HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329Oregon-Idaho Utilities Report.pdfGtvENS PunsLEY.,, Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Street PO Box2720 Boise, lD 83701 Telephone: 20&388-l 200 Focsimile: 208-388-l 300 Gory G. Allen Peler G. Borton Christopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clint R. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preston N. Corter Jeremy C. Chou Williom C. Cole Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Brodley J. Dixon Thomos E. Dvorok Jeffrey C. Feredoy Mortin C. Hendrickson Brion J. Holleron Kenli H. Kennedy Neol A. Koskello Deboro K. Krislensen Michoel P. Lowrence Frqnklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Christopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Potrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Deboroh E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. ww.givenspursley.com Rondoll A. Petermon Jock W. Relf Michoel O. Roe Jomie Coplon Smilh P. Mork lhompson leffrey A. Won Robert B. Whiie Michoel C.Creomer mcc@oivenspurslev.com 208-38€.-1247 Don E. Knickrehm, of counsel Angelo M. Reed, of counsel Kenneth L. PuBley 1r940-20r5) Jomes A. Mcclure (1924-2or t) Roymond D. Givens 1t917-2oo8l March 29,2018 VIA HAND DELIVERY E -3 1:fl itlrrrftr.om?#rn(3 N)cr\ Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington St Boise ID 83702 -i. I'-1 , rll; .. . =.- ** g()Re: GNR-U-L8-01 - Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Dear Diane: Enclosed please find an original and seven copies of Oregon-ldaho Utilities, Inc.'s ("OIU") submission of Report and Request for Exemption filed pursuant to Commission Order No. 33965 in the above-captioned case. Also enclosed is a CD containing OIU's Exhibit 1 containing information asserted to be protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying as a trade secret and/or confidential information protected pursuant to Idaho Code 9-340D(1)A)-(B) and Commission Rule 67. Sincerely C. Creamer Enclosures cc Doug Musgrave, Oregon-ldaho Utilities, Inc. (w/encls) Michael C. Creamer [ISB No.4030] GIVENS PURSLEY IIP 601 West Bannock Street P.O.Box2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 www.givenspursley. celn IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF FEDERAL TAX CODE REVISIONS ON UTILITY COSTS AND RATEMAKIKNG RECEIVEL) Z0l0 HriR 29 Pt, I: 25 :nAiiff rilELtriTti..trlIs coi,th{t SION \tq Attorneys for Applicant Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR-U-18-01 OnncoN-IDAHo Urrltrrrs, INC.' s SururssroN oF REPoRT AND Rreursr rOR EXEMPTION Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. ("OIU"), pursuant to Order No. 33965 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") hereby submits its preliminary analysis of tax impacts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ("2017 Tax Act") on OIU's tax expenses and net Idaho operating revenue. In light of the de minimus total effect of the 2017 Tax Act on OIU's Idaho- separated expenses, and for the additional reasons set forth below, OIU respectfully requests that the Commission exempt OIU from developing, submitting or instituting a change in rates for its Idaho customers and from further proceedings in this docket. In support of this Application, OIU represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND l. OIU is a privately owned, independent, local exchange carrier serving remote, rural customers in southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho. OIU is a "telephone corporation" OnncoN-IDAHo Utrr,nIns, Ixc.'s SunvrrssroN OF REPORT AND REQUEST FOR EXBVTPTTON Page I of7 providing telecommunication services for compensation within the State of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission under Titles 61 and 62,Idaho Code. OIU's Oregon and Idaho exchanges are included within a single study area code 532390. OIU has Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") status in both jurisdictions. 2. OIU's Idaho service territory encompasses the South Mountain Exchange, which, along with three exchanges in southeast Oregon, were acquired from Contel of the West in 1990. OIU currently serves 73 total access lines in the South Mountain Exchange, of which 5l are residential lines and 22 are business lines. 