HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220421Answer to Formal Complaint.pdf,1 =-'i:l\1;ti.r--rjLlrLU MARK R. FULLER (IsB No. 2698) DANIEL R. BECK (ISB No. 7237) PAUL L. EULLER (ISB No. 8435) FULLER & BECK 410 tr{elronrAr DRrvE, Surts 20L P.O. Box 50935 Ioeno FAu,s, ID 83405-0935 Ter,,npsonn: (208) 524-5400 Euarr, : FULLERANoSncxGcMATL. coM DONALD SORRELLS, Complaj-nant, v. Case t{o.GNR-U-22-03 TNSIIER TO FORI'TL COMPIAIIIT . ) r.:-i. .", I1r. i-rliilLl l']ti if' l5 -f Euatr, : PAULFULLUn . law G euer L . coM ArroRnnv EoR RESPoNDENT BEFORE THE IDNIO PT'BI.TC UITII,TTIES COD,O(ISSION SUNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, INC. , Respondent. COMES NOW the Respondent, by its counsel of record, Paul L. Ful1er, in response to the Summons issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Eorma1 Complaint filed by the Complainant, and hereby responds as follows: 1. Respondent, Sunnyside Park Utilities, Inc., (hereinafter rrSPU") is an Idaho corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho with its princi-ple place of business in the County of Bonneville, State of ldaho, with the principle purpose of providing non-profit water and sewer service to select lots in Sunnyside Industrial and Professional Park, pursuant to ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 1 Rules and Regulations adopted by SPU. 2. Complainant, Donald Sorre11s, together with Meri Sorrells (hereinafter "Sorrells"), purchased Lot 4, Block 4, Sunnyside Industrial & Professional Park, located in Bonneville County, Idaho (hereinafter "the Subject Property"), on or about August 6, 20LA from Paul and Stefanie Crockettr ds shown by the Vilarranty Deed recorded as Bonneville County Instrument No. 15884 r-5 . 3. On March 10, 2020, Sorrells transferred the Subject Property to The Donald Dail Sorrells and Meri Sorrell-s Living Trust, dated March 2, 2006 and restated in December L9, 2019, as shown by Instrument transfer, No. l-635301 (hereinafter "The Trust"). Based upon this the Subject Property as Sorrel-Is did not informalleged in the Formal Complaint, para. 1 SPU of this ownership change. 4. Sorrells' Formal Complaint fails to establish, or even a11ege, that Donald Sorrells is the duly appointed trustee authorized to act on behalf of The Trust, or that The Trust has authorized the Formal Complaint fi1ed herein. 5. The Trust has not applied for or been accepted by SPU as a customer, and SPU only recently became aware that the Subject Property is no longer owned by Sorrel'l s through SPU's own investigations. SorreIls never notified SPU of the transfer of Trust Transfer Deed recorded as Bonneville County Sorrells is not the owner of ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 2 ownership. As such, neither Sorrells, nor The Trust, qualifies as a customer under fDAPA 31,.2L.01.005.02 and both lack standing to file a complaint against SPU. 6. The failure of Sorrell-s to identify the true status of the ownership of the Subject Property constitutes grounds for termination under IDAPA 31,.2L.01.302.01 (d) as a material misrepresentation of the true status of ownership of the Subject Property. 7. Industrial AdditionalIy, the Subject Property is located in an and Manufacturing Zone. 03, the failure of The Trust to apply for service with SPU upon its acquisition constitutes i,URISDICrION grounds for termination. 8. SPU currently provides water and sewer service to nineteen (19) commercial and industrial customers, a1l located in the Sunnyside Industrial and Professional Park, adjacent to ldaho Fa1ls. There is only one vacant lot in the subdivision which could potentially connect to SPU's system in the future. 9. SPU was organized by Kirk Woolf on March 28, 2002, as a general fdaho corporation, with one share owned by Kirk Woolf, one share owned by Doyle Beck, and twenty (20l. shares owned by Sunnyside Industrial and Professional Park, LLC. 10. SPU is organized as a general corporation, however it is operated at cost and no distributions have ever been made to the Pursuant to IDAPA 31.2L.0L.602 ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT 3 owners and no wages have been paid to the owners. years, SPU has spoken with various individuals aII informed SPU that SPU was not within thewith the IPUC, who jurisdictional- purview of the IPUC based upon its limited size. Such communication was as recent as a few weeks ago and occurred with both SPU and Sorrells' counsel. Based upon these repeated communications, SPU di-d not believe that the IPUC was exercising jurisdiction over this matter, and proceeded accordinqly, including not applying for a Certificate of Convenience and PubIic 11. Over the Necessity. this fact SorrelIs' 12- Individuals with the IPUC notified Sorrells' counsel of as we11, as established by correspondence received from counsef. On April L6, 2002, SPU entered into a Third Party Beneficiary Utility Agreement with Sunnyside Park Owners Association, Inc. (hereafter "Owners Association"), which is duly recorded as Bonneville County Instrument No. 127291,1 (hereafter "Third Party Agreement"). A copy of the Third Party Agreement is submitted as Exhibit \A'. Under the Third Party Agreement, SPU is required to submit notice of any rate change to the Owners Assocj-ation and to a1l- users of SPU's system. The users are then allowed ninety (90) days to provi-de written objection to the rate change. If after ninety (90) days, not more than half of the owners have provided written objection to the rate change, SPU may implement the rate change. If more than half of the owners object ANSWER TO PORMAL COMPLAINT 4 to the rate change, and no resol-ution can be reached, the issue of the rate change is submitted to a board of arbitrators, comprised of one member selected by SPU, one member selected by those obj ecting the first to the rate change, and a third arbitrator sel-ected by written recommendations regarding reasonableness then provide of rates. If obj ections proceedings still continue, dDy party may proceed with legaI to determi-ne a reasonable rate. No rate change will be allowed without compliance with these provisi-ons. 13. No rate change has been made since the Sorrells' purchase of the Subject Property. HISTORY OF VIOI.AEIONS E}ID BASIS FOR IIERMINATION 1,4. On Augusl 23, 2018, while the Subject Property was owned by Sorrells individually, SPU issued a *Vili11 Serve" Ietter to SorrelIs, based on representations that SorrelIs would install only two (2) restrooms on the Subject Property, with no other water or sewer needs. See copy of Will Serve letter attached as Exhibit rB' . 15. SPU never entered into any agreement to provide servj-ces to The Trust, and was only recently made aware that Sorrell-s had transferred the Subject Property. 16. The Trust has never applied for service from SPU. 1,7 . During October-November , 201,8, SorrelIs obtained commerc j-a1 building permits from Bonnevil-le County for the two arbitrators. The arbitrators sha11 ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT 5 construction of several buildings one of which was identified as on the Subject Property, only requiring a sewer permlt. See Building Permits 1-5, attached hereto as Exhibit 'C'. 18. Notwithstanding the fact that Sorrells was authorized to install only two bathrooms on the Subject Property under the with SPU, Sorrel-lsCounty Building Permit and his installed additional connections, aqreement including but not limited to, a washer/dryer connection, an RV septic/water connection, and ten (101 frost-free hydrants on multiple buildings on the Subject Property. Such actions constitute grounds for termination under IDAPA 31,.2L.01.303.03 for obtaining, diverting and/or using SPU's services without authorization or knowledge of SPU. 1-9. Sorrells, who is believed to reside primarily in California, would park an RV inside one of the units located on the Subject Property and reside in that unit for extended periods. Use of a commercial/industrial property (I&M-1 Zone) for residential purposes is a violation of Bonneville County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 26, Section 1,-2602(L). 20. Sorrell-s' installation of the additional water/septic connections was not authorized by SPU and was not permitted by Bonneville County Zoning and Building Department. 21". Eollowing Sorrell's connection to SPU's system, SPU has noted repeated instances where excessive discharge was being sent into SPU's septic system from the Subject Property. SPU notified ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 6 Sorrells of these repeated issues, and was routJ-nely assured that the excessive discharge would be addressed. Such willfu1 wasting of water constitutes grounds for termination under IDAPA 3t .21,. 01 . 302 . 01 (f ) . 22. On or about August 21, 20L9, SPU sent a notice of violation to Sorrells regarding the additional connections, along with identifying a defective toilet which was discharging continuous excess water flow into SPU's septic system. SPU iequested remediation or services would be terminated. See copy attached as Exhibit rD'. 23. On or about September 5, 20L9, a second notice was sent to Sorrells regarding a constant flow of excess discharge coming from the Subject Property, again requesting remediation. See copy attached as Exhibit 'E'. 24. On or about February L2, 202L, SPU sent a third notice of violation of Rules and Regulations, through counsel, requesting that the frost free hydrants be removed and that a cement plug be placed in the RV septic system dump sewer line. See copy attached as Exhibit 'F'. 25. Based on a belief that the Sorrells was acting in good- faith in negotiating a compromise, and without knowledge of The Trust's ownership of the Subject Property, SPU did not immediately seek to terminate services to the Subject Property. 26. It has been represented by Sorrells that the RV septic ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 7 system dtunp sewer line has been plugged, but SPU has not been allowed to verify this fact directly or been given a reason to believe the representations. 27. On April letter stating that remedied. " 28. On April 5, 2021,, counsel for Sorrells submitted a "the toilet drainage/leaking issue has been 16,202Lt counsel Iegal requirements which Sorrells including the following: (1) failure certification report by a licensed stating that the water and sewer for SPU identified numerous had failed to comply with, to provide an inspection and fdaho Professional Engineer lines were up to county standards; l2l failure to provide "as bui1t" drawings for the water and sewer lines for all buildings; (3) failure to identify changes to site plans submitted to the Bonneville County Public V[orks Department; (4) failure to provide Sunnyside Park Utilities with the architectural plans for Buildings 2-5; (5) failure to provide evldence of installation of an appropriate backflow prevention device; and (6) failure to allow Sunnyside Park Utilities to inspect the water and sewer service lines prior to covering. A copy of such notice is attached as Exhibit \G'. 29. On or about .Tune 17, 202L, a water meter was installed at SPU's cost in the public right-of-way to monitor water consumption on the Subject Property. Such water meter remains the property of SPU. A copy of a "Paid in full-" invoice for the water ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 8 meter is attached hereto as Exhibit L. 30. Ialhile taking a meter reading on October 25, 202L, SPU's representative was contacted by Nikita Byington, a tenant of Subject Property, and was told that he was not allowed to access the water meter on the Subject Property. It is understood that Ms. Byington monitors the Subject Property when Sorrells is not present. The tenant's statement, as agent of Sorrells, that SPU was prohibited from accessing the water meter constitutes grounds for termination under IDAPA 31-.21-.01.302.01 (e) . 31. On October 25, 2021, at approximately 9:30 p.fr., SPU discovered that Sorrells' toilet was again continuously running. SPU shut off water to the Subject Property at the water meter to prevent the continuous excess fl-ow from overloading the septic system. 32 . On October 26, 202'J,, counsel for SPU informed counsel for Sorrells of the repeated excessive discharge issue and stated that "water will be turned back on when proof is provided that a new toilet has been installed and a monitoring plan acceptable to Sunnyside Park Utilities is submitted by Mr. Sorrell-s on how he will manage his sewage discharge in the future, pursuant to ISunnyside Park's Rules and Regu]-atj-onsl Article 2, Section 7." 33. During the evening of October 26,202L, SPU again noticed excessive discharge into j-ts septic system and found that Sorrel1s, or his agent, had turned on the water without SPU's ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 9 authorization. SPU again turned off the on the water meter to prevent Sorrells water and installed a lock from until Sorrells verified that the excessive restarting the water discharge had been permanently remedied and would no longer risk overloading SPU's septic system. 34. On October 27, 2021, Sorrells sent a text message to SPU, stating in part: "...this is a formal notice that if you or any one representing you enters my property for any reason again you will be removed by force if necessary. The water meter is fu11y owned and paid for by n€r and is on my property. Do not TOUCH AGAIN! ! The toilets have been repaired and there is no water fl-ow. BACK OFE! ! !" 35. Sorrells notice and threats prohibiting SPU from accessing the water meter constitutes grounds for termination under IDAPA 3L.2L.0L.302.01 (e) . Sorrel-ls has not provided any notice that his threats have been rescinded. 35. On October 2'7, 2021, Finish Line Plumbing, Inc., toilet. Sorrells notified invoiced Sorrells $471.90 to repair the leaking 37. On October 2'7, 202L, counsel for counsef for SPU that the requested that water service 38. Upon receipt of toilet had again been repaired and resume immediately. this meter to resume service and request, SPU went to the water found that SPU's lock had been removed, the water had again been turned on without authorization, ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 10 and a new Lock had been placed by Sorrel-Is to prevent SPU from being able to turn off the water at SPU's water meter. 39. Sorrells' placing of a lock on SPU's water meter constitutes grounds for termination under fDAPA 31.21,.01.302.01 (e) . The lock has not been removed. 40. On October 29, 202L, counsel for SPU provided a notice to Sorrells' counsel that water service would be termi-nated based upon Sorrells' interference with SPU's access to the water meter by means of the unauthorized lock and threats to forcibly remove any representative of SPU who attempted to access the meter as allowed under Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission regulations set forth in IDAPA 3L.21".01. 502.01 and IDAPA 31.2L.01.302.01 (e) . See l-etter dated October 29, 2021, attached as Exhibit \H'. 4L. On November t, 202L, counsel for Sorrells stated that the lock would be removed "on condition that ISPU] folIow the and regulations in the and SorrelIs has not of SPU representatives rules for notice provided in his own rules future." The lock has never been removed rescinded his threats servicing SPU's meter, 42. Since the of forcible removal October 27, 2021 toil-et repair, SPU has conducted regular readj-ngs of the water meter and regular inspections of the sewer discharge from the Subject Property. 43. Between the evening of October 29, 202L and the morning of November 9, 202L, a tota.l- of L2rL68 gallons were consumed by ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 11 the Subject Property, which averages out to nearly 50 gallons per hour, for a property which was only authorized to have two restrooms. 44. On November 2, 2021, SPU notified Sorrells' contractor regarding the excessive consumption of water, and was informed that a frost-free hydrant was leaking and was in the process of being repaired. Sorrells' contractor was unaware of the extent of the 1eak, as only a minor leak is noticeable from the hydrant itsel-f . 45. Sorrells' contractor turned off the water line to the hydrants and informed Sorrells of the leak. 46. Sorrells informed the contractor that Sorrells would continue to use the water service and al-low his tenants and/or agent(s) to turn on/off the water to the hydrants as needed, prior to any repal-r of the water constitutes 31,. 21, . 01-.302. 01 ( f ) . leak. Sorrells' continued willful wasting of grounds for termination under IDAPA Based upon water meter readings, it appears the water were shut off during the leak the evenings between November 2-3 but otherwise has continued unabated. A copy of 47. hydrants and 3-4, the meter 48. meter readings show readings is attached as More recently, between Exhibit rT'. March 25 and April 'l , 2022, the average water consumption in excess of 11 000 explanation has been provided regarding thisgallons per day. No ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 12 excessive use, leading SPU to believe that the water is being wasted through leakage. 