HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180323Intermountain Gas Report.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES I urgnvouNTArru Gns Corraparuv 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD . P.O. BOX 7608 . BOISE, |DAHO 83707 . (208) 377-6000 o FAX:377-6097 REC E IVE D ?fi10 H&R 23 PH 3: 5 | March 23,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. GNR-U-18-01 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with this Commission is an original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application seeking approval to place into effect a Decrease in Its Rates to Reflect the Impact of Tax Code Revisions. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by stamping and returning a copy of this Application cover letter to us. Should you have any suggestions regarding the attached, please don't hesitate to contact me at (208) 377-6168. Very truly yours, RE Michael P. Director, Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure cc: Mark Chiles INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NO. GNR.U.18.O1 APPLICATION, EXHIBITS, ANI) WORKPAPERS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY for Approval to Place into Effect a Decrease in Its Rates to Reflect the Impact of Tax Code Revisions Morgan W. Richards, Jr. ISB 1913 Richards Law Office P.O. Box 2076 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: (208) 283-0334 Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fOT Approval to Place into Effbct a Decrease in Its Rates to Reflect the Impact of Tax Code Revisions BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. GNR-U-18-01 APPLICATION COMES NOW, Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain" or "Company"), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, lnc. with general offices located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), hereby requests authority, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 6l-307 and 6l-622, to place into effect April l, 2018 new rate schedules which will decrease its annualized revenues by $4,966,895. Because of changes in Intermountain's income tax related costs, as described more fully in this Application, Intermountain's earnings will not be impacted as a result of the proposed decreases in prices and revenue. Intermountain's current rate schedules showing proposed changes are attached hereto as ExhibitNo. I and are incorporated herein by reference. Intermountain's proposed rate schedules are attached hereto as Exhibit No. 2 and are incorporated herein by reference. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Michael P. McGrath Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise, lD 83707 and Morgan W. Richards, Jr. Richards Law Office P.O. Box 2076 Boise, Idaho 83701 APPLICATION.2 In supporl of this Application, Intermountain does allege and state as follows: I. Intermountain is a gas utility, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, engaged in the sale of and distribution of natural gas within the State of ldaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219 issued December 2,1955, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564, dated October 3, 1962. Intermountain provides natural gas service to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star; Bannock County - Arimo, Chubbuck,Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Moreland/Riverside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonneville County - Ammon, Idaho Falls, Iona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Panna, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancroft, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, Declo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferry, Hammett, and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker, and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Gooding, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewisville, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone; Madison County - Rexburg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyburn, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Bruneau, and Homedale; Payette County - Fruitland, New Plymouth, and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murtaugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Weiser. Intermountain's propefties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines, a liquefied natural gas storage facility, distribution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. II. Intermountain seeks with this Application to pass through to each of its customer classes a decrease in its rates to reflect the impact of tax code revisions at both the state and federal level. APPLICATION.3 IIL Intermountain's currently effective rates were approved by this Commission in Case No. INT-G-17-05 (October 1,2017 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Filing), OrderNo.33887, dated September 25,2017. These same rates included the base rates established as part of Case No. INT-G- l6-02, Order No. 33879. Iv. As part of Case No. GNR-U-18-01, OrderNo. 33965, the Commission directed each rate- regulated utility (besides small water companies with less than 200 customers, and the small electric utility, Atlanta Power) to file, among other things, revised tariffs that reflect changes in the federal income tax code that resulted from the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. v. Changes to the federal income tax code applicable to Intermountain Gas Company included: l) A reduction in the tax rate from 35%o to 27oh and,2) A requirement to remeasure regulatory deferred taxes representing the difference between the old and new federal tax rates. VI. Subsequent to Order No . 33965 , on March 12,2018, the Govemor of the State of Idaho signed into law a decrease in the state corporate income tax rate from7.4%oto 6.925oh retroactive to January l,20lg. VII. The change in plant related deferred income taxes as promulgated by the new federaltax code, or "excess deferred tax", becornes a regulatory liability and is subsequently amortized over the life of the underlying plant in order to comply with income tax normalization as prescribed by the Intemal Revenue Code. "Non-plant" deferred taxes are likewise remeasured, and the difference is included herein as a regulatory asset to be amortized over a proposed ten (10) year life. YIIL The rates included within this Application reflect: l) A change in both the federal and state income tax rates and,2) The amortization of the change in the Company's excess deferred income taxes as referred to in paragraph VII above. APPLICATION - 4 IX. The base rates of Intermountain Gas Company were established as part of Case No. INT-G- 16-02, Order No. 33879. These same base rates reflected federal and state taxable income, as well as total tax expenses, as attached hereto on Exhibit No. 3 and as incorporated herein by reference. x. The re-measurement of the Company's excess deferred income taxes, both plant and non- plant, is included, and incorporated herein by reference, as Exhibit No. 4. xI. The new, and lower, federal and state income tax rates, along with the application of the amortization of the re-measured excess deferred income taxes, are applied to the Company's existing base rates as shown on Exhibit No. 5. After the application of these aforementioned changes, the resultant decrease to the Company's base rate revenues is $4,966,895 as shown on Line 16, Col. (d) of Exhibit No. 5. Exhibit No. 5 is incorporated herein by reference. XII. Also included as part of Commission Order No. 33965 is a requirement to report 2017 taxes pre, and post, tax reform. Exhibit No. 6 provides this reporting on a norrnalized basis to include the removal of expense category items eliminated as part of Case No. INT-G-16-02, Order No. 33879. However, the remaining expenses included in O&M, book depreciation, and other expense items are included on ExhibitNo.6 at 20l7levels. These types of expense variances are not, and should not be, flowed through to the Company's base rates designed herein to capture only the impact of the change in federal and state income tax codes. Exhibit No. 6 is incorporated herein by reference. xIIL The $4,966,895 shown on Line 16, Col. (d) of Exhibit No. 5 has been spread to the Company's customer classes in a manner identical to the Base Rate Revenue allocation included in Case No. INT- G-16-02, Order No. 33879. Exhibit No. 7 details that customer class allocation and is incorporated herein by reference. XIV. Also as part of Case No. GNR-U-18-01, Order No. 33965, the Commission required Intermountain to establish a regulatory liability, effective January 1,2018, to capture an estimate of the difference in the Company's rates pre, and post, tax reform. Intermountain has established this regulatory liability and is hereby requesting that those same deferred customer benefits be included, APPLICATION.5 and audited by the Commission Staff, as part of the Company's 201 8 PGA Application and be passed- back over the subsequent twelve (12) month PGA period. xv. ExhibitNo.8 is an analysis of the overall price reduction by class of customer. ExhibitNo. 8 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference XVI. The proposed price changes herein requested among the classes of service of Intermountain reflect a just, fair, and equitable pass-through of changes in federal and state income taxes to Intermountain' s customers. XVII. This Application has been brought to the attention of Intermountain's customers through a Customer Notice and by a Press Release sent to daily and weekly newspapers, and major radio and television stations in Intermountain's service area. The Press Release and Customer Notice are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of this Application, its Exhibits, and Workpapers have been provided to those parties who have intervened in Intermountain's portion of this generic rate proceeding. XVIII. lntermountain requests that this matter be processed pursuant to Rules 201-204 under the Commission's Rules of Modified Procedure. Intermountain stands ready to respond to any requests for information in this matter. APPLICATION - 6 WHEREFORE, Intermountain respectfully petitions this Commission for relief as follows: 1. That the proposed rate schedules herewith submitted as Exhibit No. 2 be approved without suspension and made effective as of April l, 2018 in the manner shown on Exhibit No. 2. 