HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230726Comments of the Commission Staff.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO.9917 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BVLD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN )GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR )CASE NO.INT-G-23-03 AUTHORITY TO UPDATE THE ) RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS )COMMENTS OF THE FACILITATION PLAN )COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF (STAFF)OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attorneyof record,Dayn Hardie,Deputy Attorney General,submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On June 9,2023,Intermountain Gas Company ("Company")applied for authority to modify its Renewable Natural Gas ("RNG")Facilitation Plan in three ways:(1)a new maintenance fee applicable to RNG producers that need facilities to export natural gas to an interstate pipeline;(2)develop a method for calculating the monthly access fee;and (3)clarify that the InterruptibleDistribution Transportation Service ("Schedule T-3")tariff rate will apply to the transport of RNG using the Company's distribution system to any interconnection point with Northwest Pipeline.The Company's Application includes several supporting exhibits and requests an effective date of July 1,2023.The Commission,in Order No.35830,suspended the STAFF COMMENTS 1 JULY 26,2023 Company's proposed effective date until September 1,2023,unless the Commission issues an earlier order. In Case No.INT-G-20-03 Order No.34693,the Commission granted the Company authorityto facilitate access to RNG producers.The Company proposed an RNG Facilitation Plan to guide access by RNG producers which includes monthly fees for access to the Company's distribution system consisting of a monthlyMaintenance Fee and monthlyAccess Fee.The Company anticipated the Maintenance Fee would be updated annuallyto ensure RNG producers cover expenses necessary to operate and maintain required facilities and the Access Fee is intended to provide a return to the Company as non-utility revenue. Since approval and implementation,the Company has received requests from RNG producers to access interstate markets utilizingNorthwest Pipeline.In addition to the Maintenance and Access Fees described above,the Company is proposing a new monthly$5,400 Export Facility Maintenance Fee ("EFMF")that would apply only to RNG producers in areas along the Company's distribution system where the load is insufficient to absorb the RNG without construction of additional export facilities to transport the RNG. In totality,the Company is proposing Maintenance,Access,EFMF,and extraordinary startup and O&M Fees for RNG producers wishing to access interstate markets.The various fees-aside from the Access Fee-would ensure the Company's customers are not subsidizing RNG producers'who access interstate markets through the Northwest Pipeline. The EFMF,as proposed by the Company,would be updated annuallyand applied over the same 12-month period as the Maintenance Fee.The Company would update the EFMF by comparing actual compressor station expenses with revenues generated by the monthlyEFMF. Like the Maintenance Fee adjustment,the EFMF adjustment would be added or subtracted to RNG producers'monthlybills dependingon the prior years'expenses and revenues. The Company's Facilitation Plan does not currentlyallow the Company to charge RNG producers for transportation to the interconnection point using a tariffed rate.Therefore,the Company proposes updating Schedule T-3 so that the monthlyrate applies to RNG producers. The Company would treat the revenue collected under Schedule T-3 from RNG producers as an offsettingrevenue credit for its next general rate case. STAFF COMMENTS 2 JULY 26,2023 To insulate utility customers,the Company proposes to include the capital costs associated with RNG production projects in rate base,but offset those costs with Contribution in Aid of Construction ("CIAC")payments made by the RNG producers. In Case No.INT-G-20-03,1 Order No.34693,the Commission granted the Company a limited waiver allowingthe Company to gross up CIAC payments to cover additional taxable income generated from CIAC payments.Under this waiver,the Company is allowed to gross "[grosses]up the RNG projects to account for the additional income tax the CIAC revenue from RNG projects."Application at 12."The income tax gross up is booked as utility revenue to offset the additional income taxes."Id.The Company proposes this waiver be extended to export facilities necessary for injection of RNG to Northwest Pipeline. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff's major objective for its review of the Application was to protect the Company's retail customers and ensure RNG producers cover the cost to transport RNG.Staff believes the Company's proposed modifications to the RNG Facilitation Plan are reasonable because the modifications would protect the Company's core retail customers from liability by ensuring all costs related to the RNG production and transportation are paid for by the RNG producer.This conclusion is based on Staff's review of the Application,responses to Production Requests,and research of potential issues with the Company's proposal. Export Facility Maintenance Fee Staff reviewed the costs used to determine the EFMF and believes the costs included are appropriate and cover the costs created by RNG producers.The EFMF is designed to cover the costs to maintain and operate compressor stations required to inject RNG into Northwest Pipeline.The fee is applicable to all RNG producers requiring a compressor station to export gas to Northwest Pipeline.The EFMF includes costs for required overhaul and maintenance expense,operating labor expense,and emissions testing expense. The Company proposes to update the EFMF annuallyto recover actual cost from the previous 12-months consistent with the update process used for the existing Maintenance Fee. I The Company's Application mistakenly cites Case No.INT-G-23-03 but correctly cites Order No.34693. STAFF COMMENTS 3 JULY 26,2023 Staff believes the proposed annual update is reasonable because it will ensure RNG producers continue to cover their costs. Access Fee Methodology The intent of the Access Fee is to provide the Company a return for providing RNG producers access to the Company's distribution system.In Case No.INT-G-20-03,this Access