HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180330Direct Communiations Response.pdfDIREGT a .Lrano Puiiltc utrtities CommisSiOn "'r+' r''i*[r, i1rf *o - - -" MAR 3 0 20t8 Since 1954 COMMUNICATIONS Big-city technology. Smalllown values. P.O.Box269.150SMain,Rockland, ldaho8327'1 .18002454329.208-548-2345. Directcom.com March 30,2018 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W . Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 Notice of lnvestigation - Order No. 33964 Dear [Vs. Hanian: On January 17, 2018, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") issued a Notice of lnvestigation - Order No. 33964 ("Notice") to investigate the impact of the new federal tax legislation (2017 Tax Act") on utility costs and ratemaking. Pursuant to the Notice, each rate-regulated utility must (a) immediately account for the financial benefits from the January 1, 2018 tax rate reduction to 21o/o as a deferred regulatory liability; and (b) by Friday, [March 30, 2018, file a report with the Commission identifying and quantifying all tax changes individually. The report must disclose the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to the 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 21o/o tax rate. ln addition, each utility's report must include proposed tariff schedules that show the revenue requirement impacts from the 2017 Tax Act. Re Rockland The attached worksheets are the response of Direct Communications Rockland (hereinafter "Company"). Based upon conversations with Commission staff, Company understands the Commission intends to either adjust rates or adjust Universal Service Fund ("USF") distribution amounts based on the single issue of the change in tax rates. Company understands that the impact of the 2017 Tax Act on Company's revenue requirement and USF disbursement should be considered in the determination of the Company's rates and USF disbursements, but Company believes that the Commission should consider all of the relevant potential impacts to Company's revenue requirement at the same time. Thus, while the Company is providing the calculations required by the notice, the Company requests that the Commission take no action at this time with regard to changing rates or adjusting USF distributions until all of the Company's financial information is complete and the full impact of the changes in the tax rate can be analyzed, and the Company can fully state its case as to whether rates or USF distribution amounts should be adjusted. As the Commission is aware, public utilities ratemaking requires that all income and expenses be evaluated to determine a company's revenue requirement. Typically, only after the revenue requirement has been determined will rates be adjusted. Changes in expenses, such as a reduction (or increase) in the federal income taxes, would need to be evaluated against a company's revenue requirement and associated authorized rate of return. Company's revenue requirement was established decades ago. Company has asked the Commission for a copy of the Company's revenue requirement calculation prior to submitting this required information, but did not receive such information. Because Company has no record of the tax rate used in connection with determining Company's revenue requirement, Company cannot determine if a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% has any financial benefit as a deferred regulatory liability. lVloreover, without knowing Company's authorized rate of return as set in Company's last rate case, it is not possible for Company to evaluate whether or not Company is over-earning or under-earning with the change in the federal tax rate. Until all of the information can be evaluated, Company is opposed to the Commission adjusting rates or USF distributions based solely upon the change in the federal tax rate. Another factor to consider is that while rate of return incumbent local exchange carriers, such as Company, are regulated public utilities like electricity, gas, and water, the regulated telecommunications industry in ldaho is different from other public utilities. ldaho does not set local rates based on Company's costs, it sets the rates for qualifying high-cost local exchange