to the Refunding Bonds. The Refunding Bonds will be issued with floating or fixed interest rates in several series with an aggregateprincipal amount not to exceed $225,000,000. While floating rate Refunding Bonds have a nominal long-term maturity, the obligation will have a "put"feature which enables the holder to tender the bonds ORDER NO.25443 -4 - at par within a short notice period.The floating rate Refunding Bonds will be marketed with one or more put frequencies,including,but not limited to,daily, weekly and monthly puts.Because of the put feature,investors are indifferent to the final maturity of the instrument;as a result,the floating rate Refunding Bonds may be structured with the longest maturity justified by the underlying assets being financed,while obtaining rates reflective of short maturities. In view of the put feature,the Companywill enter into an agreementwith a remarketing agent who will agree in advance to seek new purchasers for the floating rate Refunding Bonds on a best-efforts basis if and when the bonds are put. To satisfy the investment criteria of potential purchasers,the Companyexpects to arrange for a letter of credit or insurance contract as a source of credit support and liquidity.For example,a letter of credit will provide amounts required to purchase tendered floating rate RefundingBonds which have not been successfullyremarketed immediately,as well as amounts required for payment of scheduled interest and principal at maturity or through acceleration.The floating rate RefundingBonds not immediately remarketed may thereafter be sold to other investors. Floating rate Refunding Bonds may include the selection of one of several tax-exemptmarket rate pricing modes,including pricing modes as short as daily and as long as annually.The Refunding Bonds may also include an option to convert to a fixed rate mode.The pricing mode selection will depend upon a number of factors, including expectationsas to which mode offers the lowest relative rates at the time of issuance.During the time the floating rate Refunding Bonds carry a floating rate, the bonds would be prepayableat par plus accrued interest at the end of any interest rate period. Because of historically low interest rates,the Companymay choose to issue the Refunding Bonds with fixed interest rates.It is expectedthat interest payments would be made on a semi-annual basis.The fixed rate RefundingBonds may include call provisionsat fixed prices at future dates.The Companymay choose to purchase credit enhancement from insurance companies to achieve lower borrowing costs because the bonds would carry a AAA/Aaa rating.The insurance companies may require the Companyto collateralize the Refunding Bonds with the Company's First ORDER NO.25443 -5 - Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds.However,if the anticipated interest savings are not sufficient or the terms relating to the bond insurance are considered to be unduly restrictive,the Company may choose not to obtain insurance and may collateralize the Refunding Bonds with the Company'sFirst Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds in an aggregateprincipal amount not exceedingthe principal amount of the Refunding Bonds,thereby providing the Refunding Bonds with a credit rating equal to its senior debt (A/A3).The Commission previously authorized the Company to incur the lien of the PacifiCorpMortgagein Case No.U-1046-15,Order No.22157. As in its previousissuances,the Companywould expectto issue first mortgagebonds under the Pacific Power Mortgage and Utah Power Mortgage as the basis for the issuance of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds.Bonds issued under the Pacific Power and Utah Power Mortgages would not count toward the maximum amount of bond authority granted in this docket. The underwriting fee is not expected to exceed 1.25%of the principal amount of the Refunding Bonds.If floating rate Refunding Bonds are issued,the annual remarketing fee is not expectedto exceed 0.125%of the principal amount of the Refunding Bonds.The Counties may receive an issuance fee paid up front and/or annually at an effective rate not expected to exceed 0.125%per annum on the principal amount of the Refunding Bonds.The Companywill also pay the expenses of the offering incurred by the Counties. The results of the offering are expectedto be as follows: ORDER NO.25443 -6 - ESTIMATED RESULTS OF THE FINANCING (1) Proceeds from Refunding Bonds $225,000,000 RedemptionPremium $767,575 Issuance Costs: Underwriters Fees (1.25%)(2)2,812,500 Other Expenses 5,500,000 Total Costs to Issue Refunding Bonds $9,080.075 (1)As the financings are special purpose financings,the interest on which is exempt from taxation to the holder,the proceeds may be used only to refinance the principal amount of the Prior Bonds issued to finance the Facilities.All issuance costs and redemption premiums associated with the Refunding Bonds must be derived from other capital sources of the Company. (2)Based upon a fixed rate offering. OTHER EXPENSES Regulatory Agency Fees $1,500 Issuer Fees (1)2,500,000 Trustee Fees 50,000 CompanyCounsel Fees 150,000 Underwriters'Counsel Fees 200,000 Bond Counsel Fees 200,000 Accountants'Fees 50,000 Credit Enhancement Fees (2)2,000,000 Rating Agency Fees 100,000 Printing Fees 100,000 Miscellaneous $148,500 Total Other Expenses $5.500,000 (1)The Companymay be required to pay an Issuer's Fee to the Counties to compensate the Counties for providing the Company the opportunity to issue the Refunding Bonds.The Company's past experience indicates that Emery County and Lincoln County will charge such a fee.Sweetwater County and Converse County generally have not charged a fee.At this time,the Companyis not familiar with Moffat County's policy regarding such fees.For purposes of this estimated expense,it is assumed that all Counties will require the Company to pay an Issuer's Fee.Issuer's Fees are ORDER NO.25443 -7 - not expectedto exceed an effective cost of 0.125%per annum of the principal amount over the life of the Refunding Bonds. (2)Representsinitial commitment fee for bond insurance.If a letter of credit is used,credit enhancement cost is not expectedto exceed 0.75 percent per annum. The net proceeds of the borrowings will be used to refund Prior Bonds currently outstanding that were issued previously to finance,or refinance,Facilities at the Plants. The proposed borrowings are part of an overall plan to finance the cost of the Company'sfacilities taking into consideration prudent capital ratios,earnings coverage tests,and market uncertainties as to the relative merits of the various types of securities the Company could sell. The Companyhas paid the fees required by Idaho Code §61-129. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Company is an electrical corporation within the definition of Idaho Code §61-119 and is a public utility within the definition of Idaho Code §61-129. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to the provisions of Idaho Code §61-901 et seq.,and the Application reasonablyconforms to Rule 141 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. The method of issuance is proper. The generalpurposes to which the proceeds will be put are lawful purposes under the Public Utility Law of the State of Idaho and are compatiblewith the public interest.However,this general approval of the general purposes to which the proceeds will be put is neither a finding of fact nor a conclusion of law that any particular construction program of the Company which may be benefitted by the approval of this Application has been considered or approvedby this Order,and this Order shall not be construed to that effect. This issuance of an Order authorizing the proposed financings do not constitute agency determination/approval of the type of financing or the related costs ORDER NO.25443 -8 - for ratemaking purposes which determination the Commission expressly reserves until the appropriate proceeding. The Application should be approved. ORDER IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Application of PacifiCorp for authority to (1)borrow the proceeds of not more than $225,000,000 of Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Refunding Bonds)to be issued by various Counties (Counties),(2)enter into such agreements or arrangements with the Counties and with other entities from time to time as may be reasonablynecessary to effect the borrowingsand pursuant to which PacifiCorp would assume obligations as guarantor,surety,or otherwise with respectto the payment of the principal of,the interest on,and the premium (if any)on the Refunding Bonds and to enter into such agreementsor arrangementsas may be necessary to provide credit enhancement for said bonds,including the issuance of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds as collateral for the Refunding bonds,all in connection with the refunding of outstanding Pollution Control Revenue Bonds that were issued to finance,or refinance,certain air and water pollution control,solid waste disposal and sewage facilities at the Jim Bridger,Carbon,Dave Johnston,Huntington,Hunter,Naughton and Craig Generating Plants,and (3)replace or modify from time to time the credit enhancement arrangements supporting the Refunding Bonds,is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Application of PacifiCorp for authority to issue an additional $225,000,000 of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds (and related first mortgage bonds issued under the Pacific Power & Light Company and Utah Power &Light Companymortgages),which bonds may be used as collateral support for the Refunding Bonds as described in the Application, is approved.Such first mortgagebonds shall not count toward the bond authority granted herein. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the remaining unused authority under Case No.PAC-S-92-4 is hereby rescinded. ORDER NO.25443 -9 - IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization is without prejudice to the regulatory authority of this Commission with respect to rates,service, accounts,valuation,estimates or determination of costs,or any other matter which may come before this Commission pursuant to its jurisdiction and authority as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order and no provision of Chapter 9,Title 61,Idaho Code,or any act or deed done or performedin connection with this Order shall be construed to obligatethe State of Idaho to pay or guarantee under the provisions of Chapter 9,Title 61,Idaho Code. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that PacifiCorpshall file the following as they become available: a)The "Report of Securities Issued"required by 18 C.F.R.34.10; b)Verified copies of any agreemententered into in connection with the borrowings pursuant to this Order; c)Verified copies of any credit support arrangement entered into pursuant to this Order; d)Averified statement setting forth in reasonable detail the disposition of the proceeds of the borrowings made pursuant to this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that PacifiCorpshall contact the Commission Staff as soon as possibleprior to the issuance of debt for the purpose of reporting the estimated interest rates and other terms of the issuance.PacifiCorpshall also,after issuance,provide to the Staff workpapers demonstrating the cost effectiveness of the type of security selected for issuance.These two requirements are for information purposes and are not utilized to determine the legality of the issue. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that issuance of this Order does not constitute acceptance of PacifiCorp'sexhibits or other material accompanyingthe Application for any purpose other than the issuance of this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order)may petition for reconsideration within twenty- one (21)days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order.Within seven (7)days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, ORDER NO.25443 -10 - any other person may cross-petitionfor reconsideration in response to issues raised in the petitions for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this AR-6 day of March 1994. MARSHA H.SMITH,PRESIDENT DË J.LÉR,COMMISSIONER RALPH NELSON,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Myrna Walters Commission Secretary JR\O-PAC-S-94-1.WS ORDER NO.25443 -11 -