HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230309Updated Direct Nygard with Exhibits.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Blake W. Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. INT-G-22-07 UPDATED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TAMMY J. NYGARD FOR INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY MARCH 9, 2023 RECEIVED 2023 March, 9 2:09PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE 2 OF 5 T. NYGARD, DI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS Q. Please state your name and business address. 1 A. My name is Tammy J. Nygard and my business address is 400 North Fourth Street, 2 Bismarck, North Dakota 58501. 3 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 4 A. I am the Controller for Intermountain Gas Company (“Intermountain” or “Company”), a 5 wholly owned subsidiary company of MDU Resources Group, Inc. (“MDU Resources”). 6 I am also the Controller of Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (“Montana-Dakota”), Cascade 7 Natural Gas Corporation (“Cascade”), and Great Plains Natural Gas Co. (“Great Plains”), 8 subsidiaries of MDU Resources.9 Q. Please describe your duties and responsibilities with Intermountain. 10 A. I am responsible for providing leadership and management of the accounting and the 11 financial forecasting/planning functions, including the analysis and reporting of all 12 financial transactions.13 Q. Would you please outline your educational and professional background? 14 A. I graduated from the University of Mary with a Bachelor of Science degree in 15 Accounting and Computer Information Systems. I have 20 years of experience in the 16 utility industry. During my tenure with the MDU Utilities Group (Intermountain, 17 Montana-Dakota, Cascade and Great Plains), I have held positions of increasing 18 responsibility, including Financial Analyst for Montana-Dakota, Director of Accounting 19 and Finance for Cascade, and now as MDU Utilities Group Controller.20 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? 21 PAGE 3 OF 5 T. NYGARD, DI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS A. My testimony supports the Company’s overall cost of capital recommendation in this 1 case. To that end, I explain and support the Company’s recommended cost of debt, 2 capital structure, and rate of return.3 Q.Would you please explain Exhibit No. 1? 4 A. Exhibit No. 1 shows the utility capital structure of Intermountain for the twelve months 5 ended December 31, 2021 and 2022 and the projected capital structure for 2023. Exhibit 6 No. 1 includes the associated costs of debt and common equity. The proposed capital 7 structure is calculated excluding short-term debt. This capital structure and the associated 8 costs serve as the basis for the overall rate of return requested by Intermountain in this 9 rate filing of 7.37 percent. The basis for the requested 10.3 percent return on common 10 equity contained within the overall requested rate of return is supported by the testimony 11 of Ms. Bulkley. 12 Page 1 of Exhibit No. 1 summarizes the utility capital structure and the related utility 13 costs of capital at December 31, 2021 and 2022 and the projected capital structure and the 14 related utility costs of capital for 2023. 15 Q. What is the capital structure as proposed by the Company in this rate case 16 proceeding? 17 A. As shown on Page 1 of Exhibit No. 1, the components of the 2022 and 2023 projected 18 overall annual rate of return continue to move towards a capital structure comprised of an 19 even split between long-term debt and equity. Because the two components are so close 20 to even, with equity being slightly higher, the Company proposes a capital structure with 21 50 percent debt and 50 percent equity. The proposed capital structure components, which 22 PAGE 4 OF 5 T. NYGARD, DI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS are used by Mr. Darrington to calculate the revenue requirement, result in the following 1 weighted cost of capital: 2 Weighted Cost of Capital Long Term Debt 2.22% Common Equity 5.15% Required Rate of Return 7.37% Q. How does the Company finance its regulated utility operations and determine the 3 amount of common equity and debt to be included in its capital structure? 4 A. As a regulated public utility, the Company has a duty and obligation to provide safe and 5 reliable service to its customers across its service territory while prudently balancing cost 6 and risk. In order to fulfill its service obligations, the Company has made significant 7 capital expenditures for new plant investment throughout its service territory, including 8 new plant for mains, services, meters, and other support facilities. These new 9 investments also have associated operating and maintenance costs. Through its financial 10 planning process, the Company determines the amount of necessary financing required to 11 support these activities. Intermountain finances its operations targeting a 50 percent 12 common equity capital structure at year end. Capital expenditure investments are 13 financed through a mix of internally generated funds, the utilization of the Company’s 14 short-term credit line and the issuance of additional debt and common equity financing as 15 required to maintain targeted capital ratios and finance the utility operations. 