HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900817Order No. 23282.pdfefldU.$c Secruiary -('B{[the Datf- - AUG L7 1990 BEr.OBE IEE II}AHO PIIBLIC IIrIIJrIES COMTIIISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF TTIE APPIJCAIION ) OF MOI]I{TAIN FT'EL STIPFLY COMPAhTY ) TOR A CEBTIFICATE OF PTIBIJC ) CON\MNIEhICE AND NECESSMY ) CA'SE NO- MOU-C-90-1 oRDERNO. 23282 On June 8, 1990, Mountain Fuel Supply Company (Mountain Fuel; Company), a Utah corporation qualified to do business in the State of Idaho, filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate as a natural gas corporation and public utility in the State of Idaho, and authority to construct facilities required to provide natural gas service in southeastern Idaho. Reference I.C. $61-526 (1988). The principal office of Mountain Fuel is located at 180 East First South, P.O. Box 11368, Salt Lake City, Utah 84139. The Company is engaged in the business of distributing natural gas as a public utility in the states of Utah and Wyoming. The Company proposes to extend its natural gas distribution system from northern Utah into Franklin County in southeastern Idaho and the Franklin County cities of Franklin and Preston. The exact location of the lines or facilities depends upon the character and condition of the terrain and the acquisition of the required easements and rights of way. The Company has already obtained the pertinent franchise agreements for its irnmediate proposed service area. A review of the documentation provided reveals that Mountain Fuel has the internal financial resources to construct the proposed 11 mile extension of its distribution system from Richmond, Utah into Idaho at a cost of approximately -1-oRDER NO.23282 $1,546,230. It also has adequate natural gas reserves for the proposed service area with projections of approximately 1,000 general service customers. Estimated annual sales are 1.5 million therms with an estimated daily peak requirement of 13,000 therms. As evidenced by the filings of record, Mountain Fuel also appears able and willing to do the acts and perform the service proposed. As previously represented by the Commission in its letter to the FERC, construetion and extension of facilities into the proposed service area will enable Mountain Fuel to serve what is, to date, an unsatisfied market demand for natural gas sales and transportation service. As represented by Mountain Fuel, natural gas service is not now rendered in the proposed serr.ice area. We therefore find that operation of the proposed distribution system will not compete or interfere with any other person rendering natural gas service or with the operation of any other natural gas public utility. Mountain Fuel proposes to provide service to Idaho customers on the same basis and in accordance with the same policies and tariff provisions, rates, charges and service regulations adopted by the Utah Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the Company's similarly situated Utah customers. To accomplish this end, Mountain Fuel conditions its initial performance under the requested Idaho Certificate on the execution of a regulatory service contract between the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Utah Public Service Com-mission in accordance with Idaho Code $61-505. We find this condition to be reasonable and have already negotiated and sigued on this date a regulatory service contract with the Utah Public Service Commission. Attachment A. We specifically note that any termination of the Contract for Regulatory Services pursuant to its -2-ORDER NO. 23282 terms and/or applicable laws will not, in and statutory obligation of Mountain Fuel under its provide natural gas service in Idaho. of itself, affect the continuing Idaho Certificate to operate and This Commission has long recognized that the provision of utility service to small border communities by a willing out-of-state utility can be facilitated by entering into a regulatory service contract with the regulatory agency of the neighboring state in which the utility has greatnr presence. Such contracts reduce the regulatory costs to the utility and enhance the expansion of service across state boundaries. To that end we successfully presented to the Idaho Legislature enabling legislation in 1982 and. further refinements in 1990. See I.C. 61-505. We are pleased that these efforts and the willingness of Mountain Fuel Supply Company and the Utah Public Service Commission have made possible this opportunity to extend natural gas service into Franklin County. Its availability is a signilicant enhancement to southeastern Idaho's economy. The Idaho Commission by contract will permit the UPSC to perform the regulatory duties for the Idaho expansion-area served by Mountain Fuel. Affected Idaho residents will have full rights of participation in the hearings conducted by the UPSC, as well as the same rights that customers in Utah have to pursue service related issues. The full spectrum of consumer representation in Utah before the UPSC is performed by the Division of Public Utilities and the Committee of Consumer Services. All findings, decisions and orders of the UPSC will be accorded the presumption that they are both reasonable and correct. All remedies with Mountain Fuel and the UPSC must be exhausted before the Idaho Commission will entertain any review; and the Idaho Commission will only review in instances where discriminatory, preferential or otherwise unlawful treatment of Idaho customers by the UPSC is alleged. -3-oRDER NO. 23282 As intended by the Company, the regulatory service contract will allow Mountain Fuel to provide natural gas service in its Idaho expansion-area in accordance with the Company's existing. Utah tariffs for Utah expansion-areas. Mountain Fuel has three expansion-area rate classes: GS-S for all firm service, I-S for interruptible sales customers, and IT-S for interruptible transportation customers. Copies of the Company's existing Utah standard and expansion-area tariff rates are attached for review. Attachment B. The expansion-area rates are derived by increasing the distribution non-gas rate components and leaving the supplier non-gas costs and cortmodity gas rate components identical to standard rates charged in Mountain Fuel's other service areas. The expansion-area rates are proposed to be in effect for ten full calendar years from the commencement of service in southeastern Idaho. At the end of the ten year period, Idaho customers will be converted to then-current standard Utah tanff rates. Staff has reviewed the Mountain Fuel tariff provisions concerning connection charges, interest on past due bills, NSF check charges, meter test charges, interest on deposits, etc. Staff has also reviewed the UPSC customer service rules. Although finding the policies, practices and rules different than similar charges, conditions and rules approved for Idaho utilities, Staff represents them to be nevertheless reasonable. We concur with Staff. Staff expressed a specific concerR, however, regarding the inconsistencies in the winter moratorium policies of Idaho and Utah. Utah's policy (by statute rather than UPSC rule) requires LIHEAP qualification of eligible customers by the Utah Department of Social Services. Pursuant to negotiation and regulatory contract