49. By allowing leaking hydrants to continue to operate, Sorrell-s' is wiI1fuI1y wasting water provided by SPU and continuing to interfere with SPU services. Wi11ful1y wasting or interfering with service of a utility provider is a violation of IDAPA 3L.2L.A1.302.01 (f) and/or IDAPA 31,.2L.01.602.01-. SPU does not believe that the l-eak is being discharged into SPU's septic system, but is IikeIy seeping into the ground and may lead to future problems on Sorrells' and adjacent parcels. 50. Pursuant to SPU's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service ("Ru1es and Regulations"), Article II, Section 2, "Any person or party found to be discharging unauthorized wastes shal1 be subject to penalties and fees as described in Article IV.' 51. Pursuant to Rules and Regulations, Article IV, Section 3, SPU "reserves the right to refuse to provide service to persistent violators of these rules and regulations." 52. Pursuant to Rules and Regulations, Article II, Section 4 (b), SPU prohibits the discharge of sewage in excess of the quantity and rate of flow which was intended to be discharged from the Subject Property. 53. Pursuant to Rules and Regulations, Article II, Section 4 (e), SPU prohibits the discharge of unusual or excessive volume or continuous flow or concentration of wastes. ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 13 54. Pursuant to Rules and Regulations, Article fI, Section 5, SPU reserves the right to reject current and future sanitary in violation of Article II or which poses asewage for deleterious continuous field. any person effect upon the sewer system. High volumes of flows have a deleterious effect upon any septic drain 55. Pursuant to the Third Party the right toCompany tSPUI each of the meter to be sha1l have at reasonable times individual buildings, and maintained by the Company supplied to the consumer shall pass for and access readings 56. Agreement, Section 4, "The install- on the premises of other improvements a water through which all water to which [SPU] shall have the purpose of taking meter and keeping said meters On November 11, 2021,, in repair." pursuant to ldaho Code Section 10- the SeventhL20L et. s€9., SPU sought Declaratory Judicial District, Bonneville County, to Judgrment in declare the rights of SPU to refuse to provide service to Sorre11s,a persistent and continuing vj-olator of the Rules and Regulations of SPU and applicable IDAPA provlsions, and to authorize the termination of water and/or sewer services to the Subject Property. 57. During the hearing held on Sorrells' Motion to Dismiss, counsel for Sorrel-l-s stated that the appropriate course of action was for SPU to terminate services and to have the dispute addressed by the IPUC. ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 14 58. On March 2, 2022, the Court entered a Memorandum Decis j-on on Respondent's Motion to Dj-smiss, directing the to address water service related issues with the IPUC. A parties copy of this Memorandum Decision is attached as Exhibit 'J', as requested by the IPUC. 59. On March Intent to Terminate 3, 2022, SPU provided Sorrells with a Notice of Services pursuant to IDAPA 31,.2L.01.304.01. A was submitted to the IPUC, pursuant to IDAPAcopy of the 31,.2L.01. 505, Curtis Stein Notice call of its agent, the IPUC like1y does not have jurisdiction over this matter. The IPUC has not entered a stay of termination or entered a finding that public interest requires service to be maintained as allowed under IDAPA 31,.21.01.605, however terminatj-on has not occurred pending resolution of this matter. 50. On March 8, 2022, counsel for Sorrells submitted a letter to SPU's counsel stating that they also were contacted by the IPUC and "it has been made known to us that IPUC J-nterprets the aforementioned rules and regulations as not applicable to SPU, and that IPUC deems SPU a 'nonregulated entity'." A copy of such letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 'K'. 61. On March 8, 2022, pursuant to IDAPA 31.21,.01,.31,2.02, a Notice of Termination was posted on the Subject Property 48 hours prior to time of anticipated termination on March l-0, 2022. which responded by telephone on March 8, 2022, saying that ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 15 62. As required by IDAPA 3t.2L.01.304.02, Counsel for SPU diligently attempted to contact Mr. Sorrells' counsel on March 9, 2022, twenty-four (24)hours prior to anticipated termination, and Paul RippelT providing final Notice ofspoke with Termi-nation. attorney Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct and Court rules prevented counsel from contacting Sorrells directly. 63. On March 9, 2022, prior to termination, SPU received notice that a Eormal Complaint had been filed by Sorrel-Is, and pursuant to IDAPA 3l .21,. 01 . 700 . 0l- (b) (ii ) termination has not occurred. RESPONSE TO FORIIAL COMPIAIIItr 64. Unless expressly admitted herein, SPU denies each and every allegation contained in Complaj.nant Forma1 Complaint. 65. In response to Paragraph 1, SPU denies based upon the fact that the Subject Property was transferred to The Trust and is not owned by Complainant. 66. In response to Paragraph 2, SPU admits. 67. In response to Paragraph 3-5, SPU denies these allegations based upon repeatedly being informed by the IPUC that SPU is not a regulated entity. 68. In response to Paragraphs 5 and lI, no response is required. 69. In response to Paragraphs 7-10, SPU responds by stating that the letter speaks for itself. ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 16 70. In response to Paragraphs L2-23, SPU denies each allegation. PRAY:ER WHEREEORE, SPU prays for relief as follows: 1. Denying Sorrells Formal Complaint and dismissing this proceeding for the reason that Sorrells does not own the Subject Property and has no standing to pursue this action. 2. Declaring that Sorrells is a persistent and continuing violator of the Rules and Regulations applicable to the Subject Property. 3. Declari-ng that Sorrells is in violation of IPUC Rules by reason of (1) material misrepresentations, (2) failure of The Trust to apply for SPU's services, (3) obtaining, diverting or using SPU's services without SPU's knowledge or authorization, (4) interference with SPU's access to SPU's water meter, (5) failure to comply with pertinent 1egal requirements during construction of buildings on the Subject Property, and/or (6) by wil1fu1ly wasting of water provided by SPU. 4. Declaring that SPU is authorj-zed to termj-nate water services to Lot 4, Block 4, Sunnyside Industrial and Professj-onal Park. 5. Granting SPU such further relief as the IPUC deems just and proper. ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLAINT - 17 DATED this 20th day of April , 2022. / s / Paul- L. Ful-ler Paul L. Fuller Attorney for Sunnyside Park Utilities, Inc. ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPLA]NT - 18 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I serued a true and conect copy of the following described pleading or document on the persons lisEd belouv on this 20th day of April, 2022: Document Served: ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPI-AINT Persons Served: PaulB. Rippd Austin O. Alhn HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT H/qNSEN & HOOPES, PLLC 428 ParkAve. ldaho Falh, lD 83402 paulrippd@hopkinuoden.com austinallen@hopkinemden.com Vn Email /s/ PaulL. Fuller PaulL. Fulbr FULLER & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC ANSWER TO TORMAL COMPLAINT . 19 EXHIBITS Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit A B c D E F L, HI J K L Third Party Beneficiary Agreement Will-Serve Letter Building Permits 1-5' August 21, 2019 Notice September 5, 201-9 Notice February L2, 2027 NoticeApril 16, 2021 Notice October 29, 2021 Notiee Water Meter Readings Memorandum Decislon March 8, 2022 tetter Water Meter Invoice Exhibi Exhibi Exhibi Exhibi Exhibi Exhibi Exhibi ttttttt ANSWER TO FORMAL COMPI,AINT - 20 EXHIBIT A "*) THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY UTILITY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this tL day of bul .z002, by and benryeen Suuryside Park Utilities, Inc., an Idaho corporation called "Company") and Sunnyside Park Owners Association, Inc., an ldaho corporation (hereinafter called "Represottative"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Company is now the owner of property in Bonneville County, State of Idaho described in Schedule A, attached hereto, upon which there is located the Company's water supply system and/or sewage system or upon which there is being constructed by the Company and will be located a water supply system and/or sewage system; and WHEREAS, the Company warrants that all the property described in Schedule A, as well as all water supply system and/or sewage systems hereafter acquired by the Company shall be made subject to the Agreement by recordation of appropriate covenants, reservations, restrictions, or conditions in such manner as is required by Idaho law to put all persons on notice that such propenies have been subjected to the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Company hereby warrants that existing and future encumbranceg liens or other indebt€dness, if ily, to the title of water supply systems and/or sewage systenxs now owned or hereafter acquired by the Company shall be subordinated and made subject to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Company intends to construct, operate, and maintain said water supply systems andlor sewage systems for the purpose of supplying water and/or sewage collection and disposal service to buildings, and other improvernents located in areas and zubdivisions adjacent to or in the vicinities of said water supply systems and/or sewage systerns (it being understood that the company does not now and does not contemplate the fumishing of garbage collection and garbage hauling seroices) and for that purpose will construct, lay, and mainuin water storage and distribution facilities, water and sewage mains, lateral lines, manholes, pumping stations, and all other facilities and appurtenances necessary to maintain an adequate water supply for consumption by the occupants of zuch buildings, and other improvements in said areas and subdivisions and also necessary for the purpose of supplying sewage collection and disposal service to such buildings, and other improvements; and WHEREAS, it is contemplated that the buildings, and other improvements to be served by the said water supply systern and/or sewage systems of the Cornpany will be located on properties in said areas of subdivisions which will be security for mortgages given to various lenders, including the Representative; and WHEREAS, one of the inducing factors to the $anting of mortgage loans on properties, buildings. and other improvements in the areas to be served by the water supply systems and/or sewage systems of the Company by the Representative and other lenders and the insuring thereof is that there will be continuous operation and maintenance of the water supply systems and/or sewage systems according to the approved standards set forth in this -l- Agreement, and that rate ch,arges by the Company for its services will be reasonable, and the Company is desiious of assuring thu its rates will be reasonable, and also assuring the continuance of the operation and mainterumce of said water supply systems and"/or sewage systems. for the benefit of the present and future owners of properties, buildings, and other improvements, and mortgagees holding mortgages covering such buildings and other improvements, including the Representative. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the reliance upon this Agreement by the Representative and by present and futue owners of buildingso residences, and other improvements to be served by the water supply systems and/or sewage systems of the Company, and by mortgagees (who will make and hold mortgage loans on such buildings, and other improvements) the Company and the Representative do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION I: (a) This Agreement is made not only with the Representative in its individual capaciry but also as the representative of and for the benefit of the present and future owners of or occupants of all and each of the properties, buildings, and other improvements which are now or may hereafter be served by the water supply systenrs and/or sewage systems of the Company as well as the holders of any mortgage or mortgages covering any such buildings, and other properties and improvements. (b) Any persoq firm, or association represented by the rcpresentative herein, through the representative herein and/or any appropriate governmental agency or corporation (l) served by the water supply systems and/or sewage systems of the Company, and/or (2) holding any mortgage on any property connected to the said systems or either of them, is hereby granted the right and privilege and hereby authorized in its or their own name and on its or their ovun behalf to institute and prosecute at law or in equity in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter, to interpret and enforce this Agreement or any of its terms and provisions, including, but not limited to, suits for specific performance, rnandamus, receivership and injunction. SECTION 2: (a) The Company does covenant and agree that the Company shall supply at all times and under adequate pressue for the use of each of the properties duly connected to its water supply system a sufficient quantity of wuer to meet the reasonable needs of each of the properties duly connected to said water supply systems. Such water shall be the quality and purity as shall meet the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act of the U.S. Environmental hotection Agency (EPA), so ils to produce water without excessive hardness, corrosive properties, or other objectionable characteristics making it unsafe or unsuitable for domestic and ground use or harmful to any or all pipes within and/or without the buildings, and other improvements. Records of any and all tests conducted in connection with said water supply systems shall be kept as pernanent reconds by the Company and said records shall be open to inspection by the State Board of Health of the State of Idaho and a duly delegated agent of the representative. The said Board of Heal& and/or its agents shall at all times have access to the water supply system ofthe Company to conduct any and all tests as said Board shall determine necessary to t /J'.-\ t/ ascertain compliance with the said Standards and characteristics. In any event, the Company shall have said Board make such analyses as shall be deemed reasonably necessary and required by the Board of Health and the Company shall pay all costs and expenses in connection therewith. In the event said Board shall determine that the purity of the water does not meet the aforesaid Shndards, the Company shall immediately at its sole cost and expense make any adjustnent, repair, installation, or improvement to its facilities that shall be necessary or required or recomrnended by said Board to bring the purity of the water up to the said Standards. (b) The Company shall provide at all tirnes for each of the buildings, and other improvements constructed in the areas and subdivisions served by the sewage systems of the Company sewage service adequate for safe and sanitary collection and disposal of all sewage from said buildings, and other improvemants, in accordance with the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Company further shall operate and maintain the sewage systems, including the disbursement field, in a manner so as not to pollute the ground, air, or water in, under, or around said areas or subdivisions with improperly or inadequately treated sewage. The Cornpany will operate the sewage system to reduce noxious or offensive gases or odors to a minimum, but cannot completely eliminate the possibility of the system emitting odors because of conversions and wind changes. The Company further agrces to operate the systems in accordance with regulations and recommendations of the State Board of Health and to produce an effluent of a quality satisfactory to the State Board of Health and any and all otlrer public authorities having jurisdiction over such matters. Records of any and all tests conducted in connection with the systems shall be kept as permanent records by the Company and said records shall be open to inspection by the State Board of Health of the State of Idaho and a duly delegated agent of the representative. The said Board of Health and its agents shall at all times have access to the systems of the Company to conduct any and all tests as said Board shall detennine necessary to ascertain compliance with the said regulations and recommendations. In the event said Boarrd shall determine that the operations of the systems do not meet the said regulations or recommendations, the Company shall immediately, at its sole cost and expense, make any adjustment, repair, installation or improvement to its faciiities that shall be necessary or required or recommended by said Board to bring the operation of the systems up to the said regulaions and recommendations. It is understood and agreed that the Company does not and does not contemplate furnishing garbage collection or garbage removal services. SECTION 