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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005Annual Report.pdfCheck appropriate box: ~ ' Oriinal sied form LlJ . Conformed copy Form Approved OMB No. 1902-0028 (Expires 7/31/96) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED MAY 2 5 2006 Boise, Idaho PUBLIC FERC FORM NO. REPORT OF MAJOR NATURAL GAS COMPANIES TO THE SERVI CE OF IDAHO COMMI S S ION ANNUAL Thi, report is mandatory ,nd,r tho Natnral Gas Act. Section, 10(a) and 16. and 18 CFR 260.1. Foil,re 10 r'porl muy resnlt in criminal fine" civil penalties and other ,anctions a, provided hy law. The Federal Energy Regnlatory Commi,sion does not con,ider thi, report to he of a confidential nature. Exact Legal Name of Respondent (Company) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY ~..~~ 1iilBO EAST FIRST SOUTH P,O, BOX 45360 ~~~~ ~~ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH B4145-0360 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 FERC FORM NO.(ED 12-95) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING THE FERC FORM NO. GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose This form Is designed to collect financial and operational information from major Interstate natural gas companies subject to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This report Is a nonconfldentlaJ public use form. II.Who Mus!' Submit Each Major natural gas company which meets the filing requirements of 18 CFR 260.1 must submit this form. NOTE: Major means having combined gas transported or stored for a fee exceeding 50 million Dth in each of the 3 previous calendar years. III.What and Where to Submit (a)Submit the electronic medium In accordance with the procedures specified in 18 CFR 9 ;385.2011 and an original and four (4) copies of this form to: Office of the Secretary F~deral Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20426 Retain one copy of this report for your files. (b)Submit immediately upon publication, four (4) copies of the latest annual report to stockholders and any annual financial or statistical report regularly prepared and disbibuted to bondholders, security analysts, or indusby associations. (Do not include monthly and quarterly reports. Indicate by checking the appropriate box on page , List of Schedules, if the reports to stockholders will be submitted or if no annual report to stockholders is prepared.) Mail these reports to: Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20426 (c)For the CPA certification, submit with the original submission of this form, a letter or report (not applicable to respondents classified as Class C or Class 0 prior to January 1, 1984) prepared in conformity with current standards of reporting which will: (I)contain a paragraph attesting to the conformity, in all material respects, of the schedules listed belo with the Commission s applicable Uniform System of Accounts (including applicable notes relating thereto and the Chief Acco~ntanrs published accounting releases). and FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page I GENERAL INFORMATION (Ii)be signed by Independent certified public accountants or Independent licensed public accountants certified or licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the United States (See 18 CFR 158.10-158.12 for specific qualifications. Schedules Reference Paaes Comparative Balance Sheet, Statement of Income Statement of Retained earnings Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements 110-113 114-.116 118-119 120-121 122 Insert the letter or report immediately following the cover sheet of the original and each copy of this form. (d)Federal. State and Local Governments and other authorized users may obtaIn addiUonai blank copies to meet their requirement free of charge from: Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch Washington, DC 20426 (202) 208-2356 IV.When to Submit Submit this report form on or before April 30th of the year following the year covered by this report. Where to Send Comments on Public Reporting Burden The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2.475 hours per response, includingthe time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering FInd maintaining the data needed, andcompleting and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Michael Miller, ED-124); and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of the Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: Desk Officer for theFederal Energy Regulatory Commission). You shall not be penalized for failure to respond to this collection of information unless the collection of information dlsDlavs a valid OMB control number. FERC FORM NO. 2 (12~96)Page iI GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Prepare this report In conformity with the Uniform Systems of Accounts (18 CFR 201)(U.S. of A). Interpret all accounting words and phrases in accordance with the U.S. of A II.Enter In whole numbers (dollars or Dth) only, except where othe/Wise noted. (Enter cents for averages and figures per unit where cents are Important) The truncating of cents Is allowed except on the four basic financial statements where rounding to dollars is required. The amounts shown on all supporting pages must agree with the amounts entered on the statements that they support. When applying thresholds to determine significance for reporting purposes, use for balance sheet accounts the balances at the end of the current reporting year, and use the current year amountS for statement of income accounts. III.Complete each question fully and accurately, even If it has been answered in a previous annual report Enter the word None" where It truly and completely states the fael IV.For any page(s) that Is not applicable to the respondent, either (a) (b) Enter the words nNot Applicable" on the particular page(s), or Omit the page(s) and enter NA, /I "NONE," or "Not Applicable" In column (d) on the Ust of Schedules, pages 2 and 3. Enter the month, day, and year for all dates. Use customary abbreviations. The "Date of Report" at the top of each page Is applicable only to resubmissions (see VII. below). VI.Indicate negative amounts (such as decreases) by enclosing the figures in parentheses ( ). VII.When making revisions, resubmit the electronic medium and only those pages that have been changed from the original submission. Submit the same number of copies as required for filing the form. Include with the resubmfssion the Identification and Attestation. page 1. Mail dated resubmissions to:Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington. DC 20426 VIII.Provide a supplemental statement further explaining accounts or pages as necessary. Altach the supplemental , . statement(81/2 by 11 inch size) to the page being supplemented. Provide the appropriate identification information, Including the tiUe(s) of the page and the page number supplemented. IX.Do not make references to reports of previous years or to other reports in lieu of required entries, except as specifically authorized. Wherever (schedule) pages refer to figures from a previous year, the figures reported must be based upon those shown by the annual report of the previous year, or an appropriate explanation given as to why the different figures were used. XI.Report all gas volumes in MMBtu and Dth. , XII.Respondents may submit computer printed schedules (reduced to 8 1/2 x 11) instead of the schedules in the FERC Form 2 if they are in substantially the same fonnat. XIII.Report footnotes on pages 551 and 552. Sort data on page 551 by page number. Sort data on page 552 by foomote number. The page number component of the' footnote reference is the first page of a schedule whether it is a single page schedule or a multi-page schedule. Even If a footnote appears on a later page of a multi-page schedule the footnote will only reference the first page of the schedule. The first page of a multi-page schedule now becomes a proxy for the entire schedule. For example, Gas Plant In Service ranges across pages 204 through 209. A footnote on oaqe 207 would contain a oaqe reference of 204. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page jjj DEFINITIONS tu per cubic foo The total heating value, expressed In Btu, produced by the combustion, at constant pressure, of the amount of the gas which would occupy a volume of 1 cubic foot at a temperature of GOOF If saturated with water vapor and under a pressure equivalent to that of 30 inches of mercury at 320F, and under standard gravitational force (980.665 cm. per sec. ) with air of the same temperature and pressure as the gas, when the products of combustion are cooled to the initial temperature of gas and air when the water formed by combustion Is condensed to the liquid state (called gross heating value or total heating value). II.ssion Aut orizatio The authorization of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any other Commission. Name the Commission whose authorization was obtained and give date of the authorization. III.Dekat rm-A unit of heating value equivalent to 10 therms or 1 000,000 Btu. IV.Res onden The person, corporation, licensee, agency, authority, or other legal entity or ins~menta/ity on whose behalf the report is made. EXCERPTS FROM THE LAW (Natural Gas Act, 15 U.C. 717-717w) Sec.10(a). Every naturaJ-gas company shall file with the Commission such annual and other periodic or special reports as the Commission may by rules and regulations or order prescribe as necessary or appropriate to assist the Commission in the proper administration of this act. The Commission may prescribe the manner and form in which such reports shall be made and require from such natural-gas companies specific answers to all questions upon which the Commission may need information. The Commission may require that such reports shall include, among other things, full information as to assets and liabilities, capitalization, investment and reduction thereof, gross receipts, Interest due and paid, depreciation, amortization, and other reserves, costs of facilities, cost of maintenance and operation of facilities for the production. transportation. delivery, use, or sale of natural gas, cost of renewal and replacement of such facilities, transportation! delivery, use, and sale of na~ral gas.. Sec.16. The Qommission shall have power 10 perfonn any and all acU;;. and to prescribe, issue, make, amend, and rescind such orders, rules, and regulations as it may find necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this act. Among other things, such rules and regulations may define accounting, technical, and trade terms used in this act; and may prescribe the form or .forms of all statements declarations, applications, and reports to be filed with the Commission. the information which they shall contain. and time within which they shall be filed... GENERAL PENALTIES Sec21(b). Any person who willfully and knowingly violates any rule, regulation, restriction, condition, or order made or imposed by the Commission under authority of this act, shall, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, be punished UDon conviction thereof by a fine of not exceedina $500 fur each and every day durim:1 which such offense occurs. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page iv IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent 02 Year of Report Questar Gas Company Dec. 2005 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (If name changed during year) 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Year (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 180 East First South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 05 Name of Contact Person 06 Title of Contact Person Jeff Callor Financial Reports Supervisor 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 180 East First South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 08 Telephone of Contact Person 09 This Report Is to Date of Report Including Area Code (1) !XI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (801) 324-5249 (2) 0 A Resubmission March 29, 2006 ATTESTATION The undersigned officer certifies that he/she has examined the accompanying report; that to the best of his/her knowledge, infonnation, and belief all statements off act contained in the accompanying report are true and the accompanying feport is a correct statement of the business and affairs of the above named respondent in respect to each and every matter set forth thefein during the period from and including January I to and including December 31 of the year of the report. 01 Name 02 Title David M. Curtis Vice President and Controller 03 Signature ------ 04 Date Signed (Mo, Day, Yr) March 29, 2006 Title 18, U.C. IOOI makes it a crime fOf any pers~n knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false fictitious or ffaudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. FERC F'ORM NO. ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR NATURAL GAS COMPANIES FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page I Name of Respondent This ~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report Questar Gas (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) 2005Campa ny (2) riA Resubmission 'Dec. 31; LIst of Schedules (Natural Gas Company) Enter In column (d) the terms "none: "not applicable," or "NA" as appropriate, where no Information or amounts have been reported for cartaln pages. Omit pages where the responses are "none: "not applicable " or "NA" Tide of Schedule Reference Dale Revised Remarks Line Page No. No.(a)(b)(c)(d) GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS General Information 101 Controf Over Respondent 1-02 Corporations Controlled by Respondent 103 Security Holdel1 and Voting Powers 107 Important Changes During lI1e Year 108 Coniparallve Balance Sheet 110-113 Statement of Income for !lie Year 114-116 Statement of Accumulated Comprehensive Income and Hedging Acllvllies .117 Slalement of Retained Earnings for lI1e Year 118-119 10 'Statements of Cash Fl9ws 120-121 Noles to FInancial Statements 122 BAlANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Assets and Oll1er Debits) Summllly of Ubllty Plant and Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion 200-201 Gas Plant In SeIVIce 204-209 Gas Property and Capacity leased from Olilers 212 Gas Property and Capacity Leased to Olilem 213 Gas Plant Held for Fulw'e Use 214 Construction Work In P~ress-Gas 216 General Description of ConsIrucUon Overhead Procedure 218 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Gas Utility Plant 219 Gas Stored 220 Investments 222-223 InvesImenls In Subsidiary CooIpanies 224-225 Prepayments 230 Extraordinary Property losses 230 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs 230 OII1er ReguJaIo!Y Assets 232 MIscellaneous Deferred Debits 233 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 234-235 lANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (LIabilities and OlherCredils) Capital Stock 250-251 Capital Stock Subscribed, CapRa! Stock Liability for Conversion, Premium on Capital Stock, and Installments Received on Capital Stock 252 Other Paid-in Capital 253 Discount on Capital Stock 254 Capital Stock Expense 254 SecuriUeslssued or Assumed andSecuriUes Refunded or ReOred During the Year 255 long-Term Debt 256-257 Unamortized Debt Expense, Premium, and Dlscounlon long-Term Debt 258-259 Unamortized loss and Gain on Reacquired Debt 26() FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 2 Name of Respondent This ~rt Is:Date of Rap'ort Year of Report Questar Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr), (2) A ~esubmisslon Dec. 31, 2005 LIst of Schedules (Natural Gas Company) (continued) Enter In column, (d) the terms "none, " " not applicable ' or "NA" as appropriate, where no Information or amounts have been reported for certain pages, Omit pages where the respon~es are "none," "not applicable," or IINA. Title of Schedule Reference Date Revised Remarks Line Page No. No.(a)(b)(e)(d) Reconciliation of Reported Ne,l'lncome with Taxable Income for Federa/lncome Taxes 261 Taxes Accrued, Prepaid, and Charged During Year 262-263 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Uablfities 266 Other Deferred Credits 269 Acwmula!ed Deferred Income Taxe&-Other Property 274-275 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes-Other 276-277 Other Regulatory UabDlUes 276 INCOME ACCOUNT 'SUPPORTING SCHEDULES Gas Operatfng Revenues 300-301 Revenues 110m TransportaUon of Gas of Others Through Galherfng FacUitIes 302-303 '47 Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others Through Transmission FaciliUes 304-305 Revenues from Storage Gas of Others 306-307 Other GaS Revenues 306 Gas Operation and Maintenance Expenses 317-325 Exchange and Imbalance Transactfons 328 Gas Used In Utility Operations 331 Transmission and Compl'9ss1on'of Gas by Olhers 332 54.OIherGas Supply Expenses 334 M1sceUaneous General Expenses-Gas 335 DeprecIation. Depletion, and Amortization of Gas Plant 336-336 Partk:ulars Concerning CertaIn Income Deduction and Interest Charges Accounts 340 COMMON SECTION Regulatory CommIssion Expenses 350-351 59'DlslribuUon of Salaries and Wages 354-355 0Iarges for Outside Professional and Other Consultative Services 357 GAS PlANT STATISTICAL DATA . ' Compressor Stalfons 506-509 62,Gas Storage Projects 512-513 Transmission Ones 514 Transmission System Peak Deliveries 518 Auxlnary Peaking FacillUes 519 Gas Account-Natural Gas 520 System Map 522 Foolnote Reference 551 footnote Text 552 Slockholde(s Reports (check appropriate box) Four copies will be submitted 0 No annual report to stockholders is prepared FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 3 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 101) This Report Is: (lilt An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2n A Resubmission GENERAL INFORMA nON 1. Provide name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account and address of where the general corporate books are kept, and address of office where any other corporate books of account are kept, if different from that where the general corporate books are kept. David M. Curtis, Vice Pres & Controller 180 East First South St. O. Box 45360 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0360 2. Provide the name of the State under the laws which respondent is incorporated, and date of incorporation. If incorporated under a special law, give reference to such law. If not incorporated state that fact and give the type of organization and the date organized. State of Utah - May 7, 1935 Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 3. If at any time during the year the property of respondent was held by a receiver or trustee, give (a) name of receiver or trustee, (b) date such receiver or trustee took possession, (c) the authority by which the receivership or trusteeship was created, and (d) date when possession by receiver or trustee ceased. 4. State the classes of utility and other services furnished by respondent during the year in each State in which the respondent operated. Colorado - Producing Properties, Natural Gas, Distribution Montana - Producing Properties New MexIco - Producing Properties Utah - Natural Gas, Distribution Utility and Producing Properties Wyoming - Natural Gas, Distribution Utility and Producing Properties Idaho - Natural Gas, Distribution Utility 5. Have you engaged as the principal accountant to audit your fmancial statements an accountant who is not the principal accountant for your previous year s certified fmancial statements? ofJ Yes...Enter the date when such independent accountant was initially engaged: (2)~ No FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 101 Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Name of Respondent QUESTAR GAS COMPANY This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (l)5i An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2)n A Resubmissio CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT 1. If any corporation, business trust, or similar or- name oftrustee(s), name of beneficiary or beneficiaries ganization or combination of such organizations jointly for whom trust was maintained, and purpose of the trust. held control over the respondent at end of year, state 2. If the above required infonnation is available from name of controlling corporation or organization, manner the SEC 10-K Report Fonn filing, a specific reference to in which control was held, and extent of control. If con- the report fonn (i.e. year and company title) may be trol was in a holding company organization, show the chaiI listed provided the fiscal years for both the lOoK report of ownership or control to the main parent company or and this report are compatible. organization. If control was held by a trustee(s), state Dec. 31 , 2005 Questar Gas prior parent company, Questar Regulated Services Company (Regulated Services), merged effective March 31, 2005 with Questar Gas. Questar Gas was the surviving company. Regulated Services was a holding company that provided management, engineering and accounting services for its wholly owned subsidiaries, Questar Pipeline and Questar Gas. Regulated Services was a wholly owned subsidiary of Questar. Questar Pipeline and Questar Gas became wholly owned subsidiaries of Questar as a result of the merger. Detailed infonnation concerning the reorganization is disclosed in the 2005 Fonn lO-k reports filed by Questar Gas and Questar Corporation. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 102 " . Name of Respondent This ~rt Is:Date of ReRort Year of Report Questar Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31. 2005(2) nA Resubmlssion Corporations Controlled by Respondent 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or Indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give partIculars (details) In a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of-voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any Intermediaries involved. 3. If control was held Jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact In a footnote and name the other Interests. 4. In column (b) designate type of control of the respondent as "0" for direct, an "I" for indirect, or a oJ" for joint control. DEFINITIONS . See U)e Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control Is that which Is exercised without Interposition of an Intermediary. 3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the Interposition of an intermediary that exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that In which neither Interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control Is equally divided between two holders., or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control In the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Une Name of Company Controlled Type of Control KInd of Business Percent Voting FootnoteNo.Stock Owned Reference (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Pane not Annlicable 19- FERC FORM NO.2 (12.96)Page 103 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 107) Name of Respondent QUEST AR GAS COMPANY This Report Is:(In An Original (2D A Resubmlssion SECURITY HOLDERS AND VOTING POWERS 1. Give the names and addresses of the 10 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stock- holders of the respondent, prior to the end of the year had the highest voting powers in the respondent, and state the numbef of votes that each could cast on that date if a meeting were held, If any such holder held in trust, give in a footnote the known particulars of the trust (whether voting trust, etc. duration of trust, and principal holders of beneficiary interests in the trust. If the company did not close the stock book or did not compile a list of stockholders within one year prior to the end of the year, or if since it compiled the previous list of stockholders, some other class of secufity has become vested with voting rights, then show such 10 security holders as of the close of the year. Arrange the names of the security holders in the order of voting power, commencing with the highest. Show in column (a) the titles of officers and directofs included in such list of 10 security holders. 2, If any security other than stock carries voting fights explain in a supplemental statement 1. Give date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to end of year, and in a footnote, state the purpose of such closing: November 19, 2005 Line No. Name (Title) and Address of Security Holder (a) 4 TOTAL votes of all voting securities 5 TOTAL number of security holders 6 TOTAL votes of security holders listed below 7 Questar Corporation FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 how such secufity became vested with voting rights and give other important details concerning the voting rights of such security. State whether voting rights are actual or contingent; if contingent, describe the contingency. 3. If any class Of issue of security has any special priveleges in the election of directors, trustees or mana- gers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method, explain briefly in a footnote. 4, Furnish details concerning any options, warrants, or rights outstanding at the end of the year for others to purchase securities of the respondent or any securities or other assets owned by the respondent, inclu- ding prices, expiration dates, and other material informa- tion relating to exercise of the options, warrants, or fights. Specify the amount of such securities or assets any officer, difector, associated company, or any of the ten largest security holders is entitled to purchase. This instruction is inapplicable to convertible securities or to any securities substantially all of which are out- standing in the hands of the general public where the op- tions, warrants, or rights wefe issued on a prorata basis. 2, State the total number of votes cast at the 3. Give the date latest general meeting prior to the end of year and place of such for election of difectors of the respondent and meeting:number of such votes cast by proxy May 18 2005Total: 9 189 626 By proxy: Number of votes as of (date): Total Votes (b) 189 626 One 189 626 189 626 Page 107 Salt Lake City, Utah VOTING SECURlTIES Common Stock (c) 189 626 One Preferred Stock (d) Other (e) 189 626 189 626 Name of Respondent QUEST AR GAS COMPANY This Report Is: (l)ug An Original (2)0 A Resubmission IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING TIIE YEAR Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Give particulars (details) concerning the matters indi- cated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number them m accordance with the inquiries. Each inquiry should be answered. Enter "none" or "not applicable" where applicable. If information which answers an inquiry is given elsewhere in the feport, make a reference to the sche- dule in which it appears. 1. Changes in and important additions to franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration given therefor and state from whom the franchise rights were acquired. If acquired without the payment of considefation, state that fact. 2. Acquisition of ownefship in other companies by reor- ganization, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give names of companies involved, particulars concerning the transactions, name of the Commission authorizing the trans- action, and feference to Commission authorization. 3, Purchase or sale ofan operating unit or system: Give a bfief description of the property, and of the transactions relating thereto, and feference to Commission authofization if any was required. Give date journal entries called for by the Uniform System of Accounts were submitted to the Com- purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of con- tracts, and other parties to any such arrangements etc. 6. Obligations incurred or assumed by respondent as guarantor for the performance by another of any agree- ment or obligation, including ordinary commercial paper maturing on demand or not later than one year after date of issue: State on behalf of whom the obligation was assumed and amount of the obligation. Give refefence to Commission authorization if any was required. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation Of amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of mission. 4. Important leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or sur- rendefed: Give effective dates, lengths of terms, names of parties, rents, and other conditions. State name of Com mis- sion authorizing lease and give reference to such authofiza- tion. any important wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefly the status of any materially impor- tant legal proceedings pending at the end of the year and the fesults of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe bfiefly any materially important trans- actions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer, director, security holder reported on page 106, voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such person had a material inter- est. 11. Estimated increase or decrease in annual revenues 5. Important extension Of reduction of transmission or distribution system: State territory added or felinquished and date operations began or ceased and give reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. State also the approximate number of customefS added or lost and ap- proximate annual revenues of each class of service. Each na- tural gas company must also state major new continuing sour- ces of gas made available to it from purchases, development, due to important rate changes: State effective date and approximate amount of incfease or decrease fOf each revenue classification. State the number of customers affected. 12. If the important changes during the year relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to stockholders are applicable in every respect and fur- nish the data required by instructions I to 11 above such notes may be attached to this page. 1. See Page 108a 2. None 3. None 4. None 5. None 6. None 7. None 8. None 9. See Page 108b, 108c 10. None 11. See Pages 1O8d, 108e, 108f 12. None FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 Name of Respondent QUESTAR GAS COMPANY This Report Is: Date of Report(I) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 1. CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO FRANCHISE RIGHTS Franchise rights were obtained by Questar Gas Company in the calendar year of 2005 from the following: Riverton Provo Bluffdale South Jordan Pleasant View tenn length of 15 years (initial) with five 3-year renewal periods tenn length of 15 years (initial) with five 3-year renewal periods tenn length of 15 years (initial) with five 3-year renewal periods tenn length of 15 years (initial) with five 3-year renewal periods tenn length of 15 years (initial) with five 3-year renewal periods The provision of natural gas service by Questar Gas to the municipality and its residents was consideration for the franchise rights granted. Additionally, a nominal fee of $50 and/or reimbursement of administrative costs may have been paid to a given municipality. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 a 9. IMPORTANT LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Rate Regulation and Other Matters lation As a public utility, Questar Gas is subject to the jurisdiction of the PSCU and PSCW. Natural gas sales and transportation services are made under rate schedules approved by the two regulatory commissions. Questar Gas is authorized to earn a return on equity of 11.2% in Utah and 11.83% in Wyoming. Both the PSCU and PSCW permit Questar Gas to recover gas costs through a balancing-account procedure and to reflect natural gas-price changes on a periodic generally semi-annual basis. Questar Gas has also received permission from the PSCU and PCSW to reflect in its gas costs specified costs associated with hedging contracts. Gas-Processin Dis ute On August 1 2003, the Utah Supreme Court issued an order reversing an August 2000 decision made by the PSCU concerning certain natural gas-processing costs incurred by Questar Gas to manage the heat content of its gas supply. As a result of the court's order, Questar Gas recorded a $29 million liability for a potential refund to gas distribution customers. This liability included revenue received for processing costs and interest ftom June 1999 through September 2004. On August 30, 2004, the PSCU ruled that Questar Gas failed in 1999 to prove that its decision to contract for gas processing with an affiliate was prudent. Questar Gas reduced its rates on September 1, 2004, to eliminate the collection of gas-processing costs and on October 1 2004 began refunding previously collected costs, plus interest, over a 12-month period. In response to a Questar Gas petition, the PSCU clarified that its order did not preclude recovery of ongoing and certain past processing costs. Questar Gas requested ongoing rate coverage for gas processing costs in its pass-through filings. On January 31, 2005 , Questar Gas filed a rate request with the PSCU to recover $5.7 million per year of gas processing costs through its gas-balance account. The $5.7 million is Utah's share of the estimated $6 million annual cost of operating the gas processing plant. The Wyoming share has been recovered in rates. In October 2005, Questar Gas, the Utah Division of Public Utilities and the Committee of Consumer Services submitted a stipulation to the PSCU to resolve issues related to cost recovery of carbon dioxide processing activities. The PSCU held a hearing on October 20, 2005, and issued an order on January 6 2006 approving the stipulation beginning on February 1 2005. The stipulation provides for the recovery of 90% of the non fuel cost of service for processing and 100% of the fuel costs up to 360 Mdth per year. Half of the third-party processing revenues are shared with customers after the first $0.4 million. In the fourth quarter of2005 Questar Gas reduced expenses for recovery of gas costs by $4.9 million for the period ftom February 1 2005 to December 31 , 2005. A request to the PSCU for rehearing of this issue was denied. The two individuals who filed this request have indicated they may appeal the issue to the Utah Supreme Court. State Rate Re ulation Page 108 b 9. IMPORT ANT LEGAL PROCEEDINGS CONTINUED Questar Gas files periodic applications with the PSCU and PSCW requesting pennission to reflect annualized gas cost increases or decreases in its rates. Gas costs are passed on to customers on a dollar for dollar basis with no markup. Questar Gas has significant relationships with affiliates that have allowed it to lower its costs and improve efficiency. These affiliate relationships, however, are subject to oversight by regulatory commissions for evidence of subsidization and above-market payments. Questar Gas is subject to the requirements of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act. Questar Gas estimates that it will cost $4.0 to $5.0 million per year to comply with the Act, notincluding costs of pipeline replacement if necessary. The PSCU has allowed Questar Gas to record a regulatory asset for these incremental operating costs incurred to comply with this Act until the next rate case or 2007, whichever is sooner. al Proceedin Questar Gas is involved in a variety of pending legal disputes involving commercial litigation arising in the ordinary course of business, including, but not limited to, royalty claims contract claims and environmental claims. While the ultimate outcome and impact on Questar Gas cannot be predicted with certainty, management believes that the outcome of these cases will not have a material adverse effect on financial position, operating results or liquidity. Questar Gas regulatory proceedings involving coverage for certain processing costs are described in Item 8 of Part II of this Annual Report. nber . Questar affiliates, including Questar Gas, are involved in various pending lawsuits filed by Jack Grynberg, an independent producer. The only active case United States ex reI. Grynberg v. Questar Corp.Civil No. 99-MD-1604, consolidated as In re Natural Gas Royalties Qui Tam Litigation Consolidated Case MDL No. 1293 (D. Wyo.) involves qui tamclaims filed by Grynberg under the federal False Claims Act and is substantially similar to the other cases filed against pipelines and their affiliates that have been consolidated for discovery and pre-trial motions in Wyoming s federal district court. The cases involve allegations of industry-wide mismeasurement of natural gas quantities on which royalty payments are due the federal government The defendants filed a motion contending that the court has no jurisdiction over the case because Grynberg cannot satisfy the statutory requirements for jurisdiction. The defendants argued Grynberg s allegations were publicly disclosed prior to the filing of his complaint and Grynberg is not the "original source" of the infonnation on which the allegations are based. The Special Master appointed in the case issued a Report and Recommendation to the district court recommending dismissal of the Questar defendants, except for one small entity acquired by Questar Gas after these cases were filed. The district court heard arguments on whether to adopt the Special Master s Report on December 9 2005. The district court has not issued a decision. Management is unable to detennine a reasonable range of loss, if any, related to this matter. Environmental Matters Questar Gas is listed as a responsible party at sites involving hazardous wastes. Page 108 c Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (8 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPAN'(2) A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR IMPORTANT ANNUALIZED RATE CHANGES DURING 2005 TEMP. AVG ADJ Jan 1, 2005 June 1, 2005 REVENUE UTAH CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue June. 01,2005 GSI 771,737 85,166,343 $686,377,247 $783,127,587 $96,750,340GSE GSS 926 582,764 $5,721 228 $6,383,276 $662,048 655 149,969 $43,442,592 $51,602,504 $8,159,912 $131 448 $130 716 ($732) 270,250 $19,077 510 $22,816,943 $3,739,433NGV129,548 $1,065,605 $1,213,486 $147,881 12,807,883 $2,023,641 $2,023,641 23,217 $12,746 $12,746 17,957 998 $2,551 214 $2,551 214 TOTAL UTAH 779,476 127 087,972 $760,403,231 $869,862 113 $109 458,882 TEMP. AVG ADJ Jan. 1,2005 June 1, 2005 REVENUE WYOMING CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue June 01, 2005 GSI 22,764 048,035 $25 862 880 $28,913 384 $3,050,504GSW122159,217 $1,390,418 $1,549,763 $159,345 286,414 $1,932,572 $2,219,220 $286,648 NGV 886 $70,289 $78,184 $7,895 349,647 $110,955 $110 955 66,007 $16,278 $16,278 TOTAL WY 23,939 917,206 $29,383 392 $32,887,784 $3,504,392 Contract Rates for 1-2, IS2, 1-, and IS4 are not included in above. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 d Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (ll An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPAN'(2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR IMPORTANT ANNUALIZED RATE CHANGES DURING 2005 TEMP. AVG ADJ June 1 2005 Oct. 1 2005 REVENUEUTAHCUSTDTHChange in Revenue Change in Revenue Nov 1 2005GSI77173785,166,343 $783,127,587 $783,127,587 GSE GSS 926 582,764 $6,383,276 $6,383,276 655 149,969 $51,602,504 $51,602,504 $130,716 $130 716 270 250 $22,816 943 $22 816,943 NGV 129,548 213,486 213 486 12,807 883 023,641 $2,023,641 23,217 $12 746 $12,746 17,957,998 551,214 $2,551,214 TOTAL UTAH 779,476 127 087 972 $869,862,113 $869,862 113 TEMP. AVG ADJ June 1 2005 Oct. 1 2005 REVENUE WYOMING CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue Nov 1, 2005GSI764048035$28 913 384 $31 726 871 $2,813,487 GSW 122 159,217 549,763 $1,696,730 $146,967 286,414 $2,219,220 $2,483 595 $264,375 NGV 886 $78,184 $85,463 $7,279 349,647 $110 955 $11 0 955 007 $16,278 $16,278TOTAL WY 23,939 917 206 $32 887,784 $36,119,892 $3,232 108 Contract Rates for 1-2, IS2, 1-4, and IS4 are not included in above. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 e Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPAN~(2) A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR IMPORT ANT ANNUALIZED RATE CHANGES DURING 2005 TEMP. AVG ADJ Oct 1 2005 Nov. 1 2005 REVENUE UTAH CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue Nov 1,2005 GSI 771,737 85,166,343 $783,127,587 $944,079,519 $160,951,932 GSE GSS 926 582,764 $6,383,276 $7,482,950 $1,099,674 655 149,969 $51,602,504 $65,121,585 $13,519,081 $130,716 $130,596 ($120) 270 250 $22 816,943 $29,001 610 $6,184 667 NGV 129,548 $1,213 486 $1,458,438 $244,952 807 883 $2,023,641 008,171 ($15,470) 23,217 $12,746 $12 746 17,957,998 551,214 776 269 $225,055 TOTAL UTAH 779,476 127,087 972 $869,862,113 $1,052 071 884 $182 209,771 TEMP. AVG ADJ Oct 1,2005 Nov 1,2005 REVENUE WYOMING CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue Nov 1, 2005 GSI 764 048,035 $31,726,871 $31,726 871 GSW 122 159,217 $1,696,730 696,730 286 414 483,595 $2,483 595 NGV 886 $85,463 $85,463 349,647 $110,955 $110 955 66,007 $16,278 $16,278 TOTAL WY 23,939 917,206 $36 119,892 $36,119,892 Contract Rates for 1-, IS2, 1-, and IS4 are not included in above. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 f Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR IMPORTANT ANNUALIZED RATE CHANGES DURING 2005 TEMP. AVG ADJ Nov. 1,2005 Dec. 1,2005 REVENUE UTAH CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue Dec. 1, 2005 GSI 771,737 85,166,343 $944 079,519 $944 079,519 GSE GSS 926 582,764 $7,482,950 $7,482,950 655 149,969 $65,121,585 $65,121,585 $130,596 $130,596 270 250 $29,001 610 $29,001,610 NGV 129,548 $1,458,438 $1,458,438 807,883 008,171 008,171 217 $12 746 $12,746 957 998 $2,776,269 776 269 TOTAL UTAH 779 476 127,087 972 052 071 884 $1,052,071,884 TEMP. AVG ADJ Nov. 1, 2005 Dec. 1,2005 REVENUE WYOMING CUST DTH Change in Revenue Change in Revenue Dec. 1, 2005GSI764048,035 $31 726,871 $33,825,536 $2,098,665 GSW 122 159,217 696,730 806,355 $109,625 286 414 $2,483,595 680 800 $197,205 NGV 886 $85,463 $90,892 $5,429 349,647 $110 955 $110,955 66,007 $16,278 $16,278 TOTAL WY 939 917,206 $36,119,892 $38,530,816 $2,410,924 Contract Rates for 1-2, IS2, 1-, and IS4 are Dot included in above. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 108 g BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE (Next page is 110) Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)Dx An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) IOUESTAR GAS COMPANY 1(2) FI A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 COMP ARA TIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS) Title of Account Ref.Balance at Balance atLinePage No.Beginning ofYeat End of Year No.(a)(b) UTILITY PLANT Utility Plant (101-106. 114)200-201 1 316.987.394 1.378.578 772Construction Work in Progress (107)200-201 201.852 10.435615TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total oflines 2 and 3)1321.189246 1.389014386(LesS) Accum. Prov. for Depr. Amort. DeDI. (108 III 115)200-201 (572.289.879 (615934453)Net Utility Plant (Enter Total ofline 4 less 5)748.899.367 773 079 933Nuclear Fuel ( (Less) Accum. Prov. for Amort. ofNucl. Fuel Assem. (120. Net Nuclear Fuel (Enter Total ofline 7 less Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 6 and 9)748.899.367 773 079.933Utility Plant Adjustments (I 16)122-123 Gas Stored Underground-Noncurrent (117)220 OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Nonutility Property (121)221 (Less) Accum. Prov. for DepT. and Amort.(122)221 Investments in Associated Companies (123)222-223 Investment in Subsidiary Companies (123.224-225 (For Cost of Account 123.1. See Footnote Pa~e 224 line 42) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Other Investments (124)222-223-229 Special Funds (l25-128Y 3 778 304 029.883TOTAL Other Property & Investments (Total oflines 14 thru 2(3 778 304 029 883CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS Cash (131)1 993 282 3 092237Special Deposits (132-134) Workin!! Funds (135)138.150 114 150Temporarv Cash Investments (136)222-223 Notes Receivable (141)465 Customer Accounts Receivable (142)112.204.556 188627.099 Other Accounts Receivable (143)1.440.483 2772.740(Less) Accum. Provo for Uncollectible Acct.-Credit (144)(2.904.541 (4 050.687) Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (145) Accounts Receivable from Assoc. Companies (146)544 338 2.101.771 Fuel Stock (151) Fuel Stock Expense Undistributed (152) Residuals (Elec) and Extracted Products (Gas) (153) Plant Material and Operatinl!: SuDDlies (154)6 159422 660 794Merchandise (155) Other Materials and Supplies (156)65213 67813Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157) Allowances (158.1 and 158. (Less) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Stores Expense Undistributed (163)(58.855 (79 876Gas Stored Underground - Current (164.220 44339.868 57.526203liQuefied Natural Gas Stored and Held for Processing (l64.220 Prepayments (165)230 2188.038 3 125.155Advances for Gas (166-167)229 Interest and Dividends Receivable (171) Rents Receivable (172) Accrued Utility Revenues (173) Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets (174) TOTAL Current & Accrued Assets (Enter Total oflines 23 thru 166.110 418 259957.428 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 110 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) rn An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) FI A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTIIER DEBITS) Line Title of Account Ref.Balance at Balance at No.Page No.Begirming ofYern End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d) DEFERRED DEBITS Unamortized Debt Expense (181)660 696 398 230 Extraordinary Property Losses (182.230 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182.230 Other Regulatory Assets (182.3)591 068 547 423 Prelim. Survey and Investigation Charges (Electric) (183) Prelim. Sur. and Invest. Charges (Gas) (183.1, 183.231 Clearing Accounts (184)(162 125)(268 364) Temporary Facilities (185) Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (186)233 667 343 Def. Losses from Disposition of Utility PIt. (187) Research, Devel. and Demonstration Expend. (188)352-353 Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt (189)251 883 504 294 Accwnulated Deferred Income Taxes (190)234-235 519 547 277 518 Unrecovered Purchased Gas Costs (191)219 854 851 814 TOTAL Deferred Debits (Enter Total oflines 53 thru 65)084 589 321 256 TOTAL Assets and other Debits (Enter Total oflines 10, 11, 12 , 51, and 66) 960 872 678 103 388 500 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 111 Name of Respondent This Report is :Date of Report Year of Report (1)An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A ResubmisslOn Dec. 31, 2005 COMP ARA TIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS) Omit Cents Title of Account Ref.Balance at Balance at Line Page No.Beginning of Yea End of Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Common Stock Issued (201)250-251 974 065 974 065 Preferred Stock Issued (204)250-251 Capital Stock Subscribed (202, 205)252 Stock Liability for Conversion (203, 206)252 Premium on Capital Stock (207)252 121 875 000 115 254 975 Other Paid-In Capital (208-211)253 Installments Received on Capital Stock (212)252 (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (213)254 (Less) Capital Stock Expense (214)254 Retained Earnings (215, 215., 216)118-119 Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings (216.118-119 (Less) Reacquired Capital Stock (217)250-251 TOTAL Proprietary Capital (Enter Total oflines 2 thru 13)314 970 333 318 324 902 LONG-TERM DEBT Bonds (221)256-257 273 000 000 323 000 000 (Less) Reacquired Bonds (222)256-257 Advances nom Associated Companies (223)256-257 Other Long-Term Debt (224)256-257 Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225)258-259 (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Dr. (226)258-259 TOTAL Long-Term Debt (Enter Total of lines 16 thru 21)273 000 000 323 000 000 011IER NONCURRENT LIABll..ITIES Obligations Under Capital Leases - Noncurrent (227) Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance (228. Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damages (228. Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228. Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228.4)648 507 014 181 Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229) TOTAL Other Noncurrent Liab. (Enter Total of lines 24 thru 29 648 507 014 181 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABll..ITIES Notes Payable (231) Accounts Payable (232)779 823 151 924 079 Notes Payable to Associated Companies (233)200 000 400 000 Accounts Payable to Associated Companies (234)980,694 409,720 Customer Deposits (235)387 572 770 525 Taxes Accrued (236)262-263 (7,456 555)455 249\ Interest Accrued (237)226 152 308,098 Dividends Declared (238) Matured Long-Term Debt (239) Matured Interest (240) Tax Collections Payable (241)11,408 934 15,871 659 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities (242)268 922 642 911 190 Obligations Under Capital Leases-Current (243) TOTAL Current & Accrued Liab. (Enter Total oflines 32 thru 220 449 262 284 140 022 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 112 Name of Respondent This Report is :Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 2005 COMP ARA TIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITES AND OTHER CREDITS) (Continued) Omit Cents Title of Account Ref.Balance at Balance at Line Page No.Beginning of Yew End of Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) DEFERRED CREDITS Customer Advances for Construction (252)634 421 248 567 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (255)776 732 381 843 Deferred Gains trom Disposition of Utility Plant (256) Other Deferred Credits (253)269 951 391 162 647 Other Regulatory Liabilities (254)278 314 771 072,742 Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt (257)260 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (281-283)130 127 261 131 043 596 TOTAL Deferred Credits (Enter Total oflines 47 thru 52)151 804 576 176 909 395 TOTAL Liabilities & Other Credits (Enter Total of lines 14, 22 , 45, 54 )960 872 678 103,388 500 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 113 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A ResubmisslOn Dec. 31, 2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413 , Revenue 5. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in rate proceedings where a contingency exists such another utility column (i,o) in a similar manner that refunds of a material amount may need to be to a utility department. Spread the amount(s) over made to the utility's customers or which may result lines 02 thru 24 as appropriate. Include these amounts in a material refund to the utility with respect to in columns (c) and (d) totals.power or gas purchases. State for each year 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility affected the gross revenues or costs to which the Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 contingency relates and the tax effects together and 413 above.with an explanation of the major factors which 3. Report data for lines 7, 9 and 10 for Natural Gas affect the rights of the utility to retain such companies using accounts 404., 404.2, 404.3, 407.revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to and 407.power and gas purchases. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the 6. Give concise explanations concerning statement of income or any account thereof.significant amounts of any refunds made or (Ref.TOTAL Account Page Line No.Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) UTILITY OPERATING INCOME Operating Revenues (400)300-301 962 547,441 764 192 844 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses (401)317-325 826 070 792 640 339 990 Maintenance Expenses (402)317-325 189 978 662 779 Depreciation Expense (403)336-338 754 340 885 641 Amort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404-405)336-338 970 522 Amort. of Utility Plant Acq. Adj. (406)336-338 Amort. of Property Losses, Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (407) Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) Regulatory Debits (407.3) (Less) Regulatory Credits (407.4) Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408.1)262-263 012 532 767 396 Income Taxes - Federal (409.1)262-263 674 328 (12 196 622) - Other (409.1)262-263 935 465 (1,808 574) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes (410.1)234-235 211 754 981 449 (Less) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr. (411.1 234-235 Investment Tax Credit Adj. - Net (411.4) (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (411.6) Losses from Disp. of Utility Plant (411.7) (Less) Gains from Disposition of Allowances (411.8) Losses from Disposition of Allowances (411. TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 18)909 886 158 715 667 581 Net Utility Operating Income (Enter Total of line 2 less 19) (Carry forward to page 117, line 21)661 283 525 263 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 114 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) ug An Origin (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR Continued received during the year resulting from settlement 9. Explain in a footnote if the previous year of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or figures are different from that reported in prior costs incurred for power or gas purchases, and a reports. summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting income, and expense accounts. additional utility departments, supply the appropriate 7. If any notes appearing in the report to stock-account titles, line 2 to 23, and report the holders are applicable to this Statement of Income infonnation in the blank space on page 122 or in a such notes may be attached at page 122. supplemental statement. 8. Enter on page 122 a concise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. Dec. 31, 2005 ELECTRIC UTILITY Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year OTHER UTILITY Current Year (i) 826 070 792 189 978 754 340 970 640 339 990 662 779 885 641 522 012 532 767 396 674 328 (12 196 622) 935 465 (1,808 574) 211 754 981 449 909 886 158 715 667 581 661 283 525 263 FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 115 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY 1(2) A Resubmission Dec. 31,2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) (Ref.TOTAL Account Page Line No.CuITent Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) Net Utility Operating Income (Carried fwd. from page 114)52661 283 48 525 263 OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS Other Income Nonutilitv Operating Income Rev. From Merchandising, Jobbing & Contract Work (415 (Less) Costs & Exp. ofMerch.,Job. & Contr. Work (416) Revenues From N onutility Operations (417) (Less) Expenses of Non utility Operations (417. Nonoperating Rental Income (418) Equity in Earnings of Subsidiary Companies (418.119 Interest and Dividend Income (419)830 635 887,986 Allow. for Other Funds Used During Construction (419. Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income (421)396,438 3,195,213 Gain on Disposition of Propertv (421.168,952 64,843 TOTAL Other Income (Enter Total oflines 25 thru 34)396 024 4 148042 Other Income Deductions Loss on Disposition ofPropertv (421.2)161,734 312,598 Miscellaneous Amortization (425)340 812 59,997 Miscellaneous Income Deductions (426.1-426.5)340 300,439 302,193 TOTAL Other Inc. Deductions(Total oflines 37 thru 39)469 986 674 788 Taxes Applic. to Other Income and Deductions Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408.262-263 Income Taxes-Federal (409.262-263 826.577 712,438 Income Taxes-Other (409.262-263 506,897 160,303 Provision for DefeITed Inc. Taxes (410.234-235 168 897 326,500 (Less) Provision for DefeITed Income Taxes-Cr.(411.234-235 Investment Tax Credit Adj.Net (411.5) (Less) Investment Tax Credits (420)(394 889 (395,128) TOTAL Taxes on Other Inc.& Deduct.(Total of 42 thru 48)1,454 328 804,113 Net Other Inc. & Deduct. (Enter Total oflines 35 40,49)3 471 710 669 141 INTEREST CHARGES Interest on Long- Tenn Debt (427)16986 552 17.556,458 Amort. of Debt Disc. and Expense (428)258-259 010 055 993,743 Amort. of Loss on Reacquired Debt (428. ess) Amort. of Premium on Debt-Credit (429)258-259 (Less) Amort. of Gain on Reacquired Debt-Credit (429.1) Interest on Debt to Assoc. Companies (430)340 679,186 654,912 Other Interest Expense (431)340 561,764 661,692 (Less) Allow. for BOIT. Funds Used During Constr.Cr.(432)(79,158)(133.599) Net Interest Charges (Enter Total oflines 52 thru 59)20,158.399 19 733 206 Income Before Extraord. Items (Total of lines 21 50 & 60)35 974 594 31461198 EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS Extraordinary Income (434) (Less) Extraordinary Deductions (435) Net Extraord. Items(Enter Total of line 63 less line 64) Income Taxes-Federal and Other (409.3)262-263 Extraord. Items After Taxes(Total of line 65 less line 66) Net Income (Enter Total oflines 65 and 67)974,594 31461,198 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 116 Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Year of Report Ques ta r Gas Compa, (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yf)Dee.31,2005(2)DA Resubmlssion Statement of Accumulated Comnrehensive Income and Hedaina Activities 1. Report in columns (b) (c) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income items, on a net-of-tax basis. where appropriate. 2. Report in columns (f) and (g) the amounts of other categories of othef cash flow hedges. 3. For each category of hedges that have been accounted for as "fair value hedges , report the accounts affected and the related amounts in a footnote. Unrealized Gains Minimum Pension Foreign Currency OtherLIneand losses on liabililly Adjustment Hedges AdjustmentsNo.Item available-for-sale (net amount) . securities (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Balance of Account 219 at Beginning of Preceding Year 2 Preceding Year Reclassification from Accounl219 to Net Income 3 Preceding Year Changes in Fair Value 4 Total (Jines 2 and 3) 5 Balance of Account 219 at End of Preceding Year Beginning of Current Year 6 Current Year Reclassifications from Accounl219to Nellncome 7 Current Year Changes in Fair Value 8 Total (lines 6 and 7) 9 Balance of Account 219 al End of Current Year FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02)Page 117 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: Date of Report(1) WAn Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Questar Gas Company (2) DA Resubmission Statement of Accumulated Com rehensive Income and Hed in LIne No. Other Cash Flow Hedges (Specify) FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02) Other Cash Flow Hedges (Specify) (9) Page 117a Tolals for each category of items recorded in Accounl219 (h) Year of Report Dee. 31, 2005 Nellncome (Carried Forward from Page 116 LIne 72) Total Comprehensive Income BLANK PAGE Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) Pf An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31. 2005 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR I, Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings 5. Show dividends for each class and series of capital unappropriated retained earnings, and unappropriated stock. undistributed subsidiary earnings for the year.6. Show separately the State and Federal income tax 2. Each credit and debit during the year should be effect of items shown in account 493, Adjustments to identified as to the fetained earnings account in which Retained Earnings. recorded (Accounts 433, 436-439 inclusive). Show the 7. Explain in a footnote the basis for detennining the contra primary account affected in column (b).arnount reserved or appropriated. If such reservation 3, State the purpose and arnount for each reservation or or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number appropriation of retained earnings.and annual arnounts to be reserved or appropriated as 4. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. Earnings, feflecting adjustments to the opening balance 8. At lines 3 , II. And 15, add rows as necessary of retained earnings. Follow by credit, then debit items to report all data. When rows are added, the additional in that order.row numbers should follow in sequence, e., 3., 3., etc. Item Contra pfimary Current Year Previous Year Line Account Affected Amount Amount (in dollars)(in dollars) No.(a)(b)(c)(d) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 216) Balance - Beginmng of Year 170,121.268 164,160.071 Changes (Identify by prescribed retained earnings accounts) Adjustments to Retained Earnings (Account 439) Credit: Credit: Credit: Retirement of Preferred Stock 204. Credit: Credit: TOTAL Credits to Retained Earnings(Acct.439)(Total ofIines 4 thru 8) Debit: Debit: Retirement of Preferred Stock 204. Debit: Debit: Debit: TOTAL Debits to Retained Earnings(Acct.439)(Total ofIines 10 thru 14) Balance Transferred from Income (Account 433 less Account 418.1)35 974 594 31461197 Appropriations of Retained Earnings (Account 436) TOTAL Appropriations of Retained Earnings(Acct.436)(Lines 18 thru 21) Dividends Declared - Pfeferred Stock (Account 437) TOTAL Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock(Acct.437)(Lines 24 thru 28) Dividends Declared - Common Stock (Account 438) Cash Dividends TOTAL Dividends Declared-Common Stock(Acct.438)(Lines 31 thru 35)(26000000 (25 500.000) Transfers from Acct.2 I 6.1 Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings Balance-End of Year (Total ofIines 1 36 and 37)180.095 862 170 12l,268 FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 118 Name of Respondent This Report is: (1) An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY 2 0 A Resubmission STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR Item Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Line No. Prior Year Amount (in dollars) APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 215) State balance and purpose of each appropriated retained earnings amount at end of year and give accounting entries for any applications of appropriated retained earnings during the year. TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings (Account 215) APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS-AMORTIZATION RESERVE FEDERAL(Account 215. UNAPPROPRlATED UNDISTRlBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account 21 State below the total amount set aside through appropriations of retained earnings as of the end of the year, in compliance with the provisions of Federally granted hydroelectric project licenses held by the respondent. If any reductions or changes other than the nonnal annual credits hereto have been made during the year, explain such items in a footnote. TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings-Amortization Reserve, Federal (Account 2 15. TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings (Account 215, 215.1)(Enter Total of lines 45 & 46) TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings (Account 215, 215.1, 216)(Enter Total oflines 38 & 47) Balance - Beginning of Year (Debit or Credit) Equity in Earnings for Year (Credit) (Account 418. (Less) Dividends Received (Debit) Other Changes (Explain) Balance - End of Year (Total of lines 49 thru 52) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 119 Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of ReportThis Report Is: (1 ) An Original A Resubmission STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS l. If the notes to the cash flow statement in the respc 2. Under "Other" specifY significant amounts and group annual stockholders report are applicable to this state- others ment, such notes should be attached to page 122. 3. Operating ActivitiesnOther: Include gains and losses per- mation about noncash investing and financing activities taining to operating activities only. Gains and losses per- should be provided on page 122. Provide also on page taining to investing and financing activities should be 122 a reconciliation between "Cash and Cash Equivalents reported in those activities. Show on page 122 the at End of Year" with related amounts on the balance amounts of interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) andsheet. income taxes aid. DESCRIPTION (See Instructions for Explanation of Codes) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY Lin No. 40 Investments in and Advances to Assoc. and Subsidi41 Contributions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsidi42 Dis osition ofInvestments in and Advances 43 Associated and Subsidi Com anies44 Purchase ofInvestment Securities a45 Proceeds from Sales ofInvestment Securities FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Construction Cash Outflows for Plant Total of lines 26 thru 33 Dec. 31 2005 ---.m!mJ Name of Respondent This Report Is: (I) X An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY A Resubmission STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Continued 4. Investing Activities 5. Codes used: Include at Other (line 31) net cash outflow to acquire other (a) Net proceeds or payments. companies. Provide a reconciliation of assets acquired (b) Bonds, debentures and other long-tenD debt. with liabilities assumed on page 122. (c) Include commercial paper. Do not include on this statement the dollar amount of (d) IdentifY separately such items as investments, fixed leases capitalized per USofA General Instruction 20; in- assets, intangibles, etc. stead provide a reconciliation of the dollar amount of leases ca italized with the lant cost on a e 122 6. Enter on a e 122 clarifications and ex lanations. DESCRIPTION (See Instruction No.5 for Explanation of codes) Amounts Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Lin No.46 Loans made or Purchased47 Collections on Loans 66 Net Increase in Short- Tenn Debt c67 Other: 78 Net Decrease in Short-tenD Debt c 90 Cash and Cash E uivalents at End of Year FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Net Increase Decrease in Receivables Net Increase Decrease in Invento Net Increase Decrease in Allowances Held for S eculation Net Increase Decrease in Pa abies and Accrued Ex enses Other: 000,000 Cash Provided b Outside Sources Total of lines 61 thru 69 25,579,975 Page 121 Activities 1. Use the space below for important notes regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income for the year Statement of Retained Earnings for the year, and Statement of Cash Flows, or any account thereof. Classify the notes according to each basic statement, providing a subheading for each statement except where a note is applicable to more than one statement. 2. Furnish particulars (details) as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at end of year including a brief explanation of any action initiated by the Internal Revenue Service involving possible ' . . assessment of additional income taxes of material amount, or of a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount ini- tiated by the utility. Give also a brief explanation of any dividends in arrears on cumulative preferred stock. 3. For Account 116, Utility Plant Adjustments, explain the origin of such amount, debits and credits during the year, and plan of disposition contemplated, giving re- ferences to Commission orders or other authorizations respecting classification of amounts as plant adjust- ments and requirements as to disposition thereof. 4. Where Accounts 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, and 257, Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, are not used, give an explanation, providing the rate treat- ment given these items. See General Instruction 17 of the Yn~fonn System of Accounts. 5. Give a concise explanation of any retained earn- , , ings restrictions and state the amount of retained earnings affected by such restrictions. 6. If the notes to fmancial statements relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data re- quired by instructions above and on pages 114-121, such notes may be attached hereto. Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Nature of Business Questar Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of Questar. The Company provides retail natural gas distribution in Utah, southwestern Wyoming and a small portion of southeastern Idaho. Use of Estimates The financial statements were prepared in accordance with u.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and with the instructions for annual reports on Fonn IO-K and Regulations S-X and K. The preparation of financial statements and notes in confonnity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets liabilities, revenues and expenses and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Revenue Reco nition Questar Gas records revenues for gas delivered to residential and commercial customers but not billed as of the end of the accounting period. Unbilled gas deliveries are estimated for the period from the date meters are read to the end of the month. Approximately one-half month of revenue is estimated in any period. Gas costs and other variable costs are recorded on the same basis to ensure proper matching of revenues and expenses. Questar Gas tariff allows for monthly adjustments to customer charges to approximate the effect of abnonnal weather on nongas revenues. The weather-nonnalization adjustment significantly reduces the impact of weather on gas distribution earnings. Page 122. Regulation Questar Gas is regulated by the Public Service Commission of Utah (pSCU) and the Public Service Commission of Wyoming (PSCW). The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has contracted with the PSCU for rate oversight of Questar Gas operations in a small area of southeastern Idaho. These regulatory agencies establish rates for the sale and transportation of natural gas. The regulatory agencies also regulate, among other things, the extension and enlargement or abandonment of jurisdictional natural gas facilities. Regulation is intended to permit the recovery, through rates, of the cost of service, including a return on investment. The financial statements of Questar Gas are presented in accordance with regulatory requirements. Methods of allocating costs to time periods, in order to match revenues and expenses, may differ from those of other businesses because -of cost allocation methods used in establishing rates. Purchased-Gas Adjustments Questar Gas accounts for purchased-gas costs in accordance with procedures authorized by the PSCU and the PSCW. Purchased-gas costs that are different from those provided for in present rates are accumulated and recovered or credited through future rate changes. Questar Gas may hedge a portion of its natural gas supply to mitigate price fluctuations for gas distribution customers. The benefits and the costs of hedging are included in the purchased-gas-adjustment account. The regulatory commissions allow Questar Gas to record periodic mark to market adjustments for commodity price hedging contracts in the purchased-gas-adjustment account. Questar Gas was not a party to hedging transactions as of December 31 , 2005 or 2004. Other Regulatory Assets and Liabilities In addition to purchased-gas adjustments, rate regulated businesses are permitted to defer recognition of certain costs, which is different from the accounting treatment required of nonrate regulated businesses. See Note 5 to the financial statements for a description and comparison of regulatory assets and liabilities as of December 31 2005 and 2004. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash equivalents consist principally of repurchase agreements with maturities of three months or less. In almost all cases, the repurchase agreements are highly liquid investments in overnight securities made through commercial bank accounts that result in available funds the next business day. Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment is stated at historical cost. Maintenance and repair costs are expensed as incurred. Abandonment costs on a majority of long-lived distribution assets have not been capitalized due to a lack of a legal obligation to abandon the assets. Depreciation and amortization are based upon rates that will systematically charge the costs of assets against income over the estimated useful lives of those assets. Major categories of fixed assets are grouped together for depreciation purposes. Salvage value is not considered when determining depreciation rates under the group method. Gains and losses on asset disposals are recorded as adjustments to accumulated depreciation. Distribution assets are depreciated using the Page 123 straight line method ranging from 3% to 33% per year. Investment in gas wells is depreciated using the unit of production method. Average depreciation and amortization rates used in the 12 months ended December 31 , were as follows. 2005 2004 2003 Distribution plant Gas wells, per Mcf $0.11 $0.$0.13 airment of Lon Lived Assets Properties are evaluated on a specific asset basis or in groups of similar assets, as applicable. Impairment of an evaluated asset is indicated when a triggering event occurs and the sum of the estimated undiscounted future net cash flows is less than its carrying value. If impairment is indicated, fair value is calculated using a discounted cash flow approach. Cash flow estimates require forecasts and assumptions for many years into the future for a variety of factors including revenues, operating costs and other factors. Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the cost over the fair value of net assets of acquired businesses. Goodwill is not amortized, but is tested for impainnent at a minimum of once a year or when a triggering event occurs. Annual impainnent tests are conducted in the fourth quarter. If a triggering event occurs, the undiscounted net cash flows of the asset or entity to which the goodwill relates are evaluated. Impainnent is indicated ifundiscounted cash flows are less than the carrying value of the assets. The amount of the impainnent is measured using a discounted cash flow model considering future revenues, operating costs, a risk adjusted discount rate and other factors. italized Interest and Allowance for Funds Used Durin Construction The Company capitalizes the cost of capital during the construction period of plant and equipment using a method required. by regulatory authorities. Capitalized fmancing costs, called allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC), consist of debt and equity portions. The debt portion of AFUDC is recorded as a reduction of interest costs and the equity portion is recorded in other income. Interest expense was reduced by $79 000 in 2005, $134 000 in 2004 and $70 000 in 2003. No amounts of equity AFUDC were recorded in the three years ended December 31 , 2005. Gas Price Hed The Company follows the accounting provisions of SF AS 133, as amended , " Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." All gas price hedges are recorded at fair value. Changes in fair value, which result in gains or losses, are reported in the purchased-gas adjustment account. The Company did nothave hedges outstanding at December 31, 2005 and 2004. The Company has a number of contracts that are derivative instruments that are specifically excluded from the provisions of SFAS 133 because they are nonnal sales and purchase transactions. . Credit Risk Page 123 a The Company s primary market area is located in Utah, southwestern Wyoming and southeastern Idaho. Exposure to credit risk may be impacted by the concentration of customers in this area due to changes in economic or other conditions. Customers include individuals and numerous industries that may be affected differently by changing conditions. Management believes that its credit review procedures, loss reserves, customer deposits and collection procedures have adequately provided for usual and customary credit related losses. Loss reserves are periodically reviewed for adequacy and may be established on a specific case basis. The Company estimates bad debt expense as 1.0% of general service revenues with periodic adjustments. Bad debt expense amounted to $8.6 million, $6.2 million and $3.7 million for the years ended December 31 , 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Uncollected accounts are generally written off five months after gas is delivered and interest is no longer accrued. The allowance for bad debt expenses was $4.1 million and $2.9 million at December 31 , 2005, and 2004 respectively. Income Taxes Questar and its subsidiaries file a consolidated federal income tax return. Questar Gas accounts for income tax expense on a separate return basis and records tax benefits as they are generated. Deferred income taxes have been provided for the temporary timing differences arising between the book and tax carrying amounts of assets and liabilities. These differences create taxable or tax deductible amounts for future periods. Questar Gas uses the deferral method to account for investment tax credits as required by regulatory commissions. Recent Accountin Develo ments In March 2005, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Interpretation No. 47 (FIN 47), "Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations - an Interpretation ofFASB Statement No. 143" (SFAS 143). FIN 47 clarifies the term conditional asset retirement obligation as used in SF AS 143 and requires a liability to be recorded if the fair value of the obligation can be reasonably estimated. The types of asset retirement obligations that are covered by FIN 47 are those for which an entity has a legal obligation to perform an asset retirement activity; however, the timing and/or method of settling the obligation are conditional on a future event that mayor may not be within the control of the entity. FIN 47 also clarifies when an entity would have sufficient information to reasonably estimate the fair value of an asset retirement obligation. The adoption of FIN 47 in 2005 did not have a significant impact on Questar Gas results of operation or financial position. In June 2005, the FASB issued SPAS 154 , " Accounting Changes and Error Corrections a replacement of existing accounting pronouncements. SPAS 154 modifies accounting and reporting requirements when a company voluntarily chooses to change an accounting principle or correct an accounting error. SF AS 154 requires retroactive restatement of prior period financial statements unless it is impractical. Previous accounting guidelines allowed recognition by cumulative effect in the period of the accounting change. SF AS 154 is effective for accounting changes and corrections of errors made in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005. In July 2005, the F ASB issued an exposure draft of a Proposed Interpretation Accounting for Uncertain Tax Positions " an Interpretation ofFASB Statement 109. The exposure draft seeks to reduce perceived diversity in practice associated with recognition and measurement in the accounting for income taxes. The exposure draft would apply to all tax positions accounted for in accordance with SF AS 109 , " Accounting for Income Taxes." The exposure draft requires that a tax position meet a "probable recognition threshold" for the benefit Page 123 b of the uncertain tax position to be recognized in the financial statements. This threshold is to be met assuming that the tax authorities will examine the uncertain tax position. The exposure draft contains guidance with respect to the measurement ofthe benefit that is recognized for an uncertain tax position, when that benefit should be derecognized, and other matters. The proposed effective date has been postponed. The Company has not evaluated the potential effect of this proposed change in accounting principle. Questar has granted and may continue to grant stock based compensation to certain Questar Gas employees. In December 2004, the F ASB issued Statement 123 (revised 2004), (SFAS 123R), "Share Based Payment " which replaces SFAS 123 and supersedes APB Opinion 25. SFAS 123R eliminates the alternative to use APB Opinion 25's intrinsic value method of accounting that was provided in SFAS 123 as originally issued. Pro fonna disclosure will no longer be allowed. The effective date for implementation of SF AS 123R is January 1, 2006. Alternative phase-in methods are allowed under SFAS 123R. Questar intends to use the modified prospective phase-in method that requires recognition of compensation costs for all share based payments granted, modified or settled after the date of implementation as well as for any awards that were granted prior to the implementation date for which the required service has not yet been perfonned. The Company believes that the modified prospective phase-in method will not have a material effect on the Company s operating results or financial position. Note 2 -Rate Regulation Gas-Processing Dispute On August 1 2003, the Utah Supreme Court issued an order reversing an August 2000 decision made by the PSCU concerning certain natural gas-processing costs incurred by Questar Gas to manage the heat content of its gas supply. As a result of the court's order, Questar Gas recorded a $29 million liability for a potential refund to gas distribution customers. This liability included revenue received for processing costs and interest ITom June 1999 through September 2004. On August 30, 2004, the PSCU ruled that Questar Gas failed in 1999 to prove that its decision to contract for gas processing with an affiliate was prudent. Questar Gas reduced its rates on September 1 , 2004, to eliminate the collection of gas-processing costs and on October 1 2004 began refunding previously collected costs, plus interest, over a 12-month period. In response to a Questar Gas petition, the PSCU clarified that its order did not preclude recovery of ongoing and certain past processing costs. Questar Gas requested ongoing rate coverage for gas processing costs in its pass-through filings. On January 31 , 2005, Questar Gas filed a rate request with the PSCU to recover $5.7 million per year of gas processing costs through its gas-balance account. The $5.7 million is Utah's share of the estimated $6 million annual cost of operating the gas processing plant. The Wyoming share has been recovered in rates. In October 2005, Questar Gas, the Utah Division of Public Utilities and the Committee of Consumer Services submitted a stipulation to the PSCU to resolve issues related to cost recovery of carbon dioxide processing activities. The PSCU held a hearing on October 20, 2005, and issued an order on January 6, 2006 approving the stipulation beginning on February 1 2005. The stipulation provides for the recovery of 90% of the non fuel cost of service for processing and 100% of the fuel costs up to 360 Mdth per year. Half of the third-party processing revenues are shared with customers after the first $0.4 million. In the fourth quarter of 2005 Questar Gas reduced expenses for recovery of gas costs by $4.9 million for the period ITom February 1 2005 to December 31, 2005. A request to the PSCU for rehearing ofthis issue was denied. The two Page 123 c individuals who filed this request have indicated they may appeal the issue to the Utah Supreme Court. State Rate Regulation Questar Gas files periodic applications with the PSCU and PSCW requesting permission to reflect annualized gas cost increases or decreases in its rates. Gas costs are passed on to customers on a dollar for dollar basis with no markup. Note 3 - Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO) On January 1 2003 , Questar Gas adopted SF AS 143 "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations." SF AS 143 addresses the financial accounting and reporting of the fair value of legal obligations associated with the retirement oftangible long-lived assets. The provisions of SF 143 do not apply to a majority of the Company s long-lived distribution system assets due to a lack of a legal obligation to retire the assets. Changes in asset retirement obligations for the 12 months ended December 31, were as follows: 2005 2004 (in thousands) Balance at January 1 Additions Change in ARO payable to Wexpro Accretion Balance at December 31 $ 5 745 330 (521) $ 5 590 $ 8 870 159) $ 5 745 The accounting treatment of reclamation activities associated with ARO for properties administered under the Wexpro Agreement is spelled out in a guideline letter between Wexpro and the Utah Division of Public Utilities and the staff of the PSCW. Pursuant to the stipulation Wexpro collects and deposits in trust certain funds related to estimated ARO costs. The funds are used to satisfy retirement obligations as the properties are abandoned. At December 31 , 2005 $3.7 million was held in this trust invested in a short-term bond index fund. Note 4 - Questar Regulated Services Merger Questar Gas prior parent company, Questar Regulated Services Company (Regulated Services), merged effective March 31, 2005 with Questar Gas. Questar Gas was the surviving company. Regulated Services was a holding company that provided management, engineering and accounting services for its wholly owned subsidiaries, Questar Pipeline and Questar Gas. Regulated Services was a wholly owned subsidiary of Questar. Questar Pipeline and Questar Gas became wholly owned subsidiaries of Questar as a result of the merger. Note 5 - Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Questar Gas has other regulatory assets and liabilities in addition to purchased-gas adjustments described in Note 1 ofthe financial statements included in Item 8 in Part II of this Annual Report. The Company recovers these costs but does not generally receive a return on these assets. Questar Gas has a regulatory asset representing a retroactive charge for the abandonment costs associated with gas wells operated on its behalf by Wexpro. The regulatory Page 123 d asset will be reduced over the next 15 years following an amortization schedule or as cash is paid to plug and abandon wells. Gains and losses on the reacquisition of debt by rate regulated companies are deferred and amortized as interest expense over the would be remaining life of the retired debt. The reacquired debt costs had a weighted average life of approximately 13 years as of December 31 2005. The cost of the early retirement windows offered to employees of rate regulated subsidiaries was deferred and amortized over a five-year period, which concluded in 2005. The Company is allowed to recover certain deferred taxes from customers. Production taxes on cost- of-service gas production are recorded when the gas is produced and recovered from customers when taxes are paid, generally within 12 months. The PSCU has allowed Questar Gas to defer incremental operating costs of meeting the requirements of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act as a regulatory asset. This asset will be amortized in the next rate case or 2007, whichever is sooner. Regulatory liabilities are included with Other Long-Term Liabilities in the Balance Sheets. A list of regulatory assets and liabilities follows: December 312005 2004 (in thousands) Regulatory assets Cost of reacquired debt Asset retirement obligations cost-of-service gas wells Deferred production taxes Early retirement costs Pipeline integrity costs Other $ 9 504 $10 252 576 097 861 258 362 111 042 (168) $22 052 $21 843 $ 2 073 $ 2 315 Regulatory liabilities Income taxes recoverable from customers Note 6 - Debt Questar makes loans to Questar Gas under a short-term borrowing arrangement. Short- term notes payable to Questar totaled $77.4 million at December 31 2005 with an interest rate of 4.42% and $95.2 million at December 31, 2004 with an interest rate of2.42%. Questar Gas long-term debt consists of $273 million of medium-term notes with interest rates ranging from 5.02% to 7.58% due 2007 to 2018 and a $50 million bank term loan at 4.92% due 2010. Long-term debt maturities are $10.0 million in 2007, $43.0 million in 2008, $50. million in 2010 and $220 million after 2010. All notes are unsecured obligations and rank equally with all other unsecured liabilities. At December 31, 2005, Questar Gas could pay dividends of $342 million without violating the terms of its debt covenants. On December 15 2005 , Questar Gas borrowed $50 million from a bank under a five-year term loan agreement. The loan s interest rate varies periodically with changes in short-term interest rates available in the credit markets. On June 21, 2004, Questar Gas called $17 million in Page 123 e medium-term notes that carried an interest rate of 8.12%. A call premium of $0.7 million is being amortized over the remaining life of the original notes in accordance with regulatory treatment. Cash paid for interest was $19.1 million in 2005, $19.5 million in 2004 and $20.8 million in 2003. Note 7 - Financial Instruments and Risk Management The carrying value and estimated fair values ofthe Company s fmancial instruments were as follows: December 31 , 2005 December 31, 2004 Carrying Estimated Carrying EstimatedValue Fair Value Value Fair Value (in thousands) Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 3 206 $ 3 206 131 $131 Financial liabilities Notes payable to Questar Long-term debt $ 77 400 323 000 $ 77,400 336 564 $ 95 200 $ 95 200 273 000 295 607 The Company used the following methods and assumptions in estimating fair values. Cash and cash equivalents and short-term debt - the carrying amount approximates fair value. Long-term debt the fair value of fixed-rate debt is based on the discounted present value of cash flows using the Company s current borrowing rates. The carrying amount of variable-rate debt approximates fair value. Note 8 - Income Taxes The components of income taxes for Questar Gas were as follows: Year Ended December 31 2005 2004 2003 (in thousands) $15 353 ($11 485)$ 2 171 841 594 067 2,442 (1,648) 714 206 (395)(395)(393) $21 276 $19 780 $13 113 Federal Current Deferred State Current Deferred Deferred investment tax credits The difference between the statutory federal income tax rate and the Company s effective income tax rate is explained as follows: Year Ended December 31 P~ge 123 f 2005 2004 2003 (in percentages) Federal income taxes statutory rate 35.35.35. Increase (decrease) as a result of State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit 1.4 Amortize investment tax credits related to rate regulated assets (0.(0.(1.2) Deferred taxes related to regulated assets for which deferred taxes were not provided in prior years 1.6 Other 1.4 Effective income tax rate 37.2 38.39. Significant components of the Company s deferred income taxes were as follows: December 312005 2004 (in thousands) Deferred tax liabilities Property, plant and equipment Employee benefits and compensation costs Total deferred tax liabilities $119 703 679) 118 024 $117 850 351 121 201 Deferred tax assets Tax credits carried forward 440 $118 024 $117 761Deferred income taxes - noncurrent Deferred income taxes - current liability Purchased-gas adjustment Other $ 15 144 (1,020) $ 14 124 $ 13 018 $ 13 018 Questar Gas paid cash for income taxes of$13.7 million in 2005 and $1.2 million in 2003 and received a $2.9 million refund in 2004. Note 9 - Commitments and Contingencies Questar Gas is involved in a variety of pending legal disputes involving commercial litigation arising in the ordinary course of business, including, but not limited to, royalty claims contract claims and environmental claims. While the ultimate outcome and impact on Questar Gas cannot be predicted with certainty, management believes that the outcome ofthese cases will not have a material adverse effect on financial position, operating results or liquidity. Commitments Historically, 40 to 50% of Questar Gas s gas supply portfolio has been provided from company owned gas reserves at the cost of service. The remainder of the gas supply has been Page 123 g purchased from more than 15 suppliers under approximately 38 gas supply contracts using index- based or fixed pricing. Questar Gas has commitments to purchase gas of $264.7 million in 2006 $77.4 million in 2007, $38.7 million in 2008, and $27.0 million in 2009. Generally, at the conclusion of the heating season and after a bid process, new agreements for the next heating season are put in place. Questar Gas bought natural gas under purchase agreements amounting to $447 million, $336 million and $180 million in 2005 2004 and 2003, respectively. In addition Questar Gas makes use of various storage alTangements to meet peak gas demand during certain times of the heating season. Questar Gas has third-party transportation commitments requiring yearly payments of $4.3 million through 2018. Questar Gas has contracted for transportation and storage services with Questar Pipeline. Annual payments and the years covered are as follows: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 After 2010 in millions $71.3 70. 69.4 68. 68. 457.4 Note 10 - Employee Benefits Pension Plan Questar Gas employees are covered by Questar s defined benefit pension plan. Benefits are generally based on the employee s age at retirement, years of service and highest earnings in a consecutive 72 pay period interval during the ten years preceding retirement. Questar is subject to and complies with minimum required and maximum allowed annual contribution levels mandated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and by the Internal Revenue Code. Subject to the above limitations, Questar intends to fund the qualified retirement plan approximately equal to the yearly expense. Plan assets consist principally of equity securities and corporate and U. government debt obligations. The Company relies on a third-party consultant to calculate the pension plan projected benefit obligation. Pension expense was $11.2 million in 2005, $5. million in 2004 and $6.0 million in 2003. Regulated Services transfelTed pension and postretirement medical benefit obligations to Questar gas as a result of the reverse merger. Questar Gas portion of plan assets and benefit obligations can not be detennined because the plan assets are not segregated or restricted to meet the Company s pension obligations. If the Company were to withdraw from the pension plan, the pension obligation for the Company employees would be retained by the pension plan. At December 31 , 2005 and 2004 Questar accumulated benefit obligation exceeded the fair value of plan assets. Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions Eligible Questar Gas employees participate in Questar s postretirement benefits other than pensions plan. Postretirement health care benefits and life insurance are provided only to employees hired before January 1 , 1997. The Company pays a portion of the costs of health care benefits, based on an employee s years of service, and limited to 170% of the 1992 contribution. Page 123 h The Company intends to fund as necessary to comply with regulatory orders for recovery of these expenses. Plan assets consist of equity securities and corporate and United States government debt obligations. The Company amortizes its transition obligation over a 20-year period, which began in 1992. A third-party consultant calculates the projected benefit obligation. Postretirement benefits other than pensions cost $2.8 million in 2005, $1.1 million in 2004 and $1.6 million in 2003. The Company s portion of plan assets and benefit obligations related to postretirement medical and life insurance benefits can not be detennined because the plan assets are not segregated or restricted to meet the Company s obligations. At December 31 2005 and 2004 Questar s accumulated benefit obligation exceeded the fair value of plan assets. Postemployment Benefits Eligible Questar Gas employees participate in Questar s long-tenD disability plan. The Company recognizes the net present value of the liability for postemployment benefits, such as long-tenD disability benefits and health care and life insurance costs, when employees become eligible for such benefits. Postemployment benefits are paid to fonner employees after employment has been tenninated but before retirement benefits are paid. The Company accrues both current and future costs. Questar Gas postemployment liability at December 31 was $0. million and $0.2 million in 2005 and 2004, respectively. Employee Investment Plan Questar Gas participates in Questar s Employee Investment Plan, which allows eligible employees to purchase shares of Questar Corporation common stock or other investments through payroll deduction. The Company matches 80% of employees' pretax purchases up to a maximum of 6% of their qualifying earnings. In addition, each year the Company makes a nonmatching contribution of $200 to each eligible employee. The Company s expense equals its matching contribution and amounted to $3., $1.6 and $1.6 million for the years ended December 31 2005 2004 and 2003, respectively. Note 11 - Related Party Transactions In 2005, Questar Gas provided administrative, technical, accounting, legal, data processing, communication services and regulatory support to Questar Pipeline at a cost of $20. million. Prior to January 1 , 2005, Regulated Services provided administrative, technical, legal and accounting support to Questar Gas. The cost of this support was $35.9 million in 2004 and $33. million in 2003. Questar Gas also provided services amounting to $5.8 million to other affiliated companies in 2005. The majority of these costs are allocated and included in operating and maintenance expenses. The allocation methods are based on the nature of the charges. Management believes that the allocation methods are reasonable. Questar Gas has reserved transportation capacity on Questar Pipeline for 951 000 dth per day including 50 000 dth per day of winter peaking service. Questar Gas periodically releases excess capacity and receives a credit from Questar Pipeline for the released capacity revenues and a portion of Questar Pipeline s interruptible transportation revenues. Questar Gas paid for transportation, storage and processing services provided by Questar Pipeline and a subsidiary amounting to $76.7 million in 2005, $80.3 million in 2004 and $75.6 million in 2003, which included demand charges. The costs of these services were included in cost of gas sold. Page 123 i Wexpro, an affiliated company, manages and develops certain properties owned by Questar Gas under the terms of the Wexpro Agreement The Company receives a portion of Wexpro s income from oil operations after recovery ofWexpro s operating expenses and a return on investment. This amount, which is included in revenues and reduces amounts billed to gas distribution customers, was $6.1 million in 2005 , $4.7 million in 2004 and $2.2 million in 2003. The amounts that Questar Gas paid Wexpro for the operation of gas properties owned by Questar Gas were $132.0 million in 2005, $115.4 million in 2004 and $101.6 million in 2003. Questar Gas reports these amounts in cost of gas sold. Also included in cost of gas sold are amounts paid to Questar Gas Management, an affiliate, for gathering of Company owned gas and purchased gas. These costs amounted to $13. million in 2005, $11.6 million in 2004 and $10.7 million in 2003. The Company purchased gas from other affiliates amounting to $13.9 million in 2005, $4.4 million in 2004 and $5.2 million in 2003. Questar Gas has a lease with an affiliate for space in an office building located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Rent expense was $1.4 million in 2005 , 2004 and 2003. The lease payment will be $2.2 million in 2006, $2.4 million in 2007, $2.5 million in 2008 and $2.6 million in 2009 and 2010. An affiliated company, Questar InfoComm Inc., provided data processing and communication services (IT) to Questar Gas. The Company paid Questar InfoComm $0.5 million in 2005, $5.5 million in 2004 and $12.1 million in 2003 for these services. The Company also paid Questar InfoComm for software development of$I.7 million and $3.1 million in 2004 and 2003, respectively. Questar Gas capitalizes these costs. Questar charged Questar Gas for certain administrative functions amounting to $8. million in 2005, $6.9 million in 2004 including $0.8 million for IT charges and $5.1 million in 2003. These costs are included in operating and maintenance expenses and are allocated based on each affiliated company s proportional share of revenues less product costs; property, plant and equipment; and labor costs. Management believes that the allocation method is reasonable. Questar Gas borrowed cash from Questar and incurred interest expense of $1.7 million in 2005, $0.7 million in 2004 and $0.1 million in 2003. Page 123 j BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE (Next page is 200) This Report Is: (1) lliI An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Item Line No. Name of Respondent (a) UTILITY PLANT In Service Plant in Service (Classified) Property Under Capital Leases Plant Purchased or Sold Completed Construction not Classified Experimental Plant Unclassified TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 7) Leased to Others Held for Future Use Construction Work in Progress Acquisition Adjustments TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 12) Accum. Provo for Depr., Amort., & Depl. Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of line 13 less 14) DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION In Service Depreciation Amort. and Depl. of Producing Natural Gas Land and Land Rights Amort. of Underground Storage Land and Land Rights Amort. of Other Utility Plant TOTAL in Service (Enter Total of lines 18 thru 21) Leased to Others Depreciation Amortization and Depletion TOTAL Leased to Others (Enter Total of lines 24 and 25) Held for Future Use Depreciation Amortization TOTAL Held for Future Use (Enter Total of lines 28 and 29) Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) Amort. of Plant Acquisition Adj. TOTAL Accumulated Provisions (Should agree with line 14 above) (Enter Total of lines 22, 26, 30, 31 and 32) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 200 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Total Electric (b)(c) 363 285 033 644 252 371 929 285 037 435 614 644 450 389,014 386 (615,934 453) 773,079 933 992 000 615,934453 N/A Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) IRI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 3 1 2005 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION (Continued) Gas Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Common Line (d)(e)(f) (g) (h)No. 363,285,033 644 252 371 929 285 037 10,435,614 644 450 389,014 386 (615 934 453) 773 079,933 992 000 615 934 453 N/A N/A N/A N/A FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 201 Next Page is 204 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service in column (c). Also to be included in column (c) according to the prescribed accounts.are entries for reversals of tentative distributions 2. In addition to Account 101 , Gas Plant in Service of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if(Classified), this page and the next include Account 102 the respondent has a significant amount of plant Gas Plant Purchased or Sold; Account 103, Experimental Gas retirements which have not been classified to Plant Unclassified; and Account 106, Completed Construction primary accounts at the end of the year, include inNot Unclassified-Gas.column (d) a tentative distribution of such 3. Include in column (c) or (d), as appropriate retirements, on an estimated basis, with appropriate coITections of additions and retirements for the CUITent or contra entry to the account for accumulated preceding year.depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant reversals of tentative distributions of prior year of accounts to indicate the negative effect of such accounts.unclassified retirements. Attach supplemental 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts statement showing the account distributions of these on an estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d), Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year AdditionsNo.