telephone companies at 125o/o of the statewide weighted average rate. Company's rate is currently $25.76 for residential service and $40.54 for business service. This local rate is substantially greater than the benchmark local rate established in the Federal Commun ications Commission's USF/I CC Transformation Order dated November 18, 2011, below which Company would receive dollar for dollar reductions in federal High Cost Loop Support. These rates for telecommunication service were not set based on actual costs, including a gross up for federal income tax, and should not be reduced based solely on the reduction in the federal tax rate. Also, with the current uncertainty of the future of the ldaho Universal Service Fund, it would seem imprudent to make any changes to the distribution levels until the Commission has finalized its findings in Case Number GNR-T-17-05 Review of ldaho Universal Service. ln addition, Company does not believe that the Commission has authority to reduce Company's USF funding based solely upon Order No. 33965. "No order altering a telephone company's funding from the USF will be issued without notice that USF funding is at issue and appropriate opportunity to be heard in person or in writing." IDAPA Order No. 33965 made no mention of changes to any telephone company's USF funding. Company did not know that a reduction in USF funding was at issue until a later conversation with Commission staff. Based upon what the Company is required to provide to the Commission, Company has not been given an appropriate opportunity to be heard. The Commission is apparently going to make a change in USF funding based upon an estimated numerical calculation, using 2017 data that is not fully subject to the federal tax reform, without taking into consideration all the other issues that go into setting ratepayer rates and USF funding levels. Company has not included proposed tariff schedules that show the revenue requirement impacts from the 2017 Tax Act. As stated above, because Company does not know what tax rate was used in determining Company's revenue requirement, Company cannot know the revenue requirement impacts from the 2017 Tax Act, and thus cannot propose revised tariff schedules. ln addition, the calculated impacts of the 2017 Tax Act in the attached schedule are only estimates based on 2017 financial results, rather than the actual impacts that are more appropriately measured against 2018 financial results. Any proposed reduction in rates may cause Company to run afoul of minimum rates required to be charged in order to be eligible for state or federal USF funding. Company will await the Commission's actions to determine if Company should file changes to rates and USF funding to recognize the impacts of the 2017 Iax Act or if Company desires to initiate a rate case to determine what, if any, changes are required to be made to the rates charged by Company. Company remains ready to cooperate with the Commission to provide updates to the attached information as they become available. Sincerely, nager p208.548.2345 f 208.s48.9911 e lim@directcom.com www rectCom,cam Communlcations - Rockland lmpacts FCC Account and Descrlption Total ldaho Operations Subject To Separations Projected lntrastate Allocation Factor Projected lntrastate Total Projected Tax Reform lntrastate TotalOPERATING REVENUE DETAIL 284,741 39,059 1 ,667 77.094 3,689 140,906 646,868 1,524,421 1,001 ,082 626,748 13,930 49,833 202,40'l 45,120 23,968 0.0000% 0.80250k 0.00009," 0.0000% 0.00000/" 0.0000% 0.0000"/" 1 00.0000% 100.0000% 100.0000% 100.0000% 0.00000/" 0.0000% 0.00007; 21.29570h 0.00009; 1 00.00000/o 100.0000% 1 00.0000% '100.0000% 0.00000/o 100.0000% 30 30 355355 626,748 626,748 284,741 39,059 284,741 39,059 4s,120 23,968 1 3,930 49,833 202,401 '13,930 49,833 202,401 45,120 23,968 -ACAM support (net of estimated HCLS) -cAF tcc -High Cost Loop Support lntrastate Access -Switched (TS+NTS) -Special . StAtE USF Toll -Message -Private Line -Settlement Misc. -Billing & Collection -Directory Advertising -Operating Rents -Other Misc. Less: Uncollectible Rev. G) Revenues 1 Locai - Billed EAS - Billed Other - Billed lnterstate Access -SLC (End User) -ARC -Switched (TS+NTS) -Special -Settlements 526,622 14,766 91,348 5',1,'l?7 11 44.151 232,509 232,509 44.151 7,640 47,262 22,573 7,640 47,262 22,573 51 51 297,179 0.0000% 51.7386% 0.00000/" '153,756 297,179 153,7s6 J I 153,756 293,492 99,793 213,957 721,664 51.738670 1 5.0000% 0.0000% 53.5546% 0.000096 53.51 1 5% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 386,173 1 14,584 151 ,849 1 4,969 't14,5U 386,173 151 ,849 '14,969 1,328,906 667,57s | |667,57s 10 Network Support Facilities General Support Facilities Central Office Switching Operator Systems Central Office Transmission lnformation Orig./Term. Equip. Cable & Wire Facilities Total Plant Specific 10 12 Plant Nonspecific Operations Provisioning Network Operations Access Paid to LECS Total Plant Nonspecific Depreciation & Amortization General Support Facilities Central Offlce Switching Operator Systems Central Office Transmission lnformation Orig./Term. Equip. Cable & Wire Facilities Capital Leases Leasehold lmprovements lntangibles Acquisition Adjustment Total Depreciation & Amortization Page 1 of 3 913,254 ,r, ira I 7 Communications - Rockland Earnings for FCC Account and Description Total ldaho Operations Subject To Separations Projected lntrastale Allocation Factor il Projected lntrastate Total Proiected Tax Reform lntrastate Total 11,889 '13,745 8?,377 2 tbs 1 9,230 39,704 29,423 7,356 30,041 37,110 58.8938% 1 00.000096 0.000096 82.2706% 0.0000% 69.2971% 69.2851 % 0.0000% 49.9983% 50.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 78.1065% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.000070 0.0000% 0.0000% 50.0000%5,945 5,945 1 5,821 15,821 48,515 2 205 48,51 5 2 205 20,389 5,097 1 5,020 1 8,55s 20,389 5,097 15,020 1 8,555 271,140 129,548 I I 1 29,548 365,455 579,276 48.01 09% 48.0109% '175,458 278,116 175,458 278,116 944,731 4s3,574 | |4s3,s74 1 1,381 48.01 097 0.0000% 0.0000% 5,464 5,464 il Category 1 -Local Business Seruice Order Proc.-End User -Seruice Order Proc.-Presubscription Payment & Collection-End User Billing lnquiry-End User Seruice Order Proc--CXR Payment & Collection-CXR Billing lnquiry-CXR Coin Administration Category 3 - All Other Customer B & C Amts Paid to LECS Other Customer Seruice Category 2 - Revenue 0 Expenses Operator Seruices Total Customer Operations Rev. Acctg.-Local Mess. Proc. Rev. Acctg.-Other Bill & Coll. -lnterstate End User -Message Toll - lnterstate -Message Toll - lntrastate -Message Toll - Local -Message Toll - EAS Rev. Acctg.-Carrier Access Billing Customer Operations Marketing Directory Publishing-Alpha. Directory Publishing-Classifi ed Directory Publishing-Foreign Corporate Operations: Executive & Planninq General & Administrative Total Corporate Operalions Other Operatlng Expenses: Contribulions Universal Service Fund Lifeline Connection Assistance Total Other Properly Gross Receipts PUC Fee Franchise Fees Other Total Gen€ral Taxes Other Expenses: lnterest Expense Other Total Other 60,572 51 31,339 at aao 60,572 31,339 | |31,339 37,1't1 51.7106% 0.0000"/" 19,190 37,1 I 1 19,190 | |1 9,1 90 1,925,288 I I ll 1,92s,288tt Net Operatinq lncome Before Taxes 757,253 (639,1 04(63e,104)l I Page 2 of 3 r'r'l I 3,924,274 Oirect Communications . Rockland FCC Account and Description Total ldaho Operations Subject To Separations Projected lntrastate Allocation Factor Pro.iected lntrastate Total lt Proiected Tax Reform lntrastate Total 7200 lncome Taxes (Calculated) Net lncome Before SIT & FIT Less Fixed Charges C) Subtotal (lines 74) Other SIT Base Add/Ded. (+-) SIT Taxable lnc. (lines 9+-1 0) 7230 S|T-Current (at 6.6%) Other FIT Base Add/Ded. (+-) FIT Taxable lnc. (lines 9-12+-13) Gross FIT (at 35% AND 21%) 7210P Claimed ITC C) Surtax Elimination C) 7220 F|T-Current 1 5-1 6-l 757,253 37,111 720,142 s1.71 06% 0.0000o/o :firit[l (639,104) 1 9,1 90 (6s8,294) 720,142 (6s8,294)l I (6s8,294 47,529 0.0000% (43 447)l rl (43,447]- 672,612 (614,846)l I (61 4,846) 235,414 0.0000% 0.0000% o,r,lr.,[:.1 (1 29,1 1 8) Deferred Tax Liability: Change in Deferred Tax Liability Amortization period of Liability - Avg remaining life of TPIS in years Annual amortization of deferred regulalory liability (771,771) 10 (77,1771 Note: Allocation factors from the 2016 cost study unless otheruise noted Page 3 of 3