HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171020Decision Memo.pdf-7Q^l- G - t1-Ol DECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMI SSIONER KIELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:BRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: OCTOBER 18,2017 SUBJECT: UPDATING THE COMMISSION'S UTILITY SAFETY AND ACCIDENT REPORTING RULES; IDAPA DOCKET NO. 3t-l l0l-1701 On October 4, 2017, the Commission caused to be published in the ldaho Administrative Bulletin a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the purpose of updating its Utility Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 3l.ll.0l). The Commission proposed to update its Safety Rules by incorporating thc most rcccnt editions to the national safety codcs applicable to electric and natural gas utilities, and adopting federal safety regulations applicable to natural gas and pipeline utilities. In its rulcmaking, the Commission proposed to adopt the 2017 updates of Part 260.9, Title 18; and Parts l9l, 192, 193, 195, and 199, Title 49, the Code of Fcderal Regulations. The Notice is attached for your review. Thc Notice required that intercsted persons file wrinen comments no later than October 18,2017, The Commission received no written comments. The Commission did receive a letter from the Legislative Services Offrce indicating that it considered the proposed rulemaking within the Commission's authority. Staff has recommended that thc Commission adopt its proposed rules as a pending rule and submit it for legislative review in 2018. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to adopt the proposed rule as its pending rule? Does the Commission wish to publish its Notice of Pending Rule in the Deccmber 6,2017, edition of the Administrative Bullctin and submit the pending rule for legislative review in 2018? DECISION MEMORANDUM I UISdLMEMOS\RULG I 701 bk doc Deputy Attomey I IDAPA 31 - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COIIMISSION 3 t . I r . 0 I - sA FEw A *fl 8",8r,ff l,}sfi8iiliifr[tl5gfi m HEHr'.s REG u LAIED By DOCKET NO. 3r.1r0r-r70r NOTICE OF RULEUAKING - PROPOSED RULE AUIHORITV: ln compliancc rvith Sccthn 67.5221(lr,ldaho Codc, noticc is hercby givcn thrt the ldaho Public Utilities Commirsion hrs initiatcd pmpotd rulemaking plocedurel. This action is authorizcd puniusnt to Scction 6l- 515, ldrho Codc. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE: Public hcaring(s) conccrning this rulcmakiq will bc schcdulcd if requcstcd in rwiting by nventy-fivc (25) pcnons, r political subdivision, or sn sgcrcy, not later thon October I t, 20 17. Thc hcaring sitc(s) will bc rccessible to pcrons with disebilitics. Rcquesu for rccommodation must bc mde not latcrthan livc (5)drys priorto thc hcaring, to thc agcrcy addrcss bctow. DESCilPTM SUMIIIARY: Thc following is a nontcchnical cxplamtion of thc substsocc and purpose of the proposcd rulemaking: The Commission's Safcty and Accidcnt Rcporting Rulcs (IDAPA 3l,l l.0l ) adopt by refcrcncc scveral national safety codes applic$le to electric and natural gas ulilitics urd fedcral sofety rcgulations applicablc to nsnual gas and pipclinc utilitics. Currently, Rulc 201 adops thc Octobcr 2014 edition of 49 Code of Fcderal Rcgulations (CFR) Parts l9l-193, 195, and 199, addressing the construction and opcrataon of natural gas pipelincs, and the April 201,f cdhionof lt CFR Part 260.9. Sincc thc publication ofthosc cditions, thcre havc bccn scvcral minor updstcs and revisiom to the safety coder, including omendments rcloting to thc tcchnicd rcquiremcnts of materials, installation metho& urd usc, updatcd rcferences to technical st8ndads, and other non-substantivc editorial corections. Thcrc hss alrc becn cdded rules rclrtingro cxpandcd usc of cxccss flow vslvcs in gas distribution systcms. Thcre arc no major rcvisions to tbc codes rn questron. FEE SUMMARY: Thcrr arc no fces associstcd with this proposed rulcmahing. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impoct on the $atc gcncral fund rcsulting from this nrlcm*ing. NEGOTIATEO RULEMAKING: Punuanl to Scction 67-5220{2),ld$o Code, negotiated rulcmaking wss not conducted bccausc this proposed ruh odopts updotcd nationat safcty codcs rnd fcdcral regulations neccssary for thc safcry of utility cmployees &nd thc public during thc installation, opcrrtion, or maintenancc of natural gas pipelines, fuel gas systcms and natural gas-lired appliances. II{CORPORATION BY nf,fERENCE: Purrumt to Scclion 67.5229(2), ldaho Codc, the following is a bricf synopsis of why thc mnterials cited arc being incorporatcd by rchrcncc into this rulc: Adoption of thc cuncnt national safety codcs ond thc CFRs will mrke thcsc rules coosistcnt with fodcral safcry rcgulrtions conceming naturrl gas and plfrlinc utilitiā‚¬s. ln rddition, incorporalion of thc two othcr national safcty codcs will promote the safety of utility cmployees, utility customers. and thc public. Finalln incorporation by rcfcrencc will mitigate the nccd to publish hundreds of poges of safety codcs. ASSTSTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTION$ SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMEI{TS: For assislancc on technical questions conserning the pmposed rulc, contact Brandon Karpcn, Deputy Attomey Gcncml, st (20E) 334-0357 Anyonc may submit written comments rcgarding this proposed rulemating. All wrincn commcnts must be directcd lo thc Commission Sccrctary and must bc delivcrcd on or bcfore Octobcr 25,2017. Persons dcsiring to commcnl arc encouraged to submit written commcnts at thcir cadiesl convcnicncc rather than wait until the comment dcadline. ldrho Administra(ivc Bullctin Pagc dSE Oclobcr 4,2017 - Yol, l?-10 rlDAHO PUAUC UnUnES Co'ltlt SSrOn' Safefy & Accldent Reporttng Rul* lor Utlttles Regulated by IPUC Docket No. 31-1101-1701 Proposed Rulsmaklng DATED thir 29th day ofAugu*,2017. Dianc M. Hanian, Commission Sccrctary Idaho Public Utilitics Commission P0 Box E3720 Boise, lD t3720-0074 Strcct address for exprcss delivery: 472W. trVashinEon Boisc, Idaho 83702-59 I E Phonc: (208) 334-0338 / Fa* (20t) 134-}762 TIIE FOLLO1VING IS THE PROPOSED TEXT OF DOCKET NO. 3I.IIOI-I7OI (Only Thosc Scclions tYlth AmendmcnG Arc Shown.) 201. FEDnRALNATURALCAS SAFETY REGULATIONS (RULE r0r). Thc Commission incorpomtcr by rcfcrcncc Part 260.9, Titlc lt (Apdl l,201+:) and Prrts l9l, 192, 193, 195, and 199, Titlc 49, the Code of Fcdcnl Rcgulathns (Octobcr l, 20lJ.j), exccpt thst fedcral accident reporring requircmcnls containcd in the rules adopted by rcfercncc in Rulc 201 are rcplaced for state reporting purposes by orders of the Commission or rules of thc Cornmission. Thesc rcgulrtions arc found in thc Codc of Fedcnl Rcgulations, availsble on thc wcb from the U.S. Governmcnt Bookstorc, htlp: ,boohstorc.gpo.go% and click on "Codc of Fcdcral Rcgulations,'n or by calling toll*frcc E6G5 l2- l t00. Thc incorporotcd CFR Parts qrc also availablc in elecfonic formal at hnps:,rrrrw.gpogovifclsys. All gas and pipclinc corporalions subjcct to lhc Commitsicn's jurisdiction arc rcquircd to sbide by applicable provisions ofthcsc fcdcral regulotions rdopted by referencc.(+,Halt j Ideho Administrativc Bullctin Pagc 459 Odobcr 4,2017 - Vol. 17-10