HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220329Summons to Sunnyside Park Utilities.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, lD 83720.0074 March 29,2022 Via Certified Mail Sunnyside Park Utilities, Incorporated Mark R. Fuller Paul L. Fuller Fuller & Beck Law Offices, PLLC 410 Memorial Drive, Suite 201 P.O. Box 50935 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405-0935 fullerandbeck@gmail.com Re: Case No. GNR-U-22-03 Dear Mr. Fuller, Enclosed, please find a Summons and Formal Complaint [which includes the Formal Complaint of Donald Sorrells ["the Complainant")) issued against Sunnyside Park Utilities in the above- mentioned case number. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within 27 days of the service date of the Summons. The Company should respond to Mr. Sorrells' Formal Complaint and all claims made therein. Additionally, please provide any necessary information and documentation to the Commission. Further, the Company should specifically address the points of inquiry as set forth in the Summons. Sincerely, Jan No Commission Secretary Enclosure(s) l:\Legal\ M U LTI-UTl LITY\G N R-U-22-03 (Sorel lsJ\Summons Cover Letter-tb.docr 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Ste 201-4 Boise ID 83714 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: 12081 334-3762 Eric Anderson, Commissioner John Chatburn, Commissioner John R. Hammond, ]r., Commissioner BEFoRE rHE rDAHo puBl,rc urrlrrrns coMnaifBioNrD ' ..i ili.i; i= Pt{ tr: 36 DONALD SORRELLS,-! ' , r. i._i ' , '1., :.; '- 1 lJ-tili,i;,ii$sloN COMPLAINANT,SUMMONS cAsE NO. GNR-A-22-03 SUNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, INC., RESPONDENT Mark R. Fuller Paul L. Fuller Fuller & Beck Law Offices, PLLC 410 Memorial Drive, Suite 201 P.O. Box 50935 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405-0935 tullerandbeck(@ grnai l.corn THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; the answer or motion in defense should also respond to the following areas of inquiry in addition to the allegations raised by the Complaint: 1. An explanation, to include documentation, explaining the Parties' belief that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") has jurisdiction over this dispute. Please include the Court Order directing the Parties to file this dispute with the Commission. 2. A copy of Mr. Sorrells' contract with Sunnyside Park Utilities 3. An explanation, to include any documentation, of why Sunnyside Park Utilities desires to terminate water service to Mr. Sorrells. vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1SUMMONS 4. An explanation, to include any documentation, of how Mr. Sorrells is currently wasting water provided through improper equipment. 5. An explanation, to include any documentation, of why Sunnyside Park Utilities failed to apply for a Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity with the Commission to deliver water to its current customers. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 6l of the ldaho Code. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Complainant and the Commission Staff shall have 21 days from the frling of Respondent's Answer to file any reply comments. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all persons and parties shall comply with the Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq, and specifically Rules 41 through 43, IDAPA 31.01.01 .041-.043. @WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission this day of March2022. -Cl^JaMriyukt-, Commission Secretary (sEAL) 2SUMMONS ldaho Public Utilitias Commission Olfice ol the SecretaryRECEIVED MAR 0I2422 Boise, ldaho PaulB. Rippel, Esq. ISBN 2762 Austin O. Allen, Esq. ISBN 10076 HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC 428 Park Avenue ldaho Falls, lD 83402 Telephone: (208) 523-4445 Email: oaulripoel@hookinsroden.com a usti nal len@hooki nsroden.com Attorneys for Applicant Donald Sorrells IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DONALD SORRELLS, an individual, Case No Applicant, FORMAL COMPLAINT VS. SUNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, lNC., an ldaho Corporation, ent. Applicant, Donald Sorrells, by and through his counsel of record, Paul B. Rippel, Esq., and Austin O. Allen, Esq., of the law firm HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC, of ldaho Falls, ldaho, and for this Formal Complaint hereby states and alleges as follows: 1- Applicant, Donald Sorrells, is the owner of Lot 4, Block 4, Sunnyside lndustrial & Professional Park, located in Bonneville County, ldaho (hereinafter "the Property"). FORMAL COMPI.AINT _ 1 2. Respondent, Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. (hereinafter "SPU"), is an ldaho corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of ldaho with its principal place of business in the County of Bonneville, state of ldaho. SPU provides water and sewer service to lots in Sunnyside lndustrial and Professional Park, including the Property. 