the Commission's Idaho moratorium policy, IDAPA 31.C.3.6, will apply to Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel. ORDER NO. 23282 -4- As proposed, the main extension policy for the Idaho expansion area will provide for a combined footage allowance of 200 feet of main and service line during the initial sign up period. A contribution in aid of construction will be required for excess footage. After the initial construction period extensions will be made according to the Company's standard Utah policy, which presently provides for an allowance of 100 feet of main and 45 feet of service line. The Commission by Notice and Order No. 23252 issued August 1, 1990 preliminarily found that the public interest regarding the requested Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity would not require a public hearing to consider the issues presented. The Commission further found it reasonable to process the Application under ModiEed Pnooedure, i.e., by written submission rather than by hearing. Reference Comrnission Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA 31.A.23. The Commission received no written protest or comments opposing the use of Modified Procedure. Reference IDAPA 31.A.23.3. We therefore find it reasonable to decide this matter and issue our order in Case No. MOU-G-90-1 on the basis of the filings of record. Reference IDAPA The Commission based on its review of the filings of record in Case No. MOU-G-90-1 makes the following lindings: . That Mountain Fuel has the ability and willingness to do the acts and perform the service proposed. That the proposed extension of natural gas distribution facilities and service into Franklin County will meet present and future public convenience and necessity. That the construction and extension of natural gas distribution facilities into Franklin County will enable Mountain Fuel to serve what is to date an unsatisfied market demand for natural gas sales and transportation service. ORDER NO. 23282 -5- That Mountain Fuel has the internal fruancial resources to construct the proposed extension of its distribution system and adequate natural gas reserves to serve the proposed service area. That it is impracticable or not in the public interest to conduct regulatory proceedings for affected Franklin County residents separate from the proceedings conducted by the UPSC for Mountain Fuel Supply Company's Utah customers. That it is reasonable to require as a condition of Certifrcate issuance that Mountain Fuel be permitted to satisfy utility reporting requirements in Idaho by filingits FERC Form 2 on a total system basis with an Idaho-specific section consisting of pages 300-301 (operating revenues) and 204-209 (gas plant in service). That it is reasonable to require that a toll-free number be provided for Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel toreach the Utah Public Service Commission, the Committee of Consumer Services, the Division of Public Utilities and Mountain Fuel. That it is reasonable to require that Idaho's moratoriumrules should apply to Idaho residential customers of Mountain Fuel. See IDAPA 31.C.3.6. That it is reasonable to require that Idaho eustomers of Mountain Fuel be provided with the full spectrum of consumer representation in Utah including the Divisionof Public Utilities and the Corrmittee of Consumer Services. In consideration of the foregoing the Commission finds it reasonable to issue a Certifrcate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Mountain Fuel Supply Company, its successors and assigns, to hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a general natural gas transmission and distribution