HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081104Samples of Some Companies' Schedules.pdfWN U-74 Fourteenth Revision of Sheet No. 16.1 Canceling Thirteenth Revision of Sheet No. 16.1 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 16 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABLE: In all territory served by Company in the State of Washington. APPLICABLE: To single-family residential Customers only electric requirements when all service is supplied at For three-phase residential service see Schedule 18. for all single-phase one point of delivery. MONTHLY BILLING: The Monthly Billing shall be the sum of the Basic and Energy Charges. All Monthly Billings shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 91, 96, 98, and 191. Basic Charge:$6.00 Energy Charge: Base Rate 4.914ç 7.751ç per kWh for the first 600 kWh per kWh for all additional kWh MINIMUM CHARGE: The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the Basic Charge. A higher minimum may be required under contract to cover special conditions. CONTINUING SERVICE: Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this Tariff are based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transactions shall not operate to relieve a Customer from monthly minimum charges. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Issued October 9, 2008 Effective October 15, 2008 Issued by By PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Andrea L. Kelly Ti tle Vice President, Regulation Advice No. UE-080220TF2 16.1E Form F WN U-74 Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 17.1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 17.1 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 17 LOW INCOME BILL ASSISTANCE PROGRA - RESIDENTIAL SERVICE OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING CUSTOMERS AVAILABLE: In all territory served by Company in the State of Washington. APPLICABLE:To residential Customers only for all single-phase electric requirements when all service is supplied at one point of delivery. For three-phase residential service see Schedule 18. MONTHLY BILLING: The Monthly Billing shall be the sum of the Basic and Energy Charges and the Low Income Energy Credit. All Monthly Billings shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 96, 98 and 191. Basic Charge:$6.00 Energy Charge: Base Rate 4.914ç7.75H per kWh for the first 600 kWh per kWh for all additional kWh LOW INCOME ENERGY CREDIT*: The credit amount shall be based on the qualification level for which the customer was certified. 0-75% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) : (3.812ç) per kWh for all kWh greater than 600 kWh76-100% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) : (2.565ç) per kWh for all kWh greater than 600 kWh 101-125% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL): (1. 603ç) per kWh for all kWh greater than 600 kWh (continued) Issued October 9, 2008 Effective October 15, 2008 Issued by By PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Andrea L. Keìly Title Vice President, Regulation Advice No. UE-080220TF2 17.1E Form F WN U-74 Third Revision of Sheet No. 17.2 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 17.2 PACIFIC POR & LIGHT COMPAN FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 17 LOW INCOME BILL ASSISTANCE PROGRA - RESIDENTIAL SERVICE OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING CUSTOMERS (Continued) *Note: This credi t applies to only the energy usage wi thin the Winter months. Winter months are defined as Novemer 1 through April 30. MINIMUM CHARGE: The mon thly minimum charge shall be the Basic Charge. A higher minimum may be required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. To qualify, a Customer must earn no more than 125% of the Federal Poverty Level. 2. Qualifying Customers will be placed into one of three qualifying levels. A maximum of 4,475 customers may participate annually. 3. Non-profit agencies will administer the program. They will determine if a customer qualifies for the program and assign them to one of the three income bands. The Company will authorize these agencies to certify customer eligibility for the Program. CONTINUING SERVICE: Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this tariff are based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transactions shall not operate to relieve a Customer from monthly minimum charges. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is a part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Issued Issued by By June 26, 2007 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Andrea L. Kelly Effective June 27, 2007 TF2 17. 