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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150813Quarterly Report.pdf?ili[ &L],[ i-fli-il"lir:l August 17,2A15 State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Comrnission $tatehouse Boise lD 83720 Attention: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary RE: Filing requirements under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036 Enclosed is Exhibit A, which is the quarterly status report as of June 30 2015, as required under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036. lf any questions arise or additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact Lauren Pendergraft at 509495-2998. Sincerely, &;t*dlt*a^-*,,, Richard N. Stevens Director of Finance Enclosures TOTAL $2,835,018,605 100.00%7.67% Key Financial Data Available on Avista Gorp g/so/?or5 . 1?!31t2o11 , 12t31t2o13 1U31nOn Net income ailributable to Avista Corporation , .$71,695,000 $"192,041 ,0_0p. $J 1 t,077,00p _ $78,210,000 -_ Total Long{erm Debt Common Equity Consolidated EFs' Oividend Payout Ratiot Gommon Shares Outgtanding AvlsrA coRP. khibitA Quarterly Status Report, Case No. AVU-U-05-02, Order No- 299.17 Case No. AVU-U.06-I, Order No,30036 Cost of Capital as of 6-30-2015 Percent ofArnount Total Capllal Cost Component -1J9e000:000- =-_+91'/i.* n46%- 2^68%- 1,44?i018,60E 50.97o 9,807o 3 4.980/o .. .$1.t1 $3110 $1.8q. $1..p2 73.6}n/o 4A37Yo 65.95% 87.909/o 9.2,2s3,936. B?,243,34 _ 6O,Q76.752 Eq,813,00q._ S&P Financial Flalios Funds from operations (FFo ) / lnterest Expense 4.77 4 5.90 $ 4.51 s 4.11 5 Funds from operations (FFO ) / Debt 2o.4o9/o o zo.82o/o 5 16,6s% 5 14.61o/o t 1 Earnings per common share attributable to Avista Corporation, diluted 2 Calculated on a 12 Months Ended Pariod 3 Last Commission approved relurn on equity 4 Ratios provided by the Company's Foiecast 5 Ratios provided by S&P's Ghbal Credlt Portal as of March 1 1 , 2015