(a)(b)(c) I. Intangible Plant 301 Organization 302 Franchises and Consents 626303Miscellaneous Intangible Plant TOTAL Intangible Plant 626 2. Production Plant Natural Gas Production and Gathering Plant 325.1 Producing Lands 325.2 Producing Leaseholds 325.3 Gas Rights 266 961325.4 Rights-of-Way 362325.5 Other Land and Land Rights 326 Gas Well Structures 671 861327Field Compressor Station Structures 701328Field Meas. and Reg. Sta. Structures 763 405329Other Structures 572 940330Producing Gas Wells-Well Construction 769 759331Producing Gas Wells-Well Equipment 503 876 332 Field Lines 238 526333Field Compressor Station Equipment 331 990334Field Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equipment 700 274335Drilling and Cleaning EqUIpment 336 Purification Equipment 011 923 337 Other Equipment 174 182 338 Unsuccessful Exploration & Devel. Costs TOTAL Production and Gathering Plant 031 761 Products Extraction Plant 340 Land and Land Rights 341 Structures and Improvements 342 Extraction and Refining Equipment 343 Pipe Lines 344 Extracted Products Storage Equipment 345 Compressor Equipment 346 Gas Meas. and Reg. Equipment 347 Other Equipment TOTAL Products Extraction Plant TOTAL Nat. Gas Production Plant 031 761 Mfd. Gas Prod. Plant (Submit Suppl. Statement) TOTAL Production Plant 031 761 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 204 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) including the reversals of the prior years tenta-ments, etc., and show in column (t) only the offset to tive account distributions of these amounts. Care-the debits or credits distributed in column (t) to ful observance of the above instructions and the primary account classifications. texts of Accounts 101 and 106 will avoid serious 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant omissions of the reported amount ofrespondent'included in this account and if substantial in amount plant actually in service at end of year.submit a supplementary statement showing subaccount 6. Show in column (f) reclassifications or trans-classification of such plant confonning to the require- fers within utility plant accounts. Include also ments of these pages. in column (f) the additions or reductions ofpri-8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and mary account classifications arising trom distri-changes in Account 102, state the property purchased or bution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102.sold, name of vendor or purchaser, and date of trans- In showing the clearance of Account 102, include in action. If proposed journal entries have been filed column (e) the amounts with respect to accumulated with the Commission as required by the Unifonn System provision for depreciation, acquisition ajust-of Accounts, give also date of such filing. Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line(d)(e)(f) (g) No. 69,626 302 303 626 325.1 325. 266 961 325. 362 325.4 325.5 133)663 729 326 701 327 763 405 328(256 955)315 985 329(218 140)551 619 330(87 578)416 299 331 238,526 332 331 990 333 700 274 334 335(422 602)589 321 336 174 182 337 338(993 408)038 353 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 (993 408)038 353 (993 408)038 353FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 3. Natural Gas Storage and Processing Plant Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 350.2 Rights-of-Way 351 Structures and Improvements 352 Wells 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 352.2 Reservoirs 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 49 .353 Lines 354 Compressor Station Equipment 355 Measuring and Reg. Equipment 356 Purification Equipment 357 Other Equipment TOTAL Underground Storage Plant NONE Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification Equipment 363.1 Liquefaction Equipment 363.2 Vaporizing Equipment 363.3 Compressor Equipment 363.4 Meas. and Reg. Equipment 363.5 Other Equipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant NONE Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Tenninating and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG Processing Tenninal Equipment 364.4 LNG Transportation Equipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 364.7 Communications Equipment 364.8 Other Equipment TOTAL Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Tenninating and Processing Plant TOTAL Nat. Gas Storage and Proc. Plant ............... 4. Transmission Plant 365.1 Land and Land Rights 365.2 Rights-or-Way 366 Structures and Improvements 367 Mains 368 Compressor Station Equipment 369 Measuring and Reg. Sta. Equipment 370 Communication Equipment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant NONE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 206 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line(d)(e)(f) (g) No. 350. 350. 351 352 352. 352. 352. 353 354 355 356 357 NONE 360 361 362 363 363.1 363. 363. 363.4 363. NONE 364. 364. 364. 364. 364.5 364. 364. 364. 365. 365. 366 367 368 369 370 371 NONE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 207 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) (XJ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmlssion Dec. 31 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 5. Distribution Plant 374 Land and Land Rights 663 845 745 375 Structures and Improvements 948,639 475 855 376 Mains 518,325 172 31,645 238 377 Compressor Station Equipment 004 326 284 102 378 Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equip.General 176,682 022 908 379 Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equip.City Gate 380 Services 258 827 991 846 906 381 Meters 775,024 870,153 382 Meter Installations 509,362 723 967 383 House Regulators 068 729 384 House Reg. Installations 377,370 100 385 Industrial Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equipment 101 386 Other Prop. on Customers' Premises 102 387 Other Equipment 572 031 254 103 388 Asset Retire Costs - Dist 115 896 104 TOTAL Distribution Plant 047,365 066 907,128 105 6. General Plant 106 389 Land and Land Rights 651 314 107 390 Structures and Improvements 847 401 774 108 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 641 934 091,472 109 392 Transportation Equipment 952 152 851 838 110 393 Stores Equipment 636 970 111 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 281 076 134 203 112 395 Laboratory Equipment 524 641 113 396 Power Operated Equipment 915 711 955 566 114 397 Communication Equipment 249 925 348,045 115 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 406 139 743 116 Subtotal 161 107 263 385 641 117 399 Other Tangible Property 663 118 TOTAL General Plant 161 178 926 385 641 119 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106) 120 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instr. 8) 121 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instr. 8) 122 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 123 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service 299 645,379 I 292 769 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 208 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)IX) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line(d)(e)(t) (g) No. 013)690 577 374 (67 947)356 547 375 123 482)548 846 928 376 (48 924)239,504 377(593 721)25,605 869 378 379 (I 90 644) 265 484 253 380 557)104 643 620 381(46 380)186 949 382 068 729 383 (37 734)339 636 384 385 100 386 101(53 349)521 936 387 102 329 357 445 253 388 103171751)329 357 104 429 800 104 105671)649 643 389 106 833 626 683 800 390 107 (I 0 430 182) 876 167 179 391 391 108495784)421 513 729 719 392 109 636 970 393 IlO(32 417)232 872 615 735 394 III 524 641 395 Il2(898 237)533)965 506 396 Il3(749 733)665 384)182 853 397 114 452 507,334 398 Il5 (14 608 024)790 712 168 675 591 116 663 399 Il7(14 608 024)790 712 168 747 254 118 Il9 120 121 122 (17 773 183)329 357 790 712 363 285 033 123 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 209 Next page is 212 BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE (NEXT PAGES ARE IDAHO SUPPLEMENTARY PAGES) Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) IDAHO 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service in column (c). Also to be included in column (c) according to the prescribed accounts.are entries for reversals of tentative distributions 2. In addition to Account 101, Gas Plant in Service of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if (Classified), this page and the next include Account 102 the respondent has a significant amount of plant Gas Plant Purchased or Sold; Account 103, Experimental Gas retirements which have not been classified to Plant Unclassified; and Account 106, Completed Construction primary accounts at the end of the year, include in Not Unclassified-Gas.column (d) a tentative distribution of such 3. Include in column (c) or (d), as appropriate retirements, on an estimated basis, with appropriate corrections of additions and retirements for the current or contra entry to the account for accumulated preceding year.depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant reversals of tentative distributions of prior year of accounts to indicate the negative effect of such accounts.unclassified retirements. Attach supplemental 5. ClassifY Account 106 according to prescribed accounts statement showing the account distributions of these on an estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d), Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 1. Intangible Plant 301 Organization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant TOTAL Intangible Plant 2. Production Plant Natural Gas Production and Gathering Plant 325.1 Producing Lands 325.2 Producing Leaseholds 325.3 Gas Rights 325.4 Rights-of-Way 325.5 Other Land and Land Rights 326 Gas Well Structures 327 Field Compressor Station Structures 328 Field Meas. and Reg. Sta. Structures 329 Other Structures 330 Producing Gas Wells-Well Construction 331 Producing Gas Wells-Well Equipment 332 Field Lines 333 Field Compressor Station Equipment 334 Field Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equipment 335 Drilling and Cleaning Equipment 336 Purification Equipment 337 Other Equipment 338 Unsuccessful Exploration & Devel. Costs TOTAL Production and Gathering Plant Products Extraction Plant 340 Land and Land Rights 341 Structures and Improvements 342 Extraction and Refining Equipment 343 Pipe Lines 344 Extracted Products Storage Equipment 345 Compressor Equipment 346 Gas Meas. and Reg. Equipment 347 Other Equipment TOTAL ProductS Extraction Plant TOTAL Nat. Gas Production Plant Mfd. Gas Prod. Plant (Submit Suppl. Statement) TOTAL Production Plant FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 204 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) IDAHO including the reversals of the prior years tenta-ments, etc., and show in column (f) only the offset to tive account distributions of these amounts. Care-the debits or credits distributed in column (f) to fitl observance of the above instructions and the primary account classifications. texts of Accounts 101 and 106 will avoid serious 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant omissions of the reported amount of respondent'included in this account and if substantial in amount plant actually in service at end of year. submit a supplementary statement showing subaccount 6. Show in column (f) reclassifications or trans-classification of such plant confonning to the require- fers within utility plant accounts. Include also ments of these pages. in column (f) the additions or reductions ofpri-8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and mary account classifications arising from distri-changes in Account 102, state the property purchased or bution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102.sold, name of vendor or purchaser, and date of trans- In showing the clearance of Account 102, include in action. If proposed journal entries have been filed column (e) the amounts with respect to accumulated with the Commission as required by the Unifonn System provision for depreciation, acquisition ajust-of Accounts, give also date of such filing. Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. 302 303 325. 325. 325. 325.4 325.5 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)A ResubmisslOn Dec. 31 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) IDAHO Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 3. Natural Gas Storage and Processing Plant Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 350.2 Rights-of-Way 351 Structures and Improvements 352 Wells 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 352.2 Reservoirs 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 353 Lines 354 Compressor Station Equipment 355 Measuring and Reg. Equipment 356 Purification Equipment 357 Other Equipment TOTAL Underground Storage Plant NONE Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification Equipment 363.1 Liquefaction Equipment 363.2 Vaporizing EqUIpment 363.3 Compressor Equipment 363.4 Meas. and Reg. Equipment 363.5 Other Equipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant NONE Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Tenninating and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG Processing Tennmal Equipment 364.4 LNG Transportation Equipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating EqUIpment 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 364.7 Communications Equipment 364.8 Other Equipment TOTAL Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Tenninating and Processing Plant TOTAL Nat. Gas Storage and Proc. Plant ------.- 4. Transmission Plant 365.1 Land and Land Rights 365.2 Rights-of-Way 366 Structures and Improvements 367 Mains 368 Compressor Station Equipment 369 Measuring and Reg. Sta. Equipment 370 Communication EqUIpment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant NONE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 206 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) IDAHO Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. 350. 350. 351 352 352.1 352. 352.3 353 354 355 356 357 NONE 360 361 362 363 363.1 363. 363. 363.4 363. NONE 364. 364. 364.3 364.4 364. 364. 364. 364. 365.1 365. 366 367 368 369 370 371 NONE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 207 Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) This Report Is: (1) (XJ An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) IDAHO Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Line No. 89 37490 37591 37692 37793 37894 37995 38096 38197 38298 38399 384 100 385 101 386 102 387 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Account (a) 5. Distribution Plant Land and Land Rights Structures and Improvements Mains Compressor Station Equipment Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equip.General Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equip.City Gate Services Meters Meter Installations House Regulators House Reg. Installations Industrial Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equipment Other Prop. on Customers' Premises Other Equipment TOTAL Distribution Plant 6. General Plant 389 Land and Land Rights 390 Structures and Improvements 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 392 Transportation Equipment 393 Stores Equipment 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 395 Laboratory Equipment 396 Power Operated Equipment 397 Communication Equipment 398 Miscellaneous Equipment Subtotal 399 Other Tangible Property TOTAL General Plant TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106) Gas Plant Purchased (See Instr. 8) (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instr. 8) Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified TOTAL Gas Plant in Service FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 208 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Additions 999 590 048 019 533 804 462 351 184 558 705 044 883 537 523 444 095 (1,208) 854 883 537 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)IX) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)D A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) IDAHO Balance at Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. 999 374 590 375 (155 025)901 517 376 377 242)291 378 379 (699)828 207 380 354 279 381 557 497 382 044 383 384 385 100 386 101 387 102 (160 966)757 425 103 104 389 105 390 106 391 107 392 108 393 109 394 110 395 III 396 112 397 113 398 114 115 399 116 117 118 119 120 121 (160 966)757 425 122 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 209 Next page is 212 Name of Respondent Questar Gas Company This ~ort Is: (1) lXJ An Original(2) DA Resubmission Gas Property and Capacity Leased from Others 1. Report below the information called for conceming gas property and capacity leased from others for gas operations. 2. For all leases in which the average annual lease payment over the initial term of the lease exceeds $500,000, describe in column (c), if applicable: the property or capacity leased. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2005 Name of Lessor Description of Lease Lease Payments for Current Year (d) Line No.(a)(b)(c) 38 ' PAGE NOT APPLICABLE Total FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 212 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Yeaf of Report Questar Gas Company (1) ,An Original (Mo, Da. Yr) (2) FiA Resubmission Dec. 31. 2005 -,- Gas Property and Capacity leased to Others 1. For all leases in which the average lease income over the initial term of the lease exceeds $500 000 provide in column (c), a description of each facility or leased capacity that is classified as gas plant in service, and is leased to others for gas operations. 2. In column (d) provide the lease payments received from others. 3. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Name of Lessor Description of Lease Lease Payments for Line Current Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) PAr.r NOT IIDDI Trl\l:!I , 16 , 21 22 ' Total FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 213 Name of Respondent This Report Is:(1) An Original A Resubmission GAS PLANT HELD FOR FUTURE USE Account 105 1. Report separately each property held for future use at give in column (a), in addition to other required information end ofthe year having an original cost of$l OOO OOO or the date that utility use of such property was discontinued more. Group other items of property held for future use. and the date the original cost was transferred to Account 2. For property having an original cost of $1 ,000 000 or 105. more reviousl used in utili 0 erations, now held for future use Date Originally Included in This Account Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report UESTAR GAS COMPANY Dec.31 2005 Line No. Date Expected to be Used in Utility Service Balance at End of Year 46 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89) 037 5037 Page 214 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 216) This Report Is: (1) An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS - GAS (Account 107) I. Report below descriptions and balances at end of year Development, and Demonstration (see Account 107 of of projects in process of construction (107). the Uniform System of Accounts). 2. Show items relating to "research, development, and 3. Minor projects (less than $1 000 000) may be demonstration" projects last, under a caption Research grouped. Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Lin( No. Construction Work in Progress-Gas (Account 107) (b) 648 932 498 596 514 168 217 986 159 628 (419 047) 080 055 379 549 Description of Project (a) Feeder Lines Main Extensions - New Customers Mains - Other - Replacements Measuring and Regulating Service Lines - New Customers Projects Under $1 000 000 Computer System Software Communication & Telemetry 43 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87) 19,079 866 Page 216 Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Estimated Additional Cost of Project (c) Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available BLANK PAGE (Next page is 218) Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) Ol An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION OVERHEAD PROCEDURE 1. For each construction overhead explain: (a) the nature and 2. Show below the computation of allowance for funds extent of work, etc., the overhead charges are intended to co- used during construction rates, in accordance with the ver, (b) the general procedure for determining the amount capi- provisions of Gas Plant Instructions 3 (17) of the talized, (c) the method of distribution to construction jobs U. S. of A. (d) whether different rates are applied to different types of 3. Where a net-of-tax rate for borrowed funds is used construction, (e) basis of differentiation in rates for differ- show the appropriate tax effect adjustment to the com- ent types of construction, and (t) whether the overhead is putations below in a manner that clearly indicates thedirectly or indirectly assigned. amount of reduction in the gross rate for tax effects. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 A. Construction overhead charged to construction represents the indirect labor and administrative costs applicable to construction. B. A work order is used to accumulate overhead costs, these charges are then cleared to open work orders. C. Overhead is charged to construction based on a percentage of monthly cost charged to construction projects. This rate will vary periodically depending upon the amount of overhead accumulated and the construction activity amount. D. The calculated rate is applied to all types of construction. E. None F. Overhead is directly assigned to each work order. COMPUTA TION OF ALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION RATES For line 1 (5), column (d) below, enter the rate granted in the last rate proceeding. If such is not available use the average rate earned during the preceding three years. 1. Components of Formula (Derived from actual book balances and actual cost rates):Title Amount Capitalization Ratio (Percent) (c) Line No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) Average Short-Term Debt Short- Term Interest Long-Term Debt Preferred Stock Common Equity Total Capitalization Average Construction Work in Progress Balance D 277 166 667 C 318 236 064 595 402 731 46.55% 00% 53.45% 989 965 s(-----) + d(---------------) (1- -----) D+P+C W (1- ---_oj (p(---------------) + c(---------------))D+P+C D+P+C 4. Weighted Average Rate Actually Used for the Year: a. Rate for Borrowed Funds - 3.44% b. Rate for Other Funds - FERC FORM NO.(12-96) 2. Gross Rate for Borrowed Funds 3.44% 3. Rate for Other Funds Page 218 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) UI: An OriginalQUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIA nON OF GAS UTILITY PLANT (Account 108) 1. Explain in a footnote any important adjustments service. If the respondent has a significant amountduring year. of plant retired at year end which has not been 2. Explain in a footnote any difference between the recorded and/or classified to the various reserve amount for book cost of plant retired, line II, column functional classifications, make preliminary clos- ( c), and that reported for gas plant in service, pages ing entries to tentatively functionalize the book 204-209, column (d), excluding retirements of non- cost of the plant retired. In addition, include alldepreciable property. costs included in retirement work in progress at year 3. The provisions of Account 108 in the Uniform System end in the appropriate functional classifications. of Accounts require that retirements of depreciable 4. Show separately interest credits under a sinking lant be recorded when such lant is removed from fund or similiar method of de reciation accountin . Section A. Balances and Changes During the YearTotal Gas Plant In Gas Plant Held Gas Plant Leased(c+d+e) Service for Future Use to Others(b) (c) (d) (e) 562 484 273 562 484 273 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Item LineNo. (a) Balance Beginning of Year Depreciation Provisions for Year Char ed to (403) Depreciation Expense (413) Exp. of Gas PIt. Leas. to Others Transportation Expenses-Clearing Other Clearing Accounts Other Accounts (Specify): 999 515 999 515 TOTAL Depree. Prov. for Year Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8 10 Net Charges for Plant Retired: 11 Book Cost of Plant Retired 12 Cost of Removal 13 Salvage (Credit)14 TOTAL Net Chrgs. for Plant Ret. Enter Total of lines 11 thru 13 15 Other Debit or Cr. Items (Describe) 16 17 Balance End of Year (Enter Total of lines 1 9 14 15 and 16 606084065 606084065 Section B. Balances at End of Year According to Functional Classifications 18 Production-Manufactured Gas 19 Prod. and Gathering-Natural Gas 20 Products Extraction-Natural Gas 21 Underground Gas Storage 22 Other Storage Plant 23 Base Load LNG Term. and Proc. Plant 24 Transmission 25 Distribution 26 General 27 TOTAL (Enter Total ofIines 18 thru 26) 773 184 305 869 (1,171 085) 773 184 305 869 171 085) 16907968 447 349 16907968 447 349 686 792 686 792 413 997 774 122 399 499 606 084 065 413 997 774 122 399 499 606 084 065 1 Acquired 2 Loss or Gain Co. in & out Reclass. & Trans. Adjustments FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) 217) 454 566 Page 219 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) n A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117 164.1 164.2 and 164.3) 1. If during the year adjustment was made to the stored gas of withdrawals upon "base stock " or restoration of previous inventory (such as to correct cumulative inaccuracies of gas encroachment, including brief particulars of any such account- measurements), furnish in a footnote an explanation of the ing during the year. reason for the adjustment, the Mcf and dollar amount of ad-4. If the company has provided accumulated provision for justment, and account charged or credited.stored gas which may not eventually be fully recovered from 2. Give in a footnote a concise statement ofthe facts and any storage project, furnish a statement showing: (a) date of the accounting performed with respect to any encroachment Commission authorization of such accumulated provision of withdrawals during the year, or restoration of previous en-(b) explanation of circumstances requiring such provision croachment, upon native gas constituting the "gas cushion ( c) basis of provision and factors of calculation, (d) estimated of any storage reservoir.ultimate accumulated provision accumulation, and (e) a sum- 3. If the company uses a "base stock" in connection with mary showing balance of accumulated provision and entries its inventory accounting, give a concise statement of the basis during year. of establishing such "base stock" and the inventory basis and 5. Report pressure base of gas volumes as 14.73 psia at the accounting performed with respect to any encroachment 60F. Line Noncurrent Current LNG LNG No.Description Account 117 (Account 164.1)Account 164.(Account 164.3)Total (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Balance at Begmning of Year 339 867 339 867 Gas Delivered to Storal!e (contra Account)009 710 009,710 Gas Withdrawn from Storage (contra Account)823 374 823 374 Other Debits or Credits (Net) Balance at End of Year 526 203 526 203 Dth 333 489 333 489 Amount Per Dth 567 567 State basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 220 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 222) Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) EX An Original(2) 0 A Resubmission INVESTMENTS (Account 123, 124, AND 136) 1. Report below investments in Accounts 123, Investments Other Investments) state number of shares, class, ar in Associated Companies, 124, Other Investments, and 136, series of stock. Minor investments may be groupecTemporary Cash Investments. by classes. Investments included in Account 136, 2. Provide a subheading for each account and list there- Temporary Cash Investments, also may be grouped under the information called for: classes. (a) Investment in Securities - List and describe each (b) Investment Advances - Report separately security owned, giving name of issuer, date acquired and for each person or company the amounts ofloans 0 date of maturity. For bonds, also give principal amount, investment advances that are properly includable date of issue, maturity, and interest rate. For capital in Account 123. Include advances subject to CUffe stock (including capital stock of respondent reacquired repayment in Accounts 145 and 146. under a defmite plan for resale pursuant to authorization With respect to each advance, show whether the bv the Board of Directors and included in Account 124 advance is a note or ODen account. Book Cost at Beginnmg of Year (Ifbook cost is different ITom cost to respondent,give cost to respondent in a footnote and explain difference. (c) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report OUESTAR GAS COMPANY Line No. Dec.31 2005 Purchases or Additions During YearDescription of Investment (a) Other Investments - Account 124 (b)(d) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Temporary Cash Inv. - Account 136 Temporary Cash Inv. - Account 1361 Page 222 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (l)1)d An Original (Mo, , Yr)OUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) r1 A Resubmission Dec. 31. 2005 INVESTMENTS (Account 123, 124, AND 136) (Continued) List each note giving date of issuance, maturity date 5. Report in column (h) interest and dividend and specifying whether note is a renewal. Designate revenues from investments including such revenues any advances due from officers, directors, stock- from securities disposed of during the year. holders, or employees. 6. In column (i) report for each investment3. Designate with an asterisk in column (b) any disposed of during the year the gain or loss securities, notes, or accounts that were pledged represented by the difference between cost of and in a footnote state the name of pledges and the investment (or the other amount at whichpurpose of the pledge. carried in the books of account if different4. If Commission approval was required for any from cost) and the selling price thereof, notadvance made or security acquired, designate such including any dividend or interest adjustment fact in a footnote and cite name of Commission includible m column (h). date of authorization and case or docket number. Book Cost at End of Year (If book cost is different fro cost to respondent, give cost to respondent in a footnote and explain difference. ) (g) Year of Report Sales or Other Dispositions During Year Principal Amount or No. of Shares at End of Year Revenues for Year Gain of Loss from Investment Disposed of Line No. (el (f)(h) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 223 Name of Respondent ThiS liJort 15:Date of Report Year of Report(1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Questar Gas Campa ny (2)DA Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 Investments in Subsidiary Companies (Account 123. 1. Report below investments in Account 123.1, Investments in Subsidiary Companies. 2. Provide a subheading for each company and list thereunder the Information called for below. Sub-total by company and give a total in columns (e), (ij, (g) and (h). (a) Investment in Securities-List and describe each security owned. For bonds give also principal amount, date of issue, maturity, and interest rate. (b) Investment Advances - Report separately the amounts of loans or investment advances which are subject to repayment, but which are not subject 10 current settlement. With respect to each advance show whether the advance is a note or open account. List each note giving date of issuance, maturity date, and specifying whether note is a renewal. 3. Report separately the equity in undistributed subsidiary earnings since acquisition. The lolal in column (e) should equal the amount entered for Account 418. Description of Investment Date Date of Amount 01 Acquired Maturity Investment atLine Beginning of Year No.(a)(b)(c)(d) 8 ' 18 , TOTAL Cost of Account 123.1 $TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 224 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: (1) L&lAn Ofiginal (2) DA Resubmission Investments in Subsidiary Companies (Account 123.1) (continued) 4. Designate in a footnote, any securities, noles, or accounts that were pledged, and state the name of pledgee and purpose of the pledge. 5. if Commission approval was required for any advance made or security acquired, designate such facl in a footnote and give name of Commission, dale of authorization, and case or docket number. 6. Report In column (Q interest and dividend revenues from investments, including such revenues from securities disposed of during the year. 7. In column (h) report for each investment disposed of during the year, the gain or loss represented by the difference between cost of the investment (or the other amount at which carried In the books of account if different from cost), and the selling price thereol, not including interest adjustments includible in column (Q. 8. Report on line 40, column (a) the total costal Account 123. Questar Gas Company Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yf)Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Line No. Equity in Subsidiary Earnings lor Year Revenues lor Year Amount of Investment at End of Year (e) . (g) Gain or Loss from Investment Disposed 01 (h) , 11 , 16 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 225 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report ~BX An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) OUEST AR GAS CONW ANY (2 A Resubmission Dec. 31.2005 PREPAYMENTS (Account 165) 1. Report below the particulars (details) on eac1 2. Report all payments for undelivered gas on line 5 and payment.complete pages 226 to 227 showing particulars (details) for !las meoavments. Line Nature of Prepayment Balance at End of No.Year (In Dollars) (a)(b) Prepaid Insurance 2.278.467 Preoaid Rents Prepaid Taxes (262-263) Prepaid Interest Gas Prepayments (226-227) Miscellaneous Prepayments:Software Licenses and Maintenance 846.688 TOTAL 125.155 EXTRAORDINARY PROPERTY LOSSES (Account 181.1) Description of Extraordinm:WRITTEN OFF DURIN( Loss (Include in the desc.YEAR the date ofloss, date of Total Losses Balance at Lin Commission authorization t Amount Recognized Account Amount End of No.~se Acct182.l and period 0 of Loss During Year Charged Year amort. (mo, yr, to mo, yr). (c)(t)(a)(b)(d)(e) TOTAL UNRECOVERED PLANT AND REGULATORY STUDY COSTS (182.2) Description of Unrecovered WRITTEN OFF DURIN( Plant and ReguJ""'Y S'"YEAR Costs (Include in the descr.Total Costs Balance at Lin of costs, the date of Com-Amount Recognized End of No. mission authorization to us of Charges During Year Account Amount Year Account 182., and period of Charged amort. (mo, yr, to mo, yr). (c)(t)(a)(b)(d)(e) TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 230 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 232) This Report Is: Date of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2)fl A Resubmission OTHER REGULA TORY ASSETS (Account 182.3) 1. Report below the details called for concerning 3. Minor items (5% of the Balance at End of Year forother regulatory assets which are created Account 182.3 or amounts less than $250 000through the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies whichever is less) may be grouped by classes.(and not includable in other amounts). 4. Report separately any "Deferred Regulatory 2. For regulatory assets being amortized, show period of Commission Expenses" that are also reportedamortization in column (at on DageS 350-351 Regulatorv Commission EXDenses. CREDITSAccount Balance at Charged Amount End of Year Name of Respondent Year of Report QUEST AR GAS CONW ANY Dec. 31 2005 Line Description and Purpose ofNo. Other Regulatory Assets (a) 1 SFAS 109 Deferral 5 SFAS 112 6 To be amortized over 10 years. 10 Deferred production tax 14 SFAS 143 17 Early retirement window costs 20 18 To be amortized over 5 years. 20 Other Regulatory asset - Pipeline 21 integrity 37 TOTAL Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Debits (c)(d) 282 (e)(f) 185 257 679 854 105 234 251 001 860 783 096 815 253 521 130 575 685 194 147 980 350 185 174,497 (0) 042 427 473 370 Various 1,404 843 110 955 591 068 307,825 351 470 547 423 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 232 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (l) (Jl An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) UEST AR GAS CO~ ANY 2 D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED DEBITS Account 186 1. Report below the details called for con-period of amortization in column (a). ceming miscellaneous deferred debits.3. Minor items (less than $250 000) may be 2. For an deferred debit bem amortized show ou ed b classes. CREDITS Description of Miscellaneous Balance at Debits Balance at Lin Deferred Debits egmning of Yea Account Amount End of Year No.Charged Misc. Deferred Debits Suspense 667 287 926 Various 281 250 343 Misc. Work in Pro ress DEFERRED REGULATORY CO~. EXPENSES (SEE PAGES 350-351 TOTAL 3667 3 287 926 3281250 10 343 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 233 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) ug An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (Account 190) 1. Report the infonnation called for below concerning t 2. At Other (Specify), include deferrals relating respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes. to other income and deductions. 3. At lines 4 and 6, add rows as necessary to report all data. Number the additional rows in sequence 4., etc. and , etc. Balance at Beginning of Year Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 (a)(b) CHANGES DURING YEARAmounts Amounts Debited To Credited To Account 410.Account411.1(c) (d) Line No. Account Subdivisions Account 190 Electric Gas Other (DefIDe) Total (Total of lines 2 thru 4) Other (Specify) TOTAL Account 190 (Total of lines 5 thru 6. Classification of TOTAL Federal Income Tax 1 0 State Income Tax 11 Local Income Tax 519 547 519 547 519 547 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 234 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (Account 190) (Continued) 4. Ifmore space is needed, use separate pages as 5. In the space provided below, identify by amountrequired. and classification, significant items for which deferred taxes are being provided. Indicate insignificant amounts listed under "Other. Year of Report CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Amounts Debited To Credited To Account 410.Account 41 1.2 (e) ADJUSTMENTSDEBITS CREDITS Account No. (i) Balance at End of Year Amount Amount 254 242 029 277 518 242 029 277,518 242 029 277 518 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 235 (Next page is 250) Line No. Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date ofRepon Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission CAPITAL STOCK (Accounts 201 and 204) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for con- year and company title) may be reported in column (a) ceming common and preferred stock at end of year provided the fiscal years for both the 10-K report distinguishing separate series of any general class. Show and this report are compatible. separate totals for common and preferred stock. If inform~ 2. Entries in column (b) should represent the number tion to meet the stock exchange reporting requirement out-of shares authorized by the articles of incorporation lined in column (a) is available ITom the SEC lO-K Report as amended to end of year. Form filing, a specific reference to the report form (Le. Dec. 31 2005 Line No. Class and Series of Stock and Name of Stock Exchange Number of Shares Authorized by Charter (b) 000 000 (d) Call Price at End of Year Par or Stated Value Per Share (c) 2.50 (a) Common - Account 201 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 250 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission CAPITAL STOCK (Accounts 201 and 204) (Continued) 3. Give particulars (details) concerning shares of any 5. State in a footnote if any capital stock which has been class and series of stock authorized to be issued by a nominally issued is nominally outstanding at end of year. regulatory commission which have not yet been issue 6. Give particulars (details) in column (a) of any 4. The identification of each class of preferred stock nominally issued capital stock, reacquired stock, or stock should show the dividend rate and whether the divide in sinking and other funds which is pledged, stating nameare cumulative or noncumulative. of pledgee and purpose of pledge. Dec. 31, 2005 OUTSTANDING PER BALANCE SHEET (Total amount outstanding wlo reduc- tion for amounts held by respondent.Shares Amount(e) (f) 189 626 22 974 065 HELD BY RESPONDENT AS REACQUIRED STOCK (Account 217)Shares Cost (g) (h) None IN SINKING AND OTHER FUNDSShares Amount(i) (j) None FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 251 Line No. This Report Is: Date of Report (1)Gl' An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) F1 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIBED, CAPITAL STOCK LIABILITY FOR CONVERSION PREMIUM ON CAPITAL STOCK, AND INSTALLMENTS RECEIVED ON CAPITAL STOCK (Account 207000) 1. Show for each of the above accounts the amou under Account 203, Common Stock Liability for applying to each class and series of capital stock. Conversion, or Account 206, Preferred Stock 2. For Account 202, Common Stock Subscribed, aJ Liability for ConversIOn, at the end of year. Account 205, Preferred Stock Subscribed, show th, 4. For Premium on Account 207, Capital Stock subscription price and the balance due on each cla! designate with an asterisk any amounts repre-at the end of year. senting the excess of consideration received 3. Describe in a footnote the agreement and trans over stated values of stocks without par value. actions under which a conversion liabilitY existedLine Name of Account and Description ofItemNo. (a) 1 Premium on Capital Stock - Account 207000 2 Common Stock 3 Excess of consideration received over par value 1955 - 198 990 shares sold at $15.50 above par value ($10.00) 1964 - 218 888 shares sold at $26.00 above par value ($10.00) 1968 - 42 544 shares sold at $20.75 above par value ($10.00)10 1975 - 1 040 000 shares sold at $26.875 above par11 value ($5.00)12 1978 - 700 000 shares sold at $31.00 above par13 value ($5.00)14 1980 - 900 000 shares sold at $39.25 above par15 value ($5.00)16 1983 - 1 100 000 shares sold at $40.125 above par17 value ($5.00)18 22 257 shares sold to officers under Incentive19 stock option plan20 113 076 shares sold to Dividend Reinvestment21 plan22 No shares, adj. to reflect subsidiary correction23 1984 - 32 893 shares sold to officers under Incentive24 stock option plan25 141 871 shares sold to Dividend Reinvestment26 plan27 Fractional share withdrawl adjustment28 1985 - 1 425 672 shares sold at $15.0356 above par29 value ($2.50)30 Fractional share withdrawl adjustment31 1988 - Exchange ofMFS Owned Questar Pipeline Stock32 for Questar owned MFS stock and subsequent33 retirement.34 1989 - 1 250 000 shares sold to Questar Corp.35 Equity investment 47 2005 - Adi equitY for QRS closeout 48 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent 1994 - Mtn. Fuel received $20 000 000 in new common equity from Questar - Equity Infusion 7/94 1999 - Questar Gas Received $40 000 000 in new common equity from QRS 6/99 2001 - Questar Gas Received $40 000 000 in new common equity from Questar Regulated Services 12/01 Page 252 Number of Shares (h) 198 990 218 888 544 040 000 700 000 900 000 100 000 257 113 076 893 141 871 425 672 936 191) 250 000 1.250 000 Year of Report Amount (c) 084 345 691 088 882 788 950 000 700 000 325 000 137 500 490 392 039 484 (779 808) 511 103 317 170 659) 435 820 (288) (166 782 935) 875 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (6 620 025) 115254975 Name of Respondent This Report Is: I)~ An Original OUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2)n A Resubmission OTHER PAID-IN CAPITAL (Accounts 208-211) 1. Report below the balance at the end of the year the capital changes that gave and the infonnation specified below for the rise to amounts reported under this caption in- respective other paid-in capital accounts. cluding identification with the class and Provide a subheading for each account and show series of stock to which related. a total for the account, as wen as a total of aU (c) Gain or Resale or CanceUation of Reacquir- accounts for reconciliation with the balance sheet ed Capital Stock (Account 210)-Report balance page 112. Explain changes made in any at beginning of year, credits, debits, andaccount during the year and give the account- balance at end of year with a designation of theing entries effecting such change. nature of each credit and debit identified by the class and series of stock to which related. (a) Donations Received from Stockholders (Account (d) MisceUaneous Paid-In Capital (Account 211)- 208)-State amount and briefly explain Classify amounts included in this account ac-the origin and purpose of each donation. cording to captions that, together with brief (b) Reduction in Par or Stated Value of Capital explanations, disclose the general nature of the Stock (Account 209)-State amount and briefly explain transactions that gave rise to the reported amounts. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Line ItemNo. (a) 1 GAIN ON CANCELLA nON OF REAC UIRED CAPITAL STOCK - ACCOUNT 210 NONE 16 MISCELLANEOUS PAID-IN CAPITAL - ACCOUNT 21117 NONE 40 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Amount (b) Page 253 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (l)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)n A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 DISCOUNT ON CAPITAL STOCK (Account 213) 1. Report the balance at end of year of discount on cap ment giving particulars (details) of the change. State the stock for each class and series of capital stock.reason for any charge-off during the year and specify the 2. If any change occured during the year in the balanct amount charged. with respect to any class or series of stock, attach a state- Balance at Line Class and Series of Stock End of Year No.(a)(b) TOTAL NONE CAPITAL STOCK EXPENSE (Account 214) 1. Report the balance at end of year of capital stock e ment giving particulars (details) of the change. State the penses for each class and series of capital stock.reason for any charge-off of capital stock expense and 2. If any change occured during the year in the balam specify the account charged. with respect to any class or series of stock, attach a state- Balance at Line Class and Series of Stock End of Year No.(a)(b) TOTAL NONE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 254 This Report Is: (1)51 An Original (2)0 A Resubmission SECURITIES ISSUED OR ASSUMED AND SECURITIES REFUNDED OR RETIRED DURING THE YEAR Name of Respondent QUEST AR GAS COMPANY 1. Furnish a supplemental statement giving a brief description of security financing and refinancing trans- actions during the year and the accounting for the secur- ities, discounts, premiums, expenses, and related gains or losses. Identify as to Commission authorization num- bers and dates. 2. Furnish particulars (details) showing fully the accounting for the total principal amount, par value, or stated value of each class and series of security issued assumed, retired, or refunded and the accounting for pre- miums, discounts, expenses and gains or losses relating to the securities. Set forth the facts of the accounting clearly with regard to redemption premiums, unamortized discounts, expenses, and gains or losses relating to securities retired or refunded , including the accounting for such amounts carried in the respondent's accounts at the date of the refunding or refinancing transactions with respect to securities previously refunded or retired. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 3. Include in the identification of each class and series of security, as appropriate, the interest or dividend rate, nominal date of issuance, maturity date aggregate principal amount, par value or stated value, and number of shares. Give also the issuance of redemption price and name of the principal underwriting firm through which the security transactions were consummated. 4. Where the accounting for amounts relating to securi- ties refunded or retired is other than that specified in General Instruction 17 ofthe Uniform System of Accounts, give references to the Commission authorization for the different accounting and state the accounting method. 5. For securities assumed, give the name ofthe company for which the liability on the securities was assumed as well as particulars (details) ofthe transactions whereby the respondent undertook to pay obligations of another company. If any unamortized discount, premiums, expenses and gains or losses were taken over onto the respondent' books, furnish details ofthese amounts relating to refund- ed securities clearly earmarked. NOTES On December 15 2005, Questar Gas borrowed $50 million from a bank under a five year term loan agreement. The loan s interest rate varies periodically with changes in short-term interest rates available in the credit markets. COMMON STOCK No activity during the year of2005 was recorded regarding the common stock. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 255 Name of Respondent Date of Report Year of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) This Report Is: (1(X1 An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2nA Resubmission LONG-TERM DEBT (Accounts 221, 222, 223, and 224) 1. Report by balance sheet Account the particulars 2. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in (detalls) concernIng long-tenD debt Included In Account! column (a) the name ot the ISSUIng company as well as 1.1.1 , Honds, 1.1.1., KeacqUlred Honds, 1.1.3, Advances a descrIptIOn ot the bonds. trom Associated CompanIes, and 1.1.4, Other Long-Tenn 3. f'or advances trom AssocIated CompanIes, report Debt. It mtonnatlOn to meet the stock exchange re- separately advances on notes and advances on open portIng reqUIrement outlIned In column (a) IS avaIlable accounts. DesIgnate demand notes as such. Include trom the ~hC JU-K. Keport .Fonn tIlIng, a specIfIc ret- m column (a) names ot assocIated companIes trom erence to the report tonn (I.e. year and company tItle) whIch advances were receIved. may be reported In column (a) provIded the fIscal years 4. f'or receIvers' certIfIcates, show In column (a) tor both the 1 U-K. report and thIs report are compatIble. the name ot the court and date ot court order under whIch such certltIcates were Issued. Line No. Class and Series of Obligation and Name of Stock Exchange Nominal Date Issue (a) Bonds - Account 221 (b) 11 6.88% Notes 13 5.79% Notes 15 5.79% Notes 17 5.31% Notes 19 4.91% Tenn * 34 * Variable interest rate35 as of December 31 2005 38 TOTAL 7.48% Notes 88% Notes 89% Notes 88% Notes 10- 10- 01- 03- 12- FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 256 Dec. 31 2005 Date Maturity Outstanding (Total amount outstanding without reduction for amounts held by respondent) (d)(c) 000 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 10-500 000 10-000 000 000 00001- 03-70,000 000 12-000 000 323,000,000 This Report Is: Date of Report (1:J=X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2P A Resubmission LONG TERM DEBT (Accounts 221, 222, 223, and 224) (Continued) 5. In a supplemental statement, give explanatory have been nominally issued and are nominally outstanding partIculars (detaIls) tor Accounts :l:,U and U4 ot net at end ot year, descrIbe such securItIes m a footnote. changes durIng the year. WIth respect to long-term IS. it Interest expense was Incurred durIng the year on any advances, show tor each company: (a) prIncIpal ad- oblIgatIons retIred or reacquIred before end ot year, Includevanced durIng year, (b) Interest added to prIncIpal such Interest expense In column (t). ExplaIn m a footnote amount, and (c) prIncIpal repaId durIng year. (jIve any dltterence between the total ot column (t) and the CommIssIon authorIzatIon numbers and dates. total ot Account 4:l'lnterest on Long-Term Debt and o. It the respondent has pledged any ot ItS long-term Account 430, Interest on Debt to AssocIated CompanIes. debt SeCUrItIes, gIve partIculars (detaIls) In a footnote IJ. (jIve partIculars (detaIls) concernIng any long-termIncludmg name ot the pledgee and purpose ot the pled~ debt authorIzed by a regulatory COnllnlSSlOn but not yet 1. 11 the respondent has any long-term securItIes whlcJ Issued.INTEREST FOR YEAR HELD BY RESPONDENT Name of Respondent Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2005 Rate (in %) Reacquired Bonds (Acct. 222) Redemp- tion Price Per $100 at End ofAmountSinking and Other Funds Year (e)(f) (g) (h)(i) 7.48 965 304 104. 173 452 112 137 796 112 137 796 112 993 252 112 780 000 104.4 000 004 104.4 5.31 717,000 lOLl 948 100 * Account 430 includes an additional 679 186 interest on Short-Term Debt to Associated Companies 16,986 552 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 257 Line No. Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (l)(1i An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2)fl A Resubmission Dec. 3 I, 2005 UNAMORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE, PREMIUM AND DISCOUNT ON LONG-TERM DEBT (Accounts 181 225 226)1. Report under separate subheadmgs tor Unamortized 3. In column (b) show the prmclpal amount of bonds or Debt Expense, Unamortized Premium on Long- Tenn Debt other long-tenD debt originally issued. and Unamortized Discount on Long-Tenn Debt, particulars 4. In column (c) show the expense, premium or discount ( details) of expense, premium or discount applicable to each with respect to the amount of bonds or other long-tenD class and series oflong-tenn debt. debt originally issued. 2. Show premium amounts by enclosing the figures in parentheses. Line No. Principal Amount of Debt Issued Total Expense Premium or Discount Designation of Long- Tenn Debt (a) Unamortized Debt. Ex ense - Account 181 8.34% Notes 8.3% Notes 7.48% Notes 8.1 % Notes 8.1% Notes8 6.9% Notes9 6.89% Notes 10 6.89% Notes11 6.85% Notes12 6.3% Notes 13 5.0% Notes14 5.31% Notes 16 TOTAL Account 181 (b)(c) 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 825 905 120 000 416 336 392 274 127 500 485 427 500 000 108 750 623 861 452 957 733 176 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 258 Year of Report AMORTIZATION PERIODDate Date To From (d) 12- 10- 10- 01- 03- (e) 12- 10- 10- 01- 01- Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) !XI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTARGAS COMPANY (2) DA Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 UNAMORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE, PREMIUM AND DISCOUNT ON LONG-TERM DEBT (Accounts 181 225 226) (Cont 5. Furnish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the 6. Identify separately undisposed amounts applicable to treatment of unamortized debt expense, premium or discount issues which were redeemed in prior years. associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give 7. Explain any debits and credits other than amortization in a footnote the date ofthe Commission s authorization of debited to Account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount treatment other than as specified by the Unifonn System of and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Amortization of Accounts.Premium on Debt - Credit. Balance at Debits During Credits During Balance at Beginning of Year Year Year End of Year Line No. (t) (g) (h)(i) 2 . 400 689 788 377 901 261 036 225 581 756 825 228 458 076 211 382 719 248 471 251 563 328 222 235 057 888 169 644 876 768 69,441 5,436 005 440 758 715 384 043 366 141 296 320 845 647 384 024 598 360 bbU b'Jb )h.') Lih.'398 229 3 i FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 259 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1 ) I): An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission UNAMORTIZED LOSS AND GAIN ON REACQUIRED DEBT (Accounts 189 257) 1. Report under separate subheadings for Unamortized with General Instruction 17 of the Unifonn Systems Loss and Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, particulars of Accounts. (details) of gain and loss, including maturity date, on reac- 4. Show loss amounts by enclosing the figures in quisition applicable to each class and series oflong-tenn parentheses. debt. If gain or loss resulted from a refunding transaction 5. Explain in a footnote any debits and credits include also the maturity date of the new issue. other than amortization debited to Account 428. 2. In column (c) show the principal amount of bonds or Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt, or other long-tenD debt reacquired. credited to Account 429., Amortization of Gain on 3. In column (d) show the net gain or net loss realized Reacquired Debt-Credit. on each debt reacquisition as computed in accordanceDate PrincipalReac- of Debtquired Reacquired(b) (c) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Line No. Balance at Beginnmg of Year (e) 994 232 937 688 452 000 Designation of Long-Tenn Debt (a) IU4% Notes Due 2022 7.48% Notes Due 2008 34% Notes Due 2022 8.39% Notes Due 2022 11% Notes Due 2023 8.12% Notes Net Gain or Net Loss (d) Balance at End of Year (f) (56 544) (216 960)668 960 982 819 762 571 470 900 (220 248) (88 401)559 302 (130 892) (34 544) 374 601 671 969 243 709 637,425 Total Account 189 r/4'5/SY)251 /S/S3 , '\/14 , 'l)4 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-86)Page 260 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year of Report (l)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)VEST AR GAS COMPANY A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 1. Report the reconciliation of reported net income for the 2. If the utility is a member of a group that files year with taxable income used in computing Federal Income consolidated Federal tax return, reconcile reported Tax accruals and show computation of such tax accruals. net income with taxable net income as if a separate Include in the reconciliation, as far as practicable, the return were to be filed, indicating, however, inter- same detail as furnished on Schedule M-l of the tax return company amounts to be eliminated in such a consoli- for the year. Submit a reconciliation even though there is dated return. State names of group members, tax no taxable income for the year. Indicate clearly the nature assigned to each group member, and basis of alloca-of each reconciling amount. tion, assignment, or sharing of the consolidated tax amon the ou members. Line No. Taxable Income Not Re orted on Books Contributions in Aid of Construction Deductions Recorded on Books Not Deducted for Return:10 Federal Income Tax 18 833 513 Bad Debt Expense 1 660 03811 Deferred Com ensation 248 922 De letion 28 970 Bond Amortization 680 08912 Business Meals & Lobbying 109 114 Clearing Acct Adj 127 261 Pension Costs 3 772 87613 Capitalized Interest 161 008 Research & Dev. Accrual 618 345 Legal Liability Accrua1550 00014 Income Recorded on Books Not Included in Return: 15 EIRP Life Insurance Cash Value Increase 19 Deductions on Return Not Char ed A ainst Book Income DETAILS Amount 1 442 926 143817 507 968 186398 3 998937 715217 64933382 Taxable Income Tax Rate 933 382 35.00% 726 684 201 030) 307 859 833 513 Deferred Tax Tax Credits Adj. of Prior Year Fed. Income Tax Expense FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 261 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (IA An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2j:J A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED Gas Other Income Clearing & 408100 & Deductions Other Misc. Kind of Tax 409101,409111 (409201 Fed. & 409211 St.Accounts FEDERAL TAXES Income Tax 21,179,984 (5,826,577) FICA Tax 902 445 073,017 Fed Highway & Telecom Taxes 505 Fuel Tax 30,455 Unemployment Tax 53,600 455 TOTAL 23,136,029 (5,826,577)164,432 UTAH TAXES Franchise Tax 955,061 506,598 Property Tax 308,936 428,993 Sales and Use Tax 609,541 Diesel Fuel Tax Municipal Energy Tax 339 Unemployment Tax 789 78,350 Business License Fee Telecom Universal Servo Fund Tx (57) Public Utilities Reg. Fee 063 084 TOTAL 416 920 506,598 130 166 WYOMING TAXES Property Taxes 159 841 137 Public Utilities Reg. Fee 116,315 Sales and Use Tax 877 Utility Rev. Fran. Tax 262 871 Business License Fee Unemployment Tax 633 111 TOTAL 546,710 45,125 OTHER STATE TAXES Colorado Income Tax (18,625)299 Colorado Income Tax Will Colorado Property Tax Montana Income Tax Miscellaneous Fees Idaho Income Tax 071) Idaho Property Tax.44,290 Idaho Public Utilities Reg. Fee 535 New Mexico Income Tax TOTAL 28,322 299 TOTAL ACCRUED & PREPD.TAXES 127,981 (5,319,680)339,723 PREPAID TAXES (Acct. 165) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-94)Page 262 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (IA An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2jJ A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR Taxes Taxes Paid Taxes Accrued Charged During Accrued Kind of Tax Beginning During Year Year Ending FEDERAL TAXES Income Tax (6,700,843)15,353,407 (14,160,701)(5,508,137) FICA Tax 975 462 (4,974,601)861 Fed Highway & Telecom Taxes (4,172)13,505 (14,950)(5,617) Fuel Tax (112,643)455 (28,686)(110,874) Unemployment Tax (20,187)101,055 (80,147)721 TOTAL (6,837,845)20,473,884 (19,259,085)623,046) UTAH TAXES Franchise Tax (861 289)461,659 448,299 048,669 Property Tax (120)737 929 (6,737,809) Sales and Use Tax 117,321 609 541 (616,172)110,690 Diesel Fuel Tax 13,938 995 15,933 Municipal Energy Tax 102,166 13,339 115,505 Unemployment Tax (1,369)168 139 (163 794)976 Bus. License Fee (50) Telecom Universal Servo Fund Tx 188 (57)131 Public Utilities Reg. Fee 063,084 (2,058,084)000 TOTAL (629,165)12,053,684 (9,125,615)298,904 WYOMING TAXES Property Taxes 812 195,978 (191,826)96,964 Public Utilities Reg. Fee 44,545 116,315 (104,608)56,252 Sales and Use Tax 970 877 (4,643)204 Utility Rev. Fran. Tax (109,478)262,871 (412,800)(259,407) Business License Fee (50) Unemployment Tax 653 12,744 (13,008)389 TOTAL 29,502 591,835 (726,935)(105,598) OTHER STATE TAXES Colorado Income Tax 000 (18,326)(14,674)(30,000) Colorado Income Tax WIH (100)(100) Colorado Property Tax (69) Montana Income Tax (50) Colorado License Fee (24) Idaho Income Tax (8,098)071)462 (3,707) Idaho Property Tax (10,753)44,290 (22,145)11,392 Idaho Public Utilities Reg. Fee (3,095)535 (3,535)(3,095) New Mexico Income Tax (50) TOTAL (19,046)28,621 (35,085)(25,510) TOTAL ACCRUED & PREPD.T AXES (7,456,554)33,148,024 (29,146,720)(3,455,250) PREPAID TAXES (Acct. 165) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 263 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 MISCELLANEOUS CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES (Account 242) 1. Describe and report the amount of other current and accrued liabilities at the end of year. 2. Minor items (less than $250 000) may be grouped under appropriate title. Line No. Item Balance at End of Year (a)(b) 698 089 169 751 392 032 958 1 Employee Incentive Plan 2 Directors Deferred Compensation Plan 3 Over and Short Cash 4 REACH Program 5 Management Deferred Compensation 43 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86) 911 190 Page 268 UESTAR GAS COMPANY Year of RepoName of Respondent Dec. 31 2005 Balance at DEBITS Line Beginning CONTRA Credits Balance at No.of Year Account End of Year 1 Unclaimed Customer Credits 753 Various 745 Retirement Plans (1,474 024)Various 29,589,966 293 802 3 Other Deferred Credits - Retaina 272,847 Various 293 214 241,415 4 SFAS 143 096,815 Various 575 685 TOTAL 951 391 671 924 883 180 162 647 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 269 (Next page is 274) Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (1) ua An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERTY (Account 282) 1. Report the infonnation called for below concerning the to property not subject to accelerated amortization. res ondent's accounting for deferred income taxes relating 2. For Other (Specify), include deferrals relating CHANGES DURING YEARAmounts Amounts Debited To Credited To Account 410.1 Account 411.1(c) (d) Year of Report Lin No. Account Subdivisions Balance at Beginning of Year (a) Account 282 Electric Gas Other (Defme) TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4) Other (Specify) 116 503 168 786 905 284) 116 503 168 786 905 284) TOTAL Account 282 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 8)116 503 168 786 10 Classification of TOTAL11 Federal Income Tax12 State Income Tax13 Local Income Tax 106 396 606 106 562 905 284) 786 NOTES FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 274 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERTY (Account 282) (Continued) to other income and deductions. 3. Use separate pages as required. CHANGES DURING YEARAmounts Amounts Debited To Credited To Account 410.2 Account 411.2 (e) Debits Account Credited Amount (g) ADJUSTMENTS Credits Account Debited (i) Balance at Line End of Year No. Amount 168 897 958 660) 115 899,907 3 115 899 907 115 899 907 9 168 897 234.958 660) 168 897 346 287 (177 390) 641 951) (316 709) 106 195 658 704 249 NOTES (Continued) 2005 Acct. 234 entries for deferred taxes on assets transferred from Questar Regulated Services to Questar Gas Co. FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 275 This Report Is: (1) ua An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Account 283) 1. Report the infonnation called for below concerning the 2. For Other, include deferrals relating respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes relating to other income and deductions. to amounts recorded in Account 283. Name of Respondent Line No. Account Subdivisions Balance at Beginning of Year (b)(a) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 CHANGES DURING YEARAmounts Amounts Debited to Credited to Account 410.1 Account 411.1(c) (d) Account 283 Electric Gas Other (Defme) Total (Total oflines 2 thru 4) Other (Specify) 624 093 624 093 TOTAL Account 283 (Total of lines 5 thru 6. Classification of TOTAL Federal Income Tax State Income Tax Local Income Tax 624 093 519 596 519 596 519 596 399 628 119 968 548 507 075 586 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 276 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (l)ug An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Account 283) 3. Provide in a footnote explanations for pages 4. Add additional rows as necessary to report all data. 276 and 277. Include amounts relating to When rows are added, the additional row numbers should insignificant items listed under Other. follow in sequence, 4., 4., and 6., etc. CHANGES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Amounts Amounts Debits Credits Debited to Credited to Account Account Account 410.2 Account 411.2 No. Amount No.00 00 00 Date of Report Year of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 , 2005 Balance at Line End of Year No. Amount (k) 143 689 143 689 143 689 948 135 195 554 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 277 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1)~ An OriginalQUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission OTHER REGULA TORY LIABILITIES (Account 254) 1. Report below the details called for concerning 3. Minor items (5% of the Balance at End of Year for other regulatory liabilities which are created Account 254 or amounts less than $250 000, whichever through the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies is less) may be grouped by classes. (and not includable in other amounts). 2. For regulatory liabilities being amortized, show period of amortization in column Date ofRepo Year of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 , 2005 Line Description and Purpose ofNo. Other Regulatory Liabilities (a) I SFAS 109 Tax Deferral Rate Reduction Phase In Deferred Gas Costs 42 TOTAL Balance at Begmning of Year (b) 314 771 DEBITS Account Credited (c) 190 Credits Balance at End of Year (f) 072 742 Amount (d) 302 536 (e) 507 480 191 314 771 302 536 507 072 742 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 278 Next page is 300 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 300) This Report is: (1 g: An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (20 A Resubmission GAS OPERATING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for counted for each group of meters added. The average each prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues number of customers means the average of twelve figuresin total. at the close of each month. 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any 4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf(l4. mixture of natural and manufactured gas. psia at 60 degrees F). Ifbillings are on a therm basis 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on give the Btu contents of the gas sold and the sales con- the basis of mteres, in addition to the number of flat verted to Mcf. rate accounts; except that where separate meter readings 5. If increases of decreases from previous year (columns are added for billing purposes, one customer should be (c), ( e) and (g), are not derived from previously reported OPERATING REVENUES Amount for Year Amount for Previous Year Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Line No. Title of Account (a) GAS SERVICE REVENUES 480 Residential Sales 481 Commercial & Industrial Sales Small (or Commercial) (See Instruction 6) Large (or Industrial) (See Instruction 6) 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 483 Sales for Resale10 TOTAL Natural Gas Service Revenues11 Revenues from Manufactured Gas12 TOTAL Gas Service Revenues13 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 14 485 Intracompany Transfers 15 487 Forfeited Discounts 16 488 Misc. Service Revenues 17 489 Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 18 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas 19 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others 20 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales21 493 Rent from Gas Property 22 494 Interdepartmental Rents 23 495 Other Gas Revenues24 TOTAL Other Operating Revenues25 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 26 (Less) 496 Provision for Rate Refunds27 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of Provision for Refunds 28 Dist. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line Sales to Residential and Commercial Customers) 29 Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) 30 Sales for Resale 31 Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) 32 Interdepartmental Sales 33 TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b) and (d)) (b) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 (c) 907 900 183 701 386 924 601 569 924 601 569 729 752 043 012 024 736 764 066 736 764 066 320 563 147 678 122 803 976 879 935 751 442 198 945 872 962 547 441 962 547 441 907 900 183 701 386 924 601 569 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 300 072 874 057 798 520 857 286 668 264 282 226 299 428 778 764 192 844 This Report Is: (1 An Original QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (20 A Resubmission GAS OPERATING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 400) (Continued) figures, explain any inconsistencies in a footnote. in a footnote. 6, Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481, may 7. See page 108-109, Important Changes During Year be classified accofding to the basis of classifica- for important new territory added and important rate tion (Small Of Commercial, and Large or Industrial) increases or decreases. regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200 000 Mcf per year Of approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requifements. (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification DTH OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity for Year Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Quantity for Previous Year (e) A VG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTOMERS PER MONTH Number for Year Number for Line Previous Year No. (f) (g) 279 123 460 634 144 609 455 360 578 714 091 101 797 645 803 468 777 320 397 977 103 195 621 803 468 777 320 NOTES 101 990 808 596 567 104 587 375 101 990 808 596 567 104 587 375 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 301 BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE (NEXT PAGES ARE IDAHO SUPPLEMENTARY PAGES) Name of Respondent Line No. This Report is: (lOt: An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (20 A Resubmission GAS OPERATING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 400) IDAHO I. Report below natural gas operating revenues for counted for each group of meters added. The average each prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues number of customers means the average of twelve figuresin total. at the close of each month. 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any 4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14. mixture of natural and manufactured gas. psia at 60 degrees F). Ifbillings are on a thenn basis 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on give the Btu contents of the gas sold and the sales con- the basis of mteres, in addition to the number of flat verted to Mcf. rate accounts; except that where separate meter readings 5. If increases of decreases :trom previous year (columns are added for billing purposes, one customer should be (c), (e) and (g), are not derived :trom previously reported OPERATING REVENUES Amount for Year Amount for Previous Year Dec. 31, 2005 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Title of Account (a) GAS SERVICE REVENUES 480 Residential Sales 481 Commercial & Industrial Sales Small (or Commercial) (See Instruction 6) Large (or Industrial) (See Instruction 6) 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 483 Sales for Resale10 TOTAL Natural Gas Service RevenuesII Revenues :trom Manufactured Gas12 TOTAL Gas Service Revenues13 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 14 485 Intracompany Transfers 15 487 Forfeited Discounts 16 488 Misc. Service Revenues 17 489 Rev. :trom Trans. of Gas of Others 18 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. :trom Nat. Gas 19 491 Rev. :trom Nat. Gas Proc. by Others20 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales21 493 Rent :trom Gas Property22 494 Interdepartmental Rents23 495 Other Gas Revenues24 TOTAL Other Operating Revenues25 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 26 (Less) 496 Provision for Rate Refunds27 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of Provision for Refunds 28 Dist. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line Sales to Residential and Commercial Customers) 29 Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) 30 Sales for Resale31 Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) 32 Interdepartmental Sales 33 TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b) and (d)) (b) 572 010 171 567 778 593 772 602 380 172 772 602 380 172 772 602 380 172 000 851 839 686 839 537 785,441 389 709 785 441 772 602 772 602 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 300 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (lOt An Original QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2(:) A Resubmission GAS OPERATING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 400) (Continued) IDAHO figures, explain any inconsistencies in a footnote. in a footnote. 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 , may 7. See page 108-109, Important Changes During Year be classified according to the basis of classifica- for important new territory added and important rate tion (Small or Commefcial, and Large or Industrial) increases or decreases. regularly used by the fespondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200 000 Mcf per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of nolTDal requifements. (See Account 481 of the UnifolTD System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification DTH OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity for Year Quantity for Previous Year (e) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report 271 426 983 586 196 991 196 991 189 350 189 350 196 991 196 991 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 301 Dec. 31 2005 A YG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTOMERS PER MONTH Number for Year Number for Line Previous Year No. 208 749 714 749 714 NOTES 199 BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE Name of Respondent QUE STAR GAS COMPANY This Report Is: Date of Report(I) rn An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2005 Lim No. I. Report in total for each State, sales by classes of field and mainline sales to industrial consumers;service. Report main line sales to residential and these should be reported on pages 306-309, Field and commercial consumers in total by States. Do not include Main Line Industrial Sales of Natural Gas. Total Residential, Commercial and Industrial Residential Operating Revenues Decatherms Operating Revenues (Total of (d), (f) and (h)) (Total of (e), (g) and (i))(b) (c) Name of State (a)(d) II Interruptible 12 Tl13 II14 15 16 EI17 18 IS 19 IS420 Total Interruptible 23 Total Industrial 26 Residential 27 GSI & GSS 30 Total Residential 33 Total Utah Utah Firm FIE NGV GSI Total Firm 585,186 373 585 186 373 872,746,707 142 526 585 186 373 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 302 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) ~- An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 DISlRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES (Continued) 2. Provide totals for sales within each State. 3. Natural gas means whether natural and oil refinery gases, natural either natural gas unmixed, or any mixture of natural and manufac-and coke oven gas, etc., and specifY the approx- tured gas. State in a footnote the components of mixed gas, i.imate percentage of natural gas in the mixture. Residential (Continue(Commercial Industrial Decathenns Operating Revenues Decathenns Operating Revenues Decathenns Line No. (e)(f) (g) (h)(i) 025 976 775 939 709 458 371 608 322)130 498 296 658 210 250 119 145 129 549 (1) 016 654 775,939 255,758 771 407 (0) 880 861 268 314 508 336 460 717 477 258) 294 382 303 869 939 338 267 056 802 717 764 586 955 992 042 995 058 475 535 993 080 185 197 545 867 483 353 080 185 197 545 867 483 353 080 185 248 501 859 526 348 058 475 535 993 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 303 Name of Respondent This Grort Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTARGAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES 1. Report in total for each State, sales by classes of field and main line sales to industrial consumers; service. Report main line sales to residential and these should be reported on pages 306-309, Field and commercial consumers in total by States. Do not include Main Line Industrial Sales of Natural Gas. Total Residential, Commercial and Industrial Residential Lin Name of State Operating Revenues Decathenns Operating Revenues No.(Total of (d), (f) and (h))(Total of (e), (g) and (i)) (a)(b)(c)(d) WyomIng I'inn 1'1 NUV Total Finn Interruptible III Total Interruptible '1'1 Total Industrial Residential USI 19,422 517 USW 1194 590 211 Total Residential 317 1011 Total Wyoming 3110 1173 651 291 317 1011 311 411 ERC li'ORM NO.2 (ED. 12-HH)Page 302 a Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES (Continued) 2. Provide totals for sales within each State. 3. Natural gas means whether natural and oil refinery gases, natural either natural gas unmixed, or any mixture of natural and manufac-and coke oven gas, etc., and specify the approx- tured gas. State in a footnote the components of mixed gas, Le.imate percentage of natural gas III the mixture. Residential (Continue(Commercial Industrial Decatherms Operating Revenues Decatherms Operating Revenues Decatherms Line No. (e)(f) (g) (h)(i) 127,579 285 798 113 615 69,895 887 2,127 579 285 798 007 502 240 533 672 900,145 127 068 240 533 672 900 145 127 068 368 II2 308 470 974 152 135,570 958 951 121 684 089 084 619 599,818 597 051 570 721 501 155 681 051 570 089 613 464 151 974 152 135 570 l"ERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-HH)Page 303 a Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) S An Original (Mo, Va, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES 1. Report in total for each State, sales by classes of field and main line sales to industrial consumers; service. Report main line sales to residential and these should be reported on pages 306-309, Field and commercial consumers in total by States. Do not include Main Line Industrial Sales of Natural Gas. Total Residential, Commercial and Industrial Residential Lint Name of State Operating Revenues Decathenns Operating Revenues No.(Total of (d), (f) and (h))(Total of (e), (g) and (i)) (a)(b)(c)(d) Colorado Interruptible Totallnterruptible Total Colorado ERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 302 b Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES (Continued) 2. Provide totals for sales within each State. 3. Natural gas means whether natural and oil refmery gases, natural either natural gas unmixed, or any mixture of natural and manufac and coke oven gas, etc., and specify the approx- tured gas. State in a footnote the components ofmlXed gas, i.e.imate percentage of natural gas in the mixture. Residential (Continue,Commercial Industrial Decatherms Operating Revenues Decatherms Operating Revenues Decatherms Line No. (e)(f) (g) (h)(i) )!' ERC )!'URM NO.2 (12-96)Page 303 b Name of Respondent QUESTAR GAS CONWANY Thi eport Is:(1) An Original (2) A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES Date of Report (Mo, Va, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 I. Report in total for each State, sales by classes of field and main line sales to industrial consumers; service. Report main line sales to residential and these should be reported on pages 306-309, Field and commercial consumers in total by States. Do not include Main Line Industrial Sales of Natural Gas. Total Residential, Commercial and Industrial Residential Operating Revenues Decathenns Operating RevenuesLineName of State No. (a) WallO Industrial 1'1 12. 14 Total Interruptible 2.0 2.1 2.2. 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.~2.Y Total Residential 32. Total Idaho 37 Total 42. Interruptible Idaho Residential US1 li'ERt.: l"ORM NO.2 (12-96) (Total of (d), (f) and (h)) (Total of (e), (g) and (i)) ~) 772.602.lY6 YY1 Y07 YOO 1~3 1O1 YYO ~0~ Page 302. c (d) 134 ~14 134 ~14 134 ~14 606 63~2.Y5 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) ~An Original (Mo, Va, Yr) QUEST AR GAS CONW ANY (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES (Continued) 2. Provide totals for sales within each State. 3. Natural gas means whether natural and oil refmery gases, natural either natural gas unmixed, or any mixture of natural and manufac-and coke oven gas, etc., and specify the approx- tured gas. State in a footnote the components of mixed gas, Le.imate percentage of natural gas in the mixture. Residential (Continued Commercial Industrial Decatherms Operating Revenues Decatherms Operating Revenue Decatherms Line No. (e)(t) (g) (h)(i) I S OHS 423 77S 003 466 426 1 19 295 553 322 271 119 295 553 322 27 I I 19 295 553 322 271 466 426 63,251 050 261,155 324 05S 379 106 564 OHI 37!S ~R('; ~'URM NO.2 (12-96)Page 303 c Next Page is 305 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 305) This Report Is: (1) ug An Original QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SPACE HEATING CUSTOMERS A residential space heating customer is a customer whose major fuel for heating is gas.Item Residential Commercial(a) (b) (c) Average Number of Space Heating Customers for the Year (Estimate if not known. Designate with an asterisk if estimated. For Space Heating Only, Estimated Average Decathenus Per Customer for the Year Name of Respondent Line No. Number of Space Heating Customers Added During the Year Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 745 507 831 84. 757 449. (19) Number of Unfilled Applications for Space Heating at End of Year None 1. Report below the average number of interruptible, off peak, and fmn industrial customers on local distribution systems of the respondent, and the Mcf of gas sales to these customers for the year. 2. Intemuptible customers are those to whom service may be interrupted under tenus of the customer s gas contract or to whom service is required to be interrupted, regard- less of contractual arrangements in emergency periodsLine Item ~. Interruptible Customers Average Number of Customers for the Year Dth of Gas Sales for the Year (Includes Transporation) None INTERRUPTIBLE, OFF PEAK, AND FIRM SALES TO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS Off Peak Customers Average Number of Customers for the Year Dth of Gas Sales for the Year Finn Customers Average Number of Customers for the Year Dth of Gas Sales for the Year 10 TOTAL Industrial Customers Average Number of Customers for the Year Dth of Gas Sales for the Year (Includes Transporation) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) by law, ordinance, directive, or other requirement of government authority. State in a footnote the basis on which interruptible customers are reported. 3. Off peak sales are seasonal and other sales which do not occur during wintertime demands. 4. Report pressure base of gas volumes at 14.73 psia at 60 degrees F. Number/Amount Page 305 Questar Gas Company December 31, 2005 Sales and Transportation To Customers By Rate Schedule State of Idaho Average No. of Average Customers Decathetms Rate Value Domestic & Commercial 751 185 566 097 688 136 Industrial by Rates 423 714 688 9003 7.306 65 778 Total 753 196 991 998 772 602 305 d BLANK PAGE Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Yeaf of Report Questar Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dee.31,2005(2)D A Resubmission Revenues from Storing Gas of Others (Account 489. 1. Report revenues and Dlh of gas withdrawn from storage by Rate Schedule and in total. 2. Revenues for penalties including penalties for unauthorized overruns must be reported on page 308. 3, Other revenues in columns (Q and (g) include reservation charges, deliverabilily charges, injection and withdrawal charges, less revenues reflected in columns (b) through (e). Revenues for Revenues for Revenues for Revenues for Transition Transaction GRI and ACA GRI and ACA Line Costs and Costs and No.Take-or-Pay Take-or-Pay Rate Schedule Amount for Amount for Amount for Amount for Curren! Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) PAGE NOT APPLICABLE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 306 Name of Respondent This 1O0rt Is:Date of Report Yeaf of Report(1) . An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)D~c.31,2005QuestarGasCompa ny (2) Fi A Resubmission Revenues from Storing Gas of Others (Account 489. 4. DIh of gas withdrawn from storage must not be adjusted for discounting, 5. Where transportallon services are bundled with storage services, report only Dlh withdrawn from storage, Other Other Total Total Dekatherm of Dekatherm 01 Revenues Revenues Operating Operating Natural Gas Natural Gas LIne Revenues Revenues No. Amount for Amount for Amount for Amount for Amount for Amount for Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year (g) (h)(I), 0)(k) PAr.J:' NnT APPI rTARI J:' FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 307 Name of Respondent QUE STAR GAS COMPANY This Report Is: Date of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2)0 A Resubmission Other Gas Revenues (Account 495) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 I. For transactions with annual revenues of $250 000 or more, describe, for each transaction, commissions on sales of distributions of gas of others, compensation for minor or incidental services provided for others penalities, profit or loss on sales of material and I Miscellaneous revenues Overriding royalties 3 Oil revenue received from Wexpro Gasoline revenues 25 TOTAL Line No. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) supplies, sales of steam, water, or electricity, miscellaneous royalties, revenues from dehydration, other processing of gas of others, and gains on settlements of imbalance receivables. Separately report revenues from cash out penalties. Description of Transaction Revenues (in dollars) (a)(b) 130 450 089 811 138 788 149 17,442 198 Page 308 BLANK PAGE Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report OUESTARGAS COMPANY (I) B An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)2) A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 SALES FOR RESALE NATURAL GAS (Account 483) I. Report particulars (details) concerning sales of 5, Designate with an asterisk and footno1e any sales natural gas during the year to other gas utilities and which are other than finn sales , j. e" sales for storage to pipeline companies for resale. Sales to each cus-etc. tomer should be subdivided by service classifications 6, Monthly billing demands, as used in colwnn (g), are identified in column (c) where applicable, by rate the number ofMcfin the respective months actually used schedule designation contained in the companys computing the demand portion of the customer's bills; 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed, or such quantity ofMcfis multiplied by the demand portion any mixture of natural and manufactured gas.of the tariifrate, Report in colwnn (g) the sum of the 3, In either column a or b, provide separate subhead-monthly billing demands for the number of months the ings and totals for each State in addition to a grand customer received service or was subject to demand changes, total for all sales to other gas utilities.7, Where consolidated bills for more than one point of 4. Enter in column b, point of delivery. the name of delivery are rendered under a FERC rate schedule, indicate city or town and State, and such other designation the several points of delivery in colwnn (b) and report necessary to enable identification on maps of the remainder of the colwnns on a consolidated basis cor- respondent s pipeline system,responding to the billing. Where, however, consolidated FERC Revenue Name of Other Gas Utility Tariff Rate Dth of Gas Sold for Line (Designate associated Point of Delivery Schedule (Approx. Btu Year No.companies with an asterisk)(City, town or state)Designation per Cu. Ft.)(See Instr. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Colorado: Nevada Coneneration Associates #1 Horseshoe Canyon BTU West Hiawatha BTU Locin Oil Dragon Trail BTU Encana Dragon Trail BTU West Douglas Creek BTU Big Horse Draw BTU Lower Horse Draw BTU Argali Exploration Big Horse Draw BTU Tom Brown Inc.Big Horse Draw BTU Twin Arrow, Inc.Big Horse Draw BTU Total Colorado 508518 3 090749 Montana: Croft Petroleum Kevin Sunburst BTU Total Montana 2200 6663 Utah: Balcron Natural Buttes BTU Newfield Production Co.Castle Peak BTU Questar Energy Trading *Bug BTU Patterson BTU Total Utah 201 2352 New Mexico: Dugan Production Fruitland BTU Yates Petroleum North Carlsbad BTU Total New Mexico 8236 40 350 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 310 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED This Report is: (1) I3ii An OriginalOUESTAR GAS COMPANY 2) D A Resubmission SALES FOR RESALE NATURAL GAS (Account 483) bills for more than one point of delivery are not thereoffor each delivery point if billing is on a non- rendered under a FERC rate schedule, the required conjunctive basis, and show the total for each such cus10mer infonnation (colwnns) shall be furnished for each if billing is on a conjunctive basis,point of delivery. 10, Swnmarize total sales as follows: A. Field sales sub- S, Designate in a footnote if Btu per cubic fool of divided by deliveries to (i) interstate pipeline companies gas is different for any delivery point fTom thai and (ii) others; B. Transmission system sales divided by shown in the heading of column (d), deliveries to (i) interstate pipeline companies, (ii) intra- 9, For each finn sale of$25 OOO or more for the state pipeline companies and gas utilities for resale under year at each poin1 of delivery, shown in colwnn (i) FERC rate schedules, and (iii) others, "Field sales" means peak day volume of gas, at pressure base indicated in sales made ITom wells, ITom points along gathering lines in colwnn (d), and in column (h) show the date of such gas field or production areas or ITom points along trans- peak delivery. If an estimate is used for any peak mission lines within fields or production areas. "Trans- day delivery, state the basis for such estimate. If missIOn sales" means sales made ITom points along transmlS- deliveries are made to one customer at more than one sion lines not within gas fields or production areas, delivery point, show the peak day delivery and date II. Enter Mcf at 14.73 psis at 60 degrees F,Average Sum of Peak Dav Deliverv to CustomersRevenue Monthly Billingper Dth Demands(in cents) Dth Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Date (f) NoncoincidentaI (j)(g) (h) 607. 302. 894. 489. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 311 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Dth Coincidental (j) Line No. Name of Respondent This Report is: (1) (ll An OriginalOUESTAR GAS COMPANY 1(2) A Resubmission SALES FOR RESALE NATURAL GAS (Account 483) (Continued) I. Report particulars (details) concerning sales of S. Designate with an asterisk and footnote any salesnatural gas during the year to olher gas utilities and which are other than finn sales, i.e., sales for storage to pipeline companies for resale. Sales to each cus- etc, tomer should be subdivided by service classifications 6, Monthly billing demands, as used in colwnn (g), are identified in colwnn (c) where applicable, by rate the number ofMcfin the respective months actually used schedule designation contained in the company s lariff, in computing the demand portion of the customer's bills; 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed, or such quantity ofMcfis multiplied by the demand portion any mixture of natural and manufactured gas. of the tariffrale, Report in colwnn (g) the own of the 3. In either colwnn a or b, provide separa1e subhead- monthly billing demands for the number of months the ings and 101a1s for each State in addition 10 a grand customer receIVed service or was subject to demand changes. to1a1 for all sales to other gas utilities. 7. Where consolidated bills for more than one poin1 4. En1er in colwnn b, point of delivery, the name of delivery are rendered WIder a FERC rate schedule. indicate city or town and Stale. and such other designation the several points of delivery in colwnn (b) and report necess9/)' to enable identification on maps of the remainder of the colwnns on a consolidated basis cor-responden~s pipeline system, resoondinJl: to the billing. Where. however, consolidatedFERC Revenue Tariff Rate Dth of Gas Sold forSchedule (Approx. Btu Year Designation per Cu. Ft.) (See Instr. 5) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Line No. Name of Other Gas Utility (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) Point of Delivery (City, town or state) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Wyoming: Anadarko Questar E & P (Denver) Chevron Texaco 10 Merit Energy 12 Prospective Investment 14 Questar Energy Trading * 38 Amoco 42 Western Gas Resources 44 Total Wyoming 46 Total Bruff BTU Spearhead BTU Bruff BTU Shute Creek BTU PPMU BTU Spearhead BTU Leucite Hills BTU Bruff BTU PPMU BTU Creston BTU Five Mile Gluch BTU Tierney BTU Wamsutter BTU Church Buttes BTU Dry Piney BTU Granger BTU Johnson Ridge BTU Shute Creek BTU Tierney BTU Bruff BTU Spearhead BTU 2077 412 13 561 273 2 596 567 16701 386 ** The Company does not publicly disclose individual customer account data. This data is available to regulatory personnel under appropriate protective orders. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Pa/1:e 310a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED This Report is: (1) I3a An OriginalOUESTAR GAS COMPANY 1i2) 0 A Resubmission SALES FOR RESALE NATURAL GAS (Account 483) bills for more than one poin1 of delivery are not thereoffor each delivery point if billing is on a non- rendered under a FERC rate schedule. the required conjunctive basis, and show the lotal for each such cus10mer infonnation (colwnns) shall be furnished for each if billing is on a conjunctive basis.point of delivery, 10. Swnmarize total sales as follows: A. Field sales sub- g, Designate in a footnote ifBtu per cubic fool of divided by deliveries to (i) interstate pipeline companies gas is different for any delivery poin1 from thai and (ii) others; B. Transmission system sales divided by shown in the heading of colwnn (d). deliveries to (i) inlerstale pipeline companies, (ii) intra- 9. For each finn sale of$25 000 or more for the stale pipeline companies and gas utilities for resale under year at each point of delivery, shown in colwnn (i) FERC rate schedules, and (iii) others, "Field sales" means peak day volwne of gas, al pressure base indicated in sales made from wells, from points along gathering lines in colwnn (d), and in' colwnn (h) show the date of such gas field or production areas or from points along trans- peak delivery. If an eslimate is used for any peak mission lines within fields or production areas, "Trans- day delivery, stale the basis for such estimate, If mission sales" means sales made from points along transmis- deliveries are made to one customer at more than one sion lines not within gas fields or production areas, delivery point, show the peak day delivery and date II. Enter Mcfa114,73 psis a160 degrees F.Average Sum of Peak: Dav Delivery to CustomersRevenue Monthly Billingper Dth Demands(in cents) Dth Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Date (f) Noncoincidental (e:)(h) 652. 643. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 311a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Dth Coincidental Line No. This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) EX An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTA nON OF GAS OF OTHERS - NATURAL GAS (Account 489) I. Report below particulars ( details) concerning revenue asterisk, however, if gas transported or compressed is from transportation or compression (by respondent) of other than natural gas. natural gas for others. Subdivide revenue between trans- 3. In column (a) include the names of companies from portation or compression for interstate pipeline companies which revenues were derived, points of receipt andand others. delivery, and names of companies from which gas was 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed, or any received and to which delivered. Also specify the mixture of natural and manufactured gas. Designate with an Commission order or regulation authorizing such transaction. Name of Respondent Line No. Name of Company and Description of Service Perfonned (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) (a) Distance Transported (in miles) (b) SF Phos hates Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to SF Phosphates at the following points: Received Sweetwater County, Wyo Nucor Steel Respondent received exchange gas from Questar10 Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to NucorII Steel at the following points:12 Received 13 Cache County, Utah 45 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Delivered Sweetwater County, Wyo Delivered Box Elder County, Utah West Oil Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Big West Oil at the following points: Received Davis County, Utah Delivered Davis County, Utah Kennecott UCD Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Kennecott UCD at the following points: Received Salt Lake County, Utah Delivered Salt Lake County, Utah Holl Refmin & Marketin Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Holly Refming & Marketing at the following points: Received Davis County, Utah Delivered Davis County, Utah US Ma esium LLC Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to US Magnesium LLC at the following points: Received Salt Lake County, Utah Delivered Salt Lake County, Utah Page 312 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 REVENUE FROM TRANSPORT A nON OF GAS OF OTHERS - NATURAL GAS (Account 489) (Continued) 4. Designate points of receipt and delivery so that they lations, report only grand totals for all trans- can be identified on map of the respondent's pipe line portation in columns (b) through (g) for the system.following regulation sections to be listed in 5. Enter Mcf at 14.73 psia at 60 degrees F.column (a): ~284.102, 284.122, 284.222 6. Minor items (less than 1 000 000 mct) may be grouped.284.223(a), 284.223(b) and 284.224. Details for each transportation are reported in separate NOTE: For transportation provided under Part annual reports required under Part 284 of the 284 of Title 18 of the Code of Federal Rel!U-Commission s rel!Ulations. Average Revenue FERC Dth of Gas Dth of Gas per Dth of Gas Tariff Rate Received Delivered Revenue Delivered Schedule Line (in cents)Designation No. (c)(d)(e)(t) (g) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 313 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1)(X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)OUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 REVENUE FROM 1RANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS - NATURAL GAS (Account 489) 1. Report below particulars ( details) concerning revenue asterisk, however, if gas transported or compressed is ftom transportation or compression (by respondent) of other than natural gas. natural gas for others. Subdivide revenue between trans- 3. In column (a) include the names of companies from portation or compression for interstate pipeline companies which revenues were derived, points ofreceipt andand others. delivery, and names of companies ftom which gas was 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed, or any received and to which delivered. Also specify the mixture of natural and manufactured gas. Designate with an Commission order or regulation authorizing such transaction. Line No. Distance Transported (in miles) (b) Name of Company and Description of Service Perfonned (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) (a) Chevron USA Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Chevron USA at the following points: Received Davis County, Utah Hill Air Force Respondent received exchange gas ftom Questar10 Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Hill Air11 Force at the following points:12 Received 13 Weber County, Utah 30 Utah minor items less than 1 000 000 Dth 32 Wyoming minor items less than 1 000 000 Dth 36 ** The Company does not publicly disclose individual customer account data. This data is available to37 regulatory personnel under appropriate protective orders. 45 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.(12-96) Delivered Davis County, Utah Delivered Weber County, Utah Great S L Mineral Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Great SL Mineral at the following points: Received Weber County, Utah Delivered Weber County, Utah Pacifico Respondent received exchange gas from Questar Pipeline and delivered exchange gas to Pacificorp at the following points: Received Salt Lake County, Utah Delivered Salt Lake County, Utah Page 312a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec.31 2005 REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS - NATIJRAL GAS (Account 489 I (Continued) 4. Designate points of receipt and delivery so that they lations, report only grand totals for all trans- can be identified on map of the respondent's pipe line portation in columns (b) through (g) for the system.following regulation sections to be listed in 5. Enter Mcfat 14.73 psia at 60 degrees F.column (a): ~284.102, 284.122, 284.222 6. Minor items (less than 1 000,000 mct) may be grouped.284.223(a), 284.223(b) and 284.224. Details for each transportation are reported in separate NOTE: For transportation provided under Part annual reports required under Part 284 ofthe 284 of Title 18 ofthe Code of Federal Rel!u-Commission s rel!ulations. Average Revenue FERC Dth of Gas Dth of Gas per Dth of Gas Tariff Rate Received Delivered Revenue Delivered Schedule Line (in cents)Designation No. (c)(d)(e)(t)(I!) 679,951 204 752 879 874 0.19 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 313a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS OPERA nON AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous vear is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount forLineAccountCurrent Year Previous YearNo. (a) 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES A. Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) B. Natural Gas Production B 1. Natural Gas Production and Gathering Operation 7 7 750 Operation Supervision and Engineering 751 Production Maps and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses 753 Field Lines Expenses 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 756 Field Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 757 Purification Expenses 758 Gas Well Royalties 313 202 833 438 759 Other Expenses 139,468 034384 760 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17)452 670 867,821Maintenance 761 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 763 Maintenance of Producing Gas Wells 764 Maintenance ofField Lines 765 Maintenance ofField Compressor Station Equipment 766 Maintenance ofField Meas. and Reg. Sta. Equipment 767 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 768 Maintenance of Drilling and Cleaning Equipment 769 Maintenance of Other Equipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28) TOTAL Natural Gas Production & Gathering (Total oflines 18 & 29)69,452 670 867 821B2. Products Extraction Operation 770 Operation Supervision and Engineering 771 Operation Labor 772 Gas Shrinkage 773 Fuel 774 Power 77 5 Materials 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 777 Gas Processed by Others 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 779 Marketing Expenses 780 Products Purchased for Resale 781 Variation in Products Inventory (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility - Credit 783 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total oflines 33 thru 46) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 320 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I)~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Amount for Amount for Line Account Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b) B2. Products Extraction (Continued) Maintenance 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engmeering 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refining Equipment 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storage Equipment 789 Maintenance of Comoressor EQuipment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Reg. Equipment 791 Maintenance of Other Equipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total ofIines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction7Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C. Exploration and Development Operation 795 Delay Rentals 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exploration TOTAL Exploration & Development (Enter Total oflines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Supply Expenses Operation 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 313,536 227 944 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Purchases 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 425 097 969 319 269 505 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 298 128 440 944 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments 584 935)(34 612 606) TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 75)443 124 697 301 325 787 806 Exchange Gas Purchased Gas Expenses 807.1 Well Expenses - Purchased Gas 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84) 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storage - Debit 823 374 779 913 (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage - Credit (88 009 710)(78,993,442 809.1 Withdrawals of Liquefied Natural Gas for Processing - Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processing - Credit Gas Used in Utility Ooerations - Credit 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel - Credit (198 100)(133 819) 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction - Credit 812 Gas Used for Other Utility Operations - Credit 206 348 (1,116 209 TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations - Credit (Lines 91 thru 93Y (1,404 448)(1,250 028 813 Other Gas Supply Exoenses 157 420 227 140 798 242 TOTAL Other Gas Suoply Exp (Lines 77, 78 86 thru 89, 94, 95)585,954 140 419 660 472 TOTAL Production Expenses (Total of lines 3, 30, 58, 65 and 96)655 406 810 470 528,293 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 321 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTARGAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Amount for Amount for Line Account Current Year Previous Year No.(a) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Underground Storal?:e Expenses 100 Operation 101 814 Operation Supervision and Engineering 102 815 Maps and Records 103 816 Wells Expenses 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exploration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses 111 824 Other Expenses 112 825 Storage Well Royalties 113 826 Rents 114 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 101 thru 113) 115 Maintenance 116 830 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 121 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 116 thru 123) 125 TOTAL Underground Storage Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124) 126 B. Other Storage Expenses 127 Operation 128 840 Operation Supervision and Engineerinl?: 129 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 140 843.5 Maintenance of Liquefaction Equipment 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizing Equipment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulatinl?: Equipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Equipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storal?:e Expenses (Enter Total oflines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 322 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (jl: An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Amount for Amount for Line Account CUITent Year Previous Year No.(a)(b) 147 C. liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Expenses 148 Operation 149 844.1 Operation Supervision and Engineering 150 844.2 LNG Processing Terminal Labor and Expenses 151 844.3 liquefaction Processing Labor and Expenses 152 844.4 liquefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Regulation Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844.7 Communication System Expenses 156 844.8 System Control and Load Dispatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurrage Charges 161 (Less) 845.5 Wharfage Receipts - Credit 162 845.6 Processing Liquefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Expenses 165 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total oflines 149 thru 164)0 I 166 Maintenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Terminal Equipment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation Equipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Equipment 172 847.6 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Equipment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Terminaling & Process Exp (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas Storage (Enter Total oflines 125, 146 and 176) 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 179 Operation 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Expenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 188 858 TransmissIOn and CompressIOn of Gas by Others 361 965 349 768 189,859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190)361 965 349 768 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 323 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) 131 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Amount for Amount for Line Account Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 192 Maintenance 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measuring and Reg. Station EQuipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other Equipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 193 thru 199) 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200)361 965 349,768 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering 108 471 303 656205871Distribution Load Dispatching 898 809 720 063 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 493 641 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 198 108 133 819 208 874 Mains and Services Expenses 141 834 436 529 209 875 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses - General 290 277 000 052 210 876 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses - Industrial " 211 877 Measuring & Regulating Station Exp - City Gate Check Station 212 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenses 438 022 432 628 213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 329 539 372 933214880Other Expenses 616 172 473 919 215 881 Rents 122 204 726 216 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total oflines 204 thru 215)147 928 878 966217Maintenance 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 467 114 535 114 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 893 103 301 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 829 214 040 241 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 744 301,434 222 889 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta. EQuip. - General 198 519 229 239 223 890 Maintenance of Me as. and Reg. Sta. EQuip. - Industrial 224 891 Maint. of Me as. & Reg. Sta. Equip. - City Gate Check Station 225 892 Maintenance of Services 305 511 184 371 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 281 982 269 078227894Maintenance of Other Equipment 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)189 978 662 779 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)337,906 541 746 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation 232 901 Supervision 280 089 909 559 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 628 848 155 654 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 484 908 777 822 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 549 603 167 607 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Total of lines 232 thru 236)943 460 010 647 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 324 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) (11: An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 GAS OPERATION AND MAINlENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Amount for Amount for Line Account Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 239 Operation 240 907 Supervision 163 664 280 628 241 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 739 111 773 899 242 909 Infonnational and Instructional Expenses 055 928 864 938 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Infonnational Exoenses 244 TOTAL Customer Service & Infonnation Expenses (Lines 240 thru 243)958 703 919,465 245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation 247 911 Supervision 248 912 Demonstratin!! and Sellin!! Expenses 249 913 Advertisin!! Exoenses 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 251 TOTAL Sales Exoenses (Enter Total oflines 247 thru 250) 252 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 253 Operation 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 101 026 149,675 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 816 044 180 167 256 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses TransfeITed - Cr.487 677 0,468 033\ 257 923 Outside Services Emoloyed 930 942 826 599 258 924 Property Insurance 047 410 146 480 259 925 Injuries and Dama!!es 224 430 260 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 566 371 387,508 261 927 Franchise ReQuirements 262 928 Re!!ulatorv Commission Expenses 298 263 (Less) (929) Duplicate Char!!es - Cr. 264 930.1 General Advertisin!! Expenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expenses 2,489 483 836 515 266 931 Rents 762 805 570 509 267 TOTAL OoerationCEnter Total lines 254 thru 266)251 926 652 850 268 Maintenance 269 935 Maintenance of General Plant 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Exp (Total oflines 267 and 269)251 926 652 850 271 TOTAL Gas O. & M. Exp (Lines 97 177 201 229,237,244 251 and 270)833 260 770 645 002 769 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES 1. The data on number of employees should be reported for employees in a footnote. the payroll period ending nearest October 31, or any payroll 3. The number of employee assignable to the gas period ending 60 days before or after October 31. 2. department from joint functions of combination utilities the respondent's payroll for the reporting period includes may be detennined by estimate, on the basis of employee any special construction personnel, include such employees equivalents. Show the estimated number of equivalent on line 3, and show the number of such special construction employees attributed to the gas department from joint functions. Payroll Period Ended (Date)12/31/05 Total Regular Full-Time Employees 1114 Total Part-Time and Temporary Employees Total Employees 178 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 325 (Next page is 328) This Report is: Date of Report (1)50 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmissio EXCHANGE GAS TRANSACTIONS (Account 806, Exchange Gas) I. Report below particulars (details) concerning tI tions (less than 100 000 Met) may be grouped. gas volumes and related dollar amounts of natural gi 2. Also give the particulars (details) called for concern- exchange transactions during the year. Minor transa ing each natural gas exchange where consideration Name of Respondent Year of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Line No. Exchange Gas Received Debit Point of Receipt Dth (Credit) (City, state, etc.Account 242 Name of Company (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) 45 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) NO ACTIVITY IN 2005 Page 328 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (l)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) OA Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 EXCHANGE GAS TRANSACTIONS (Account 806, Exchange Gas) (Continued) was received or paid in perfonnance of gas exchange 4. Indicate points of receipt and delivery of gas so thatservices. they may be readily identified on a map of the respon- 3. List individually net transactions occurring during dent's pipeline system. the year for each rate schedule. Exchange Gas Delivered Year of Report Excess Point of Delivery (City, state, etc.Dth Debit (Credit) Account 174 Dth Received or Delivered Debit (Credit) Account 806 Line No. NO ACTIVITY IN 2005 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 329 This Report Is: (1) X An Original QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission EXCHANGED GAS TRANSACTIONS (Account 806, Exchange Gas) (Continued) 5. Furnish any additional explanations needed to 6. Report the pressure base of measurement of gas further explain the accounting for exchange gas volumes at 14.73 psia at 60 F. transactions. Name of Respondent Date ofRepo Year of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 , 2005 Charges Paid or Payable by Respondent Revenues Received or Receivable by Res ondent FERC Tariff Rate Schedule Identifi- cation Line Name of Company No. (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) 45 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (12-96) Amount Account Amount Account NO ACTIVITY IN 2005 Page 330 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1)(1: An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2)0 A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 GAS USED IN UTILITY OPERATIONS 1. Report below details of credits during 2. If any natural gas was used by the respondent for the year to Accounts 810 811 and 812 which a charge was not made to the appropriate opera ing expense or other account, list separately in columr. (c) the Dth of gas used, omitting entries in columns (d Natural Gas Manufactured Gas Account Gas Used Amount Gas Used Amount Line Charged (Dth)(Dth) No.Purpose for Which Gas Was Used Credit Credit (in dollars) (a)(b)(c)(d)(t) (g) 810 Gas used for Compressor Station Fuel-401 430 198 100 811 Gas used for Products Extraction- Gas Shrinkage and Other Usage in Respdnt's Own Proc. Gas Shrinkage, Etc. for Respdt' Gas Processed by Others 812 Gas used for Other Uti!. Opers- Cr (Rpt sep. for each prin. use. Group minor uses) Distribution & General 401 189 575 206 348 * Questar Gas does not use Acct. 811 TOTAL 221 005 1 ,404 448 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 331 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (1) (1!J An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmisslon Dec. 31, 2005 TRANSMISSION AND COMPRESSION OF GAS BY OTHERS (Account 858) I. Report below particulars (details) concerning items (less than 1 000 000 Mct) must be grouped. gas transported or compressed for respondent by others 2. In column (a) give name of companies to which payments equalling more than 1 000 000 Mcf (Bct) and amounts were made, points of delivery and receipt of gas, names ofof Dayments for such services during the year. Minor companies to which gas was delivered and from whichName of Company and DistanceDescription of Service Perfonned Transported (Designate associated companies with an asterisk) (in miles)(a) (b) Year of Report Line No. 2 Amoco / BP Energy Kern River transports from Amoco to Mountain Fuel's City Gates. 5 CheveronlTexaco Prior Period Adjustment and Exchange Differential 8 Duke II Wexpro *12 Transportation Reimbursement on PPMU Gas 14 Kern River 17 Questar Pipeline Company * 20 c.I.G. 23 Questar Energy Trading 24 URC Reimbursement to QGC for Trans ofPPMU Exchange 27 Northwest Pipeline28 Finn Transportation 41 * * * Gas received differs from gas delivered due to transmission loss. 43 TOTAL Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various ** The Company does not publicly disclose individual customer account data. This data is available to regulatory personnel under appropriate protective orders. mh. h , ' FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 332 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 TRANSMISSION AND COMPRESSION OF GAS BY OTHERS (Account 858) (Continued) received. Points of delivery and receipt shoulc delivered, explain in a footnote the reason for difference so designated that they can be identified readil:, uncompleted deliveries, allowance for 1ransmlssion on map of respondent's pipeline system.loss, etc. 3. If the Mcf of gas received differs trom the Mcf Dth of Dth of Amount of Amount per Dth Gas Delivered Gas Received Payment of Gas Received Line (in dollars)(in cents)No. (c)(d)(e)(f) 125 451 164 127 232 418 361 965 49. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-98)Page 333 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REDACTED This Report Is: (1) rn An Original (2) A Resubmission OTHER GAS SUPPLY EXPENSES (Account 813) Report other gas supply expenses by descriptive titles which expenses separately. Indicate the functional classification clearly indicate the nature of such expenses. Show maintenance and purpose of property to which any expenses relate.Description Amount (in dollars) (b) 001 348 265 815 680 132 043 039 105 506 016 605 219 390 Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report QUESTAR GAS COMPANY Dec. 31 2005 Line No. 50 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.(12-96) (a) Storage Services Hedging Costs Gas Processing Operator Service Agreement Company Owned Production Costs (WY) Gas Costs - CO2 Gas Processing (UT) Gas Costs - CO2 Gas Processing (WY) 153,212 834 Page 334 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) rn An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS CONWANY (2) D A ResubmisslOn Dec. 31, 2005 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSES (Account 930.2) (Gas) Industry association dues Experimental and general research exoenses Publishing and distributing infonnation and reports to stockholders; trustee, registrar and transfer agent fees and expenses, and other expenses of servicing outstanding securities of the respondent Other expenses (items of $5 000 or more must be listed separately in this column showing the (1) purpose, (2) recipient and (3) amount of such items. Amounts ofless than $5 000 may be grouped by classes if the number of items so grouped is shown) DIRECTORS FEES & EXPENSE AMOUNT R. D. Cash 919 W. W. Hawkins 902 D. L. Leavitt 785 G. G. Michael 313 H. H. Simmons 664 583 American Gas Association 240 010 American Red Cross 000 Directors Insurance 358 648 Research & Development 668 Directors/Officers Deferred Stock Revaluation 334 065 R & D Delta Funds 442 510 TOTAL 489 483 FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 335 This Report Is: Date of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION, AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PLANT (Accounts 403 , 404., 404.2, 404.3, 405) (Except Amortization of Acquisition Adjustments) I. Report in Section A the amounts of depreciation the intervals between the report years (1971, 1974 expense, depletion and amortization for the accounts and every fifth year thereafter). indicated and classified according to the plant Report in column (b) all depreciable plant balances tofunctional groups shown. which rates are applied and show a composite total (If 2. Report all available infonnation called for in more desirable, report by plant account, subaccount or Section B for the report year 1971 , 1974 and every functional classifications other than those pre-printed fifth year thereafter. Report only annual changes in in column (a). Indicate at the bottom of Section B the Section A. Summary of Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Charges Amortization and Depletion of Produc- ing Natural Gas Land and Land Rights (Account 404. (c) Name of Respondent Month of Report Line No. Depreciation Expense (Account 403) Amortization of Underground Storage Land and Land Rights (Account 404. (d) Functional Classification (a)(b) Intangible plant Production plant, manufactured gas Production and gathering plant natural gas Products extraction plant Underground gas storage plant Other storage plant Base load LNG terminating and processing plant Transmission plant Distribution plant 10 General plant II Common plant-gas 25 TOTAL 276 863 970 242 066 235 411 970754340 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 336 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Repoort (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 2005 DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION, AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PLANT (Accounts 403, 404., 404.2, 404.3, 405) (Except Amortization of Acquisition Adjustments) (Continued) manner in which column (b) balances are obtained. If average to estimated gas reserves. balances, state the method of averaging used. For column 3. Ifprovisions for depreciation were made (c) report available infonnation for each plant functional during the year in addition to depreciation classification listed in column (a). If composite depre- provided by application of reported rates ciation accounting is used, report available infonnation state at the bottom of Section B the amounts called for in columns (b) and (c) on this basis. Where the and nature of the provisions and the plant items unit-of-production method is used to detennine depreciation to which related. Section A. Summary of Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Charges Year of Report Amortization of Other Limited-tenn Gas plant (Account 404.3) (e) Amortization of Other Gas Plant (Account 405) (f) Total Functional Classification Line No~ (g) (a) 313 833 Intangible plant Production plant, manufactured gas Production and gathering plant natural gas Products extraction plant Underground gas storage plant Other storage plant Base load LNG tenninating and processing plant Transmission plant Distribution plant General plant Common plant-gas 242 066 235 411 17' 791 310 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 337 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of ReportName of Respondent Line No.Functional Classification Applied Depr. Rate(s) (Percent) (c)(a) Production and Gathering Plant Offshore Onshore Underground Gas Storage Plant Transmission Plant Offshore Onshore General Plant 771 $.129 per MCF 3% to 10% 168 098 3% to 33% Notes to Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization of Gas Plant Amortization and Depletion of Producing and Land Rights Account 4041 Basis for Amortization - Unit of Production Basis for Amortization - Estimated service life FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 338 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 340) This Report Is: Date of Report (1) Di An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUE STAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 3 1 2005 PARTICULARS CONCERNING CERTAIN INCOME DEDUCTIONS AND INTEREST CHARGES ACCOUNTS Report the infonnation specified below, in the order (c) Interest on Debt to Associated Companies (Account given, for the respective income deduction and interest 430)--For each associated company that incurred interestcharges accounts. on debt during the year, indicate the amount and (a) Miscellaneous Amortization (Account 425)-- interest rate respectively for (a) advances on notes, (b) Describe the nature of items included in this account advances on open account, (c) notes payable, (d) accounts the contra account charged, the total of amortization payable, and (e) other debt, and total interest. Explain charges for the year, and the period of amortization. the nature of other debt on which interest was incurred (b) Miscellaneous Income Deductions--Report the during the year. nature, payee, and amount of other income deductions (d) Other Interest Expense (Account 431 )--Report for the year as required by Accounts 426., Donations; details including the amount and interest rate for 426., Life Insurance; 426.3, Penalties; 426.4, Ex- other interest charges incurred during the year. penditures for Certain Civic, Political and Related Activities; and 426., Other Deductions, of the Unifonn System of Accounts. Amounts of less than $250 000 may be grouped by classes within the above accounts.Line ItemNo. (a) Miscellaneous Amortization - Account 425 Gas Plant Aquisition Adjustments - Account 425 Miscellaneous Other Income Deductions - Account 426 17 Interest on Debt to Associated Com anies - Account 43018 Questar Corporation FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent Total Account 425 Donations - Account 426. Life Insurance - Account 426.2 Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political & Related Activities - Account 426.4 Other Donations, Dues, Etc. - Account 426. Appliance Financing Program - Revenue and Expenses - Account 426. Total Account 426 Total Account 430 Other Interest Ex ense - Account 431 Interest on Gas Balance Account Bank Service Charges and other Miscellaneous Interest Charges Total Account 431 Page 340 Year of Report Amount I (b) 7812 7812 264 094 264 122 679.186 1679186 178 554 383,210 561 764 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 350) This Report Is: (1) (It An Original (2) D A Resubmission REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES (Account 928) 1. Report below details of regulatory cases in which such a body was a party . commission expenses incurred during the current year 2. In columns (b) and (c), indicate whether the expenses (or in previous years, if being amortized) were assessed by a regulatory body or were otherwise relating to formal cases before a regulatory body, or incurred by the utility.Description Assessed by Expenses (Furnish name of regulatory commission or body, Regulatory Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY Lim No. the docket number, and a description of the case. CommIssion Utility (a)(b)(c) 1 Utah Public Service Comm. 4 Utah General Rate Case 5 Utah Pass Thru Rate Case 9 Various Dockets less 10 than $25 000 298 Total Utah 298 15 Wyo. Public Service Comm. 17 Wyoming Pass Thru 21 Various Dockets less 22 than $25 000 25 TOTAL Total Wyoming 298 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 350 Expenses to Date Total (d) 298 298 298 Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2005 Deferred in Account 182.3 at Beginning of Year (e) Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) !j An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 3. Show in column (k) any expenses incurred in prior 5. List in column (t), (g), and (h) expenses years that are being amortized. List in column (a) the incurred during year which were charged currently to period of amortization.income, plant, or other accounts. 4. Identify separately all annual charge adjustments (ACA). 6. Minor items (less than $250 000) may be grouped. EXPENSES INCURRED DURING YEAR AMORTIZED DURING YEAR CHARGED CURRENTL Y TO Deferred in Deferred to Contra Amount Account 182.3 Line Department Account No.Amount Account 182.3 Account End of Year No. (t) (g) (h)(i)(k)(l) GAS 928 GAS 928 GAS 928 298 298 GAS 928 GAS 928 298 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 351 (Next page is 354) Name of Respondent This~ort is: I~ate of Report Year of Report 0) An Original (Mo Yr) QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES Report below the distribution of total salaries and wages for the year.Segregate amounts originally charged to clearing accounts to Utility Departments, Construction, Plant Removals, and Other Accounts, and enter such amounts in the appropriate lines and columns provided. In determining this segregation of salaries and wages originally charged to clearing accounts, a method of approximation giving substantially correct results may be used. When reporting detail of other accounts, enter as many rows as necessary numbered sequentially starting with 74.01 74.02, etc. Direct Payroll Allocation of Distribution Payroll Charged Total for Clearing Line Classification Accounts No.(a) Electric Operation Production TransmissIOn Distribution Customer Accounts Customer Service and Infonnational Sales Administrative and General TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 3 thru 9) Maintenance Production TransmissIOn Distribution Administrative and General TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 12 thru 15) Total Operation and Maintenance Production (Total of lines 3 and 12) Transmission (Total of lines 4 and 13) Distribution (Total oflines 5 and 14) Customer Accounts (Line 6) Customer Service and Infonnational (Line 7) Sales (Line 8) Administrative and General (Total of lines 9 and 15) TOTAL Operation and Maintenance (Total of lines 18 thru 24) Gas Operation Production-Manufactured Gas Production-Natural Gas (Including Exploration and Development) Other Gas Supply Storage, LNG Tenninaling and Processing Transmission Distribution 16713 430 16,713,430 Customer Accounts 10 311 143 10 311.143 Customer Service and Infonnational 3 585 609 3 585 609 Sales Administrative and General (See Note A)11 563 559 1 469 399 13 032 958 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 28 thru 37)42173741 1,469,399 43,643 140 Maintenance Production-Manufactured Gas Production-Natural Gas (Including Exploration and Development) Other Gas Supply Storage, LNG Tenninaling and Processing Transmission Distribution 3 526 030 3 526 030 Administrative and General TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 40 thru 46)3.526 030 3 526 030 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 354 Name of Respondent Date of Report Year of Report (Mo Yr) Dec. 31 2005 Total 20 239 460 10 311 143 3 585 609 20 239 460 10311143 3 585 609 604 300 098 122 972 727 272 098 10658398 68 399 732 122972 2 022 627 10781 370 70 422 359 Page 355 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 357) Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) 0 A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 CHARGES FOR OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER CONSULTATIVE SERVICES 1. Report the information specified below for all 426.4 Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and charges made during the year included in any account Related Activities. (including plant accounts) for outside consultative and (a) Name and address of person or organization other professional services. (These services include rendering services. rate, management, construction, engineering, research (b) description of services received during year and financial, valuation, legal, accounting, purchasing,project or case to which services relate advertising, labor relations, and public relations, ren-(c) basis of charges dered the respondent under written or oral arrangement (d) total charges for the year, detailing utility for which aggregate payments were made during the year to department and account charged. any corporation, partnership, organization of any kind, or 2. For any services which are of a continuing nature individual (other than for services as an employee or for give the date and term of contract and date of Commis- payments made for medical and related services) amounting sion authorization, if contract received Commission to more than $25 000, including payments for legislative approval. services except those which should be reported in Account 3. Designate with an asterisk associated comDanies. NAME & ADDRESS SERVICE ACCOUNT AMOUNT Allied Collection Service Collections 401 138 280. PO Box 3730 Logan Blue Stakes of Utah Surveying 401 237,997. PO Box 1517 Draper Bonneville Billing and Collections Collections 401 271 491, PO Box 309 Ogden Browning-Ferris Ind Maintenance 401 42,553. Salt Lake City District Phoenix AZ. Cazier Excavating Inc Construction 107 650,349. 132 West 13490 South Draper Coast to Coast USA NDE Services System Integrity 182 183 200, 22781 Airport Road NE Bldg 0-Aurora Cook-Sanders & Associates, LLC Surveying 107 73,530. 331 South Rio Grande Avenue Salt Lake City 0 R Griffin & Associates Inc Line Inspection 107 695. 1414 Elk Street, Suite 202 Rock Springs \NY Dan Jones & Associates Customer Service Sur 401 900, 515 South 700 East Ste 3h Salt Lake City Don Calvert Painting and Special Coating Contracting 107 108 244. 13431 South 7530 West Herriman Dunn & Dunn Legal 401 68,104. 505 Eas1200 South 2nd Floor Salt Lake City EBS Management Consulting Services Management Consultil 107 184,975. POBox110 Foxborough ELM Locating & Utility Services Surveying 401 956 721. PO Box 16780 Missoula Environ International Corp Environmental Consul 401 30,053. PO Box 8500-1980 Philadelphia Environmental System Research Institute Engineering 107 30,154. 380 New York Street Redlands Espial Consulting LLC Rates 401 000. 1467 \'IAlton Way Salt Lake City Express Recovery Services Inc Collections 401 209 211, POBox 26415 Salt Lake City George K Schroeder Legal Consulting 401 812, PO Box 540312 North Salt Lake Global Insight Inc Rates 401 645. PO Box 845730 Boston Holland & Hart Legal 401 758. 55517th Street Suite 3200 Denver Holme Roberts & Owen LLP Legal 401 348 852, PO Box 1618 Denver J 0 Power and Associates Customer Service Sur 401 25,000. PO Box 512778 Los Angeles FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 357 Name of Respondent Thi~eport Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 CHARGES FOR OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER CONSULTATIVE SERVICES 1. Report the information specified below for all 426.4 Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and charges made during the year included in any account Related Activities. (including plant accounts) for outside consultative and (a) Name and address of person or organization other professional services. (These services include rendering services. rate, management, construction, engineering, research (b) description of services received during year and financial, valuation, legal, accounting, purchasing,project or case to which services relate advertising, labor relations, and public relations, ren-(c) basis of charges dered the respondent under written or oral arrangement (d) total charges for the year, detailing utility for which aggregate payments were made during the year to department and account charged. any corporation, partnership, organization of any kind, or 2. For any services which are of a continuing nature individual (other than for services as an employee or for give the date and term of contract and date of Commis- payments made for medical and related services) amounting sion authorization, if contract received Commission to more than $25 000, including payments for legislative approval. services except those which should be reported in Account 3. Designate with an asterisk associated companies. NAME & ADDRESS SERVICE ACCOUNT AMOUNT Kassing Andrews & Associates Advertising 401 251 869, 1935 East Vine Street Salt Lake City Kiefner and Associates, Inc,System Integrity 401 125 414, 585 Scherers Court Worthington M R Tek Reservoir Engineering 401 372. 