Fee component was established as a monthlyfee for RNG producers but did not clearly state the basis for the Access Fee or establish a methodology to calculate it.The Company is proposing the calculation of a risk premium using a methodology focused on Return on Equity ("ROE") value as the basis for the Access Fee.Providing services to RNG producers is beyond the scope of the Company's normal gas service to retail customers,which poses an additional risk that should be compensated.Because ROE correlates to stockholder's investment risk,Staff believes that using ROE as a basis is a reasonable approach.Staff reviewed the Access Charge Calculation included in Company Exhibit No.1,which Staff believes is reasonable. When the Company files its annual gross intrastate operating revenue report with the Commission (Fiscal),it will include all revenues from RNG access service,includingthe Access Fee.This will allow for a proper assessment to calculate Commission Fees. Schedule T-3 Tariff Rate The current RNG Facilitation Plan does not address charging RNG producers for transporting RNG to Northwest Pipeline.The Company proposes to charge RNG producers Schedule T-3 tariff rates for RNG transported to Northwest Pipeline.Staff supports Schedule T- 3 rates because it protects the Company's retail customers in two ways.First,the Schedule T-3 rate fairly allocates the cost associated with the RNG producers using the distribution system. Second,the Schedule T-3 rate is an interruptiblerate,which means the Company can better utilize its distribution system without the need to increase the capacity of the system to accommodate the additional load.2 This additional utilization will result in incremental revenue being spread to cover existing fixed distribution cost benefitting all retail customers. 2 The Company should not be including peak-day loads from its interruptiblecustomers in its Integrated Resource Plan. STAFF COMMENTS 4 JULY 26,2023 As part of its Application,in Exhibit Nos.3 and 4,the Company included proposed changes to the Schedule T-3 tariff to address T-3 rates for RNG transportation.Staff had concerns with the proposed language regarding an annual minimum bill for RNG production facilities.Through responses to Staff Production Request No.12,the Company proposed new language to clarify the applicability of the annual minimum bill.This Response is provided as Attachment A to these comments.Staff recommends the proposed new language be used instead of the original language because it makes clear no annual minimum bill will apply to RNG facilities.Staff believes no minimum bill for RNG facilities is reasonable since these facilities are covering their system cost through other charges and fees. Accounting Treatment In Case INT-G-20-03,Order No.34693,the Commission issued a limited waiver to Order No.21933.This waiver was issued to ensure there is no financial impact to utility customers from RNG projects.The income tax gross up is booked as utility revenue to offset additional income taxes and ensure there is no financial impact on utility customers.Staff supports the Company's request that this treatment be continued and that it extends to the export facilities required for the injection of RNG into Northwest Pipeline. The Company proposes updating its Schedule T-3 to apply to RNG producers and hold utility customers financiallyharmless.Revenue recovered from the RNG producers specific to Schedule T-3 rates will be treated as an offsetting revenue credit in the Company's next general rate case.Staff has reviewed and supports the Company's proposed update to Schedule T-3 with the above-mentionedclarification of language. Customer Notice and Comments The proposed changes in the Application will not impact existing RNG producers or existing Schedule T-3 customers.The Company sent a letter outliningthe proposed changes to RNG Producers currentlycontracting for service and a letter to current Schedule T-3 customers explaining the proposed changes to the T-3 tariff.In addition to the customer letters,the Company sent out a press release regarding the Application to newspapers,radio,and television stations in its service areas.The letters and press release were included as attachments to the STAFF COMMENTS 5 JULY 26,2023 Application.As of M,there have been no Customer Comments received for this case. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the Company's proposed modifications as filed with the exception of the annual minimum bill language provided in the proposed Schedule T-3 tariff.Staff recommends the Commission order the Company to file an updated conforming tariff includingthe annual minimum bill clarifying language included in Attachment A. Respectfully submitted this day of July 2023. n Ha ie Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Michael Eldred Kevin Keyt Laura Gilman i:umisc/comments/intg23.3dhmecomments STAFF COMMENTS 6 JULY 26,2023 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE INT-G-23-03 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness:Zach Harris REQUEST NO.12: In reference to Exhibit No.4 of the Application and the statement "[a]n annual minimum bill may not apply if the customer is a renewable natural gas production facility ..."please explain under which situations an annual minimum bill would or would not apply to RNG production facilities.Please include the justification why the annual minimum bill applies or does not apply for each situation. RESPONSE NO.12: The Company appreciates Commission Staff questioning the language in the proposed Rate Schedule T-3.After reviewing the schedule language,the Company proposes to clarifythe language in its proposed Rate Schedule T-3 to "An annual minimum bill will not apply if the customer is a renewable natural gas production facility." Attachment No.A INT-G-23-03 Staff Comments 7/26/23 Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 26th DAY OF JULY 2023,SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF,IN CASE NO. INT-G-23-03,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: LORI BLATTNER PRESTON N CARTER DIR -REGULATORY AFFAIRS MORGAN D GOODIN INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 7608 601 W BANNOCK ST BOISE ID 83707 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL:lori.blattner@intgas.com E-MAIL:prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com stephaniew@givenspursley.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE