HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201231Idaho Power Deferred Accounting Report - Redacted.pdf58ffiM. :.'-r:.'lit;['l--l ?rj:r ilii 3 i PFt l?: lS . rG: -:i-:r'. . ,:. _.{,;1,,'i.irprr;ar' 1-I . - -,..'.ir,'.rillrrl\}lL,l't An f,TACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROTII Lead Courpel lnordttsom0ida hooomr.com December 31, 2020 VIA ENCRYPTED ELEGTRONE MAIL Jan Noilyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. GNR-U-20-03 ln the Matter of Defened Acmunting of lncremental Costs Associated \Mth the COVID-I9 Public Health Emergency Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 34718, is ldaho Power Company's Defened Accounting of Incremental Costs - Report on GOVID19 Expenses. Please note that the rcdac'ted portions of the enclosure contain commercially sensitive and potentially material non-public information under Regulation FD. The undersigned attomey, in accordancewith RP67, hereby certifiesthatthe rcdacted portions of the ldaho Power Company DeGned Accounting of lncremental Costs - Report on COVID-19 Expenses contain inbrmation that is a trade secret as describedin ldaho Codc S 74-101, et seq., and $ 48-801, et seq., and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, X*!.7("ur,.*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:slb Attachment DEFERRED ACCOUNTING OF INCREMENTAL GOSTS IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPORT ON COVID.19 EXPENSES December 31,2020 ln Order No. 34718 issued in Case No. GNR-U-20-03/IPC-E-20-19 on July 8, 2420, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") authorized ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Power" or "Company') to defer to a regulatory asset incremental costs from the COVID-19 public health emergency. Specifically, the Commission ordered that the Company include in the deferred amounts: (1) an offset for benefits received under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security ("CARES) Act Net Operating Loss fNOL") provision, (2) bad debt expenses that exceed the 2019 levels of uncollectible bad debt, (3) uncollected late fees at 2019 levels, (4) other COV|D-l9-related operations and maintenance ("O&M') expenses, and (5) an offset for any reductions in O&M expenses resulting from the COVID-19 public health emergency. ln addition, Idaho Power is authorized to track any reduced revenues resulting from reduced sales not included in the Company's Fixed Cost Adjustment ('FCA") mechanism. Pursuant to Order No. 34718, the Company's report outlines incremental expenses resulting from the COVID- 19 public health emergency recorded through November 30, 2020. ln addition, ldaho Power has included a discussion regarding its preliminary findings related to reduced sales revenues from classes not subject to the Company's FGA mechanism. BACKGROUND ln February 2A20, the World Health Organization designated the novel coronavirus disease outbreak that began in 2019 as COMD-19 and in March 2020 declared COVID- 19 a pandemic. Also in March, the CARES Act, the Iargest economic stimulus package in modern American history, was signed into law to respond to the economic impact of measures designed to limit spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Subsequently, on March 25,2020, ldaho Governor Little issued an 'extreme emergency declaration' over the COVID-19 outbreak and an Order to Self-lsolate for the State of ldaho '-to protect the public from the spread of infections or @mmunicable diseases." As a result of the impacts of COVID-19 and ldaho's state and local stay-home orders on ldaho businesses, the Company anticipated a subset of customers would have the inability, or would be challenged financially, to pay their ldaho Power bills untilthey can retum to work. ln an effort to help contribute to the health and safety of its customers during this crisis, in March 2020, the Company temporarily suspended service disconnections for non-payment applicable to all ldaho and Oregon customers and began a temporary suspension of all late fees for applicable customer billings. As detailed in a June 30,2020 letter to the Commission, ldaho Power, along with other ldaho utilities, prepared a Joint Plan to Resume Normal Collection and Disconnection Activity. The Company also provided Consumer Affairs Staff with a document outlining additional payment arrangements available to each of its customer classes beyond what has been typical business practice. ln its July 7,2020 decision meeting, the Commission approved the Joint Plan for ldaho Power to resume normal collection and disconnection activity. While ldaho Power resumed assessing late fees and disconnections in its ldaho service territory 1 in August 2020, the Company has continued to offer flexibility with its customers in terms of payment anangements and renegotiated payment plans. DEFERRED COVID.Ig RELATED AMOUNTS TO DATE The following summarizes the COvID-1g-related amounts the Commission authorized to be deferred for possible recovery through future rates as of November 30, 2020: CARES Act NOL Provision - ldaho Power is not eligible for any benefits associated with the NOL provision of the CARES Act. lncrcmental Bad Debt Expense - The Company has recordeda on an ldaho jurisdictional basis associated with bad debt expenses that exceed 2019 levels. oLatePaymentFees-Atotatotfinhtepaymentfeesforldahocustomers have been waived and the amount remrded to the regulatory asset.t Other C0viD-lg-related O&M Expenses - As of September 30, 2A2O, no additional amounts have been deferred associated with incremential ldaho jurisdictional COVID-19-related expenses. However, the Company is continuing to monitor, track, and review other COVID-19-related expenses as the pandemic progresses.. Decreases r'h O&M Expenses rcsufting fuom the public health emeryency - ldaho Power has credited thi regulatory asiet I for o&M savinis aisociated with reduced employee travel and training during the public health emergency. \Mth respect to the tracking of reduced revenues resulting from reduced sales not included in the Cornpany's FCA mechanism, as of SeptemberS0,2020,ldaho Power has not identified net revenue loss that would result in the need to track for potential deferral. However, the Company will continue to monitor any sales impacts related to the pandemic it progresses. CONCLUSION As of November 30, 2020, the Company has recorded a net of f in incremental Idaho jurisdictional expenses resulting from the COVID-l9 emergency. ldaho Power will continue to monitor all changes in expenses resulting from the COVID- 19 emergency for potential inclusion in, or ofEet ol the regulatory asset account and may present the amounts to the Commission for a prudency review in a future regulatory proceeding. 2