3. OIU's 2017 intrastate operating revenue attributable to regulated telephone service in Idaho was $154,906. 4. The South Mountain Exchange covers 2,126 square miles and represents some of the hardest-to-serve customer locations in the study area. Approximately one-third of OIUs Idaho customers have no access to commercial power, rely on gas lamps, lanterns and/or low- grade solar power for lighting and obtain heat via wood or oil burning stoves. 5. OIU receives federal high-cost support for its Idaho service territory but does not participate in the Idaho Universal Service Fund ("IUSF"). 6. OIU currently has 143.3 miles of cable facilities in Idaho, of which 29.1 miles are fiber optic and 114.2 miles are metallic. Since OIU's operations in Oregon and Idaho are closely related, certain facilities within the company are used to provide service to customers in both states. 7 . In October of 2014, the Commission issued Order No. 33158, which authorized OIU to increase its rates for monthly residential service incrementally over a four-year period OnrcoN-IDAHo Utu,nms, INc.'s SunvussroN OF REPoRT AND REQUEST FOR ExunTpuON Page2 of7 from $ I 5 .77 to OIU's current rate of $20.00 per month effective as of June 2017 . This rate increase was approved to allow OIU to maintain its eligibility to receive federal CAF support under the Federal Communications Commission's Connect America Fund - Phase II Order.l 8. By its Order in the above-captioned docket, the Commission has directed rate- regulated Idaho utilities to file, among other things, revised tariffs to reflect the changes in revenue requirement attributable to the 2017 Tax Act. The Order exempted small water companies with less than 200 customers and Atlanta Power Company, which seryes less than 100 customers in Atlanta, Idaho, from this filing requirement. 9. Provisions of the 2017 Tax Act relevant to the instant docket are a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21o/o and revised treatment of a company's deferred taxes. 10. Because of its limited number of Idaho customers and plant, OIU historically has allocated its study area costs based on the relative number of access lines in Oregon and in Idaho. This has produced an approximately 90/10 allocation between the Oregon and Idaho jurisdictions as indicated in OIU's annual reports filed with the Commission. I l. OIU has performed a preliminary 2017 eamings analysis for its Idaho operations using the above 90110 allocation, which is submitted under confidential cover as Exhibit l. Final separated numbers for 2017 will not be available to apply to this earnings analysis until August or early September of the current year. Exhibit 2, filed herewith, is Schedule I-1 from OIU's Oregon Form O showing the company's operating revenues and expenses for 2017. 12. Exhibit 1 shows total Idaho intrastate revenues of $ 105,906 and net operating income of $12,973. Attributingl0% of OIU's expenses as reported in OIU's Oregon Form O I USF/ICC Transformation Order Connect America Fund; National Broadband Plan for Our Future, et seq., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,26FCC Rcd 17663 (2011). OnncoN-IDAHo Utu-mIrs, INc.'s SunlrrssroN oF REpoRT AND REeUEST FoR ExruprroN Page 3 of7 and separation factors used in OIU's Oregon Form I, produces an estimated increase of $2,519 in net operating income attributable to the reduced corporate tax rate. OIU's estimated one-time deferred tax benefit per the 2017 Tax Act is $3,890. The total estimated tax benefit for OIU's Idaho operations is $6,409, of which $3890 has been accounted for 2017 tax purposes, and the $2,519 estimated tax benefit will be determined and accounted for in OIU's 2018 tax-year filing in April 2019 with the benefit of actual separated numbers to apply. REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION 13. OIU respectfully submits that it should not be required to change its current rates to account for an approximately $6,409 reduction in OIU's 2018 federal tax obligation. Order 33965 indicates that this docket and its filing requirements were intended "to protect utility customers against paylng unreasonably high rates."2 OIU's current residential rate of $20.00, which the Commission authorized in20l4 to allow OIU to maintain eligibility for federal CAF support, is still less than the 2017 Statewide Weighted Average Rate of $21.83.3 OIU submits that its customers would not be paylng unreasonably high rates if OIU were to maintain its rates as currently authorized. 