2. That this Application be heard and acted upon without hearing under modified procedure. 3. That Applicant be authorized to pass-back the regulatory liability established pursuant to OrderNo. 33965 as part of the Company's 2018 PGA Application, and 4. For such other relief as this Commission may determine proper herein DATED at Boise,ldaho, this 23rd day of March,2018. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Richards Law Office By Michael D Regulatory Affairs By il*r^Q. P,-CJY,uorg-nF. ni"h*ds, Ji. / Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company APPLICATION - 7 CERI'IF ICATE OF MAILINC I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 23rd day of March, 2018, I served a copy of the foregoing Case No. GNR-U-18-01 upon: Ed Finklea Northwest Industrial Gas Users 545 Grandview Drive Ashland, OR 97520 by depositing true copies thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the above addresses. - Regulatory Affairs APPLICATION.8 EXHIBIT NO. 1 CASE NO. GNR-U-18.01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CURRENT TARJFFS Showing Proposed Price Changes (9 pages) Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 'l of 9 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Comparison of Proposed Aprill,2018 Prices To October 1,2017 Prices Line No.Rate Class October 1, 2017 Prices Proposed Adjustment(1) Proposed Aprill,2018 Prices (a)(b)(d)(c) 1RS GS-1 1o ls'R (2) Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 CNG Fuel Block 1 Block 2 0 59648 0.57130 0,54699 0.47347 0.54699 0.47347 0 58408 0.59648 0 571 30 0 54699 0.47347 0.30000 0 37890 0 3591 7 0 26988 0.04019 0 01 599 0 00549 0 28092 0.02713 0.00959 0.00294 (0 01 2e8) (0.01133) (0.00974) (0.004e2) (0.00974) (0.00492) (0 0 1 500) (0 01298) (0 01133) (0 00974) (0 00492) (0.00301) (0 001 22) (0 00031) (0 00226) (0 0ooe2) (0 00034) (0.0030e) (0.0010e) (0.00033) 0.58350 0.55997 0.53725 0 46855 0 53725 0 46855 0 56908 0.58350 n (Aoo7 0.53725 0.4685s 0.30000 0.37589 0.35795 0.26957 0.03793 0.01507 0.0051s 0 28092 0.02404 0 00850 0 00261 $0 5877s $ (0.01500) $ 0.57275 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 21 22 23 24 25 to LI 28 29 ls-c (3) LV.1 T-3 r-4 Block '1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Demand Charge Block'l Block 2 Block 3 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Demand Charge Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 16 17 18 19 20 (1) See Workpaper No. 2, Page 2, Column (d). {') Th. lS-R price is based on the RS price excluding the EE charge, (t) Th. lS-C price is based on the GS-1 price. Exhibit No. "l Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 9 LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules S€€€nd Revised fIUd Sheet No. 1 (Page 1 of 1 ) Name lntermountain Gas Companyof Utility IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveS€pfr-l+r4o4+ Oet, lr 2017W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule RS RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer using natural gas for residential purposes. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $5.50 per bill $e58+75', $0.5727s 'lncludes the following Cost of Gas 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.0542s) $0.26020 $0.1 9964 Distribution Cost EE Charge: $e#€49 $0.16349 $0.00367 PURCHASED GAS COST,ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adJustment for the cost of purchased gas as provided for in Rate Schedule PGA. This adlustment is incorporated into the calculation of the Cost of Gas stated on customer bills. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CHARG E ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for costs relaled to the Company's Energy Efficiency program as provided for in Rate Schedule EEC. The Energy Efficiency Charge is separately stated on customer bills. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule rs a part. rssued by lntermountain GaSBy: Michael P. Mccrath Effective: eeteber-.@g Aoril 1. 2018 Director - Regulatory Affairs Company Title: Exhibit No. 'l Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 9 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSep*+:r:gf+ Oc{.Jrr047W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule GS-'t GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirenrents for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: Ivlonthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill *lncludes the following: Cosl of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill '1 ,800 therms per bill 8.000 therms per bill 10,000 therms per bill $os964S- $0.58350 $o?5++3€" $0.55997 e€5{69€. $0.53725$ffi47. $0.46855 ($0.06300) $0.26020 $0.20127 se+98e+ $0.18503 9e.F283 $0.16150 sH485" $0.13878 $€:ffi€e $0.07008 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over @ @ @ @ tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: €etebe*-*,-?S*7 Aoril 1, 201 I l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-$dhRevised Seventh Sheel No.3 (Page'l of 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of I l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-$x{h Revised Seventh Sheet No.3 (Page 2 of 2) Name of Utrlity lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept-a+ag++ e€&JT+e47W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule GS.'l GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charger $9.50 per bill Per Therm Charge:Block One. Block Two; First 10.000 therms per bill @ Over 10,000 therms per bill @ $€-54€9S* $0.53725 $e4R+7* $0.468ss 'lncludes the following Cost of Gas 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.06s00) $0.26020 $0.20127 Distributron Cost:Block One: Block Two: First 10.000 therms per bill Over 10,000 therms per bill @ @ $e,44962 $0.13878 $s.g76e€ $0.07008 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation relaled costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS- 1 service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation paynrents made by the customer during the time they were a GS-'1 customer. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective. €etebei.-*,-?e*7 April 1, 201 8 1. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 9 l,P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules +hi*eenth p"ui."6 Fourteenth Sheet No. 4 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Lltrlrtv lntermountain Gas Companv IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept"+++e++ O€L4r3017W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otheMise eligible to receive service under Rale Schedule RS who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 6/1/201 0. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs. prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company s initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $5.50 per bill $€i584€e- $0.56908 -lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Werghted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.0s42s) $0.26020 $0.1 9964 Distrrbution Cosl $e.F8a9 $0.16349 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. rssued by lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. lVlcGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: Oe{ob€+-ffiil April 12018 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 9 LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules +hiftoe,Fth Revised E-QlUedI Sheet No. 5 (Paoe 1 ot 2) Name ol Utililv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept-:++er+ QeLltZg17W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule lS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable lo any customer othemise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment afler 6/1/2010, The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facilily and equipment costs. pnor to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however. the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monlhly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge. $9.50 per bill Block One: Block Twor Block Three: Block Four: First Next Ne)d Over 200 lherms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @10,000 therms per bill @ $+.s954s- $0.58350 $€s#{€o. $0.55997 $€:s4699- $0.53725 $.&473r++* $0.46855 'lncludes the following: Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transponation cost ($0.06300) $0.26020 $0.20127 Distribution Charge:Block One: Block Two. Block Three: Block Four: First Next Next Over 200 therms per 1,800 therms per 8,000 therms per 10,000 therms per biil @ biil @ bilr @ biil @ $O1S8e+ $0.18503 $'ffi3 $0.161s0 9e-1'4.852 $0.13878 $ffi€€ $0.07008 rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company Byr Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: e€tober-@g April '1, 2018 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-0'l lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of I l.P.U.C. Gas Tarifi Rate SchedulesSixtyful't Revised Fifth Sheet No. 7 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveS,ee+.at+e++ ffi++@ Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: $0.30000 per MDFQ therm Per Therm Charge;Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250.000 therms per 500,000 therms per 750,000 therms per biil @ biil @ brll @ $ffi. $0.37589 $e36S.