HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180212Schweitzer Basin Water Response.pdfRECE IVED t0l8 FtB -9 Al,l 9: 25 Ir.r."..;.J l-UDLIL/ i i"ili i i![ri COMI,{lSSlON Scrtrueitzer Easin lt/ater LLC P0 8or 772 &rylc lO 8a860 208-6/0-23lE Fehruary 6, Z0/E To: Idaho Public utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720 Subject: Order 33965, Case No. GNR-U-18-01 Dear Commissioners: We have received your reguest to assess the irnpact of the new tax reEulations on our company, Schweitzer Basin Water LLC (SBW). As stated in your subject order companies with fewer than 2fi) custorners do not have to comply. We have less than 200 customers so this order does not apply to SBW. We are also not a corporation; we are a sole proprietorship, we are not hxed as a corporation. If you have any questions please calt us fi 208-610-2318, Mel Owner Marsha Bell, Owner , 4,/,a 08t2412017 Below is the annual asses$ment for your public drinking water system for fiscal year 201 8 (October 1 ,2417 - September 30, 2018), based on information in DEQ's Safe Drinking Water Infonnation Systern, : 1D10901 24:Community w. 103 connections operating 515.00 slnce 141fi98V Below is the total amount due. lf the amount due is different than the current year assessment, your syslern has unpad assessments from previous years. Total Current Year + Prior Balance Total Assessment Due $515.00 Please detach and retum upper poftion with your payment made payable to the Department of Envir:onmental Quality: Pursuant to Sections 28-22-1A5 and2B-2b116. ldahs Codg a, rnaxirnum of $20 rfr,Iay be asseosed for retumed ehecks, Use the endosed envelope or send fhe check to: ldaho Depaftment of Environmental Quality State Fiscal Office - DW 141 0 North'Hllton Str,eet Boisq ldaho 8370F1255 \\ ${ fl Pay online by logging on to www.deq.idaho.gov/payinvoice. There is a 30/o tee for credit cards and a $5 fee for e-checks. For change of address and/or number of connections, log on to www.deq.idaho,gov/water/dwcontacts/. For questions concerning your system, contact your local DEQ orthe Health District Office by using the contact information on the back of this notice, Your contact area is: C For more information on howfees are calculated, vislt our webslte at http:/Atnt',tw.deq,idaho.govA,vater-quality/drinking-water/pws-feesi, For questions concerning your assessed fees, contact Tammara Golightly at (208) 373-01 20 or tammarra.golightly@deq.idaho.gov. w.