73-4329C Ahiahi Street Kailua-Kona Mears/CPG LLC System Integrity 182 655,793. 4500 North Mission Road Rosebush Meter Solutions Meter Installation 107 108 241. 315 East 525 South Providence Microsoft Corporation Information Technolog 401 513 005. 123 Wright Brothers Drive Salt Lake City Nationwide Meter Automation Meter Installation 107 266 871. 218 East 2475 South Springville Niels Fugal & Sons Company Construction 107 753,463. po Box 650 Pleasan1 Grove Outsource Receivables Management Collections 401 100,402. po Box 166 Ogden Par3 Communications Inc Collections 401 069. 100 South King Street Suite 100 Seattle Paragon Partners LId Right of Way Consultil 107 175,246. 5762 Bolsa Avenue Huntington Beach CA Park Acres Construction Co Construction 107 865 001. 695 West Everell Salt Lake City Quality Electrical Contractors, Inc.Contracting 107 190, po Box 625 Kaysville Questar Corporation Administration 401 134 959,67 . 180 East 100 South Salt Lake City Questar Project Employee Company Temporary Services 401 096.724.41 . 180 East 100 South Salt Lake City R B M Services Inc Maintenance 184 110 099. 1685 West 1400 North Provo Ray Quinney & Nebeker Legal 401 673.42 PO Box 45385 Salt Lake City Richter7 Advertising 401 434 012. 280 South 400 West Suite 200 Salt Lake City Rocky Mountain Inspection, Inc.Line Inspection 107 998. 200 Hillcrest Lane Rock Springs 'NY Rocky Moun1ain Line Systems Inc Construction 107 629. po Box 57 Lander 'NY Rocky Mountain Service Bureau Inc Collections 401 217. PO Box 459 Rock Springs 'NY Salt Lake Cement Culling Inc Contracting 401 71,545. 2290 South 600 West Salt Lake City FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 357a Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ex An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 CHARGES FOR OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER CONSULTATIVE SERVICES 1. Report the infonnation specified below for all 426.4 Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and charges made during the year included in any account Related Activities. (including plant accounts) for outside consultative and (a) Name and address of person or organization other professional services. (These services include rendering services. rate, management, construction, engineering, research (b) description of services received during year and financial, valuation, legal, accounting, purchasing,project or case to which services relate advertising, labor relations, and public relations, ren-(c) basis of charges dered the respondent under written or oral arrangement (d) total charges for the year, detailing utility for which aggregate payments were made during the year to department and account charged. any corporation, partnership, organization of any kind, or 2. For any services which are of a continuIng nature individual (other than for services as an employee or for give the date and tenD of contract and date of Commis- payments made for medical and related services) amounting sion authorization, if contract received Commission to more than $25 000, including payments for legislative approval. services except those which should be reported in Account 3. Designate with an asterisk associated companies. NAME & ADDRESS SERVICE ACCOUNT AMOUNT Securitas Security Services USA Inc Security 401 223,751, File 57220 Los Angeles Southern Cross Corporation Leak Survey 107 118 601, PO Box 2168 Norcross SPL Worldgroup Inc Software Consulting 107 221 576. File # 73730 San Francisco Staker Paving and Construction Construction 107 62,921. PO Box 27598 Sail Lake City Sterling Construction Company Construction 107 712 448, PO Box 1186 Slerling Stoel Rives LLP Legal 401 846, One Utah Center Salt Lake City Stuart & Company Appraisal Services 107 32,500. 182 South 600 East Ste 205 Salt Lake City Tempest Enterprises Construction 107 965 035. 4681 South 300 Wes1 Murray Utah Inspection LLC Line Inspection 107 44,770. PO Box 1225 Vemal Weatherbank Inc Forecasting 401 127, 5 Triad Center Ste 315 Salt Lake City Westem Pipe Coaters Pipe Coating 107 104.269. PO Box 157 Orem Whitaker Construction Company Inc Construction 107 266 843. PO Box 430 Brigham City White Glove Building Maintenance fnc Maintenance 184 150 189, 2567 Kentucky Avenue Sail Lake City 847,216. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 357b Next Page is 500 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ex An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) OUESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 COMPRESSOR STATIONS I. Report below particulars (details) concerning com-such stations are used. Relatively small field compressor pressor stations. Use the following subheadings: field stations may be grouped by production areas. Show the compressor stations, products extraction compressor number of stations grouped. Designate any station held stations, transmission compressor stations, distribution under a title other than full ownership. State in a foot- compressor stations, and other compressor stations.note the name of owner or co-owner, the nature of respon- 2. For column (a), indicate the oroduction areas where dent's title, and oercent of ownership, if jointly owned. Number Plant Cost Line Name of Station and Location Employees No. (a)(b)(c) Distribution Compressor Stations Utah Weber County J. W. Allen 180 183 Salt Lake County Lark Station 132 217 Sanpete County Indianola 794 825 Total Distribution 4 107 225 Production and Gathering Ace Compressor Plant 304 Birch Creek #1 288 443 Birch Creek #2 39.943 Total Production and Gathering 357.690 Total 4464915 * Records not available A - Fuel or power (d) and Gas for Compressor Fuel (t) is supplied by producers where it is used upstream of delivery point. B - Compressor was only run for testing purposes. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 508 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) ODESTAR GAS COMPANY (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31 2005 COMPRESSOR STATIONS (Continued) Designate any station that was not operated during the tion during the year and show in a footnote the size of each past year. State in a footnote whether the book cost of such unit, and the date each such unit was placed in operation. such station has been retired in the books of account, or 3. For column(d), include the type of fuel or power, if what disposition of the station and its book cost are other than natural gas. If two types of fuel or power are contemplated. Designate any compressor units in trans-used, show separate entries for natural gas and the other mission compressor stations installed and out into opera fuel or power. Expenses (Except depreciation and taxes)Operation Data Total No of Compressor Comprs.Date Fuel or Power Other Gas for Compressor Hours of Operated Line Fuel Dth Operation at Time Station No. During of Station Peak Year Peak (d)(e)(f) (g) (h) 662 09/15/05 522 729 02/11/05 134 814 042 199 565 12/15/05 135341 17,433 21285 4575 135341 17433 21 285 4575 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 509 Next Page is 512 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (I) rn An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY 1/2) FI A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2005 GAS STORAGE PROJECTS 1. Report particulars (details) for total gas storage projects.3. Give particulars (details) of any gas stored for the benefit 2. Total storage plant (column b) should agree with of another company under a gas exchange arrangement or amounts feported by the respondent in Acct's 350.1 to on basis of purchase and fesale to other company. Designate 364.8 inclusive (pages 206-207).with an asterisk if other company is an associated company. Item Total Line Amount No.(a)(b) Natural Gas Storage Plant Land and Land Rights Structures and Improvements Storage Wells and Holders Storage Lines Other Storage Equipment TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 2 Thru 6) Storage Expenses Operation Maintenance Rents TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 9 Thru II) Storage Operations (In Dth) Gas Delivered to Storage January 000 February 113 799 March 000 April 444 123 May 643 453 June 931 042 July 613 266 August 527,358 September 362 722 October 102 960 November 543 128 December 875 109 TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 15 Thru 26)207 960, Gas Withdrawn from Storage Januarv 967 000 FebIlJary 106 591 March 749 553 April 359 637 May 496 279 June 570 025 July 823 3.6 August 199 September 9,400 October 168 186 November 225 224 December 414 184 TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 29 Thru 40)165 101.00 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 512 This Report is: Date of Report(1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmissio GAS STORAGE PROJECTS (Continued) Item Name of Respondent QUESTAR GAS COMPANY Line No. Storage Operations (In Dth) Top or Working Gas End of Year Cushion Gas (Including Native Gas) Total Gas in Reservoir (Enter Total of Line 42 and Line 43) Certified Storage Capacity Number of Injection - Withdrawal Wells Number of Observation Wells Maximum Day s Withdrawl from Storage Date of Maximum Days' Withdrawal LNG Terminal Companies (In Mct) Number of Tanks Capacity of Tanks LNG Volumes a) Received at "Ship Rail" b) Transferred to Tanks c) Withdrawn from Tanks d) "Boil Off' Vaporization Loss e) Converted to Mcf at Tailgate of Terminal FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 513 Year of Report Dec. 31 2005 Total Amount 333 489 333 489 Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Year of Report Questar Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dee.31,2005(2)DA Resubmission Transmission Lines 1. Report below, by state, the total miles of transmission lines of each transmission system operated by respondent at end of year. 2. Report separately any lines held under a title other than full ownership. Designate such lines with an asterisk, in column (b) and in a footnote state the name of owner, or co-owner, nature of respondenrs title, and percent ownership if jointly owned. 3. Report separately any line that was not operated during the pas! year. Enter in a footnote the details and state whether the book cost of such a line, or any portion thereof, has been retired in the books of account, or what disposition of the line and its book costs are contemplated. 4. Report the number of miles of pipe to one decimal polnl Designation (Identificalion)Total Miles Line 01 LIne or Group of LInes of Pipe No.(a)(b)(c) PAGE NOT APPLICABI FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 514 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 518) Name of Respondent Questar Gas Company This ~ort Is: (1) KJAn Original(2) DA Resubmission Transmission System Peak Deliveries 1. Report below the total transmission system deliveries of gas (in Dth), excluding deliveries to storage, for the period of system peak deliveries indicated below, during the 12 months embracing the heating season overlapping the year's end for which this report is submitted. The season s peak normally will be reached before the due date of this report, April 30, which permits inclusion of the peak information required on this page. Add rows as necessary to report all data, Number additional rows 6,01 , 6., etc. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yf) Yeaf of Report Dec. 31, 2005 Line No. Description Dth of Gas Delivered to Interstate Pipelines (b)(d) Dth of Gas Delivered to Others (c) Total (b) + (c) SECTION A: SINGLE DAY PEAK DELIVERIES Volumes of Gas Transported No-Notice Transportation Other Firm Transportation Interruptible Transportation TOTAL Volumes of gas Withdrawn form Storage under Storage Contract No-Notice Storage Other Firm Storage Interruptible Storage TOTAL Other Operational Activities Gas Withdrawn from Storage for System Operations Reduction in Line Pack TOTAL SECTION B: CONSECUTIVE THREE-DAY PEAK DELIVERIES Volumes of Gas Transported No-Notice Transportation Other Firm Transportation Interruptible Transportation TOTAL Volumes of Gas Withdrawn from Storage under Storage Contract No-Notice Storage Other Firm Storage Interruptible Storage TOTAL Other Operational Activities Gas Withdrawn from Storage for System Operations Reduction in Line Pack TOTAL PAGE NOT APPLICABLE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 518 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report Questar Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission Dee.31,2005 Auxiliary Peaking Facilities 1. Report below auxiliary facilities of the respondent for meeting seasonal peak demands on the respondenfs system, such as underground storage projects, liquefied petroleum gas installations, gas liquefaction plants, oil gas sets, etc. 2. For column (c), for underground storage projects, report the delivery capacity on February 1 of the heating season overlapping the year-end for which this report is submitted. For other facilities, report the rated maximum daily delivery capacities. 3. For column (d), include or exclude (as appropriate) the cost of any plant used jointly with another facility on the basis of predominant use, unless the auxiliary peaking facility is a separate plant as contemplated by general instruction 12 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Maximum Daily Cost of Was Facility Location of Type of Delivery Capacity Facility Operated on Day Line Facility Facility of Facility (in dollars)of Highest No.Dlh Transmission Peak (a)(b)(c)(d)Delivery? PAGE NOT APPLI CABL E FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96\Paae 519 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report QUEST AR GAS COMPANY (I)~r An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission Dec. 3 I 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NATURAL GAS I, The purpose of this page is to account for the quan-pipeline transported Of sold through its local distribution tity of natural gas received and delivered by the respon-facilities, and which the reporting pipeline received through dent taking into considefation diffefences in pressure gathering facilities, distribution facilities or interstate bases used in measuring Mcf of natural gas received and facilities, but not through any of the intrastate portion of delivered,the reporting pipeline and, (3) the gathering line volumes 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed Of any which were not transported through any intefstate portion of mixture of natural and manufactured gas.the reporting pipeline, 3, Enter in column (c) the Mcfas reported in the sche-7. Also indicate by footnote (I) the system supply volumes dules indicated for the items of feceipts and deliveries,of gas which are stored by the reporting pipeline during the 4, In a footnote report the volumes of gas from respon-reporting year and also reported as sales, transportation dent's own production delivered to respondent's trans-and compression volumes by the feporting pipeline during the mission system and included in natural gas sale.same reporting year, (2) the system supply volumes of gas 5, If the respondent operates two or more systems which which are stored by the reporting pipeline during the report- are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this ing year and which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose, Use copies of pages 520 and 521,transport in future reporting year, and (3) contract storage 6. Also indicate by footnote the volumes of gas not volumes, subject to Commission regulation which did not incur 8. Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field FERC regulatory costs by showing (I) the local distribu-sales which are included in both the company s total sales tion volumes delivered to the local distribution-company figure and the company s total transportation figure (lines portion of the feporting pipeline by another jurisdic-42 and 46 of page 521). tional pipeline; (2) the volumes which the reporting NAME OF SYSTEM Line Item Ref.Amount ofDth No.Page No. (a)(b)(c) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)816 995 Gas of Others Received for Gathering (Account 489,303 Gas of Others Received for Transmission (Account 489.2)313 679 951 Gas of Others Received for Distribution (Account 489.3)301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storage (Account 489.4)307 8 Exchanged Gas Received ITom Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts of Respondent's Gas Transported by Others (Account 858)332 127 232 418 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storage (Explain) See Page 512 165 101 Gas Received from Shippers as Compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (Specify) Company Owned Production 198 760 Total Receipts (Total of lines 3 thIll 14)282 093 225 GAS DELIVERED Gas Sales (Accounts 480-484)104 587 375 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.1)303 Deliveries of Transported for Others (Account 489.313 204 752 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others (Account 489.3)301 Delivefies of Contract Storage Gas (Account 489,307 Exchanged Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 125 451 164 Other Gas Delivered to Storage (Explain) See Page 512 207 960 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 285 Other Deliveries (Specify) Total Deliveries (Total oflines 17 thru 27)277 472 536 GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR Production System Losses Gathering System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses 620 689 Storage System Losses Other Losses (Specify) Total Unaccounted For (Total of lines 30 thm 35)620 689 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total oflines 28 thru 36)282 093 225 FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 520 BLANK PAGE (Next page is 522) Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) An Original (2) D A Resubmission SYSTEM MAPS QUE STAR GAS CONWANY 1. Furnish 5 copies of a system map (one with each filed copy ofthis report) of the facilities operated by the respondent for the production, gathering, transpor- tation, and sale of natural gas. New maps need not be furnished if no important change has occurred in the facilities operated by the respondent since the date of the maps furnished with a previous year s annual report. , however, maps are not furnished for this reason reference should be made in the space below to the year annual report with which the maps were furnished. 2. Indicate the following infonnation on the maps: (a) Transmission lines. (b) Incremental facilities. ( c) Location of gathering areas. (d) Location of sones and rate areas. (e) Location of storage fields. (f) Location of natural gas fields. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2005 (g) Location of compressor stations. (h) Nonnal direction of gas flow (indicated by arrows). (I) Size of pipe. G) Location of products extraction plants, stabilization plants, purification plants, recycling areas, etc. (k) Principal communities receiving service through the respondent's pipeline. 3. In addition, show on each map: graphic scale of the map; date of the facts the map purports to show; a legend giving all symbols and abbreviations used; designations offacilities leased to or from another company, giving name of such other company. 4. Maps not larger than 24 inches square are de- sired. If necessary, however, submit larger maps to show essential infonnation. Fold the maps to a size not larger than this report. Bind the maps to the report. stem Ma Next Pa FERC FORM NO.(12-96)Page 522 (Next page is 551) SEE ORIGINAL REPORT FOR MAP TOO LARGE TO BE SCANNED Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year Ending An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Dee.31,2005QUESTAR GAS COMPANY 0 A Resubmlsslon FOOTNOTE REFERENCE Page LIne or Item'Column FootnoteNo.No.No. 7~'(a\(b) , (~\ PAGE NOT APP~CA. FERC FORM NO, 2 (12-96)Page ' 551 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year Ending kJ An Original-(Mo, Oa, Yr)Dee.31, 2005 QUESTAR GAS COMPANY 0 A Res~bmiSSjon FOOTNOTE TEXT Footnote Fooli1ote Text No.(b)' (a) PAGE NOT APPL ICABLE FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 552 INDEX Accrued and prepaid taxes ................................................................... .... 262-263Accumulated provision for depreciation of gasutilityplant................... :.....................,........................ 219utility plant (summary) ....................................................................200-201Advance to associated companies . .....................,.............................................. 222Associated companies advancesfrom " ......................... 256advancesto............................................................................222-223control over respondent................................. ......................................102corporationscontrolledbyrespondent............................................................103 investment in ...........................................................................222-223servicecontractscharges .....................................................................357Attestation.............................................." '............................ BalanceSheet comparative......................................................................110-113'Bonds .......................................................................................256-257Capital Stock .................................................................................250-251discount.............................................." ........................... 254expense..................."...............................................................254premiums .................................................................................252reacquired.................................................................................251subscribed.................................................................................252Cashflowsstatementof ........................................................................120-121Changes-important during the year ...................................................................108CompressorStatJons ........... ........"........................................................ 508-509Construction overhead procedures, general description of ......................................................218workinprogress-otherutilitydepartments ................................................... 200-.201Contracts, service charges ...........................................................................357Controlcorporationscontrolledbyrespondent..........................." ............................... 103over respondent ............................................................................102security holders and voting powers " ,........ 107 CPA Certification, this report form ....................... ;.............................." '" iCurrent and accrued . . liabilities miscellaneous ......................................................................268Deferred credits, other........................................... ....................................269debitsmiscellaneous ...................................... .................................. 233incometaxesaccumulated................................................................234-235incometaxesaccumulated-otherprop.erty .................................................... 274-275incometaxesaccumulated-other ...................... ,.................................... 276-277 regulatory expenses .....................................................................350-351Definitions,thisreportfonn............................................................................ Depletion amortization and depreciation of gas plant ...........,........................................ 336-338 and amortization of producing natural gas land and land rights. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 336-338Depreciation gas plant ..............................................................................336-338gas plant in service ..........................................................................219DiscountonCapitaIStock...... " '" ... .......... ............................ "'" ............... 254Dividendappropriations ................. ;...........,........................................... 118-119Earnings,retained.......,......................................................................118-119 Exchange and' imbalance transactions ..................................................................328 FERC FORM NO.(12-96)INDEX 1 INDEX (Continued) Expenses, gas operation and maintenance ..........................................................320-325Extraordinarypropertylosses .........................................................................230Filing Requirements, this report form ................... ................................................ I-iiiFootnoteData.................................................................................551-552Gas account-natural " ...:.....................~....................................... 520Gas exchanged natural .............,............................................................328,received ..................................................................................328stored underground ......................................................" .......... 220usedinutilityoperatJons, credit .................................................................331plantinservice .........................................................................204-209Gatheringrevenues.............................................................................302-303General description of construction overhead procedures .. .... "'" .... "'" '" ......... ....... .... 218Generalinfonnation .................................... ,........................................... 101Income deductions-details .................................................................256-259,340statementofforyear ....................................................................114-116Installmentsrecelvedoncapitalstock...................................................................252Interest on debt to associated companies ......................................................" ".... 340on long-term from investment, advances, etc. ................................................. 256-257Instructions for filing the FERC Form No. 2 ......................................................"" I-iiiInvestment inassociatedcompanies..................................."222-223other .................................................................................222-223subsidiary,companies ....................................................................224-225securitJesdisposedofduringyear...........................................................222-223temporary cash ...................................................... ................... 222-223Law, excerpts applicable to this report form ......................................................" '" List of ScheduJes, this report form ......................................... ~........................... legalproceedingsduringyear ........................................................................108long-termdebt................................................................................256-257assumedduringyear.........................................................................255retained during year .............................................................,...........255Managementandengineeringcontracts........................." ................ 357Map,system ......................................................................................522Miscellaneous general expense .......................................................................335Notes Payable, advances from associated companies " " "" ... .... "'" "" "'" ... 256-257tobalancesheet ............................................................................122to financial statement ........................................................................122tostatementofincomefortheyear .............................................................122Operating expenses-gas.............,..............................." .................,........ 317-325revenues-gas .............. ...................................................,....... 300-301Otherdonationsreceivedfromstockholders............................................................253gainsonresaleorcancellatlonofreacquiredcapitalstock............................................253miscellaneouspaid-incapital......................................... ~......................... 253othersuppliesexpense ...............,........................................................334paid-inc8pital ..............................................................................253reductioninparorstatedvalueofcapitalstock.....................................................253regulatory assets ............................................................................232regulatory liabilities ....,........ :..........................................;................. 278 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)INDEX 2 INDEX (Continued) Peak deliveries, transmission system Peaking facilities, auxiliary . . . . . . . . . Plant - gas construction work In progress .......................................,..........................216 held for future use ...................... :.................................................... 214 " . "" ... . .... ..... ... "" . ., .. . . '" .. . "" '" . .. " . . . . . 518 . . . . "" .......... . .... .. .., . . .. . ..., . . . ... . . ... ..... "'" . . . . 519 Jeasedfromothers .............,...................................................................212leasedtoothers.............................................................................213 Plant -Utility accumulatedprovisions(summary)..........................................................200-201leasedtoothersincomefrom ..., ....................... ...... " " "" ......... .... ...,. ... .. 213 Premium on capital stock .................................,....................................,.....252 Prepaid taxed .....................................................,...........................262-263 Prepayments .....................................................................................230Professionalservices,chargesfor ..,..................................................................357Propertylosses,extraordinary.. " '" ........... ...... ...... .... ... "" "" ..... "" ... 230Reacquired capital stock ...........................................................................250-251long-term debt........................................... ...............................256-257Receiverscertificate..................................................... ,...................... 256-257Reconciliation of reported net income. with taxable income from Federal income taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261Regulatorycommisslonexpenses..................................................................350-351Regulatorycommissionexpenses-deferred.... ........ " " ........ "'" ..... "" . 232Retained earnings appropriated ...........................................................................118-119 statement of ...........................................................................118-119 unappropriated .........................................................................118-119Revenues from storing gas of others .................................................................306-307 from transportation of gas through gathering facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 302-303from transportation of gas through transmission facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 304-305 gas operating ..............................................................................300 Salaries and wages, distribution of .................................................................354-355Sales........................................................................................300-301Securities disposed of during year..................................... ..............................222-223holders and voting powers.... ...... " '" ... .................. "" ........ ...,... .. 107investment in associated companies.............,.............. .............................222-223investrnent,others.......................................................................222-223 issued or assumed during year .................................................................255 refunded or retired during year .................................................................255registeredonanationalexchange...................................................250-251,256-257 Stock liability for conversion ...................................................................252Storage of natural gas, underground ...............................................................512-513revenues .............................................................................. 306-~07Taxes accrued and prepaid .....................................................................262-263 chargedduringtheyear ..................................................................262-263on income, deferred-accumulated ................................................. 222-223,234-235 reconcillationofnetincomefor .....................,...........................................261 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)INDEX 3 INDEX (Continued) Transmission and compression of gas by others ..............................................................332lines.......... ............................................................................ 514 revenues .......,...................................................................... 304-305 systempeakdeliveries ...................................................................,... 518Unamortized debt discount and expense .... ........................................................... 258-259 lossandgainonreacquireddebt ............................................................... 260premiumondebt......................................... ........,...................... 258-259 Underground storage of natural gas, expense, operating data, plant .....................................,..... 512- Unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs ............................................................230 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)INDEX 4