14. A reduction in OIU's rates could adversely affect OIU's continued eligibility for CAF support. As indicated in Exhibit 1, this support represents a significant component of OIU's operating revenue. If OIU's eligibility to receive this support is adversely affected by lowering its rates, then OIU could be required in turn to increase its rates to attempt to recover some or all of this lost revenue source. 2 In the Matter of the Investigation into the Impact of Federal Tax Code Revisions on Utility Costs and Ratemaking, Case No. GNR-U- I 8-01 , Order 33965 (January 11 , 2018) at I . OnrcoN-IDArro UtIt mtns, Ixc.'s SusNlrssrox oF REpoRT AND REQUEST FoR ExnvrprroN Page 4 of 7 15. Moreover, the lion's share of the tax benefit ($3,890) is one-time reduction in OIU's deferred tax liability. Any continuing benefit attributable to the reduced corporate tax rate is expected to be approximately $2,500 annually based on20l7 company revenues and expenses, and current customer numbers. 16. The tax benefit to OIU's Idaho operations is de minimas in any case and likely will be consumed by increased Idaho-allocated expenses incurred in computing appropriate rate changes, preparing and filing tariff amendments, providing notice to customers and revising OIU's billing protocols as between Oregon and Idaho customers. OIU also anticipates this likely would create confusion for its Idaho customers. 17. Although Commission Order 33965 exempted small water companies with less than 200 customers and the small electric utility Atlanta Power from the filing requirements, the Order did not include the rationale for these exemptions. OIU assumes, however, that their small customer base, their relatively small annual revenues and resulting small tax benefits, together with the limited room small companies have to move their rates \p ordown, may have been factors in the decision to exempt them. 18. If so, OIU submits that these same factors are applicable to its Idaho operations, and therefore, OIU appropriately should be exempted. If, however, the reasons for exempting small water companies and Atlanta Power do not apply to OIU and the Commission determines OIU should not be exempted, OIU respectfully requests that it be granted additional time to perform any required rate modification analysis and proposed tariffs with the benefit of final separated numbers for its Idaho operations. 3 In the Matter of the Annual Revision of the Universal Service Fund Surcharges to Become Effective September l, 2017, Order 33851, Case No. GNR-T-17-04 (August 22,2017) at3. OnrcoN-IDAHo Urtlttlns, INc.'s SunmrssroN oF REpoRT AND REeUEST FoR ExrurprtoN Page 5 of7 19. Communications and service of pleadings regarding this Submission and Request for Exemption should be sent to: Doug Musgrave Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa,ID 83653 dous.musBrave@oiutelecom.net Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 krm@ givenspursley. com mcc@ givenspursley. com For the reasons presented above, OIU respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order exempting OIU from further obligations under Order 33965 and from future proceedings thereunder. If OIU is not granted the requested exemption, OIU respectfully requests that the Commission order that OIU shall have additional time to prepare and submit proposed tariff revlstons. J1^ Respectfu lly submitte d this fuf,ay o f M arch, 20 I 8. C. Creamer GIVENS PURSLEY rr-p Attorneys for Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. OnrGoN-IDAHo Uttt tuns, INc.'s Surnalsslou or Rnponr AND REeuEsr FoR ExEvrprroN Page 6 of7 Crnrrrrc.lTE oF SnRvIcr