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RT.C E IV ED ?ilI$ APR l2 Pli tr: 50 ''..lil .-- '-L.r-i'J... :+'i;--:.,' - ;:.ii:SiCi.l Aprll12,2018 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 - lmpact of Federal Tax Code Revisions on Utility Costs and Ratemaking Settlement Stipulation and Motion to Approve Settlement Stipulation Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed for filing in the above matter are an original and seven (7) copies of a Settlement Stipulation and Motion to Approve Settlement Stipulation ("Settlement Stipulation") including the proposed tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retail electric service to its customers in the state of ldaho effective June 1 ,2018. ln conformance with RP 125, this Settlement Stipulation will be brought to the attention of ldaho Power Company's ("ldaho Powe/' or the "Company") customers by means of a press release to media in the Company's service area and a customer notice distributed in customers' bills. To ensure that all customers are notified in a timely manner and have sufficient time to submit comments, ldaho Power will send a direct mail postcard to a subset of customers that receive their bill toward the end of the processing time for this case. Four (4) copies each of ldaho Power's press release, customer notice, and direct mail postcard are enclosed with this filing. The bill insert and/or the direct mail postcard will be mailed to all customers no later than May 18,2018. ldaho Power will also keep its Settlement Stipulation and exhibits open for public inspection at its regional offices throughout the state of ldaho. Sincerely, LDN:kkt P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 An IDACORp Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counse! I nordstrom@idahopower.com Re Enclosures #rQ,7(,,//*D Lisa D. Nordstrom LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rdstrom @ ida h opowe r. co m REC E IVE D 20lB APR l2 Pi{ t: 50 Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBL]C UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPACT OF FEDERAL TAX CODE REVISIONS ON UTILITY COSTS AND RATEMAKING CASE NO. GNR-U-18-01 SETTLEM ENT STI PU LAT!ON AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPU LATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the tax-related settlement stipulation ("Settlement Stipulation") contained in this filing. The Settlement Stipulation is entered into between ldaho Power, Commission Staff ("Staff') and the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power ('lClP"), hereafter jointly referred to as "Parties", and provides for a direct rate reduction of $26,497,560, and a $7,417,848 offset to current and future regulatory deferrals, providing a total customer benefit of $33,915,408 forthe June 1,2018, through May 31 ,2019, time period. The customer benefits are a result of the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ("2017 Tax Act") and will provide some form of a direct rate reduction until the ) ) ) ) ) ) ) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1 Company's next general rate case proceeding or until otherwise modified by the Commission. The Settlement Stipulation also provides for an extension of the Accumulated Deferred lncome Tax Credit ("ADITC")/Revenue Sharing mechanism.l I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTION 1. The terms and conditions of this Settlement Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Settlement Stipulation represents a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of the dispute(s) between the Parties, and that this Settlement Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties maintain that the Settlement Stipulation as a whole and its acceptance by the Commission, if it is accepted, represent a reasonable resolution of all issues between the Parties identified herein. Therefore, the Parties hereby respectfully move the Commission, in accordance with RP 56 and RP 274-76, for an order approving the Settlement Stipulation executed between the Parties and all of its terms and conditions without material change or condition, and closing the current proceeding as it pertains to ldaho Power. II. BACKGROUND 2. On December 22,2017, the 2017 Tax Act was signed into law. See Pub. L. No. 115-97,131 Stat 2045. Effective January 1,2018, the 2017 Tax Act lowers the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from the existing maximum rate of 35 percent, provides for expanded bonus depreciation, limits the deductibility of interest expense, eliminates alternative minimum tax, repeals the manufacturing deduction, and imposes additional limitations on the deductibility of executive compensation. 1 Order Nos. 30978, 32424, and 33149 established an ADITC/Revenue Sharing mechanism that authorizes ldaho Power to amortize ADITC when earning below a certain Return on Equity ('ROE') threshold or share a portion of revenues with ldaho customers when earnings are above a certain ROE threshold. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 2 3. Public utility companies, such as ldaho Power, retain the full deductibility of interest expense but are no longer eligible for the bonus depreciation provisions; however, traditional accelerated tax depreciation methods are still available. While the change in the corporate income tax rate will reduce the Company's income tax expense beginning tn 2018, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles required ldaho Power to remeasure deferred income tax assets and liabilities as of the date of the enactment, significantly reducing net deferred tax liabilities, as well as causing an increase in income tax expense for 2017. 4. On January 17,2018, the Commission issued a Notice of lnvestigation in Order No. 33965 directing all rate-regulated utilities (besides smallwater companies with less than 200 customers, and the small electric utility, Atlanta Power) to: (1) immediately account for the financial benefits from the January 1 ,2018 tax rate reduction to 21 percent as a deferred regulatory liability, and (2) by Friday, March 30,2018, file a report with the Commission identifying and quantifying all tax changes individually. 5. Order No. 33965 specified that each report must disclose the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 21 percent tax rate. Each utility's report must include proposed tariff schedules that show the revenue requirement impacts from the 2017 Tax Act, with the differences between the law in effect on December 31 ,2017, and the law in effect on and after January 1, 2018. /d. Utilities that operate in Idaho and in other states must separately calculate system-wide and ldaho-specific figures to show how the 2017 Tax Act impacts total operations and ldaho operations. /d. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION .3 6. As required by Order No. 33965, ldaho Power identified and quantified its federal income tax components that changed because of the 2017 Tax Act, as well as changes that result from the 2018 ldaho state tax rate change, in a report filed in this docket on March 30, 2018. ldaho Power's 2017 proforma analysis, on a total system and jurisdictional basis, is summarized as follows: Tax Reform I - 2017 Proforma is Note: The "Other" category reflects tax benefits apportioned to the Company's other retail and wholesale jurisdictions. 7. On February 22, 2018, the Commission also issued a Notice of Deadline for: (1) Persons to Intervene; and (2) Utility-Parties to Request Settlement Notification. Order No. 33991. lClP was the only party to file a petition to intervene in ldaho Power's proceeding and the Commission granted its intervention in Order No. 33994. 8. The Parties met on March 19,26, and 29, 2018, for settlement discussions regarding rate issues related to the inclusion of revenue requirement changes stemming from the 2017 Tax Act in ldaho Power's rates. Based upon these seftlement discussions, as a compromise of the respective positions of the Parties, and for other considerations as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following terms: I!I. TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 9. 2017 Proforma Analvsis. As directed by Order No. 33965 and provided in a report to the Commission on March 30, 2018, ldaho Power has quantified the impacts of the 2017 Tax Act using the Company's fiscal year 2017 results. This 2017 proforma analysis compares actual 2017 financialstatement income tax expense with a quantification SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 4 System ldaho Other Current Tax lmpact (Cash)($15,416,760)($1 1 ,178,487)($4,238,273) Deferred Tax lmpact (Non-Cash)($15,690,259)($14,918,298)($771,961) Total Tax Reform lmpact ($31,107,019)($26,096,785)($5,010,234) of the impact to the Company's income tax expense had ldaho Power been subject to the 2017 TaxAct for the 2017 year. The Company's 2017 proforma analysis also includes the change to the ldaho state tax rate (federaland state changes collectively referred to as "Tax Reform"). The Parties agree the quantification of the customer benefit will be based on the results of the 2017 proforma analysis which indicates an ldaho jurisdictional current tax expense (cash) reduction of approximately $11.2 million and a deferred tax (non-cash) reduction of approximately $14.9 million, for a total customer benefit of approximately $26.1 million. 10. Current Tax se Reduction. Tax Reform results in a current tax expense reduction, serving as an immediate cash savings. The cash savings are comprised of three components: (1) the current tax expense reduction quantified through the 2017 proforma analysis,2 (2) the reduction in the North Valmy Power Plant ("Valmy") levelized revenue requirement resulting from Tax Reform, and (3) the lower tax gross-up3 on Allowance for Funds Used During Construction ("AFUDC") associated with Hells Canyon Complex ("HCC") relicensing costs currently recovered from customers pursuant to Order Nos. 30722 and 32426. The following summarizes the ldaho jurisdictional current tax expense reduction by component: ldaho Current Tax Reduction 2 lncludes tax savings related to ldaho Energy Resources Company (IERCO), facilities charges, and the Boardman levelized revenue requirement. 3 ldaho Power currently collects $6,520,122 pre-tax annually from ldaho customers associated with AFUDC on HCC relicensing costs. After tax reform, the tax gross-up rate will be reduced lrom 1.642 lo 1.347 , providing a reduction in tax expense. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 5 2017 Protorma Current Tax lmpact ($7,179,463) HCC AFUDC Tax Gross-Up Reduction ($1,925,914) Valmy Revenue Requirement Tax Benefit ($2,073,1 10) ($11,178,487)Total Cash Available for Rate Reduction 11. The Parties agree the current tax expense reduction will include the temporary cash benefit associated with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ('FERC") jurisdictional tax savings. As a result of Tax Reform, ldaho Power's Open Access Transmission Tariff ('OATT") transmission formula rate will be reduced, thereby lowering ldaho Power's third-party transmission revenues. Third-party transmission revenues serve as a revenue credit to ldaho Power's retail revenue requirements. This decrease in third-party transmission revenues will increase the Company's retail revenue requirement beginning October 1,2019. ldaho Power estimates the annual OATT third- party transmission revenue reduction willtotal $3,574,609 by October 1,2020, as a result of Tax Reform. The Parties agree that the temporary provision of FERC jurisdictional tax savings to ldaho retail customers is contingent upon FERC upholding the current formula- based historical test period rate setting methodology and that ldaho Power will cease and adjust the provision of this temporary cash benefit should FERC require earlier recognition of tax reform benefits than what would occur under the normal schedule. Should FERC require an out-of-cycle adjustment to the Company's OATT formula rate, the removal of this temporary cash benefit would be reflected as a change to the Power Cost Adjustment ('PCA") true-up balance. 12. Deferred Tax Reduction. ln addition to current tax expense reductions, Tax Reform caused adjustments to 2017 deferred tax expense, reducing amounts customers owe in the future. Based on the 2017 proforma analysis, the ldaho jurisdictional deferred tax reduction, an annual non-cash customer benefit, is $14,918,298. 13. Direct Rate Reduction. The Parties agree that a total annual benefit of $26,497,560 associated with Tax Reform, which is a combination of current tax expense SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 6 and a portion of the deferred tax reductions, will be provided to customers through a direct rate reduction. The direct rate reduction will be provided to customers via two rate components on June 1 ,2018'. $18,678,936 will be provided as a base rate reduction and $7,818,624 will be provided through the Earnings Sharinga component of the PCA mechanism. a. Base Rate Reduction: The Parties agree that effective June 1 ,2018, ldaho Power will reduce base rates by $t8,678,936 as a result of Tax Reform. The $18,678,936 base rate reduction to customer rates associated with Tax Reform will remain constant until the Company's next general rate case proceeding or until otherwise modified by the Commission. The Parties agree the base rate reduction will be provided to customers as a uniform percentage decrease to all base rate components except the service charge. b. PCA Reduction: Beginning June 1 ,2018,ldaho Power will provide the annual $3,574,609 temporary FERC jurisdictional tax savings as a credit to the PCA. ln addition, ldaho Power will include a one-time credit of $4,244,015 associated with accrued January through May 2018 tax savings amounts pursuant to Order No. 33965 bringing the total PCA credit in effect June 1 , 2018, to $7,818,624, providing customers 17 months of Tax Reform savings occurring from January 1,2018, through May 31 ,2019, while being provided to customers from June 1 ,2018, through May 31 ,2019. Assuming no out-of-cycle adjustment by FERC as described in paragraph 11, beginning June 1, 2019, the Parties agree this credit to the PCA will be reduced to $2,680,957 to reflect: (1) the removal of the one-time credit associated with the January - May 2018 tax savings 4 Pursuant to Order Nos. 30978, 32424, and 33149, ldaho Power credits customer bills through the Earnings Sharing component of the PCA for any revenues shared pursuant to these orders. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 7 deferral, and (2) the impact of three months of reduced OATT third-party transmission revenues that occurs beginning October 1,2019 ($3,574,609 - (($3,52+,609/12).3)) = $2,680,957. BeginningJune 1,2020, thiscredittothePCAwill bereducedtozeroto reflect the impact of a full year of reduced OATT third-party transmission revenues. The following table summarizes the PCA rate reduction benefits by year: These reductions will be assigned to customers in the same manner as revenue sharing: PCA Rate Reduction Benefits June 1,2018 June 1,2019 June 1 ,2020 OATT Revenue Reduction ($3,574,609)($2,680,957)($0) Jan - Mav 2018 Deferral, one-time ($4,244,015)($01 ($0) PCA Rate Reduction Benefit ($7,818,624)($2,680,957)($0) 14. Non-Cash Customer Benefit. Tax Reform resulted in changes to 2017 deferred tax expense, reducing amounts customers owe in the future. The Parties agree ldaho Power will provide a non-cash customer benefit resulting from deferred tax reductions of $7,417,848 as an offset to regulatory assets, or amounts customers owe, annually beginning on June 1, 2018, until the Company's next general rate case proceeding or until otherwise modified by the Commission. The non-cash customer benefit amount is approximalely 25 percent of the total customer benefit, or equivalent to the 75 percent and 25 percent basis for sharing of earnings between the Company's ldaho customers and ldaho Power, respectively, as established by Order No. 33149 approving the Company's ADITC/Revenue Sharing mechanism. a. On June 1, 2018, ldaho Power will provide the non-cash customer benefit in the following order: (1) first, to offset in its entirety, the regulatory asset account established pursuant to Order No. 33706, that includes incremental operations and maintenance expenses associated with participation in the Energy lmbalance Market SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 8 ('ElM"), (2) second, if approved in Case No. IPC-E-16-32, $2,771,815 in ldaho jurisdictional Baker County settlement agreement expenses incurred through December 31, 2015, and deferred to a regulatory asset, and (3) finally, the remaining non-cash customer benefits will be provided as an offset to non-specific current or future deferrals deemed prudent and approved for recovery from customers by the Commission. b. Beginning June 1, 2019, and each year thereafter, until the Company's next general rate case proceeding or until otherwise modified by the Commission, and non-cash customer benefits associated with Tax Reform are reflected in customer rates, the entire $7,417,848 will accumulate in a regulatory liability account annually to serve as an offset to non-specific current or future deferrals deemed prudent and approved for recovery from customers by the Commission. Parties agree that deferred Tax Reform benefits used to offset future regulatory deferrals should be applied in a manner consistent with applicable federal and state income tax law. The Parties also agree this will be discussed further in future recovery cases as appropriate. Amounts in this account will accrue a carrying charge at the authorized customer deposit rate. 15. Summary of Benefits. Attachment No. 1 to this Settlement Stipulation presents the annual tax reform benefits, by year, for the June 1 , 2018, through May 31, 2021, time period as described above. The EIM deferral amount and non-specific future deferral offset amount seen in the June 1, 2018, column are estimates and are for illustrative purposes. The amounts presented in the June 1,2020, column will remain constant until the Company's next general rate case proceeding or untilotherwise modified by the Commission. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 9 16. Accumulated Deferred lncome Tax CrediURevenue Sharinq mechanism. Order No. 33149 in Case No. IPC-E-14-14 approved the extension of the Company's ADITC/Revenue Sharing mechanism for the 2015-2019 period under which ldaho Power is authorized to either: (1) amortize additional ADITC, or (2) share a portion of revenues with its ldaho customers. Any increases or decreases in income tax expenses that have occurred since the mechanism was established, or will occur during the time in which the mechanism is in effect, normally flow through as a cost or benefit to customers. ln consideration of the Parties' agreement to deviate from the provisions of the current ADITC/Revenue Sharing mechanism, the Parties agree to extend the ADITC/Revenue Sharing mechanism beyond the current termination date of December 31 ,2019, with the following modified terms to become effective January 1,2020. a. Revenue Shaing: lf the Company's actual year-end, earned ROE forthe ldaho jurisdiction in anyyearexceeds 10 percent, all amounts in excess of a 10 percent ROE and up to and including a 10.5 percent ROE will be shared between the Company's ldaho customers and the Company on an 80 percent and 20 percent basis, respectively. The customers' share of the Company's ldaho jurisdictional earnings between a 10 percent ROE and upthrough a 10.5 percent ldaho ROEwill be provided as a rate reduction to become effective at the time of the subsequent year's PCA. lf the Company's actual earned, year-end ROE for the ldaho jurisdiction in any year exceeds 10.5 percent, all amounts in excess of the 10.5 percent ROE will be shared 55 percent with ldaho customers as a rate reduction to become effective at the time of the subsequent year's PCA, 25 percent with ldaho customers in the form of an offset to SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1O s Established pursuant to Order Nos. 32424 and 33149. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 11 amounts in the Company's pension balancing accounts to reduce the amount that would otherwise need to be collected in rates in the future (a total customer benefit of 80 percent of earnings above the 10.5 percent ldaho ROE), and 20 percent with the Company. lf ldaho Power has any shared earnings as described in this paragraph, there can be no add itional ADITC amortization. b. Accounting: ADITC Amortization. If ldaho Power's actual Idaho jurisdictional year-end, earned ROE falls below 9.4 percent for any year beginning January 1 ,2020, the Company will be permitted to amortize an additional amount of state and federalAD|TC by debiting FERC Account 255 (ADITC) and crediting FERC Account 420 (investment tax credits, a non-utility income account), in an amount up to $45 million, that would allow the Company to achieve a maximum actual ROE of 9.4 percent for the ldaho jurisdiction. ldaho Power may use up to $25 million of additional amortization of ADITC per year so long as the total, cumulative amount of ADITC used does not exceed $45 million. The Parties agree that once the Company has fully amortized the $45 million of ADITC, revenue sharing will cease; however, ldaho Power may at any time request to replenish the total amount of ADITC it is permitted to amortize, and if approved by the Commission, revenue sharing would continue. c. Except for the permitted use of additional ADITC described in paragraph 16(b), ldaho Power will continue to amortize ADITC using the same method employed immediately prior to the issuance of a Commission order in this matter using the Company's actual ldaho jurisdictional earnings results. d. General Rafe Case - ROE lmpact: ln the event the Commission issues an order authorizing a change to the Company's allowed ROE as part of a general rate case proceeding, the ROE thresholds set forth herein will be adjusted on a prospective basis from the date that the newly authorized rates become effective.o The ROE thresholds will be automatically adjusted as follows: i. The ldaho jurisdictional ROE level under which the Company will be permitted to amortize an additional amount of state and federalADITC (set at 9.4 percent effective January 1, 2020) will be set at 95 percent of the newly authorized ROE; ii. The ldaho jurisdictional ROE level (currently set at 10 percent) above which the Company will begin to share amounts with customers on a 80 percent basis up to the ROE level established in paragraph 16(d)(iii) will be set equal to the newly authorized ROE; and iii. The ldaho jurisdictional ROE level (currently set at 10.5 percent) above which the Company will provide an offset to the PCA on a 55 percent basis and to the pension balancing account on a 25 percent basis will be set at 105 percent of the newly authorized ROE. e. Commission Staff Audrt; ldaho Power agrees to continue to make its year-end earnings results available for audit by the Commission Staff following the filing of ldaho Power's and IDACORP, lnc.'s, annual report on Form 10-K with the U.S. 6 ln the event that the etfective date of a newly established ROE occurs in a month other than January, the ROE thresholds applied for the calendar year in which the ROE change occurred will be prorated based on the number of months that each respective ROE was effective. For example, if the Commission authorizes a change in ROE to become effective on June 1, the Company would adjust the annual ROE thresholds applied in that calendar year to levels equal to 5112 of the prior annual ROE thresholds and 7112 of the newly established annual ROE thresholds. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 12 Securities and Exchange Commission, which is required to be filed within 60 days after the end of each fiscalyear. The Commission Staff agrees to audit ldaho Power's earnings and prepare a write-up of its findings for review by the Parties during the pendency of the annual PCAdocket. f. ADITC Exclusion from Operating Resu/fs: Except as otherwise provided for herein or ordered by the Commission, in no event shall any additional amounts of amortized ADITC be reflected in the utility operating results of the Company for ratemaking purposes, financial statement purposes, and for purposes of the Company's regulated books of account. 17. The Parties submit this Settlement Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274-76. The Parties shall support this Settlement Stipulation before the Commission and shall not appeal a Commission order approving the Settlement Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Settlement Stipulation. lf this Settlement Stipulation is challenged by anyone who is not a party to the Stipulation, then each Party reserves the right to file responsive comments or testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlements embodied in this Settlement Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. 18. lf the Commission or any reviewing body on appeal rejects any part or all of this Settlement Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Settlement Stipulation, then each Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 13 Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission or any reviewing body, to withdraw from this Settlement Stipulation. ln such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Settlement Stipulation and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. ln such case, the Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of Case No. GNR-U- 18-01 , and the Parties agree to cooperate in development of a schedule that concludes the proceeding on the earliest possible date, taking into account the needs of the Parties in participating in hearings and preparing briefs. 19. The Parties agree that this Settlement Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just, and reasonable. 20. No Party shall be bound, benefited, or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Settlement Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shallthis Settlement Stipulation be construed as a waiver of rights unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Except as otherwise expressly provided for herein, execution of this Settlement Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory, or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory, or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Settlement Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 14 charges with the corresponding proposed new revenue levels resulting from the direct rate reduction agreed to in this Settlement Stipulation. V. PROCEDURE 25. Pursuant to RP 274, the Commission has discretion to determine the manner with which it considers a proposed settlement. ln this matter, the Parties have reached agreement on a final resolution to this case. This Settlement Stipulation is reasonable and in the public interest, providing at least $26.1 million in benefits annually. Pursuant to RP 201 and 202, the Parties believe the public interest does not require a hearing to consider the issues presented by this Motion and request it be processed by Modified Procedure without waiving the right to a hearing on the previously disputed matters in this proceeding should the Commission relect the settlement. VI. REQUESTED RELIEF NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission process this Settlement Stipulation using Modified Procedure and then enter its order on or before June 1 , 2018, approving the Settlement Stipulation without material change or condition. DATED this 12th day of April 2018. ldaho Power Company ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff SA N Karl T. Klein Attorney for Commission StaffAttorney for ldaho ower Company lndustria! Customers of ldaho Power Peter Richardson Attorney for lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 16 be deemed to be implicit in this Settlement Stipulation. This Settlement Stipulation sets forth the complete understanding of the Parties, and this Settlement Stipulation includes no other promises, understandings, representations, arrangements, or agreements pertaining to the subject matter of this Settlement Stipulation, or any other subject matter, not expressly contained herein. 21. The obligations of the Parties are subject to the Commission's approval of this Settlement Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. All terms and conditions of this Settlement Stipulation are subject to approval by the Commission, and only after such approval, without material change or modification, has been received shall the Settlement Stipulation be valid. 22. This Settlement Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. IV. PROPOSED TARIFF 23. Pursuant to Order No. 33965 and as explained in ldaho Power's Tax Reform lmpact reportfiled with the Commission on March 30,2018, the Company has prepared the proposed tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retail electric service to its customers in the state of ldaho reflecting the direct rate reduction resulting from Tax Reform and included them in clean and legislative format as Attachment Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, to this Settlement Stipulation. 24. Attachment No. 4 to this Settlement Stipulation shows a comparison of revenues from the various customer classes under ldaho Power's existing rates and SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 15 charges with the corresponding proposed new revenue levels resulling from the direct rate reduction agreed to in this $ettlement Stipulation. V. PROCEDURE 25. Pursuant to RP 274, the Cornmission has discretion to determine the manner with which it considers a proposed settlernent. ln thls matter, the Parties have reached agreement on a final resolution to lhis case. This Settlement Stipulation is reasonable and in the public interest, providing at least $26.1 million in benefits annually. Pursuant to RP 201 and 202, the Parties believe the public interest does not require a hearing to consider the issues presenled by this Motion and request it be processed by Modified Procedure without waiving the right to a hearing on the previously disputed matters in this proceeding should the Commission reject the settlement. vr. REQUESTED RELIEF NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission process this Settlement Stipulation using Modified Procedure and then enter its order on or before June 1, 2018, approving the Settlement Stipulatlon without material change or condilion. DATED this 12rh day of April2018. ldaho Power Company ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By / Ka . Klein Attomey for Commission Staff lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter Richardson Attorney for lndustrialCustomers of ldaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Attorney for ldaho Power Company SE]TLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION. 16 By Bv charges with the corresponding proposed new revenue levels resulting from the direct rate reduction agreed