HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220908Comments.pdfCLAIRE SHARP DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-03s7 IDAHO BAR NO. 8026 Street Address for Express Mail: I 133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS PRICES CASE NO. INT-G.22-04 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), by and through its attorney of record, Claire Sharp, Deputy Attorney General, and submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August l},2|2z,lntermountain Gas Company ("Company"), applied for authority to change the WACOG to $0.39216 per therm, and implement new rate schedules that will reduce the Company's annualized revenues by approximately $7.7 million or approximately 2.2yo, effective October 1,2022. Application at2. If approved, the typical residential customer would have a monthly decrease of $ 1.36 or 2.5o/o. 1d at News Release. The Company's Purchased Gas Adjustment ("PGA") is a Commission approved mechanism that adjusts rates up or down to reflect changes in the Company's costs to buy natural gas from suppliers-including changes in transportation, storage, and other related costs. The ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 Company defers these costs into its PGA account and then passes them on to customers through an increase or decrease in rates. The Company's rates include a base-rate component and a gas-related cost component. The base-rate component is intended to cover the Company's fixed costs to serve its customers; for example, the Company's costs for equipment and facilities to provide service-and rarely change. The Commission approved the Company's base rates in Order No. 33757, Case No. INT-G-16-02. The Commission approved the Company's current temporary gas-related rates in Case No. INT-G-22-02, Order No. 35479. With this Application, the Company seeks to pass through to each of its customer classes changes in gas-related costs resulting from: l) costs billed to the Company from firm transportation providers;2) a decrease in the Company's Weighted Average Cost of Gas ("WACOG"); 3) an updated customer allocation of gas-related costs pursuant to the Company's PGA; 4) the inclusion of temporary surcharges and credits for one year related to natural gas purchases and interstate transportation costs from the Company's deferred gas cost accounts; 5) benefits resulting from the Company's management of its storage and firm capacity rights on various pipeline systems; 6) benefits associated with the sale of liquefied natural gas from the Company's Nampa, Idaho facility; 7) the recovery of deferred in-person customer payment fees; and 8) a refund of over-collected Residential Energy Efficiency funds. The Company also seeks to eliminate the temporary surcharges and credits included in its current prices during the past 12 months, pursuant to Case No. INT-G-21-04. If approved, these changes would result in a price decrease to all of the Company's customers. The proposed changes to the rates will decrease the Company's annualized revenues by about $7.7 million but will not impact earnings. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff examined the Company's Application, workpapers, and exhibits for this case and confirmed: l) the PGA proposal would not affect the Company's earnings;2) the deferred costs are prudently incurred, and properly calculated; and 3) the Company's WACOG request is reasonable. Staff recommends that the Company's Application be approved. 2STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 8,2022 Table No. I summarizes the impact of the proposed changes on customer classes. Table No. 1: Pronosed Chanse bv Customer Class Change in Average Average AverageClass Change in ' Price Customer Class: Revenue $/Therm Chanse $/Therm RS Residential $(5,836,881) $(0.02152) -2.54% $0.82633 GS-l General Service $(1,796,935) $(0.01363) -1.76% $0.75930 LV-l Large Volume $ (23,31l) $(0.00188) -0.33% $0.56196 T-3 Transportation Volumetric $ (25,543) $(0.00045) -4.14% $0.01043 T-4 Transportation Volumetric $ - $ 0.00% $0.01356 T-4 Transportation Demand Charge$ (25.159) $(0.00014) -0.56% $0.28032TOTAr S(7.707,824) S(0.00o87) -2.210 S0.4358o Overall, the Company's proposal decreases annual revenue by approximately $7.7 million which is detailed in Table No. 2 below. Table No.2: Proposed Change to Annual Revenue J Deferrals: Removal of INT-G-21-04 