3. The Company agrces to maintain said water supply systems and/or said sewage systems at all times in good order and repair so that satisfactory water and sewage collection and disposal service as provided in the foregoing paragraphs may be supplied to each of said buildings, and other improvements in said areas or subdivisions in the quantity and in the quality provided in the foregoing paragraph. The water supply systems and/or the sewage systems shall be open for inspection at all times by the agents of .the Idaho State Board of Health. -J- l SECTION 4. (a) The Company reserves and has the right to establish and collect as a charge or charges for water fumished and consumed by the owners or occupants of each of the buildings, and other improvements at the rates as prcscribed and permitted herein. The Company shall have the right to install on the premises of each of the individual buildings, and other improvements a water meter to be maintained by the Company through which all water supplied to the consurner shall pass and to w$ch the Company shall have access ar reasonable times for the purpose of taking meter readings and keeping said meters in repair. The Company may charge the cost to the customer of any material used, equipment rented or the equivalent rate for the Company's equipment used and labor expenses incured in making any connection or in making any repair which is the responsibility of an owner. (b) The Company reserves and has the right to establish and collect as a charge or charges for sewer service provided to the owners or occupants of each of the buildings, and other improvements served by the Company, the initial rates as shown in Schedule '(8" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 5: In the event the Company should fail to operate and maintain the water supply systems and/or the sewage systems in the manner and under the conditions specified herein (failure due to Acts of God, nafure disasters or other causes beyond the contol of the Company, including labor troubles or strikes, excepted) or in the event the Company collects or att€mpts to collect from the consumers of water or from uses of the sewage systems charges in excess of the rate or rates specified or provided for in this Agreement, then in either of such contingencies, if such default shall continue for a period of tbirty (30) days (or for a period of two (2) days in the event such default consists of a shutdown of the water or sewage teatment plant or suspension of water or sewag€ servic€s, except for the cases above set forth) after written notice to the company by any consumer, or by a duly authorized agent of the representative, mortgagee, or by any person for whose benefit this contract is made, then and in such event those pemons so entitled may anforce this Agreemant by action instituted for such purpose in any court of competent jurisdiction and in such action shall be entitled as a matter of right to an immediate hearing before a Court of competent jurisdiction for the determination of whether the appoinment of a receiver is appropriate and for the determination of whether such receiver or other oflicer appointed by the Court is entitled to take immediate possession of the water supply systems and/or sewage systems of the Company for the purpose of operating and maintaining the same with full right to hold, use, operate, manage and control the same for the benefit of the parties for whom this agleement is nnade with full right to collect the charges for services at rates not in o(cess of those specified or provided for in this agreement. SECTTON 6. The Company may establish. amend or revise from time to time and enforce Rules and Regulations for Water Service and Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service or Rules and Regulations covering both water and sewer service and covering the fumishing of water supply service and sewer service within said areas of suMivisions, provided, however, all 4- such rules and regulations established by the Company from time to time shall at all times be reasonable and subject to such regulations as may now or hereafter be provided by law; and provided further that no such rule or regulation so established, amended or revised can be inconsistent with the requirements of this Agreement nor shall the same abrogate any provision hereof. Any such rules and regulations established, amended, revised and enforced by the Company from time to time shall be binding upon any owner or occupant of any of the property located within the boundaries of such .ueas or subdivisions, the owner or occupant of any building, or other improvement constructed or located upon such properry and the user or consumer of any water supply service and sewer service. SECTION 7. Changes in the initial rates described in Section 4 hereof may be proposed by the Company and by third party beneficiaries of this Agreement in the following manner: All rates proposed by the Company and by third party beneficiaries for the water supply system and the sewage collection system shall be submitted by notice to the representative and to all parties connected to the sewage collection system, and if within ninety (90) days after such notice of a rate change proposed by the Company not more than one-half of such parties have signified in wriling their opposition to such proposes rate change, the Company may forthwith establish its new rates. If more than one-half of such parties signiS. in writing, their opposition to a rate change proposed by the Company, or if more than one-half of such parties proposed in writing a rate change which the Company opposes, and the parties cannot negotiate an agreement within ninety (90) days to the reasonableness of the new rates, then the matter of the reasonableness of such new rates shall be referred to a board of arbiters selected as follows: the Company shall designate one arbiter. the objecting parties shall designate one arbiter, and the two arbiters thus selected shall choose a third arbiter. The three arbiters shall make their written r€conrmendations to the parties to the dispute as to the reasonableness of the new rates within ninety (90) days after the reference of the dispute by the arbiters shall be given to the Company and to all objecting parties. All proceedings before the arbircrs shall be recorded in urritten objections to the recommendations within thirty (30) days after the decision. If no written objections are made, it shall be considered that all parties have agreed that the new rares recommended by the arbiters are reasonable. [f wrinen objections are filed by either side, the question of the reasonableness of the new rates shall be the subject of review by a court of competent jurisdiction in appnrpriate legal proceedings initiated for such purpose. In the event of arbitration or court proceedings, the proposed change of rates shall be in abeyance and shall not hcome effective until the conclusion of such proceedings. SECTION 8. Nonrrithstanding any provision of this Agreemen! no third party beneficiary shall have or claim to have any righq title, lien, encurnbrance, interest or claim of any kind or character whatsoever in and to the Company's water supply system and/or sewage systems, or properties and facilities, and the Company may mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber, or sell or orherwise dispose of, any or all of such water supply systems and/or sewage systems, properties and facilities without the consent of such third parties. The wo.rds "properties and facilities" as used in this Section shall not only include physical properties and facilities but -5- =) all real, personal and other properly of every kind and character owned by the Company and used, rseful, or held for use in connection with its water supply systerns and/or sewage systerns, including revenues and income from the users of water and sewage services, cash in bank and otherwise; provided, however, that this Agreement as set fo*h herein shall be binding upon all successors and assigns of the Company. SECTION 9. All notice provided for herein shall be in writing or by telegram, and if to Company shall be mailed or delivered to Company at3655 Professional Way, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401, and if to parties for whose benefit this contact is made shall be mailed or delivered to the president or secretary of the representative at their last known addresses as furnished by the representative to the company. SECTION IO. (a) The covenants, reservations, restrictions or conditions herein set forth are and shall be deemed to be covenants, reservations, restictions, or conditions imposed and running with the land and properties of the Company as listed on Schedule A attached hereto and Iimiting the use thereof for the purposes and in the manner set forth herein and sball be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns, and shall likewise be binding upon and shall iaure to the benefit of all parties who, in aoy rrumner whatsoever, shall acquire title to the Company's water supply systems and/or sewage systems, and properties and facilities as defined in Section 8 hereof. To this end the Company shall make all water supply systems and/or sewage systcms now owned or hereafter acquired subject to this Ageement by recordation or appropriate covenants, reservationg restrictions, or conditions in such manner as is required by law to put all persons on notice that such water supply systems and/or sewage systems have been subjected to the terms ofthis Agreement are deemed to be covenants, reservations, restrictions, or conditions irnposed upon and nmning with the land listed on Schedule A attached hereto. (b) This Agreement shall also be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Representative, its successors and assigns, and as set forth in Section t hereof, all present and future owners or occupants of all and each of the properties, buildings, and other improvements which are now or may hereafter be served by the water supply systems and/or sewage systems of the Company on the property listed on Schedule A attached hereto, as well as the holders of any mortgage or mortgages covering any such properties, buildings, and other improvements, as well as the successors and assigns of all such present and future owners and occupants and holders ofmortgages. SECTION 1I. This Agreement shall be govemed by the laws of the State of ldaho. SECTTON 12. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and for the benefit of all parties mentioned herein until either (a) the water supply systems and sewage systems described -6- -) ,] herein are taken over by governmental authority for maintenance and operation; or (b) other adeguate water supply and sewage collection and disposal senrice is provided by a governmental authority through means other than the water supply systems and sewage systems owned by the Company; or (c) the rates, services and operation of the Company are placed by tary under the jurMiction of a regulatory commission or other governmental agency or body empowercd to fix rates and to which a consumer of the Company may seek relief. Upon the happening of any of the aforesaid events, this Agreement shall automatically terminate; and, at the request of the Company, the Company and lhe Representative shall execute an inshrrment canceling this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and the Representative have caused this Agreement to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of which counterpart shall be considered an original executed copy ofthis Agreement. SUNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, INC. SLINNYSIDE PARK OWNER'S ASSOCI,ATION, INC. By Its:Its: i.*_-, l I I i rI l : j l I i ! : i iri I ;Iil : :l i ,[ I I tl fl t!I T I u -7- CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF IDAI{O Coumy of Bonneville On this JLauy of April, 2D2,before me, the undersigned notary public, in and for the State of ldaho, personally appeared, Kirk Woolf, known to me to be the President of the corporation that executed the within instnrment or the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affxed my official seal, the day and year first above written. ) ) ) ss CORPORATE ACKI\IOWLEDGMENT STATE OF IDAHO County of Bomneville On this lh-cmr1 of April" 2002, before me, the undersigned notary public, in and for the State of ldaho, personally appearcd, Kirk Woolf, knov,'n to me to be the President of the corporation that executed the within instrument or the person who executed the foregoing instrument on bebalf if *ia corporation, and acknowledged to me that sr.rch corporation executed the same. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto s€t my hand and atrxed my official seal, the day and year first above witten. Notary public for tdaho Residing at kiaho Falls My commission expires: O6-0?-oJ -lkrLru"hNotary public for ldaho Residing at ldaho Falls My commission o<pires: 06-0?-0J ) ) ) ss 'l I I h ii l h I-8- .., SCIIEDT'LE A Tract I Septic Tank and Drain Fields Beginning at a point that is S 89 degrees 42'56" E 856.82 feet along the section line fr,om the West One Quarter Corner of Section 36, Township 2 North, Range 37 East of the Boise Meridian and running thence S 0 degrees 00'54" E 45.91 feet; thence S 88 degrees 57'40" W 86.36 feet; thence S 14 degrees 50'59" W 219.63 feet; thence S 62 degrees 53'33" E 160.32 feet; thence S 89 degrees 42'56" E 100.00 fta; thence N 0 degrees 00'54" W 332.82 feet; thenc€ N 89 degrees 42'56* W 100.m feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.44 acres. Tract II Wel[ Location Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Sunnyside Industrial and Professional Park, Division No. l, Bouneville County, Section 36, T2N, R. 37 EBM and running thence along the west boundary of Lot 5, a distance of 60 feg thence S 89 degrees 54'00" W 60 feeq thence N 0 degrees 04'08* W to the North bor:ndary of Lot 5, thence N 89 degrees 54'00" E along the North boundary of Lot 5 to the Point of Beginning. ) i' tJt i s-@ 6+,l*+ft*] 1Effgtt SCI{EDI.]LE B Wato d Sewer S€rvice ad Comcction Chargcs Monthly Ctarge Business Sewer Service Busitrcss Watgr Servicc Each SewerConnection &ch Walcr Connpstion Basic Connection Chrsep $17.s0 $12.50 $500.m $500.00 Company shall alm chrye the cost to thc Company of ay material used, equipne,nt rcoted or equMeot r4e for Company's equipment usod, aod labor orpense incun€d in qtnking any oonnectioa or in m*ing any repair which is thercsponsibility of ay onner. The Conpany reservGs thc right to a$HB additional cornGcti@ charges for scrvices in execss of basic brrines sener and urattr scrvices. tj EXHIBlT B Sunn ide Industrial And Professional Park" LLC. Augus 23,2018 Donald Sonells 3341 N Empcrcr Frcsno, CA 93737 RE: Water and Scwer Services To Wlpm tt May Concem Sunnyside Indusrial and Professional Park, LLC - Sunnyside Park Utilities Inc. will provide sewer and water servhe upon rcceipt of fiunds for Block 4, lol 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIO}IAI PARK NWI/4, SEC 36, T 2N, R 37. Pml Numben RPO7990t004fl!lO. Hookup fees are; Waler $800.00, Sewer $1000.00. Sunnyside Pa* Utilities Inc. has receivd chcskRfif A. *m/*lmy'l ttt* ,f'.rwf , aatea Pleasc notc the landowner must provide a water meter (at the owner's expense) for any water usage determined to be above 12000 gallorrs per month. Thank You, Craig Sunnyside and Pmfcssional Park, LLC #for $1,800.00 frorn 20t8. P O Box 1768 Lldaho Falls, ID 83403-1768 tlPhone (208) 529-9891 EXHIBIT C COMMERCIAL PERMIT TION BONNEWLLE ZONNG & BUILDNG DEPARTMENT 605 N. Capttal Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 8i402 (20s) 524-?ez0 Far r (20t) t2e-nlo TWO PAPER COPIES OF ALL PLANS ARE REOUIRED FOR PENUITS (And One Electronic Copy) Plans to cornply with 2009 lBC, lFC, IECC,IMC, [FGC, Minimum 15 business days may be reguircd for plan review Do ru AL b <o R Iq ELt ( Owner and Tenrnt:Telephone No. Ilome: Sssrness.' Fcrr.' Email: Arehltect / Englneer: -tETo AJ sT f-u cT\ L* L Telephonc No. Home: eOt-- ngl - Brsiness.'Fax: 3 4.