HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220518Quarterly Report.pdfA lNTERlvlOLrNTA|N" GAs COMPANYAgtffiyol Xrl tutMAaf.,,r" lntlpfumwnlty lpStr"r' ltuuIivE* if;i? ii$Y lS &H 3: 32 ,1., :l May 18,2022 Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo. 35182 (Case No. INT-G-21-04) Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 35182, attached is Intermountain Gas Company's Summary of Deferred Gas Cost Balances for the quarter ended March 31,2022. Should you have any questions regarding the attached, please don't hesitate to contact me at (208) 377-6041. Sincerely Jacob Darrington Manager, Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure lilTEntotrltTAlil GAs coilFtNY SI;,TTARYOF DEfERRED GAs GOST EALAIIOES 8&E !6 Od$.rl, rut ADlfwrdftrAnodtl0on AnaN$!d0cb!.rf,&af(CIlXo.XICil4o [Iq{nhrfi,2E ldr|c.aolhdrl{.2m! ts) sJlr@31 (8,56r,006.59) F} (fr,0r6,0ras4 5,336,797r0 gr,$1/46'r:51 llps@:tsl (., Frbl DEFENEGASCO6[3 oouuoDflYoo$s(vARufl.E} TMISP0RIAT?OITRE AIED COSIS FOGD,I TOTILDffef,@O^t@8rA rocBE ffinno crsCogTs c(tffroD,rvoosTS(lrw &4 TMJVSPoRrAtbt{RS.^7ED COSIS (F0GD' TOIILAOCilT@ ffi 0$ Cffir8 TOTALDEENNALIMUSfS t2,l{qs3,12 6t,1l0r11rn 3a09,r06,85 B&rrmOfihff,rfilICqmm& E fEAtFrhd A!.rudodebarl,lotl0Io$rll.$ti,10U B{m.rrdlbrfl,rU 0f F)F) (t?60318rs) (?09,0q8.0r) s,r51i6s,01 Pl.t8l.l8I;731 0{$ t8,006,06115 (a.18t.t85.801 61.069,t,18f61 6tlil07,1l7rm) Ot2,{6e134eil tl,000x67.t6 613,1478&06) 0{2,o6agr$5o) lnbrmountrln Ges Company PGA DefcrralAccount Statur as ol3l31l22 E50 E00 E30 E20 El0 $0 ($10) ($zo1 oEo =EO brsetdng he ds6nd bahne b beamorttsod beeinniU Oc{ L July trrough Sop babnces are ctlmaled forfling puDote6. tl5 E (A) - d ros es $ d .$o{ r's )'}d + -p6vi6a1s Qas Year Debmal, Unamortized Balance, (A) -Cur€nt Yoa.tlew Debnal Bahnce, (B) - !NT€-21{4 Debnal Balancee -Total All Defural Accounb to Date,