system in the southeast Idaho County of Franklin and the Franklin County cities of Franklin and Preston, for the supplying of natural gas to the municipalities and rural areas situated therein and to the inhabitants thereof; and for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said certificated area all plant necessary for the maintenance of a ORDER NO. 23282 -6- natural gas transmission and distribution system, and to exercise all rights and privileges granted, or which may hereafter be granted Mountain Fuel Supply Company, its successors and assigns by franchises or otherwise by the said county and municipalities or any of them or by the State of Idaho or by any political subdivision of the State of Idaho. ORDER In consideration of the foregoing, and as more particularly described above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Application of Mountain Fuel Supply Company in Case No. MOU-G-90-1 for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate as a natural gas corporation and public utility in the State of ldaho, and authonty to construct facilities required to provide natural gas service in Franklin, County, Idaho, and the Franklin County cities of Franklin and Preston be granted. Reference Certificate No. 315. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (2L) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. \{ithin seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code $61-626. ORDER NO. 23282 -7- ////t t//t/ ililt t///t il//t /t/t/ DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this ,zZ Z/- day of August 1990. SW:vld/O-1107 -8- , COMMISSIONER -./4 '_LZ-y*A J. WALT'ERS, SECRETARY ORDER NO. 23282 oRDER NO. 23282 Attachment A CONTRACT FOR REGUI,ATORY SERVICES COI{TRACT FOR REGUI.ATORY SER\rICES This contract is entered into by and between the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (hereinafter IPUC), whose principal office is located at 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho, telephone (208) 334-0300, and the UTAH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (hereinafter UPSC), whose principal offrce is located at 160 East 300 South, Post Office Box 45585, Salt Lake City, Utah 84145, telephone (801)530- 67 L6. WHEREAS, IPUC has the power and authority pursuant to ldaho Code $61-505 to contract with the regulatory agencies of neighboring states to hold hearings and set rates for customers in Idaho located in or near border communities served by utilities principally located in the neighboring state, and, WHEREAS, Mountain Fuel Supply Company, whose principal office is located at 180 East First South, P.O. Box 11368, Salt Lake City, Utah 84139, has received local franchises to provide natural gas service within the cities of Preston and Franklin and the County of Franklin, Idaho, and WHEREAS, Mountain Fuel Supply Company is a public utility regulated by UPSC and does not now serve any areas in Idaho and does not plan to serve any areas in Idaho outside Franklin County, and, WHEREAS, IPUC has found that the provision of utility service to locations in Franklin County by Mountain Fuel Supply Company is in the public interest and has issued Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 315 to Mountain Fuel Supply Company, and, WHEREAS, IPUC has found that it is impractical or not in the public interest to conduct regulatory proceedings for affected Idaho residents CONTRACT FOR REGULATORY SERVICES -1- separate from the proceedings conducted by UPSC for Mountain Fuel Supply Company's lJtah ratepayers. WITNESSETH: The IPUC and UPSC hereby contract and agree that the rates, charges and service regulations adopted by UPSC for Mountain Fuel Supply Company in Utah shall be applied to similarly situated customers served by Mountain Fuel Supply Company in Idaho and that the findings, decisions and orders of the UPSC are presumptively correct and will take effect according to the terms of the order of the UPSC, with review as provided by ldaho Code $61-505(4). Idaho residents who receive utility service from Mountain Fuel Supply Company will be accorded full rights of representation and participation in the hearings conducted by UPSC concerning Mountain Fuel Supply Company as well as the same rights that Utah customers have to pursue service-related issues. The rates, charges and service regulations for Idaho customers will not be less favorable than those of similarly situated Utah customers. It is further agreed that Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel Supply Company will be subject to Rule 3.6 of the IPUC Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gas, Electric and Water Utilities, IDAPA 31.C.3.6, for purposes of disconnection of service during the winter months. UPSC agrees to include the revenue, investment and expenses of Mountain Fuel Supply Company's Idaho service territory in its calculation of rates and charges for Mountain Fuel Supply Company. UPSC agrees to place the IPUC on its service lists for any cases involving Mountain Fuel Supply Company so that IPUC may receive all orders, notices, etc. that are issued in cases that involve Mountain Fuel Supply Company. CONTRACT FOR REGULATORY SERYICES -2- IPUC agrees to pay to the UPSC 75 percent of the regulatory fee collected from Mountain Fuel Supply Company pursuant to Idaho Code Title 61 Chapter 10, for regulatory services of the UPSC that will benefit Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel Supply Company. UPSC agrees to provide toll-free telephone access for Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel Supply Company to contact the UPSC. IPUC may review this contract or rates applied to Idaho residents pursuant to this contract upon petition of Idaho customers of Mountain Fuel Supply Company uporr the conditions provided by ldaho Cod.e $61-505(4), namely: a showing that all remedies with the UPSC have been exhausted, that all remedies with Mountain Fuel Supply Company have been exhausted and that Idaho customers have been discriminatorily, preferentially or otherwise unlawfully treated by the UPSC. This contract may be discontinued pursuant to applicable laws. It is the intent of IPUC and UPSC that this contract have an initial term of ten (10) full calendar years from the commencement of service and be renewed automatically for an additional ten (10) year term unless either party shall object prior to the expiration of the first ten year period. CONTRACT FOR REGULATORY SERVICES -3- ililt ilil1 ililt t/ilt /ilil ililt DATED tlrris ./Z K day of August 1990. Utah Public Service Commission By MS:nh/1M-42 COI.ITRACT FOR REGULATORY SERVICES Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission -4- oRDER NO. 23282 Attachment B UTAH STAI.IDARD AI.ID E)(PAhISION-AREA TARIFF RATES FOR MOUI.{TAIN STATES FUEL SUPPLY COMPA},IY llountain Gu*n,N TuBL suPPLY .,MPANYFuel,UTAH NATURAL GAS TARIFF IHI"";"."%SheetNo.SUPERSEDING 105 A OUESIAR COIANI 24th Revised Sheet No.-1Q5_ -_ 1.05 FIRIi! SERTITCE RATES Ualts of Ueazurenent th = thern = 1001000 Bturs Dth = tlecathern = 10 therns = 11000,000 Bturs DISIRIBUIION SI'PPLIER Notr-GAs cosT NoN-cds cosT WINTER Usase froa COMI{ODITY cosT RATE SCHEDULE GS-1 SHEET #205 TOTAL RATE October 1 tbrouqh Aprl1 30 ss.00 s0.161153/tb + s0.086782/tb + s0.187940/th = $0.