2E Form F Title Vice President, Regulation Advice No. UE-061546/UE-060817 Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Canceling Revised Revised Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 3083-E Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 3048-E Schedule No. DL-6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE CALIFORNIA ALTERNATIVE RATES FOR ENERGY (CARE) OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING CUSTOMERS APPLICABILITY Applicable to residential low income households in single-family dwellings and as specified further under special conditions of this Schedule, and Residential Service Schedule No. D, and for multiple dwelling units in which each of the single-family dwellings receive service directly from the utility through separate meters, and to multi-family accommodations which are separately submetered. TERRITORY Wi thin the entire terri tory served in California by the Utility. MONTHLY BILLING The Monthly Billing shall be the sum of the Basic and Energy Charges. Direct Access Customers shall have their Monthly Billing modified inaccordance with Schedule No. EC-1 and Schedule No. TC-1. All Monthly Billings shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedule ECAC-94. Distrib.FERC Trans. Calif.Gener-Pulio Total Trans.ation Purpose Rate ($1.10)$4.39 0.004ç 2.423ç (1. 706ç)5.490ç 0.004ç 2.694ç (2.015ç)6.722ç Basic Charge Energy Charge: All Baseline kWh All Non-Baseline kWh $5.49 4.3l2ç 5.582ç 0.457ç 0.457ç Adjustments: The above Total Rate includes adjustments for Schedule S-99, Schedule S- 191, and the CARE Adjustment which is equal to twenty percent (20%) of the Residential Service Schedule No. D Basic Charge and twenty percent (20%) of the Residential Service Schedule No. D Energy Charge Total Rate minus the Schedule S-100 surcharge. Minimum Charge: The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the Basic Charge. A higher minimum may be required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is a part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. 364-E (Continued) Issued by Andrea L. Kelly Date Filed July 14, 2008Advice Letter No. Name VP, Regulation Title Effective August 23, 2008Decision No. TF6 DL-6-1.E Resolution No. Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Canceling Revised Revised Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 3070-E Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 2862-E SCHEDULE NO. DL-6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE CALIFORNIA ALTERNATIVE RATES FOR ENERGY (CARE) OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING CUSTOMERS SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. A Low- Income Household where the total gross income from all sources is less than shown on the table below based on the numer of persons in the household. Total gross income shall include income from all sources, both taxable and nontaxable. No. of Persons In Household 1-2 3 4 5 6 Total Gross Income Annually $26,700 31,300 37,800 44,300 50,800 For Households with more than six persons, add $542.00 monthly, or $6,500 annually for each additional person residing in the household. 3. An application is required for each request of service under this schedule. An eligible applicant will be placed on this schedule wi thin one billing cycle of the receipt of their application. Renewal of a customer i s eligibility declaration will be required every two years and may be required randomly at the utility's discretion. Submetered tenants of master metered customers (Schedule DS-8) will be required to reestablish eligibility on an annual basis. Customers are only eligible to receive service under this rate at one residential location at anyone time. 4. It is the customer's responsibility to notify the utility if there is a change in eligibility status. Master meter customers (Schedule OS-8) with submétered tenants are responsible for notifying the utility when enrolledtenants move. Master meter customers will not be held responsible should a submetered tenant misrepresent his eligibility to the utility. However, if a master meter customer has a good reason to suspect that the tenant is not eligible, the master meter customer should, but is not required to, so advise the utility. 5. Customers may be rebilled for periods of ineligibility under the applicable rate schedule. 6. Price discounts or billing credits which may be available under other rate schedules or tariffs may not be used in conjunction with the Low Income Schedule No. DL- 6. 7. The Basic Residential use Residential Service Schedule D will apply for electric space heating are qualified baseline quantities for the use of a Life special conditions of Residential Service under this Schedule. baseline allowance as defined in unless baseline allowances available and elected. The standard medicalSupport device as defined under theSchedule No. D shall be applicable CONTINUING SERVICE Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this tariff are based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transaction shall not operate to relieve a customer from minimum monthlycharges. Advice Letter No. 361-E Issued by Andrea L. Kelly Name VP, Regulation Title Date Filed May 14, 2008 Decision No.Effective June 1, 2008 TF6 DL-6-2.E Resolution No. ..~ Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Canceling Revised Revised Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 3082-E Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 3045-t Schedule No. D RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY Applicable to single-phase alternating current electric service for residential purposes in single-family dwellings and as specified under Special Conditions of this Schedule, to multiple dwelling units in which each of the single-family dwellings receive service directly from the Utility through separate meters. The rates specified herein will be designated for each service in accordance with the energy uses qualified and elected by the Customer. The Basic Residential Use and Electric Water Heating allowance will apply unless baseline allowances available for electric space heating are qualified andelected. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served in California by the Utility. MONTHLY BILLING The Monthly Billing shall be the sum of the Basic Direct Access Customers shall have their Monthly accordance with Schedule No. EC- 1 and Schedule No. TC-1. shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedule ECAC-94. and Energy Charges. Billing modified in All monthly billings Basic Charge Energy Charge: All Baseline kWh All Non-Baseline kWh FERC Calif.Gener-Pulic TotalDistrib.Trans.Trans.ation Purpse Rate $5.49 $5.49 4.312ç 0.457ç 0.004ç 2.423ç 0.399ç 7.595ç 5.582ç 0.457ç D. DOH 2.694ç 0.399ç 9.136ç Adjustments The above Total Rate includes adjustments for Schedule S-99, Schedule S- 100 and Schedule S-191. Minimum Monthly Charge The monthly Minimum Charge shall be the Basic Charge. A higher minimum may be required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. No motor load shall exceed a total of 7 1/2 horsepower connected atone time. 2. All electric space heaters larger than 1,650 watts rated capacity shall be designed and connected for operation at 240 volts, and each spaceheating unit having a rated capacity of two (2) kilowatts or larger shall be thermostatically controlled by automatic devices of a type which will cause a minimum of radio interference. Space heaters served under this schedule shall be of types and characteristics approved by the Utility. Individual heatersshall not exceed a capacity of five (5) kilowatts. 3. Service under this schedule may be furnished to multiple family dwellings such as apartments, complexes, condominiums and mobile home parks in which the single-family dwellings receive service directly from the Utility through separate meters. 364-E (Continued) Issued by Andrea L. Kelly Date Filed July 14, 2008Advice Letter No. Name VP, Regulation Title Effective August 23, 2008Decision No. TF6 D-l.E Resolution No. Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Revised Revised Cal. P. U. C. Sheet No. Cal. P. U. C. Sheet No. 2769-E 2405-E Schedule No. D RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. Baseline rates are applicable only to separately metered residential usage. 5. The following quanti ties of electricity are to be billed at the rates for baseline usage: Basic Use and Electric Water Heating kWh Baseline Allowance Per Meter Per Day PermanentlyInstalled Electric SpaceHeating A. Del Norte County: October 1 through May 31 June 1 through September 30 B. All other territory served by theUtility: November 1 through April 30 May 1 through October 31 23.9 17.7 34.3 19.6 22.216.5 35.819.3 Energy used in excess of the baseline allowance will be billed at thenonbaseline rate. 6. Electric water heating is defined as permnently installed and wired electrical devices which provide the principal source of heat for hot water. 7. Permanently installed electric space heating is defined as any of the following: permanently installed and wired resistive elements which provide the principal source of heat, heat pumps, or any permnently installed water or steam heating using electric heating devices as the principal source of heat. 8. The baseline allowance for each billing period is calculated by multiplying the nurnber of days in the billing period by the appropriate daily baseline allowance. When a billing period falls between the winter and sumer seasons the total numer of days falling in each season is multiplied by the appropriate daily baseline allowance for the season and totaled to arrive at the baseline allowance for the billing period. 