to in this Settlement Stipulation. V. PROCEDURE 25. Pursuant to RP 274, lhe Commission has discretion to determine the manner with which it considers a proposed settlement. ln this matter, the Parties have reached agreement on a final resolution to this case. This Settlement Stipulation is reasonable and in the public interest, providing at least $26.1 million in benefits annually. Pursuant to RP 201 and 202, the Parties believe the public interest does not require a hearing to consider the issues presented by this Motion and request it be processed by Modified Procedure without waiving the right to a hearing on the previously disputed matters in this proceeding should the Commission reject the settlement. VI. REQUESTED RELIEF NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission process this Settlement Stipulation using Modified Procedure and then enter its order on or before June 1 ,2018, approving the Settlement Stipulation without material change or condition, DATED this 12th day of April 2018. ldaho Power Company ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By By Lisa D. Nordstrom Attorney for ldaho Power Company lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power By chardson Attorney for lnd Power Karl T. Klein Attorney for Commission Staff of ldaho SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 16 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 12th day of April 2018 I served a true and correct copy of the SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Gustomers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email karl.klein@puc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com K rly T,Assistant SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 17 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR.U.I8.O1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 oNoN otr = tJ)sttn(o tJ)N NN<l> ollolrol s1f\lu1l ml{/il roan01 @ lDo 1r\ o<t|ol{./il_{o1t\(o(nol c(l (o @ 1r\ o{rt o<r>6lstl€J NIF{l$l N]{.nl-{ @sfqt <f lt\ <flooll\l lcrlo!lolttilNI{/il orF{oN otr5 tJ1sltn cr)rrtN NN <n otlol(oI +'lNIlJ1lJml{^l romor @ ro @ 1r\ Nl, OlOoo(o N<h OI{rlv rJ1glo GOro N1r\ (n C'r€gltn(Yl N1r\ o{.f}o<rt mlsfl€JNIF{l$l F-lr.ol -,1 €sfq, sl 1r\ stl NIl\l6lNI{/rl GO oN oc J tJ)sltJ) m rJ1N NN<tt otlol @J stlF\llJ1l .l11{/rl ro(no)o (Do <,t| o)olc| sfr\rJ)(n<t\ EIoJ stlstl.{l +'l{.aI_{ <fN(o ca, co <r\ o(ol,! olt roN1r\ stoo) m F{o !-'llr> lnrloo FlNr\ N<tt o)l.{lF{l Nlml(Ell rnl <.r}1-.{ oosloo sl 1r\ ololstl6l ct]l ml(}11vil ,E] ococo Lo EoPIA f(J T'c,PgodIEIAo(J ?'ooc't (Evl rrt .E(J gO l.t6'=0Jti q0 -LEqgt 9lEE;6E(uLLA Uv ?coOE'Eu9f]E'EO)OJLt=o, -o =o)c :'i9;o)fd,C.oJ EOO=o!!nT) Jv I ocoroco rr,fto0lo l!d o1^(Eo oz i];ootr.!E(J ol!0l (Jc e .9 (J_=.eE 9.= UEE(J(u(u =fECo(U oodL I(E<bro5 6 ODc(!0., -cE()'- (UTP(tJroc-oo -tg9.9ocL(uE'6@ 6!F{ .GjUt'Nt)o(!P>5loCE(!(E i, otro,loc .9 t,)tq,c, o oG, (Jr oz !_ q,colo tro L' JEo 0c, o o 02, Uo, i5 E o otroto o Eo ta:,lvl -cvtoIIEoz o6 o 6 o OJo UJ o o (o LL(u oo c(u E OJFota c =oLJ LoJ(E cct P OJ Io ELLo oooL)Pfu- (JEIJoo-tt1ICoz ij ocolo o Eo Itl,1., El,Do(J Icoz E o .E oco CO o Eo 1^ =(J E o E UJ oln tslrII,Jzul co =ocot!UI G,x F fzz BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR.U.I 8.01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 ldaho Power Company Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE STANDARD PLAN (Continued) RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating largerthan 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or Iarger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. SUMMER AND NON .SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer $5.00 Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh All Additional kWh Over 2000 8.s318d 10.2590(, 12.18710, 7.92750, 8.73980 9.6792Q, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eiohth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 SCHEDULE 3 MASTER-METERED MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit): Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh all kWh 8.58670 Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 4-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 4-3 SCHEDULE 4 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ENERGY WATCH PILOT PI.AN (oPTroNAL) SUSPENDED (Continued) TIME PERIODS The time periods are defined as follows. All times are stated in Mountain Time. Summer SeasonOn-Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through FridayOff-Peak. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays Critical peak period (10 select summer days): 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Non-summer Season Mid-Peak Off-Peak: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Energy Watch Event hours 43.2372i, On-Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Mid-Peak Off-Peak 12.1365i, 6.e6980 8.e6666 6 96986 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 5-3 SCHEDULE 5 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TIME-OF-DAY PILOT PLAN (oPTroNAL) (Continued) TIME PERIODS (Continued) Holidays are New Yea/s Day (January 1), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), lndependence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), and Christmas Day (December 25).ll New Year's Day, lndependence Day , or Christmas Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated a holiday. lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day, or Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated a holiday. The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Peak Off-Peak 12.7122( 7.28740 e.38406 7.2874i, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 7-2 SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENE RAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh Summer $5.00 9.7265i, 11.58430, Non-summer $5 00 9.7265( 10.20506 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ninth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eiqhth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule g8 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand First 20 kW AllAdditional kW Energy Charge, per kWh First 2,000 kWh AllAdditional kWh Summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 10.37906 4.8041i, Non-summer $16.00 $0.00 $1.01 9.3427i, 4.35830 $0.00 $4.38 $0.00 $5.e7 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 9-4 Cancels Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 94 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $285.00 $1.28 $5.09 $0 e5 4.8768Q, 4.4999i, 4.2535(, Summer $285.00 $0.68 $4 78 $0.e5 4.7990i, 4.43760, 4.1994i, Non-summer $285.00 $1.28 $4.4s nla 4.0352i, 3.8ee7l Non-summer $285.00 $0.68 $4.29 nla 3.9848d 3.8612i, nla nla PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 15-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Tenth Revised Sheet No. 15-2 SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTIN G (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer's Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 1. Monthlv Per Unit Charoe on existinq facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 400 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt 1000 Watt Average Lumens 8,550 19,800 45,000 Base Rate $ 9.50 $11.34 $15.36 Average Lumens 19,800 45,000 28,800 88,000 Base Rate $13.58 $16.02 $14.71 $23.38 2 For New Facilities lnstal led Before June 1 .2004 The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the changes specified in Schedule 66. 3. For New Facilities lnstalled On or After June 1, 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho FLOOD LIGHTING ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 19-3 Cancels Seventh Revised Sheet No. 19-3 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY At the Customer's request and at the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company. This service is provided under the provisions set forth in Rule M, Facilities Charge Service. Where the Customer's Power Factor is less than 90 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION When a Customer has properly invoked Rule G, Temporary Suspension of Demand, the Basic Load Capacity, the Billing Demand, and the On-Peak Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule G. ln the event the Customer's metered demand is less than 1,000 kW during the period of such suspension, the Basic Load Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determining the Customer's Monthly Charge. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $39.00 $0.91 $5.91 $1.01 6.35630 s.0326d 4.4664i, Non-summer $39.00 $0.91 $4.23 nla 4.6807i 4.15850, nla IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 194 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 194 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $299.00 $1.26 Non-summer $299.00 $1.26 Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.03 $4.47 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.95 nla Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 5.2313i, 4.1599Q, 3.7117 (, nla 3.9213i, 3.50s60 TRANSMISSION SERVICE Summer $299.00 Non-summer $299 00Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $0.70 $0.70 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $5.85 $4.34 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.95 nla Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak 5.1719i 413070 3.68750 nla 3.90290 3.48936 PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 24 AGRICULTURAL I RRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule g8 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kWh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season Ail kwh TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kwh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season Ail kwh ln-Season $22.00 $6.97 5.7626i, 5.4714i, nla ln-Season $299.00 $6.57 5.52020, 5.2494i, nla Outof-Season $3.50 nla 6.61550 Out-of-Season $3.50 nla nla nla nla nla 6.31430, IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 24-3 SECONDARY SERVICE ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 26-1 Cancels Tenth Revised Sheet No. 26-1 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON . INC. BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED DECEMBER 29 2OO9 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Monthlv Contract Demand Charqe $1.65 per kW of Contract Demand. Monthly Billing Demand Charqe $10.83 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Minimum Monthly Billing Demand Minimum Monthlv Billinq Demand The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts Dailv Excess Demand Charoe $0.287 per each kW over the Contract Demand Monthlv Enerov Charqe 2.77590, per kWh. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 29-1 Cancels LE.U.C- Nel9, Tariff No. 101 Tenth Revised Sheet No. 29-1 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY , IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29. 2OO4 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charqe $2.28 per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe, $7.77 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5,000 kW Daily Excess Demand thatge $0.288 per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerov Charqe 2.79510 per kWh Monthlv Facilities Charoe A Monthly Facilities Charge will be paid for the Company's investment in Distribution Facilities. A Monthly Facilities Charge rate of 1.41o/o will be paid for facilities installed for 31 years or less and a rate of 0.59% will be paid for facilities installed more than 31 years. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221Wesl ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 30-1 Cancels Tenth Revised Sheet No. 30-1 SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY I DAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 15,2011 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy's facilities located at the ldaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Demand Charoe, per kW of Billing Demand $8.38 2.92e60,2. Enerqv Charqe, per kWh SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Billino Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month. 2. Power Factor Adiustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3O-minute period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. 1 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho CONTRACT NO. GS-OOP-o9-BSD-0651 ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 32-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 32-1 SCHEDULE 32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY CALDWELL, IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED APRIL 8. 2015 APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable beginning the first day of the month in the first month that the aggregate power requirement at one or more Points of Delivery at the Simplot Facility located near or at 16551 Simplot Boulevard, Caldwell, ldaho, exceeds 20,000 kW. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Summer Non-Summer $1.76 Qaotract DemandCharqe per kW of Contract Demand $1.76 Demand Charqe per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 10,000 kW $14.67 $8.53 Dailv Excess Demand Charqe per each kW over the Contract Demand $0.294 $0.294 Enerov Charqe per kWh $0.030818 $0.030239 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 40-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Tenth Revised Sheet No. 40-2 SCHEDULE 40 NON-METERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer's electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is non-metered, failure of the Customer's equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 8.0936 Minimum Charge, per month $1.50 ADDITIONAL CHARGES Applicable only to municipalities or agencies of federal, state, or county governments with an authorized Point of Delivery having the potential of intermittent variations in energy usage. lntermittent Usage Charge, per unit, per month $1.00 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Ninth Revised Sheet No. 41-3 Cancels Eiohth Revised Sheet No. 41-3 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "A" - ldaho Power-Owned. ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Lamp C haroes.per lamp (41A) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,540 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $1 1.39 $10.86 $14.55 $1s.83 $18.05 Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh Pole Charoes 7.3600 For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: Charqe Wood pole, per pole $1.81 Steel pole, per pole $7.18 Facilities Charqes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1, 2004 will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the charges specified in Schedule 66. Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 41-4 Cancels Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 414 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTI NG SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE QPTIONS (Continued) "B" - Customer-Owned, ldaho Power-Maintained System - No New Service The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer and maintained by ldaho Power. Customer-owned lighting systems receiving maintenance under Option B must have ldaho Power standard wattage high pressure sodium vapor lamps installed in all street lighting fixtures. Customer-owned systems installed on or after June 1,2004 which are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Variable Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. Enerqv And Maintenance Service Energy and Maintenance Service includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, painting, or refinishing of metal poles. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company's operating schedules and requirements. Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metered Service, per lamp (418) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Enerqv and Maintenance Charqes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Average Lumens 5,450 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $3.07 $3.43 $4.96 $6.1 1 $8.64 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) rBr _Customer -Owned. ldaho Power-Mai ined System - No New Service (Continued) Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh Metered Service, per lamp (418M) 7.3600, $1.36 $1.26 $1.25 $1.36 $1.36 $3.36 5.0536 Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Maintenance Charoes: 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed, owned, and maintained by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for notifying the Company of any changes or additions to the lighting equipment or loads being served under Option C - Non-Metered Service. Failure to notify the Company of such changes or additions will result in the termination of non-metered service under Option C and the requirement that service be provided under Option C - Metered Service. All new Customer-owned lighting systems installed outside of Subdivisions on or after January 1,2012 are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Eighth Revised Sheet No. 41-5 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 41-5 ldaho Power Company Eighth Revised Sheet No. 41-6 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 41-6 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Co "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthly Charqes Non-Metered Service (41 C) Energy Charge, per kWh Metered Service (41CM) Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh NO NEW SERVICE The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). For non-metered service, the average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on the total wattage of the Customer's lighting system and 4,059 hours of operation. 5.16700 $3.36 s.0536 AVAII-ABILITY Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to any Customer who, on October 31 , 1981 , was receiving service under this schedule. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, and thoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn. SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIOD Street lighting facility locations, type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time by written request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, shall be provided for Customers receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facility shall also be maintained. The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon written notification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility. 1. At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period. The Company will not grant a request from a Customer for reinstallation of street lighting service for a minimum period of two years from the date of removal. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of ldaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of, and with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company's underground or overhead distribution system, are installed, owned, maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1,2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2OO4 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGE The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule g5 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 5.7340, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 42-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Tenth Revised Sheet No. 42-1 Energy Charge, per kWh ldaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-1 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories: Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. Category 1 power costs include the sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off-system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. Category 2 power costs include purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. Category 3 power costs include demand response incentive payments. The Base Power Cost is 2.0838 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.0927 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 0.9108 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0803 cents per kwh. PROJECTED POWER COST The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. The Projected Power Cost is 2.5708 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.2815 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 1.2365 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0528 cents per kWh. TRUE-UP AND TRUE-UP OF THE TRUE-UP The True-up is based upon the difference between the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up of the True-up is the difference between the previous year's approved True-Up revenues and actual revenues collected. The total True-up is 0.2585 cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos. 30978, 32424, and 33149 directed