HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081222Comment.pdf08/05/2008 04: 15 12082534727 ,1~,pIOY /1ó lJ)/. WALLING~/f ~. ~ rli PAGE 01 irt, RECE.\\1 t,-, inuß OEC 22 M~ 8: 36. .r~ \Of\HOCpollf1ih\~s \ ON IST\L\i le S I'M I find many of the propsals of the PUC Sta to be sod choices in a chaging economic envinment. In the near futue ther wil stil be profound rets on the availabilty of energy and natu resources. It is despicable th Idao Power Company (ipe) refuses or neglects the addition of Gren Power, espeially the development of geotherma across the Snake River Plain whch Google Enviomnent says cotai a greaer amoun of power genertion th al of the Bonnevlle Projec. Energy Afordalility in Idao Submittd Friday, Decembe 19, 2008 By Ronad Mattews The proposa of 3 tier beginning at 0.. i OOOkwh, 1000-2000 kwh for 1he send tier and a thd tier beginning at 2000kw is th most sound and forward-lookig propos on the tale. I find it wise to dig deep into the !P customer profiles to discver the tre, yet well known reasons tht people sígn up for payment plans an an increaing number of peple fail to negotiate that pla. People ar ruing out of disposale income. I do not find it at all agreeable th at times of high poer demad th !P says publicly that it has to pW'hae out of state power at top prices, yet plUcha much of tht power from such sours as the Coal Fire Pla in Boardman Oregon makg a prett penny of net profit for the owner of that plat. An who own the plant? Idao Power Company. Although. it is an exceptonally good idea to increse the fudig towads weateron pians~ it i$ foreseable th ths win not be enough and an ~~invisib1e'" wa will be reached Wherein findig aplications for the fudig will be increaingly diffcult. Consider it as a ')¡eighbohoo sation" of good weaeration. At th point another tred and tr applícation needs to be made of the fuding. Solar pre-heatg of the cold water intae to the residence hot water ta. That ba wored as a naton policy for Israel sinee the 1967 six day war. Power cosumption neede to be reduced by haf and prehea the hot water ta reduce nationa power coumtion by 30%. Idao Powe, its' executives and its' pat CorpraonIDACORP, nee to do some serious belt-tightening right along with its customers. We ar in a recession. One measure of Recession or Depsion is the number of jobless. We have enough jobless people tody to show we ar ín a dee and long latig recssion. So fa, we have one- thd of the requid numbe of jobless to offcially indicate a Depression. When by April 2009 conumer infation begis to match fiat inflation of 20% a grter number of jobless people will significantly push Idao into a Depession. , 08/05/2008 04: 15 12082534727 WALLING PAGE 02 Idao Power is CUently Dot plang for ths. Idao Power has place in pri: "Our improved finacial peormce is due (in par) to progress frm prolonged and puros reguatory efforts. Ths year reguator accomplishments both ín Oregon and Idao highight the achievement of key milestonesof our strategy. We are still not eag our alowed mte of ret. Looking foiwar we must continue our strtegy of tiely regulatoi filings. Idaho Power Companies (I) net income, the priar component ofIDACORP's net income, was $86.4 million, an incre over last qu of $22.8 millon. This wa due' mostly to an increase of base rate, and an incre of $65.7 million in PeA rates. U What this says to the aveage peon is tht !P wil contiue filing at the PUC for more increases, multiple ties though the year until they feel th the income is close to what they percive as how much they are wort. In the meantime, ther is stong evidence th !P is buying sml companes and then purchaing though those compaes. The Idao rate payer pay for IP demaded products like the thousad 500KV monople th have ben instled in the last 4 yea, and the profit from the company between the Chi maufacer and IP purch goes back to !P. Not an acy acsaon, becaus the dummy paprwork behind the purcha of those monopoles is extensive and some hidde frm the public. Idao Powe's spokesprsn, Michael Yben ha gone on pubic record durg December 2008 stag tht Idao Power will contiue to supplement increaing demands with coa Gas and purhag import electrcity. There is no clea co, no matter what the co companies adrtsements say-- ther are no clean coal pla on lie or planed. Dug the last year ther wa a 20% drop in avalability of natual gas. Yet, Idao Power ha no pla for gr energy. Ybarguen sted tht Wind Power wa too messy to deal with, that it ha some "stcky points." In fact you know tht Idao Power has ased for a vaance of the PURA ruing so wid power ca be avoided. He also said that Idao Power plas to ru a 500kv line frm the coal plat in Boardman Orgon t~ Pacifcorps SOOkv line near Twi Falls. Do we need this? The Idao rate payers wil have to pay for ths, but there ar no ""drops'" plad for Idao ìn the !PC servce area accordig to Yben. Idao sits on enough geother energy in the Snae Rive Plain to give Idao more power th al of the Bonnevile complex, yet Idao Power wíU not coside ths new direction, instead, they plan to be her mont after month at the PUC. Respectfly submtted, Ron Matews 15926 Swiurt, Cadwell 83607455..155