> O Email: Generrl Coutrrctor: il?u 4*s4o a/ZLI L4q rtoTltz/tt State Llcenre:Telephone No. ffi ebb --tot- ffi,,, bn37 constructionAddress: P.o. la1\. Bu+cK.FocT lu 'ttzz1 subdlvtrtongu^,^ry< iD E B'us iNEf/Lot: 4 Block ,z) Ter Prrcel No:E AP fwETl,nez use: A o wn^ e p.c- I A L Square Footrge: Sl, O Mdn Floor:Other Floors: 4 <-- tv\ fVr ! KC t f-r U s'"yto F S Deecrlpdon of ProJect: Bid Price;'4e b0 0 uo@enoda:Septic Permil#:tr /h Fire Sprinklr Syfiem: |it;nr *"qHeal System: I Toutsr.l 5 Signature of Owner/Contractor or Authorized Agent:w 6.'h Scc pagc 2, Item I B UtLD tN 4 J+Rsvisd 03ru6201E Page I of2 COMMERCIAL PERMIT APPLICA Sunnlemental SheetTION CHECK-OFF UST FOR PLAN REWEW - All Plans must be drawn to Scale and Scale Noted on the Plans - Requ.irements for submittine plans to obtain a Permlt for a Commerclal Buildins: l. Site Plan Detailing thc following and Stamped by registered design professional Proper Zone, Occupancy classification, Type of construction Footprint of the structure / s Acreage ofproperty Property lines and dimcnsions Setbacb of structurc / s location of fire hydrants and fire lanes Parkiag, loading and unloading areas, sidewalks, driraways and easements Locationand detail ofproposed work within rightof-ways Detail for site grading and on-site rctention of run-offwater Location and width of curb cuts, or access points of drivcways All ouside storage space shall be c,nclosed by a sighl obscuring fcnce Permit required from Public Worla Department (208-529-1290) for approach onto a County Road Pemrit or'\rrill scrve" letter required from Sewer & Water Service Providers, if applicable 2. Architectural Drawings: Stamped by registcrcd dcsign professional. Floor plans - iodicate room usagc Builditrg elevations Wall cross-sections Door / Window schcdules and glazing tlpes Room finish / s and hardwarc schcdulc / s Restroom elevations Panition location and tlpes Roof plan and drainage slopcs Stair cros-scctions Shaft sections, when applicable Rated conidor construction details, when applicable Fire protection dctails for stnrctural framc components, when applicable Occupancy separation wall dctails, whcn applicable 3. Structural Drawings: Stamped by registered design professional, Foundation drawings Framing - roof floor aad walls Structural dstails Live loads used in design Shop &awings and spec sheets on pre-fabricatcd structurcs Reuining walls Generul notes 4. Mechonical Drawings: Stamped by registered design professional. Mechanical sy$t€m must meet ASHRAE / IESNA 90,1 -ZZB"ZEflE c. D. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. B. c. D. E. F. H. t. J. K. L. M. EEEE D E. F. G Revled l2llt20l2 Page2 of2 Permit BLDG-COM - Building Gommercial Permit BONNEVILLE COUNTY 605 N. CapltalAve. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 (208) 524-7920,.. Phone (208) 52$1330... Fax 27504 /rt $ 29e99.00 152.00 MARK L@ATION S Amerlcan Way ldaho Falls, lD 83402 PARCEL# RPO7990004{'04O PRtrERTY LOCATION LOT4, BLOCK 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIONAL PARK NW1/4, SEC 36, T2N, Ro/lAER Donald Sonells 0 3341 N Emporer Ave Fresno CA 93737 LOT BLOO( SttsOlUSlOtl 4 4 coNTRAcroR Jonathan Gregory RCT-334900 0 Sunnyslde lndusflal & Prcfessional Park Blackfoot lD 83221 SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 36 a{37LTCENSE(S) RCT-34900 DESCRIPTIOhIOFI/\CIR( Commerclal- Reslroom facllity for contractor rental units NATUREOFWOR( NewConstruc,tlon @CUPANCYTY"E OONS}IRUCTONTIPE USEZOT{E l&M.l FLOOOZOIJE SEIA'ERPEF['IT# U Utility. Miscellanoous VB Wll Serye Lettorfrom Sunnytlde lnduetrlal and Profeselonal Park Di,tlsrcf'E LIVINGSPACE BASEMENT.RNISHED BASEItCNI-U.IFI\8SFED GARAGE PORCIfSIDEC|(s I,[\ECI/ERED PORCI€S,DECI(S@VERED CRAVVLSPACEft/['l FOUTDATION 20x28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0MH VIN ##uNns 0 tlrtfienrponrlbllltydlhepnopartyowrwbon lurc thlt ell lnrpecdom aro ttqueeted. lf lnrpccllons arc not pedormed, tho structur€ cannol be occuplcd and/or a Cer{lflcate of Occupancy may not be l*ued. Thir pemlt becomer null and void if work or consbucllon euthorlzcd la not cornsrcedwithln 1E0 dayr, or if conrtsuction b rurprndrd or rbandoncd ior r prrlod of lEO dryr rt ary Om. altrr rvork hec commsnced. I hereby cedlly lhat I have read and examlned thb documonl and know the same to be tnp and conect. All provisions of laws and ordinances gorcmlng thie type of worft will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority lo violate or cancel [p provlsions of any other state or local law regulating construclion or the perftrmance ot constructlon. Date By of Contractor or Authorlzed Agent Dale t8 lnspectlons s lnspType R F Status ReqDate lnspDate lnspld lnspDlst 0 BC.DRIVEWAY 0 BC.FOOT 0 BGFOUND 0 BC.FRAME 0 BC.INSUL 0 BC.SHTNG 0 BC.SR 0 BC.FINAL Y PERMIT # 2750,4 lnspectons ln Swan Valley, Palisadec, Freedom areas are scheduted for Tues. and Thurs. ONLY. lnspections in Greys Lake area scheduled by appolntment only. INSPECTION REQUESTPHONE #(2081524.7s20 EXT.2 BY4:00 PM FOR NEXT BUSINESS DAY Permlt Notes User Date Comments BETSY 10t10t2018 See also #27,505 and #27,506 MARK 10n9t2018 No mechanicalwith this permit. MARK 10n9nu8 VALUATION CHANGED: Old Value = 0 New Value = 30,000 MARK 10n9t2018 VALUATION CI-IANGED: Old Value = 30.000 New Value = 29,999 CIAL PERI}IIT APPLICATION BONNEI4LLE ZONNG & BUILDING DEPARTMENT 605 N. Capital Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 e0t)f24-7c2o Fu#(208) sze-t330 TWO PAPER COPIES OF,ITL PLANS Arc NNOUINND FOR PENUITS (And One Electonlc Copy) Plans to comply with 2009 IBC, IFC, IECC, IMC, [FGC, Minimum l5 business days may be rcquired for plan review Owner and Tenant: Dop ALD So RRELLS Telephone No. Home: Business: Fm: Email: Archltect / Englneer: T€.ToN 5r&uteTug-RL- Telephone No. ffiloz aq-? - #ot, ?4yo Generel Contmctor: JTr-,6pr{oey Stete Llcense: RCr 34q oc:,'7/rz /tq Telephone No. Home: Business: Fper: Email: |os-"ol-ba5 conrtrucdonAddresr: P.tr. tlql*" Bunc:kt-oeT lD 23zzl subdlvrslon: S ud-rN ysrDE Bu( rt\El!Lot:4 Block:4 Tu Prrcel No:,nnezI fl i.r Use:C o ly-ly.€ RcII\ L- SquereFootrse: ll, qlE Main f,'loor:Other Floors: DescrlptlonofProJech C o p-/L(E K c" t r\ L st1 o r= s /Ne@,emodcl:Bid Price: 5Oct,6ty/r cLr?r SepttcPemit#: p / *f Firc Sprinklu System:Hcat Systea: ,tffi;"eh HuA lrr'r$ Signrture of Owner/Cotrtrrctor or Authorized Agent: ) n^- (- /lr ,,\ ./^ 2, [En I BUrLP INA Y z OCI O I ZgtB Revised 03/0620lE Page I of2 COMMERCIAL PERMIT APPLICATION - Sunnlemental Sheet CHECK-OFF UST FOR PLAN REVIEW - All Plans must be drawn to Scale and Scale Noted on the Plans - Requirements for submittlne phns to obtah a Permit for a Commercial Buildins: l. Site Plan Detailing the following and Stamped by registcred design professional Proper Zone, Occupancy classification, Type of construction Footprint of the structure / s Acreage ofproperty Propcrty lines and dimensions Setbacks of structure / s location of frc hydrants and fire lanes Parking, loading and unloading areas, sidewalh, driveways and easements Location and dctail of proposed work within right-of-ways Deail for site grading and on-site retention of run-off urater location and width of curt cuts, or acccss points of driveways All outside storage space shalt bc enclosed by a sight obscuring fence Permit required from Public Works Department (208-529-1290) for approach onto a County Road Permit or "will sewe" letter rcquired from Sewer & Water Service Providers, if applicable 2. Architectural Drawings: Stamped by registered design professional. Floor plans - indicate room usage Building elerrations Wall cross-scctions Door / Window schedules and glazing 6,pes Room 6nish / s and hardrvare schedulc / s Rcstroom elcvations Panidon location and types Roofplan and drainage slopes StaA cross-scctions Shaft sections, when applicable Rated corridor construction deails, when applicable Fire protection delails for suuctural frame components, when appticable Occupancy separation wall details, when applicable 3. Stnrctural Drawings: Strmped by rcgistered design professional. Foundation drawings Framing - roof, floor and walls Structural details Live loads used in design Shop drawtngs and spec shects on prc-fabricated structur€s pgtaining walls Gencral notes 4. Mechanical Drawings: Stamped by registered design professional. Mechanical system must meet ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1 A. B. C. D. E. K. M. fre. B. C. H. t. t. K. L. M. ,q. D. E. F. G. Rcvisod l2lBl2012 Page2 of2 Permit BLDG-COM - Building Commercial Permit BONNEVILLE COUNTY 605 N. Capital Ave. ldaho Falls, ]D 83402 (2081 524-7 920 ... Phone (208) 529-1330 ... Fax 27505 /0 -eq . )8 $ 500000.00 356t1.00 MARK LocATloN 3887 S Amerlcan Way Unit A-F ldaho Falls, lD 83401 PARCEL# RPO79900040040 FROPERTY LOCAIION LOT 4, BLOCK 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIONAL PARK, NW1/4 SEC 36, T 2N, R 37O,r ER Donald Sonells 0 3341 N Emporer Ave Fresno CA 93737 @NTRASTOR Jonathan Gregory RCT-3349000 LOT BLOCX SLEDMSION 4 4 SunnpEe lndustrial & Professional Park Blackfoot lO 83221 SECTION TOWNSHIP 2tl RANGE 36 37LrcEI'rsE(s) RCT-34900 DESCRPIIONOFWOro( Commercia!. Buildlng of slx unlts for lease to contractore NATUREOFWORK New Constructlon D[irE].lSl0l.l8 IMNGSPACE \fo x '1-( 0 O@I.JPAhICYTYPE CO.ISIRIEIIONTYE usEzot'tE l&M.l Ft-ooDzohE SEI,I/ERPEFIIIrtl# MH VIN # Fl Factory and lndustrlal, moderate hazard IA #t N]TS 6 BASEIIENT-FlNIS{EO BASEil'EM.I'.JFINISFIED GARAGE PORCTES,DECKSt \EO/ERED PORCI S,DECI(S@\ERED CRAVI,I.SPACEMH FO..f.lDAIlOtl 0 0 0 0 0 0 Itbtrerc+onrlbl[yotheprcpctyororrben aurc that all lnrpsctlonr aro reqrrcsted. !f lnrpccllont !ru not performed, the rtruclurs csnnot be occuplcd lndlor a Cerflflcate of Occuprncy mty not bc lasucd. Thlc permit becomcc null and vold lf work or con3fucffon ruthorEad ls not cmrencsdwithln 1E0 dayr, or lf conrtrucllon ls suepended or abrndonrd for a pcrlod of 180 days at any Umr aftrr urork has commenood. I hercby certifo that I haw read and examlned lhis document and knor the same to bo true and conect. All provlslons of laws ard ordinances gweming 0ris type of work will be complied with wtretnr specified hereln or not. Granting of a permft does not presume to give authority trc violate or cancel the provlslons of any other state or local law regulatng aonstruotion or he perfbrmanco of construdiql, lo ol ConHor or Authorized C\^^/o- t 9-, k lssued By Date lnspectlons s lnspType R F Stetus ReqDate lnspDate lnspld lnspDist 0 BC-DRIVEWAY 0 BC-FOOT 0 BGFOUND 0 BC.FRAME 0 BC-INSUL 0 BGSHTNG 0 BC.SR 0 BC.FINAL Y PERMIT # 27505 lnspectlons ln Swan Valley, Pallsades, Freedom arEa3 are acheduled for Tues. and Thurc" ONLY. lnspectlons ln Greys Lake area scheduled by appolntment only. INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE #12081524-7e20 EXT. 2 BY 4:00 PM FOR NEXT BUSINESS OAY Permlt Notes User Date Comments BETSY 1ononofi See also #27,5M & #27,506 MARK 10/2U20fi No mechanicalwith this permit. MARK 1012u2018 VALUATION CHANGED: Old Value = 0 New Value = 500,000 COMMERCIAL PERMIT APPLICATION BONNEI/ILLE ZONNG & BUILDNG DEPI4RTMENT 605 N. Capilal Ave. ldaho Falls, ID 83402 QoE) s24-7e20 Far # (20t) 52e-t310 TWO PAPER COPIES OF ALL PLA NS ARE REOUIRED FOR PERMITS Revird 03tl)6/201t (And One Electronic Copy) Plans to comply with 2009IBC,IFC, IECC,IMC, IFCC, Minimum 15 business dap may be rcquircd for plan review ,1. 1,,.,II 0wner and Tenant: DoN €oF-P-ELLS Telephone No.w 5s1 - ?%4-,,tatness:F*' OEqL Emoil: Srg\,\cT\,l.KAL Archltect / Engineer: \€-.oN Telephone No. ffi2.o8- 3qr- Y., +4?oDmau; C,rneral Contrector: U-oy.l Ge,eqo trY Strte Llcenre: Rc-r ?4q oo1/rz-/ta, c-t-?" Telephone No. *@ AoE - 1o1- EUtmess: P^no, b7\7 Conrtruction Addrccs: Lot:Block:subdlvldon: Strr., l, y<lDE Bi s lFltr<s TnrezTex Percel No: Use: Squere Footrge:Meln Floor:Other Floors: Dercrlptlon of ProJect:1 Bid Price:17S.o6o . o <.l Scptic P*mit#:lp Remoda: Firc Sprinkler Syilen:HeatSysbn; Signature of Owner/Contrtctor or Authorleed Agent: Yn* b X-.-,,a,- See page 2, Item I Page I of2 fiil'J I 3 2018 COMMERCIAL PENVIIT APPLICATION - Suoolemental Sheet CHECK-OFF UST FOR PLAN REVIEW - All Plans must be drawn to Scale and Scale Noted on the Plans - Reouirements for submittins olans to obtah a Permit for a Commercial Buildins: L Site Plan Detailing the following and Stamped by registered design professional Proper Zone, Occupancy classifi cation, Type of construction Footprint of the structure / s Acreage ofproperty Property lines and dimensions Setbach ofstructure / s Location of fire hydrants and fire lanee Parking, loading and unloading areas, sidewalks, driveways and easements Location and detail of proposed work within right-of-ways Detail for site grading and on-site retention of run-offwater location and width of curb cuts, or access points of driveways AII outsi& storagc space shall be cnclosed by a sight obscuring fence Permit required from Public Worts Departmcnt (208-529-nn) for approach onto a County Road Perrrit or"will serve" letter required ftom Sewer & Water Service Providers, if applicable 2. Architectural Drawings: Stamped by registcred design professional. Floor plans - indicate room usage Building elevations Wall cross-sections Door/ Wiodow schedules and glazing types Room finish / s and hardware schedulc / s Restroom clcvations Partition location and tlpes Roof plan and drainage slopes Stair cross-scctions Shaft scctions, when applicable Ratcd corridor constnrction dctails, whca applicable Fire protection details for stuctural frame components, when applicable Occupancy separation wall details, when applicable 3. Strucural Drawings: Strmped by rcgistered design profcssional. Foundation drawings lmming - roof, floor aad walls Strustural details Live loads rued in design Shop drawings and spec sheets on prc-fabricated structurcs Retaining walls General notes 4. Mechanical Drawings: Stamped by registered desiga proftssional. Mechanical system nrust meet ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1 fl*[]s.Ec.no.fls.Er.Eo.Es.Et.[]r.[]K.[]L.[]M, A, B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I. t. K. L, M. A* B. C. D. E. F. G. D Dn Revised l2/l820t2 Page2 of 2 Permit BLDG-COM - Building Commercial Permit BONNEVILLE COUNTY 605 N. CapitalAve. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 (2081 524-7 920 ... Phone (208) s2s1330.., Fax 2764{i $ 175000.00 1614.00 MARK PERMITNUMBER DATEISSUED VALUATION FEE PRINTED BY LocAlox 3889 S American Way Bldg 3 A.I) ldaho Falls, lD E3401 PARCEL# RPO7990001004O PRtrERTY L@ANOilI LOT4. BLOCK 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIONAL PARK, NW1/4 SEC 36, T 2N, R 37OVINER Donald Sorrells 0 3341 N Emporer idve FresnoCA 93737 coNIRAcrffi Jonathan Gregory RCT-3349000 LOT BLOCK st.tsDtvrsroN 4 4 Sunnyside lndmlrial & Professional Pad( Blackfool lD 83?21 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 2N RANGE 37ErJcEr.Eqs) RCT-34900 DESCRPITONOFI/I/ORK Commercial- Bulldlng of rl unlts to leasa to contractora NATUREOF\IIORK New Constructlon O@UPAT.ICYTYPE @}EIRUCNOf{TU]E usEzof{E t&ttl-t FLOODZONE SEVVERPEFh']T# MH VIN # Fl Faclory and induskial, moderab hazard VB #UNITS O tffiI\ElCt\E LIVINGSPACE BASEMEM.FINEFED BASEMENI-U.IFTIIEN.ED GARAGE KnocsDEcr(s LNrcOVERED FMChESfEq(s@VERED CMItLSPACEIu|H FOLiDATIO'I 38 x 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 o fbtherceporefigoffipropcrtyornerto€n 3ure lhat all lnepeclionr lc rcquorlod. ll lnrpcc'tlons ere nol performed, the slrucrturo cannol be occupled andlor a Cerdlleate ol Occupancy may not bc lrucd. Thlr permlt blcomes null and vold if wott or conrlructlon ruthorlzed b not commencedwithin tEO dayr, or lf conrhucdon lc rurpended or abandoned for a perlod of 1E0 dry. !t my llma lftcr work has commenced. I hereby ceffi that I have read and Examinod this document and know the sarne to bo tru6 and coned. All provieiong of laws and odinances governlng this type of work will be complied witr whether specified hereln or not. Granling of a permit does not presum€ lo give authorlty lo violate or cenoal the provicions of any other state or local law regulating construs{on or lhe performance of constuclion. )y/,?/tt Dab z- t (.- By ol Contacior or Dale -t? lnspections s lnspType R F Status ReqDate lnspDate lnepld lnspDist 0 BC.DRIVEWAY 0 BC-FOOT 0 BC-FOUND 0 BC-FRAME 0 BGINSUL 0 BC€HTNG 0 BC.SR 0 BC-FINAL Y PERMIT # 27il4 lnspections in Swan Valley, Pallsades, Freedom areas are schoduled for Tues. and Thurs. ONLY. lnspecUonc ln Greyr Lake area scheduled by appointment only. INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE 112081524-7920 E fi. 2 BY 4:00 PM FOR NEXT BUSINESS DAY Psrmit Notes User Date Comments BETSY fin6na18 Also #27.504, #27,505, #27, 506 MARK 11n8nw8 No mechanicalwith this permit. MARK 11t28t2018 VALUATION CHANGED: Old Value = 0 New Value = 175,000 COMMERCIAL PERMIT APPLICATION BONNEVILLE ZONNG & BUILDING DEPARTMENT 605 N. Capilal Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524.7e20 Far # (20t) 529-t3ro TWO PAPER COPIES OF ALL PLANS ARE REOUIRED FOR PERMITS (And Onc Electronic Copy) Plans to comply with 2009 IBC, IFC, IECC,IMC, IFGC, Minimum 15 bruiness days may be rcquired forplan review lrn\/ | 3 ?n,x, bo r*i SotrPtLLg Owner and Tenant:Telcphone No. Home:ff**,bSq- )81 OSST-Fax: Email: Architect / Englnecr: -T-efod ST&r,tc-TupAL Telephonc No.tr* J-ot - l.Gl -*r*" )42- General Contrrctor: i-o r-r 6ae1oY/ State Licenre: Re T Z4q vo -J ) I /t2- /11 eW . m"". a-b ? - ?on -I,l,utuless: Telephone No. b377Fsx: Email: Coustruction Address: Subdivtsion: 9 LLN pV S \ D€Lot: AJ Block: Tar Parcel No:Zane: Ure: Squere Footrge:Meln Floor:Other Floors: Descripdon of ProJcct:b utLD tt\)Hox l[rl.ll*qr{t SilRcnodet:Bid Prbe:L*5,b oor(9-o Scptlc Pmalt*: Heal Systcm:Firc Spriaklcr System: Slgnature of Owner/Contrsctor or Authorlzed Agent: )n* O Sec page 2, Itcm I Rcl/isd 03/061201t Page I of2 COMMERCIAL PERTIIT APPLICATION Sunplemental Sheet CHEC'GOFF UST FOR PLAN REWEW - All Plans must be drawn to Scale and Scale Noted on the Plans - Requirements for submittins plans to obtain a Permit for a Commercial Buildine: L Site Plan Detailing the following and Stamped by rcgistcred design professional Proper Zone, Occupancy classification, Typc of construction FooQrint of the sbucture / s Acreage ofproperty Property lines and dimensions Setbacks ofstructure / s Location of fire hydrants and firc lanes Parking, loading and unloading areas, sidewalks, driveways and easements location and detail of proposed work within right-of-ways Detail for site grading and on-site retention of run-off water Location aud width of curb cuts, or access points of driveways All outridc storage space shall be enclosed by a sight obscuring fence Permit required from Public Works Departmcnt (208-529-1290) for approach onto a County Road Permit or "will senre" letter required from Sewer & Water Sereice Providers, if applicable 2. Architectural Drawings: Stamped by registered design profcssional. Floor plans - indicate room usage Building elevations Wall cross-sections Door/ Window schedules aud glazing tlpes Room finish / s and hardware schedule / s Restroom elevations Partition location and tlpes Roofplar and drainage slopes Stair cross-sections Shaft sections, when applicable Rated corridor construction detailg whcn applicable Fire protection details for structural frame componenh, when applicable Occupancy separation wall details, when applicable 3. Shuchual Drawings: Stamped by registered design proftssional. Foundation drawings Framing - roo[, floor aod walls Strucnual details Live loads used in design Shop drawings and spec sheets on pre-fabricated structurcs Retaining watla General notes 4. Mechanical Drawings: Stamped by registered desigu professional. Mechanical system must meet ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1 A B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K, L, M. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. T. J. K. L. M. A. B. C. D. E. F, G. Rcviscd 1ZlE2012 Page2 of2 Permit BLDG-COM - Building Commercia! Permit BONNEVILLE COUNTY 605 N. CapitalAve. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 (2og) 524-7920 ... Phone (208) 529-1330... Fax 27ils $ 225000.00 1914.00 MARK PERMNI{UMBER I DATE ISSUED VALUATION FEE iPRINTEDBY LOCAIIoN 3891 S Amerlcan Way Bldg tl A-D ldaho Fa!!s, lD 83t101 PARCEL# RPO7990004004O FRtrERTY LOCATION LOT4, BLOCK 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIONAL PARK, NW1/4 SEC 36, T2N, R 37OAfGR Donald Sorrells I 3341 N Emporer Ave Fresno CA 03737 Cor.ITRAcroR Jonathan Gregory RCT-334900 0 LOT BL@( sr,.BDNnsro}.r 4 4 Sunnyslde lndusrial & Professional Paft Blackfoot lD 83221 SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 37E362NucEr.EE{S) RCT€4900 DESCRIPIIONOFWORK Gonrmerciat- Bulldlng tlO x 180 4 unlte to leare to contrecfors NATUREOF\,\,OR( New Construction DN,IENSilOI{S TIV|NGSPACE BASEMENT.FINIS}ED 40 x 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @CT.IPA}ICYTYPE COtISTRI,JSnONTY?E usEzofG l&il-l FLOOOZONE SEVVERPERMrt# MH VIN # Fl Factory and lndusklal, moderate hazard VB #UNITS O 8A8EilENI.I}IFNISIIED GARAGE FffiCTESDECTG INrco\/ERED PORC}ESDECl(sCO/ERED CRAVISPACE/}'I-I FO$DAIIOhI ItbthercoponrlHltyofthcpmportyounrytoon sure that all lnspectlonr rn trquerted. lf lncpectlons are nol peilornrd, tha ttrrctur cannot be occuplrd rnd/or a Certlficrtc of Occupancy mry nol bc Icrucd. Thls permlt becomcs null and vold lf worl or condruotlon authorized lr not canrmercdwlthln 180 dayr, or lf conrtructlon lc rucpended or abandoncd for a pcdod of 180 daye al any ffme after ryort har comnencod. I hereby cedifo that I ham rcd and examlned thb docrmenl and knorv the same to be trus and correcl All provlslons of laun and ordinances gweming this type of wod< wlll be compled with whether specilled hereln or nd. Grantlng of a permit does not prssume to give authority to violate or cancel ltp provlslons of any other etata or lo€l law regulatng constw{ion or the performance ol conetruclhn. a tl I olConhadoror Date t2-t1-/s lssued By Dab lnspectlons s lnspType R F Status ReqDate lnspDate lnspld lnspDist 0 BC.DRIVEWAY 0 BC.FOOT 0 BGFOUND 0 BC.FRAME 0 BC-INSUL 0 BC.SHING 0 BC.SR 0 BC.FINAL Y PERMIT # 27645 lnspectlons ln Swan Valley, Palisadas, Freedom areaa are scheduled for Tues. and Thurs. ONLY. lnspectlons ln Greys Lake area scheduled by appolntment only. INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE #(2081524-T920 EXT. 2 BY 4:00 PM FOR NEXT BUSINESS DAY Permlt Notea User Date Commenls BETEY 1'.v2012019 Also #27,504; #27,505; #27,506; #27,644 MARK 1112812018 VALUATION CHANGED: Old Value = 0 NEw Value = 225,000 MARK 11n8r2w8 No mechanicalwilh this permit. CIAL PERIIIT APPLICATION BONNETILLE ZONING & BUILDNG DEPARTMENT605 N Cupilal Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (?oE) iz+7yn Frx fl (20t) 529-1330 TWO PAPER COPIES OF ALL PIANS ARE REOAIRED FOR PERMITS (And Oae Elecuonlc Copy) Plans to comply with 2009 IBC, [FC, IECC, lMC,IF@, Minimum l5 business days may be rcquirod for plan rcview Owner rnd Tenant: Da'1..rA,Lt> So[PeeLLq Telephonc No. Home: Business: Fat Email: Architect / Engineer: IeTo l.J STtrtlrc--f \ttl* L Telephone No. Home: ?DZ ZSI- Busiaess:Fax: ?4').c Enail: Generul Contrnctor:State Llcenrc: Rc T 34q oo Telephone No. *4s ^ot - 1bn-SaBmess:+'.. 6vz7Emoil: Constructlon Addrers:P.o. taqL Ruackt'tc-t ls l-1zzl Subdivision:S u xr pyS lpe B tlgrN€51 Lot:4 Block:4 Tex Parcel No:Zone:f 6 iA:E Use:Cotuyn^Ep-c\q L SquereFootrge: Sg4A Main Floor:Other floors: Description of Projecn CO 114. Ar g. lt C t t+ L Svto t S \glRemodct:Bid Price:da<.A rrrr. U?) Septic Pumit#:N/rr Fbe SprlaHcr Syslcnr;Eeat System: '/o utu q ( .AEn r r*r 6 Slgnrture of Ovvner/Contractor or Authorized Agent: p^- €' DETAILED SITaPLAIY REOILIRED Seepage 2,Iun t_-__r_U BulLr,rN4 :tt5Rsvisd 0306/2018 Pagc I of2 COMMERCIAL PER]}IIT APPLICATION Suoolemental Sheet CHECK-OFF UST FOR PLAN REWEW - All Plarc must be drawn to Scale and Seale Noted on the Plans - Requirements for submittins plans to obtain a Permit for r Commerchl Buildire: l. Site Plan Detailing the following and Stamped by registercd design profcssional Proper Zone, Occupancy classificatioq Type of construction Footprint of the structure / s Acreage ofproperly Property lines and dimensions Sctbacks of struchrre / s Location of fire hydrants and firc lanes Parking, loading and unloading areas, sidewalks, driveways and easements Location and detail of proposed work within right-of-ways Detail for sitc grading and on-site rctenlion of run-off water l.ocation and width of curb cuts, or access points of driveways All outside storagc space shall bc enclosed by a sight obscuring fence Permit required from Public Worla Department (208-529- 1290) for approach onto a County Road Pernrit or "will scrve" letter requirtd fmm Sewer & Water Service Providers, if applicable 2. fuchitectural Drawings: Strmped by registcred design professional. Floor plans - indicate room usagc Building elevations Wall cross-sections Door / Window schcdules and glazing tlpes Room finish / s and hardware schedule / s Restroon clevations Partition location and types Roof plan and drainage slopes Stair cross-scctions Shaft sections, whcn applicablc Ratcd conidor construction detailq when applicable Fire protection details for structural frame cornponents, when applicable Occupancy separation wall details, when applicable 3. Structural Drawings: Stamped by registered desigrr professional. Foundation drawings Framing - root lloor and walls Structural details Live loads used in design Shop drawings and spec sheets on pre-fabricated structurcs Retaining walls General notes 4. Mechanical Drawings: Stamped by registercd design professionat. Mechanical system must meet ASHRAE / IESNA 90,1 C. E. F. H. I. t.flKnL.EM. A. E. H. I. J. K. L. M. c E. F. (r, Revised l?182012 Page2 of2 Permit BLDG-COM - Building Commercial Permit BONNEVILLE COUNTY 605 N. CapitalAve. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 (208) 524-7920 .., Phone (208) 529-1330... Fax o $ 225000.00 1914.00 N'ARK Blackfoot,O 83221 LrcEr.lsE(s) RCT€4900 TOWNSHIPSECTION 36 2N PARCEL# RFO799000tlfi!4O coNIRAcroR Jonathan Gregory RCT-334900 0 LocAToN 3895 S Amerlcan Way Unlt A-D ldaho Falls, lD 83401 PRtrERTY LOCATPII LOT 4, BLOCK 4, SUNNYSIDE INDUSTRIAL & PROFESSIONAL PARK, i.tw1/4 sEc 36. T 2N, R 37O/vrtR Donald Sorrells Q 3341 N Emporcr Ave Frasno CA 93737 LOT BIOCX SI.BDIVISION RANGE 37E 4 4 Sunnyside lndustial & Professional Park ERMITNUMBER DATEISSUED VAI.UATION I FEE PRIT.ITEDBY 27506 DESCRIPTIONOFWORK Commerclal . Bullding of four unita to leare to contrac{ors MruREOFWORK NowConstruction OCCL,PAI.ICYTYPE CONSTFUCNOT{TYPE usEzof{E l&M.l FLOODZONE C SEWERPERMTT# MH VIN # S-1 Storago, rpderate hezard VB #UNITS O D[vE$U'lS LMIIGSPACE BASEIIEI.Ir -HISHED BASEMENT.UNFIUST#D GARAGE PORCTIBDECT(S LN@I/EFED PORCHES/DECI(SCO'BEO CRAVI/LSPACE]MH Fq.hDATTON 40 x '146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Itblhenapondblllyof0npmpetyomortoen suro that all lnspec{ionr arc requestpd. lf lnspec-tions are not pcrlorne4 the rfructuru oannot be occupled andlor a Gerllficate of Occuprncy may not br irucd. Thlr permlt becoorcr null end vold lf work or conrtrucdon aullrorlad ls not cqrmcooodwlthln lEO dryr, or lf conilrucllon lr rusporded or rbandoned for a porlod of 180 days al any time after worl hac comnronced. I heloby certify that I have read and e:omhed tlls doqrment and know the same to be true and conect. All provisions of laws and ordlnances gotrurnlng this type of wort will be omplied with whether spedffed herein or not. Grandng of a permlt does nol ptsume to give authorlty to vlohte or cancel the provislons of any other statg or local law /6 DaboforASent constructlon or the perfuimance of oonstructlon. Dab lnspectlons s lnspType R F Status ReqDate lnspDate lnspld lnspDlst 0 BC.DRIVEWAY 0 BGFOOT 0 BC-FOUND 0 BC.FRAME 0 BC€HTNG 0 BC.FINAL PERMIT # 27n6 lnspectlons ln Swan Valley, Pallsadet, Freedom aroas are ccheduled for Tues. and Thurt. ONLY. lnspections in Greys Lake area scheduled by appolntrnent only. t NSPECTION REQUEST PHONE #(2081s21-tgza ilT. 2 BY 4:fl1 PM FOR NEXT BUSIN ESS DAY Permlt Notes User Date Commenls BETSY 10t10120't8 See also #27,5W & f27,505 BETSY 10t18t2018 Primary address for parcel is 3887 S. Amerlcan Way MARK 10t18t2018 VALUATION CHANGED: Old Value = 0 New Value = 225,000 MARK 1011812018 No Mechanlcalln thls bulldlng EXHIBIT D Sunnvside Park Utili ties. LLC. August 21,2019 Donald Sorrells 3887 South Amedcan W,ay Unit "A" ldaho Falls, ldaho 83402 Re: Lot 4 Block 4 Sunnyside lndustrial & Professlonal Park Seupr Violations / Breach of Contract Elear Mr. Sonells Upon purfiaee of tho property in Sunnyside Industrtsl Pail, it ralas fully underetood by bolh parties hat your need frcr Water anrl aep$c seMce wae limibd to tuo batrrooms ln a common office at the center front of pur property. Sunrysirle Utllltles lnc. agreed to provide the requesled water and seplb eervlce to hat ofro only. The 'lvill serye' letter lssued to you by Sunnyside on August 23, 2018 stated: ?lease note the landoumsr must pmvide a water meter ( at the owne/s expame ) for my weter usage determined to be above 12,0@ gnllons per month.' During construction, you altered lhe structure on the norlh eost coneradding sepfrc and water hook ups along wlth washer and dryer hook ups insiG unil # A. Addlthnally, you have installed 10 frost fiee hydnants, near lhe front of eacfi pntable unit. The additional connec.tbns wlll likely exoeed 12,000 gallons per rnnh. Dbcharge of exceesirc and unauthorEed wasle into the system ls a vlolatlon of Sunnyrsltb's Rules and Regulatlons, Arthile ll, Sectlone 2 and 4(e). Both of these alteralions are in direct violallon of our agre€ment and your commitnpnl upon purchaee of the property. The bllowing actions ane nou rcquired: Item #1: You are hereby requested to permanently remoe and plug the addiUona! water and s€ptic facilities ingtalled ln unit #A. We e4ect lhis alteradon to be acconpllshed wlthin the nexl30 days. For lour information, Bonneville County P&Z Ordinance Chapter 26 Sec-tlon 1-m02 (), whlch ls appllcable lo thls lMl zoned property, prohlbib '...all resldentialuses except the residence of a caretaker of an industrlal plant'. (See atlafied oopy). Your continuing resldence on the property ls prohlHted and must oease inmedlately. A copy of this letter is being sent to Bonnevllle County Planning and Zoning for lheir review and lnvestlgntion. Item #2: Wlh the addiUon of the frost-free hydrants you ar€now required to install the water meter at lhe property llne where you take delivery. Ihe potenllal rrolumes mw need to be reorded and monltored for bllllng purposes.Weexpect lhis meterirg to be accomptished within the next 30 dayt at your expen6e, by a hensed plumber. Item #3: On August 15 10:00 PM your facility wes found in violation of Sunnyslde UtiliUes lnc.'s Rules and Regulations (Attlcle 2, Section 4) wterein pur defecthre tollets rrvere dlscharg,ng a constanl flow into our septtc system.The,E was no reeponse al your truilding, and with lto one around, your water seMce was shutoff, I' O Box I 768 .-ldaho Falls, lD 83403- l 758 | tPhone (208) 529-9891 Sunn Park Utilities LLC.side On August 16 at 8:00 AM I returned and water service was turned on based on your commitment to have a plumber examine your facillty end conoct the deficiencies. Thal evening at approximately 6 PM you assured me you had tested the tollets ee\,Bral times dufing the day and found no problems. On August 17 at 8 AM your faclllty was again found h violation of our ruhs and regulations by discharging a constant flow of waste ymter into our eeptic syslem, You again would not answer your door, requiring the service be shut ofr. At 8:23 AM pu phoned rne ranting and raving that pur seMce was shut off. Aller pur oommltment to ellrninate the constanl se$€r flow and obtain the seMces of a plumber )aour water was restored. These tum vlolations, along with your belligerent attitude end inability to accept responslbility, forces us to put you on wrltlen notice of probation, See Rules and Regulations, Artlcle 4, Sedlon 1. Pursuant to Article 4 Sectlon 1 you are glven flve (5) calendar days for tfe satiefactory conrection of the toilet delrcioncies, with repairs certifled in wrltlng by a lioensed plumber. Additionally we requlre a written plan of action erplaining how you intend to comply wlth and malntaln complianoe with our Sewer Servtce Rules and Regulations. This plan needs to include monftoring of lour facilltles, and a dally (after 8:00PM) reporl of continued compllance. Thls report can be by email lo our company, Failure to comply wlth all the above to the reasonable satisfaclion of Sunnyrlde Utilltles lnc. may reqdre us to inroke Article lV, Seclion 3 and termhte lour service. This company reserves the right to refuse to provide service lo perslstent vlolators of and regulations. Beck Sunnyside Park Utllitles, lnc. Attorney - Mark Fuller Bonneville County P &Z- Steve Ser Cc .D O Box I 758 :.:Idaho Falls, ID 83403- l 768 t lPhone (208) 529-9891 EXHIBIT E Sunnyside Park Utilities. LLC. Seotember 5. 2019 Donald Sorrells 3887 South American Way Unit ?" ldaho Falls. ldaho 83402 Dear Mr. Sorrells As you are aware on Sunday, September 1d 7:30 PM I discovered again a violation of our rules and regulations by discharging a constiant flow of waste water into our septic system. You would not answer your door, so I called your phone you and you came to the door. We established that your toilet was running unrestrained. You rnade some conections and stated that this was the toilet that had previously been corrected by your plumber. And Augusl21,2019l emailed and mailed you notice of your vkrlation of our agreement and commltment you made upon purchase of the property. I also docurnented your violation of our rules and reguhtions. Unfortunately, you have not responded in any manor to our concerns. This is again indicative of your attitude and inability to except responsibility. Failure to respond and provide a proposalto rectify our concerns wlll result in termination of your service. lf I do not hear from you your service will shut off on Friday September 13, 2019 and you will be required to reapply for any conUnued service. Doyle Beck Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc P O Box 1768 -Jldaho Falls, tD 83403-1768 i-lPhone (208) 529-9891 EXHIBIT F FULLER & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC. Itar* R. Fullr Danb| R. B€GT Paul L. Fuller ATTOR'IIEYS AT LAW 4t0 femorial Drive, Suib 201 P.O. Eox 50935 ldaho Falls, ldaho 834050935 Telephone: (208) 52{-5400 Ftcslmib: (20E) 524-7167 Emall: fu llerandbecl@gmall-com Re: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 12,2021 Donald Sonells 3341 N. Emperor Fresno, CA 93737 3887 S. Arnerrcan Way, Unit'A' ldaho Falls, lD 83402 My Client: Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. lssue: Violation of Rules and Regulations Dear Mr. Sonells Our office has the pleasure of representing Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. ("SPU"), and we heve been asked to contact you regarding the unauthorized water and sewer connections installed on your lot in the Sunnyside lndustrial and Professional Park. SPU provides water and sewer services for the majority of tre lots located in Subdivision. On August 23, 2018, SPU issued a 'Will Serve' letter regarding property you purchased in Sunnyside lndustrial and Probssional Park, in Bonneville County, ldaho. The "Will Serve" letter was issued based upon he architectural plans which were approved for the property, which only identified two bathrooms being installed on your property, lt is now our underslanding that ten (10) additional ftost frree hydrants, washer/dryer connection and an RV Septic Dump r,rere instalted without approrral by Sunnyside Park Utilities. Additionally, SPU has discovered repeated instances of excessive drainage ooming from your defective toilets, as noted in the letters sent August 21,2019 and September 5, 2019. Further, in spite of repeated requests, you harre also failed to monitor your discharges as required by Article ll, Section 7 of the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service. These unauthorized discharges violate Article ll, Section I of SPU's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service. You have used or are using the property for residential sewer service to lhat bt in violation of Bonneville County Zoning Ordinances. All of these actions compromise the integri$ of the septic system and puts all connecting lots at risk of system fuilure. ln its letter of September 5, 2019, SPU stated that it would shut off service if its mncems were not rectified. SPU did not follow through on the termination based upon a belief that the parties vuere engaged in good- faith negotiations regarding a proposed Water-Sewer Agreement. During these negotiations, you twice orally agreed to the Water€ewer Agreements which were prepared, but af,er more than two years it is clear that you are unwilling to sign the Agreements or keep your promises. Based upon your lack of cooperaUon, SPU will now pursue its remedies for your breaching of the terms of lhe architectural plans and as allowed under the Rules and Regulations br Sewer Service. Pursuant to Article lV, Section 1, of the Rules and Regulations, notice is hereby provided that you are rn violation of the Rules and Regulations for the additional water and sewer connections. You must bring your property into conformance wiffr the approved architecfural plans by (1) removing the frost free hydrants, and (2) place a permanent @ment plug in the RV septic system dump sewer line within thirty (30) days of your receipt of this letter. Upon successfully completing these actions, please notify our office and we will rhedule a time for a representative of SPU to come and vertfy compliance. ln the event such actions are not taken within fte time provided, you will be cleemed a persistent violator and SPU will pursue a Declaratory Judgment Action to obtain judicial authorization for SPU to disconnect your seri€r and water services. You will be assessed wiffr Court costs and attorney fees br that litigation. il I n rt ar..