the Company to share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company's 2016 earnings were below the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000. Order No. )(XXXX provides for a direct rate reduction associated with federal and state tax reform. Schedule Descriotion Residential Service Master Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Small General Service Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary d oer kWh (0.067e) (0.0645) (0.064e) (0.0854) (0.0508) (0.0442) 1 3 5 7 9S 9P IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels Sixth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 EARNINGS SHARING (Continued) 9T 15 195 19P 197 24 40 41 42 1 3 5 7 9S 9P 9T 15 19S 19P 197 24 40 41 42 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE Description Residential Service Master Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Small General Service Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE 26 29 30 (0.04se) (0.1455) (0.0437) (0.0388) (0.036s) (0.05s5) (0.0607) (0.0e46) (0.042s) (0.0338) (0.0330) (0.0332) REFUND OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY ('EE') RIDER FUNDS The following rate schedules will receive a rate credit associated with the refund of EE Riderfunds in the form of a cents per kWh rate. Schedyle d per kWh (0.1148) (0.10s7) (0.1107) (0.1463) (0.0864) (0.0750) (0.0846) (0.2486) (0.0746) (0.0661) (0.062s) (0.0e3e) (0.1032) (0.1633) (0.0730) 057e) 0543) 0s65) (0 (0 (0 26 29 30 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR.U-1 8.01 ATTACHMENT 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ldaho Power Company TwelfthTh rteenth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 1-2 SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE STANDARD PLAN (Continued) All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all National, State and Municipal Codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate at 240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall'be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance- type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. \ The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer $5.00 Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh All Additional kWh Over 2000 8.6ss+53_1_go 10.44s4ry90 12.41r+21871A 8'g7487_W5( 8.eo2oz3ggl e.858s02926 The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS PAYMENT ldaho Power Company E€hthNtnlh Revised Sheet No. 3-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. l0lSeventhEiohth Revised Sheet No. 3-2 SCHEDULE 3 MASTER.METERED MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit): Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh all kWh a z+cos867d Minimum Charqe The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the sum of the Service Charge, the Energy Charge, and the Power Cost Adjustment. PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company ' e+even*IWelth Revised Sheet No. 4-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 4-3 SCHEDULE 4 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ENERGY WATCH PILOT PLAN (oPTroNAL) SUSPENDED (Continued) TIME PERIODS The time periods are defined as follows. All times are stated in Mountain Time Summer Season On-Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Off-Peak: 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays Critical peak period (10 select summer days): 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Non-summer Season Mid-Peak: Off-Peak: 7.00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and all hours on weekends and holidays MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5 00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Energy Watch Event hours aa3.w+23726 On-Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Mid-Peak Off-Peak 12.361+1365( 7=0s9+q i0996 e.@g i00q0 7€e$+a iaggl PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company ElevelqthTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 5-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 5-3 SCHEDULE 5 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TIME-OF-DAY PILOT PLAN (oPTroNAL) (Continued) TIME PERIODS (Continued) Holidays are New Yea/s Day (January 1), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), lndependence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), and Christmas Day (December 25).lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day , or Christmas Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated a holiday. lf New Year's Day, lndependence Day, or Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated a holiday. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh Summer Peak Off-Peak Non-summer Peak Off-Peak 12.948+71220, 7.MryAO 9.55e+38400 7A*62W!O PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€7+t Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company g]even$IWelth Revised Sheet No. 7-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 7-2 SCHEDULE 7 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Service Charge, per month Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh Summer $5.00 9.swa7265i 1 1.7sg35q436 Non-summer $5.00 9.997472650 10.3e442q590 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 337}+ Effective - June 1, 2017.9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company EighthNlnlh Revised Sheet No. 9-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. 9-3 SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule g8 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). SECONDARY SERVICE Summer $16.00 Non-summer $16.00Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity First 20 kW AllAdditional kW $0.00 $1.031 $0.00 $1.031 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand First 20 kW AllAdditional kW $0.00 $m85.97 $0.00 $4.4639 Energy Charge, per kWh First 2,000 kWh AllAdditional kWh 10.57-1€329Q6 4.8s3p:9410 9.516$4ni 4.4€g23583( IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€77+ Etfective - June 1,201+A lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 9 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $285.00Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity $1.3028 Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $5.{409 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.975 4.s6re,q_680 4.583449996 4.3€2425350 Summer $285.00 $o.6eg $4.8778 4 888+29990 4.++esjf,/-eo 4.2?1319940 Non-summer $285.00 $1.3028 $4.S445 nla nla 4.11010352i, 3.s72+Wi Non-summer $285.00 $0.6sq $4.eTn nla nla 4.35873.98490 3.e32890120 Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1, 20178 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +llennlh11@edh Revised Sheet No. 9-4 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 10'lEleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 94 $0.e75 ldaho Power Company +enthElgygOlh Revised Sheet No. 15-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 NinthTenth Revised Sheet No. 15-2 SCHEDULE 15 DUSK TO DAWN CUSTOMER LIGHTING (Continued) NEW FACILITIES Where facilities of the Company are not presently available for a lamp installation which will provide satisfactory lighting service for the Customer's Premises, the Company may install overhead or underground secondary service facilities, including secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., a distance not to exceed 300 feet to supply the desired service, all in accordance with the charges specified below. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 1. Monthlv Per Unit Charqe on existinq facilities: AREA LIGHTING High Pressure Sodium Vapor 100 Watt 200 Watt 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Vapor 200 Watt 400 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt 1000 Watt Average Lumens 8,550 19,800 45,000 Average Lumens 19,800 45,000 28,800 88,000 Base Rate $ 9.ffi50 $1 1.5534 $15.6530 Base Rate $13.8359 $16.32q? $14.9871 $23.8+39 FLOOD LIGHTING 2. For New Facilities lnstalled Before June 1. 2004: The Monthly Charge for New Facilities installed prior to June 1 , 2004, will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the changes specified in Schedule 66. 3. For New Facilities lnstalled On or After June 1, 2004: The non-refundable charge for New Facilities to be installed, such as underground service, overhead secondary conductor, poles, anchors, etc., shall be equal to the work order cost. PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€77+ Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Atfairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) FACILITIES BEYOND THE POINT OF DELIVERY At the Customer's request and at the option of the Company, transformers and other facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery to provide Primary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company in consideration of the Customer paying a Facilities Charge to the Company. This service is provided under the provisions set forth in Rule M, Facilities Charge Service. POWE R ADJUSTMENT Where the Customer's Power Factor is less than g0 percent, as determined by measurement under actual load conditions, the Company may adjust the kW measured to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW by 90 percent and dividing by the actual Power Factor. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION When a Customer has properly invoked Rule G, Temoorarv Suspension of Demand, the Basic Load Capacity, the Billing Demand, and the On-Peak Billing Demand shall be prorated based on the period of such suspension in accordance with Rule G. ln the event the Customer's metered demand is less than 1,000 kW during the period of such suspension, the Basic Loaii Capacity and Billing Demand will be set equal to 1,000 kW for purposes of determining the Custome/s Monthly Charge. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule g5 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). SECONDARY SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Summer $39.00 $0.e31 $6-025.91 $1.031 6.4742"5630 s.4260q3200 4.54s3466!O Non-summer $39.00 $0.931 $4.3+23 nla nla 4.7s7€€f07 4.?3+715854 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€7++ Effective - June 1,2017,A lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seven+Etghlh Revised Sheet No. 19-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101Si*hSeventh Revised Sheet No. 19-3 ldaho Power Company Cleventnlwelfth Revised Sheet No. 19-4 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 19-4 SCHEDULE 19 LARGE POWER SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE (Continued) PRIMARY SERVICE Summer $299.00 $1.286 Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.r+q3 On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand $0.975 5.w413( 4.Ze415eeL 3.7€€671170 Summer $299 00 $0.7+0 $5.e695 $0.e75 5.