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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210506Notice of Filing in Utah Docket.pdfMay 5,2021
Via E-mail
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472W. Washington
Boise, ID 83702
Re: Notice of Filings In Utah Docket Numbers
Dear Commissioners:
In its Order No. 33628 in Case No. QST-G-16-01 (Order), the Idaho Public Utilities Commission
(Commission) required "Dominion Questar to notifr the Idaho Commission by letter when it files notices,
applications, requests, etc., with the Utah PSC." (Order at pp. 3-4). Accordingly, Dominion Energy
respectfully provides notice that it has filed the following items last quarter:
20-057-14 - Pass-Through Application of Dominion Energt Utah for an Adjustment in
Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah
20-057-15 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah for an Adjustment to the Daily
Transportation Imbalance Charge
20-057-16 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah to Amortize the Conserttation Enabling
T ariff B al an c i n g A c c ount
20-057-17 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah for an Adjustment to the Low Income
As s is tanc e/ E nergt As s is tanc e R ate
20-057-18 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah to Amortize the Energt Efficiency
Defeted Account B alance
20-057-19 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah to Implement a Sustainable
Transportation and Energt Plan Surcharge
20-057-20 - Dominion Energt Utah's Applicationfor Approval of the 2021 Year Budgetfor
Energt Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
20-057-21 - Application of Dominion Energt Utah to Change the Infrastructure Rate
20-057-2i - Application of Dominion Energt Utah to Modify the Sustainable
Transportation and Energt Plan Surcharge
Dominion Energy Utah
333 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84145
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 45360, Salt Lake City, UT 84145
Dom in ion E m
You can review these and xl[ filings at Should you rquire any firther information,
ploase contact me.
/V Austin C. Summers
Austin C. Summ.ers
lvlanager Regulation