-a-..ti--I F Fnrm,Un&{Fm! ihff{ttur$ffitdltFgr*riadhthftr f,ffiIrd i@onrdllbaftlf lf yqrfrflesdil.fhhgrirly (S) @lE ll ym lm6 erry niilmrqlrrblc, HrftG fud f# & dilthot ilr.offiBb, ,-ifr.&{@- Vsy ftrhirrur' FUU,EE&BEC|( irslcR. tult$Afuirif at tastsi elFrrt I , EXHIBIT G FULLEH & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC. Mart R. Fuller Danbl R. Beck Paul L Fuller ATTORNEYS AT I-AW {t0 Memorial Drive, Suib 201 P.O. Box 50935 ldaho Falls, ldaho 83.105.o935 Tolepft one: (20Ef 521-6400 Facrlmlle: (208) 52'l-7t 67 Emai!: fullerandbcck@grnail.com Re: Sent via Email April16,2021 Amanda Hebesha WAGNER JONES HELSLEY. PC 265 E River Park Circle, Ste. 310 Fresno, CA 93720 ahebesha@w1 haftorneys. com My Client: Sunnyside Park Utilitbs, lnc Your Client: Donald Sonells lssue: Violation of Rules and Regulations Dear Ms, Hebesha We are in receipt of your letter of April 5, 2021, and respond to the same herein. Attached please find additjonal documentation, including the Site Plan for Don Sonells' Storage Shops, the building plans for Building 1 (the small building with the restrooms), all ftve (5) building permib, and an e'mail from Austin Black, Assistant Planner, Bonneville County Planning and Zoning. We disagree with your repeated assertions that by seeking to enbrce its rights and assure the protection of the septic and water system that my client has been harassing Mr Sonells. My client will continue to enforce the terms of all agreements and take all nocessary steps to assure that the septic and water systems are protected from unauthorized or illegal use. Your client's unauthorized or illegal septic and water connectbns put at risk the entire system which serves multiple lots. My client has an obligation to other stakeholders, as well as your client, to assure the continuing viability of the system Your references to the CC&R's is without nrerit, as the disputed issues are not regarding moclification of building structures or aesthetics, but modification of water and sewer conn€ctions, govemed under the Rules and Regulations of Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. The Architectural Control Commiftee of Sunnyside lndustrial and Professional Park (the Owners' Association) does not have authority to authorize or regulate water and sewer connections. The Owners'Association and Sunnyside Park Utilities are separate entities with separate rQhts and obligations. Your letter fails to recognize this distrnction and confuses the governing documents of two independent entities. However, given your relrance upon the CC&R's, we would direct your attention to Declaration VO(d), which specifically prohibits "temporary structures, such as trailers, tents, shacks or similar buildings...on any lot, except during construction as authorized by the ACC.' Under Declaration VUXfXll), the CC&R's prohibit the transfer, dumping or disposal of garbage or refuse, except for waste that is produced on the premises from authorized uses. lf Mr. Sonells is using the RV septic connection to dispose of waste which was created at other locations, then that is another violation of the CC&Rs. Please provide wriften variances from these provisrons under Declaration V(i) which your client received from the ACC. lf no variance has been issued, then your client is in violation of the CC&R's and we will inform the Owners' Association of such violation. April16,2021 Page 2 We direct your attention to the Construction Notes (left column) and Notes (right column) of your client's Site Plan. The Construction Notes stale that the Water Main and Services and the Sanitary Seurer Main and Services shall meel the 2017 ISPWC Standards, and the water lines shall be installed with 6 feet minimum cover lt is the responsibility of the owner to provide and install all required backflow prevenlion devices on water services Under the Notes, the folbwing relevant issues are required: 'l Any changes to the site plan shall be submrtted to Bonnevllle County Public Works Department for approval prior to construction. (Note 2)2. A licensed ldaho Professional Engineer shall inspect, certify to County Standards, and prepare'as- built" drawings for all road water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer main lines. (Note 5)3. All water service lines less than four (4) inches and sanitary service lines less than eight (8) inches shall be inspected by service providers prior to backfilling. (Note 6)4 Commercial buildings, where possible, shall be plumbed for a meter inside of building. Owner is to contact water deparfiient to deErmine if a meter is required and for additional information. (Note 7)5. Failure to comply with the Notes may result in withholding water service. (Note 3) You will also note in the e-mail from the Assistant Planner, that his file oontains five building permits. The Assistant Planner also states that only Permit 27504 (the small building wih restrooms) shows connection to water/sewer, and that "[n]one of the other permits had a willserve letter or showed that it was intended to hook up to water and sewer." Our client w* infurmed that the Coung would not provide mpies of the building plans Your client's contrac"tor provided our client wrth building plans for Building 1 for the purpose of obtaining a will-serve letter, which was the only building which was to receive water and sewer and wtrich identifies two toileb and two sinks. Our client would not have received building plans for buildings wtrich were not receiving water and sewer. During negotiations to purchase the property and obtain a will-serve letter, your client only identified the bathroom as using water and septic service. This statement was made in the presence of Paul Crockett and is also known to John Gregory, the contractor who built the buildings, and was relied upon by my client in issuing the will-serve letter. Mr. Gregory has also informed our office hat the only plumtling in the original mntract wifr your client was the bathroom and conference room building and that the will-serve letter was for building permit no. 27504. All other plumbing was not part of the original contract Based on the representations of the County, Mr. Gregory, and your client, and your client's Failure to provide the other four building plans to our client, we do not believe that any of the other four building plans identified he other buildings as receiving water and sewer services. Your claim that the "will serve" letter for one building is generally applicable to all five buildings is untrue and not supported by the County or your clienl's actions. Sunnyside Park Utilitjes' provided a will-serve letter for the only building that was to be provided with water and sewer. Prior to any consideration of the offer made by your client, your client must establish that he has complied with all legal requirements, performed the necessary inspections, and is permitted by the County to act in the manner your client requests. Specifically, please provide our offlce with 1. the inspection and certification report by a licensed ldaho Profussional Engineer stating that the water and sewer lines are up to County standards,2. the "as built" drawings for the water and sewer lines for all buildings,3. all changes to the site plan submitted to Bonnevi{le County Public Works Department,4. the architecfural plans for Buildings 2-5, which were never received by Sunnyside Park Ulilities, lnc. or the Owners' Association, which is another violatbn of the CC&Rs (Decl. lV(a)),5. evidence that an appropriate backflow prevenlion device has been installed, and6. evidence of an inspection by the service provider as required by Note 6. lf you are unable to provide the requested information, my client will require (1) an inspection, and (2) installation of a water meter for the building to which service was authorized. April 16,2021 Page 3 My client cannol consent to the continued use of any connection, including the RV connection, if such connection is not authorized and installed properly. We believe that the RV connection was installed without any authorization or inspection from the County, Sunnyside Utilities, the Owners' Association, or any other entity, and was the unilateral action of your client, done in secret to avoid the County and Owners' Association from prohibiting residential living m he industrial zone. My client is concerned that the RV connection can easily ovenrhelm the septic system with excessive, unauthorized or illegal waste. Further, my client cannot authorize the use of the shop as a RV site, when such has not been authorized by the County or the CI,vners'Association. Prior to any further discussions on maintaining the RV connection, my client requires that your client obtain written approval from the County to use he shop as a residence and a rrariance from the Onrners' Association allowing a temporary structure (the RV) on the lot. lf the County finds that the use of the shop to park and reside in the RV is not authorized, then this whole discussion is moot, as your client cannot use the site as he intends. We would direct your attention to Bonneville County Zoning Ordinance 1-2601(2) regarding l&M-1 Zones: "Dwellings and other uses which discourage the use of the land br its primary purposes have been excluded." By parking the RV in lhe Shop, the Shop becomes a dwelling under the definitions of the Ordinance. Whether the term "residential use" is specifically defined or not, the clear intenl of the Zoning Ordinance is to exclude dwellings and other uses which discourage manufacturing and industrial uses. We believe the County willfind that an RV parked in a shop constitutes a duelling thal musl be excluded. Had the County intended to provide an exception to allow RV's to park in l&M-1 zones, it could have stated so. as it has done for a caretake/s residence. Further, with regard to the septic cleanout, Article lll, Section 1, of the Rules and Regulations clearly prohibits damaging any structure, appurtenance or equipment associated with the sewer system This nould include the cleanoul Any person who damages the system is subject to civil and/or criminal proceedings. Your reliance upon Section 3, which addresses connections, is misplaced. However, tris issue will be considered resolved upon your client's repair of the cleanout as le has agreed. Please review these requirements and documents with your client and provide the requested documentation by April 30.2021. Very truly yours, FULLER & BECK -4/*lL{,t{"ll Mark R. Fuller Attorney at Laur Encc: client EXHIBIT H FULLER & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC. llalt R. Fulhr Drnlsl R. Bccl Paud L Fullcr ATTORIIEYS ATLAW 410 ilemodd Drlve, Eulto 2{ll P.O. Box 5@35 ldaho FClt, ldaho 83'105{935 Telephorc: (20E) 5A+5400 Facrknilc: (?!8)5?*7161 Emall: fullcrndbcck@mail.com RE: Amanda G Hebesha Wanger Jones Helsley PC 265 E. River Park Circle, Suite 310 Fresno, CA 93720 October 29,2021 Our Client: Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc, Your client: Don Sorrells Notlce of lntention to Terminate Dear Ms. Hebesha, I am in receipt of you letter dated Oc{ober 27,2021. Your ofiice has provided us with evidence that lhe toilet has been repaired, and cunent discharge ftom the Sorrell building indicates that at least for now the repair has been sucoess{ul. Historic water usage on the Sondls property has been 103 gallons per day for August and September. I insbucted my client to return to the location to tum the water on as lror,r requested, and he found that his lock had been cut off by Mr. Sonells or his agent, the water had been turned back on at the meter and at the curbotop, and that a n€w lock hd been installed on the melter Feventing mcess by my cliant. (See attached photogfiaph) My client's adlon was in direct obedience to your rEquest: "Pleme direct pur dient to ammediately resume servioe to the subjec{ property,'and did not constitute a trespass by reason of your exprcss direction. Honrever, 1our earlier paragnaph indicates a continue assertion that he water meter is loated ofl your dient's prop€rty. This letter is to provide Notice of lntention to Terminate the water service to the Sorrells' property unless my dient is given access to the utilities rmter meter within the next 7 days. Meter readings October 1 thrugh 25 show total llor of 10,600 gallons, q 442 gpd. This exceeds Aug/Sept usage of 103 gpd by 339 gpd or 7513 gallon excess. Sunnyaide's representative witnessed rallater running at night at he rate of 2880 gallons per day on Oc'tober 24. On mulUple oocasions Mr. Sorrells has shown he is unable to monitor his excess sswage discharye. These llows are una@eptable and defimental to Sunnyside's syslem. As this is a continual and habiUal problem, we have determined thal Mr. Sonells is wiltfully wasting and interfertng with our service to his property and oher customers throtrgh impnoper equipment and/or maintanance. Additionally, Mr. Sonells has denied and wittfully prevented our acoess to our meter. The Third Party Beneficiary Utility Agneement, recorded August 7,2W1 as lnslrument Number 1272911, Section 4(a) states as follows: The company reserv* and has the right to establish and collect as a charge or charges for water furnished and consumed by the orlrners or occupants of each of the buildings, and other Page 2 improvements at the rates as prescribed and permitted herein. The company shall have the right to install on the prernises of each of lhe individual buildings, and other improvements a water meler to be maintained by the oompany hrough whk*t all water supplied to the consumer shall pass and to which the cornpany shall have aocess at reasonable times for the purpose of traking met€r readings and keeping said meters in repair. The company may charge the cost to he customer of any mataials used, equipment rented or the equivalenl rale for the companies equipment used and labor expenses incuned in making any connectbns or in making any repair which is lhe responsibility of an onner. This Third Party Beneficiary Wlity Agreement was recorded many years before your client carne to orn tho property and he raras placed a notice of such terms at the time lre purchased the property. Sunnyside Park Wlities is a water corporation as defined by ldaho Code Section 61-125 and ls therefore governed by applicable regulations issued by the ldaho Department of Public Utilities. All water corporations are defined as public uUlities pursuant to ldaho Code Sedion 61-129. ln July, 2021 the ldaho Public utilities Commission issued administrative regulations set forth in IDAPA 31.21.01 regarding customer relations rules for water public utilitjes. Rule 302.01(e) allows for termination of service when'the customer or applicant denied or wiltftrlly prwented ttre utility's access to the meter.' This provision is expressly applled to industrial and commercial customers pursuant to IDAPA The purpose of this letter is to place Don Sorrells on notioe that Sunnyside Park Utilities intends to terminate his service withln seven calendar days unless the lock which he placed on the meter is removed and Sunnyside Park Utilities b allowed acc€ss to its meter, regardbss of lhe meter's lmation, at all reasonaHe tlmes for the p.rrpose of taking meter readings and keeping said meter in repair. The meter is the property of Surmyside Park UtiliUe and it insists on accasE to all meters within the industrial park, regardless of location. The folloruing ltems are required to continue senvbe: '1. Remove your padlock and agree to allow unrestric{ed acoess. 