HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191119Quarterly Report.pdfAittsra 14tl fart Mission Avenue PO Box 3727 Spokane. WA 99220-3727 ;I: C E IVED !!i!liCt/ l9 AHll:32 . l.- .,,- iis,tNovember 14,2019 ku,"-t.oS-i)- State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise lD 83720 Attention: Diane Hanian, Secretary RE: Filing requirements under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036 Enclosed is Exhibit A, which is the quarterly status report as of September 30, 2019, as required under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036. lf any questions arise or additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact Karrie Wilson at 509-495-2345. Sincerely ra- " ( Jason E. Lang Director of Finance and Assistant Treasurer Enclosures AVEiTA CORP. Qurrterly St tut Rrport Caro o. AVU-U{s{2, Ordor No. 20947 Crre No. AVU-U{6-1, Ordsr No. 30036 Co3t ot Capltrl.s ot 09-30-2019 Amount Percent of Totalcapital t1,770.500,000 1,806.951,833 49 49V1 50.51% 100.00% Total Long-torm Debt Common Equity Net income Ethbutable to Avista Corporalbn consolidared EPS ' Divilond Payout Rat6 ' Common Shares Outstanding S&P Financial Ralios Furds from op€rations (FFO ) / lnterest Epense Funds from operetions (FFO ) i O6bt Cost E*lrbrtA Component 5.33% 9.50% 7.4% K6y Fin:nci.l Oata Available on Avbta Corp 9/30/2019 12t31t2018 1i,31t20't7 't2t3112016 s146,268.000 $136.598 000 $137.228,000 $2 21 $2 07 $1 79 $2.15 52 679/.79 93%bJ 720k 66 708,989 65 688.356 65.494,333 64.187 .934 3.93 13.320h 344 14.86% 5.07 17.60% 6.23 21.001o '1 Eamings per common sharg attributable to Avsta Corporation. diluted 2 Calculated on a 12 Months Ended Period 3 Lasi Commbsion approv€d retum on oquity 4 Ratios proviied by tt€ Compan/s Forecast 5 Ratios provired by S&Ps CGditstats Direct as ot May 'lO. 2017 rorAL _j!,5IL191,E!1_ 2.640h 4.@vo3 $115 916,0@ 72.O80k