Temporary Credits and Charges Additional INT-G-20-05 Temporary Credits and Charges Fixed Deferred Gas Costs Variable Deferred Gas Costs Lost and Unaccounted for Gas LNG Sales Credit In-Person Payment Fees Deferral Residential Energy Efficiency Credit Total Additional Temporary Credits and Surcharges Total Deferrals Fixed Cost Changes: NWP Full Rate Reservation NWP Discounted Reservation Upstream Full Rate Upstream Discounted SGS-2F and LS-2F Other Storage Costs Total Fixed Cost Changes Changes in WACOG Reallocation and True-Up of Fixed Costs Total Base Rate Price Changes $(14,054,612) 22,075,600 (1,222,513) (221,993) 70,370 (.4"8s0.000) $ (158,420) 1,254,463 818,976 $4,255,584 1,796,852 $ 6,052,436 $ (13,755,022) $ 6,052,436 $G702-586)$ srAt $ 1,915,019 $ (13,249,234) $ (2.420.807) Total Deferral and Price Changes Total Annual Revenue Change Differences due to roundins STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 The Company eliminated $14,054,612intemporary credits and surcharges that were part of last year's PGA, Case No. INT-G-2I-04. The proposed temporary credits and surcharges in this Application adds $1,796,852 in charges. This amount consists of in-person payment fee deferral, market segmentation and capacity release revenues, interest, per therm amortization of deferrals, and over collections from last year's PGA. Additionally, a credit for off-system sales of Liquefied Natural Gas, and a Residential Energy Efficiency Creditr are included in this request. Weighted Average Cost of Gas - WACOG The WACOG is the Company's average variable cost to buy and transport natural gas to meet customer estimated annual requirements. The WACOG components include the volumetric interstate transportation rate, the city gate costs, the IGI Resources administrative fees, and the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) charges. The WACOG does not include fixed capacity costs for interstate transportation, liquid storage, and underground storage. The proposed WACOG of $0.39216 per therm is a decrease of 7 .5%o from the current WACOG of $0.42405 per therm. This decrease in the WACOG represents an approximate $13.2 million decrease to the Company's billed revenues. Chart No. I below shows the Company's historical WACOG price trend. Chart No. 1: Weiehted Averase Cost of Gas (Per Therm) I See Case No. INT-G-22-05. This is a onetime residential-only refund. 4 lcc PGA WAcoG (S/Therml E o-trF v! 0.450 0.400 0.3s0 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.r50 0.100 0.050 0.000 t'\r -.- s0.373 20L3 so.39s 2074 So.sze 20L5 5o.zgt 20L6 So.zoo 2077Year $o.zzt 2018 s0.209 20L9 So.ztt 2020 t; $0.260 50.424 i So.sgz . I 2O2L t2022*i 20222022* Order No. 35479 STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 Market Fundamentals & Price Analysis Although the Company hedges or stores much of its forecasted supply at fixed prices, market fluctuations can impact the WACOG. Staff analyzedthe Company's projected cost to purchase natural gas by comparing the Company's price projection to forecasts from several national and regional organizations, including the Energy [nformation Administration ("EIA")2 and the Northwest Gas Association ("NWGA"). Staff believes the Company's projected natural gas costs are reasonable. The EIA Short-Term Energy Natural Gas Outlook3 states: In July, the Henry Hub spot price averaged $7.28 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), down from $7.7OlMMBtu in June and $8.I4lMMBtu in May. Average natural gas prices fell over the last two months primarily because of additional supply in the domestic market following the shutdown of the Freeport LNG export terminal on June 8. However, prices increased by almost 50%o, from $5.73lMMBtu on July I to $8.37lMMBtu on July 29, because of continued high demand for natural gas from the electric power sector. We expect the Henry Hub price to average $7.54lMMBtu in the second half of 2022 and then fall to an average of $5.10/MMBtu in 2023 amid rising natural gas production. Risk Management Staff examined how the Company manages price and risk given the Company's market purchases, storage, and interstate transportation capacity to determine whether the Company reasonably purchased natural gas to minimize risk to ratepayers. The Company's approach is flexible, allowing it to opportunistically buy gas, manage storage, and utilize interstate transportation