I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the \f%ay of Marc h,2078, the foregoing was filed, served, and copied as follows: DOCUMENT FILED: Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN: Diane Hanian 472W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 U. S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile E-mail COPIES TO Doug Musgrave Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa, ID 83653 dou g.mus prave@oiutelecom.net xrtrnx U. S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile E-mail Mi C. Creamer OnrcoN-IDAHo Urrlnms, INC.'s Sururssrox oF REpoRT AND REeuEsr FoR ExBruprrox PageT of7 EXHIBIT 1 Submitted under "Confidential" Cover as exempt from public inspection, examination or copying pursuant to Idaho Code 9-340D(1)A)-(B) and Commission Rule 67 OREGON.IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. CASE NO. GNR.U.18-01 PRELIMINARY 2017 EARNINGS ANALYSIS FOR ITS IDAHO OPERATIONS EXHIBIT 2 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. CASE NO. GNR-U-18.01 SCHEDULE I-1 FROM OIU'S OREGON FORM O ovrn6)oz I o -o C-l f'{ m 9) zP zzCr7m-oo7--.{-{o-t:cm 1'C@C C+- =oo 6a zo-Tt o7mooz 'TloflJ:rm m 7 mzIzoorD C)m @m7 :' No{ ol'o oooCJ zI oo@o =.E=of Ioo 3oc)Go -c =.fGI =o oD) NJ J5,o @'{ o) <l 5 (, N r o (o @ -'t o} <l s <l N r sBE*silgElEEii1gg5gr fgEaea*Eras$rIrIE[fl ;rgi*t$flai;;snIi+*+ = =' 'c = o o I B @ q ? n-:$,8 3 ' t oo *H{q1,9 o o -?,llr= 9r o -rc!P5+o.-:clso$a 6 6 =*i=.2+5 8583i a g;;s d=Ii;8:q5<u=.o&o9++3o!offJ3:.I Id'3I tso=CEi q agY aea--6J o i.',. i ll:,';'. vo o co@5oco.oo 5' Jo 6o o Fo ofCoa ','irl o Do Dlo o) _@oo Nu -o(T(o5 oFN@(, o -o--loo) (r(IONocooo o(n(,r(INNNJoooo9990ONJ .ho6000006()o6oooooooo6@@oo@oo:Josrs"lrri$:':.:.:,ooNJNJ(T5NJ @ NNNNNN)N{oo50Nr oo6rOro)o)NNNNJJ JNJluNl'r-?PNNrorO)NJ NJ55 ooozaz,6 16'6 o o q d6ilgox mflm==x6-6'6-N-rr',@o O O,^C CE E f E:E €f f f -o o6'5'o'9 = rmmm5'lqlmx x x@415333r"EE U)-uoooo='=ooad 9 )U,o€ o =Jo oo NI @{-@(,or I t",t"i Iog oo gL o3oo -o l'' {= ='o 3D*oJ 6'TCt! =c) oooocaoo ovo alus ooo(I Dfoo voaoooNoo{I , .| i:-.t' l:.;,,::::']: i:r . ,. cnm C)cz I- I -t =:--{ m ?) zo zzcrvm-Iou-t-lo --{-m-oc(!t-o C-t-i oo = aaozo-Tt ovmooz-nov JIm m vmzozoom m Dmv _3 Nq -{ ee oooc zI o oo o -o =of, -logl 3ocf,Gr:vc =.:(f) Jo (Do, ssB3g3ss3Aet5at3si333S33g3Se33B ooo)ooororo5.A|5$555SONNN)NNJIIOA@NJJ o) o) o, cDNNIJ'\)cDootuNNJOi'r - o)olo,(rocJororNrO o)o! o) o,(ro Nr oooro)or(,o)oouu(,(,oooolo)550"}.(,N-9o?o)o(,(t g il iee gf i F 4e $ [E * + n $E $$ i i r + [EiBg $*$; l afr EiH iB ig$EiH rH, EgEEigfEgi$ reg* $iril{{91 Hg dEIa FB il '*f,}5*t, +Eriae'ri*{,;$.iHEit*s $sfr#3; E Biq r 3 t'fi4 EigS3i gqiF ?rug =a5=.Dd 6 m!,loili*ilr; iltHi i $;O:-q'I'a = di= l, 2!";Pdd= ; *g ogBOFEa ? 2-SH'qil 3 ;fie sE a 3J 7A Ni: ;ojoo 8D o.a o -4oI fo z 5(o+Ot Q+o +6N+o{ fooa g .at:. :'.:r:;,; @ @ o5N\N NC') -(n@@o o)@(,{ l .o !: i -{ =.-'o 3Deol 6' !C@ =o ooo CLc oo oaU) (o,{ oolOo0)oo v @o)oo Noo{I ';: i'r ir: r:,"1-j :.1 : t' l: : ...:,: : ,r' i: :;. :,. r r'1:::, t: ;1 i il',. :. .t '..t:!, :!:,'':, o7rn 6)oz E =o C--1 f-t m 9) za zzC rvm!on--{{o{Im 1lc@ro CIr -{oo a(t Uzo'Tt vmaoz-n I -{Im m v mzo z.o C'mom ulmv No{ 7l; oooc)z9 c 0, (,o o =.!c.o) -to D 3oC =o'O*c =.)@ Jo oo ooororc'roo650NrO(O s'IEs-qFg.f4dg5.T a-oialdi=;-v-c@2 e;,aag-sEe4igEmO*oBEi caH @9aBqH;5e^!+m0nf 6I mdoExo z= 8 *fr-E@A TE A8* FoC,,o -.t{o -_t zo vo (D =o 3o @ 6-oo o Orooo)lUjoo o,o) tn o, o)--l {@Noo 6@{{!{!{!!{{orooo) = 5d @ -] ot o s o N J o (o @'-l o) 7=t1=ZZZZ-O!OOOOO E5gfrE€$$EE4++E; ilAEAE;++1aEE.-;-e?ssfl;a9*sHgf$qea;dg3;lHABHi=9q;g H ii;f€'g:il[i $iiE5 qnE$A ntsH+ { ;frf 6 = o (u _-@+d-@4 ;g 9 -lod P--i@'o ' z*zo9 *K @ zo aoo3o 3'oo{F+{o+-{6+{@+@o{o 'ill.,.i : :il,;.i, .:1 ' ':'l,:!.,1 ij. ,,i'.' i ! -No() -o oo N -@@s{ ir.'r;:,: :,,1, .':.:i l ir: i,:, iilri,rilr,.;:,,,i {{{{{!-.1NNNNNNJooA@N)rooooooooiu- {{{{{{@oo)o5ooroOOooooooo D @NJ mz< =o oEi a*sEs3 3bE a oollrof -lo-;6$roJ<.iE oj'e- 33S,Oo o-^@!n9oo sdg dF=A<9'b>q i) s{ =Q<@ o6'o .9.3Eofo' -o@cgoo g =oI 6 rra,:r,r;l lr r;iij:,1 -i :lii.l :'iii!l ii: 'i:, {oo;E I 3o aoo l -o!!{ ?.!r)p --t= ='o 3D' ol 6',TC @r6 oooac o-o o7a (oias o (J'oosaoo vo(')oo@Noo..,1o a