3. SPU is a water corporation that provides public utilities to the Property as defined under l.C. SS 67-125 and -L29. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission (hereinafter "the IPUC") has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to l.C. S 61-129 as it concerns rules and regulations SPU holds itself out to be controlled by. 5. The IPUC has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to ldaho Admin. Code r. 31.21.01..009 as it seeks an order interpreting IPUC rules and regulations as well as seeks to resolve a formal complaint filed pursuant to ldaho Admin. Code r. 37.2L.Ot.441. GENERALALLEGATIONS 6. Applicant realleges paragraphs l through 5 as though fully incorporated herein. 7 . On or about March 3,2422, Mr. Sorrells received a letter from SPU's counsel notifying Mr. Sorrells of SPU's intent to terminate water service on March 10, 2022, for allegedly violating ldaho Admin. Code r. et seg. A true and correct copy of the March 3,2022,letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A. FORMAL COMPLAINT _ 2 8. ln the March 3,2022,letter, SPU alleged that Mr. Sorrells engaged in conduct in violation of ldaho Admin. Code r. 37.2L.OL.300 et seq. as follows: a. "IDAPA 3L.27.01.302.01(d) - At the time of initial connection, Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. ("SPU") was informed that service to the property would only include connections for two restrooms. lt has since been determined that this information was materially false, in that additional connections were made, including connections for washer/dryer, connection for RV use, and additional water hydrants located throughout the property." b. "As IDAPA - The customer has denied or willfully prevented access to SPU's water meter by placing a lock on the meter and by providing written communication that anyone entering the property would be removed by force." c. "IDAPA 37.27.O7.302.01(f) - SPU has determined that the customer has been and is currently willfully wasting water provided through improper equipment. The customer has continually utilized a defective toilet, and water flows indicate that there is a leak in the customer's system, which customer refuses or has otherwise failed to remedY." 9. The March 3,2022,letter indicated that any attempt to turn water back on by Mr. Sorrells or his tenants or agents after March LO,2022, without prior authorization from SPU would be treated as "theft of services and will be reported to FORMAL COMPLAINT _ 3 local authorities." Ex. A, p. 1. 10. The March 3,2022,letter indicated that Mr. Sorrells could avoid termination of water services by performingthe following: a. "Removing all unauthorized plumbing and providing proof satisfactory to SPU that the only water lines are located in the two restrooms as originally authorized by SPU." b. "Removing the lock on the water meter and providing adequate written assurance that customer and his tenants and agents will no longer interfere with water meter." c. "Providing written verification from an SPU approved plumber that all leaks have been repaired and that the water system is functioning consistent with all applicable statutes, codes and regulations." d. "Establishing monitoring protocols, approved by SPU, which will provide assurance that future violations will not occur or will be discovered and repaired promptly. This must include, but not limited to, providing daily monitoring by Mr. Sorrells (or a designated agent(s))and reporting to SPU daily, These monitoring protocols will be utilized until such time as SPU believes there is no longer a need for monitoring." e. "Payment of all the fees and costs incurred by SPU in addressing Mr. Sorrells'violations. An amount will be calculated and provided upon request. SPU is willing to make payment arrangements." Ex. A, pp. 1- FORMAL COMPLAINT _ 4 2 (emphasis in original) COMP1AINT TO COMMISSION |DAPA 3L.21'O1".401, 1,7. Applicant realleges paragraphs l through 10 as though fully incorporated herein. L2. Respondent SPU should be prohibited from terminating water services pursuant to ldaho Admin. Code r. et seq., as SPU's proffered reasons and resolutions have no basis in law or fact. 13. With regard to SPU's allegation that Mr, Sorrells is in violation of ldaho Admin. Code r. 37.2!.01.302,01(d), Mr. Sorrells has not provided any information that was materially false or materially misrepresents Mr. Sorrell's "true status". SPU has not identified any information provided by Mr. Sorrells, only that it was informed by an unidentified person/entity. Mr. Sorrells has made no materially false statements or representations to SPU. 74. With regard to SPU's allegation that Mr. Sorrells is in violation of ldaho Admin. Code r. 3t.27.O7.302.O1(e), the water meter in question is not the property of SPU, and Mr, Sorrells has not restricted SPU's access to the water meter for the purpose of obtaining readings. Mr. Sorrells purchased the water meter in question. 15. With regard to SPU's allegation that Mr. Sorrells is in violation of ldaho Admin. Code r. 3L.21,.O7.302.01(f), Mr. Sorrells has not willfully wasted water. 16. Further, Mr. Sorrells has repeatedly fixed or caused to be fixed any toilets found to be in a defective condition. t7 . SPU threatens to terminate water services without basis. FORMAL COMPLAINT - 5 !8. ln addition to threatening termination of water service without basis, SPU's proposed resolution to avoid termination of services includes remedies and actions not permitted under ldaho Admin. Code r.37.27.Ot 30O et seg. 19. With regard to the request that Mr. Sorrells "Remov[e] all unauthorized plumbing and provid[e] proof satisfactory to SPU that the only water lines are located in two restrooms as originally authorized by SPU", Mr. Sorrells did not provide any materially false information or make any material misrepresentation to SPU pertaining to his "status" with respect to alleged authorized number of restrooms. This request is without basis in fact. 20. With regard to the request that Mr. Sorrells "Remov[e] the lock on the water meter and provid[e] adequate written assurance that customer and his tenants and agents will no longer interfere with water meter", the water meter in question is the property of Mr. Sorrells, and he does not have a duty prescribed by rule, regulation, or statute that he leave his water meter unlocked. 27. With regard to the request that Mr. Sorrells "Provid[e] written verification from an SPU approved plumber that all leaks have been repaired and that the water system is functioning consistent with all applicable statutes, codes and regulations", Mr. Sorrells has already provided notice regarding repairs on alleged leaks, and the request from SPU appears designed to merely harass Mr. Sorrells. 22. With regard to the request that Mr. Sorrells "Establish[ ] monitoring protocols, approved by SPU" which "must include . . . providing daily monitoring by Mr. Sorrells", such a request is unduly burdensome, cumbersome, and appears designed FORMAL COMPLAINT - 6 merely to harass Mr. Sorrells. 23. With regard to the request that Mr. Sorrells "Pay[ ] of all the fees and costs incurred by SPU in addressing Mr. Sorrells'violations," such a request is without foundation or authority under ldaho Admin. Code r. et seg. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFOR Applicant prays for relief as follows: 7, A determination that Respondent SPU is a regulated utility under the regulatory authority of the IPUC pursuant to ldaho Code Title 61 and ldaho Admin. Code r. 37.27.07. et seg; 2. A determination that Applicant has not provided information that is materially false or materially misrepresents Applicant's status; 3. An interpretation of the term "access" under ldaho Admin. Code r. 37.27.O1.302.01(e); 4. A determination that Applicant has not denied or willfully prevented SPU's access to the subject water meter; 5. An interpretation of the phrase "willfully wasting or interfering with service" under ldaho Admin. Code r.37.21.4!.302.01(f); 6. A determination that Applicant has not willfully wasted or interfered with water service; 7. Alternatively, a determination that any alleged violations of ldaho Admin. Code r. 3],.21.A7302 have been cured or satisfied; 8. A determination that Respondent SPU lacks sufficient grounds to FORMAL COMPLAINT- 7 terminate Applicant's water services and therefore is not authorized to terminate water services to the subjoct real property; and 9. Any other determinations and/or interpretations that are deemed proper and appropriate. DATED this gttt day of March, 2022, HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC By /s/ Austin O- Austin O. Allen, Esq. Attorneys for Donald Sonells FORMAL COMPIAINT- 8 FULLER & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 410 Memorial Drive, Suite 201 P.O. Box 50935 ldaho Falls, ldaho 83405-0935 Telephone: (208) 524-5400 Facslmile: QAq 521-7 1 67 Email: fullerandbeck@gmall.com Ma* R. Fuller Paul L. Fuller Daniel R. Beck - Of Counsel NOTICE OF INTENT TO TERMINATE SERVICE Via E-mail PaulB, Rippel Austin O. Allen HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC 428 Park Ave. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 oaulriopel@hookinsroden.com austinallen(Ahopkinsroden. com March3,2022 Donald Sorrells 3341 N. Emperor Fresno, CA 93737 3887 S. American Way, Unit'A' ldaho Falls, lD 83402 RE Our Client: Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. Your Client: Don Sorrells Dear Counsel, Pursuant to the Memorandum Decision on Respondent's Motion to Dismiss, entered March 2,2022, the Court determined that jurisdiction regarding your client's violations of IDAPA must be first addressed by the ldaho Public Utility Commission ('lPUC"), however the Court has jurisdiction regarding your client's violation of Sunnyside Park Utilities' Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service. Based on this decision, Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. hereby provides notice of intent to terminate water service pursuant to IDAPA 3', et. seq. Service will be terminated based upon Mr. Sorrells'violations of the following provisions. '1. IDAPA - At the time of initialconnection, Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. ("SPU") was informed that service to the property would only include connections for two restrooms. lt has since been determined that this information was materially false, in that additional connections were made, including connections for washerldryer, conneclion for RV use, and additional water hydrants located throughout the property.2. IDAPA - The customer has denied or willfully prevented access to SPU's water meter by placing a lock on the meter and by providing written communication that anyone entering the property would be removed by force.3. IDAPA - SPU has determined that the customer has been and is currently willfully wasting water provided through improper equipment. The customer has continually utilized a defective toilet, and water flows indicate that there is a leak in the customer's system, which customer refuses or has otherwise failed to remedy.4. IDAPA 31.21.01,303.03 or 602.03 - Water services provided by SPU have been diverted and used by Mr. Sorrells without SPU authorization by adding additional water lines to buildings located on the property. Service will be terminated on or after March 10, 2022. Al time of termination, SPU will take a water meter reading in order to calculate final payment amount and will turn off the water supply at the curb stop. Any attempt by Mr. Sorrells or his tenants or agents to restart the water without prior authorization from SPU will be treated as a thefl of services and will be reported to local authorities. SPU will take additional steps to ensure that future theft of water will not occur. Pursuant to IDPA, Mr. Sorrells may avoid termination by doing the following: L\HIBIT A Page2 1. Removing all unauthorized plumbing and providing proof satisfactory to SPU that the only water lines are located in the two restrooms as originally authorized by SPU.2. Removing the lock on the water meter and providing adequate written assurance that customer and his tenants and agents will no longer interfere with water meter.3. Providing written verification from an SPU approved plumber that all leaks have been repaired and that the water system is functioning consistent with all applicable statutes, codes and regulations.4. Establishing monitoring protocols, approved by SPU, which will provide assurance that future violations will not occur or will be discovered and repaired promptly. This must include, but not limited to, providing daily monitoring by Mr. Sorrells (or a designated agent(s)) and reporting to SPU daily. These monitoring protocols will be utilized until such time as SPU believes there is no longer a need for monitoring.5. Payment of all the fees and costs incurred by SPU in addressing Mr. Sorrells'violations. An amount will be calculated and provided upon request. SPU is willing to make payment arrangements. Pursuant to IDAPA, an informal or formal complaint concerning termination may be filed with SPU or the ldaho Public Utility Commission, and service will not be terminated on the ground relating to this dispute between the customer and the utility before resolution of the complaint. SPU can be reached through our office, and the IPUC may be reached at the following address/phone number: P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 1 1331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, 1D 83714 Phone: 208.334.0300 ln the event Mr. Sorrells' files a complaint directly with the Commission, it is requested that a copy of such complaint be provided to our office to prevent termination pending resolution of the complaint. For purposes of termination, partial payrnents will be applied toward utility service charges first, unless Mr Sorrells request otherwise. Charges for non-utility services cannot be used as a basis for termination. Given that Mr. Sorrell's violations do not involve a residential customer the notice requirements of IDAPA is not applicable. ln order to comply with the requirements of IDAPA 31,21.01.304.01, this notice will also be mailed directly to Mr. Sorrells as customer of Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. SPU intends to continue to pursue its claims as allowed by the District Court's decision. Very truly yours, lsl Paul L- Fuller PaulL. Fuller Attorney for Sunnyside Pak Utilities, lnc. Cc: IPUC