HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031015_648.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:LISA NORDSTROM DATE:OCTOBER 10, 2003 RE:PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF IDAHO POWER'S APPLICATION TO REVISE ITS DEPRECIATION RATES FOR PLANT IN SERVICE. CASE NO. IPC-03- On October 9 2003, Idaho Power Company filed a Motion for Acceptance of Settlement on behalf of itself, Commission Staff, and the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power (ICIP), which are collectively referred to as "the Parties." The changes agreed to by the Parties resulted in an overall reduction in the Company s requested depreciation rate from approximately 3.15% to 3.06%, or a reduction in the Company s annual requested increase in depreciation expense from about $7. million to $4.3 million. If approved by the Commission, the proposed settlement would resolve the outstanding issues in this depreciation docket. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND Idaho Power Company filed an Application on May 6, 2003 , requesting authority to revise its depreciation rates for the Company s electric plant in service. Idaho Power s depreciation rates have not been significantly changed since the Commission issued Order No. 24739 in 1993. Although the Company s total annual depreciation expense would increase by nearly $7 million under its proposal, the present Application did not request a change in electric rates. The proposed depreciation rates are based on the results of a detailed depreciation study ofIdaho Power s electric plant in service as of December 31 2001 , that was conducted by Gannett Fleming, Inc. Gannett Fleming identified and measured changes as well as recommended depreciation rates. The most significant rate change is in the category of General Plant, which DECISION MEMORANDUM Gannett Fleming recommends be increased from 5.52% to I 1.24%. Gannett Fleming s study also updates net salvage percents and service life estimates for all plant assets. Idaho Power s current depreciation rates have been applied to the investment in each primary and subplant account. The proposed depreciation rates are based on the straight line remaining life method, average service life procedure for all electric plant. A summary schedule detailing the December 31 , 2001 original plant cost, depreciation accrual amount, and rate is set forth in Attachment 1 to the Application. Based on $2 900 657 420 of depreciable electric plant in service on December 31 , 2001 Idaho Power s requested depreciation rate changes would increase its total annual depreciation expense by $6 994 021. Idaho Power Company requests that its Application be processed pursuant to the Commission s Rules of Procedure, i., by written submission rather than by hearing. Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA The Company also asks that the Commission issue an Order approving the proposed depreciation rates effective December 1 , 2003. On June 3, 2003, the Commission issued a Notice of Application, Modified Procedure Public Workshop as well as Intervention and Comment Deadlines. The ICIP was the only party who requested and was granted intervention in these proceedings. Order No. 29274. The Parties met on multiple occasions to negotiate a settlement prior to filing this Settlement Agreement. To allow additional time for resolution, the Commission extended the deadlines for comment and reply comments from August 8 and 19 2003 to August 29 and September 9 2003 , respectively. Prior to the filing of this Settlement, Staff filed comments on August 29, 2003, setting forth the same principles now embodied in this proposed Settlement. PROPOSED SETTLEMENT To settle the depreciation matters identified above, the Parties agree to reduce Idaho Power s requested increase in depreciation expense from $6 994 021 to $4 310 591 per year, based upon 2001 plant levels, in accordance with the following: 1. Steam Production Plant (Accounts 311.00, 312.10, 312.20 and 314.00): The Company will lower the salvage costs for the Jim Bridger Plant from a negative ten percent to a negative five percent which coincides with the rates recently approved by the Commission for PacifiCorp. Idaho Power and PacifiCorp are joint owners of the Bridger Plant. As illustrated in Exhibit to the Agreement, changes to accounts 311.00, 312., 312.20 and 314. will reduce the depreciation expense of the Company s steam production DECISION MEMORANDUM plant from $22 672 796 as requested in its Application to $21 693 983 , orby $978 813 per year based on 2001 plant levels. 2. Hydraulic Production Plant (Accounts 331.00, 332. L 332.2 and 334. Idaho Power will reduce the proposed depreciation expense of its hydraulic production plant from $13 445 303 as proposed in its Application to $12 393 839 (based upon plant levels as of December 31, 2001) by adjusting the net salvage rate for accounts 331.00, 332., 332.2 and 334.00. These changes will result in an overall depreciation expense reduction of $l ,051 ,464 per year based on 200 I plant levels for the Company s hydraulic production plant as illustrated in Exhibit 1. Idaho Power and Staff acknowledge that they do not agree on the weight that should be given to the term of FERC operating licenses in setting depreciation expense. Idaho Power and Staff agree that this settlement does not constitute acquiescence on that issue by either Party. 3. Transmission Plant (Accounts 354.00 and 355.00).The Company will reduce the negative salvage rate of its towers and fixtures (account 354.00) from a proposed negative salvage rate of 50% to a negative salvage rate of 30%. Furthermore, the Company will adjust the negative salvage rate of its poles and fixtures (account 355.00) from a negative salvage rate of75% to a negative salvage rate of 60%. The combined effect of these changes will reduce the proposed depreciation expense of the Company s transmission plant from $10 717 860 to $10 064 707 for a reduction of $656 153 in proposed depreciation expense based upon 2001 plant levels and as illustrated in Exhibit 1 to the Settlement. 4. General Plant (Accounts 391.20 and 391.21): The Parties agree to divide the two existing computer equipment plant sub-accounts (391.200 and 391.21 0) into four sub-accounts. Equipment with a vintage prior to 2002 will be amortized at the rates proposed by the Company in its original Application. Equipment with a vintage 2002 and thereafter will be amortized at the straight-line rate for the agreed-upon service lives: 5 years for 391.200 and 6 years for 391.210. The actual implementation process for vintages prior to 2002, including rates and/or retirements, shall be further determined during the general rate case that is expected to be filed in October 2003. 5. The Parties agree to the depreciation accruals originally proposed by the Company in its Application for its distribution plant, its general plant (with the exception of computer Accounts 391.200 and 391.210), and its other production plant categories as shown on Exhibit 1 to the Settlement. 6. The Parties agree that the depreciation rates agreed to herein shall become effective on December 1 , 2003. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest with respect to the issues covered by it and that all of the DECISION MEMORANDUM terms of the Stipulation are fair, just and reasonable. The Parties have negotiated this Stipulation as an integrated settlement document. The Parties recommend that the Commission accept this Stipulation without material change or condition. COMMISSION DECISION Given that it has been signed by all the parties to this case, does the Commission wish to approve the proposed settlement? i:; N l!_ck~ M:IPCEO307 ln2 DECISION MEMORANDUM