{35875/th S0.063492/th + S0.086782/lh + S0.1879{o/tb = S0.338214/th SUI.IUER lrsase frou l{ay 1 tbrouqh Septenber 30 s s.00 s0.142083/tb + s0.0468?6/th + s0.187940/th = s0.375899/ttr S0.053208/th + S0.046876/lb + S0.187940/th = S0.288024/tb Customer Charge/nontb Flrst 450 th/nonth All Over 450 th/nonth Custouer Charge/nonth Flrst 450 th,/nonth A1l Over 450 thlnonth r-1 SHEEf, *20s llll[TER Usase fron October 1 tbrouqh Aprll 30 Custoner chargte based on neter slze.* Flrst 175 Dth/uonth S0.57440/Dth + S0.85322lDth + S1.879{0/Dth = 53.30?02lDth tdext 700 Dth/nonth $0.40180/Dth + S0.85322/Dth + S1.879{0/Dth = S3.13{42lDtb All Over 875 Dth/nonth S0.36666/Dttt + S0.85322/Dth + 51.87940/Dtb = $3.09928/Dtb lllnlnun liouttrly Dlstrlbutlon Noa-Gas Charge: S101.00 SUUUER Usase fron !{ay 1 throtrqh Septeuber 30 Custouer charge based on ueter slze.* Flrst 175 Dth/nontb Next 700 Dth/nontb AII Over 875 Dtb/nonth S0.47797lDth + 50.46872/Dth + S1.87940/Dtb = S2.82609/Dth $0.37732lDth + 5O.46872/Dtb + S1.87940/Dtb = $2.72514/Dlh S0.35666/Dth + S0.{6872lDth + S1.879{0/Dth = 52.71478/Dtb Mlnluuu Mouthly Dlstrlbutlou Noa-Gas Charge: 584.00 r-3 SI{EET #20s Anuual Custoner Cbargel Annual Deuand Ctarge: Comodlty Charge/l{onth : 5227.24, payable ln equal uoothly lnstallnents of $18.9t1luo. 57.48 + 575.47 = S82.95r'Dth or fractlon tbereof of ua:rlurut dally lnput ratlng payable ta egual notbly lnstalInents. $0.89033/Dth + s0.52268/Dtb + $1.879402Dtb = s3.2924rlDth F-4 SIIEET *20s Custoner charge based on neter slze.* Ftrst 875 Dtb/Eoutb S0.38749/bth + S0.56101/Dth + 51.87940/Dtb = $2.92790/Dtb All Over 875 Dtb/Eortb 5O.32O26/Dth + $0.661012'Dth + S1.87940r'Dtb = $2.85067/Dth Mlnluul Yearly Dlstrlbutloo Non-C'as Cbarge: S39r10O * UETER-BASED CUSTOIIER CHARGES (Does not apply as a credlt to nlaluun.) ll'eter Categor' I II III ry Anuual Charge $ 50.00 s {90.00 s 1r49r.oo sl 1,927.00 llmtbly Dquivaleuts s.00 s {0.83 s12{.25 s993.92 All sales are $rbject to the atldltlonal local charges and state sales tax stated ta S 1.15. Case No.qo-n67-o2 Issued by D. N. Rose President Order Date Advice No. February 1, 1990 90-o1 Effective Fet:ruarv 'l - lgg0 n':"y,.i.frM4OUNTAIN FUEL SUPPLY COMPANY UTAH NATURAL GAS TARIFF lH*:;3"1 SheetNo.-- SUPERSEDING23rd Revised Sheet No. _ llo LIO 1. 10 INTRRUPTIBLE SERVICE RATES Unlts of Measrrrenent Dth = ilecatheru = 10 therns = 110001000 Bturs RATE SCHEDWE I-1 SHEET #210 DISTRIBIITION NON.GAS CGT SUPPLIER COI.IMODIIY NON-GAS COST COST TOfAL RATE S1.87940zDth = 52.79127/Dth 11000 Dth/day contracted for) AIl Usage/nonth S0.295f1/bth + S0.51676/Dth + Mlnlmun Yearly Dtst. Non-Gas Charge: $85r200 (per _IINTR Usage fron October 1 throuqh Aprll 30r-2 SHEET #2 10 Custoner charge based on neter stze.* Flrst 875 Dth/uonth All Over 875 Dth/nonth s0.294s7lDth s0.26553/Dth suutrER + S0.7143l/Dth + $1.97940/Dth = $2.88828/Dth + S0.71431/Dtb + S1.87940/Dth = S2.85924/Dth Usage fron l{ay I throuqh Septenber 30 Custoner charge based on neter stze.* Flrst 875 Dtb,/nonth All Over 875 Dth/nonth 5o.294s7/Dlh + S0.46872/Dth + S1.87940/Dtb = 52.64269/Dth s0.25553/Dth + S0.46872l'Dtb + S1.87940/Dtb = 52.61365/Dtb Mlnlnun Yearly Dlst. Noa-Gas Charge: Greater of 52r1O0 or nlnluun load factor charge. r-3 SHEET *210 Custoner charge based on neter slze.* Flrst 13,125 Dtb/uonth S0.25083/Dth + S0.63541/Dth + 51.879d0/Dth = $2.76564/DrhAll Over 13r125 Dth/noath S0.23566/Dtb + S0.53541/Dtb + 51.87940/Dth = 52.75Ol?lDLh Mlnimun Yearly D1st. Nou-Gas Charge: Greater of 53619@ or nlnluun loadl factor cha:ge. r-4 SI{E8T #211 Custoner cbarge based on ueter slze.