+7- $0.3579s $sr59€8t $0.26957 *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) ($0.01 984) $0.00629 $0.26020 $0, 1 0545 Drstribution Costi Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750.000 therms per bill @ SO€giO+ $0.03008 $+.s+:)3cg+€ffi39 $0.00308 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natLrral gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 2.The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ) amount. which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firrn interstate transportation to serve lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule LV-1 Additionally, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFO for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: €€fobeF-.4--2+H April 1, 2018 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-I8-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of I l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules ffi€en{hRevased Sixteenth Sheet No.8 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Etfective Sept ++,+g+Z e€$+*e47W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 100,OOO therms transported @ $e€4+1€' $0.03793 50,000 therms transported @$e+{{sg. s0.01507 1 50,000 therms transported @ $OSO548' $0.0051 5 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of ($0.00063) ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimunr is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity lo accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a wrilten agreement between the parties rf the customer has a dedicated line, lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing T-4 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. rssued byr lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: e€+ob€F{.ie+t7 Aoril 1, 2018 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 9 l.P.U.C. Gas Taritf Rate Schedules F€ud€€n{h Revised Fifteenth Sheet No.9 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utilrtv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveS€?tJJ1-2s{+ Oct, 1,2017W Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule T-4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contracl for flrm distribution transportation service in excess ol 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge:$0.28092 per MDFQ therm' Per Therm Charge: *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of ($0.01 908) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges. 2.The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipe|ne to the designated city gate. All natural gas servrce hereunder is subJect to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maxrmum Daily Firm Ouantity (MDFO), which will be stated in and in etfect throughout the term of the service contracl. The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those T-4 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure evenls prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. An existing LV-1 or T-3 custoner electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-4 on the customer's same or contiguous property, tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective. €e{ober,*,-2€*7 Aoril 1 . 201 8 Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250,000 therms transported @ $+e27+e $0.02404 500,000 therms transported @ $€:eOS59 !0 q99?0 750,000 therms transported @ $e$.e2€+ $0 00261 3. 4. 5. 6, EXHIBIT NO.2 CASE NO. GNR-U-18-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PROPOSED TARIFFS (8 pages) l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Third Revised Sheet No. 1 (Page 1 of 1) Name lntermountain Gas Gom panyof Utility Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page '1 of B Rate Schedule RS RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer using natural gas for residential purposes RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *l ncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $5.50 per bill $0.57275. 'l) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.05425) $0.26020 $0.19964 Distribution Cost: EE Charge: $0.1 6349 $0.00367 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for the cost of purchased gas as provided for in Rate Schedule PGA This adjustment is incorporated into the calculation of the Cost of Gas stated on customer bills. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CHARGE ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for costs related to the Company's Energy Efficiency program as provided for in Rate Schedule EEC. The Energy Efficiency Charge is separately stated on customer bills. SERVICE CONDITIONS All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective:1,2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Seventh Revised Sheet No. 3 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill@ Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 8 $0.58350. $0.55997. $0.53725. $0.46855" ($0.06300) $0.26020 $0.20127 $0.1 8503 $0.1 61 50 $0.1 3878 $0.07008 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective 1, 2018 First Next Next Over l.P U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Seventh Revised Sheet No. 3 (Page 2 ol 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge: $9.50 per bill Per Therm Charge: *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: First 10,000 therms per bill @ Over 10,000 therms per bill @ Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 8 $0.53725. $0.46855. ($0.06300) $0.26020 $0.20127 $0.1 3878 $0.07008 Block One: Block Two: 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost Block One, First 10,000 therms per bill@ Block Two: Over 10,000 therms per bill@ 1 Distribution Cost PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a pad. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation related costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS-1 service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-'1 customer. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: April 1, 2018 1 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 4 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 8 Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otherwise eligible to receive service under Rate Schedule RS who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge $5.50 per bill $0.56908. .lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1)Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.05425) $0.26020 $0.19964 Distribution Cost:$0.'16349 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: April 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 5 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost 200 therms per bill@ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill@ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill@ 10,000 therms per bill@ Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of B $0.58350. $0.55997. $0.53725. $0.46855. ($o.063oo) $0.26020 $0.20127 $0.18503 $0.1 61 50 $0.13878 $0.07008 Rate Schedule IS-C SMALL COMM ERICAL INTERRU PTIBLE SNOWM ELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer othenrvise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill "lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: First Next Next Over First Next Next Over tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: April 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Sixty-Fifth Revised Sheet No. 7 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-0'1 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of I Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE Demand Charge: $0.30000 per MDFQ therm Per Therm Charge Block One: Block Two. Block Three First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill @ $0.37589. $0.35795. $0.26957. *lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1)Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) ($0.01e84) $0.00629 $0.26020 $0.1 0545 Distribution Cost:Block One: Block Two: Block Three First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill@ $0.03008 $0,01214 $0.00308 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 2 The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO)amount, which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firm interstate transportation to serye lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule LV-1. Additionally, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. lssued by: lntermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective:1, 2018 1. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Sixteenth Revised Sheet No.8 (Page 1 ot 2\ Name of Utilitv Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-0't lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 8 Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charge: Block One: First 100,000 therms transported @ $0.03793. Block Two: Next 50,000 therms transported @ $0.0'1507. Block Three: Over 150,000 therms transported @ $0.00515. .lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of ($0.00063) ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customerwhich have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing T4 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: lVlichael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: April 1, 2018 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifteenth Revised Sheet No.9 (Page 1 ol 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page B of 8 Rate Schedule T-4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE Demand Charge:$0.28092 per MDFQ therm* Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: Block Three First Next Over 250 000 therms transported @ $0.02404 500,000 therms transported @ $0.00850 750,000 therms transported @ $0.00261 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of ($0.01908) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges 2 The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO), which will be stated in and in effect throughout the term of the service contract. The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those T-4 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. An existing LV-1 or T-3 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-4 on the customer's same or contiguous property. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: April '1 ,2018 3 4 5 6 EXHIBIT NO.3 CASE NO. GNR.U.18-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TOTAL TAX EXPENSE PER IPUC ORDER NO.33879 (2 pages) Exhibit No. 3 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 o12 Line No. lntermountain Gas Company 2015 Total Tax Expense Per IPUC Order No. 33879 Descri ton (a) FederalTaxable lncome Nonconform ing Bonus Depreciation Adjustment State Taxable lncome State lncome Tax Misc. Credits and Adj. (ldaho Bldg Fund) Total State lncome Tax Expense Federal lncome Tax Deduction for State lncome Taxes Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant Amortization of ITC Total Federal lncome Tax Expense 13 Total lncome Tax Expense (') E*hibit No. 3, p. 2, Line 13, column (b), (') Workpaper No. 1, p. L, Line 37, Column (d). (3) Line 3 times 7 .4%. {+) Workpaper No. 1, p. 1", Line 42, Column (d). (s) Line L times 35%. (6) Line 5 times 35%. (') Workpaper No. L, p. 2, Line 68, Column (d). (t) Workpaper No. 1, p. 2, Line 74, Column (d). (') Workpaper No. 1, p. 2, Line 77, Column (d). ('o) Lin" 6 plus Line 12. Amount (b) S rg,o+2,s72 \t') (s,s80,07s) (2) 5 L4,062,497 1 2 3 4 5 6 S 1,,040,625 10 (3) 7 8 9 10 Lt 12 S (4) S r,o+o,oEs 6,g74,gOO (s) (364,2221$) (240,4591o) (247,030) (8) (179,903) (s) S 5,843,286 S 0,4s3,921 (10) Line No. lntermountain Gas Company 2015 FederalTaxable lncome per IPUC Order No. 33879 Description Exhibit No. 3 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 ol 2 Amount 1 (a) Federal Taxable lncome Com mission Adiustments lncentive Compensation Affiliated Expenses Profit Sharing Customer Service Center M iscellaneous Expenses lnjuries and Damages Normalization Stipu lation and Settlement Final Revenue Requirement per IPUC Order No. 33879 Commission Fees and Uncollectibles Expenses 2016 Federal Taxable lncome per Order No. 33879 (b) S 11,032,s55 (1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 703,6\7 Ql 1,3gl,,ooo (3) go,106 (4) g,620 (s) 20g,394 (6) 107,239 17) 2,013,515 (8) (2,30g,484) (e) 1.1. t2 13 6,440,245 lr.o't (35,235) (11) $ 19,642,572 (') Workpaper No. L, p. 1, Line 34, Column (d). (') Workpaper No. 1,, p. 3-4. See also Workpaper No. 1, p. 5, Column (b), the sum of Lines 5-6. (3) Workpaper No. L, p. 6-7. (o) Workpaper No. L, g.9, Column 5, Line 3 less Line 22. {t) Workpaper No. L, g.9, Column 6, Line 3 less Line 22. (0) Workpaper No. 1,g.9, Column 7, Line 3 less Line 22, less S1,598 as discussed on Workpaper No. 1, p. 8, footnote 5. 