HomeMy WebLinkAbout970606.docxDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSIONER NELSON COMMISSIONER SMITH MYRNA WALTERS TONYA CLARK DON HOWELL STEPHANIE MILLER DAVE SCHUNKE MADONNA FAUNCE DAVID SCOTT WORKING FILE FROM:SCOTT WOODBURY DATE:JUNE 6, 1997 RE:CASE NO. INT-G-97-3 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS PRICES ON JULY 1, 1997. On May 30, 1997, Intermountain Gas Company (IGC; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for authority to place into effect new rate schedules that would result in an overall increase of approximately $2.2 million in its annualized revenues.  The increase reflects a change in the Company’s cost of gas and the elimination and/or imposition of a number of temporary gas and transportation cost adjustments, surcharges and credits.  The Company in its filing also proposes to balance out its Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA), Account 186.  The PGA Account is a deferral mechanism for over- and under-collections and for realized savings on spot market gas purchases. The proposed adjustments reflected in the Application include changes in costs billed IGC by Northwest Pipeline Corporation (NWP) and other transportation companies, the elimination of temporary credits (INT-G-96-3), a decrease in the Company’s weighted average cost of gas (WACOG), the benefits generated from the Company’s segmentation of its firm capacity rights on NWP’s system, capacity costs discounts, fixed costs collected and the inclusion of temporary sur­charges and credits relating to gas and transportation related costs from the Company’s deferred gas cost account (PGA Account 186). The Application proposes implementation of the following permanent and temporary changes, adjustments, surcharges and credits to IGC’s tariff rates for natural gas service, sales and transportation: Permanent Adjustments: ●INT-G-96-3 Elimination of Temporary Surcharges/Credits$4,783,075 ●Change in NWP rates/charges $119,388 ●Capacity costs discounts($3,033,378) ●Commodity charges($5,405,452) ●Pacific Gas Transmission, Alberta Natural Gas & Nova Gas$7,373,539 ●Fixed Cost Collection($1,746,196) Temporary Surcharges or Credits Deferred Gas Costs (IGC PGA Acct 186) ●Special Contract Shared Margin($  222,532) ●Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment($2,904,228) ●Uncollected Gas Costs $5,747,429 ●Transportation Segmentation($2,720,219) ●Fixed Gas Cost Misc $   180,394 As computed by the Company, the total requested increase in revenue on an annual basis is $2,174,581 or 1.96%.  The net increase in sales gas revenues is $647,161 or 0.64%.  The  increase in T-1 transportation service revenues is $1,544,975 or 16.04%.  The net decrease in T-2 transportation service revenues is ($17,555) or -2.14%.  The increase in ammonia transportation service revenue is $3,361 or 0.41%.  The annualized change in rates by class of service per Company calculation is as follows:   Gas Sales Revenue Avg Increase (Decrease)    ¢/Therm Avg Increase (Decrease)   % Change Proposed Avg Price $/Therm RS-1 Residential ($480,301) (1.373¢) (2.21%) $0.60810 RS-2 Residential $ 1,582,842 1.798¢ 3.75% $0.49802 GS-1 Genl Svc ($455,380) (0.571¢) (1.24%) $0.45394 LV-1 Large Vol. *      * T-1 tariff price plus the Weighted Average Cost of Gas (WACOG), $0.14869                     (Compare WACOG INT-G-96-3:  $0.17546) WACOG = total commodity cost of gas ÷ total purchase therms Transportation Revenue Avg Increase (Decrease) ¢/Therm Avg Increase (Decrease) % Change Proposed Avg Price $/Therm T-1 Transp. $ 1,544,975 1.204¢ 16.04% $0.08710 T-2 Transp. ($17,555) (0.075¢) (2.14%) $0.03423 With the exception of the Industrial Class, IGC proposes to allocate the decrease to each of its customer classes in accordance with its Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment tariff and approved cost-of-service methodology.  (Ref. Case Nos. INT-G-95-1, INT-G-88-2, U-1034-137).  Because there are no fixed costs currently recovered in the tailblock of IGC’s T-1 tariff  and because the proposed decrease in the T-1 tariff is related to fixed costs (except for TF-1 commodity charge), a cents-per-therm decrease is made only to the first two blocks of the T-1 tariff.  All three blocks of IGC’s proposed T-1 tariff have been adjusted to include NWP’s firm transportation TF-1 commodity charge.  The proposed decrease in the T-2 tariff (except for TF-1 commodity charge) is fixed cost related and, therefore, a cents per therm decrease was made only to the T-2 demand charge.  The commodity charge component of the T-2 tariff was adjusted to include NWP’s firm transportation TF-1 commodity charge. IGC contends that the overall change in prices requested will not affect its earnings and is fair, just and equitable.  IGC further contends that the public interest does not require suspension of the Application or further investigation into its reasonableness by hearing.  The Company requests that the matter be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submission rather than by hearing.  The Company requests an effective implementation date of July 1, 1997. Commission Decision The Company requests Modified Procedure and a July 1, 1997, effective date.  The next and last scheduled decision meeting in June is Monday, June 23.  This PGA adjustment is a decrease for some customers and an increase for others.  Should the Commission desire to accommodate the Company, Staff recommends shortening the standard Modified Procedure comment period from 21 days to 14 days and scheduling a special decision meeting for June 27.  Apart from reviewing the Company’s Application, Staff has not audited or initiated its analysis of the Company’s filing.  Is Modified Procedure appropriate?  Should the standard comment period for Modified Procedure be shortened?  Should a special decision meeting be scheduled?                                                               Scott Woodbury cm\intg973.sw2