HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180202Teton Water & Sewer Response.pdfTETON WATER & SEWER COMPANY PO Box 786, Driggs Idaho 83422 RECEIVED 20lB FIB -2 Atl B: 59 ,, r r i?# irci#r,?rhl8u' o* Date: January 26,2018 To: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Prepared By: Jon Pinardi, Teton Water & Sewer Company RE Case No. GNR-U-I8-01 Notice of Investigation - Order No. 33965 In response to the Notice of Investigation Order, and after review of the Utilities Corporate and Tax situation: To Item (lXa) - Immediately account for the financial benefits from the January 1,2018 tax rate reduction to 2lYo as a deferred regulatory liability; (a) Teton Water & Sewer Company, LLC is a Limited Liability Company organized in the State of Idaho on the l2th of April,2ol2. As an LLC, it is not subject to the Corporate Tax Rate of either 35%o or 21%. Net Income for the LLC flows into the Partner personal tax liability and is taxed at the personal rate. (b) It appears upon review of the 2008 Rate Case No. TTS-W-08-1 that a Federal Tax Rate of 15olo was applied to the Revenue Requirement, not 35% (see enclosed document titled "Attachment C"). (c) Per Commission Staff recommendations, included is a Financial Statement showing Net Income for the Utility. Below Net Income are the Tax Expenses under 3 different scenarios: 1) The 25oh"Pre- 2017 Tax Act" personal Federal Tax rate for the Partner, 2) The 22o/o"Post-2017 Tax Act" personal Federal Tax rate for the Partner, and, 3) The l5%o Federal Tax rate as used for the Revenue Requirement from 2008. Based on these items, (1) that the utility is not subject to the "Corporate Tax Rate", (2) that there is no tax rate reduction due to a l5%o rate used in the calculation of the Revenue Requirement, and that, (3) if the personal tax rate were to be used for rate and charge adjustments, the incremental decrease in our current/future tax expense is not existent or material, therefore, there would be no material impact on the Utilities rates and charges. To Item (lxb) -By Friday, March 30,2018, file a report with the Commission identiffing and quantifring all tax changes individually. The report must disclose the federal income tax components for the year 2017, and the federal income tax components if the utility had been subject to 2017 Tax Act's revisions to the tax code, including the 2loh tax rate. (a) As stated, it appears that the 2017 Tax Act will have no material impact on the Utilities current or future tax expense, therefore rates and charges would not decrease under the revisions to the tax code. Jon Pinardi eton Water & Sewer Company, LLC TETON SPRINGS WATER Case No. TTS-W-08-01 Rate Case Revenue Requirement Calculation Return on rate base $ 7,103 Attrachment B Net to Gross Multiplier 127.3237o/o See below Retum grossed up for taxes ,$ 9,044 Annual Expenses (i 118,461 Attachment A Annual Revenue Requirement (i 127,505 Gross Up Multiplier: Beginning 100.0000% State Tax @7.6Yo 7.6000% FederalTaxable 92.4000% @ 15o/o Net After Tax 13.8600% 78.5400o/o Net to Gross Multiplier 127.3237%100o/o 178.ilo/o I I I Attachment C Attachment C Case No. mS-W-08-l StaffComments 09/0s/08 I I I I I i I 4i04PM 01t24118 Cash Basis Ordinary lncome/Expense lncome 600.000 .Water lncome 600.461 ' Wator Metered Sales Residential 600.462 .Water Metered Sales Commercial 600.463 .Water Meterod Sales Mult-Family 600.475 . Water On / Water Off Service Fe 600.476 .Water Connection Feos Total 600.000 .Water lncome Total lncome Gross Profit Expense 700.000 .Water Expense 700.615 . Water - Purchased Power 700.616 . Water - Fuel for Power Product 700.618 'Water - Chemicals 700.621 .Water- Matorial & Supplies-O&M 700.627 .Water- Materials & Supplies-G&A 700.631 ' Water - Contrct Srvice-Profsnl 001 .Regulatory Expense - IPUC 700.63{ . Water - Contrct Srvice-Profsnl - Other Total 700.631 . Water - Contrct Srvice-Profsnl 700.635 ' Water - Contrct Srvice-Testing 700.636 . Water - Contract Srvice - Other 700.641 .Water-Rents 700.656 . Water - lnsurance Expenses Total 700.000 ' Water Expense 720.000 .WS. Unallocatod Expenses 720.610' Unallocated . Bank Fees 720.620. Unallocated - Operating Expense 720.630 . Unallocated - Postage 720.640' Unallocated - Telephone Total 720.000 .WS - Unallocated Total Expense Net Ordinary lncome Other Exponse 800.403 . Water-Depreciation Expense 800.408 .Taxes & Fees 800.010 .Water - Regulatory Fees (IPUC) 800.011 . Water. Propefi Taxes 800.013 .Wator - Other Taxes - DEQ Total 800.408 .Taxes & Fees 900.000 ' lnterest Expense 900.100 ' lnterest Exp on Long-Term Oebt Total 900.000 . lnterest Expense Total Other Expense Net lncome Pre-Tax Act Personal Tax Rate 12016120171 - 25o/o Post-Tax Act Persona! Tax Rate (20181 - 22% Revenue Requirement Tax Rate - 15% Teton Water & Sewer Go. Profit & Loss January through December 2017 102,872.84 7,648.00 35,872.00 1 ,180.00 11,203.56 158,776.40 158,776.40 158,776.40 11,133.41 267.92 6,635.60 '18,416.01 492.45 0.00 15,686.40 15,686.40 693.00 52,760.42 699.60 3,476.00 1 10,260.81 2,771.34 20.24 259.07 2,641 .45 5,692.10 1 15,952.91 42,823.49 144.00 329.00 5.294.20 1 ,168.00 6,791.20 1 7,691 .1 3 1 7,691 .1 3 24,626.33 18,'t97.17 4,549.29 4,003.38 2,729.58 s s s Page I of 1