16 The Company obtained $15.0 million of additional common equity in 2021. 17 Q. What are the Company’s expected long-term debt issuances through 2023? 18 PAGE 5 OF 5 T. NYGARD, DI INTERMOUNTAIN GAS A. On June 15, 2022, the Company issued $40.0 million of long-term debt to finance its 1 capital investments. The Company is projecting to issue $25.0 million of long-term debt 2 in 2023. 3 Q. Are there other debt obligations that the Company must consider? 4 A. Yes. In addition to long-term debt, the Company’s $85 million revolving credit facility 5 was amended and extended on October 13, 2022 for $100 million. Also, on January 20, 6 2023, the Company issued $125 million of short-term debt to fund increased gas costs the 7 Company recently experienced. 8 Q.What does Exhibit No. 1, Pages 2-4 show? 9 A. Pages 2 and 3 show the cost and the debt balance by issue at December 31, 2021 and 10 2022, respectively. Page 4 shows the projected cost and the debt balance by issue at 11 December 31, 2023. 12 Q. How did you derive the projected cost of debt for 2023? 13 A. The projected cost of debt for 2023 is based upon the yield-to-maturity of each debt issue 14 outstanding. 15 Q.What does Exhibit No. 1, Page 5 show? 16 A. The schedule presents the common equity balance at December 31, 2021 and 2022 and 17 the projected balance for December 31, 2023 reflecting the projected activity in the 18 balance. 19 Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony? 20 A. Yes, it does.21 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Blake Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-22-07 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION UPDATED EXHIBIT 1 TO ACCOMPANY THE UPDATED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TAMMY J. NYGARD Intermountain Gas Company Proposed Capital Structure Required Balance Ratio Cost Return Per Books 2021 Long-Term Debt [1] $130,000,000 41.217% 4.064% 1.68% Common Equity [4] 185,403,576 58.783% 10.300% 6.05% Total $315,403,576 100.000% 7.73% Per Books 2022 Long-Term Debt [2] $170,000,000 46.509% 4.209% 1.96% Common Equity [4] 195,517,742 53.491% 10.300% 5.51% Total $365,517,742 100.000% 7.47% Projected 2023 Long-Term Debt [3] $195,000,000 49.890% 4.448% 2.22% Common Equity [4] 195,859,000 50.110% 10.300% 5.16% Total $390,859,000 100.000% 7.38% Proposed Capital Structure Long-Term Debt 50.000% 4.448% 2.22% Common Equity 50.000% 10.300% 5.15% Total 100.000% 7.37% [1] Exhibit No. 1, page 2. [2] Exhibit No. 1, page 3. [3] Exhibit No. 1, page 4. [4] Exhibit No. 1, page 5. INT-G-22-07 T. Nygard, IGC Exhibit No. 1 - Update Page 1 of 5 Principal Date of Interest Amount Annual Interest Description Maturity Rate of Issue Expense Unsecured Long-Term Debt 4.08% - Senior Note 10/30/25 4.080% $25,000,000 $1,020,000 4.33% - Senior Note 10/30/28 4.330% 25,000,000 1,082,500 4.00% - Senior Note 11/09/46 4.000% 30,000,000 1,200,000 3.62% - Senior Note 06/13/29 3.620% 20,000,000 724,000 3.82% - Senior Note 06/13/34 3.820% 10,000,000 382,000 4.26% - Senior Note 06/13/49 4.260% 20,000,000 852,000 Debt Amortization 22,813 Total Long-Term Debt Capital $130,000,000 $5,283,313 4.064% Intermountain Gas Company Long-Term Debt Capital December 31, 2021 INT-G-22-07 T. Nygard, IGC Exhibit No. 1 - Update Page 2 of 5 Principal Date of Interest Amount Annual Interest Description Maturity Rate of Issue Expense Unsecured Long-Term Debt 4.08% - Senior Note 10/30/25 4.080% $25,000,000 $1,020,000 4.33% - Senior Note 10/30/28 4.330% 25,000,000 1,082,500 4.00% - Senior Note 11/09/46 4.000% 30,000,000 1,200,000 3.62% - Senior Note 06/13/29 3.620% 20,000,000 724,000 3.82% - Senior Note 06/13/34 3.820% 10,000,000 382,000 4.26% - Senior Note 06/13/49 4.260% 20,000,000 852,000 4.60% - Senior Note 06/30/52 4.600% 20,000,000 920,000 4.75% - Senior Note 06/30/62 4.750% 20,000,000 950,000 Debt Amortization 25,379 Total Long-Term Debt Capital $170,000,000 $7,155,879 4.209% Intermountain Gas Company Long-Term Debt Capital December 31, 2022 INT-G-22-07 T. Nygard, IGC Exhibit No. 1 - Update Page 3 of 5 Principal Date of Interest Amount Annual Interest Description Maturity Rate of Issue Expense Unsecured Long-Term Debt 4.08% - Senior Note 10/30/25 4.080% $25,000,000 $1,020,000 4.33% - Senior Note 10/30/28 4.330% 25,000,000 1,082,500 4.00% - Senior Note 11/09/46 4.000% 30,000,000 1,200,000 3.62% - Senior Note 06/13/29 3.620% 20,000,000 724,000 3.82% - Senior Note 06/13/34 3.820% 10,000,000 382,000 4.26% - Senior Note 06/13/49 4.260% 20,000,000 852,000 4.60% - Senior Note 06/30/52 4.600% 20,000,000 920,000 4.75% - Senior Note 06/30/62 4.750% 20,000,000 950,000 6.05% - Senior Note 09/30/53 6.050% 25,000,000 1,512,500 Debt Amortization 30,211 Total Long-Term Debt Capital $195,000,000 $8,673,211 4.448% Intermountain Gas Company Long-Term Debt Capital Projected December 31, 2023 INT-G-22-07 T. Nygard, IGC Exhibit No. 1 - Update Page 4 of 5 Average Utility Common Equity Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2021 and 2022 Projected 2023 Description Amount Common Equity - 12/31/2021 $185,403,576 Common Equity - 12/31/2022 $195,517,742 Common Equity - 12/31/2023 $195,859,000 Intermountain Gas Company INT-G-22-07 T. Nygard, IGC Exhibit No. 1 - Update Page 5 of 5