1') Workpaper No. L, p.9, Column 8, Line 3 less Line 22. (8) Workpaper No. L, g.9, Column 9, Line 3 less Line 22. {e) Workpaper No. 1, p. 10, Column (f), Line 3 less Line 22. (to) Workpaper No. L, p. L0, Line 43, Column (g). (11) Commission fee and uncollectibles expenses on the additional revenue requirement of S6.+lV. tlne lL times 50.005471 (see Exhibit No. 5, p. i., Column (d), the sum of Lines 19-20). EXHIBIT NO.4 CASE NO. GNR-U.18.01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY EXCESS DEFERRED INCOME TAXES AND AMORTIZATIONS (4 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of4lntermountain Gas Company Excess Deferred lncome Tax Amortization - 2018 Forecast Remaining Excess Line No.Description Total Excess DIT 2018 Amortization DIT (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 2 J 4 5 Excess DIT Amortization - Plant Excess DIT Amortization - Non-Plant Rate Base Excess DIT Amortization - Non-Plant Other Excess DIT Amortization - ldaho ITC Total s 19,812,401 (1) s (1,183,612) (3) (351,817) (s) (474,8L71 t7l (1,189,021) ('?) s 119,361 (4) 36,182 (6) 47,487 t8l 18,623,380 ( 1,065,251) (32s,63s) (427,33s1 5 L7,t9z,7ss S (986,996) S 16,80s,1s9 (t) Erhibit No. 4, p (') E*hibit No, 4, p (') Erhibit No. 4, p (o) Exhibit No. 4, p (t) Exhibit No. 4, p (') Exhibit No. 4, p (') Erhibit No. 4, p (t) Erhibit No. 4, p 2, Line 13, Column (b). 3, Line 21, Column (e). 4, Line 5, Column (b). 4, Line 5, Column (c). 4, Line 15, Column (b). 4, Line 16, Column (c). 4, Line 19, Column (b). 4, Line 19, Column (c). Exhibit No. 4 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 oI 4 Line No. !ntermountain Gas Company Excess Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant Description Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 (a) Plant - Fed Plant - State AFUDC Debt - Capitalized AFUDC Debt - lncurred - Fed AFUDC Equity - Capitalized AFUDC Equity - lncurred - Fed CIAC - Capitalized CIAC - lncurred CPI- Capitalized CPI - lncurred Plant R&D Capitalized Plant R&D lncurred Total (b) S 2L,'1,62,093 (1, L91,068) (364,563) 323,030 (292,447) 290,281, 652,359 (767,6831 77,L44 (76,74s) (2,564,818) 2,664,8'J.8 s 19,81,2,401 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 4 I ntermountain Gas Company 2018 Excess Deferred lncome Tax Amortization - Plant Line No.Description Beginning Difference Provision Reversal Rate Differential(r) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 2017 Vintage 2016 Vintage 2015 Vintage 2014 Vintage 2013 Vintage 2012 Vintage 2011 Vintage 2010 Vintage 2009 Vintage 2008 Vintage 2007 Vintage 2006 Vintage 2005 Vintage 2004 Vintage 2003 Vintage 2002 Vintage 2001Vintage 2000 Vintage 1959-1999 Vintage Exclude AFUDC Total s 301,62L 3,838,303 26,973,451 75,788,765 12,237,673 16,647,883 8,287,639 3,681,881 3,750,383 8,163,338 6,260,1.30 8,234,Lt3 s,613,765 4,115,569 8,264,874 4,937,404 7,778,71.6 2,567,86t 11,549,538 (1,83s,043) s 1,773,126 7,783,357 7,460,807 879 57 2,595 6t 3,845 599 64,353 372,986 446,562 198,285 851 169 88 64,444 70,997 6,236 27,079 (34s) (2,tt2,ss6l (s44,46s) (615,852) (879,536) (684,673) (4s2,s40) (41,6,7921 (181,610) 23,949 23,473 (2,L821 ( 183,981) ( 166,7 16) (99,310) 55,746 (s7,3s8) (2,3e9,624) 774,343 s 3,783 (48) (295,758) (76,22s) (86,219) ( 123,13s) (95,854) (63,356) (58,35 L) (2s,42s) 3,353 3,286 (306) (25,757l. (23,3401 (13,903) 7,804 (8,030) (33s,947) 24,408S 1s1,1s7,80s 5 a,zso,zgg S (8,4e3,00e) S (1,18e,021) {') Colrmn (d)times 14%. s Exhibit No. 4 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 4 lntermountain Gas Company Excess Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Line Annual Amortization(1)No.Description Amount (a) Excess Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Rate Base Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt Uniform Capitalization Customer Advances Total (b)(c) L 2 3 4 5 5 7,223 (144,488) (1,046,347], s (722) 14,449 5 (1,183,612) 104,635 l_+8,361_ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Excess Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Other Deferred Postretirement Benefit Costs - Reg Asset Prepaid Expenses Deferred Rate Case Costs Deferred Medicare Part D Accrued 401K Pension Bad Debts Expense lntercompany Deferred Employee Benefit Costs - Reg Asset Vacation Pay Postretirement Benefit Costs Total 5 ao,zst 51,683 45,961- (2,3321 (14,674) (37,6411 (s6,3s3) (173,455) (23s,2621 )(6,026) (5,168) (4,595) 233 1,467 3,764 5,635 t7,346 23,526 s (361,817) s :0,r8z Excess Deferred lncome Taxes - ldaho ITC Deferred ITC - State Total 5 $74,877) 5 47,482 5 (474,817\ $ qt,q\z (') The Cornpany proposes to amortize the Non-Plant excess deferred income taxes over 10 years EXHIBIT NO.5 CASE NO. GNR.U-18-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY REVENUE REQUIREMENT IMPACT OF TAX REFORM (1 page) Line No.Description lntermountain Gas Company 2015 Revenue Requirement lmpact of Tax Reform IPUC Order No. 33879(t) Tax Reform Adiustments Exhibit No. 5 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 'l Ad.iusted for Tax Reform (a) Federal Taxable lncome Nonconforming Bonus Depreciation Ad.iustment State Taxable lncome State lncome Tax Misc. Credits and Adj. (ldaho Bldg Fund) Total State lncome Tax Expense Federal lncome Tax Deduction for State lncome Taxes Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant Amortization of ITC Total Federal lncome Tax Expense (b) 19,642,572 (5,s80,07s) 5 45,OOO ('?) S (d) 19,687,572 (s,s80,07s) L4,107,497 976,944 t4l 1.0 976,954 4,134,390 l6) (205,160) (7) {8s,9 16) (1,436,05 1) (L32,42L1 s 2,274,842 3,25L,796 tt'zl s (3,632,12s) (13) 1.36749 -ffif''o'1.000000 0.001877 (15) 0.003594 (16) 0.994529 0.068870 (!7) 0.925659 o.'194390 (18) 0.731 269 1.367490 (le) (c) 1 L4,062,497 1,040,625 10 45,000 (63,681) (3) 5 S s s 5 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S 1,040,63s S (63,681) S 6,874,900 s (364,222) (24O,4s91 (247,030) ( 179,903) (2,740,510) (s) 5 159,062 (u) 154,543 {8',{s) (1,189,021.) {8r(10) 47,4g2 tBt,tlrl 5,843,286 6,883,92 1 s (3,s68,444) Total lncome Tax Expense lncome Tax Expense lncrease (Decrease) Gross Revenue Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Adjustment 6ross Revenue Conversion Factor Calculation OperatinE Revenues (without add-on taxes) Commission Fees Uncollectibles Expense State Taxable lncome State lncome Tax lncome Before Federal lncome Tax Federal lncome Tax Operatint lncome After Taxes Gross Revenue Conversion Fador (1) Exhibit No. 3, p. 1, Column (b). (2) The S45,000 is an estimate of the amount of entertainment expenses that would be nondeductible due to the new tax reform. (3) Change in tax expense due to the reduction in the ldaho corporate tax rate. (a) Line 3 times 6.925%. {s) Change in tax expense due to the reduction in the Federal corporate tax rate. (6) Line l times 21%. u) Line 6 times 21%. {8) Change in tax expense due to excess deferred income tax amortization. {e) Exhibit No.4, p. L, Column (c), the sum of Lines 2-3. {10) Exhibit No.4, p. L, Line 1, Column (c). I11) Exhibit No.4, p. L, Line 4, Column (c). {12) Line 6 plus Line 12. {13) Line 13, Column (d) less Column (b). (14) Required change in base rate revenues due to tax reform. l1s) Workpaper No. 1, p. 11, Line 2, Column (c). {16) Workpaper No. 1, p. u, Line 3, Column (c). {17) Line 21 multiplied by 6.925%. 118) Line 23 multiplied by 21%. (1e) 1 divided by Line 25. 5 s 5 EXHIBIT NO. 6 CASE NO. GNR.U.18-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY REPORTING OF 2017 PRE, AND POST, TAX REFORM (5 pages) lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 6 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 5 2017 Tax Provision 2017 GAAP Tax Provision 2017 GAAP Tax Provision - Normaliled Une No.Des(rlption Prior Law With Tax Reform Prior Law With Tax Reform (a)(c)(d)(e) zo,qse,gga t')I Federal Taxable lncome S ze,zszlle t') 5 2a,zg2,lle t') S 2o,ase,ssa l') 5 Tax Cuts and .lobs Act of 2017 Changes: Executave Compensation Adjustment Meals & Entedainment Total Changes 164,481 42,140N/A N/A 42,740 Adjusted Federal Taxable lncome - 207,22r - 42,740 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 State NonconforminB Bonus Depreciation Adjustmenl State Taxable lncome State lncome Tax M iscellaneous Credits and Adjustments Total State lncome Tax Expense s (4,411,s63) 21,981,213(tr t,ezo,eto(ul |29,1741S 1,597,43G s (4,411.s63)s (4,4r1,s63) 16,oas,a31 l'r t,taz,:szlu) l2e,17 4) 5 1,1s8,188 5 (4,411,s63) 16,ogg,tz1lt) t,ttq,to6 l'1 l.29,1.74) 22,188,434 t'l t,s:e,sqg l') l2e,11a)S 1.s07,37s S 1,084,932 Fed era I Federal lncome Tax Oeduction for State lncome Taxes Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant Amortization of ITC Miscellaneous Credits and Adjustments Total Federal lncome Tax Expense 9,237,a72 t") lsss,to:1 r'o) 11,101,355) lr'1) (sg,zog) I'o) (139,394) lrsl s.sgs,gggl") (316,549) r1') 11,101,355) (1r) (58,208) r14) 1r:s,:sa1r") '1.39,1221 5 7,ts9,gq8 (') s (405,3GG) [o) (1,1s1,183) 113) (s8,208) (ro) 1r:s,rsa1l") t,3o4,gu t') 1zzz,a:e1(") (1,151,183) (rr) 1se.zoa1{") (139,394) rls) 1139,1221(139,122) 5 7,240,279 s 3,831,360 l'139,r22)s s,266,67s 5 2,s89,201 'rrr l-----lJ[]lfourTotal lncome Tax Expense s 8,837,71s 5 s,338,73s 5 d rr,*, lncome Tax Expense lncrease (0ecreasel Befor€ Excess DIT Amoftization Excess DIT Amodization - Plant Excess DIT Amortization - Non-Plant Excess DIT Amortization - ITC Total Excess DIT Amodization Total lncome Tax Expense lncrease (oecrease) Gross Revenue Conversion Factor Revenue Requirement Adjustment s (:,cgg,gso)r") (1,189,021) i:'!) tsa,sa: l'o) ---_-_----!/y-""(986,996) s 1z,zso,z:01(") 1r,ras,ozt1l") r5q,s43 l'o) al,aaz t") 5 (a,aas,sze)1")5 \3,137,-126) 1.367 49 S {6J34Jr?) lrl 1.36149 l-----l!.r.u!93) l') E*htbit No.6, p. z, Line40, column (b), l'l Exhibit No.6, p. z, Lihe40, column (d). (31 This adjustment is eliminated because executive incentive compensation ls removed from tarable income. l') Line 1 plus Line 5. (si tine 6 plus Line 8. (61 l"ine 9 times 7.4%. {71 tine I times 6.925%. (3j Line 6 times 35%. {el Line 6 times 21%. llo) [ine 12 times 35%. [r) Line 12 times 21%.l") Erhibit No. 6, p. 3, Line s1, column (b), lt') Exhibit tto. s, p. l, Line 51, column (d). Ito) Erhibit No.6, p.4, Line 18, column (b).l"l Exhibit No. 5, p. 5, Line 4, column (b). (16l Line 12 plus Line 20-(rtr Line 21, Column (c) less column (b). (13) Line 21, column (e) less Column (d).(t'l Exhibit No.4, p. 1, Line 1, column (c). ('o) Erhibit No.4, p. 1, column (c), the sum of Lines 2-3. l") Erhibit No.4, p. 1, Line 4, column (c). 112) Line 22 plus Line 26. l") Erhibit No.5, p. 1, Line 26, column (d). (986,996) lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 6 Case No. GNR-U-'18-0'l lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 5 2017 Taxable lncome Line Normalized Amount (d) No.Description Amount (b) Adjustments (a)(c) 1 Pre-Tax lncome Norma lization S 23,157,399 S s 23,167,399 2 3 4 5 Nonutility Sales Executive/non-executive lncentive Comp & Affiliate Charges Adjusted Pre-Tax lncome S 23,157,399 (8,86s,000) 1r) (519,000) {'?) 2,190,000 (2r s (7,194,000) (8,86s,000) (519,000) 2,190,000 s 15,973,399 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 18 19 20 2r 22 ,1 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Permanent Tax Adiustments 50% Meals and Entertainment Lobbying Expenses Club Dues Performance Share Program Total Permanent Tax Adjustments s 81344 59,352 2,895 It47,338) s 5 87,344 cq ?q? 2,895 5 13,7471 - rj@t'l S 147,338 5 143,s91 Temoorarv Tax Adiustments Uniform Capitalization Accrued 401K Pension Bad Debt Expenses lncentive Compensation Payroll Taxes - lncentive Compensation Vacation Pay Customer Advances Prepaid Expenses SISP/SERP Expense - Current Deferred Rate Case Costs LNG Sales Deferred Revenue Postretirement Benefit Costs Deferred Compensation - Officers Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt SISP/SERP Expense Officers SISP/SERP Expense Officers - PBO lntercompany Deferred Employee Benefit Costs - Reg Asset Deferred Postretirement Benefit Costs - Reg Asset Deferred Medicare Part D AFUDC Equity - Federal AFUDC Debt - CWIP AFUDC Equity - CWIP Contribution in aid of construction - CWIP Capitalized lnterest - CWIP Plant Temporary Differences Federal Total Temporary Tax Adjustments 822,s82 t5,537 6,631 ( 1,10s,130) ( 1 1s,ss9 ) 126,2041 {861,9 19) ( 142,300) 994 52,587 1243,286) (80,023) ( 178,5 13) 12,2t6 (8 1,469) (t76,77s) 24,910 4,4t9,9rt 14,t74l ( 1,83s,043 ) l4t,7s6\ 34,750 33,794 709,84L t,927,62L s s 822,582 15,537 6,631 (s52,s6s ) ls7,78o) 126,204) (861,9 19) ( 142,300) 552,565 (3) 57,780 l3) (994) (3) 243,286 t3l 52,587 (80,023) ( 178,5 13) 72,276 81,469 (3) 1.76,775 t3) 24,9!O 4,4t9,811 14,t74l ( 1,83s,043 ) (4t,7s6]. 34,750 33,794 709,84L 5 3,22s,123 S 1J1o.8 so L,927,627 5 4,340,003 Total Tax Adjustments 5 3,22s,376 {o} S t,2s8,218 (4) S 4,483,s94 (4) Federal Taxable lncome 5 26,392,775 \5)l-l!,e!!282.)- ('' lqotlrgo_''' (') Sales variance times margin. (2)These adlustments are based on expense category items eliminated as a part ofCase No. INT-G-16-02. (3)These ad;ustments remove the permanent and timing differences related to Column (c), lines 2-4 above. (a) Line 11 plus Line 38. (s) Line 5 plus Line 39. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 5 Line No. lntermountain Gas Company 2017 Deferred lncome Tax Expense - Non-Plant Description Normalized Amount Adjustments(Il Amount(b) (c) (d) s 1 2 3 4 5 5 (a) Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Deferred compensation - Officers LNG sales Deferred Revenue - Capital Replacement *New* SISP/SERP Expense - Officers 5lsP/SERP Expense - Officers P8O Total For Account 1900.854 Charitable Contributions SlSP/SERP Expense - Current Total For Account 1900.874 Deferred compensation " Officers LNc Sales Deferred Revenue - Capital Replacement LNG Sales Deferred Revenue - capital Replacement 'New* SlSP/5ERP Expense - Officers SISP/SERP Expense - Officers P80 Total For Account 1900.964 Customer Advances Deferred Medicare Part D lntercompany Deferred Employee Benefit Costs - ReE Asset Postretirement Benefit Costs R&D Tax Credit Carryforward Total For Account 1900.955 Charitable Contributions SlSP/SERP Expense - Current Total For Account 1900.974 Accrued 401K Pension Bad Debts Expense lncentive Compensation Payroll Taxes - lncentive compensation U niform Capitalization Vacation Pay s (23,493) (36,s37) s (60,030) L6,2!8 104,439 (222,73t) 26,404 (16,218) ( 104,439) 222,t31. {26,404) 3,535 r,461 (8,71s) 7,91,8 155,346 ______: 155,346s1ss,542ss1ss,s42 t45,547 (145,541) s 7o,47t s (70,471) s s (61.e40) (s0,718) 6,029 (480,484) s (s87,114) '12,77s! 383,579 s82,023 49,',114 222,4O1 (31,293) s 1,193,448 298,136 67,940 ( 1,545,934) (18,405) 220,594 20,090 84,501 12s,276].s (8se,3s4) s 61,940 50,718 (6,029) 480,484 s s87,114 36,537s 36,s37 {291,011) l24,ss7l s (31sJ681 s (67,940) (220,594) (84,501) S (373,034) s s s (23,4e3) s (23,4s3) s 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 r7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 s s 3,536 L,46L (8,719) 7,978 t2,44O (12,440) S 60,348 S {12,440) s 47,908 s s 47,908 s 4?B0s 5 O2,77s) 383,579 297,O77 24,557 222,807 (31,293) s 877,880 s 298,136 ( 1,s46,934) ( 18,40s) 20,090 7,338 (38s,900) (3s,68s) (97,6141 (4,334) Total For Account 1900.975 Customer Advances Total For Account 2830.975 Total Deferred lncome Taxes - Non-Plant Deferred Compensation - Officers Deferred Postretirement Benefit Costs - Reg Asset Deferred Rate Case Costs LNG Sales Deferred Revenue - capital Replacement Postretirement Benefit Costs SlSP/5ERP Expense - Officers PBo Unamortized Loss On Reacquired Debt Total For Account 2830.965 Accrued 401K Pension Bad Debts Expense Charitable Contributions lncentive Compensation Payroll Taxes - lncentive Compensation Performance Share Program S/f Prepaid Expenses U niform Capitalization Vacation Pay 97,614 4,334 (3,901) 49,805 (s10,70s)40,464 40,464s (1,038,677) s 98,046 s (s40,530) s (1,101,366) s (4s,817) s (1,1s1,183) 12s,275] s (1,272,38s) ss7,338 (38s,900) (39,58s) 179s,227] (8,568) 3,901 49,805 (s10,70s) (1) These adlustments are based on expense category items eliminated as a part of Case No. INT-G-16-02. 5 ss s s Exhibit No. 6 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 5 lntermounta:n Gas Company 2017 Deferred lncome Tax Expense - Plant Line No.Desc n Amount (a)(b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant AFUDC Debt - Capitalized AFUDC Debt - lncurred - Fed CIAC - Capitalized CIAC - lncurred CPI - Capitalized CPI - lncurred Plant - Fed Total For Account 2820.96301 s (54,304) 23,482 605,404 (28,090) (75,871l. (et) (592,074l. s $ (L2t,5521 10 L1. T2 13 L4 15 16 L7 AFUDC Debt - Capitalized AFUDC Debt - lncurred - Fed CIAC - Capitalized CIAC - lncurred CPI - Capitalized CPI - lncurred Plant - Fed Total For Account 2820.965 (28,644) 24,734 431,765 (979,378) 31,266 (2s,s04) 609,103 s $ 63,344 18 Total Deferred lncome Taxes - Plant (58,208) Line Intermountain Gas Company 20t7 Delerred lncome Tax Expense - Amortization of ITC Description Exhibit No. 6 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 5 AmountNo (a) Deferred lncome Taxes - Amortization of ITC Amortization of ITC Deferred ITC - State - ldaho Total Amortization of ITC (b) 1 2 3 4 S (2L4,4521 75,058 $ (139,394) EXHIBIT NO.7 CASE NO. GNR-U.18.0I INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY COST OF SERVICE ALLOCATION OF TAX REFORM BENEFITS (l page) Exhibit No. 7 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1s>RssN s'4 Ll r/) 4 u] rrltnL/)rnLntnu.) $l'.Ln oo-N(o Lrioo {/} Ln O)@d(o O) =i {-4 >sx>ssxl >Rmorooool o49d)9oClCsfsfooorl o(oNo c'{ O)(ost rnOlrnOOl {/} sf(Dc{dNrnoi00 L4 FiFi ;Bszii E O ri r-r sl 0Ocoo)Nrld@LnFr$Lnd c.r' Lri d criLn$NrlO)r!rirnLr)cnLri -i oo'lnN {/} rl@NNN@N(oO(o.1 of 0o- (o- oo-ln(o@or(oONFI N@NN--<t(n rl {./} r{ O) rn Fl rn(o(ornN@oooocn.ioo'do=d(o(o<t$con.r1 m,noo_00N@rnN <f't Nsfm$(oOrcOOt.r)f\r{o)stF\@Lri Fa oi .l' dN(O(n(Y)(o@OmLnF.Fa e.i oo'rnN 0! o !, o coP.-uc..i!aO X^d CH;sH6-s(!;(J6* o t!EFl.,oEg.biiETg-!r>+oo*8c=cLg,o o, oriEEEkdorfi9H.r.9!O tl'r'rc(? ?jY1=&gei& o ;- (!gE o CL !,= $ i a*59Emrs#-d'G ot 9z6PLL'=aUOO EfrgEu3 -,I r..0J(Usut11 5EF^L tr o, arl9oJEm =AFe.;r'=z.e_Hgb E*OEL) tro E Ja o.=(J=l tlt E6&z3 =EIo2AfG,OoE60ceHo2n co T'otnoCLo CL ilN.nstrn(o _l lll r!ol- e ol==l EXHIBIT NO.8 CASE NO. GNR-U-I8-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY ANALYSIS OF RATE REDUCTION BY CUTOMER CLASS (1 pages) Exhibit No. 8 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 ;s;s.e;e;e;e;e:eO@O@!_@@NN@NO@@@Ncj;ocjrjrjrjN .ldel6l'l =lclFI "l A o6@60@@O$NN-NNNNN66@oooeNNcu?o?qeqqooooooo N cdc oooNN@NrO$soi@NO@@6cisGio E o'Eo tsE u*gE eEeC .z EtE-oU=P obEE e!o o-tE< =E @o NNo@- N € € N c t 66=6.6=6'doNo6NN6d6-O-ONl O-OOOdooooooqc{99e9ggdc{ @lEl= El" 11 N C r@N@N@ @@@ONNN ts 'E.; @= oE> 8oz 6NfpE= -a';o..oo E.ia E2<:-o6!Z a-aP3z=ol9-O.E EEE* =E =oo gE co<E z ooo@ooNONNNONONOOTNOO@OO6-ON@@+@oooci d d ci d d d o N o@ oo@ot o- <i@oN@@@6rtcl @NC NNT@oNNOoo- -a oE (j)@ z- o3!9.u ^l i.;f ioi#q=UFOa2o.ES9L,6: P<rE >=c<- ou;'6=. (JO od G - NN ocio- s- io Es2co<EoF EIEo.E o QCao'>eE6E-56.sla=ai=EE9E€€ *6SHSEAtE =EosoEEF-.^LYFEEE5p3:p:rEE Nc0== NEWS RELEASE and CUSTOMER NOTICE CASE NO. GNR-U-T8-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (2 pages) NEWS RELEASE il INTHKMOUNTAIN CAS COMPANY A Subsdary ol L!0U Resour,:es itoq :nc. |;AA :::.:t::::.::::=l Intermountain Gas Company files decrease in prices due to federal and state tax relief BOISE, IDAHO - March 23,2018 - Intermountain Gas Company filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to reduce its base rates by an overall average of 5.5 percent or approximately $4.97 million. The proposed decrease to Intermountain's base rate is a result of the recent federal and state reductions in the corporate tax rate. If approved, the decrease would be effective April 1.2018. If the proposed reduction is approved, residential customers of the company will see an average decrease of 2.2 percent for the total price of their natural gas service or $10.40 per year based on average weather and usage. Commercial customers, on average, would see a decrease of 1.9 percent; an annual savings of approxirnately $3 8. 1 7. Even with this proposed price decrease, Intermountain continues to urge all its customers to use energy wisely. Intermountain has recently launched a new Energy Efficiency Program offering rebates for installing high efficiency gas appliances. Details on this program as well as conservation tips, budget payment plans and [ow-income heating assistance programs, can be found at the company's website rvvyry.ir''ltgas.com. The request is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. A copy of the application is available fbr review at the commission, the company's website at u,wrv.intgas.corn as well as the IPUC website at tnyy.;;1u0..Ugho.gov. Written comments regarding the application may be filed with the commission. Customers may also subscribe to the commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. Intermountain Gas Company is a natural gas distribution company serving approximately 355,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in 74 communities in soulhern Idaho. Intermountain is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., which provides essential products and services through its regulated energy delivery and construclion malerials and services businesses. It is traded on the New York Stock Exchange as "MDU." For more information about MDU Resources, visit the company's website ot \vu,y,. m d.u.. c ts tn. For mor e informatio n ab out Intermountain,vi s i t t+'tt' tt'. i n I g0.\. c om ***'*{<****trl.* Media Contact: Cheryl Imlach, Manager Energy Utilization, 208-377-6179 -^<)+..' 6 $${THRfi.$SUNTAIh{" CAs COMPANY A Subsrdiary ol M\U Fesourcw 6Mp tY. Customer Notice Intermountain Gas Company files decrease in prices due to federal and state tax relief On March 23,2018- - lntermountain Gas Company filed an application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to reduce its base rates by an overall average of 5.5 percent or approximately $4.97 million. The proposed decrease to lntermountain's base rate is a result of the recent federal and state reductions in the corporate tax rate. lf approved, the decrease would be effective April 1,2018. lf the proposed reduction is approved, residential customers of the company will see an average decrease of 2.2 percent for the total price of their natural gas service or $10.40 per year based on average weather and usage. Commercial customers, on average, would see a decrease of 1.9 percent; an annual savings of approximately $38.17. Even with this proposed price decrease, lntermountain continues to urge all its customers to use energy wisely. lntermountain has recently launched a new Energy Efficiency Program offering rebates for installing high efficiency gas appliances. Details on this program as well as conservation tips, budget payment plans and low-income heating assistance programs, can be found at the company's website www.in as.com The request is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. A copy of the application is available for review at the commission, the company's website at www.inlggs..cpm as well as the IPUC website at www.puc.,i!hho.qov. Written comments regarding the application may be filed with the commission. Customers may also subscribe to the commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. /^*^\ WORKPAPER NO. 1 CASE NO. GNR.U.l8-OI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PERTINENT EXCERPTS FROM CASE NO.INT-G-I6.02 (ll pages) Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 'l 'l lntermountain Gas Company lncome Tax Calculalion For tho Tssl Ysa, Ending Decomber 31, 2Oldrl UN Company AdirrtrEnl.No.06rdiptbn &ptcmbrr updrrlr'PEldm! Aheil (a)(D)(c)(d) I Toirl OFillhg Reruo 2 fohl Opcntho Fjeans! 8!loo l.ilcnrt Exporlc lnd hcom! T.x.t@ g lntlrc.t ChlEsE 2S5.!9a,! I r 3 2i10.'196,356 .t (s89.884) 255,39,t'r I 2ts,s?,.e72 5,880,82t -----!!q 5.801,705 6 PrTq h@mo 9,038,926 56a.748 9,805,67,0 P€lm.nt Tu Arrjustmonla: t0tK DMd.nd Dodudlon (r23.100) 7,r,516 (t23.18E, 74,5/t0 Club Dsat Lotoyhg Expcnu 10 Totrl Pamucnl (48.8,t31 (4E.6,t3) t'l '12 t3 ta t5 t! t7 IE 1t 20 2l Z2 2t 2a 26 2E 27 2A 29 30 31 32 st 34 35 3A 37 38 39 a0 at 12 12 12 43 4 a5 f cmpoEry Tu Adludmord!: Brd Oobl Eqrn36 Chstluc Cmlrbdion. CsdomlrAdmt Ocbmd @mpcnadbo - OlrE ! lr|conthtr Cot|lpcmlha LNG 6d6 Ocorcd Rcwo PryEll Y@t . lnonti! Comp.nrdon PortEtbamcd Banafil Coda SISP/SERP Ep.nae . Csrt l SIS?SERP E p.mr Oiicc.t SISP/SERP E gailo ofil6[ . PBo Unrmor0aod Lu oo Rc8cqutq, o.bl Untrtrm Crpiltl.allon Vsdtlon Pay AFULTC DlDt. C]WP AFUOC Equity - cwP cspiqllzod IntlDd - CWP Cotrtlbut on h rld otEndrudlon " CwlP Plut TmD@ry Onlronsor FodtralE (!,608) (39,0r8) (5,508) (39,018) 1128,577)(.28,57O 652.855 4t2.655 37.230 (235,817) 37236 (235.6S7) 72,2'16 505.027 s0.692 72,218 595.m7 36.692 1,358,102 (550.8841 76E.,(98 Tohl Tohpor!ry Tol!| fd Adjudmnl! Tubh lncomr bobE drlc lnMetilel St!t. Clr.rd lnEm fu Cdculltiod: 2,015,208 (560.884)'1,475.52,r t,ee8,565 (5c9,88,1) 1.42s,881 'll.G33,ilol (938) 11.Gt2.555 r1.033.,40r (5.580.075) (036)'r 1,q)2.565 8on6 Modfllca0or stlto laat{c lnom Ellta lu [lc &rl. tBE! llr (orp.nEyDrnafit botm tqurlIlr{t Ssto Nrl Oph[ne Lor gdc Tu CEdh! PrMl Bulldlnt Fund ln[lrurn tlr crudh @plun F lnwdmttu@dltH Rahrn rnd olhor adiudm.ntt Totrl 6t8tc Curod lmm! Tucr (cxprEylcmfl (5.580.075) 5,453.,r10 ?Jgf, (403.s6s) (938) ?J!E! 69 5.152,100 7.ao?6 (.6..841 (t0l (r8,858) m1,n7 (1 0) l0.8so QO1,7m lzo.u?l 0q23ta (403.,tot) Amended Response to IPUC Staff Production Request No. 178 Amended Exhibit No. l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Danlngton, IGC Page?4 ot27 Workpaper No. 'l Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lnlermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 11 lntermountain Gas Company lncome Tax Calculation For the Teal Yssr Endlng Decembor 31. 2O1dtl Llno No.o.rcrFtlm Foocrdad Adludn.ntr PE ma Arnount (.) Strt! O.llmd lrum Tu Colculatlon oabmd Glr Cott rnd S8RP llmbo dlttomtt a)(c)(d) 4€ 17 40 48 5o 5r 62 53 54 55 58 '758 59 60 a'l g2 63 5a 85 EE e7 68 Slrtr NOL Satc OlLmd ln@mo Tqor (lxplntoybon.fi Totsl StBl€ lnom! furt (rxprnE)/D!natl FldcolCqBnl lncoD. Tu Cakuhud: 7.a0!a 7.40!t 7.a6r (220,8.2)(r82,852)(1Ol.40it) Stalr hcmo t3r. cmnl yrar 1t,O3e.,aSl tuo.0.zl (036) (182.852) t r.032.665 (it03.10{) Fcddal tu rdc Frdffil lmm tu (o9.ntr)bon.,i blforo orrjwlmnt! FrdlEl Nd Or.rrtlne Lot. stltr Ncl Opanllne Lox Fadlnl Tu Crcdltt 51alr Tu cEditt FIN i10 Adrudncnlt RGtm rnC othcr ECrudnlnta Tolrl FodlnlCumnt lnom! Ter (c)ecntcybrncnt r0.0t2.0a9 ltlof, o,784..07) (r03.788) 35.OOra 64.320 10,620.06r 35.00* cJ,720.t71) (3.720. r 7 r) Fadanl Oahmd lnc@c TuCakul8uon tlon 0sd rut e cwlP ilnrlng dlthrlnot F.dcEl drhrtd lu Etc Orbmd tarcr 887,023 il,00,t 24q{l9 687.026 35.009(35.mta 240,a59 80 O.fcrrd 6E! Corl e SERP tinine dit,ltrnsl 70 Frd.El d.r.md trr r8lr 7l O6t r.i, m! 32 ar*32 4r*tr2 1rr 72 tJlllt turd .sl llmhg df'tFncct 73 Foda[l dltorld tu rllo la Ort!rcd U&! 76 Fcdcnl Drtrrrd lnona TBI (rT.ntolrbonoil 75 Total FldGrl lm Tut (c$oMyD.notit r, lrc Amorttsiibntr 78 Tollltq(.rprnr),b.ntf, r.35C,182 3.l,33!a .25,508 (569.684) 31.33* (t78.a78t ,88.ae8 lrur 2.?.030 385.e8' (3.r'r8.550) (r ?8.a?E)487.lt9 0 14.r52)r3232.884 ra.r87 (128.284) r7e.9o3 I (3.032.s8s) 3 (.4.2881 !_try!!) NO'I3 Itl Ttrr rmurn. mdch thr CohPt,Va urdtt.d ilt! bar &d EW oqdEmftt vhkt elr oad ln ntpoot. lo IPUC St t PrcduCroo Rlqucrt tlc. t78. Bl rh6 Ecrudn.nl @nGlt tor u lruilfre crcr patuting to t r! commltgon rprmd daprccabh [E tor tha lo!*lng !!!d ct3st: 391 . ofioFumtunandEqdpmrrl.3ea.Toq[,slEp,OrEg!Equlpmml.rnd3lT.CmnurlelbnEqutpmnt. ThoffiorlghlladlnJmuary20lS.rltd,Enoaln lAa Odobar 20t0 and wtt omcrd h ho.mbrr m18. Th. rdFdDril to (bprElruon cpcns mtlocr only tlul am!il ot mnlatad d!!6dation $rt [3] hl.Eai .)e!nt6 b elcd.lcd by mullp]ytrg toul [lo blp by tir rolgriad a6n!. @rt gl CcU. fh]r adludnrd lt l,rc otrA ol thc Rclmt Adpdmnl a,et lrod l^ foobrotc [4 rbovc. lal ln th! qcClon ot Ul3 lix tdlodria. Urr Comprny h8d€n0rnly lEludod thr ctbtt ot ldrho lmdn.rn Tu Cndlt (lfCO ln th. 6E{ls!on ol ill drtaq@nt hom tar GrOan3G. ThB aqrdm!il nmoEt t ra .t d or ldrho lTCr lo mrl.6 tho Compsryt @ro.t eMurl0 lDd6.d m tlr bootr lid ree,{t [5] fhb odlvtmctrt lr updstct th. ltlinsttd ITC rnoiluum to r.fbci lCul ,IC rmoni:nbn. nat ol mrtu6 lnodEltjon lnd tldoEt tu ot d. Amended Response to IPUC Staff Production Request No. 178 Amencled Exhibit No. 15 Case No, INT-G-16-02 J. Danington, IGC Page2i ol 27 Slato dolorad ls rat! *(sDd dlrlng tb l.d y.3 o, 20 I 5. Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page3of11 B, Disputed Expense Adjustments (1) Incentive Compensation Intermountain requested S704,000 in Non-Executive lncentive Compensation Plan funds because, it argued, the compensation is attributed to Intermountain employees meeting metrics for net income, cost contol and customer satisfaction. Tr. at 255-256. Intermountain removed the portion of compensation expense related to achieving a target level of incorne, because it did not consider this mekic related to customer benefits. Tr. al1524. On the other hand, it sought recovery of incentive compensation expense metrics related to cost control and customer service because, they were "designed to benefit the Company's customers by incentivizing Company employees to contol costs while maintaining a safe, reliable system and a high level of customer satisfaction ." Id. at257 . Intermourtain stated that the individual employee effort of each MDU subsidiary combine to benefit customers because, for example, if lntermountain met cost control goals by underspending, customers benefit through decreased cost recovery. Tr. at 1522, Further, customer satisfaction is measured through inclusion of MDU Resources in the top 35 companies in the JD Power Gas Utility Customer Satisfaction Study, benefiting customers because each utility works diligently to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction, .Id. Intermountain further argued that the Commission has allowed incentive compensation for other utilities that show a direct benefit to customers or show a sufficient link to operational efficiency, customer service, and safety, Id, at 1524, NIGU NIGU argued that Intermountain's adjusted incentive compensation is measured against the combined results achieved by all utility subsidiaries of MDU Resources spread across eight states, and that there is no proof that specific employee performance resulting in customer benefits or employee safety is tied to Intermountain's stated customer benefits. Rather than help ratepayers, the benefits inure to shareholders through enhanced stock valuation, earnings growth and reduced investment risk. Tr. at713-716. Commission Ftndings We find that Intermountain has not met its burden of showing that lntermountain's customers directly beneht from MDU's incentive compensation plans related to cost control and customer satisfaction. Intermountain must attempt to make a showing that these expenses ORDERNO. 33757 l5 Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas ComPanY Page4of11 directly relate to improving service or reducing costs to lntermountain customers. lntermountain cited several cases to show that the Commission has allowed other utilities to recover employee incentive compensation. These cases are, however, distinguishable. Here, the incentive compensation metrics for Intermountain are inexEicably linked to MDU. Accordingly, we decline to include incentive compensation related to cost contol and customer satisfaction in the revenue requirement for this case. (2) Salary Expenses Stafftestified that lntermountain's labor cost, as a percent of revenue, is higher than Avista Gas: 7.05% versus 4.75%. Tr. at 1086. Staff used a weighted average of three salary studies, including the Occupational Employment Survey (OES) used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which was double weighted in StafPs analysis. Id. at 1087. Staff believes that the labor surveys utilized by Intermountain minimize the effects of regional markets on salaries, where BLS data provides an analytical component related to regional pricing. /d. at 1087-1090. As a result, Staff proposed a $214,296 reduction of salary expense in revenue requirement. /d. Intermountain lntermountain disagreed with Staffs analysis. Tr. at 1831-1836. Intermountain maintained that the OES encompasses too many organizations, too broad of job descriptions, does not take into account rural areas with lower salaries, and uses out-of-date data. Id. Intermountain contended that its use of more current market survey data is sound and consistent with the practices of other utilities. Id. at 1837. To develop its salary expenses analysis, Intermountain used its own in-house survey as well as contracting with independent consultants to review compensation. Id. at 1837-1844. Intermountain claims that its 2013 independent survey, contracted through Aon Hewitt, showed its compensation pro$ams were well-designed and aligned well with other utilities, with Intermountain paying slightly below market. Id. at 1840. Intermountain stated that it will conduct another independent review in20l7. Id. at 1839. Commission Findings The Commission finds the Company's salary expenses to be reasonable and appropriate. Intermountain's salary expense analytical approach is sound overall. While Staff s analysis may be reasonable when specific studies are not available, we are inclined to use the most current, specific studies. 0RDER NO. 33757 l6 lntermountain Gas Company Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of '1 'l Non-Executive lncentive Compensation Expense Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31 , 2O16t1l Line No.Description Amount (a)(b) 1 Test Year 2 lncentive Compensation Expense 3 Payroll Tax Expense 1,038,672 70,942 4 Pro Forma 5 lncentiveCompensation Expensel2l 6 Payroll Tax Expenset3l 665,403 38,214 7 o o 10 Adjustment lncentive Compensation Expense Payroll Tax Expense Total lncentive Compensation Adjustment (373,269) (32,728) $(405,997) 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 Adjustment to Transmission Adjustment to Distribution Adjustment to Customer Accounts Adjustment to Sales Adjustment to Administrative and General Adjustment to Payroll Taxes Total lncentive Compensation Adjustment aI (3,297) (1 18,581) (111,430) (26,782) (1 13,179) (32,728) $ (405,e% PURPOSE OF ADJUSTMENT To remove the earnings metric from the Company's non-executive incentive compensation expense. NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] See Exhibit No. 15, Page '18, Column (f1, Line 6. [3] See Exhibit No. 15, Page 18, Column (g), Line 6. Exhibit No. l5 Case No. INT-G- l6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. 17 of25 Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page6of11 (3) Affiliate Expenses NIGU argued that affiliate tansaction costs, which are costs directly or indirectly charged to the Company by affiliated companies, should be reduced to the five-year average level experienced during 2011 through 2015, or by $1,381,000 in the test year, because insufficient explanation or justification was provided for the Company's forecast. Tr. at 712- 713, InteLmounloin Intermountain proposed including affiliated tansaction costs related to the provision of service to and between subsidiary companies of MDU Resources, such as payroll, procnrement, Enterprise, and General and Administrative Services. Tr. at2l9, ln response to NIGU's argument, Intermountain updated its affiliate costs and showed that its test year forecasted affiliate costs were $15.55 million. The Company argued these costs are reasonable, because they were only $52,500 (0.34%) lower than actuals. Tr. at 1519. Because the Company's actual updated data is more accurate than the previously-submitted forecasted data that NIGU rejected, Intermountain asked that its updated level of affiliate costs be accepted. 1d. Commission Findings The Commission finds that Intermountain failed to prove the reasonableness of its affiliated transaction costs. Normally, a utility can establish a prima facie case of reasonableness simply by showing it actually incurred the expenses through arms-length bargaining with another company. See Boise ll/ater Corporation v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission,9T (daho 832, 838, 555 P.2d 163, 169 (1976). Payments to affiliates, on the other hand, do "not establish a prima facie case of reasonableness," and it is not enough for the utility to argue it has incuned the expense or that the affiliate provided the goods or services "at cost," Id. at836-837. Rather, the burden of affirmatively proving the reasonableness of expenses incurred between affiliates falls upon the utility. General Telephone Company v. Idaho Public Utiltties Commission, T09 Idaho 942, 950, 712 P.2d 643, 651 (1986). The Idaho Supreme Court provides the rationale for applying a more rigorous standard to affiliated transactions, stating that the: desire of public utility management, evidenced by various methods, to secure the highest possible return to the ultimate owners is incompatible with the semi-public nature of the utility business, which the management directs. [t therefore follows that the [C]ommission should scrutinize carefully charges by affiliates, as inflated charges to [the] operating company may be a means to improperly increase the allowable revenue and raise the cost to consumers of ORDER NO. 33757 l7 Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page7of11 utility service as well as the unwarranted source of profit to the ultimate holding company. Id, (citing Solar Electric Company v. Pennsylvania PUC,137 Pa. Super. 325,9 A.zd 447,473 (1939)). The Commission may in its discretion find that it was unpersuaded by a utility's evidence conceming the reasonableness of its expenses. .Id Here, the Commission finds the Company failed to prove that its proposed affiliated tansaction expenses are reasonable. A showing of costs is not enough to overcome the burden of proving reasonableness with regard to affiliates. However, we acknowledge that some allocation is reasonable and appropriate. ln the absence of other proposals, and based on our review of the extensive record in this case, we find NIGU's proposal to be a fair and reasonable alternative. When test year expenses are abnormal, higher or lower, it is common to use an average. Therefore, we approve affiliate expenses based on the five-year average experienced from 201I through 2015, which amounts to a reduction of $1,381,000 in test year expenses. (4) Miscellaneous Expense Adjustments Staff argued that expenses to enhance a utility's image, including donations to charities or sponsorships of charitable events or golf tournaments, do not directly benefit ratepayers. Also, ratepayers should not be forced to support organizations whose ideology may not agree with theirs, Tr. at 1059-1060, and see Re Intermountain Gas Co. (1978) Order No. l4l4l. Staffthus recommended that the Commission disallow the Company's expense related to the following events and activities, because those expenses are not safety related and do not directly benefit customers: (1) Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) and Rotary and Lions Club, Tr. at I 062 ; (2) 532,7 65 from the 201 6 test year actual expenses for monies spent on golf-related activities and sponsorships, Id. at 1060-1061; and (3) $53,566 from test year actual expenses for payments made in donations or contribution to charities. Id. StafPs adjustments, above, included adjusting the forecast expenses based on actuals. Intermountain Intermountain accepted Staffs recommended adjustments for management expenses, injuries and damages and "other proposed adjustments in Staff Exhibit No. 101." These adjustments are reflected in the Commission's approved revenue requirement, as illustrated by Attachment A to this Order, Tr. a|1524. On the other hand, Intermountain did not accept Staff s adjustments for: (l) Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) expenses; (2) Rotary and Lions Club oRDER NO. 33757 18 Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 'l 1 dues; (3) certain expenses which were duplicated;s (4) a refunded expense; and (5) Staffs determination of disallowed expenses in the forecast period. Tr. at 1525. Intermountain stated that Chamber fees ($18,150) should be allowed because Intermountain faces competition from electricity and other heating fuels and Chambers "help the Company compete in the marketplace thereby enabling it to offler its