capacity as market conditions change. Overall, Staff believes the Company's practices associated with managing its resource portfolio provides reasonable price stability for customers. The Company fulfills its mainline requirement with hedges, spot market purchases, underground storage, and liquified natural gas ("LNG") storage. Underground storage enables the Company to purchase natural gas for the upcoming heating season during the summer when prices are typically lower. When opportunities arise, the Company manages its interstate 2 EIA Natural Gas Weekly https:/iwr.l'rv.e ia. gov/natural gas/ 3 EIA STEO link https:1/wwrv.eia.eov/outlooks/steo/repoftinatgas.php 5STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 transportation capacity, selling surplus capacity into the market. Table No. 3 shows the Company's seasonal hedges over the last seven years. Table No. 3: Hedeins Ratios Purchasing Staff analyzed the Company's purchasing practices confirming that the Company reasonably adapted them to meet current market conditions. In recent years, about 30% of the Company's total throughput is purchased at index or spot prices. This year, the Company purchased more gas at index or spot prices to minimize locked-in gas at higher prices. Staff believes the Company's hedging ratios complement current market conditions. The Company continues to utilize index or spot purchases, allowing it to take advantage of low prices for real-time needs, while hedging against upward price risk by purchasing gas while prices are low and storing it for future consumption. The Company has locked-in the price of about 57o/o of its gas purchases for 2022 by depositing it into storage. This amount is about 13% lower than last year. Staff reviewed the Company's natural gas purchases during the PGA period by examining a 7-month sample of invoices. Staff confirmed that the natural gas purchases reconciled with the amount of natural gas purchases reported in the monthly deferral reports. Natural Gas Underground Storage and Interstate Transportation The Company delivers domestically produced natural gas to its city gates through Northwest Pipeline. The Company also delivers natural gas from Canada by using pipeline capacity on Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN), TransCanada's Foothills Pipeline system (Foothills), and TransCanada's Alberta system known as Nova Gas Transmission (NOVA). a % Locked-in gas includes storage volumes that are both hedged and index purchases. 6 % Locked-in Gas by PGA Yeara 2016 2017 201 8 20t9 2020 2021 2022 Non-Summer Months (Oct.-Mar.)82 80 77 17 74 67 66 Summer Months (Apr.-Sept.)55 49 49 82 72 46 28 Full Year 76 73 70 78 74 t0 57 STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 Permanent transportation and storage costs reflect a savings of $2.3 million for customers as shown in Exhibit No. l, Line20, Column E. Normally, natural gas added to storage is procured during the summer season when prices are typically lower than in winter. However, prices have not been lower this summer. The Company has been purchasing storage as needed to meet peak demand in the winter, but the Company is now using it as insurance of supply for winter peak. Price curves into the fall may benefit the Company and allow them to purchase some gas for storage to hedge against winter prices. The Company has also entered into various fixed price agreements for portions of underground storage and other winter flowing supplies to further stabilize prices. Management of Pipeline Capacity Staff reviewed the Company's procedures for maintaining and releasing pipeline capacity and believes that the Company's capacity planning is reasonable. The Company holds excess capacity in case of increased demand and mitigates the cost of this excess by selling it back into the market, thus benefitting customers through the PGA. ln last year's PGA filing, the Company included a $6.3 million credit to customers embedded in its forecast. The Company's capacity release revenue for the current PGA is forecasted to be $6.6 million which will be credited back to customers over the coming PGA year. If capacity release revenues exceed the $6.6 million embedded in the forecast, customers will receive an additional credit in the 2023 PGA. These credits are included in the Fixed Deferred Gas Costs listed in Table No. 2. The Company's historical capacity releases are shown below in Chart No. 2. Chart No.2: Historical Canacity Releases 7 IGC H istorical Transportation Capacity Release S8,ooo,ooo s6,000,000 s4,000,000 S2,ooo,ooo So Series 20t2PGA 2013 PGA 2014 PGA 2015 PGA 2016 PGA 2OT7 PGA 2018 PGA 2019 PGA 2O2O PGA 2O2IPGA 2022PGA L s3,726,26 s3,886,16 S3,940,oo S6,410,00 s5,3s1,oo s6,629,00S3,94o,oo S3,886,15 s3,940,00 Ss,4s3,oo 57,L2s,oo STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 LNG Storage In Order No. 32793, the Commission authorized the Company to sell excess LNG capacity from its Nampa LNG facility to non-utility customers. Pursuant to that Order, the Company provides a credit to ratepayers of 2.5 cents per gallon of LNG sold for costs related to O&M expenses. The Company is required to share 50% of the total net margin from non-utility sale of LNG with ratepayers, up to $1.5 million, and then 70Yo on any amounts greater than $1.5 million. Historical LNG benefits to customers, including benefits in this PGA, are shown below in Chart No. 3. As seen in the chart, the Company proposes to credit ratepayers $22L,993 for their share of revenues for non-utility sale of LNG. LNG sales declined because the Nampa LNG facility was offline for a significant portion of the year for maintenance and repairs. Staff reviewed the Company's non-utility sales of LNG and verified that the credit to ratepayers has been calculated correctly. Chart No.3: LNG Sales Ratepaver Benefits Lost and Unaccounted for Gas and Line Break Rate - LAUF Lost and Unaccounted for ("LAUF") Gas is essentially the difference between the volume of natural gas delivered to the distribution system at the city gate and volume of gas billed to customers at the meter. During the period from the Company's 1985 General Rate Case until conclusion of the 2016 General Rate Case, the Company recovered a portion of LAUF Gas amounts through a $0.00182 per therm charge embedded in base rates. Any additional cost or 8 lGC Historical LNG Benefit s1,200,000 s1,000,000 Ssoo,ooo Sooo,om s400,000 Szoo,ooo so Seriesl 2014 PGA 2015 PGA 2016 PGA S236,80s 2OL7 PGA 2018 PGA 2019 PGA 2O2O PGA 2O2IPGA 2022PGA 54os,44r s689,367 S49s,418 5s29,44s 5t,r29,239 S1,oos,o60 57L7,972 $22t,993 -4. -/\ STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 credit was administered annually in the PGA. In the 2016 General Rate Case, the embedded rate of $0.00182 was removed resulting in recovery of LAUF Gas solely in the PGA. This year, the Company's LAUF Gas rate is -0.6954% (found gas). The Company's LAUF rate continues to be below the maximum allowable level of 0.85% specified in Commission OrderNo.30649. The Company allocates LAUF Gas at 75Yoto core customers (Residential and General Service) and25%o to industrial customers (Large Volume and Transportation) through a per therm surcharge or credit. In this PGA, the total credit for LAUF is $1,222,513 of which $91 1,260 is credited to core customers and $3 11,253 is credited to industrial customers. The Company charges a Line Break Rate to contractors or other parties who are responsible for damage to the distribution system causing a gas leak. The Company proposes to increase the Line Break Rate from the current rate of $0.42443 per therm to $0.55580 per therm. The proposed Line Break Rate includes a $0.16364 Fixed-Cost Component (Transportation Cost) per therm and a $0.39216 Variable-Cost Component (WACOG) per therm for a total of $0.55580. Both Line Break Rate components are determined annually with the PGA filing. Staff concludes that the Company calculated the proposed Line Break Rate consistent with Order No. 33139. Rate Case Expenses In Order No. 33887, Case No INT-G-I7-05, the Commission authorized the Company to establish a regulatory asset account to recover the external costs associated with the general rate case, Case No. INT-G-16-02. These expenses totaled $378,614 and are to be amortized over five years ($75,723 per year) through the annual PGA mechanism. During this deferral period, the Company collected $79,243 which is $3,520 over the rate case amortization rate of $75,723. Staff reviewed the amortization for the previous PGA period and confirmed that the amortization was properly calculated and that the authorized amount for amortization is included in this PGA. This is the last year that general rate case expenses will be included in the PGA. Payment Fees Deferral In Order No. 