2. Agree to neve manipulate and/or control our valves or meter without permission. 3. Pay all our cosls associated with this irpident. 4. Provide an acceptable vwitten plan to manage and contrd lDur flows into our system to prevent any future overflora. lf such actlon is not taken wilhin the seven calendar days provided, and your threat of trespass withdrawn, Sunnpide Park Utilities will take action to terminate the service or will apply to an appropriate court for an P.gB3 oder auttuiarU Hmhadon d ssvbe. Pleaeo onffrm )our r€ooiil of [ris Nde and respond lndleUng fte thps taken ry iJf. Saref,b b rernoo he lock and dlq, mydbrb uruestldetl eoess b thet unter mder vrdthh the tima pqlod set furth h he regulation, Vaytulyptrs, /il*Lr#"ll MrkR. Fr.iller Attsmeydtar Enclosurc CC: Cllent 10129121,12:O9 PM i i*t,,1 ., Mail - courtney beck - OuUoor \ \ qL https://ouilook.live conr/marl/0/deeplink?popouw2= 1&version=2021 1018001 .05 u2 EXHIBIT I nme Ro.dlns Ua.oo GPD0.t l0:3/t AM 400il17n02'.1 il112021 8:17 AM 1400 1000 71 B:'15 AM 7200 58003nno21 'tE7 ,hno21 8:20 AM 10400 3200 103 9:45 AM 13500 3100 t03tot1t202'l 24100 10600tol25l202tB:34 PM 112 243m1O126120211:(x) PM 200 7:51 PM 24300 0 200 to12712027 24300 0 5:07 PM 24500 200 200 1012812021 24500 0 24500 0 0 1012912021,24500 0 9:50 PM 25500 1100 1100 rol30l202L 8:30 AM 26800 1200 B:21 PM 27300 500 17m Lol3rl202t 9:15 AM 28000 700 7:46PM 28500 600 1300 LllLl2027 8:15 AM 29200 500 5:10 PM 29800 600 1200 L71212027 8:20 AM 30636 836 5:77 PM 31451 815 1551 Lr1312021,8:21AM ,7524 7t 5:08 PM 12L92 568 74L ttl412027 8:25 AM 322qJ 98 5:10 PM 32533 243 341 tLlSi2ozl 8:24 AM 33100 567 4:54 PM 33504 404 971 ltl6l202L 33504 0 33504 0 0 Ltn12021.7:16 AM 15520 2016 8:55 PM 3622s 705 272L l1lal202t 8:12 AM 35760 535 5:08 PM 37233 473 1fi)8 trl9l:to21.8:09 AM t7768 535 38185 4L7 952 rtlto12027 8:00 AM t8720 535 5:03 PM ,9022 302 837 t,.lttl702,.8:24 AM t9042 20 5:(D PM 19128 86 106 r1172120,27 8:17 AM 39155 27 5:14 PM t9272 717 144 1117112021 t9293.5 21.6 t931s.2 21.6 43 t7l14l202L 39341 2s.8 39350 19 45 ttl15l202L 8:22 AM t9380 20 6:18 PM t9s11 131 151 t1l16l202t 8:28 AM 39s34 23 5:22 PM 3972.8 194 277 Lt1L712021,7:38 AM ,9746 1E 5:05 PM 39868 L22 140 l1ltalz0zl 8:11 AM 39996 128 40071 75 203 L1,lL9l202L 8:12 AM 40095 24 40210 11S5:05 PM 139 ttl20l202t 40235 25 40261 26 51 40303 42Ltl2tl202L9:11 AM 40341 38 BO7:58 PM 40363 22Ltl22l202r8124 AM 40503 140 162 40710 2071L12312027B:17 AM 1O77rl 60 2675:07 PM Meter lnstalled UPHOI,STERY LADY? RESTRAINING ORDER? TOLD ME I COULDN'T BE ON THE PROPERTY Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday wednesday wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday rr12412021 8:21 AM 140800 30 5:04 PM lCOatq 74 104 LLl2sl202L l4o94s.s 71.5 l4o94s.s 0 72 1712612021 lqrorz 7L.5 lqrctt 0 72 t112712027 l41os8.s 7r.5 141088.s 0 72 til2al202l 9:10AM lqrrso 7r.5 l4u60 0 72 L112912027 8:(BAM lCtClt 277 5:04 PM 141610 t73 450 Lrl30l202r 8:2oAM 141590 80 5:05 PM lCttOZ 73 153 L211.1202t 8:23 AM lqitq 11 4:41 PM 141859 85 96 t212l202t 8:20AM l4rgrS 56 5:06 PM 142025 110 166 L21312021 8:17AM 142053 28 5:03 PM 142L25 72 100 t2l4l202r l42t2s 0 7:43PM lqZtZO 595 595 12lsl202t 9:G) AM hgrrr 391 lcgrrr 0 391 12l6l707t 8:12 AM 143323 2r2 5:03 PM 143410 a7 299 L2n12021.8:25 AM 143715 305 5:04 PM lCggZZ 207 512 121A12021 8:20AM l43SS4 32 5:08 PM 144136 L82 214 t219l202t 8:15AM 144775 39 l4417s 0 39 t2ltol20,21 8:46 AM 144395 220 s:10 PM 1444s1 58 274 L217L12027 1444s?0 5:05 PM 144965 5L2 572 L21121202r 10:11AM 145437 472 8:33 PM 145455 28 500 t211312027 8:11 AM 145/181 16 145481 0 16 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99181 937 99181 0 937 t1112022 100118 937 100118 0 917 11412022 8:10 AM 101055 937 101055 0 937 tlsl2022 9:57 AM 101818 763 r01818 0 763 r1612022 8:16 AM 102880 L06'2 102880 0 1062 t1712022 8:23 AM 103903 1023 103903 0 1023 EXHIBIT J Filed : 03/022022 08:1 5:43 Seventh Judicial District, BonneMlle County Penny Manning, Clerk of the Court By: Deputy Clerk - Yates, Emrny IN TI{E DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDATIO,IN AI{D FOR THE COt NTy OF BONNEVILLE Case No. CVl0-214624 SI.JNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, NC., an tdaho Corporation, Petitioner, MEMORANDUM DECISION ON RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS vs DONALD SORRELLS, an individual, Respondent. INTRODUCTION Before the Court is Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petitioner's Petition for Declaratory Judgment. Petitioner is a water utility for a private business park. Respondent is the owner of buildings in the concerned business park serviced by Petitioner. Respondent's Motion provides aflirmative defenses under Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure l2(bXl) citing lack of subject matter jurisdiction and l2(bX2) citing a failure to state a claim upon which relief can be grmted. Therefore, the crux of the immediate decision lies in the applicability of a party's duty to exhaust administrative remedies and this Court's subject matter jurisdiction over the conceming mattens. Page I of 16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-21-6624 Following oral argument, the Court took this matter under advisement to issue a written opinion and addrpss the issues at hand. Herein are the findings of the Court. FACTUAL AI\D PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND ln the matter beforc this Court, there has been no argument or disagreement between the parties regarding the underlying facts or occurrences described by Petitioner in its Petition for Declaratory Judgment. As such, the Court accepts and adopts the following points as described in the Petition. Petitioner, Sunnyside Park Utilities, Inc., (hereinafter "sunnyside") is an ldaho corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho with its principal place of business in the County of Bonneville, State of ldaho, witlr the principal purpose of providing water and sewer service to commercial properties in Sunnyside lndustrial and Professional Park according to the Sunnyside Park Utilities Rules and Regulations proffered and adopted by Sunnyside. Petition at t[. Sunnyside is a water corporation as defined by ldaho Sections 6l-125 and 6l-129. Id. At Ex. E p.2. Respondent, Donald Sonells (hereinafter "Sorrells") is the owner of Lot 4, Block 4, Sunnyside Indushial & Professional Park, located in Bonneville County, Idaho (hereinafter "the Property"). Id. at\Z. On August 23,2018, Sunnyside issued a "Will Serve" letter to Sorrells, based on representations that Sorrells would install two (2) restrooms on the Propeny, with no other water or sewer needs. Id. atl3. In October-November 2018, Sorrells obtained commercial building permits from Bonneville County to oonstruct several buildings on the Property, only one ofwhich was identified as requiring a sewer permit. Id. at14. Sorrells was authorized to install only two (2) bathrooms Page2ofl6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CV10-21-6624 on the Property under the Bonneville County building permit and his agr€ement with Sunnyside. Id. However, Sorrells established additional connections, including but not limited to a washer/dryer connection, an RV septic connection, and ten (10) frost-free hydrants on multiple buildings on the Property. Id tt 5. Sonells' installation of the additional water and septic connections was not authorized by Sunnyside and was not permitted by Bonneville County Zoning and Building Departnent. /d. at {6. Following Sorells' connection to the Sunnyside system. Sunnyside noted repeated instances where excessive discharge was directed into Sunnyside's septic system from Sorrells's Property. ld. atl7. Sunnyside notified Sorells of these recurring issues and was routinely assured that the problem would be addressed. /d On orabout August 21,2019, Sunnyside sent a notice of violation to Sorrells regarding the additional connections. Id. at '1f8. Sunnyside alleged that Sorrells was in direct violation of the multiple sections of the Sunnyside Park Utility Rules and Regulations (hereinafter "Rules and Regulations"). Along with the notice of violation, Sunnyside identified a defective toilet that was discharging a continuous flow into the Sunnyside system. /d. Sunnyside requested remediation of the defective toilet and indicated that services would be terminated if not repaired. .Id On or about September 5, 2019, a second notice was sent to Sorrells' regarding a constant flow of discharge coming from Sorrell's Property. In addition to the notice, Sunnyside again requestcd that Sorrells remedy the problem . Id. atl9. On or about FebruNy 12,2021, Sunnyside sent a third notice of violation of Rules and Regulations through counsel, in which it requested that the frost-free hydrants be removed and that a cement plug be placed in the RV septic system dump sewer line. Id. at 1JI0. Page 3 of 16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CV10-21-6624 Based on a belief that the Sorrells was acting in good faith in negotiating a compromise, Sunnyside did not immediately terminate services to Sorrells' property. /d. at lfl l. Sunnyside believed that the RV septic system dump sewer line had been plugged, but Sunnyside has not been allowed to verify this fact directly. /d On April 5,2021, counsel for Sorrells submitted a lerrcr stating that "the toilet drainage/leaking issue has been rcmedied." ld. atl.l}. On April 16,2021, counsel for Sunnyside identified numerous legal requirements with which Sorrells failed to comply, including the following: ( l) failure to provide an inspection and certification rcport by a licensed ldaho Professional Engineer stating that the water and sewer lines were up to county standards; (2) failure to provide as-built drawings for the water and sewer lines for all buildings; (3) failure to identify changes to site plans submitted to the Bonneville County Public Works Department; (4) failure to provide Sunnyside Park Utilities with the architectural plans for Buildings 2-5; (5) failure to provide evidence of an appropriate backflow prevention device; and (6) failure to allow Sunnyside to inspect the water and sewer service lines prior to covering. Id. atfll3. On June 17,2021, a water met€r was installed at Sunnyside's cost to monitor water consumption on Sorrell's Propefty. The water meter remains the property of Sunnyside. Id. at tTl4. On October 25,2021, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Sunnyside discovered that Sorrells' toilet was again continuously running and discharging into the Sunnyside system. /d. at !J|5. As a rcsult, Sunnyside shut offwater to the Property to prevent tlre continuous flow from overloading the septic system. .Id. Page 4 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-21-6624 On October 26,2021, counsel for Sunnyside informed counsel for Sorrells of the repeated excessive discharge issue and statcd that "water will be tumed back on when proof is provided that a new toilet has been installed and a monitoring plan acceptable to Sunnyside Park Utilities is submitted by Mr. Sonells on how he will manage his sewage discharge in the future." Id. at\16. During the evening of October 26,2021, Sunnyside again noticed excessive discharge into its septic system and found that Sorrclls, or his agent, had turned on the water without Sunnyside's authorization. Id. at flI7. Sunnyside again turned off the water and installed a lock on the water meter to prevent Sorrells from restarting the water until Sorrells verified that the problem had been remedied and would no longer risk overloading the Sunnyside septic system. .ld. On October 27,2021, Sorrells sent a text message to Sunnyside, sating in part: "...this is a formal notice that if you oranyone representing you entcrs my property for any rcason again you will be removed by force if necessary. The water meter is fully owned and paid for by me and is on my property. Do not TOUCH AGAIN!! The toilets have been repaired and there is no water flow. BACK OFF!!!"/d. at!f 18. On October 27 , 2021 , Finish Line Plumbing, Inc., invoiced Sorrells $471 .90 to repair the leaking toilet. Id. at'ffl9. On October 27,2021, counsel for Sonells notified counsel for Sunnyside that the toilet had again been repaired and requested that water service resume immediately . Id. atlQ0. Upon receipt of this request, Sunnyside went to the water meter to resume service and found that Sunnyside's lock had been removed, the water had again been tumed on without authorization, and a new lock had been placed to prevent Sunnyside from being able to turn off the water at Sunnyside's water meter. Id. atfiZl. Page 5 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-21-6624 On October 29,2021, counsel for Sunnyside provided a notice to Sorrells' counsel that water service would be terminated based upon Sorrells' interference with Sunnyside's access to the water meter by means of the unauthorized lock and threats to forcibly rcmove any representative of Sunnyside who attempted to access the meter as allowed under ldaho Public Utilities Commission regulations set forth in IDAPA and IDAPA Id at1fi22. On November 1,2021, counsel for Sorrells stated that the lock would be removed "on condition that [Sunnyside] follow the rules for notice provided in [Sunnyside's] own rules and rcgulations in the future." Id. at !f23. As of the date of the Petition's filing, the lock had not been removed, and Sorrells had not rescinded his threats of forcible removal. /d. Since the October 27, 2021 toilet repair, Sunnyside has conducted daily rcadings of the water meter and daily inspections of the sew€r discharge from Sorrells' Property. Id. at 124. Between the evening of October29,202l. and the morning ofNovember 9,2021, atotal of 12,168 gallons were consumed by the Sorrells property, which averages out to neady 50 gallons per hour for a property that was only authorized to have two restrooms. ld. xt'i25. On Novembcr 2,2021, Sunnyside notified Sorrells' contractor rcgarding the excessive consumption of water and was informed that a frost-free hydrant was leaking and was in the process of being repaired. Id. atl26. Sorrells' conraotor was unaware of the extent of the leak, as only a minor leak is noticeable from the hydrant itself. Sonells' contractor turned offthe water line to the hydrants and informed Sonells of the leak. Id. Sonells informed the contractorthat Sorrelts would continue to use the water service and allow tenants or agent(s) to regulate the water to the hydrants as needed. /d. Page6ofl6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CV10-21-6624 It appears the water was shut offduring the evenings between November 2-3 and 3-4, but othenrise, the leak has continued unabated based upon water meter readings. Id. at\29. Pursuant to Rules and Regulations, Article II, Section 4(e), Sunnyside prohibits the discharge of unusual or exccssive volume of flow or concentration of wastes. /d. at !f30. Pursuant to the Third Party Beneficiary Utility Agreement, recorded as Bonneville County Instrument No. 127291 l, Section 4, "[Sunnyside] shall have the right to insall on the premises of each of the individual buildings, and other improvements a water meter to be maintained by [Sunnyside] through which all water supplied to the consumer shall pass and to which [Sunnyside] shall have ascess at reasonable times for the purpose of taking meter readings and keeping said meters in repair." Id. atl32. On December20,202l, Sorrells filed Respondent's Motion to Dismiss. On February 24, this Court heard oral argument on Respondent's Motion to Dismiss and, following the hearing, took the mster under advisement to issue a written decision in this matter in due coursc. STANDARD OF REVIEW A l2(bX6) motion looks only at the pleadings to determine whether a claim for relief has been stated. Taylorv. McNichols, 149 Idaho 826, 833,243P.3d642,649 (2010). "The issue is not whether the plaintiffwill ultimately prevail, but whether ttre party is entitled to offer evidence to support the claims." ABC Agra, LLC v. Critical Access Grp., lnc., 156 ldaho 781,783,331 P.3d 523,525 (2014). "A motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim should not be granted unless it appears beyond doubt that the plaintiffcan prove no set of facts in support of his claim that would Page 7 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CV10-21-6624 entitle the plaimiffto relief." Clarkv. Jones Gledhill Fuhrman Gourley, P.A.,163ldaho 2l 5,220, 409 P.3d 79s, 800 (20t7). "The grounds for a Rule l2(bx6) dismissal comprise only the pleadings and no more." Toylor, 149 ldaho 833. "Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 8 requires a complaint to contain a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to rclief." Idoho Wool Growers Ass'n, Inc. v. State, 154 Idaho 716, 720,302 P.3d 341 ,345 (2012). Further, the District Court draws all reasonable inferences in favor of the non-moving party. Id. Therefore, "[u]nder Rule l2(bX6), after viewing all facts and inferences from the record in favor of the non-moving party, the Court will ask whether a claim for relief has been stated. Munden v. Bannock Cry., No. 47978,202?WL 386057, at *6 (Idaho Feb. 9, 2022). "Dismissal for failure to state a claim should not be granted unless it appears beyond doubt that the plaintiffcan prove no set of facts in support of his claim that would entitle him to relief." Id. Pertaining to the underlying Petition, "[a] declaratory judgment can only be rendered in a case where an actual or justiciable conroversy exists." Haruis v- Cassia Cty., 106 ldaho 5 1 3, 516,681 P.2d 988, 991 (1984). "A justiciable controversy must be a real and substantial controversy admitting of specific reliefthrough a decree of a conclusive charactcr, as distinguished ftom an opinion advising what the law would be upon a hypothetical state of facts. Ada Cty. Higlruay Dist. v. Idaho Pub. Utilities Comm'n, I 5 I tdaho I , 4, 253 P.3d 675, 678 (201I ). "ldaho has adopted the constitutionally based federaljusticiability sundard." Paslay v. A&B lrrigation Dist., 162ldaho 866,869,406 P.3d 878. 881 (2017). "Standing is an essential element of a justiciable claim [and] requires (l) a distinct injury in fact, (2) fairly traceable to the conduct from which a plaintiffsceks relief, and (3) a substantial likelihood that the requested relief will remedy Page 8 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-21-6624 or prevent the injury." /d. Further, "[t]he controversy must be definite and concrcte, touching the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests." Harris, 106 Idaho 5 I 6. Under ldaho Admin. Code r. 3l .21.01 .009, the Public Utilities Commission "reserves the authority to issue orders interpreting these rules and utility tariffs and resolving formal complaints." In reaching its decision on a motion to dismiss, the court does not consider the total record in the underlying matter before it; instead, considering only the pleadings of the immediate concerning matter. If the court were to consider the record in its totality, it would engage in a summary judgment analysis instead of analysis under Rule l2(bX6). Paslay v. A&B lrrigation Dist., 162ldaho 866, 872,406 P.3d 878, 884 (2017). "A court can dismiss an action under Rule l2(bx6) if it considers only the complaint, despite whether a party has submitted additional materials to the record." ^Id. Sorrells furttrer pleads an affirmative defense under ldaho Rule of Civil Procedure l2OXl), asserting that this Court does not have subject matter jurisdiction over mattem involving a public water utility. "Jurisdiction over the subject matter is the right of the court to exercise judicial power over that class of cases: not the particular case before it, but rather the abstract power to try a case of the kind or character of the one pending; and not whether the particular case is one that presents a cause of action, or under the particular facts is triable before the court in which it is pending, because of some of the inherent facts that exist and may be developed during tial. Troupisv. Summer, 148 tdaho 77,79-80,218 P.3d 1138, I l4Hl (2009). Article V, $ 20 of the ldaho Constitution provides that the district court shall have originaljurisdiction to hear all cases, both at law and in equity. Bach v. Miller,l44 ldaho 142,145,158 P.3d 305, 308 (2007). Dis6ict Courts in ldaho have adopted a presumption that District Courts are courts of general Page 9 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-?l-6624 jurisdiction and therpfore "have subject matter jurisdiction unless a party can show othenvise."Troupis,l4S ldaho 80. (citing Borah v. McCandless, 147 ldaho 73,78,205 P.3d 1209. r2r4 (2009)). ANALYSIS Sunnyside's Petition includes a prayer for relief on two primary issues. First, Sunnyside requests the Court for a Declaratory Judgment "[d]eclaring that Sorrells is a persistent and continued violator of the Rules and Regulations applicable to the subject property." Petilion at 9. Further, Sunnvside prays for a Declaratory Judgment from this Court"[d]eclaringthat Sorrells is in violation of IDAPA 31.21.01 .602.01, by reason of his interference with [Sunnyside]'s access to [Sunnyside]'s water meter and by his willfully wasting water provided by [Sunnyside]}' Id. In response, Sorrells articulates affirmative defenses to the underlying Petition for Declaratory Judgment wherein he motions to dismiss the Petition in its entirety through the application ofaffirmative defenses. Sorrells'affirmative defenses have a basis arising from and existing within Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure l2(b) and center around Sunnyside's choice not to seek adminisrative remedies through the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) before seeking a Declaratory Judgment by this Court. The first affirmative defense relies on this Court not having subject-matter jurisdiction, and the second affirmative defense for Sunnyside's failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, In response to Sorells' Motion to Dismiss, Sunnyside principally argues that the duty to exhaust all administrative remedies does not apply in this circumstance. Page l0 of 16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-21-6624 Sunnyside further argues tlat exhaustion of administrative remedies requires a precipitating agency action and that in the underlying matter, there has not been a precipitating action on the part of any agency or commission. This Court will take up the dismissal of Sunnyside's principal prayers for relief separately below. 1. SI'NNYSIDE PROVIDED SUFFICIENT PLEADTNGS WHEREBY PLAINTIFF MAY YET PROVE A SET OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF ITS CLAIM THAT WOULD ENTITLE IT TO RELIEF. In its Petition, Sunnyside seeks a Declaratory Judgment declaring Sorells a persistent and continuing violator of the Sunnyside Park Utility Rules and Regulations applicable to the subject property. Thereby, this Court must determine if the District Court has subject matter jurisdiction over these matterc and whether Sunnyside's Petition sufficiently stated a claim upon which rclief might be granted. "Gencrally, in determining whether to grant a declaratory judgment, the criteria is whether it will clariS and settle the legal relations at issue, and whether such declaration will afford a leavc from uncertainty and controversy giving rise to the proceeding." Sclneider v. Howe, 142 Idaho 767,773,133 P.3d 1232,1238 (2006). Nevertheless, in a motion to dismiss under Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure l2(b), the Court may only consider the pleadings before the Court. It may not consider extrinsic evidence or the entirety of the underlying record in the matter and must draw all inferences in favor of the non- moving party. Therefore, the issue for the Court at this stage is whether it appears beyond a doubt that Sunnyside can prcve no set of facts in support of its claim that would entitle Sunnysidc to relief based solely upon the facial analysis of the pleadings before the Court. Further, through its Petition for Declaratory Judgment, Sunnyside's pleadings must sufficiently support a justiciable Page ll of16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVl0-Zl-6624 controversy that must be definite and concrete, touching the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests. This provides Sunnyside, as the Petitioner, with a relatively low requirement to survive Sonells' Motion to Dismiss the Petition. Here, Sunnyside alleges that Sorrells is a "persistent and continuing violator of the Rules and Regulations applicable to the subject property." Petition at 9. In its Petition, Sunnyside Presents multiple claims of Sorrells violating the Rules and Regulations of the subject property. Petition at 1lfl 3l-36. The Court finds Sunnyside has provided pleadings that address a justiciable contrcvemy of concrete happenings and not simply the possibility of a hypothetical occurrence rcgarding violations of the Rules and Regulations of the subject property. The Court further finds that the pleadings touch upon the relation of the parties having adverse legal interests. Hert, Sunnyside is the public water utility, and Sorrells is the commercial water customer. If Sunnyside can present further evidence in a later hearing to whereby prove the allegations upon which it will be entitled to relief, that relief will be directly adverse to the legal interests of Sorrells as a commercial customer in that Sunnyside desires to terminate utility services to Sorrells buildings and places of business. In drawing all inferences in favor of the non-moving parly, it is the findings of this Court that, at this stage of the litigation, Sunnyside has pmvided suflicient pleadings to show that there exists the possibility that Sunnyside may present further facts and evidence suflicient to prove the support of its claim for persistent violations of the Sunnyside Park Utility Rules and Regulations. The District Court is a court of general jurisdiction and therefore "maintains a presumption that it has subject matterjurisdiction unless a party can show otherwise." Troupis, 148 ldaho 80. Here, the alleged violation is based upon the Sunnyside Park Utility Rules and Regulations and is not based on ldaho Administrative Rules. Therefore, it is the finding of this Court that Sorrells' Page l2 of l6 Memorandum Decision Case No. CV10-21-6624 Motion to Dismiss is Denied in part as it pertains to Sunnyside's first enumerated prayer for relief conceming Sonells being a "persistent and continuing violator of the [Sunnyside Park Utilities] Rules and Regulations pertaining to the subject property.o' Petition at9. 2. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RETATNS ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OVER TNTERPRETING RULES AND RESOLVTNG FORMAL COMPLAINTS WHEREIN IDAHO WATER CORPORATIONS ARE CONCERNED. The second issue in Sunnyside's prayer concerns Sorrells' violation of applicable Idaho Administrative Code provisions. As argued in Sorrells' Motion to Dismiss, the concerning issue is whether the District Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over the enforcement of the alleged violations ofthe Idaho Adminisnative Code provisions listed in Sunnysidc's Petition and Sorrells' Motion. Under Idaho Code $ 6l-125, "[t]he term water corporation when used in this act includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trust€es, receivers or trustees, appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, operating or managing any water system for compensation within this state." Further, under ldaho Code Ann. $ 6l-I29, "[t]he term public utility when used in this act includes every common carrier, pipeline corporation, gas corporation, electrical corporation, telephone corporation and water corporation, as those tenns are defined in this chapter, and each thereofis hereby declared to be a public ufiility and to be subject to the jurisdiction, control and regulation of the commission and to the provisions of this act." Finally, under Idaho Admin. Code r., "[t]he Commission reserves the authority to issue orders interpreting these rules and utility tariffs, and resolving formal complaints." Page l3 of 16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CYl0-21-6624 Sunnyside prays the Court for Declaratory Judgment "declaring that Sonells is in violation of ldaho Admin Code r., by reason of his interference with Sunnyside's access to Sunnyside's water meter and by his willfully wasting water provided by Sunnyside. It is undisputed between the parties that Sunnyside is a water corporation incorporated within and under the statutes of the state of ldaho. Under ldaho provisions, all water corporations incorporated in ldaho are declared to be public utilities and therefore subject to the 'Jurisdiction, control and rcgulation of the [IPUC] and to the provisions of this act." I.C. $ 6l- 129. Further, the [[PUC] specifically r€serves the authority to issue orders interpreting rules pertaining to public utilities and therein resolving formal complaints. ldaho Admin Code r. 31.21.01 .009. Sunnyside is a water corporation and therefore operation as a public utility and is subject to the original subject matter ofjurisdiction of the IPUC. Therefore, in the mater concerning whether Sunnyside is in Violation of Idaho Admin Code r. 3 I .2 I .0 I .602.0 I , it is the frnding of this Court that the Distict Court does not have subject matter jurisdiction over this matter and that the IPUC specifically reserryes and therein rctains the authority in this matter to reach a final judgment in the matter. Consistent with the findings of this Courq Sorrells' Motion to Dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction is therEfore GRANTED in part pursuant to ldaho Rules of Civil Procedure l2(bxl). Page 14 of 16 tYlemoruduri Ddsioh GoooNo. CVl&'?l{6?4 CIONCI,UfrIO}{ fffiREBY; i1fu fip tinaiaBsf tlo Cqrtlhs Ed llsf Motion 6 Dismiss is CIRANIED iD pffi and DENIED in fr,t smeisffi n'ilh fildirys ofthls colut 6b,qvc. IT IS SO CINDEREI}. 11,ficd rlb f.:dpy oflr!rch ZM,. B$EB L Pis-@t HfiictJlv&3 kgn lSof 16 Memorandum Decision Case No. CVlU2l.6624 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY thaton March 2 2022, the foregoing MEMORANDUM DECISION was entered, and a true and correct copy was served upon the parties listed below by mailing, with the concct postago thereon, or by causing the same to be dclivered to their courthouse boxes Counsel for PETITIONER:Counsel for RESPONDENT: Mark R. Fuller, ISB No. 2698 fu I lerurdbeck@gmai l.com Paul B. Rippel,ISB No.2762 paulri ppel @hopkinsroden.com Austin O. Allen, ISB No. 10076 austinal len@hopkinsroden.com Penny Manning Clerk ofthe Disuict Court Bonneville County, Idaho By Deputy Clerk Page l6 of l6 EXH!BlT K 08-MAR-2022 0429 R{From:2085234474 PryI/2 HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC sEwlr.Dtt FRTNCH(194!.'9t4)1€Oc SruscERtl94l-198.1)$1rusa EENJ^M'N(1919-19991 March 8,2022 PAIIL B, RTPPET E-MAlt- gr,.r r 1: 1 rg i J].l;r5r! r1:,1,.|r'.ir " sfr Mark Fuller FULLER & BECK LAW OFFICES, PLLC 410 Memorial Drive, Ste.20l P.O. Box 50935 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 Re: March 3,2022 Letter of Intention to Terminate Services Dear Mark: We have received your letter dated March3,2022, to our client, Donald Sorrells, regarding Sunnyside Park Utilities' intention to tenninate water services to the property at 3887 S. American Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83402. The letter identified the grounds for tennination of services as alleged violations of TDAPA 3 I .2 I .01 .300 et seq. As you recall, the Court dismissed your client's request for declaratory judgfnent relating to IDAPA and found such interpretations and detenninations within the original jurisdiction of the IPUC. However, upon confening with the IPUC earlier today, it has been made lurown to us that IPUC interprets the aforementioned rules and regulations as not applicable to SPU, and that IPUC deeurs SPU a "nonregulated utility." It is our understanding that IPUC has informed you of this position as well, Given the above, we do not believe that alleged violations of IDAPA 3 I .21 .01.300 et seq, constitute grounds for termination of services. Termination of water services must be detennined against SPU's own rules and regulations. We therefore read your March 3, 2022letter as notice of intent to tenninate services pursuant to SPU's own rules and regulations. The issue of whether Mr. Sorrells is a "persistenl and continuing violator" of SPU's rules and regulations is pending before the Court. We therefore rcquest that your client agree not to terminate watet or sewer services to the subject property until the r2t pARt( AvrNuD . ?.0. aox 5ll19. tD^ro FAt.Ls, llr .t]d05-ttn (200) 32!-.4{rr FAx (r0l) 52}{tl?{.\r,rr\D.}IOtXTNSRODEt{.COM t$ urtll tait{oar. P0 aor luo lo$[, l0 a!r0!.trr0. {ro!1.r5.?9r.rd leott 33611r.. uvrur.)torflittog0{.cou 08{r,lAR.2@ O43O Pi,l Fffrfri5P,S4r74( Mark Fuller March 8,2022 Pagc - 2 Court has entcrod a judgment in this matter. Please indicate whether your clieot will agree to not terminate services by no later than noon tomorow, March 912022.|f we have not heard from you by thc aforementioned time we will be forced to seek a temporary restraining order to maintain the stahrs quo during the course of litigation. We believe it is mutually and financially beneficial to agree to witlrhold terminating services without getting the Court involved. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ?'**'IP,,"j Paul B. Rippel ,rtt ?Arx AYElruf,. tlr^Ho FALLS, rD.r]r0$Iil, G0!) 32t{a{3l tAX eel) 56raa7a.}l\f,1r'.lloPXtt{Sf,ODEItCOM tatUErlr.f,Oo(. F0aor( l[0ao,I|. OllrornlrA E0al Ba-rt]o.t^r[t|.Cl tt&,r3..r*wJ€xffiao0tl{ao$ wzn( EXHIBIT L Doyle Beck !nvoice 813l2L Jon Gregory PO Box L296 Blackfoot, lD 83221" 209.709.6337 Don Sonells Projet 3887 S. American Way Meter plt and fittings Flange meter Paid in full s 2,219.93 S 246.32 S 2,965.15