HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150310Quarterly Report.pdfMarch 10,2015 State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise lD 83720 Attention: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary RE: Filing requirements under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036 Enclosed is Exhibit A, which is the quarterly status report as of December 31 2014, as required under Order No. 29947 and Order No. 30036. lf any quest'rcns arise or additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact Lauren Pendergraft at 509-495'2998. Sincerely, t\.J:3 lF i'tv il'ir}o i"ii...': =D :: =("n rtia*tW* Richard N. Stevens Dlrector of Finance Enclosures Total Long{erm Debt Common Eqfty Amomt $1,393,000,0@ 1,415.26q,011 TOTAL $2,808,263,011 12-3r-2p1{ $102,041,000 $3.,l0 40.370h a2,241,374 Percent of Total Capital - 46b%- 50.4vo 100.00% - 12€1-2913 $111,0r/,000 $1.85 65.95% 60,076,752 _ .+.S1 5 16.650/o s Cost 5.6% 9.80% 1241-?o12 .$78.210.000 $1.32 87.W0 59,813,000 4-'11 5 i4.61% 6 Exl{bltA Componenl -.t;T3 4.g4yo l.88Vorc AVISIACORP. Quarte8 Status Report, Geso No. AVtJ{r4t4e Order No, 293117 Caee l,lo. AVU-[ -Oe-l. Oder tlo. 30036 Coct of Capltrl ag of 12-31.2014 Key Flnanchl Data Available on Avleta Corp Net incorne aftributable to Avista Corpor8i:on Consolidated EPS' Dividend Payout Ralio' Common Sharcs Outstanding S&P Financiat Ratios Fundsfrom operations (FFO l / lnterest Expense Fundsfuom oporatlons (FFO )/ Debt 6.m 1 17.50% I 12-31:2011 $100.224,000 $1.72 64.00% 58,i123,000 4,6g 5 18.38% 5 1 Eam:ngt per common sharo atldbut€ble ts Avista Corporallon, diluted 2 Calculaled on a 12 Months Ended Period 3 Last Contmissbn approred retum on equity 4 Ratios prouided bytha Compsny's Forecasl 6 Ratos prodded by S&P's Global Credlt Portalas of Marci 9,2015