* Flrst 48,125 Dth/nonth S0.24348/Dth + 50.62?00/Dtb + S1.87940r'Dth = 52.74988/Dth Next 74,375 Dth./nonth S0.23173/Dth + S0.62700/Dth + S1.87940/'Dth = S2.738f3/Dth AII Over 122,50O Dth/nonth S0.20456/Dth + S0.62700/Dth + $1.87940rDth = 52.71096/Dth l{lnluun Yearly Dlst. Non-Cras Orarge: Greater of 5691400 or nlnlnun load factor charge. T-1 S}IEET *2tr All Usage/uonth 52.rs501/Dtb + S0.61065/Dth + S1.87940r'Dth = S4.64505/Dth E-1 SHEET *211 All Usage/uonth $1.03388/Dth + S5.44519/Dth + S1.87940/Dtb = $8.35947/Dth * UEIER-BASD CLSTOIIER CHAR@S (Does not apply as a credlt to nlninum.) Meter Category I II III ry Annual Charge s 60.00 s 490.00 s lr491.oo s11r927.00 Monthly Equlvalents 5.00 s 40.83 s124.2s s993.92 Ulnlnun yearly cbarges for lnternrptlble rate schedules are prorateil to tbe portlon of the year gas senrlce ls avallablei see S 4.40. Penalty for fallure to lnternrpt vben reguested by tbe Co4rany: SI5.00/Dth; see S 3.15(d). Adjustoents to ninlnuu load factor charge are set forth ln S 3.15(f). A11 sales are also zubJect to the adtlltlonal local charges and state sales tar< stated ln S 1.15. Case No. -- qo-o57-o' Order Date Februarv 1, 1990 Issued by" D. N. Rose Presiden tAdvice No. 90-01 Effective February 1, I9qO n':l^"ff iM?'#h'xr**trr*",:irf r*lC.u. frlo. zoo -249--nevised Sheet No. 111 SUPERSEDINGlst Revised Sheet No. 111 1.11 INTERRUPTTBLA INDUSTRIAI TRANSPORTATION SER\ITCE RAITES Unit of lleasurement Dth = decather:n = 10 therurs = 11000,000 Btu's RATE SCHEDI'LE IT-4 SIIEET *2L2 per month per nonth per nonth rOTAL RATE s0.2e3 48lDth $0.28173/Dth $0.25456/Dth All Vohnes Redelivered per DthFirst 48,125 Dth Next 741375 Dth All Over 1221500 Dth P1us:1. Custoner charge based 2. Fuel reinbursenent of see S 1.30(d) . on meter size r 2t applies to all volumes transported; Minimum Yearly Charge: The greater of S831600 or nininum loadfactor charge. rT-2 SIIEET *2L2 All Volrsres Redelivered Per Dth First 875 Dth per uonth All Over 875 Dth per uonth Plus:1. Custorner charge based on meter sizer2. Administrative charEel see S 4.43: Annual SE]6ET.oo (Does not apply as credit to nininum.)3. FueI reiarbursement of 2t applies to all see 5 1.30(d) . s0.3 4457lDth s0.315s3/Dth l{onth}y Equivalent s655.57 volumes transported; I.lininun yearly charge: 'the greater of $111800 or mininum load factor charge. i I.TETER-BASED CUSIOI,TER C}IARGES (DOES NOt I{eter Category I II III IV apply ae a credit to rnininun.) Annual Charge ltonthly Equivalent s 60.00I 490.00 s 1,491.00 s11 r927.00 s 5.00 s 40.83 S12t1.25 9993.92 l,tinimrm yearly charges for internrptlble lnduatrl.al transportation rate schedules are prorated to t}te portion of the year selivice is available, Bee S 4.40. Penalty for failure to lnternrpt vhen requested by the Copany: S15.00 per Dthl see S 3.15(d). Adjustnents to uinLmum load factor charge areset forth in S 3.15(f). All lnternrptible lndustrl.al tranaportation ge:rrice is also subject to applicable local charges. Case No.85-057-07 Order p61s December 22, 1988 lssued b1' D. N. Rose PresidentAdvice No. FR-oR Effective December 29, 1988 *:ffiA o P.S.C.U. No.2OO MOLJNTAIN Ft EL SUppLy COMpAI{y 'r st Revised Sheet No. r1r - s UTAH NATURAL GAS TARITT SUPERSEDING Original Sheet No.Ilt q 1.11 TNTERRUPTTBI.E TNDUSTRIAL TR,A}ISPORTATTON SERVTCE RAIES - CONTTNI'ED CEIWRAL AlfD SOTIItsIIESTERN IITAfl Unit of t{easureDent Dth - decatherur - 10 ther:us - 110001000 Btutg R.ATE SCIIEDI'I.E IIOTAL RAI'E fT-S All Vohnes Redelivered per Dth SHEET First*212 All Over 875 Dth 1nr nonth $2.46730/Dth 875 Dth per uonth $0.31553/Dth Plus: 1. Custdrer chatge per nonth: 2. Adninistratirrc charger see S 4.432 AnnuaI sL24.25 l,tonthly Equivalent s8r000.00 9566.67(Does not apply as credit to nlnluun.) 3. Euel reLnbursenent of 2t appllce to all volunes transported; see S 1.30(d) . Mininr:n Yearly Charge: The greater of $341100 or uiniaru load factor charge. t{ininru yearly charges for lnternrptlble Lndugtrial transportatl,on rate achedules are prorated to the portlon of the year renrl.ce Lc avallrblel see s 4.{0. Penalty for failure to internrpt rhen requeetcd by the Cmlnny: 915.00 per Dthi see S 3.15(d). AdJustuenta to uinlnun load factor charge ere let forthln S 3.15(f) . All lnterruptible ,.ndustrl.a1 transportation seryl,ce le algo subJect to appltcable local. charges. Case No.eA-nq?-n7 Ireucd by Order Date Decernber 22, 1988 D. N. ROSeAdvice No. 88-08 Prcsidr:nt Effective December 29, 1988 O,,*,xIffili"H:",:RHI* ffijfl+% Sheet,,6, r 2 6th Revised Sheet No. 112 I.12 SEX$TC8 RATEE! . CETIRAL NID SOI'TENESIENT INAE lhlts of tleasureueot tb = ther:l = l00r000 Bturs Dth = de@theru = 10 tberts = 1r0fi)r000 Bturs RITE SCHEDI'I,E DISTRIBUTION ST'PPIIER NO{-GAS C6T NoDr-(tS COST coHltoDlTr CG.t TOTAL RITE fi}*TER 1- Ugage frol October I throrsh lDrll 30 GSS SEEET s205 tllnlmrn B11I per uoat! All Usage per loath s7.s0 s0.322306/tb + s0.086782/th + 99.19?9r0lth = $0.59?028/th SUUUER -- Usage fro Uay 1 tbrotrgt Septerber 30 lllnllt,tl B1l1 per uouth All Usage per nontb 97.s0 s0.322306/th + s0.016876/th + s0.l879lo/th = s0.55?122lth llIltrER Usaqe fror Oct&er 1 tbrouEt lprll 30 IS SHEET *211 Grstcer Cbarge per ronth Sf2a.25 Plrst 875 Dtb/rontb S2.11730/Dtb + S0.71a31/Dtb + S1.879a0/'Dth = $5.0U01/DtbAll Over 875 Dth/ronth S0.26553/Dtb + S0.71t31/Dti + $1.879{0/Dtb = $2.85924/Dth $IIlllER UsaEe fror ltay 1 throuqt Septerber 30 Custoer Cbarge per nonth S121.25 Flrst 875 Dth/roath $2.{1730/Dtb + S0.{6872/'Dth + S1.879a0/Dtb - Sl.765l2rDth All Over 875 Dtb/rontb S0.26553/Dtb + S0.46872/Dtb + S1.87910/Dtb = S2.51355zDtb iltnlmn Yearly Dist. Non-Crs Charge: Greater of $161900 or llnlu load factor charge. Ulnlmu yearly cbarges for tatermDtlDle rate scbedules are prorated to the portloa of the year gas serrle ls avallaDlei see S {.{0. hoalty for fallure to lnternrpt rt€D rcgucated by t'he Cqasyr S15.00rDtb; see S 3.15(d). Adjustreats to llalnr load factor cbargc are set fortb ln S 3.15(f). All sales are also subject to the addtttonal local charges aarl statc gales tsr stated 1a S 1.15. Case No. 9O-o57-o2 Issued by Order pu1. February 1, 199O D. N. ROSe Advice No. 9o-o'l president Effective Februarv I , 1990 Cere No. tOrdcr Detc Advicc No. Anril 5. 1Ea7 Irrucd by D. N. Rorc hrilcntDLtribtin Divid.n MOUNTAIN FUEL SUPPLY CIOMPAhIY Utrh Neturd Gtc Terirl Pso.to2rx)l6th Bcvtrcd sbect No. I I s SUPENSEDINGl5th Bcvlrcd Shcct No. I I5 I .15.LOCAL CHARGES AND STATE SALES TAX A. Local Charges--Some municipalities hevc lmpo;ed franchise, license, orr;EIiiy-rcvcnue taxes on natural grB ceivicc. Each Mountain Fuel customer within the corporetc limits of theec municipalitics is billed monthly I reprrately itcmizcd locel chugc derlvcd by rpplying the appUcablc percentege to thc curtomcrrs btll for gas rcrvice. The Company collccts thcge locat chtrges otr neturrl gas rcrvice for cach municipality through ite billing proccrr. Locel chergcs collccted fromnaturel grE urcrs lrc peid to cech uuniclpdlty ?ith thc filing ofperlodic rcvcnue rcporta by thc Compeny. B. State Sales Tax--Each Mountdn FucI custqner rccclving nehrral gasccrvicc undcr this teriff . ta billcd alonthly r rcprrrtcly ltcmized Utahctatc eetcs tex derivcd by rpplying the rpplictble pcrcentrge to the customerrs gas bill for gas serwicc plus eny local chrrgcs. State salesta:<cs collected from natural gas uscrs are paid to the Statc of Utahwith the filing of a periodic rcvcnue rcport by thc Company. B7-O'E0cctivc Arrril q 1On?