HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030904_606.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART DATE:SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 RE:SIX MONTH REVIEW OF QWEST PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE PLAN. BACKGROUND An integral part of Qwest's 271 application was the Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QP AP), which included incentives to encourage Qwest to maintain the service quality it provides wholesale customers, and to prevent any backsliding in the market opening steps the Company had taken in order to obtain 271 approval. A key element of that plan is a periodic review by the Commission of the operation of the plan. The Plan indicates the first review is to occur after six months of plan operation, and therefore a review is now appropriate. Staff has participated in discussions with other state commission staff members in the Qwest region to discuss conducting all or part of the six-month review via a multi-state collaboration. It became clear that a single collaboration to address all the review issues was not acceptable to Qwest or a number of the states. There are enough differences between the QP APs implemented in each of the states, and in the manner in which the competitive market is developing in the different states, that led a number of states to prefer their own proceedings. PID REVIEWS A clear consensus was reached in using a multi-state collaboration to consider changes to the Performance Indicator Definitions (Pills) that are a key element of the QP AP. Agreement on the scope and structure for such collaboration has also been developed. DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 Staff from the participating states solicited proposals from parties interested in facilitating this effort, and those proposals have been reviewed. John Kern, who has performed the same role for two similar reviews in the Ameritech states, was selected to lead this effort. Qwest is now in the process of negotiating a contract for his services. The cost of the Pill collaboration is expected to be paid by the participating states, using funds originally provided by Qwest in the form of Tier 2 penalty payments made by Qwest to the states. The total cost of these services is expected to be no more than $50 000, with the amount to be paid by each state dependent upon the number of states that participate. Some Commissions have already indicated they will participate, and Staff expects that no fewer than 10 states will join in the effort. If so, Idaho s share of the costs should be less than $5 000. Idaho has already received approximately $29 000 in Tier 2 payments that have been earmarked for review costs. Now that the scope and structure of the collaboration has been agreed upon, staff from each state is seeking formal approval from their respective Commissions for participation in this limited collaborative effort, and for authorization to reimburse Qwest for the funds to pay the facilitator. Staff recommends the Commission authorize Staff to participate in this collaboration as well as authorize the independent administrator of the Tier 2 Fund, Alyson Anderson, to reimburse Qwest for the payments to the facilitator. Staff anticipates reimbursements will be made using the same procedures developed for disbursement from the universal service fund which require the signature of both Staff and the fund Administrator. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to authorize Staff participation in the Pill collaboration? Does the Commission wish to authorize the use of Tier 2 funds for reimbursement of Qwest's payments for the services of the facilitator of the PID collaborative effort? wayne k( CbM'1- WH:jo/udmemos/qwest six month review dm DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 2, 2003