34099, Case No. INT-G- I 8-0 I , the Company was directed to create a regulatory asset to capture costs associated with in-person customer pay station transactions 9STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER8,2022 handled by Western Union. Furthermore, the Company was authorized to seek recovery of those costs in the Company's PGA beginning in2019, until February I,2021, or until the Company files a general rate case, whichever comes first. This authorization was extended in Order No. 35047, Case No. INT-G-21-02. As of June 30,2022, the balance of the total deferred in-person payment fees was $72,542. This is composed of $53,190 for Residential Service (RS) customers and $20,352 for General Service (GS-l) customers. Staff verified that this balance is correct. Residential Energy Efficiency Credit The Company has included a one-time $4,850,000 credit to the PGA from the over funded Residential Energy Effrciency program. Staff recommended approval of the Company's proposed credit in Case No. INT-G-22-05. Because this was collected from customer on a per therm basis, it is appropriate to return this amount on a per therm basis through the PGA. Quarterly Reports In Order No. 34448, the Commission found that quarterly WACOG and monthly deferred cost reports provide useful information, assist Staff with determining whether to audit earlier than planned, and assess whether an interim filing might be needed. In its Application, the Company requested that the Commission maintain the quarterly requirement of filing for the Deferred Gas Cost Balance, LNG Sales Cost Benefit Analysis, and WACOG reports. The Company stated that it is committed to notifring the Commission if an interim filing might be needed. Staff believes quarterly reporting is reasonable given the Company's commitment to notifr the Commission. CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE The Company's press release and customer notice were included with its Application. Each document addresses two cases: this case (INT-G-22-04) and the Residential Energy Efficiency Charge (INT-G-22-05). Staff reviewed the documents and determined that both meet the requirements of Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. IDAPA The notice was included with bills mailed to customers beginning August II,2022, and ending September 9,2022. STAFF COMMENTS 10 SEPTEMBER 8,2022 The Commission set a comment deadline of September 8, 2022. Some customers in the last billing cycles will not have received/and or had adequate time to submit comments before the deadline. Customers must have the opportunity to file comments and have those comments considered by the Commission. Staff recommends that the Commission accept late filed comments from customers. As of Septemb er 7 , 2022, no customer comments had been filed. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS After examining the Company's Application, natural gas purchases, and deferral activity for the year, Staff recommends the Commission: 1. Approve the Company's Application, decreasing revenues by $7,702,586 as shown in Table No. 2, and approve the proposed WACOG amount of $0.39216 per therm; 2. Approve the Company's proposed Tariff Rate Schedules RS, GS-I, IS-R, IS-C, LV-I, T-3, and T-4 as filed with the Application; 3. Direct the Company to continue filing quarterly reports reflecting deferred gas costs and WACOG projections; 4. Order the Company to file an adjustment to its PGA-related rates, if gas prices significantly deviate from projections; and 5. Accept late-filed comments from customers. f,Respectfully submitted this day of September 2022 @W Claire Sharp Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Kevin Keyt Cunis Thaden Joseph Terry Robin Maupin Matt Suess i: umisc/comments/intgg22.4cskkctjtrmms comments STAFF COMMENTS l1 SEPTEMBER8,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 8TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. INT.G.22.O4, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: LORI BLATTNER DIR _ REGULATORY AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: lori.blattner@intgas.com PRESTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 60I W BANNOCK ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL : prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com stephaniew@ g ivenspursley. com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE