HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329Avista Report.pdfAiivtsra Avista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-05 00 Toll Free 800-727-9170 March 28,2018 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission W. 472 Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: Case No. GNR-U-I8-01, Avista Report on Impact of Federal Tax Code Revisions on Utility Costs and Ratemaking Dear Ms. Hanian: Pursuant to the Commission's directive in Order No. 33965 in Case No. GNR-U-18-01, Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "the Company") hereby submits an original and seven copies of its report relating to the impact of the Federal Tax Code revisions on utility costs and ratemaking, as well as its proposal for reflecting the new tax law in customer rates and returning deferred tax benefits to customers. Included with this response, and attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of the Company's new proposed tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas), "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit," and 74 (electric) and ll4 (natural gas), "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit". I. PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND OF REPORT AND FILING As noted in the Commission's Order No. 33965 dated January 17, 2018, on December 22,2017, the President signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ("TCJA") into law. A main feature of the TCJA reduced the federal corporate tax rate from 35Yo to 2lYo, effective January 1, :.l" r\,_,,| f, i** @::r) ;E -rt*j :._ }Fir,.I* ro fn'"jii ru <)(,2 \o fn f-,'-'.*,.-..sr= fri"t-.* [:,tt:( I t-Oa()I 2018. This significant tax rate reduction materially decreases the current and deferred tax expense cunently included in customers' rates. In addition, the TCJA also resulted in excess deferred income tax assets and liabilities (including both "protected" and "unprotected," as discussed further belowl) which have been labeled by the Company as a permanent benefit (plant excess ADFIT) or labeled as a temporary benefit (non-plant excess ADFIT). The purpose of this report, as requested by the Commission, is to identiff and quantify the TCJA changes affecting the Company's costs and its impact on ratemaking for Avista. Included in this report, as described below, is 1) the o'permanent" and "temporary" net tax benefit to customers from the TCJA; 2) the Company's proposal for returning these TCJA benefits to customers; 3) the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to the 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code in 2017, including the 2lo/o tax rate; and 4) discussion of the proposed tariff schedules (included as Attachment A), that reflect the revenue requirement impacts from the 2017 Tax Act. II. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY TAX BENEFITS AND PROPOSAL FOR RETURNING BENEFITS TO CUSTOMERS On January 1,2018, in compliance with Commission Order No. 33953 in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-I7-01, Avista's revised electric and natural gas base tariffs went into effect based on rates approved in that proceeding. The effective date of these base tariffs coincided with the TCJA effective date of January 1,2018. Given Avista's existing base rates reflect new rates in effect as of January l, 2018, for purposes of determining "permanent" benefits, including the effect of lowering the effective tax rate to 2lo/o, and "temporary" benefits to be returned to customers over a shorter period of time2, the Company used its recently approved general rate case (Case Nos. AVU-E-I7-01 and AVU-G-17-01) data and information I Avista has two main types of excess accumulated deferred income taxes (ADFIT) as defined by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), "protected" and "unprotected". "Protected" excess ADFIT is generally defined as capital assets depreciated under IRC section 167, whereby these timing differences are required to be recorded and then reversed (i.e. normalized) over the depreciable lives of the capital assets that created the ADFIT. "Unprotected" excess ADFIT makes up the remainder of the Company's excess ADFIT, reflecting mainly non-plant related deferred assets and liabilities. 2 For purposes ofthis filing, "permanentoo benefits represent tax changes that impact base rates on a long-term or on- going basis, whereas "temporary" benefits represent amounts which are a one-time calculation or temporary in nature. 2lP age that was reviewed by all parties in that proceeding and approved by the IPUC for the 2018 rate effective period.3/a Summary of Tax Benefits As further described below, after giving effect to the TCJA changes, a summary of the permanent and temporary tax benefits to customers is shown in the Summary Table below: Summarv Table Effective June 1,2018: Permanent Reductions (Tariff 72 I 172)t z l) Current/Deferred Tax Expense (35% to 2lYo) 2a) Plant Excess ADFIT Permanent base rate change Revenue Requirement (000s ID Natural Gas ID Electric $ (l1,080) $ (2,660) $ (2,082) s (474) $ (13,740) $ (2,556) Temporary Reductions: Tariff74ll74 (eflective Jun 1. 2018 - May 31. 20lgf 2b) Non-Plant Excess ADFIT $ (6,302)526 (1,065)3) Deferralof Jan - Apr 2018 balances Total Tanff74ll74 $ (5,724) $ $ $ (12,026) $(s39) 'Tariffschedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas) would remain in place until included in base rate tariffschedules in the ne* general rate case. 'Tariffschedules 74 (electric) and 174 (natural gas) would erpire on May 31,2019 unless nec€ssary to continue due to true-up of benefits owed customers. To the extent that results of ongoing discussions in the Avista/Hydro One merger dockets in Avista's jurisdictions (AVU-E-17-09lAYU-G-I7-05 in Idaho) may impact these calculations, Avista will amend this report accordingly. In addition, after review by Staff and upon Commission order, the Company would file an update to the electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) base values to appropriately reflect the base rate change included in the Schedule 72 (electric) I 172 (natural gas) adder schedules. 3 For example, the Company updated its final approved electric and natural gas revenue requirement models, approved in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01, to reflect a2l%o effective tax rate. The electric and natural gas revenue requirement models, with a separate adjustment reflecting each TCJA benefit, has been included with the workpapers filed with this response. a The Commission requested the Company provide the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to the 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 2lYo tax rate. As discussed further below, although the 2017 information as requested by the Commission is provided, the Company believes it is appropriate to use its most recent general rate case information for the rate effective period January 1,2018 through December 31,2018 to determine the TCJA benefits for customers. 3lPage Per the Summary Table above, the individual components are as follows: l) Current and deferred income tax expense and conversion factor (or gross up to cover tax expenses) - The result of lowering the tax rate from 35% to 2lYo of taxable income, as well as the impact on the conversion factor, reduces current and deferred tax expense. The resulting reduction on a revenue requirement basis is approximately $11.1 million electric and $2.1 million natural gas. The Company proposes to reflect this tax benefit by lowering customer rates through new proposed tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas), "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit."s 2) Excess deferred income tax asset/liabilit), - As of December 2017, defened tax amounts were required to be revalued at the lower corporate rate (21%), resulting in excess deferred federal income tax reserve balances. Balances associated with regulated utility operations resulted in a balance sheet reclassification from deferred tax to deferred regulatory assets or liabilities. This revaluation impacted both plant (protected) and non-plant (unprotected) balances.6 As a part of this item, amortization of deferred tax amounts that represent the difference between the historical 35o/o rate and the revised 2lYo rate have been determined. a) For Plant-related excess deferred income tax, the Company will amortize the plant DFIT balances (Regulatory Liability of $106.4 million electric and $20.5 million natural gas, per Table 2 below) in accordance with the TCJA's Average Rate Assumption Method (ARAM). The Company estimates the ARAM for Avista results in an amortization period of approximately 36 years. As shown in the Summary Table above, the annual permanent benefit from the plant excess deferred amortization (the benefit will change over time as the ARAM is not calculated on a straighrline basis), the resulting reduction on a revenue requirement basis is approximately $2.7 million electric and $474,000 natural gas. The Company proposes to reflect this tax benefit by lowering customer rates through new proposed tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas), "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit." b) For non-plant related excess deferred income tax, as shown in the Summary Table, the deferred tax benefit for electric to return to customers on a revenue requirement basis is approximately $6.3 million. For natural gas, the excess ADFIT results in a deferred tax asset, resulting in a surcharge to customers of approximately $526,000. For the net non-plant excess ADFIT surcharge, along 5 Tariff Schedules 72 (elecric) and 172 (natural gas), "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit" would remain in place until these tax benefits were included in base tariff schedules in the next general rate case. The Company proposed separate tariffs (Schedules72ll72), as opposed to adjusting base rates, so as not to alter the Commission approved base rates for year two of the Commission approved rate plan that will go into effect January 1,2019. 6 See definition of"protected" and "unprotected" below. 4 | p a g e with the January - May 2018 deferred benefit (see Item 3 below), the Company proposes to return these balances to customers over a one-year amortization, beginning May 1, z}l&,through separate (temporary) tariff Schedules 741174.1t8 3) Defenal of Januarv 1 - May 31. 2018 TCJA benefits - In compliance with IPUC Order No. 33965, the Company began to "immediately account for the financial benefits from the January l, 2018 tax rate reduction to 21o ," by defening the benefits of the TCJA into a deferred regulatory liability until such time as the benefits are reflected in customer rates and the net deferred balance has been retumed to customers. As shown in the Summary Table above (see also Table 3 below), the estimated deferred benefit for January I - May 31,2018 is approximately $5.7 million electric and $1.1 million natural gas. For the net January - May 2018 deferred benefit, along with the non-plant excess ADFIT surcharge (see Item 2 above), the Company proposes to retum these balances to customers over a one-year amortization, beginning May 1,2018, through separate (temporary) tariff Schedules 74/174.e CurrentlDeferred Tax Rate Chanse to 21%o The primary provision of the TCJA was a reduction in the federal corporate tax rate from 35%o to 2lo/o, reducing the current and deferred tax expense currently included in customers' rates. Avista's current retail rates, effective January 1,2018 per Order 33953 in Case Nos. AVU- E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01, assumed a federal corporate tax rate of 35Yo. To recognize the 2lo/o tax rate, the Company has revised its revenue requirement calculation recently approved by the IPUC for the calendar year 2018 to include the impact on current and deferred tax expense. The corporate tax rate of 21%o also has an effect on the gross up to cover tax expenses (conversion factor). Included as Attachments B and C with this response are the revenue requirement models previously approved in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01, updated to reflect the current tax rate of 2l%o, with all electronic workpapers provided as Attachment E.l0 As shown in the Summary Table above, the result of lowering the tax rate from 35%o to 2lo/o of taxable income, as well as the impact on the conversion factor, reduces the Company's 7 Tariff Schedules 74 (electric) and 174 (natural gas), "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit" would expire on May 3 I , 2019 unless necessary to continue due to true-up of benefits owed customers. 8 To the extent the Commission would prefer other means or timing for returning these "temporary" benefits back to customers, i.e., in conjunction or timing with the Company's PGA or PCA, for example, rather than through separate tariff Schedules 7 4ll7 4 effective June I , 20 I 8, the Company would not be opposed to such treatment. e Tariff Schedules 74 (electric) and 17 4 (natural gas), "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit" would expire on May 3 I , 20 I 9, unless necessary to continue due to true-up of benefits owed customers. r0 These models also show the impact of the revised tax rate of 2l% on the approved change in base rates effective January 1,2019, year 2 of the Two Year Rate Plan. The effect of the2loh revised tax rate reduces the2019 revenue requirement amount by $264,000 for electric and $66,000 for natural gas. 5lPage annual revenue requirement going forward by approximately $11.1 million electric and $2.1 million natural gas. (See Attachment B (electric) and Attachment C (natural gas), Tax Reform Adjustment #1, and supporting workpapers provided as Attachment D (.pdf) and E (electronic).) To reflect the TCJA tax rate on current and deferred tax expense within customers' rates, the Company proposes to reduce customer's rates through new Tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas) "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit," to be effective June 1,2078, and remain in place until such time as the tax reduction is included in base rates in a future general rate case. Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Tax - Excess Tax Reserve The Company has complied with the financial accounting requirements of Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") - 740 which required recognition of the effect of certain tax law changes to be recognized in the period of enactment, in this case, December 2017. Recognition of this tax law change at December 31, 2017, resulted in the recording of excess accumulated deferred federal income tax (ADFIT) assets and liabilities. The ADFIT balances as of December 3l ,2017 (included on an end-of period basis), prior to adjustment for the TCJA corporate tax rate change to 2lo/o is as follows in Table l: Table I Accumulated Deferred Federal lncome Tax (ADFIT) Balances at December3L,20L7: Avista Utility System ID Electric ID NaturalGas Plant s (802,695,237)5 Qo4,862,764)s (39,392,155) Non-Plant s (31,206,134)s (18,523,295)S (2,326,819) As shown in Table I above, Avista has both plant ($802,685,237 system) and non-plant ($31,206,134 system) related ADFIT balances as of December 31,2017. Plant related balances are recorded in FERC Account 282. Non-plant balances are recorded in FERC Accounts 190 and 283. In order to comply with the TCJA, these tax assets/liabilities were adjusted to be 2lYo of the associated deferred asset/liability. The difference between the original balance recorded at 35%o and the new balance recorded at21%o, was recorded as plant or non-plant excess ADFIT. 6lPage The amount of excess deferred income tax reserve (excess ADFIT) as described in Intemal Revenue Code (IRC) Sec 168(i)(9XAXii) as of December 31,2017, to comply with the TCJA as shown in Table 2 below is as follows: Table 2 As shown in Table 2 above, Avista has two main types of excess ADFIT as defined by the IRC,"protected" and "unprotected." Protected excess ADFIT is generally defined as capital assets depreciated under IRC section 767, whereby these timing differences are required to be recorded and then reversed (i.e. normalized) over the depreciable lives of the capital assets that created the ADFIT. The utility plant related excess ADFIT at December 31, 2017 system-wide was $320,850,109, exclusive of the tax gross up.rl The share allocated to Idaho electric is $81 ,887,939 and to Idaho natural gas is $15,741,873. As discussed fuither below, the plant related excess ADFIT will be amortized over a longer period of time (approximately 36 years, following the IRS Average Rate Assumption Method or "ARAM"). The annual revenue requirement benefit to be returned to customers, therefore, will vary annually.l2 As shown in the Summary Table above, the 2018 annual tax benefit, on a revenue requirement basis, is approximately $2.7 million electric and $474,000 natural gas. (See Attachment B (electric) and Attachment C (natural gas), Tax Reform Adjustment#2, and supporting workpapers provided as Attachment D (.pd0 and E (electronic).) tr Embedded in the protected excess number are various basis adjustments to plant that are not specifically classified as "protected" Internal Revenue Code Section 167 amounts. The system-wide plant related deferred taxes not specifically requiring normalization treatment is $42,956,299, leaving $277,893,810 as system-wide specifically protected excess ADFIT. At this time the Company is unable to provide a Idaho-allocated breakdown of the plant "unprotected" balances. Avista uses a tax depreciation system called PowerTax to calculate tax depreciation and associated ADFIT. This system starts with Avista's book plant balances and then records what is called tax basis adjustments due to various tax timing differences. Common tax basis adjustments are accelerated depreciation which are protected, as well as unprotected items, such as Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIAC), AFUDC capitalization, and tangible repairs. These unprotected tax basis adjustments are directly tied, and essentially comingled within the basis of the underlying plant asset and associated ADFIT, and therefore are included with "protected" plant by the Company. t2 The 201 8 annual benefit to customers associated with the excess plant ADFIT is provided below. Excess Deferred Federal lncome Tax Reserve at December 31,20L7 Excess Reserve Protected (normalized plant)Unprotected (non-plant) Avista utility System ID Electric ID Natural Gas Avista Utility System ID Electric ID Natural Gas s 320,850,109 s 81,887.939 5 15,741,873 S 13,s30,194 $ 4,770,382 s (37e,2es) Gross-up for taxes Regulatory Liability S gs,ros,ogz 5 zq,szg,na 5 qJs,Aaz 5 4,0s2,9M 5 7,428,94s S (113,616) S 416,9s9,206 S t06,477,075 5 20,4s7.275 S rz,ssg,oge 5 a,pg,Ezt S (492,911) 7lP age To reflect the amortization of the excess plant ADFIT within customers' rates, the Company proposes to reduce customer's rates through new Tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 772 (natural gas) "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit," to be effective June 1,2018, and remain in place until such time as the amortization of the excess plant ADFIT is included in base rates in a future general rate case. Unprotected excess ADFIT makes up the remainder of the Company's excess ADFIT, mainly representing non-plant related deferred assets/liabilities, as well as plant-related tax basis adjustments (included by the Company within its "protected" balances.) The utility non-plant related excess ADFIT at December 31, 2017 system-wide was $13,530,194, exclusive of the tax gross up. The share allocated to Idaho electric is $4,770,382 and to Idaho natural gas is a negative balance of $379,295. On a revenue requirement basis, for electric the tax benefit to be returned to customers is approximately $6.3 million. For natural gas, the amount to surcharge customers is approximately $5261000. To reflect the non-plant excess ADFIT benefit/surcharge to customers, the Company is proposing to adjust customer's rates over a one-year period effective June 1, 2018 through May 30, 2019, through new temporary Tariff Schedules 74 (electric) and 174 (natural gas) "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit."l3 (See Attachment B (electric) and Attachment C (natural gas), Tax Reform Adjustment #3, and supporting workpapers provided as Attachments D (.pd| and E (electronic).) Deferral of January I - Mav 31. 2018 TCJA benefits Per IPUC Order No. 33965, the Company began to "immediately account for the financial benefits from the January 1,2018 tax rate reduction to 2lYo," by deferring the benefits of the TCJA into a deferred regulatory liability until such time as the benefits are reflected in customer rates and the net deferred balance has been retumed to customers. The monthly deferral to be recorded by the Company will include the tax benefit of reducing current and deferred income tax expense to 2lo/o, as well as the monthly arnortization of the excess plant ADFIT for the period January I,2018 - May 31, 2018. 13 The non-plant excess ADFIT benefit (electric) or surcharge (natural gas) would be combined with the January I -May 31,2018 deferred TCJA benefit, also to be refunded through Schedules 74 and 174, resulting in an overall benefit returned to customers over the period June l, 2018 - May 30, 2019. 8lPage Table 3 below, (see also Summary Table above), reflects the estimated amount for the period January 1, 2018 - May 31, 2018, representing five-twelfths of the 2018 annual tax benefit of reducing current and deferred income tax expense to 2lo/o, as well as 5 months of the 2018 annual amortization of the excess plant ADFIT. Table 3 Estimated Excess Deferred Federal lncome Tax and Current/Deferred Tax Expense Deferred forthe Period January - May 2018 (OOOs) Excess ADFIT- Plant Current/Defe rred Tax Expe nse Total Eleferred Balance January - ruay 20t8(2) s s ID Electric t,to7 4,6L7 s 5,724 ID Natural Gas S rgz S soa s 1,065 As shown in Table 3, the estimated deferred benefit on a revenue requirement basis for January - May 2018 is approximately $5.7 million electric and $1.1 million natural gas. (See Attachment B (electric) and Attachment C (natural gas), Tax Reform Adjustments #4 - #5 and supporting workpapers provided as Attachments D (.pd| and E (electronic).) To return the estimated deferred balance of the tax benefit to customers, the Company is proposing to adjust customer's rates over a one-year period effective June 1, 2018 through May 30, 2019, through new temporary Tariff Schedules 74 (electric) and 174 (natural gas) "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit." Although for reporting purposes here the Company has estimated these balances, the Company will track and compare any actual deferrals recorded by the Company for the period January 1,2018 - May 31,2018 versus that estimated. Furthermore, with the limited amount of time since the legislation has been signed into law, not all impacts of the TCJA on the Utility are known at this time. For example, there may be additional interpretations and rulings from government agencies related to the law which may result in additional adjustments up or down.la The Company, therefore, believes it necessary to ra For example, the Company is in the process of determining the impact of FERC Docket No. EL-18-75-000 directing Avista to either (i) propose revisions to our transmission rate to reflect the change in corporate income tax rate, or (ii) show cause why we should not be required to make such a change. A filing by Avista is due in mid-May. At this time the Company does not know the impact on its transmission or retail customers. 9lPage continue to track any appropriate differences through the deferred regulatory liability as a result of 1) differences between estimated amounts for the January - May 2018 deferral returned to customers beginning June l, 2018, versus actual amounts recorded for January through May 2018; and2) unanticipated tax effects from changes in tax legislation. This difference, up or down, could be included in Schedul e 741174 as a true-up, if necessary, or deferred until the next general rate case. This tracking adjustment would also provide the opportunity for Staff and interested parties to complete their audit of Avista's filings and capture any necessary changes. III.TAX BENEFIT RESULTS USING 2OI7 CALENDER YEAR RESULTS Per IPUC Order No. 33965 each regulated utility "must disclose the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 2IYo tax rate." As shown in Attachment F, in 2017 the Idaho current and deferred FIT expense was approximately $20.63 million electric and $4.57 million natural gas. If the 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 2lYo tax rate, had been in place during 2017, the revised current and deferred FIT expense for Idaho would have been approximately $12.61 million electric and $2.83 million natural gas. This would have resulted in a reduction in current and deferred FIT expense for Idaho of approximately $8.02 million electric and $1.74 million natural gas, a revenue requirement reduction (or benefit to customers) of approximately $10.77 million electric and 52.34 million natural gas.ls As noted above, the Company believes it is appropriate to use the most recent approved rates in effect as of January 1,2018 for rate year 2078, per Commission Order No. 33953 in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01, to determine the tax benefit for customers beginning January 1,2018. The results of using the current rates effective January 1,2018, as noted in the Summary Table above, results in a current and deferred tax expense benefit of approximately $11.08 million electric and $2.08 million natural gas. Table 4 below summarizes the difference between updating 2017 ac1ula,l results with a 2lo/o effective tax rate, versus updating customers current approved rates in effect January 1,2018 with a2l%o effective tax rate: 15 System amounts of the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, includingthe 2lYo tax rate, are also shown in Anachment F, as required per Ipuc order No. 33965. r0 | p a g e Difference in Tax Benefit of Using 2017 Results versus Current Approved Rates ID Electric ID NaturalGas Tax Benefit Using Actual2OLT Results with2]i% Effective Rate Tax Benefit Using Current Approved Rates (Effective Jan. 1, 2018)with 2L%Eff ective Rate Net Benefit/(Reduced Benefit) of using 2018 GRC Approved vs20LTActual s (10,769) s (2,337) s (11,030) s (2,082) s gr1 s (2ss) As shown in Table 4 above, using the current approved rates for Rate Year 2018 per Case Nos. AVU-E-I7-01 and AVU-G-I7-01, adjusted to reflect a2lo/o tax rate, produces similar results as that produced if 2017 actual results had been revised using a 21o/o tax rate. However, although the results are similar, the Company believes given that its rates have been recently reset (January 1,2018), coincident with the Tax Act, updating Avista's current general rates using the most current approved rates in effect as of January 1,2018 is more appropriate. IV. PROPOSED TARIFF SCHEDULES As previously stated, the Company is proposing new tariff Schedules 72 (electric) and 172 (natural gas) for the "Permanent Federal Income Tax Rate Credit," and 74 (electric) and 774 (natural gas) for the "Temporary Federal Income Tax Rate Credit". The Company is proposing to spread both the permanent and temporary portions of the Rate Credits on a uniform percent of base revenue basis for both electric and natural gas. The Company chose this method because it generally matches how costs are presently being recovered from customers. For the spread of the Rate Credit within each service schedule (i.e., rate design), the Company applied a uniform cents per kWh (electric) and therm (natural gas) to the volumetric block rates by rate schedule. The permanent portion being passed back through rate schedules 72 and 172 will remain in effect until such time that these tax benefits are incorporated into base rates in a future general rate case proceeding. The temporary portion being passed back through rate schedules 74 and 174 will be in effect for a one-year period beginning June l, 2018. The combined average residential bill impact for a customer using 910 kWh's per month would be a reduction of $9.09, ll lPage Table 4 or 9.7yo. The combined average residential bill impact for a customer using 63 therms per month would be a reduction of $2.71, or 5.4oh. Please direct questions on this matter to Liz Andrews at (509) 495-8601. Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Enclosures 12 lPage CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 28th day of March, 2018, served the foregoing Report in Docket No. GNR-U-18-01, upon the following parties, by mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid to: Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-5983 diane. hanian@puc. idaho.qov Larry Crowley The Energy Strategies lnstitute, lnc. 5549 S. Clitfsedge Ave Boise, lD 83716 crowlevla@aol.com Dean J. Miller, Lawyer 3620 E. Warm Springs Boise, lD 83716 deanimiller@cableone. net Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, lD 83703 dreadinq@mindspring.com Karl Klein Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83720-0074 karl. klein@puc. idaho.oov Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, lD 83702 peter@rich ardsonadams. com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. P. O. Box 388 Boise, lD 83701 ron@williamsbradburv. com Ben Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N.6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@idahoconservation. orq Paul Kimball Sr. Regulatory Analyst Attachment A Proposed Tariffs l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 72 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 72 PERMANENT FEDERAL INCOME TAX RATE CREDIT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electric service available. This Permanent Federal lncome Tax Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company- owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This rate credit is designed to reflect the permanent benefits attributable to the revisions of the federal income tax code caused by enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law on December 22,2017. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be decreased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedule 11 & 12 Schedule 21 &22 Schedule 41 - 49 0.533 I per kWh 0.568 I per kWh 0.4481 per kWh 1.513 I per kWh Schedule 25 Schedule 25P Schedule 31 & 32 0.307 f per kWh 0.291 fi, perkWh 0.5'10 I per kWh TERM: The Permanent FederalTax Rate Credit will be in effect until such time that the permanent federaltax benefits are incorporated into base rates in a general rate case proceeding. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued March 28,2018 Effective June 't, 2018 Vgu-^- l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 74 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 74 APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electric service available. This Temporary Federal lncome Tax Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company- owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This rate credit is designed to reflect the temporary benefits attributable to the revisions of the federal income tax code caused by enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law on December 22,2017. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be decreased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedule 11 & 12 Schedule 21 &22 Schedule 41 - 49 0.466 p per kWh 0.4971 per kWh 0.392 I per kWh 1.324 0 per kWh Schedule 25 Schedule 25P Schedule 31 & 32 0.269 I per kWh 0.2541perkWh 0.447 I per kWh TERM: The Temporary FederalTax Rate Credit will be in effect for a one-year period from June 1, 2018 through May 31 , 2019. Any residual balance at the end of the one- year term will be recovered in a future general rate case proceeding. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued March 28,2018 Effective June 1, 2018 By 7?lt*r* TEMPORARY FEDERAL INCOME TAX RATE CREDIT. IDAHO l.P.U.C. No.27 inalSheet 172 lssued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 172 PERMANENT FEDERAL INCOME TAX RATE CREDIT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Permanent Federal lncome Tax Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101 , 111 , 112, 131 , 132, and 146. This rate credit is designed to reflect the permanent benefits attributable to the revisions of the federal income tax code caused by enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law on December 22,2017. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be dpgteased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 1'11 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 Schedule 146 $0.03548 per Therm $0.01854 per Therm $0.01854 per Therm $0.00876 per Therm TERM: The Permanent Federal Tax Rate Credit will be in effect until such time that the permanent federaltax benefits are incorporated into base rates in a general rate case proceeding. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. lssued: March 28,2018 Effective: trune f;2OTB v g*/*L lssued by Avista Utilities Sheet 174 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 174 TEMPORARY FEDERAL INCOME TAX RATE CREDIT - ]DAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Temporary Federal lncome Tax Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 131,132, and 146. This rate credit is designed to reflect the temporary benefits attributable to the revisions of the federal income tax code caused by enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law on December 22,2017. ]VIONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be decreased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 Schedule 146 $0.00748 per Therm $0.00391 per Therm $0.00391 per Therm $0.00185 per Therm TERM: The Temporary Federal Tax Rate Credit will be in effect for a one-year period from June 1,2018 through May 31 ,2019. Any residualbalance atthe end of the one-yearterm will be recovered in a future general rate case proceeding. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Effective: ffilssued: March 28,2018 v *"^t* - l.P.U.C. No.27 Workpapers ^^A^A-6r6CrFOCt.rl!@tfcrolF?rt, i6 rt .lt N lo loC)OCoCtOEqqeqqqq-cc)c)oC)oc)G,-- oqg)@oq@ (Y)r(ttI)roosN(o6rOrS(oC!O)(O6@roNo(ooo)(ocD(\i@NNrr,aN-or@l>QVd) ql u)u)O)t-NC)(f)(r) F6(o(f)(f)o)J6i @sf(o@s@NoOrf-OCtl(rOOrto_o-o)-ooo/)Nr\ =(o(\N.jJggcip_46@@o-g? O(Y)N@F-O)$(9(t)t\@No)FFI- --@N@@CrS?il.crc')$OotO(Y)O).=r(r)lf)N€}@tOr(;frGz^@@C{@@ ssssssssrr${rFC!lriddddddd ssssssss(f)(a(f)(f)(f)(f)(9(f),.j..jddddu>,rjrttlllll NNGIo Sl*fts+ (f) o aLoo-(EoJ o3sF-INt- o T'oEo@o @'= I .xEco)o-o- oo Eooo-oo ;o (E oCL oo.c c) oo5oc i g e0)g2EE 9oogfr,g g: E E H g,E fl€ E6 E o s g l': PE H H€ 5 gC /roJr,rJo(LU) (5 C\t(osto(oN@ N *E*E btrto-U' oczot o)c(u (: .=.,:Fo: E^!(D oIL6o c, -EgoEc E HETL o,Eg(,cc(U(D(5c0 9fo, l-,G Ed E Es*a8f, E' yo E$ F&t Or=o59c)Fgz bgo';*bta ciz Pco E-ofE- o)otxoF EoE'o 61 l! l\e'coooE EoERP-coxFo of 6lt ]u (, o- AA@FNC"!l:!t16org)@rOtN+tcirNN!GtoocrooC,Ecro00cce.c.crct0cooc):--v 6@eaoqa (r)!.loroortN(96FO)\f@NCD(Y)6@loNo(ooo)(ocOC,l@NNtOa O)LC!rOO)t-C!C'(f)(f)+(cr$ro(o(olr)r(9@(Y)(9O)- -N r\(olrlFNOI'*@ (A@tr,O)o)Nr(f =roJ6i9^g^g^g <.t-e ?99 ; Oc.r(\@F-Orsf(r)(oi'-ONO)s:EF-F@I-@@@tit-oro0rsoortoc"lor(rt(,Nr(,9(,'^|{)o@o@c{aa lssssssssllr,lr)loFFrr,toloI^YYYYYYYTlv ssssssssq<o.qqqqqqTTTYYYYYs) Nc!S.oo =sRHs+rNcr)LoCL(Uo.v.Lo =\rt-INt-o JEoEoa -g.9 I .xacoo-CL d o C.,l -_ocf-o).scc'6) o-o 10oLo CL oo Iocoo Lo oo5oc I I'E (D8aEE 9oosH8 gfl E E - E,b E E TE E 6 -E E gs EE H Hs E gg lroJluo0-|r') o r(\(9StO(gl-@ \ft-.c *ErE btrbo-a Ic E sEA:l(l)= =il'm8o ooE8'ocg =ooo 9f,crv(L o) .,Egocc(otDO00 9folJ(L X+EE Ef;Eatv a8t E$E Og =(D5€o)Fg2 Eg gEta ciz -co E-alt5 o (utx(5FtiLo)EoqllF*>okofX ^LgAYXO=!VFFo of dguJg)F AAAA@atr0tloroF(, O GE' q'(9FFC'ooc(,ooooYVYV oo6q E cn so)oo(Y) F Lct (()rl() l- O) -_ (\l- @_CD(Y) Nt.r)N SS>sSxasq\6r6nT?cjPciY sssass.:IOIOIq9oqcj9o) Is'- a.,E s A- €-s }*"iet; NN -I3ooO\\S$r--r Cq, oLo)ooCLlz o =\tFrINt- o5Eo-coaoo I .xE LoCLo oooLoao-o .c E'o (ULoo-Loo.g cf closoc I E o ll ,,r gE * gggeg= G -N$tr)(Ol'-oz 6tFCrto 9-g€tr.9P b-l5 o-U) ocE o,Eq, E.=ar, : t-6': EirEo o9orEjytr)ocE =oo, E5(L (u,EgocEloo(0O PE,6()1o gxelc.B glo1- olE:c)EI E $EEIsE E] sO $&E Ou fr#gz Eg s'E =q)l-o o .CJ co E9o)b- ootrxGF6LoEor,9rnNr(o-=oo6(E;(so=xcE€55vzao- AAAAOO--lOtotorooI: fil ctl -croooqqqqcooovvvY ooo@ -c slo)oo(r) r tJ)o-r --(Or -tl) a\ Ct)16l @ o(Y) Nlr)N CD eR:e>sSseeqoq6(l?6olT9o5ct? SSSSSSc?cQaqc 550To5 94" 8*B [*- $ gg (\t 6l -53<ooCr\\t\f -FF--- FCt o U' o)Qoqlz o3sF* Ic!t-ro =Eq)-coo .gah I .xEcoo-CL @oNJ o)c a o)cc.sE,)o.ooo oCL Loo IoEoo o (,o o E I E o .0 ,:H H:H * EgEEE, o -N$lf)(gf-ciz sll\clr-Llo9-El =- iElEr tvlP b-lEL Ial plEI EcElo:EErto (l) -Egocc E H$I o.Egll)ccoo(Eo otboo- Er Eo- o) trl E$EE] EE E] vO E$E 0)g':i o;_oEE!-gz b8 gE t- ul c)C = Eo Ev.D = g (EtxoF EoE',[8or >\(roE jf,3 06i::iO--f9ac66tbPZAI- I AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 (000's oF DoLLARS)20r8 WITH PRESENT RATES WITH 2OI8 PROPOSED RATES Line No.DESCRITTION Actusl Per Rqults Report Total Adiustments Pro Forna Total Proposed Revenuc & Related ExD Pro Forma Proposed Total b $243,447 248 40,71 8 $2,888 (27,9sO) d $246,335 248 12,768 $l 2,890 (r<o rr< t2,'768 c REVENUES I Total General Buiness 2 InterdepartnentalSal€s 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales ofElectricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production md Trmsmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Puchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization l0 RegulatoryAmortization I I Tues 12 Total Production & Trmsmission 248 284,413 43,3'.73 (2s,062\ (35,36r ) 2s9,35'l 8,012 l 2,890 272.241 8,012 32'1,786 97,O7'7 50,455 t3,982 1,82s '1,7',10 (60,423) (30,205) (l 8,551 ) t,235 108 868 26'1,363 66,872 31,904 \5,21',1 t,933 8,638 I 2,890 280,253 66,872 3 1,904 t5,21'1 1,933 8,638 l3 t4 l5 to 1'1 Distribution Operating Expenses DepreciatioilAmoniation Tues State Income Taxes Total Distribution I 71.109 to,'173 t6,202 6,423 370 (46,545)124,564 (t'77) 436 (2,95 l ) (570) r 0,596 I 6,638 3,472 (200)661 't24,564 10,596 t 6,638 1 t1) 461 33,768 4,9'tO 6,824 23,418 t0,615 (2,6s2) (3,262) (r46) (6,2s8) 0 ( r,37s) 4,965 2.862 30,506 4,424 566 0 22,O43 I 5,580 210 661 46 3 l.t 67 4,870 566 0 )1 011 r 5,580 210 Customer Accouting Customer Service & Infomation Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmortiution 23 Tues 24 Total Admin. & General 25 Total Electric Expenses 26 OPERATINGINCOMEBEFOREFIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Cment Accrual 28 D€bt lnterest 29 Defe[ed Income Taxes 30 Amortized lnvestment Tu Credit 3I NETOPERATINGINCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 Intmgible 33 Production 34 Transmission 35 Distribution 36 General 37 Total Plmt in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 lntangible 39 Production 40 Trmsmission 4l Distribution 42 General43 Total Accumulated Depreciation 44 NET PLANT BEFORE DFIT 45 DEFERREDTAXES 46 NET PLANTAF|ER DFIT 47 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 48 WORKING CAPITAL l8 l9 20 49 TOTAL RATE BASE 50 RATEOFRETURN 29 3 1,38 |6,452 37,833 29 37,862 248,052 (49,758)198,294 '736 I 99,030 79,734 ( l 5,s66) 37,464 (r6e) ( r 0,665)69,069 12,t54 4,254 81.223 (4,e30) (461) 844 (2'7\ (2O,496) (467) 38,308 (196) (16,242) 1461) 38,308 (r96) $58,00s ($6,084) S5l,92r s7,900 $59,82r $73,8r r 434,218 224,51 I 532,559 I I 6,937 $20,328 40,462 19,412 32,320 812 $94.r 39 4'14,680 ?a? qr? 564,879 117 ,7 49 $94,1 39 474,680 243,923 564,8',79 |7,749 1,382,036 (t3,492) ( l 83,329) (7O,7 tt) ( r 84,073) (40,1 59) (6,s45) (5,s62) (3,091 ) (20,e86) (4,603) (20,037) ($188,89r ) (73,802) (205,059) (44;762) I I 3,334 1,495,370 t,495,3'70 (20,037) ( r 88,891 ) (73,802) (205,0s9) (44.7621 (491.'164\G0_'78',7\l)(532.55 I ) 890,272 ( r 80 974) 72,547 (25 48) 962,819 22\ 962,819 (206.122). 709,298 (1,340) 3l,481 47,399 (84) (667) 756,697 (1,424) 30,8 I 4 756,697 (1,424) 30,8 I 4 $739.439 $0 $786,087 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 8 NOI Requirement Revenue Requirement Attachment B 7.84yo e s46,648 $786,087 6.6U/o 't 6tyo AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTNC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 (000's oF DoLLARS)ADJUSTMENTSTR#I TR#2 I k REVENUES Total General Business Interdepalunental Sales Sales for Resale Total Sales of Electricity Other Revenue Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production md Trmsmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Puchased Power 9 DeFeciation/Amortiztion l0 RegulatoryAmortiation I I Tiles 12 Total Production & Trmsmission $0$0 crso rr{ r 2.768 (s l 3,?40)$245,485 248 12,'168 248 272.?41 8,0t1 (13;740\258,50t 8,012 280.253 66,872 31,904 15,217 1.933 8.638 (13,740)266,513 66,8',72 3 t,904 15,217 r,933 8,638 l3 l4 15 t6 t7 Customer Accouting Customer Service & lnfomation Sales Expenses Administrative & Ceneral 2l Qperating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmortiation 23 Taxes 24 Total Admin. & General 25 Total Electric Expenses 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Cuent Accrual 28 Debt Interest 29 Defened Income Tues 30 Amortized Investrnent Tu Credit 3] NETOPERATINGINCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 Intangible 33 Production 34 Trmsmission 35 Distributioo 36 General 3'1 Total Plmt in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 Integible 39 Production 40 Trmsmission 4l Distribution 42 General 43 Total Accmulated Depreciation 44 NETPLANTBEFOREDFIT t8 t9 20 45 DEFERREDTAXES 46 NETPLANTAFTERDFIT 47 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 48 WORKING CAPITAL 49 TOTAL RATE BASE 50 RATEOFRETURN Distribution Operating Expenses Depreciation/Amortiation Taxes State lncome Tues Total Distribution NOI Requirement Revenue Requirement 3l,t 67 4,870 566 0 22,0'12 | 5,580 210 (704) (4e) (31) 30,463 4,821 566 0 22.O41 I 5,580 210 3'l _862 (3t)37.83 l | 99,030 (784)198,246 6,497 187 (14,937\ (6) (2,O54) (9,745) (286) 2t,3t'7 (re6) nt ?rl ( r 2,956) (?;t2t) 68,26'7 (12,466) (286) 21,3t'7 (r e6) $8,253 s2,060 $70, r 34 ($ r 0,235)$59,899 $0 $0 $94,1 39 4'14,680 ,11 0r? 564,879 \ l'7,749 $94,1 39 474,680 243,923 564,879 t17,',]49 t,495,3',70 (20,037) (188,8er ) (73,802) (205,059) (44,762\ 1.495,3'10 (20,037) ( r 88,891 ) (73,802) (205,059) (44,762) (532.55r )(532,55 r ) 1,02'1 962,819 (205,095) 962,819 (205,09s) t,o27 757,724 (1,424) 30,8t4 75',7,724 (1,424) 30,8t4 $0 $t,027 $787,t l4 $0 $787,1 t4 8.9t%7 6tyo (8,253) (t,982) (10,235) 10.235 (l 1,080) (2,66r )l3.140 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 2 of I Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Exoense Adi Tax Reform Excess Tax PF ARAM Adi Pro Forma I Total with Tax Reforml Schedule 7x I TR Proposed Revenues & Related Exp Pro Forma Proposed Totrl with Tax Reform Line No.DESCRIPTION t24,564 I 0,596 l 6.638 3,4'72 (104\ 124,564 r 0,596 i 6,638 1 t1a (241\461 Attachment B ( r 3.740) Schshle 72 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3 I, 2OI 6 (ooo's oF DoLLARS) REVENUES Total General Business Interdepartmental Sales Sales for Resale Total Sales of Electricity Other Revenue Total Electric Revenue ADJUSTMENTSTR#3 TR#4 TRHS $0$0$0I 2 3 4 5 6 38 39 40 4l 44 $0 't 8 9 l0 ll 12 l8 t9 20 EXPENSES Production and Trosmission Operating Expenses Puchased Power Depreciatior/Amortizstion Regulatory Amortiation Taxes Total Production & Trosmission Distribution l3 Operating Exp€nses l4 Depreciation/Amortiation l5 Tues l6 State Income Tues 17 Total Distribution Customer Accomting Customer Service & lnfomation Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmortiation 23 Taxes 24 Total Admin. & General 25 Total Electric Expenses 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Cwent Accrul 28 Debt lnterest 29 Defered lncome Tues 30 Amortiad Investrnent Tu Credit 3I NET OPERATING TNCOME RATE BASE PLANT N SERVICE lntangible Production Trmsmission Distribution General Total Plmt in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Intangible Production Transmission Disfibution General Total Accumulated Depreciation NET PLANT BEFORE DFIT 32 33 34 35 36 37 45 DEFERREDTAXES 46 NETPLANTAFTERDRT 47 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 48 WORI.IING CAPITAL (3,439) (e)<rl (8s6) (3,439) (5.626) (7\ (4,7'7O) $4,7'17 $3.439 $858 $9,074 $0 $0 s0 428 418 428 428 t,090 1.090 49 TOTAL RATE BASE 50 RATEOFRETURN $1,090 $0 $428 $1,518 NOI Requirement Revenue Requirement (4,694)(3,439\(82s)(8,958) (1,108)( r 2.026) Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 3 of 8 2018 Line Tex Reform Excess Tax PF Non-Plent Amort FIT/DFIT Tax Refornr Jan - May Deferral Tax Reform Jan - May Deferral ARAM Amort TOTAL Attachment B (6.302)(4.61 ?\ $0 S.h..ln16 74 Df,SCRIPTION AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3 I, 20I 6 (000's oF DoLLARS)20r9 WITH 2OI8 PROPOSED RATES WITH 2OI9 PROPOSED RATES Line No.DESCRIPTION 2018 Pro Forma Total 2019 Total Adiustments 2019 Pro Forma Total 2018 Proposed Revenues & Related Exp 2019 Proposed Revenues & Related ExD 2019 Pro Forma Proposed Totsl dhc f so REVENUES I Total General Business 2 InterdepartmentalSales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales ofElectricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production md Trmsmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amoniation l0 RegulatoryAmortization I I Tu€s 12 Total Production & Transmission $246,335 248 t2,768 $0 $246,33s 248 t2;168 $l 2,890 94.544 s263,769 244 12,'764 259,351 8,012 $259,35 l 8,0r 2 I 2,890 4,544 2'16,785 8,012 26'1,363 66,812 3 I,904 t5,217 1,933 8,638 154 179 410 267,363 67,026 3t,904 I 5,396 't,933 9,048 I 2,890 4,544 284,79't 67,026 31,904 I 5,396 I,933 9,048 124,564 10,596 l 6,638 3,4',12 (200) 344 220 t99 (180) 10,940 I 6,858 3.67 \ (380) 125,301 10,940 16,858 3,6',11 514 743 125,307 t3 l4 i5 l6 t7 Disu-ibution Operating Expenses Depreciation/Amoniation Taxes State Income Tiles Total Distributron 66t l8 Customer Accosting l9 Customer Seryice & lnfomation 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amoniation 22 RegulatoryAmortization 23 Taxes 24 Total Admin. & General 25 Total Electric Expenses 26 OPERATINGINCOMEBEFOREFIT 30,506 4,824 566 22,O43 r 5,580 210 4,873 571 0 583 49 5 0 3 r ,089 661 46 29 l6 t0 3 | ,983 4,935 5'71 0 22,178 16,826 2lo 696 t,246 22,739 16,826 2t0 37,833 1,942 39,',775 29 10 39,8t 4 198,294 3,323 201,616 736 259 202,61 1 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 CunentAccrual 28 Debt Interest 29 Defened Income Tues 30 Amorti4d Investsnent Tax Credit 69,069 (20,496) (467) 38,308 (r e6) (3,323) ( 1,r 63) (e5) 65,747 12,154 4,254 a )9s 1,499 82,1 86 (r5,906) (s62\ 38,308 (r 96) (21,659) (s62) 38,308 (r e6) 31 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 lntmgible 33 Production 34 Trmsmission 35 Distribution 36 General 3'l Total Plmt in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 Intmgible 39 Production 40 Transmission 4l Distribution 42 General 43 Total Accmulated Depreciation44 NETPLANTBEFOREDFIT $5r,92r ($2,065) $49,856 $7,900 $2,786 60,542 $94,1 39 414,680 243,923 564,879 tt7,'149 $8,741 6,006 a a)5 '1,276 9,038 $t 02,880 480,686 247,348 572,155 t26;18'7 sl 02,880 480,686 247,348 5',?2,155 126,'187 t,495,370 34,486 I,529,856 1,529,856 (20,037) ( r 88,891 ) (73,802) (205,059) (44;762\ (4,450) (4,668) (1,340) (7,873) 0.345) (24,48't) (r93,559) ('7 s,142) (212,932) (46.r07) (24,487) (193,5s9) (7s,142) (212,932) (46,r 07) (532.55 l )(te,676) (ss2,227)(ss2,227) 962,8r 9 (206,t22\ I 4,810 (s,356) 977,629 (2t 1,478) 9'1'1,629 (21t,4't8)45 DEFERREDTAXES 46 NETPLANTAFTERDFIT 47 DEFERREDDEBITSANDCREDITS 48 WORKING CAPITAL 756,697 (1,424) 30.814 9,454 766,15t (t,424) 30 8l 4 766,1 5 I (1,424) 30,814 49 TOTALRATEBASE 50 RATEOFRETURN NOI Requirement Revenue Requirement 1.6tvo Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 4 of 8 $786,087 9,454 $795,541 $0 $0 $795,54r Attachment B 6.6U/o 627% e 2019 Update Line No,DESCRIPTION Tax Reform FIT/DT'IT Exoense Adi Tax Reform Excess Tax PF ARAM Adi Pro Forma Settlemeot Total with Tax Reform 2018 TR Proposed Revenues & Related ExD 2019 TR Proposed Revenues & Related Exp Pro Forma Proposed Totsl with Tax Reform a k AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTzuC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I.2016 (000's oF DoLLARS) REVENUES I Total General Buiness 2 lnterdepartmentalSales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales ofElectricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production md Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amoniation l0 RegulatoryAmortiation I I Tues 12 Total Production & Transmission ADJUSTMENTSTR#6 TR#7 h $0$0 $263,769 248 12.768 ($l 3.?40)($264)$249,76s 248 2 't68 216,785 8,012 ( I 3.740)(264)262,'l8t 8.0t2 284,',?97 ( l 3.740)(264)270.793 67,026 3 t,904 I 5,396 t,933 9.048 67,026 3t,904 15,396 I,933 9,048 t25,307 10,940 16,858 3,6',71 125,307 ll l4 l5 l6 t'7 Disribution Operating Expenses Depreciatior/Amortiation Tues State [ncome Tues Total Disribution 514 (704\4) | 0,940 16,858 3,67 t (204\ l8 Cutomer Accouting l9 Customer Seruice & Infomation 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiution 22 RegulatoryAmortiation 23 Tues 24 Total Admin. & General 25 Total Electric Expenses 26 OPERATINGINCOMEBEFOREFIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Cuent Accrual 28 Debt Interest 29 Defened hcome Tues 30 Amoniad lnvestsnent Til Credit 3I NETOPERATINGINCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 Intmgible 33 Production 34 Transmission 35 Distribution 36 General 3'l Total Plilt in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 Intangible 39 Production 40 Trusmission 4l Distribution 42 General 43 Total Accmulated Depreciation 44 NET PLANT BEFORE DFIT 22;778 t6,826 210 (31 ) (t4) (l) 3t,265 4,885 57t 0 22,',746 t6,826 210 (l ) 39,814 (3t)0)39,782 202,61 I (784)(16)?0r,8t I 6,362 225 (14,937) (l e) (2,306) (e,s44) (356) 2t,06s 0 96) 82,1 86 (12,956) (2,721) (248\ (5t) 68,982 (r2,316) (356) 2t,065 fl 95) 8,350 $2,325 $'11,217 ($ l 0,235)($ l e7)s60,785 $l 02,880 480,686 24'7,348 5',72,155 126,787 $r 02,880 480,686 247,348 5't2,155 126,'181 1,529,856 1,529,856 (24.487) ( l 93,559) ('75.142) (212,932\ (46 I 07) (24,48'7) (193,559) (7s,142) (212,932) (46.107) (552.227\( 552 22'7\ 3,207 97'7,629 <208,2'7 t) 977,629 (208,27 t\45 DEFERREDTAXES 46 NETPLANTAFTERDFIT 47 DEFERREDDEBITSANDCREDITS 48 WORKING CAPITAL 3,207 '769,358 (t,424) 30,81 4 769,358 (1,424) 30,814 49 TOTALRATEBASE 50 RATEOFRETURN NOI Requirement Revenue Requirement $0 $3,207 $798,748 $0 $o $798,748 8.92o/o 7 6t% (8,350)(2,081 )(10,43 r )10,235 197 t3,140 264 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-1 7-01 and AVU-G-1 7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 5 of 8Attachment B (r 1,2r0)(2,794\(r 4,004) 3r,983 (70/.) 4,935 (49) 57t 0 $0$0 AVISTA UTILITIES Calculation of General Revenue Requirement Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I, 2OI6 2018 2019 Incremental 2019 Line (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars)No.Description I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pro Forma Rate Base Proposed Rate ofRetum Net Operating lncome Requirement Pro Forma Net Operating Income Net Operating Income Deficiency Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Total General Business Revenues Percentage Revenue Increase 2 Proposed Rate ofReturn 3 Net Operating Income Requirement 4 Pro Forma Net Operating Income 5 Net Operating Income Deficiency 6 Conversion Factor 7 Revenue Requirement 8 Total General Business Revenues 9 Percentage Revenue Increase $786,087 7.61% $79s,541 7.61% $s9,821 $sl,92r $60,s41 $49,8s6 $7,900 0.6 r 288 $ 10,68s 0.61288 st7,434 $2,785 0.61288 s2s9,473$246,583 5,23v"1.750h Line No. Pro Forma Settlement with Tax Reform Incremental 201920182019 (00's of (00's of (fi)0's of Description Dollars) Dollars) Dollars) Pro FormaRate Base $787,1 14 $798,748 7.61%7.6t% $59,899 $60,78s $70.r 34 $71,217 ($lo,23s) ($10,432) 0.74489 0.74489 ($ I e7) 0.74489 l-?5i3r4-'q-l ($r4,oo4)E:@ $259,473 $245.733 -s.30%-0.llv" sl2 Attachment B Page 6 of I AVISTA UTILITIES Pro Forma Cost of Capital Idaho - Electric System Proposed: Component Capital Structure ProForma Cost ProForma Weighted Cost Total Debt Common Total 50.00% 50.00% 5.72Yo 9.s0% 2.860/o 4.7 5o/o 100.00%/ .b l'/o Attachment B Page 7 of 8 Line No. AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 Description 2 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax @35% REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 With Tax Reform Description Filed 0.003746 Factor 1.000000 0.003563 Revised 0.00227s 0.051264 0.0s7102 0.942898 0.330014 0.612884 Factor 3 4 5 6 7 8 Line No. 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho lncome Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax @21%o REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR l.000000 Filed 0.003746 0.003563 Revised 0.002275 0.051264 0.0s7102 0.942898 0. l 98009 0.744889: Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 8 of IAttachment B I AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 (000's oF DoLLARS) 20r8 WITH PRESENT RATES WITH 2OI8 PROPOSED RATES Line No.DESCRIPTION Actual Per Results ReDort Totsl Adiustments 2018 Pro Forma Total Proposed Revenues & Related Exp Pro Forma Proposed Total c e REVENUESI Total Gensal Business 2 Total Trosponation 3 Other Revenues 4 TotalGmRevenues $61,r 84 486 33,083 $ (2 l,036) t8 (33.0r3) $40,148 504 70 $l,l 80 $41.328 504 70 94,753 (54,03 l)40,'122 I,t 80 41,902 EXPENSES Production Expenres 5 City Gate Purchres 6 Purchased Gu Expense 7 Net Nat G6 Storage Trans 8 Total Production 52,496 455 914 (52,496) (l 8) (914) 437 431 53,865 (53,428)437 437 9 t0 tl t2 Underground Storage Operating Expenses Depreci ati on Tues Total Underground Storage 407 206 88 (0) t5 3t 407 221 ll9 407 22t il9 701 46 747 741 t3 t4 l5 t6 l7 Distribution Operating Expenses Depreciation Tees State lncome Tues Total Distribution 6,t29 4,901 2,535 60 218 530 (833) 53 6,34'7 5,43t t,702 ll3 60 6,34',1 5,43 I 't,702 t'13 13,625 3,0r0 1,539 (32)I 3,593 2,545 382 60 4 13,653 2,549 382 l8 l9 20 Customer Accounting (46s) (1,r57)Customer Servie & Infomation Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Op€rating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmortizations 24 Tdes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Go Expense 5,696 2,666 (30) (455) I,154 (l) 5,241 3,820 (3 l) 5,244 3,820 (3t) 8,332 698 9,030 3 9,033 8l,o'12 (54,337)26,73s 67 26,802 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 13,68 t 306 42 (u:) (4) I 3,987 I,t r3 | 5,100 FEDERAL INCOME TAX28 CutrentAccrual 29 Debt Interest30 Defered FIT 3l AmortITC (el0) 4,626 (8) (868) (65) 4,626 (12) 390 (478) (65) 4,626 (t2) 32 NETOPERATINGINCOME $9.973 $333 $r 0,306 $"t23 $l 1,029 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage34 Distribution Plut 35 General Plat 36 Total Plat in Seryice $l 1,228 I 98,502 34,820 $561 13,624 4,654 $t 1,789 212,126 39,414 $t 1,789 212,t26 39,474 244,550 I 8,839 263,389 263,389 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plat 39 General Plmt 40 Total Accum. Depreciation/Amon. 4I NETPLANT 42 DEFERREDFIT 43 Net Pl@t After DFIT44 GASINVENTORY 45 CAINONSALEOFBUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL (4,3 I l) (66,440) (r0.045) (274) (6,566) (2.319\ (4.585) (73,006) (t2,364\ (4,s85) (73,006) fi2.364\ (80.796)(9.1 59)(89,955)(89,95s) 163,',l54 (35,280) 9,680 (3.627) 173,434 (38,907) 173,434 (38,907) t28,474 3,809 6,053 134,527 3,809 134,527 3,809 (6e)(69)(6e) 44'1 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATEOFRET1JRN $l 38,432 $1u,932 $0 $144,932 't.tt%7.6tyo Exhibit No. 12 NOI Requirement Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 8 Revenue Reouirement Attachment'C 7.20Yo $6,500 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,20I6 (ooo's oF DoLLARS) ADJT]STMENTS TR#I c h REVENUES Total General Business Total Trmsportation Other Revenues Total Gas Revenues $4r,328 504 $ (2,556)s38,772 504 70 41,902 (2,556)39,346 EXPENSES Production Expenses City Gate Purchases Purchased Gas Expense Net Nat Gu Storage Tras Total Production 437 437 43't 437 9 l0 ll t2 Underground Storage Operating Expenses Depreciation Taes Total Underground Storage 40't 221 ll9 40'1 221 ll9 '147 747 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 l9 20 Distribution Operating Expenses Depreciation Taes State Income Taes Total Distribution 6,347 5,43 I 1,702 t73 (r3r) 6,347 5,43 r 1,702 42 r 3,653 ? t40 382 (r3r)13,522 2,540 382 Customer Accounting (e) Customer Service & Infomation Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 RegulatoryAmonizations 24 Tiles 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Gas Expense 5,244 3,820 (3 l) (6)5,238 3,820 (3 t) I 033 (6',|9 021 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT - - 26,802 (t46\ 26,656 l5,lo0 (2,4t0) t2,690 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 CurentAccrual29 Debt Interest 30 Defened FIT 3l Amon ITC l9l (l.769) (287) (40) ) 4A) (t 2) (s06)(7e3) (40) 2,492 (12) (t) (366) 32 NETOPERATINGINCOME 1.55 I $367 $12.947 ($r.904) $l 1,043 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage 34 Distribution Plat 35 General PIot 36 Total Plat in Service $l t,789 2t2,126 39,474 $l 1,789 2t2,126 39,474 263,389 263,389 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plat 39 General Plat 40 TotalAccum. Depreciation/Amort. 4I NETPLANT 42 DEFERREDFIT 43 Net Plmt After DFIT 44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL (4,585) (73.006) (12,364) (4,585) (73,006) (12,364) (89,955)(89,955) t83 t'13.434 (38,724) 1'13,434 (38,724\ r83 t34,710 3,809 134,710 3.809 (6e)(6e) 6,665 6.665 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATE OF RETURN $0 $t83 t45,1 15 $0 $t45,1 t5 Exhibit No. 12 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, AvistaNOI Requirement 8.92vo '1.61% (2,082) (474) (2,556) Tax Reform Excess Tax PF ARAM Adi Pro Forma Settlement Total with Tax Reform TR Proposed Revenues & Related Exp Pro Forma Proposed Total with Tax Reform Line No.DESCRIPTION Tax Reform F'IT/DFIT Expense Adi Revenue Reouirement Attachment C 2.556 Schedule 2, Page 2 of I I 2 3 4 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3 I.2OI6 (000's oF DoLLARS) ADJI-ISTMENTS REVENUES I Total General Business 2 Total Trosportation 3 Other Revenues 4 Total Gas Revenues EXPENSES Production Expen*s 5 City Gate Purchces 6 Purchased Gd Expense 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8 Total Production 9 t0 II t2 Underground Storage Operating Expenses Depreciation Tdes Total Underground Storage l3 l4 l5 t6 t't Distribution Operating Expenses Depreciation Taes State Income Tues Total Distribution 1 8 Customer Accounting l9 Customer Service & Infomation 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 RegulatoryAmortizations 24 Tues 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total G6 Expense 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT F'EDERAL INCOME TAX 28 CurentAccrual29 Debt Interest 30 Defened FIT 3l Amon ITC (il6)(646) (2) 22'7 (l) 3'19 (0) (152) 32 NETOPERATINGINCOME ($378) $646 $t 53 $4ll RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 34 35 36 Underground Storage Distribution Plilt General PIat Total Plmt in Service $0 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plmt39 Ceneral Plant 40 Total Accum. Depreciation/Amort.4I NETPLANT 42 DEFERREDFIT 43 Net Plmt After DFIT 44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL 16 76 76 '16 t76 1'76 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATE OF RETURN t'76 $0 s76 252 NOI Requirement , , Case Nns AVU-E-17-01 Exhibit No. 12 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista392(646)(r47)(402) 2018Tax Reform Excess Tax PF Tax Reform Jnn - May Deferral Tax Reform Jan - May DeferralLine Revenue Requirement Attachment C 526 (868)(197)(539) Schedule 2, Page 3 of 8 o Schedulp l7l NFS(.RIPTION TOTAI, AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 (000's oF DoLLARS) 2Al9 WITH 2OI8 PROPOSED RATES WITH 2OI7 PROPOSED RATES Line No.DESCRTPTION 20r8 Pro Forma Totd 2019 Total Adiustments 20r9 Pro Foma Tolrl 2018 Proposed Revenues & Related Exp 2019 Proposed Revenues & Related Exp 2019 Pro Forma Proposed Total q b c I REVENUES Total General Business Total Tresponation Other Revenues Total Go Revenua $40,t48 504 'to $40,r48 504 70 $r,1 80 $1, I 32 $42,460 504 70 40,722 40,722 I,180 1,132 43,034 EXPENSES Production Expenses City Gate Purchases Purchased Gu Expense Net Nat Gs Storage Trans Total Production 437 444 444 43'l 444 444 40't 224 128 9 t0 ll t2 Underground Storage Operating Expen*s Depreciation Tues Total Underground Storage 40'1 221 n9 407 224 128 '147 t2 -t 59 '759 l3 t4 t5 l6 t7 Distribution Operating Expenses Depreciation Taes State Income Tues Total Distribution 6,34'.1 5,43 I 1,702 ll3 84 53 t12 (s2\ 6,431 5,484 t,814 6t 60 58 6,431 5,484 1,8t4 t79 r 3,593 2,545 382 t9't 36 3 50 660 t3,790 60 4 58 4 r 3,908 2,589 385 l8 l9 20 Customer Accounting Customer Service & lnfomation Sales Expenses Administrative & General 2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmortizations 24 Taes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total G6 Expense 5,24t 3,820 (3 l) 5,291 4,480 (3 l) 5,297 4,480 (3 l) 9,030 7to 9,140 9,746 26,735 965 27,'tOO 67 65 27,832 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT I 3,987 (e65)13,022 I,l l3 1,067 t5,202 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Cunent Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Defened FIT 3l Amon ITC (868) (65) 4,626 02) (338) (t0) (r,20s) (75) 4,626 (l 2) 390 373 (442) (75) 4,626 (12) 32 NET OPERATING INCOME $10.306 ($617)$9.689 $723 $694 I 1,106 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE33 Underground Storage 34 Distribution Plmt35 General PIot 36 Total Plot in Seryice $t 1,789 39,474 $204 2,t39 3,832 $l 1,993 2t4,265 43.306 $r r,993 214,265 43,306 2$lag 6,175 269,564 269,564 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Disbibution Plilt 39 General Plmt 40 TotalAccum. Depreciation/Amort. 4I NETPLANT 42 DEFERREDFIT 43 Ner Plill Aner DFIT 44 GASINVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL (4,s8s) (73,006) (r2.3641 (108)(4,693) (7s,285) 03.827) (4.693) (1s,285) (13.82'1) (2,279) (1.463) (89.9s5)(3.850)(93.80s)(93.80s) 173,434 (38,907) ,1r< (r,317) 175,'159 (40.2241 175,759 (4O,224) 134,527 3,809 t,008 135,535 3,809 t35,535 3,809 (6e)(6e)(6e) 6,665 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATEOFRETURN $144.932 $145.940 $0 $145,940 7.6t%o Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avlsta Schedule 2, Page 4 of 8Attachment C 7.l% $1.008 6.64Yo 7 7 0 3 9 2,58 |,r: J 3 6,665 - 6,665 $0 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I.2OI6 (000's oF DoLLARS) REVENUES I Total General Business 2 Total Trasportation 3 Other Revenues 4 Total Ga Revenues EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchces 6 Purchoed Gs Expense 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8 Total Production ADJUSTMENTS 1 R#6 2019 Update h k Pro Form{ Proposed Toisl $ (67) $39,837 (6'7)40,4 t I $42,460 43,034 $ (2,5s6) (2,556\ 504504 444444 Underground Storage Operating Expenss Depreciation Tues Total Underground Storage Distribution Operating Expenses D€preci ati on Tdes State Income Tues Total Distribution 444 40'l 224 128 444 407 224 128 9 t0 il t2 l3 14 l5 l6 \7 759 (3) 759 6,431 5,484 1,814 45 6,431 5,4E4 1,814 179 (l3l) 13,908 2,589 385 (l3l ) (e) (3)13,774 2,580 385 I 8 Customer Accounting l9 Customer Seryice & Infomalion 20 Sales Expenres Administrative & General2l Operating Expenses 22 Depreciatior/Amortiation 23 RegulatoryAmoniations 24 Tues 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Gs Expense 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 5,29'.1 4,480 (31) (6)5,29t 4,480 (3 t) - - 9,746 (61 9.140 27,832 (146)(3)27,683 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Cunent Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Defened FIT 3l Amon ITC 177 30 (t,769)(433) 15,202 (26s) (49) 2,424 (12) (2,410) (s06) (64)12,728 (14)(785) (4e) 2,424 ( t2) (3) 32 NETOPERATINGINCOME RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Slorage 34 Distribution Plmt 35 Ceneral PIot 36 Tohl PIot in Seruice ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage38 Distribution Plmt 39 General Plmt 40 Total Accum. Depreciatior/Amort. 4I NETPLANT 42 DEFERREDFIT 43 Net Plot After DFIT44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDINC46 OT}IER 47 WORKINC CAPITAL 1.562 $436 $l 3.104 ($r.e04)($s0)$ll,r50 $l t,993 214,265 43,306 $r r,993 214,2.65 43.306 269,564 (4,693) (7s,28s) fl3 827t 269,564 (4,693) ('15,285) 0 3.827) (93 80s)(93.805) 582 175,759 (39.642\ 115,',l59 (39.642). 582 136,1 l7 3,809 t36,1 I 7 3,809 6,665 (6e)(6e) 48 TOTALRATEBASE 49 RATEOFRETURN $0 $146.522 $0 $146,522 't .6to/o 50 No. 12 7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 5 of 8 Tsx Reform Excess Tax PF ARAM Adi Pro Forma Se(tlcment Total with Tax Reform 2018 TR Proposed Rwenues & Relsted ExD 2019 TR Proposed Rwenues & Related Exo Line No.DESCRIPTION Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Expense Adi Attachment C (1,562) $582 8.94% $0 I AVISTA UTILITIES Calculation of General Revenue Requirement Idoho - Natural Gas TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 Description Pro Foma Rate Base Proposed Rate ofReturn Net Operating lncome Requirement Pro Forma Net Operating Income Net Operating lncorne Deficiency Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Total Base Distribution Revenues Percentage Base Distribution Revenue Increase Total kesent Billed Revenue Percentage Billed Revenue Increase Pro Forma Final with Tax Reform Description Pro Forma Rate Base Proposed Rate ofRetum Net Operating Income Requirement Pro Forma Net Operating Income Net Operating lncome Deficiency Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Total Base Distribution Revenues Percentage Base Distribution Revenue lncrease Total Present Billed Revenue Percentage Billed Revenue Increase $144,932 $ 145,940 7il%7.61% $l I,029 Sl 1,106 $10,306 $ 9,689 $723 $l,4r7 $693 0.61288 0.61288 0.61288 $1,180 $2,313 $r,r32 $40,652 $4 I ,832 2.90"2.1loh $6 I,255 $62,435 1.93'Y"t.81,'/. 2018 z0l9 Incremental 2019 2018 20r9 Line No. l0 il (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars) (000's of Dollars) $145,1 l5 7 .610/o $146,522 7.6tyo2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll $l I,043 $12,947 $ll,t50 $13,104 ($r,904) 0.14489 ($2,ss6) $41,832 -6.llo/" $62,43s ($s0) 0.74489 $39,276 -0.17'h $59,879 ($1,e54) 0.74489 Attachment C Line No. -@ -4.09.h -0.tly. Page 6 of 8 Incremental 20t9 AVISTA UTILITIES PRO FORMA COST OF CAPITAL Idaho - Natural Gas Proposed: Component Capital Structure Pro Forma Cost Pro Forma Weighted Cost Total Debt Common Equity Total s0.00%5.72%2.85% 50.00%9. s0%4.7s2 100.00%7.61% Attachment C Page 7 of 8 Line No. AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 Description Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax @ 35o/o REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 With Tax Reform Description Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax @ 2l%o REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 1.000000 0.003564 0.002275 0.0s1264 0.0s7103 0.942897 0. I 98008 _0J44889_ Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 8 of B Factor 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 1.000000 0.003s64 0.00227s 0.051264 0.057103 0.942897 0.330014 Line No. 0.612883 Factor 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Attachment C I Elrr*r; cS,*t &JAIJI'Avista Utilities IPUC Case No. GNR-U-18-01 Tax Reform Benefit Report Pre-Tax Net lncome 2 Current Accrual 3 Debt lnterest 4 Deferred lncome Taxes 5 Flow Through DFIT 6 Amortized ITC 7 Total lncome Tax 8 Net Operating lncome 9 Rate Base 10 Proposed Rate of Return 11. Net Operating lncome Requirement 72 Net Operating lncome Deficiency 13 Conversion Factor t4 Revenue Requirement s21,403 $13,150 (s8,253) In x 't Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Adjustments to AVU-E-17-01 Approved Results of Operations and Revenue Requirement TR#l Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Expense Adjustrnent Values Derived from 2018 Pro Forma Proposed Total including Approved Lltl20L8 Revenue lncrease and associated Conversion Factor recalculated with FIT rate ol2L%. Line 1 Electric Pro Forma before Tax Reform 581,223 Electric Pro Forma after Tax Reform s81,223 TR#1 Adjustment SO 'L6,242) (467) 37,342 966 (1e6) (.9,7451 (280) 22,445 966 (1s6) 6,497 187 (14,9371 s59,821 S786,087 7.610/o Ss9,82t So 0,5L2884 $o s68,074 s785,087 7.6L% S59,821 (s8,253) 0.744889 (s11,080) S8,2s3 So 5o (s8,253) TRB2 15 15 77 (s11,080) Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF ARAM Amortization lnformation derived from tax department PowerTax program results. See workpaper file "ADFIT Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" This workpaper shows the derivation of the seryice and jurisdictional assignment of ARAM impacts for 2018 through 2021 and the Average Monthly Average Calculation. Annual Monthly 2018 Deferred FIT Expense lmpact (2,054) (17L1 TR#2 Adjustments 2018 DFIT Expense (52,054) 2018 AMA ADFTT $t,OZt 1) TCJA Adjustment Summary lD.xlsx / Electric Attachment D Page 1 of23 Page 1 {-l-rfu;c> nloP t'l TRfl3 18 19 20 2t Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF Non-Plant Amortization (1year amortization) See workpaper file "REVISED- Deferred lnventory Rollforward 2Ot7LZ 01,16,18 before 21% NSJ.xlsx" Rate Base AMA calculation see workpaper file "ADFIT Non-Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" amortization lD Electric period 2Ot7.LzExcess Deferred Tax Liability {4,7701 L year " lSO,llOl Expense Adj Subset included in Rate Base Amort Rate Year 05,2018 - 05.2019 05.2019 Ending Balance lD Electric (3,439) Deferral Period 0r.2018 - 04.2018 AMA ADFIT lmpact 7/3L/2018 2128/2018 3l3t/2018 4/30l2Ot8 sl3t/2018 Average Monthly Average Rate Base lmpact Ending Balance Monthly Average L1t 86 342 257 513 428 68s 599 855 770 428 lS2,tts1 /it,oso Rate Base Adj /l$l,tlsl Expense Adj Rate Year Total/ {Sase) Expense Adj y $ez8 nateBaseAdj (2,t79l, 2,179 1 year AMA impact TRf4 Tax Reform Excess January through May 2018 Deferral FIT/DFIT Expense (1 year amortization) See workpaper file "2018 Deferral Estimate lD.xlsx" Propose to defer the difference between actual current and deferred tax expense as recorded at2to/olax rate versus hvpothetical current and deferred tax expense determined al35o/o tax rate. The attached workpaper provides an estimate of the January through May deferral based on the 2018 Pro Forma Results including Approved t/t/2018 Revenue lncrease (see TR#l). As the 2018 referenced reports become available for each of the deferred months the estimated values will be replaced with actual values, Actual deferrals will be booked into a regulatory liability as well as any unanticipated effects of the tax reform legislation, to compare with actual amortization based on the estimate. 22 Estimated Deferred Excess Tax Expense TR#5 Tax Reform Excess January through May 2018 Deferral ARAM Amortization (1 year amortazation) See TR#2 2018 values on line t5 Monthly # of months 2018 Deferral 23 2018 ARAM Amort Deferred FIT Expense (L771 5 (356) lD Electric (8s5) 428 amortization period 1 year amortization period 1 year t year 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Deferred 2018 ARAM DFIT Amort 31 Deferral Period AMA ADFIT Rate Base 1) TCJA Adjustment Summary lD.xlsx / Electric Attachment D Page 2 ol 23 Page 2 eh-6';L' PT 3 a t{ TRfr5 Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Expense Adjustment Values Derived from 2019 Pro Forma Proposed Total including Approved tlt/2019 Revenue lncrease and associated Conversion Factor recalculated with FIT rate of 27%. Line 3L Pre-Tax Net lncome Electric Pro Forma before Tax Reform S82,tgs Electric Pro Forma after Tax Reform S8z,t86 TRfl1 Adjustment So 32 Current Accrual 33 Debt lnterest 34 Deferred lncome Taxes 35 Flow Through DFIT 36 Amortized ITC 37 Total lncome Tax (15,906) (s62) 37,342 966 (1e6) (9,544) (337) 22,405 966 (1s6) 6,362 225 (14,937) 521,644 513,295 (8,350) 38 Net Operating lncome 39 Rate Base 40 Proposed Rate of Return 4L Net Operating lncome Requirement 42 Net Operating lncome Deficiency 43 Conversion Factor 44 Revenue Requirement s60,542 Slgs,sqt 7.6t% $so,s+t (So1 0.512884 So Ssg,agt S79s,541 7.670/o s50,541 (s8,350) o.744889 (S11,210) s8,350 SO So (Sa,:so1 /(srr,zro) TRil7 45 Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF ARAM Amortization lnformation derived from tax department PowerTax program results. See workpaper file "ADFIT Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" This workpaper shows the derivation of the service and jurisdictional assignment of ARAM impacts for 2018 through 2021 and the Average Monthly Average Calculation, Annual Monthly 2019 Deferred FIT Expense lmpact (2,306) (7921 46 47 2019 DFIT Expense 201.9 AMA ADFIT TR#7 Adjustments l$2,3061 / 53,207 / 1) TC,A Adjustment Summary lD.xlsx / Electric Attachment D Page 3 of 23 Page 3 Pt 4 a+ I Line AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2016 Deqg4p!i_o1No.Factor r.000000 0.003563 Revised 0.00227s 0.051264 0.057102 0.942898 0.3300r4 0.612884 Factor Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax @35Yo REVENUE CONVERSION F'ACTOR AVISTA UI]LITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED Df,CEMBER 3I, 2016 With Tax Reform Description Filed 0.003746,) J 4 5 6 7 8 Line No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees ldaho Income Tax Total F,xpenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tw<@21% REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR r.000000 Filed 0.003746 0.003563 Revised 0.a02275 0.0s1264 0.0s7t02 0^942898 0.198009 0.744889# Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 1 Attachment D Page 4 of 23 A"r-b'LS''"'""*\ I I UD 6J*dr''lLAvista Utilities IPUC Case No. GNR-U-18-01 Tax Reform Benefit Report 1 Pre-Tax Net lncome Current Accrual Debt lnterest Deferred lncome Taxes Flow Through DFIT Amortized ITC Total lncome Tax 8 Net Operating lncome 9 Rate Base 10 Proposed Rate of Return 11 Net Operating lncome Requirement LZ Net Operating lncome Deficiency 13 Conversion Factor 14 Revenue Requirement Natural Gas Natural Gas Pro Forma before Pro Forma after TR#l Tax Reform Tax Reform Adjustment s15,100 s15,100 5o PT 1tn Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Adjustments to AVU-G-17-01 Approved Results of Operations and Revenue Requirement TRfll Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Expense Adiustment Values Derived from 2018 Pro Forma Proposed Total including Approved 7/L|2OL8 Revenue lncrease and associated Conversion Factor recalculated with FIT rate o'127%. Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 (478) (6s) 4,42t 205 (721 (287) (3e) 2,653 205 (12) 191 26 (1,7691 $4,07t S11,029 5t44,932 7.5L% su,02g So 0.612883 SO S12,s80 s144,932 7.610/0 S1t,o29 (s1,551) 0.744889 (s2,082) 2,520 (s1,551) TRfz 15 Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF ARAM Amortization lnformation derived from tax department PowerTax program results. See workpaper file "ADFIT Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" This workpaper shows the derivation of the service and jurisdictional assignment of ARAM impacts for 2018 through 202L and the Average Monthly Average Calculation. Annual Monthly 2018 Deferred FIT Expense lmpact (365) (:Ol St,55t SO SO (51,5s1) (s2,082) TR#2 Adjustments (Sreel 9183 Page 5 of23 16 17 2018 DFIT Expense 20T8 AMA ADFIT 1) rc{[*f#E|lBent summary lD.xlsx / Natural Gas Page 1 Ua TR#3 Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF Non-Plant Amortization (1 year amortlzation).Pq 18 See workpaper file "REVISED- Deferred lnventory Rollforward 20t7L2 01.16.18 before 21% NSJ.xlsx" Rate Base AMA calculation see workpaper file "ADFIT Non-Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" amortization lD Natural Gas period 2077 .72 Excess Deferred Tax Liability (net Asset) 379 1 year $379 Expense Adj i}1* P+a 19 20 2t 24 25 26 27 28 Subset included in Rate Base (net Liability) Amort Rate Year 06.2018 - 05.2019 05,2019 Ending Balance (3s3) 353 1 year AMA impact Ending Balance Monthly Average 30 15 61 46 91 76 122 to7 152 L37 (Srssl $176 Rate Base Adj Rate Year Total (Ssesl Expense Adj Rate Year Total (5152) ExpenseAdj $26 nate Base Adj TRfi4 Tax Reform Excess January through May 2018 Deferral FIT/DFIT Expense (1year amortization) See workpaper file "2018 Deferral Estimate lD,xlsx" Propose to defer the difference between act_ual current and deferred tax expense as recorded at 2L% tax rate versus hvpothetical current and deferred tax expense determined al35o/o tax rate, The attached workpaper provides an estimate of the January through May deferral based on the 2018 Pro Forma Results including Approved LlL/2078 Revenue lncrease (see TR#l). As the 2018 referenced reports become available for each of the deferred months the estimated values will be replaced with actual values, Actual deferrals will be booked into a regulatory liability as well as any unanticipated effects of the tax reform legislation, to compare with actual amortization based on the estimate. 22 Estimated Deferred Excess Tax Expense TRfs Tax Reform Excess January through May 2018 Deferral ARAM Amortization (1 year amortization) See TR#2 2018 values on line 15 Monthly S of months 2018 Deferral 22 2018 ARAM Amort Deferred FIT Expense (30) 5 (152) lD Natural Gas (645) Deferral Period 01.2018 - 05.20L8 AMA ADFIT lmpact 1.131/2078 2128/2078 3137/2078 4/30/20L8 sl3tl20L8 Average Monthly Average Rate Base lmpact lD NaturalGas (1s2) 76 amortization period 1 year amortization period 1 year 1 year 23 76 29 30 Deferred 2018 ARAM DFIT Amort Deferral Period AMA ADFIT Rate Base 1)TCJA Adjustnpnt Summary lD.xlsx / Natural Gas' Attactiment D Page 2Page 6 of 23 TR#6 Tax Reform FIT/DFIT Expense Adjustment NoJ , AAD Y+3-6 qU Vaf ues Derived from 2019 Pro Forma Proposed Total including Approved tl7l2O79 Revenue lncrease and associated Conversion Factor recalculated with FIT rate of 21%. Line Natural Gas Pro Forma before Tax Reform Sts,zoz Natural Gas Pro Forma after TR#1 Tax Reform AdjustmentSts,zoz So31. Pre-Tax Net lncome 32 33 34 35 36 37 Current Accrual Debt lnterest Deferred lncome Taxes Flow Through DFIT Amortized ITC Total lncome Tax (4421 (7s) 4,421 205 (26s) (4s) 2,653 205 t77 30 (1,7691 54,096 2,535 L,562'l 38 Net Operating lncome 39 Rate Base 40 Proposed Rate of Return 4L Net Operating lncome Requirement 42 Net Operating lncome Deficiency 43 Conversion Factor 44 Revenue Requirement $11,106 S145,940 7.670/o S11,106 SO 0,612883 So 5L2,667 S14s,940 7.5L% S11,106 (s1,562) 0.744889 (s2,096) S1,562 So $o (s1,562) (Sz,ossl TR#7 45 Tax Reform Excess ADFIT PF ARAM Amortization lnformation derived from tax department PowerTax program results. See workpaper file "ADFIT Plant lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx" This workpaper shows the derivation of the service and jurisdictional assignment of ARAM impacts for 2018 through 2021 and the Average Monthly Average Calculation. Annual Monthly 2019 Deferred FIT Expense lmpact (433) (36) 46 47 2019 DFIT Expense 2019 AMA ADFIT TR#T Adjustments ($433) $s82 L) TCJA AdjustUent Summary lD.xlsx / Natural Gas' Attactiment D PageT ot23 Page 3 Naf ' W (*o AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 +r{ Line No.P.r.ripfr"Factor Revenugs l.000000 ,) 4 5 6 7 I Expenses: Uncollectibles 0.003564 Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax@35% REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.002275 0.05t264 0.057103 0.942897 0.3300 t 4 0.612883 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 With Tax Reform Line No.Dcscription Revenues 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expenses: Uncollectibles 0.003564 Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax@Zl% REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0,042275 0.051264 0.0s7 t 03 0.942897 0.198008 0;744889: Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos,. AVU-E-1 7-01 and AVU-G-1 7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 1 Attachment D Page 8 of 23 I Factor - 1.0000001 Amonization of Excess Plant ADFIT 2018 2019 2020 202L Accumulated Amortizatlon of Excess ADFIT L2l3L/2017 tl3tl2oL8 2128/2018 3/ltl2ot8 4/3ol2oL8 s/3rlz0L8 6l3ol20r8 7l3tl20L8 8/3t12018 913012018 t0l3tl20t8 L1.l30l20L8 r2l3tl20L8 u3uzote 2128l20|s 3/3t120t9 4/30l20te sl3Ll20te 6/3012019 7l3Ll20t9 8/31/2019 e/3o17019 LOl3tlzoTe LLl30l20L9 r2/3t12019 rl3t/2o20 2/2912020 3131/2020 4l3o/202a 5/3tl2o2A 6130l2o2o 7/3u202o 813112020 9l30l202o 1o13112020 tL/3012020 L213112020 Ll3t/202t 2/28/2O2L 3l3tl202L 4l30l202t s/3t1202t 6130/2021 7/31/2021 8131/2021 el30l2o2L L0/3t/202L Ltl30l202t tLl)tl202r AMA lL / Ll 2078-12 I 3L / 20t8t AMA (u1l201e -12 l3t I 2019]. Avista 4a) ADFIT (Plant) lmpact to Rate Base lD.xlsx Plant Attachment D ffiN,,,x Agern Rmo'qf Lt"rfn'c * ilo'it ,.ol6..4 fa ,xB loE 2.053,817 2345,783 2,s88,886 2,725,727 IDG 365,665 433,329 529,901 677,638 182,833 582,330 Total 2,419,482 2,739,772 3,L78,787 3,403,365 171,151 342,303 513,454 684506 855,757 1,026,908 1,198,060 1,359,21 1 1,540,363 L,77t,574 1,882,655 2,053,8t7 2,245,965 2,438,1t4 2,630,263 2,822,411 3,014,560 3,206,709 3,398,857 3,591,006 3,783,154 3,975,303 4,t67,452 4,359,600 4,57s,341 4,791,081 s,006,822 5,222,562 5,438,303 5,654.043 5,869,784 6,095,525 6,301,265 5,517,006 6,732,746 6,948,487 7,L75,63L 7,402,774 7,629,918 7,857,062 8,084,206 8,311,350 8,s38,494 8,76s,638 8,992,782 9,2L9,926 9,447,O70 9,674,2L3 lD G Total 30,4?2 50,944 91,4t6 121,888 1s2,361 182,833 213,305 243,777 274,249 304,72L 335,193 365,665 40L,776 437,881 473,998 510,108 545,219 582,330 6t8,44L 554,551 690,662 726,773 762,884 798,994 843,1s3 887,311 93L,470 975,628 1,019,786 1,063,94s 1,108.103 L,t52,262 L,196,420 L,240,578 L,?84,737 1,328,895 1,385,365 1,441,835 1,498,30s t,s54,775 1,67L,244 t,667,7L4 r,724,L84 t,780,654 7,837,724 1,893.s94 1,9s0,063 2,005,533 20t,624 403,247 604,87t 806,494 1,008.118 L,209,741 1,411,365 1,612.988 t,814,6t2 2,016,235 2,2t7,859 2,4L9,482 2,647,74L 2,876,@1 3,L04,260 3,332,s20 3,560,779 3,789,038 4,0t7,298 4,245,557 4,473,8t6 4,702,076 4.930,33s 5,158,595 5,418,493 s,678,392 5,938,29r 5,198,190 6,458,089 6,777,988 6,977,887 7 ,237,786 7,497,685 7 ,757,584 8.017,483 8,277,382 8,560,996 8,844,509 9,128,223 9,4tL,837 9,695,451 9,979,464 L0,262,678 r0,546,292 10.829,90s 11,113,519 11,397,133 Lr,680,747 L,026,908 3,206,709 Pase 1 of 1 Page I of23 N o @ A €v<vtafr2 Ptb'd o?A o- N .1 rr F I p ts $l$l "l$l $l$lilritdl@ II6-l "ildlolot$ I 'ilRl l-l o@N@dtFOF$9060$didd-i o@Nor'i ^{' @monddFoot oqs6 NMNO doNi ooHdm6Yv iE€t<#c383 ot9d o- !9. a9 0- 6€N9NdON.iui6d@o$6@-Et10- NF99@@ts@ J!idc, 6rNA dodd oodN60 n E:f{r#3383 @a@go"o-ul\od66 660d tst9m ooqo{@oooNoaj.i- lodd<i-i.loi4.1.1.1 tlHr<#3688 66FON6@rO{FdON<.iuidd @tsNo 60tsnN@@tsoqNdON{iuidd@o<6ONNOdFi EI E*fir< -q 6 600u99Uo t{€r<#3,533 E:{{<#3388 ordi€@ts o N @oN o F p N o N. s@_ N o a N@ I o(- tsj cici.inlmo-e .i- o6nd€odd€-\oets6 F@606000qodo @oid ro NOOO doNdOTNtsci ci .i.ido J tso€o600Qs- ol N, 01 OTNts66dNoo .i cE !U Js iltU o&gilc oscic ooc Eu oBtoE to E Eo oa€ a sj 4 € a\ 'i 2 812 odEa6Eg9U9 'E9e:= U H EdEiE;(,l90e , 3o 6o 4 G3 E€,ite-g4o6ou99uU 66NNN6@NO(Fdod( @rNo o@tso{tsdoN+d60Q@o+6OFNQ $- @ NI d j I 9. \i oo6d@orr F6 d&@€ts666sd.1oI€.iio6N6;6NhaF666N vNdd !E E;9<ZE;-"i<{#6E88 ocq ooo FcoE(f'6 E o i osoro oooFJddN<6HgSJRFFry$@N6 bEdj.ij ! ooaoT NO6NJ€{<@i SB I H IF-e6dd r+NNdm o6 oF 6o iEirr8C333 o I 6 o Eo ;do @o 4o r6EE;tcdooats >oo<<d Page '10 of 23Attachment D ilEr<#,8383 N bNoo I; @ do Eo trodqEE ti ii !9'ioci<<N t"^* n 3oP 8 fXcso P Na @' Fr N @' I si Nj 6@NUNqNON{a@60{ o6NOui ..i "1 .1 €. o, <t ri .i doNdMNNtsooddmo-- iE{qr#3333 Q€4Ooi+d.j OFNQ NNS@ doNda\\\oodN69d-6 *fr:!Eo=E;i<qq 6 600L9gUO odoo ol '1 o- m-ooto dri+oi tEaq<#3,383 F oN :ooris taF6ld. 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No'g o o'3 Io oo 6od' Nn'lq r! @o'o o $-o6 Nodi o nl 6.,!. dF d_ or 6 J N6oroo.i &o\ + o€ di j ,6' ,!E[ ge!, ]o ; Sc'Fiixi9tEet6 @ts€o r x*xx:Ronoooqdtq9qodo(4F iil I o{ ui oo'N iRIRXXooNdoo@oddFdi io J ottE PPF'l; aoRE !s E *uPtsi oa a ..{ @ro .t o d o Iry oo oo oo€o oF c'idr **xa600F\qq.!dooN iEit<#3,8e3 -l*l i, o o 6 do 6c co6e 50ii<<d ioF l, o oo tEiq<#3333E:{r<g'3333 o66'gstct !6ud 6060 o6idci.i-id 660ddi oi r-' oioF4d'1"1o-O o. }eX*eeAo60@oomo@oci.icinriN dd cg.E*dr< 9oo66EU9UU o B 'trt-9 3 o 6d F o o Page13of23Attachment D fuCona Pla* ft a aP u soogoC)r-t ;eooqooFl >R(O 5l * ;est00e(o }R 6oqcillnal sc{og1 r/ir.{ >e (OtO g,l qt <l - =t o\tn r.0-fN }Ro(o6l -, Nol arlln\F{6l m xosfo rri|n ;ero(o 00 rrrr r-ds EI srnrnm F.l ;egr<lN odro xC)oqooF-l >Rr\+6 cdN xoaocio }R 00N(\N slJld\ zq6I cr6Ol r{umgl siol fl s,l fi HI Ret s91 6'trI mEl nol oEl r- <r =t ci(J oz .I(, I ()gt! Page 14 ol 23Attachment D Zxc-aaa P?a^+ W1 aF E r\ oN 0) ED64 r\oNoiutlq.I16lr{ l;ryl(hlro I r'-lro l-letr\l6l tu) I !c. t:ldINltat8 l6 l"INlc)lt\ldlrf-l6 t:toloIlo)l6IN I oo'l(f l:lolrylo)lhlorIdIdIs =o-l E3H.IEs.ql EBTI Nolr,) r-l Iosl9d;dlv Ol fsl6 $;-lNI -^lN Ctloo. 9.1 XEEIrrt GlF{l * .-IF\ mloot(9 oi ril $H.sl ,'-lm fi)lor "{l',DRlo 16- r4l oNl 00N00il(l)Nu m'd-u)o3No =doo'r0Sri gr FlO orldolc, oil6 Cllo. -tlct rDtN Orlml o(J ooooGtool or (nNC)sl6 (n u')NFIN 6>o.!x=.o -oFGL'-o- _o. i?E| 33iescL(,8 oe x x Fj Flor.l Hd) Nd tro U f tro E f€' Euo ct!E c! 6 a.ou dfn oxrE lu Eo (, xu :<ood gl xln x -;e;RIRIRbRXXXIR:R!qdo00sfoooooo5d u)dF!alo 6= ;sxlRxxiooo@ I Go xroN xol/) DeXXlsXdcrosf(f xaale>RNAO(nO XX;Rls:Ru)ol,l00r+ ;elrxxleN()moo(\ (, e (.!, 3 LJ6 u 3 q,A <zzzcczzz<< 88fi88fift888oooooFlrnooooooooQo(noLnutororgl0rol(n01NNo0e{Ne{NN(Ommfnmoooo@o0@o04000000NNe{Nf."lNNc{Nc{ 6Pq6oov o'tf,EE gE6O goFF EOE b =E!FCEqqcoaZvl U)lJiF-9EiYE-55'=9o.ELt'Et<d6-cos.groodoEtr>o-o-ero-L)uu<[ co (o E {,,xa! G,l EouE do Page 15of23Attachment D O! F{MNNrout6€o€{nf\ stodoov o NsloONdF r,il^lr! riF{6 006d1 No'-m ool Ndt\ roa tC TDro ro\.tNl0(o(D@1,a$oYN otNsl(,)rD 0o ooMNo(ocr6 <i (t' lrl6LO o!o cgototrE9o\s3E=s9L: <zzzezzz<< oo6oooooooU(Ju(9(9uuu(J(JoooooNmooo666666mourLrrooror6:01 (Y)foNrooNNdNNmrf)fll(nd,co600000000cooooooooiniriNNc{r{c!f\N ^lolio] lntl66 6rt00 c{(,I(n st00lr)(n N Fom(n rlt@ H(nN 00Olooln =6'?Ffi'?ftmo€Rr$.qaEq{qFGMN6NN(N<f,qo)Gt(I)df\ulONX\oF\(ns6Hs =6C6Ndg e s 3 e:r = oooslrl1I} o)(o :l+Nn6 NF6 oanNqiN$ OloN tu)tl FH,.o.(no\r €oormcrcndH@ stHoNF@(\(o 6'o't (,F..eO63 Ncoo I r i-{ "..1(n <im (Y1ooorrtlrtoHst UIF.Nr\f\@oorr\ooft1ln6\OdNNr\ d@m(nl\FlOi+tfunioiras9SS>dor<i t)!2 oomNnrfN(Y)OFsfNFir\sflneg- $- 4 oI o- dl o! -tGMN6NNlnslomrDdI\!nOnl'o-Eolqo."1$l/1$ooNH@ $O(ot{ oo utN$do)e9.*clo- m FANC!sto(9d.dsB= = N'-:1 F- lO 0O d)o(ou, oqotfrl ,'4<l('toc)(6 rn l,)ood 00 rn 00N{<fOdtNd.- (o H rnE(n00qAHd6 -ctlnr{@ H oNtn(,f\(o r{ l\tO)fr1+6r) m qP60Oluu Eo-J 'Bg CE!'L6d rroE E ETo0, o-v7aLEclq'ro?zqqt)iFarorayElv^--ssE8!scccc<<.14:f=sscogooou,zcCLL&(JUL,<T IUo, a.o oit (, Eo s N o oa!oq x!xIt' o ry frl N c E ! 'trl .o (u E J E. tro SE.tn E <N (la.-tr oP,fucoaaP"8 xooa !R aR ;s :Rooo o) ;qN xvr.l xrfN ;e\oq <tz.zzezzz<<r a6aooaooooU(JrrJ(9(9uquL)()oooooNfooooooooo00(aorllnOl(,)OlOlOr(nrnNN@(\NNa{^trnmmmm66d60co@006@NNf{NNNNNN(\I 66oov .o!EE gE ooEoitr Eo.E.E =ENflCCaQEco=z(/)y)rJiFq)(,r_E:t-q q.=uoUuurr.tOECCCC<d6-@ooEaGddEE>o.CLLEA(JUU<T -x:RbtlRbe:exie!qooooooooE()OO()OOOOEdHdFlFlddd.1,(, lEI xo()il ;saxxtsRaxx\ot\oN()ooo(n tRBsleXaeXleX66060000dritD xxalexxlRxNUlsfoorn!nl,)NNmmmm *x*xxxxleoOry)(oOoutr/lrn(t4rO\OtO(O *xxxorooc> (, E,o (, -a (, 3 o u 3 oa. F(n00ol/t@,..@t. sfgrT\o\o t\(o (oN cosfNt\(n t\(not(nstrl m00 mf\m N (nc!oN lnnuttl@00dgr(n ln(f)@ot/l oO,\6t\ Nr0 oo'moo- (Yl og)d\rrn,n (YtrostotnN .flst G1{rn!n ooNf)dol lnNstoN d dN(.osfn00m <z.zzEzzz<< 666aoaoaooU(JE(,(9EUUL)UoooooN(nooo66oooQmol^rnoo6o(')racnNN@NNNNNfo(ofnmr/)oo6odcooo@ooooooooNNNNc{NNNNC\T 6P66.qov_oE*J 'Eg EE!'LoO .[lgiE E i:fi0JqroEE T(338=EqrqJo-yE l!^q q =(J oUEEEEEiiiSEoogogooor+>&a-o-o.cL(JUU<(r =6mmnl\l-FOi€a$-aaq8.{qFsf(OOr(o@l'.oOl.xrnOH6lt\OOldiiia\NN6O(nrO-Em'-dcioi-ilYOONOtnr{6- gg-- \oN$o@N(no)o F.' Fi ddm-01 Ft m d rn rJ)co d) !ndN+grod(,otOFlrnN*F 6N(n|,lFFFO]o\toorocodNUl*.eoI ,4o.ryu1 <t\o('rro6N6N60dNr\oo)dr\NF\oOOilrn"(n T.oNOIHmNorndu) il -v t\\1,tn€Noglln rtr\NNstt) N(n r{(n@t0onto F(no(2 oo'6i ro fr)(fm<iotqvidoBtgg fraN\tNNv@tD d"{Oi ryn r{ Od\D(!) (n oo€rnN N$mEoNm Af\d(6 -oCfidN H sfoONNmFio F{ t/)gdriri<RHS>c)Fstlf dr oA I E oxG o Eo s co 6- ?{o olt E{, tu6 oxoF 0, Eous t,o l!t E,I csc Page '16 of 23Attachment D 1c-A*dilt bWT'"{+ t of 3 Ho oo r rN o6 ,d o"N o O\Oo6Na or I FN 9NI ooo*no a€ rr-o NA FOvI a6Ec"F9 tr-ioFE orI a4$o\ia N r N 6(J&<-:> oFI a ra!t- ol & \otsorrt,tsr N o € NoNN r r O9ortssrr€6 r*.oI r o93EFElI1'3Ego&F d oaO aq ;s6N r ooOO o6Nd rr Gto60NCI a x x;az xGI e .o =€ *.oatroNE E€6d o ol Uiltrti,96Atraou.l I9,4 stu 3?d.9,t a< 6 F oO- -NNooo.INNQOAor|lrliii604oooNN'I .94io.BuE3OoE=<Z Ix6F'o Itr o ,' o I ooaooo 6\ o\€€\o \o a No h6 ANNN cirrr qql ooo€t a6O dqr 9rI Otsq1' 69rr €r rNN =9€ roAN .BB S =d6D9 N EE rFE 3ESssE EoFooEl (, FnaU TLI a { ? v,e* e*,t at*dD do o al o' * I N Y 6 llR:& Ed F r N N 1& N q € al rl d Nroo N Ftsd Ir@"do 6aol oN eK:..,r To flO6 -o,i rr-€* I €6r=€E$1o" 6 o o € o(\ 6r h.6mF !!o* e;;e o6O\N-N6-Ar9ts ts 6g vo ETrduZ9CE< Page17 ot23Attachment D €luoa N6\ _ pL*_t Pt r oP 3 o u 0" Coq 6 Oo a,i aoN o. No oooo ooooilF+dva\oN o\ og\r+€\o 6.oqN o to€N -cflo uI 5fi o€ o€ 1\ € zffS EHN sssooo()00ss Ess .l\o9rromoH6i-N N o.I N.@d \o€t \ora. €€ r o, d 6ci o €c{01 oaN 66 o o 6+N@ N\o ci oh\oF I NTmo0\F \O.s{O 6- N" ON f.l ff" q =\- ;.t1 $3<Fjri, F.9d I soo 6N Tr ssoo60 oo o\ 6\oo ;;60\NN tsts ssNN ss€@\o€ s c|oi ssNOmo ss€Oao 'Irl hl , &o dA N h NQ o so aNa. o o\ t:6r ri qor o O o O O o o c) 6 o o I N6 56o oo{+soo6o v€ € N6 O No\ =-^o++qo"qtsFS-9€ \oo NTrrmoo)3 N N 6" dr 6 al rro .g s" )r- N.\ e>n .f F l!H{E.9 oo E*.C- =6 --, NN E S dFF E:Qxrt..:E(,NN(, otAQr!O EoFoa()slUO XZ ?e* e?S* o x 7lazs rtooo!d : N N6N o o&bo o tr !o o A r.)a q.l& Page 18 of23Attachment D 6fco*a t-)rh-pl&tP7 3oP 3 Excess Non-Plant ADrIT included in Rate Base Begin Refund to Customers Number of Months Monthly Amortization Accumulated Amortization of Non-Plant Excess ADFIT t/1112018 2/28/2018 3/31/2018 4l30l2ot8 s/31/2018 6130l20t8 7/3u2ot8 8/31/2078 sl3ol20t8 Lol3t/2018 LL/30/2Ot8 r2l3t/2018 tl3Ll2Ot9 2128l2ot9 3l3tl20ts 413012019 IDE 2,L79,228 6lL/2018 L2 181,502 IDE 370,771 1,990,059 1,089,614 rD6 352,856 6ltl2018 t2 29,405 IDG 29,405 58,809 88,2L4 Lt7,6L9 L47,023 L76,428 205,833 235,?37 264,642 294,047 3548s6 3s2,856 352,856 352,856 352,856 3s2"8s6 3s2,8s6 352,856 3sa8s6 352,855 352,856 352,856 352,856 352,855 352,856 3s2,855 352,855 352,856 3s2,8s6 352,856 352,856 3s2,856 352,856 352,856 352,856 352,855 3se8s6 352"856 3s4856 3s4855 60,035 322,276 t76,428 Total 2,532,084 fotal 6/30/2019 7/3tl2}t9 8l3tl20t9 e/30/zote L0l3t/20L9 tll31/2019 L2l3L|2OL9 tl3L/2o20 2/2912020 3/3Ll2o2o 4/3012020 sl3!2020 6130/2020 7/3712020 813u2o2o e/30/2020 70l3t/2020 L7l3o/2o20 Lzl3L/20?o 1131/2021 2/2812027 3l3t/202t 4l30l2O2L 5/3u202t 6/30/2021 7/3L12021 8/31/2021 s/30/2021 10/3L12027 77l3u2a2t tzl3Ll2021 181,602 363,205 544,807 726,409 908,012 1,089,614 t,?7L,215 t,452,879 tt634,421 1,816,023 L,997,626 2,179,u8 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,179,229 2,L79,228 2,179,228 2,77s,228 2,179,228 2,179,2U 2,179,228 2,779,U8 2,n9,228 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,17E,228 2,\79,228 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,779,228 2,179,228 2179,228 2,179,228 2,119,228 2,L79,228 2,L79,228 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,179,228 2,179,22E 2tt,007 422,0L4 633,O2L 844,028 1,055,035 t,266,042 7,477,049 1,688,0s6 1,899,053 2,L70,070 2,32t,077 2,532,0W 2,532,084 2,532,O84 2,532,O84 2,532,O84 2,532,084 2,s3?,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,O84 2,532,084 2,537,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,O84 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,084 2,532,0U 2,532,0U 2,532,084 4532,084 2,332,084 2,532,0U 2,532,084 2,532,0U 2,s32,084 AM A (u tl 2018-12/ 3L/ 20t8l, AMA (1/1/2019-72/3L/291sl AMA ( 5/u2018 -5 I 3u 20Ls\ Avista ADFIT re Non-Plant lmDact to Rate Base lD.xlsxAtachment L) Pase 1 of 1Page 19 of23 2018 8€sdtr of Operstions Report Referenqe compsre feder.l lncoma Taxes ss book.d at 21% to iryPothetlal 35* 2018 Monlhly Estlmsto TempLt. Annual EEtlmata baicd on AVU-E-17-01 with ldaho Electric Apppved Rates Calculatlon of Feder.l Tax!ble oper8tlnS lncome Rate grsG 786,087 welghted cerofDcbt 2.860% lnter€st Erp€nsc (Annual) 22,482 $ec* tl,b.f, Cn-o 5"ArAilL c' ^ tgotX -'"*r - 5-pr^*- Arr/bl "H*.1" *?::il'"::* -r*ilm !ffi E.APT.1.A E,INT.1A 280,253 135,881 49,574 12,57t 786tOAl 2.850% 22,4A2 23,3s4 11.407 4,112 1,048 786,087 2,860% 22,482 2a,354 1,1,40-t 4,732 1,048 786,087 2.86p|,4 22,4a2 23,354 Lr,407 4,732 1,048 786,087 2,869t1 22,482 23,354 L1,407 4,L32 1,048 785,087 2,ew. 22,442 23,354 tL,407 4,132 1,048 786,087 x2,442 776,172 57,O34 20.658 5,238 E.FIT.1A t-FtT-1A E.FIT"1A E.FIT.1A €-FrT-1A Sch M Rccon Sch M Rtron 5(h M Recon Operating Revenue Lets: Operatlng & M.lnt€nancc Expensc Lesr: B@k oepr*/Amoft snd Rog Amrtlratlons L€$: T.xes Othcr thon FIT Net opentint lncore Eefore tll Le$i lnterest Expcns Le$: colstrip 3 AFUOC Reallc.tion AdJ Plus; Schedule M Permrmnt Differarcc!' Plu: Schedulc M Plant Relstsd Diff.rences Plus: Schedule M Tcmporary 0lfterences Iaxable Net Operating hcom? 87,223 {21,r99} 6,769 7,874 72 29 (s,3391 {r,?671 6,769 1,874 72 29 {s,3!9} u"7sn 9,358 200 t47 {25,5es1 (8,833) 6,?69 1,874 t2 29 (s,33el lr,767l 6,769 7,814 t2 29 (5,3r9) lr,767l 6,769 L,871 29 (s,339) lLt767l 2t% (460) (2,193) 2L% (450) (15) 2l% l450) 2Lol 9,368 147 126,69s) (8,833) 6,769 1,874 72 29 (5,339) l!,767]. 6,769 \474 72 29 {s,33s) (1,767) 6,769 7,874 29 (s,339) {t,767], 22,482 741 353 (64,058) (21,199) 1S.A l.7611 t16) ,,ra, 618 12,193) 35% (7671 (16) ,.169 618 35% 1767t 618 35yo 33,841 22,482 (54,068) 141 3s3 check E-FlT-1A E.flT'1A E.FIT.1A Production T.x Crcdit lnvestment Tax C,cdlt Amonizltlon Timelr Tat Ratg federal lncom Tax Expense Production T.x Credlt lnverhent Tax C.edlt Amort12atlgn {26,314) (5,526) (1e6) 13,454 4,452 965 (2,193) 2t% (460) (r6) ,,,,, 37t 81 {2,193) 2l% (460) (15) 1,121 37t 81 (2,193) (16) (2,193) {11,r0s1 (2,302) (15){82} 7,127 1.121 5,606 371 371 1,85581 81 403 E-DTE.1A Sch M R€con Sch M Recon Sth M Recon check E-DTE-IA Excess Plant Related DFIT Amortization Plant Rel!tld Temp Diff Deferted Tsxes Non-PlantTemp Diff Deferred Taxes Flowthrouth Drrrrred TExes Total oefered Tax Expenie !,r2L 371 81 check E-FIT-1A Totol Current.nd Defcrred FIT Expense CElculation o, tedersl Taxoble OperEtlng locome OpeEting Revenuc Less: OperatlnS & Maintenance Etp.n* Less: Bool Deprec/Arnoft and RegAmortlzatlonr Less: Taxes oth.r than FIT Net Operatlng lncome Betore FIT Lessi lnterest Expens! Lessi colrtrip 3 AFUDC Reallocatlon Adj Plu$ Schedqle M Permanent Differences Plus: Schedule M Plant R!lated Oltferrncrs Plus: Schedul€ MTemporary Differencer Taxable Net Operating lncome Tlmes; Tax Rate Fcdarcl lncom! Tlx €xprn!a x3,150 Annu6l EstimatG ba3ed on AVU'8.17-01 wlth January 2018 Febreary 2018 Apprwod Rates Estimate EstlGte 1,573 1,096 1,573 1,095 1,573 1,096 March 2018 Estlmate 18,872 1,573 1,096 23,354 7!,407 4,132 1,048 t,513 1,096 23,354 11,{07 4,132 1,048 't,863 5,479 176,172 57,034 20,658 5,238 Aprll 2018 Ettimat. Moy 2018 EsBmate Deferral Period Eitlm.te 280,253 136,881 49,578 7Z,S7r 23,354 11,407 4,txz 1,048 23,354 11,407 4,732 1,048 23,354 11,407 4,132 1,048 81,221 6,769 L,814 12 29 (5,339) lt,167l 6,769 t,874 12 (5,339) lt,167l 33,843 (25,3141 (9,210) {1e6) 22,424 7,420 (8,253) 0.7i14889 (1r,080) (688) 0.744889 (e23) t,7u {688} 0.744889 (s23) 7,7U (688) 0.744AA9 {e23} L,784 {688) 0.744889 {e23} (2,193) 15?{ 17671. (161 ,.uu, 618 33% (2,193)(2,1e3) (767], (16)(15) 1,869 (2,193) {10,e64) {3,837} (82) 9,343 3,092 1,784 Excess Plant Related DFIT Amortization Plant Related Temp Dlft oeferred Taxes Non-Plant Temp Diff Oef.rrcd Taxcs Flowthrgugh Det6rred Taxes fotrl Deferred Tax Erpense Total current and oeter,ed flT Expenic Change ln Tax Expensc Duc to Tu Ratc Change Conwrsion FSctot fieveo@ Requiroment Benefh r,869 618966 81 81 S1 81 81 40330,809 2,567 2,567 2,567 2,557 2,557 12,8a7 21,403 \744 (688) 0.744889 (s231 8,918 (143e1 (4,617) 2018 Deferral Estim6tc lD.xl!r / ElectricAttachment D Page 20 ol 23 ;fo4 - {1r*.4a$ 3 e6fi P6 \ 2018 Relults of Operatlon5 Report Reference Compare federrl lncome Tax6s a5 booked at 2l% to hYpothetical 35% 2018 Monthly Estimate Template Annual Estlmate baed on AVU-6-17'01 wlth ldaho Natural 6as Approved Rate! Calculation of Federal Taxable Operating lncome Rate Bare 744,931 w.ightcd cort of Debt 2.860% lnterest Exp€nso (Annual) 4,145 t44,932 2,86B?{ 4,145 144,932 2.86Wo 4,145 r44,932 2,86f,1 4,145 744,912 2860% 4,t45 January 2018 Ertlmat€ FebruEry 2018 Estimate March 2018 EstimEte April 2018 Ertimate Mry 2018 Estimate Defe.ral Period Estimate G.APT-1A G.INT.1A G-flI.1A G-FIT.1A 744,932 2,8@96 4,145 3,492 1,281 '187 156 3,492 1,ZEl 787 155 3,492 1,281 787 744,932 4,145 r7,459 6,403 3,934 831 6-FtT-1A G"FIT-1A 6-ftT-1A G.FIT-],A G-frT.1A Sch M Recon Sch M Recon sch M Recon Operatlnt ReEnue Lere: Operitint & Maintenance Expense Less; Book Deprec/Amort and R€g Amortirallons Le55: Taxes Other than FIT Net OperEtlnE lncome Before FIT Lersi lnterest Expenso Lessi Colsiltp 3 AFUDC Reallocatlon Adl N/A Plus: Schcdule M Permanent oifferences Plusr Schedule M Plant Related Dlfferences Plus: Schedule M TEmporsry DifFetences Taxable Net Oper.tlng lncome Tlmesr Tax Rate federal lrcome Tax Expen5e Production Tax Credit N/A lnvestment Tax Credit Amortizatlon Excess Pla.,t Related DtlT Amortization Plant Related Temp Diff Deferred Iaxes Non-Plant Temp Diff oefeffed Taxes Flowthrough Deferred Taxes Tqtal Deferred Tax Exponse 4rp02 r5,357 9,441 1,994 238 7L0 238 270 1,231 787 1,607 235 85 3,857 564 205 385 339 {r2e} 386 339 (12e) 3,492 1,281 787 166 3,492 7,287 787 155 238 210 238 210 15,100 4,145 1.258 727 11 {1r,0211 (918) {1,512} (134} 1,258 345 11 {ex8) (1341 1,258 34s 11 (s18) (r34) 7,759 345 11 (e18) (1341 1,258 345 11 (el8) 111{L 345 (1) 193 28 t7 {u 193 28 t7 5,292 7,727 (4,s92) {672l. _ {1,5s1} 7l% (325) (12e) 27% (27t (12e) 2t% l27t (12e1 21% l27l (1ae)(12e) 2to4 (2'11 (fl6) (136) (s) ,* t4L 85 check G-flT-1A 2t% lzTl {1) 193 28 L7 E.DTE.1A sqh M Recon Sch M Recon sch M Recon check G-DTE 1A (r) 193 2A t7 (12) 2,3t4 339 ?os 2,858 2,520 Annual Estlmatc baled on AVU-G-1741 with Approved Rates lanuary 2018 Ertlmate February 2018 Estlmate March 2018 EstlmatE Aprll 2018 !stlmab 3,492 oef€rral Perlod Estimate r7,459 6,403 3,934 831 238 210 1,19i 1,050check G-F|T-1A Total Currcnt and Delerred FIT Erpense calculation ol federal T.xable Operating lncome Operatlng Revenu€ I.ess: Operat,ng & Malrtenance Expense Lesr: Book DepreclAmort and Reg Amorllration5 Less: TaxesOtherthan FIT Net Ope,Eting lncome Sefore FIT Lessi lntere!t Expeose Lersr Colstrlp 3 ATUDC Realloc.tion Adj Plusi Schsdulo M Permenrnt Dit erences Plus: schedule M Plant Related Dlfference5 Plus: schedule M Temportry Difference, Taxable Net OpGrating lncome Tlmei; Tax Rate Feder.l lhcome Tax Expen5e May 2018 E$lmate 41,902 15,367 9,447 1i994 3,492 3,492 3,492 1,281 787 166 1.281 787 166 1,281 787 166 3,492 7,281 787 166 1672l. 1,258 345 11 (e18) (134) 1.258 345 11 (e18) (134) 1,258 34s 11 (e18) {r34) 1,2s8 345 11 (er5) (134) 7,2.54 345 11 (e18) (134) 15,100 4,t45 127 (11,021) {1,612) 6,292 t,727 14,5921 (1,ss1) 35% (s43) {rz} (12e) 35% (4s) (12s) ,5% (4sl (12s1 35% (4sl {a5) (5)(11 121 47 t7 llze) 35% (4s) {1) ,,, 47 t7 {12e) n5% (4s) (1I ,, 47 77 (226) Productlon Tax Credlt lnvcrtmenl Tax Oedit Amortiz8tion ExGss Plant Related DFIT Amrtization Plant Related Tcmp Diff Defarred Tares Non-Plant Temp Dlf, Deferted Taxet Flowthrou6h Defer6d Taxes Total Deterred lax Expense Tot€l Current and Oeferred tlT Expensg Change in Tax Expense Due to Tax Rate Change Conrercion tactor Rev€nue R6quirement Benefit (r) 321 47 77 (1) 321 47 77 4,526 4,071 (1,s51) 0.744aa9 \z,o82l (12s) 0,744889 |'7741 (12e) 0,744889 (1741 (174) 365 339 386 385 339 1,928 1,596 1il6) (868) 0,7448890,7448890.744aa9 (r2e) l'174].{174) 2018 Deterral "AtgElfifi'ai{t8""'Gat Page2l of23 Elec* 6vt (1) 193 x8 t'l Acut GA/J 5s." -:f.-.soPSc,otS ru Ant 2018 Results ol operations Report Reference EorG scM-rA sCM-14 scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM.1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-14 scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A SCM.1A 5CM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A 5CM-14 scM-1A 5CM-14 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-14 5CM-1A scM-1A scM-14 scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A scM-1A 5CM-1A scM.14 sct!&lA scM-1A Ahpl.oe teil€ P.Fcnts AVU-E-17-01 ld.ho El!(ric AVU-G-17-01 9970t5 997017 99706 997082 5.(iion 1s M.our&lurloS *drcxm Marl oi..[ow.n.$ OR n!&ltoryt.. D.L(.d CmFns.lis P.ld IlmG Olf 6sho Gr 51,691t97,27t 34&677 91,35: 9970S 997001 ,97012 9970'lr 997m 997049 9970& 997101 (9E 6e) {Lr45,535} 1101,8r5.!06) 3,000,490 {6,2E7.r41) 8@k ttprehlion ContrlbutloN ln ad ol consrudlon llrnrgoilrtion Olpird.don t t,lC.m trltu ltfr, ld ATUOC Tar DEprecialior oook Trilsponatbn O.pt tuoiitr 481(Bl M.&, ' ur}Il.i f,c6r rira,.htr 40,799,199 1,C9O,73L 1,112F46 110,901 Plint Planl Pbnt Pl.nt Planl tl8il Pl.nt Plant (217,59r1 (16,r4r,900) 1172,67r) 12,3r2,5511 (64,6&357)I11,021,4651 997002 997004 99706 997007 9970S 997010 99rcr5 997017 997018 991020 97o24 ,97021 99?030 997031 997032 997033 997033 99784 997043 997@ 997046 997053 997054 997058 997G9 997S1 997065 997071 99rUl 99708' 9970A4 99785 99766 997087 99r088 9976 997095 997098 99rG9 9971m 997102 997103 997rS 99716 T.mp Tamp Tcmp T.mp Tsmp Tmp Tamp lamp Tamp Tcmp Tamp TchD lomp lchD T.mp Temp T!np T!hp T.mp T.mp Temp Tcmp Icmp T.op Tcdp T.mp TcmD fcmp Tcmp T.h9 Temp Tcil, Tem! Ttmp I.mp t,48E,t05 94,971412,114 270,513 lniurlcs.nd D.m.t.r Bould.r P.rt WdrrOl, fASlO6Cu.rent R thaa Mcdlcal a<rurl ld.ho Pc 05ri flol iMl0rm Dlf.rd G$ Crctllt.trd Refundi ncd€mptior [xpdlt Affir. hrg in [rdr tur 146r2,.93,J5,,9E, 6M Tiritl Rldcr FA'!7 cu[!ot P.n.lon Mu.l xcth f.ll! oisrllow.na Un@llEllbbs s.n.r! 8lll408 0rorCH trt .hsiih ht.rftl mle sw.pr r$s t*rl td, " ', lcl Mont.n. Hydrc sltl.m€rt W.rhi^rlon hfurcd Po*t cottt Noo.Mooalry 9owar Cottt Nct Parr.!.lllahtnl irn.wrbl. Encrly C.d6c.G Fe, Srot.r. Siw n.[!.nrin! colrtrlP 5.demlnt srolil. il6 RrliE.nrint Pil,lt CDA trlG S.ltlcn.nt 6,E29 (112,280) 759,t05 :,{0r,2la 2,?90 !90,90€ (5,514,3671 475,84, {6,024,799} (rz.E?7,18E1 /I,EaZ ,r.rrr,rro 13,(53,184) 1,04t.870 124,565 (r6,r441 230,815 1219,212) ?,319 s,2t7 6,9111 5,797 (199,e8:) 16,998 313,951 2,4i1 11,213 {985,O391 47,964 {75,U1} 76,111 120,52t l!9,663) t9,944 33,19S r^516 Port rkd..m6l- oR rAs87 9mth Brn.Ib'OR Redamgilon Expcnt. Amnlittiofl ' OR th,lrrcd o&M colslrip & cs2 wa iEc D[f cDASaumant Coslt (.ill. f.lla DLral te.k wA RfC Anod Amod ld.ho E.r.lntr Tett (254229) ocl Prol.cl com9a$ 59ol.m BEr TDc wA ltui.C.r U,ri lgtdnn lOrA( S'dr.duh Mr Df[ qant. C.hul.Ed @ 35tt flow Ihroqh DrlT Pl.nl oflT lTc Osrer..laddld lo otlTand Cuar.nl Ttr ahd DFIT O 3594 TOTAT DfIC.kul.tcd utint sch.dul. M'5 PTR ROO DTII {2,36s,9s1' 668,590 1l/,223 160,r{41 r68,!r (21,199,3881 11,5r2,2741 (!4,91r0781 112,s42,3771 22,aZt,9Z8 5t9,503 3,857,513 ,00,61rTax Dept 2016 Specific DTE.]"A 2018 Deferral Estimate lD.xlsx / Sch M Recon Attachment D 23,063,531 6,6S47ffi 7,419,146 4,058,r34 %4,294 !7,138,023 4,527.4* [-lltAdj236 - Add.d lo Flow ThrouSh 17,463,t55 l2s,r33 t,& 4,526,500 t,orc Page 22 ol 23 15L{s 39,5f2 2017 Actual Tax Expense ldaho Electrlc TAx /ypta*n- t^,ri{hc,r"* ) ' eDn d;;+x f Determine Hypothetical 2017 Tax Savings frorn 35% to 21% rate change Washington Electric Calculation of Federal Taxable Operating lncome Rate Base Weighted Cost of Debt Interest Expense (Annual) "Hft**1 *7, I Gas Total Utility 1,516,399,093 2.92t% 44,294,0r8 664,83L,704 363,651,699 85,024,871 62,283,004 175,597,387 2.903% 22,515,592 Washington Natural Gas 314,500,897 2.92L% 9,186,571 Brno Natural Gas r46,410,353 2.943/o 4,250,293 94,586,682 66,726,62s 8,366,2r0 2,997,282 228,818,830 2.903% 6,642,611 160,211,060 L20,157,t23 11,693,592 7,74t,762 2,98t,726,560 86,889,084 L,464,122,331 889,837,193 165,294,662 103,769,779 325,r00,552 1820't5,198 42,333,292 15.332,575 219,292,333 151,555,548 L7,876,697 15,415,156 Opera!ing Revenue Less: Operating & Maintenance Expense Less: Book Deprec/Amort and Reg Amortization5 Less: Taxes Otherthan tlT Net Operating lncome Before FIT Less: lnterest Expense Less: Colstrip 3 AFUDC Reallocation Adj Plus: Schedule M Permanent Differences Plusr Schedule M PIant Related Differences Plus: Schedule M Temporary Differences Taxable Net OperatinB ln<ome Times; Tax Rate Federal lncome Tax Expense Production l ax Credit lnvestment Tax Credit Amortization Plant Related Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Non-Plant Temp Dlff Deferred Taxes Flowthrough Deferred Taxes Total Deferred Tsx Expense Operating Revenue Less: Operating & Maintenance Expense !ess: Book Deprec/Amort and Reg Amortizations Less: Taxes Other than FIT Not Operating Income Eefore FIT Less: lnterest Expense Less; Colstrip 3 AFUDC Reallocation Adj Plus: Schedule M Permanent Differences Plus: Schedule M Plant Related Ditferences Plus: Schedule M Temporary Differences Taxable Net Operating lncome Times: Tax Rate Federal Income Tax Expense Production Tax Credit lnvestment Iax Credit Amortization Plant Related Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Non-Plant Temp Dlff oeferred Taxes Flowthrough Deferred Taxes Total Deferred Tax Expense Totai Current and Deferred FIT Expense Change in Tax Expense Due to Tax Rate Change Conversion Factor Revenue Requircment genef it Electric System Natural Gas System 2t ,49O,r99 12,033,901 7,978,771 4,342,195 (1,795,91U s0,049,155 153,872,130 44,294,0t8 (L42,7401 466,809 (90,739,326) 8,041,864 80,388,487 22,5r5.592 t42,t40 (4308341 (49.78&s301 4,523,1r0 34,344,932 9,186,571 216,550 124,240,9As1 6,844,155 16,59A55s 4,250.293 86,937 {1 1,918,496} 3,428,042 20,018,583 5,642,67L 136,967 (22,078,601) 6,769,7sr 305,720,697 85,889,085 476,429 (198,36s,818) 29,606,932 3Sv6 79"/. 9,621,570 4,211,865 (2e,s95) (15,6921 1226,304]- (r19,99U (14,832.)(s,232) 35%(628,s69) 17,sr7,204 (4s,288) (366,3s9) 35% 2,792,360 8,484,3L7 (2,395,4s8) 372,246 l5% 1,519,97E 4,031,460 t1,199,8r5) 226,r25 7,727,570 (2,369,413) 136,532 69,428,036 ( 10,352,426) 2,605,542 3L,758,764 17,425,986 12,814,6521 (1,583,089) 1,155,821 714,618 30,099,932 16,552515 Total Current and Deterred FIT Expense 3e,46s,602 l---r6ffiil Washington Electric ldaho Electric Calculatlon of Federal Taxable OperatinB lncome 6,461,105 9,238,633 Wash ington Natural Gas 219,292,333 151,655,548 L7,876,697 15,4r5,1 55 3,057,970 5,494,530 4,866,061 ldrho Natural Oregon NaturalGas Gas 6L,677,1s2 78,776,709 Total Utility 664,83 1,704 363,651,599 85,024,871 62,283,004 32S,100,552 187,044198 42,333,292 15.332.575 94,686,682 66,125,625 8,366,210 2,997,282 160,2 1 1,060 120,757,123 11,693,592 7,7 41,762 r,464,722,331 889,837,193 765,294,662 103,769,779 153,872,130 44,294,4r8 (742,1401 466,809 (90,739,325) 8,041,864 80,388,487 22,515,592 t42,740 (430,834) {49,788,S30) 4,523,110 34,344,932 16,596,565 20,018,s83 30s,220,5979,186,571 4,250,293 6,642,611 85,889,085 215,550 86.937 136,967 (24,240,90s) (11,s18,4s6) (22,078,601) 6,844,165 3,428,042 6,769,757 476,429 (198,36s,818) 29,606,932 27,490,799 12,033,901 7,978,1'1L 4,142,795 (1,79s,9r.1) s0,049,155 zL% 27% 5,772s42 2,527,119 (29,se6) (15.692)(225,304) (119,991) 19,055,258 10.455,591 (1,688,7e1) (949,853) 1,155,821 714,618 (14,832 )(5,:32) ?lY, 27% 911.987 (371,t41]. 10,510,323 (45,288) (356,3s9 ) 2!% r,675,476 5,090,590 17,437,275!, 372,246 2,418,875 (719,889) 226,325 4.636,506 $,421,648) 136,532 41,556,822 (6,217,4s6) 2,605,542 18,s22,288 10,220.356 4,025,561 5,585,14s r,925,?t2 3,3s1,391 2,914,249 (r,891,811 ) 0,764928 |.2,473,789) 38,044,908 48,143,583 (30,633,126) 14O,778,203) (31,252,280) (9,s2s,923) |l4o,778,203]. Page 23 of 23 24,03e,32e f--ffi| {rs,azo,zzs)f][@l rr.sst.om)f@0.753125 0.744889 0.753293 0.714939 571,7t6 Attachment D tzo,+e:,orzl@l {e,zrs,sna}f]!!@ Determine Hypothetical 2017 Tax Savings from 35% to 21% rate change ldaho E€crlc Calculation of Federal Taxable Operating lncome 2017 Actual Tax Expense ldaho Natural Ga3 TotEl Utlllty' Rate Base Weighted Cost of Debt lnterest Expense (Annual) Operating Revenue Less: Operating & Maintenance Expense Less: Book Deprec/Amort and Reg Amortizations Less: Taxes Other than FIT Net operating lncome Before FIT Less: lnterest Expense Less: Colstrip 3 AFUDC Reallocation Adj Plus: Schedule M Permanent Oifferences Plus: Schedule M Plant Related Differences Plus: Schedule M Temporary Differences Taxable Net Operating lncome Tlmesl Tax Rate Federal lncome Tax Expense Production Tax Credit lnvestment Tax Credit Amortization Plant Related Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Non-Plant Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Flowthrough Deferred Taxes Total Deferred Tax Expense Total Current and Deferred FIT Expense Calculation of Federal Taxable operating lncome Operating Revenue Less: Operating & Maintenance Expense Less: Book Deprec/Amort and Reg Amortizations Less: Taxes Other than FIT Net Operating lncome Before FIT Less: lnterest Expense Less: Colstrip 3 AFUDC Reallocation Adj Plus: Schedule M Permanent Differences Plus: Schedule M Plant Related Oifferences Plus: Schedule M Temporary Differences Taxable Net Operating lncome Times: Iax Rate Federal lncome Tax Expense Production Tax Credit lnvestment Tax Credit Amortization Plant Related Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Non-Plant Temp Diff Deferred Taxes Flowthrough Deferred Taxes Total Deferred Tax Expense Total Current and Deferred FIT Expense Change in Tax Expense Due to Tax Rate Change Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Benefit 12,033,901 4,342,795 50,049,155 775,597,387 2.903% 22$Ls,s92 325,r00,552 787,046,L98 42,333,292 t5,332,575 146,410,353 2.903% 4,250,293 94,686,682 66,726,625 8,366,210 2,997,282 2,98t,726,560 86,889,084 L,464,t22,33L 889,837,193 165,294,662 t03,759,779 80,388,487 22,515,592 L42,740 (430,834) (49,788,s30) 4,523,tLo 16,596,565 4,250,293 305,220,697 86,889,085 476,429 (198,36s,818) 29,606,932 35% 4,zLL,865 (1s,592) (119,991) 77,4?5,986 (1,s83,089) 714,5L8 35% 7,5L9,974 (s,232\ 4,037,460 (1,199,81s) 225,325 t7,5L7,204 (4s,288) (355,3s9) 69,428,036 l'r0,352,4251 2,605,542 16,ss7,s1s 3,057,970 61,677,752 78,776,709 ldaho 'ge.trL ldaho Natutll Gas Total lrtilltr 325,100,552 r87,046,198 4?,333,292 15,332,575 94,585,542 66,726,6?s 8,365,210 2,997,282 1,464,L22,331 889,837,193 t65,294,552 t03,769,779 80,388,487 22,5L5,592 t42,740 (430,834) (49,788,s30) 4,523,tlo 15,s95,55s 4,250,293 86,937 (11,s18,4s5) 3,428,042 305,220,697 86,889,08s 476,429 (198,355,818) 29,606,932 12,033,901 4,342,795 50,049,155 2t% 2,527,LLg (1s,592) (119,991) 10,455,591 (949,853) 714,6L8 2,4L8,876 (719,889) 226,32s 41-,656,822 16,217,4551 2,605,542 21% 9rL,987 10,510,323 (s,2321 (45,288) (365,3s9) to,220,356 L,9?5,3L2 38,044,908 0.744889 0.744889 48,143,583 (30,633,126) (4O,778,203l, Electric System+ (37,257,2801 Natural Gas Systemt 1t9,525,923], (40,778,203l, *Detail by alliurisidctions (WA / lD / OR) available within workpapers provided with filing. Attachment F 20,633,697 4,572,7t6 t?,611,792 (8,021,90s) Page 1 of 1 86,937 (11,s18,455) 3,428,042