%781719Q, 4.247313070 3.7559687s6 Non-summer $299.00 $1.28q $4.5542 nla nla 3.w4+W3O 3.57o6595q0 Non-summer $299.00 $0.7+0 $4.4234 nla nla 3.e7s99296 3.55494893d Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak TRANSMISSION SERVICE Service Charge, per month Basic Charge, per kW of Basic Load Capacity Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Charge, per kW of On-Peak Billing Demand Energy Charge, per kWh On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak PAYMENT The monthly bill for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1, 20178 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company eeventnlwelth Revised Sheet No. 24-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 24-3 SCHEDULE 24 AGRI CULTURAL I RRIGATION SERVICE (Continued) The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit) SECONDARY SERVICE ln-Season $22.00 $7=1O0€Z Out-of-Season $3.50 nla Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kwh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season Ail kwh 5.86e520200 5.57281/1!O nla nla nla 6.738301596 TRANSMISSI ON SERVICE ln-Season $299.00 Out-of-Season $3.50Service Charge, per month Demand Charge, per kW of Billing Demand $6.0e57 nla Energy Charge ln-Season First 164 kWh per kW of Demand All Other kWh per kW of Demand Out-of-Season All kwh 5.#,52020,5.?4*rui nla nla nla 6 431€3143( IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company Ten+hEleventh Revised Sheet No. 26-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 NinthTenth Revised Sheet No. 26-1 SCHEDULE 26 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. BOISE. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED DECEMBER 29, 2OO9 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Monthlv Contract Demand Charqe $1.685 per kW of Contract Demand Monthlv Billino Demand Charqe ${4s310.83 per kW of Billing Demand but not less than Minimum Monthly Billing Demand. Minimum Monthlv Billino Demand The Minimum Monthly Billing Demand will be 25,000 kilowatts Dailv Excess Demand Charqe $0.29287 per each kW over the Contract Demand Monthlv Enerov Charoe 2.827477591 per kWh. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€77+ Effective - June 1, 201+8 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +enthEleyedh Revised Sheet No. 29-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 NinthTenth Revised Sheet No. 29-1 SCHEDULE 29 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SI COMPANY POCATELLO. IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED JUNE 29, 2OO4 MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charoe $2.*4 per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe, $7.9+77 per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 5,000 kW Dailv Excess Dem€nd thalge $0.293qg per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerqv Charqe 2.847879511 per kWh Monthlv Facilities Charoe A Monthly Facilities Charge will be paid for the Company's investment in Distribution Facilities. A Monthly Facilities Charge rate of 1.41o/o will be paid forfacilities installed for 31 years or less and a rate of 0.59% will be paid for facilities installed more than 31 years. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€7+t Effective - June 1,201+9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +en+hEleventh Revised Sheet No. 30-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 NinthTenth Revised Sheet No. 30-1 SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED SEPTEMBER 15. 2011 AVAILABILITY This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of the Department of Energy's facilities located at the ldaho National Engineering Laboratory site, as provided in the Contract for Electric Service between the parties. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). 1 Demand Charoe, per kW of Billing Demand $8.s+39 2.984p.296i2. Enerqv Charqe, per kWh SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Billinq Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the average kW supplied during the 30- minute period of maximum use during the month. 2. Power Factor Adiustment. When the Power Factor is less than 95 percent during the 3O-minute period of maximum load for the month, Company may adjust the measured Demand to determine the Billing Demand by multiplying the measured kW of Demand by 0.95 and dividing by the actual Power Factor. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE ldaho Power Company First$Ccond Revised Sheet No. 32-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orieina{First Revised Sheet No. 32-1 SCHEDULE 32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE RATE FOR J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY CALDWELL, IDAHO SPECIAL CONTRACT DATED APRIL 8, 2015 APPLI ILITY Service under this schedule is applicable beginning the first day of the month in the first month that the aggregate power requirement at one or more Points of Delivery at the Simplot Facility located near or at 16551 Simplot Boulevard, Caldwell, ldaho, exceeds 20,000 kW. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non-summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Contract Demand Charoe per kW of Contract Demand Demand Charqe per kW of Billing Demand but no less than the Contract Demand less 10,000 kW Dailv Excess Demand Charqe per each kW over the Contract Demand Enerqv Charqe per kWh $14.s4Q2 $8.6953 $0.29s4 $0.29e4 $0.03€9sq818 $0.030800239 Summer $1.796 Non-Summer $1.7e0 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€771 Effective - June 1, 201+9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1221Wesl ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I ldaho Power Company +en+hEleyedh Revised Sheet No. 40-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 l.linthTenth Revised Sheet No. 40-2 SCHEDULE 40 NON-METERED GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGE The average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company, based on the Customer's electric equipment and one-twelfth of the annual hours of operation thereof. Since the service provided is non-metered, failure of the Customer's equipment will not be reason for a reduction in the Monthly Charge. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 8.2430930 Minimum Charge, per month $1.50 ADDITIONAL CHARGES Applicable only to municipalities or agencies of federal, state, or county governments with an authorized Point of Delivery having the potential of intermittent variations in energy usage. lntermittent Usage Charge, per unit, per month $1.00 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1, 2017.9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company E€hthN4lh Revised Sheet No. 41-3 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. lOlSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. 41-3 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "A" - ldaho Power-Owned, ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthlv Charqes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Lamp Charoes, per lamp (41A) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt $11.6039 $1#61Q-90 $14.8355 $1H15.89 $18.3e85 , Average Lumens 5,540 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerqv Energy Charge, per kWh Pole Charqes 7 4s+3600 For Company-owned poles installed after October 5, 1964 required to be used for street lighting only: Charoe Wood pole, per pole $1.81 Steel pole, per pole $7.18 Facilities Charoes Customers assessed a monthly facilities charge prior to June 1, 2004 will continue to be assessed a monthly facilities charge in accordance with the charges specified in Schedule 66. Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33771 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +we,lfrhThirteenth Revised Sheet No. 414 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 EleventhTwelfth Revised Sheet No. 414 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt "8" - Customer-Owned. ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem - No New Service The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed and owned by the Customer and maintained by ldaho Power. Customer-owned lighting systems receiving maintenance under Option B must have ldaho Power standard wattage high pressure sodium vapor lamps installed in all street lighting fixtures. Customer-owned systems installed on or after June 1 , 2004 which are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage, such as through, but not limited to, the use of wired outlets or useable plug-ins, are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Variable Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. Enerov And Maintenance Service Energy and Maintenance Service includes operation of the system, energy, lamp renewals, cleaning of glassware, and replacement of defective photocells which are standard to the Company-owned street light units. Service does not include the labor or material cost of replacing cables, standards, broken glassware or fixtures, painting, or refinishing of metal poles. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by the Customer and subject to the Company's operating schedules and requirements. Monthlv Charoes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Non-Metgred Service, per lamp (418) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Enerov and Maintenance Charqes.Average Lumens 5,450 8,550 19,800 24,750 45,000 Base Rate $3.+eoz $3.493$ruq $6.2e11 $8.8s64 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€77+ Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Seven*nEtghlh Revised Sheet No. 41-5 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSirdhSeventh Revised Sheet No. 41-5 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) "8" - Customer-Owned, ldaho Power-Maintained Svstem - No New Service (Continued) Non-Metered Service - Variable Enerov Energy Charge, per kWh 7.497360i, Metered Service, per lamp (418M) Standard High Pressure Sodium Vapor Maintenance Charges. 70 Watt 100 Watt 200 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Service Charge, per meter Energy Charge, per kWh $3.36 5.117053i, 1 1 1 $ $ $ $ $ 3e0 2W 215 3sq 3sQ Pavment The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. The Customer's lighting system, including posts or standards, fixtures, initial installation of lamps and underground cables with suitable terminals for connection to the Company's distribution system, is installed, owned, and maintained by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for notifying the Company of any changes or additions to the lighting equipment or loads being served under Option C - Non-Metered Service. Failure to notify the Company of such changes or additions will result in the termination of non-metered service under Option C and the requirement that service be provided under Option C - Metered Service. All new Customer-owned lighting systems installed outside of Subdivisions on or after January 1,2012 are required to be metered in order to record actual energy usage. Customer-owned systems installed prior to June 1 ,2004 that are constructed, operated, or modified in such a way as to allow for the potential or actual variation in energy usage may have the estimated annual variations in energy usage charged the Non-Metered Service - Energy Charge until the street lighting system is converted to Metered Service, or until the potential for variations in energy usage has been eliminated, whichever is sooner. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€7+t Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem ldaho Power Company Seven+nEjghjb Revised Sheet No. 41-6 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101Sir*hSeventh Revised Sheet No. 41-6 SCHEDULE 41 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Continued) SERVICE OPTIONS (Continued) "C" - Customer-Owned. Customer-Maintained Svstem (Continued) Monthlv Charoes The monthly charges are as follows, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). For non-metered service, the average monthly kWh of energy usage shall be estimated by the Company based on the total wattage of the Customer's lighting system and 4,059 hours of operation. Non-Metered Service (41 C) Energy Charge, per kWh 5.2ffi10290 Metered Service (41CM) Service Charge, per meter $3.36 Energy Charge, per kWh 5.147053i, NO NEW SERV]CE AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to any Customer who, on October 31, 1981, was receiving service under this schedule. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to service required by municipalities for the lighting of public streets, alleys, public grounds, and thoroughfares. Street lighting lamps will be energized each night from dusk until dawn. SERVICE LOCATION AND PERIOD Street lighting facility locations, type of unit and lamp sizes, as changed from time to time by written request of the Customer and agreed to by the Company, shall be provided for Customers receiving service under this schedule. The in-service date for each street lighting facility shall also be maintained. The minimum service period for any street lighting facility is 10 years. The Company, upon written notification from the Customer, will remove a street lighting facility: 1. At no cost to the Customer, if such facility has been in service for no less than the minimum service period. The Company will not grant a request from a Customer for reinstallation of street lighting service for a minimum period of two years from the date of removal. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3377t Effective - June 1,20178 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company TenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 42-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 NinthTenth Revised Sheet No. 42-1 SCHEDULE 42 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL LIGHTING SERVICE APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for the operation of traffic control signal lights within the State of ldaho. Traffic control signal lamps are mounted on posts or standards by means of brackets, mast arms, or cable. CHARACTER OF SERVICE The traffic control signal fixtures, including posts or standards, brackets, mast arm, cable, lamps, control mechanisms, fixtures, service cable, and conduit to the point of, and.with suitable terminals for, connection to the Company's underground or overhead distribution system, are installed, owned, maintained and operated by the Customer. Service is limited to the supply of energy only for the operation of traffic control signal lights. The monthly kWh of energy usage shall be either the amount estimated by the Company based on the number and size of lamps burning simultaneously in each signal and the average number of hours per day the signal is operated, or the actual meter reading as applicable. The Monthly Charge shall be computed at the following rate, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), and Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees). Energy Charge, per kWh 5.949ru( PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3€774 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho The installation of a meter to record actual energy consumption is required for all new traffic control signal lighting systems installed on or after June 1,2004. For traffic control signal lighting systems installed prior to June 1 , 2004 a meter may be installed to record actual usage upon the mutual consent of the Customer and the Company. MONTHLY CHARGE ldaho Power Company eeve*nfweffih Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-1 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories: Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. Category 1 power costs include the sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off-system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. Category 2 power costs include purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. Category 3 power costs include demand response incentive payments. The Base Power Cost is 2.0838 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.0927 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 0.9108 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of O.O8O3 cents per kwh. PROJECTED POWER COST The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. The Projected Power Cost is 2.5708 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.2815 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 1 .2365 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0528 cents per kWh. TRUE-UP AND TRUE-UP OF THE TRUE-UP The True-up is based upon the difference between the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up of the True-up is the difference between the previous year's approved True-Up revenues and actual revenues collected. The total True-up is 0.2585 cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos.30978,32424, and 33149 directed the Companyto share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company's 2016 earnings were below the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000. Order No. XXXXX pfe,vides for a direct rate reduction ated with federal and state tax reform Schedule Description Residential Service Master Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Small General Service Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary d per kWh (0.0000029) (0.000s04o (0.0s00049) (0.00ss954) (0.0000589) (0.0000442) 1 3 5 7 9S 9P IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33775 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Si*hSeventh Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FifthSixth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) EARNINGS SHARING (Continued) 9T 15 195 19P 197 24 40 41 42 Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Monthly€+edi+ Micron Simplot DOE Description Residential Service Master Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Small General Service Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE ($+soQl33g) ($+oog p3391 ($+,ooo.oeg2) (0.0000499) (0.0o0o145Q (0.0000437) (0.ooss3E!) (0.000o3qo (0.0000555) (0.00os0qa (0.0000940) (0.0000429) d per kWh (0.1148) (0.10e7) (0.1 107) (0.1463) (0.0864) (0.07s0) (0.0846) (0.2486) (0.0746) (0.0661) (0.0625) (0.0e3e) (0.1032) (0.1633) (0.0730) 26 29 30 OF EN EFFICIENCY RIDER The following rate schedules will receive a rate credit associated with the refund of EE Rider funds in the form of a cents per kWh rate. Schedule 1 3 5 7 9S 9P 9T'15 19S 19P 197 24 40 41 42 26 29 30 (0.057e) (0.0543) (0.0565) IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33775 Effective - June 1,20179 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221\Nest ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. GNR.U.I 8.01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 6o ooFEoo(!o EotrooN o o =€ oN ocl- s Nc! N (t)a o @ @-o(,t-6oa o o@n- tso)rt- @Nq 6a? o aooa o(rr- ora 6 c,@i-_c,oFdoc,+ N o C\ioo oo Gat, Goe.oEGs G oF o ssss ONNOol c\ .! o! NNNN OO\tNqqqc! -OOroo66 osoNoN@6o- o- N_ $-NOrOtoo6N- @- N- O_O@rOO(Aro ONC!NooNooo@$oooroo00tsNNre@@:a o$ooNNOOni--^ioono rooooc)oo.-: o_ -_ o_o{oo {ooo- o.j6iOerOo oo OFOONO@Ooooo@o$oso$otO\tO(oo.jsiONNO6FNO @ooNNO oog alctil _eol I =lEol oool ae glE?uc(/)12-OF O\tO@N s N c.,1 N oNrio oN DN6 $ '1 @ oo o$ooNo @@o@ N@o{o ooo o otso N@o- tsoo-o ooootoo T8aoOEt TEIoq>e.En,r- 3-E o g€EEeE,H'BE EE *E*EEE3itgEE EEEsq:geE;Eg -NOso(or@oP:S sssssssssss oNNOOO(()ONOO.. .! r: c! a c! o? q a a? NNNNNNCINNNN sssEiBPBsRB ESaFTEBPBEB O\tONNOF$@ON@ntstsoNotorooSO$(OFNFOOTOoonj@o$-tsNN<oNFNONNO-N@Ns$-()\tNtronro6oiPr--No6oeN(trN(r(otOo@No 6 00 rtON(OOOFO$O@ -OONtsOOFS-OOnNOO@OO@OF{ooN@<ri@Nooss4rtN@o(ooNo4@-(rm$600@o- - -9@-oo--F (A Aoe frEFE;3stsbqBEEEEIHEEsEs 6NN@-(OetsO:t@FOTOTN@OOtFOO- O- N- O- O_ O- .l @- @- $- '-:NNOONNNT@-ONNNOOO(ONONOOTtNOOO$@O@- -eNro-:oai(6o(ES6-O6OO@o {tNa o @6 o$6(ooo$N@NoOONOOOOFOONNONOOO$OOOOO6tsOOOtsOo-ON$NNOSTFTON-NO@O\t6oNNtsot-NoC)trj$'jtsnioNOrts(orN-FONOn o 6i'j eOO-C!OOOOOOONON(oFO)OOON- N-N-O- -O-{-O-(O!'rO!tO-N\f NO$ ro6*.99X3;$ olot 6tdlrl--t olFI el ol ll Eo,-",=olq;,co rlUEsEItsrpl d) EI,Bl =vl=al(Ll Bf;HId.odl otrlclol>tottl EI3l -tolo-l -olSHdlE:Ot;6pl Eo atN >-l: odE E5I6 rrJ =lz :lr b"rl E€EI<i9l ol Oi 60:ltu)zl CIolo'-lolalolol*t5t olFI E:t o -e in o i ocoEoJp ooF o =tro out, -go=8oEtt!6'oPiCLb9ao.tr9tg>EE9EOed;E o c E =o oo1 @ oEt eeEEg.H€iEssIEt&=iflf;E=*oi6' U 69L3E GEsoo