customers more and lower- priced options for energy." Tr. at 1530-1531. Intermountain stated that the Commission has allowed Chamber expense recovery in other cases before it. Id. However, at hearing, Intermountain admitted that in past cases cited by the Company, Chamber expenses were grouped together with expenses related to several groups and organizations, including Edison Electric Institute, (Order No, 29505) and, therefore, were only partially allowed. In another case, Chamber expenses were totally disallowed (AVU-E-04-01). Id. at 1538-1539. Intermountain further argued that the networking advantages provided as a result of its participation in the Rotary Club of Idaho Falls and Twin Falls Lions Club ($275) directly benefit customers by providing opportunities to network with the Company's customers and help strengthen the communities in which they live. Id. at 1532. Intennountain also argued that Staff should recalculate its disallowed expense adjustment because certain expenses, specifically golf sponsorships and the American Heart Association Heart Walk sponsorship, do not occur in the last three months of the year and should be adjusted. Tr. at 1534. Intermountain argued that Staff used relative percentages of its proposed disallowed expenses "to the total expenses for the period January through September of 2016 and applied that percentage to the forecast period October through December of 2016." Id. Therefore, the Company argued that its proposed recalculated adjustment, with these expenses removed, should be used. ,See Exhibit 32, Page l,Line26. Commisston Findings We continue to follow our well-established precedent as it relates to the disallowance of expenses related to lobbying, enhancing the Company's image in the community, and maximizing shareholder value. Therefore, we find it just and reasonable to disallow the Company's claimed expenses related to the Chamber or service clubs, charitable sponsorships, 5 At hearing, Staff also noted that there were two expenses in Staff Witness Romano's exhibits that were double counted and one expense that was not removed that was later reimbursed. Tr. at 1053-1054, Staffs proposed adjustments were amended by $ 1,598 to reflect these mistakes. ORDER NO, 33757 l9 Workpaper No. "l Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page9of11 UI EI l.lx$*if $l *[ tI:( Eic 5H iEtEEuEoE!: Fo OFOFGF Revised Exhibit No. 103 Case No. lNl'-G- l6-02 J, Terry, Stafl' o2l24lt't * 4 *** lntrx l.i[B t1: l3lqI o-ll I l;n- lEil { l;ilI:II BlillE l:il" i:ilu lsflr fl' I n[* lfl'Lill.ll"I:IIBlillsl=ll? l"I lflu a * nI .E EEsEa! oc sfr R6 :e ?;E ooi * 6.6'- SssG oo,: r^*rtooo{60NONOdjoyoid!: -!iiEEdE - O rE; EHEir E-ElsJ irip:.Eggi q ee,i EE!diE"E;i:*i.EEEE.EEouooooHEHgS;g c .!a ilI i J 6o u ry 5E a 3 i i > oe€ E EEIs!- EEe T.iiEEE:; i:5i "^E 3;EEE3giE.€"Eo AG; e Es ri PfEP.!EA:EE*.ttsiEE6!iE3!Rfl33gEBE .t-Bl8 _l_ xls 'l* r{ q 8 a E.EuP EA :t6eiovz E3. 8i 9n 9r ld .i F E ; r & EdE oo!EE €E,tr;-E* E e Ec ; tiE E 6c 56 I ocqP '$,:;qp€EE $ aqsitEcgs.EE$EEii*EEs:igH6€ BEo["',tsooo@""EFpfE$'ooiNc dd.dHNRN s €,q@.:o.q6,q !rqq-?-€ e ca :s IJAortr 00F Eq 38 ce E & c 9E6c t1 2o 6 g9! 15 EE p' Bg 5EE 6< t-". :d_ofEbrE,iEgi 3a r 38. " !FE 6 {.9>5! :oEe tr3 diI! E eEe {.8.i:* i =[ 9E6EGE9C 3 JEP:i Er P ;'" -96 o iu hoo !q 3 i6 6.'j E Eo Workpaper No. 'l Case No. GNR-U-18-0' lntermountain Gas Con Page10of11 Revised Commission Order Revenue Requiremenl Summary . Attachment A ilo. t t!,741,1E7) 6 il t{2.JE7) 5 25J,?20,G8 s i2,ffi.{OJ' 5 t2 6{0,40!) s 169.&.!D ftrl6b6 comp.y o?.d 6mdl!lo6 &d.r tu6u sufl Iot.t Iourffi-.--lu{.J_----ia----l;1-*-._-:n----__];i- 1 2 5 6 E 9 lo ll 13 l4 It l6 1l 1t l9 t0 2l 22 ?3 24 25 26 2] II 29 lo JI 3l J3 l4 I5 36 ,7 3l J9 {l a1 4l G:. Oxr.tlq R.t.n!€t IdilOBr.(ry f,*.nua q9.r.tio{ 6 M.irtlen(e Irlor.lG6 9id{., T.mi..lh$...dPro(6rm! tuilomer a((ounr. auil.6.r Snrek..nd hlorm:tion.l n6,!65 l.1i1.H 492.71\ lE,7l6.2S 9.r6r,:@ tot.610 1.2t6.87r 13,8r9.6S. 2v !m.9lc ?s9.915,85. i3,/ll,iE7l {3.?d2,J8r} ?56,rt1,46' I 251.m,14? S 156.962,{85 $ t !6E,r22,5!r ! 171 '05.270 S E2.r& r.124 985 {33 5D l8.lo5 ts 9,Ota.rl5 lrl.)69t.t3t,m r2,29.:68 l.?6,500 1.]S.tm 82.580 I lra 9t9 .J3,5?B 18 t05 196 9,0t4,125 1 /1. /69 I 1.1r,ffi 1 1,150.i$8 lotrl OFr.t^! f{i.n* 8.bri h.or I.r ?l.ro7,l12 1.61,v? I,l9t.87t ?0.159 315 l.6tr,i96 3,t9t,226 20,E59,316 r,6l!,39t r,19I.2r6 fo!., Oo.rrtina trpcnEgNltOf.irint lnrom. J,)50,218 5,25t,094 (180,:08) i{lr.7m) {919,m7) 4,3r{,Ot:S xl J09,8?l 5 249,19E.01E_ , 716 r92 s {l.o7e.rG) t ji,iij.rrbt s i4),r!9,10!s rllw I rdz?rr -3------oEls, -i 66ils4) f----jl:iii;i -3----fi:fiit -- l..i Acohul.rd D?Dncirdon s 2&.553,05 5 2r9,S.92{ 5 1ifr,S& S {?,M,4o!l t (l,4!] $l) 5 l3t,5lt,O?1 t 596 6t,559 S 594.05r.!17 !s 594 05t 317 ?t) 6l{./t} ?17,105.67 :t7.16.a7 il.tcdri!& 5$Dter I'v.nlory Gx Sbr.a. hvdlory csh Wo*in8 CiFibi A..!rul.r.d oclird h.om. Irx.r A&.n{.rlnAid orCoolh.lo. t.t!9.111 3 195.(li I 0lr.6s8 l9.l?2,4t?] 1.r95,291 J.?2!,!l( l{9,r76,421) l7,rej.r?t)F,@2,5rri 235,526.761 !,19!,Dl !,?1i,r{4 {t,9l5.al! :36.916,49) )35.9/5 ?8t t4,1?7.436 S -E.C2t,511 23S.526 788 DS,U5 788 13,338.r591t,38r.4)7) 5 73& OFr.(h, lhcom..l Pr.smt Rire! OF.riq r6.om. .r ,ropor.d i.t.. OEr.tn6ln.ofr. Dri.Enq 6to55 Acvcnu. Co^Y.BEn tdd ,3G.9t5..r7 tl.4rl.6E7 4.t5S t 42% t?,sr9 9{6 6,W9.259 I 67Q1t i726.r9!J i (663.28i) $ 7 3p-/"13& l7 193,456 !.465 510 t 67055 ).JW, 17.!91.r$ 3,t55,07 1.670:5 O.ti(,.6., l. OFr.ti4 n.v.ne 8is. Bar. F.Y$!. R.ouarm.nt l.6ro55 &1.?g 1.6765 t JE9,rtt 1.6?055 t 10.16! /@ I 4.ll9.o5s , l.zrt 141 S 1,108.&9 t l.!2i.t9o 9 6,{oza5 26{.96.?lO S 254 q4.ry s89,1t6,24 5 I 2!t.t4r 5l.?lt t4l 5 {1.42r.r9?) 5l,rle.26 s 262.6:! 7rl s,5!s,4rc l?.6l4.lJE) EXHIBIT A to Settlement Stipulatron Case No ll.'iT'G-16-02 Page 1 s $ s Workpaper No. 1 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 11 of 'l 1 EI (tr ([rrc6 EEONc-o-€->(s-) ok(!y O6 EiI!3ERE =(JECoo()C gDE'- ict(oo aAx3 .-i Ico6 diuE o)3E X d NEo co I PES b c'j i :ER Eta ape.oI j; ;.!Cf)- o ' =E'-:b.X N E rrj E N6 i-"s P : P : gh18 E : o : o : d.O'rXrXrX,O>-oX $ s @ @ -tal ii -:: o o o o o :Fll ogho.c.c.c.c.cEI F: U o- J J J J JL,l-=(l)--zl-I^N (Y) $ tr) (O l'- @ rt)lr)OF-q (o@O)lf) C) cr) (oo) (oONNNor(odo sOq tr) cO soaf._ ssN$f.- o,00 Lr,r Cr) oci -o (r)oro (olif (fJ('r I.-O)O OC' o@o)ocotr)OrCqoc)oqqq r()() C,EJ(Jcoot! o)EtaataUe=(roO () Gq)xg Ee6'qx:g*,o6nFf,"6q E =B,f e E ,66aE. Bo, ,= E AEs E F= S? k Edfr,r*CI8:E?PEs#seEEdPNEilEM!PP'E'=uF:O)m'amL."=ct(Ua&sPfifiB#bAu0.,=",,.-ioo5 NctVrO(OF-@O) G C)(!t o'uo. oooo I(o =s H(E(!-o- LL cr) LEC0),1O-ov,--1\ a cvL(Dooffi=8CI.a o)-(J.s.=o9$=,h#-u l- .r La;g9ff.-LAb 3PEeq-o!bI,L Exhibit No. l6 Case No. INT-G- l6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2 of 2 o.lcol-zl WORKPAPER NO.2 CASE NO. GNR.U-l8-OI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY DISTRIBUTION COST CALCULATION AND REVENUE PROOF (2 pages) Workpaper No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 2INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 0istribution cost Calculation and Revenue Proof Line No.ClasE Bllllng Prcposed Revised Oetemlnater o) Rate (,, (r/ Proposed Revised Revenue (d)(a) RS ts-R rs-c Annual Bills Therms RS Total 3,697,216 213,439,341 1,008 137,397 385,416 31,302,760 51,760,307 21,983,924 3,932,226 $5.50 0.16349 20,334,688 34,895,198 $ 55,229,886 I RS E ,S-R (Residentla/) Ioaa/ Annual Bills Th6ms lS-R Total Annual Bills 5.50 0 16349 5,544 22,463 28,007 $ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Th6rms - Block 'l Therms - Block 2 Therms - Block 3 Therms - Block 4 Total Therms 0.18503 0.16150 0.13878 0.07008 9.50 $3,661,452 5,791,950 6,359,290 3,050,929 275,570 108,979,217 102 6,823 3,276 17,477,739 GS 1 Total Annual Bills MDFO Thorms - Ebck 1 Therms - Block 2 Therms - Bbck 3 Thems - Block 4 Total Therms Thems - Block 1 Thoms - Bbck 2 Therms - Ebck 3 Total Th6ms 16,010 450,360 6,317,560 6,317,560 7,613,251 3,000,000 29,296,036 0,18503 0.16150 0.13878 0.07008 0.03008 0.01214 0.00308 0.02404 0.00850 0.00261 2,650 9.50 $ 1,094 1,102 455 lS-C Total cS., 6,S'C (Gerera, Seryice) fotal LV-1 I\,lDFQ 3,619 21,142,810 o.3oooo $1 35,108 190,032 190,032 33 LV.1 Tolal T-3 325,140 34 35 36 37 38 Therms " Block 1 Thorms - Block 2 Therms " Block 3 Total Thorms 0.03856 0.01570 0.00578 293,567 47,100 169,331 39,909,287 15,321,300 1 15,948,332 96,712,653 71,751 847 509,998 39 I.3 lola/ T,4 $ 509,SS8 40 41 42 43 44 45 Therms-Block 1 Therms - Block 2 Therms'Block 3 Total Therms 0.30000 s 4,596,390 2,787,398 822,058 107,272 284,412.832 3,196,728 46 T-4Total 47 fotal (excludes gas costs) 48 Target Revenuo Requirement 49 Dllference (Lino 47 minu! Line 4E) {')Bllingd6leminantsftomCas6 No INT'G-16{2 oderNo.33879 {')s66 Exh bt No 7, Lne6 coumn (l) s 8,393,118 85,628,959 0s,628,s74 r2) $ 385 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 55,257,893 21,139,191 Workpaper No. 2 Case No. GNR-U-18-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 2 Line No.Class INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Proposed Distribution Cost Change Proposed Revised Rate{1) Cunently Effective Rate Proposed Rate Change (a) Customer Charge Distribution Cost Cuslomer Charge Distribution Cost Customer Charge Distribution Cost - Block 1 Distribution Cost - Block 2 Distribution Cost - Block 3 Distribution Cost - Block 4 Customer Charge (b)(c)(d) 1 2 3 4 E 6 RS IS-R GS.1 LV.1 T.? r-4 $$5.50 0.1 6349 5.50 0.1 6349 950 9,50 0,30000 0.03008 0.01214 0.00308 0.03856 0 01 570 0.00578 0 30000 0 02404 0 00850 0.00261 550 0.1 7849 E EA 0.1 7849 0.1 9801 0.17283 0,1 48s2 0 07500 o(n 01980'l 0.1 7283 0.1 4852 0 07500 0.30000 0.03309 0.01336 0.00339 0.04082 0.01662 0.00612 0 30000 0.02713 0 009s9 0 00294 (0 01 500) (0 01500) (0.01298) (0 01 1 33) (0.00974) (0.00492) (0.01 298) (0 01 133) (0 00974) (0 00492) (0 00301 ) (0 00122) (0.00031 ) (0 00226) (0 000e2) (0 00034) (0 0030e) (0.0010e) (0.00033) $ 7 8 950 I 10 11 12 0 18503 0 16150 0 13878 0 07008 15 tb 17 1B 0 1 8503 0 16150 0,1 3B7B 0.07008 13 14 19 20 Distribution Cost - Block 1 Distribution Cost - Block 2 Distribution Cost - Block 3 Distribution Cost - Block 4 Demand Charge Distribution Cost - Block 1 Distribution Cost - Block 2 Distribution Cost - Block 3 Distribution Cost - Block 1 Distribution Cost - Block 2 Distribution Cost - Block 3 Demand Charge Dishibution Cost - Block '1 Distribulion Cost - Block 2 Distribution Cost - Block 3 21 22 IJ 24 to 27 28 29 30 JI (') See Workpaper No. 2, Page 1, Column (c).