9. STANDARD MEDICAL QUANTITIES FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS: A residential customer who certifies in writing that regular use of a medical life-support device, as defined below is essential to maintain the life of a full-time resident of the household, that a full-time resident of the household is a paraplegic, hemiplegic, or quadriplegic person, and/or that a full-time resident of the household is a multiple sclerosis/scleroderma patient, is eligible for a standard daily medical quantity in addition to the standard daily non-medical baseline quantity. The amount of the additional quantity shall be 16.4 kWh per day. Advice Letter No. 337-E (Continued) Issued by Andrea L. Kelly Date Filed NameVP, Regulation Effecti ve December 21, 2006 Decision No. (D) 06-12-011 (D) 06-12-036 January 1, 2007 Title TF6 D-2.E Resolution No. Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Canceling Cancelin Revised Revised Revised Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 2315-E Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 2149-E Cal.P.U.C.Sheet No. 2150-E Schedule No. D RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) If the customer believes the life-support device upon which a full-time resident of the customer's household depends to sustain life requires more than 16.4 kWh per day to operate, the customer may apply for a higher quantity than that provided in this Rule. Upon receipt of the application, the utility shall make a determination based on the device's nameplate ratings and operating hours, of what additional numer of kWh per day are required to operate the device. The additional quantity provided for in this special condition shall be increased by that numer of kWh per day. The utility may require certification by a doctor of medicine or osteopathy licensed to practice medicine in the State of California that a medical need exists and that a particular device is necessary to sustain theresident's life.10. LIFE SUPPORT DEVICE: For the purpose of determining baseline quanti ties under the provisions of a rate schedule applicable to re~idential uses, a life-support device is any medical device requiring utility-supplied energy for its operation that is regularly required to maintain the life of a person residing in a residential unit. The term includes respirators, ironlungs, hemodialysis machines, suction machines, electric nerve stimulators, pressure pads and pumps, aerosol tents, electrostatic and ultrasonic nebulizers, compressors, IPPB machines and motorized wheelchairs. It also includes additional space heat for paraplegic, hemiplegic and quadriplegic persons and additional space heat and air conditioning for multiple sclerosis/sclerodermpatients. CONTINUING SERVICE Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this tariff are based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transactions shall not operate to relieve a customer from minimum monthlycharges. Advice Letter No. 301-E Issued by Matthew R. Wright Name VP, Regulation Title Date Filed November 7, 2000 Decision No.Effective January 1, 2001 TF6 D-3.E Resolution No. WN U~28 Fift Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 91 SCHEDULE 91 PUBLIC PURPOSES RIDER ADJUSTMENT - WASHINGTON APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Washington where the Company has electric service available. This Public Purposes Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing Demand Side Management services and (T programs and Low Income Rate Assistance (L1RAP) to customers. (T) MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedule 11 & 12 Schedule 21 & 22 . Schedule 25 Schedule 31 & 32 Schedules 41-48 DSM Rate $0.00181 per kWh (I) $0.00256 per kWh (I $0.00189 per kWh (I) $0.00124 per kWh (i) $0.00167 per kWh (I) . 2.98% of base rates (I) L1RAP Rate $0.00048 per kWh (i) $0.00068 per kWh (I) $0.00050 per kWh (I) $0.00033 per kWh (I $0.00044 per kWh (I) 0.79% of base rates(l) (N) SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. -lssuec--Ðeeber 20. 2007 Effective January 1, 2008* Issued by Avista Corporation By Kelly Norwood *By authority of Commission Order No. 05 in Docket No. UE-Q70804 Vice President, State & Federal Regulation WN U-29 Seventh Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Sixt Revision Sheet 191 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 191 PUBLIC PURPOSES RIDER ADJUSTMENT - WASHINGTON APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Washington where the Company has natural gas service available. This Public Purposes Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 121, 122, 131, and 132. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing Demand Side Management (T) services and programs, and Low Income Rate Assistance (L1RAP) to customers. (T (D) MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 121 & 122 Schedule 131 & 132 DSM Rate $0.01795 per Therm $0.01580 per Therm $0.01479 per Therm $0.01429 per Therm L1RAP Rate $0.00808 per Therm (I) $0.00698 per Therm (i) $0.00645 per Therm (i) $0.00624 per Therm (i) SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Decmber 20, 2007 Effective January 1, 2008* *By authorty of Commission Order No. 05 in Docket No. UG-070805 . Vice-President, State and Federal Regulation P.u.c. OR. No.5 Original Sheet 493 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilties SCHEDULE 493 RESIDENTIAL LOW INCOME RATE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (lIRAP)- OREGON PURPOSE: The purpose of this schedule is to adjust rates in Schedule 410 - General Residential Natural Gas Service - Oregon, to generate funds to be used for bil payment assistance for Avista's qualifying low-income residential customers, in accordance with ORS 757.315. APPLICABLE: To all residential Customers in the State of Oregon where the Company has natural gas service available. This Residential Low Income Rate Assistance Program (LIRAP) Adjustment shall be applicable to all residential customers taking service under Schedule 410. This Rate Adjustment, set below is approximately 0.5% of retail rates. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charge of the residential rate Schedule 410 has been increased by $0.00438 per thermo This rate adjustment is reflected in the present rate set forth under Schedule 410. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Each month, the Company wil bil and collect low-income bil payment assistance funds from all Residential Customers. By the 10th of the month following the billng month, using the Company's internal cashless voucher system, the Company wil determine and send the monthly voucher amount showing the Program Payment funds available to each participating Community Action Agency. By the 20th of the month following the biling month, the Company wil remit payment to each Agency for allowed administrative and program delivery costs. Each agency wil process client intake, authorize payments, and provide the Company with a client voucher list. Based on this client voucher list, the Company wil transfer the authorized payments to the individual customer's utilty accunt. (continued) Advice No. Oa-62-G Issued March 31, 200 Effecve For Service On & After Apl 1, 200a Issed by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, V.P., State and Federl Regulation P.U.C. OR. NO.5 Original Sheet 493A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 493 (continued) RESIDENTIAL LOW INCOME RATE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (L1RAP)-OREGON 2. The Company wil compute interest each month based on the average monthly fund balance undistributed at the company's currently authorized rate of return. 3. The Company wil be responsible for program administration and funds distribution to qualifying local agencies in accrdance with terms and conditions established by the Company and the entity. All funds collected under this program, less program administration and delivery costs paid to the individual agencies, wil be distributed to income-eligible Residential Customers of Avista Utilties. Income Eligibilty wil be determined by the respective agencies and wil be consistent with the eligibilty determinations for state low-income energy assistance programs. 4. Total program administration and delivery costs shall not exceed 21.78 percent of the total low-income bil payment assistance funds collected. Should actual administrative and program delivery costs be lower than 21.78 percent, the remaining funds shall be allocated into the program fund to support direct services. 5. The Company wil provide an annual summary evaluation report on the progress of the L1RAP for review by the Commission by August 31 st following the end of each program year. 6. The L1RAP program year wil commence each July 1st through June 30th. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Advce No. 08-02.. Issued Marc 31, 2008 Effecve For Service On & After April 1, 2008 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwoo.Vice President, Rates & Regulation 1. P r o v i d e a d e q u a t e r e v e n u e r e c o v e r y 2. P r o m o t e f a i r n e s s i n c o s t a l l o c a t i o n 3. P r o m o t e e f f i c i e n t r e s o u r c e u s e 4. P r a c t i c a l t o i m p l e m e n t 5. E a s y t o i n t e r p r e t 6. P r o v i d e r e v e n u e s t a b i l i t y f o r u t i l i t y 7. P r o v i d e b i l l s t a b i l i t y f o r c u s t o m e r s 8. A v o i d u n d u e d i s c r i m i n a t i o n a m o n g c u s t o m e r s 9. R e f l e c t a l l c o s t s i n t h e p r o v i s i o n o f e l e c t r i c i t y 10 . D y n a m i c e f f i c i e n c y i n p r o m o t i n g i n n o v a t i o n a n d re s p o n d i n g t o d e m a n d - s u p p l y i m b a l a n c e s ..