HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210401Boise City Comments.pdfApril0l ,2021 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAYOR: Lauren McLean I DIRECTOR, Stephan Burgos .:. .r.'-. i- i l./ i: i"i ! ( , a-' - 'ii:?i iifl, * i &it l8: *9 , ;l-.1: i,11lir._.: :. : ,:.-j!.:1_.i.:.,.; r '. ',.1,,1,;;iiiiti Ms. Jon Noriyuki, Commission Secretory ldoho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Boulevord - Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 SUBJECT: ldoho Public Utilities Commission Cose #lNT-G-21-02;Written Comments (S u b mitte d Eleclr o nic olly) Deor Ms. Noriyuki, The City of Boise ("City") submits the following commenls on lntermountoin Gos's opplicotion for continued defenql of Western Union customer poyment tronsoction costs. The City recommends the Commission extend the outhority gronted in Order No. 34099 to continue deferring to o regulotory osset the cosls ossocioted with in-person customer poyment tronsoctions hondled by Western Union ond continue to ollow the recovery of these costs through the Purchosed Gos Adjustment. An estimoted 4.9% of households in Boise ore unbonked, locking occess to o checking or sovings occount, up from 2.6%in 2015. Additionolly, more lhon 7% of households ore underbonked, relying on costly olternotive finonciolservices (2019 FDIC Survey of Household Use of Bonking ond FinonciolServices). lt is criticol for customers without relioble occess to troditionolfinonciolservices to hove convenient, sofe, ond offordoble options to poy their residentiol noturol gos bills. The City recognizes the effort ond importonce lntermountoin Gos hos ploced on being ovoiloble lo customers through their website, phone, ond moilings os wellos o commitment to poyment flexibility during the COVID-19 pondemic. Alternotive poyment methods help ensure equitoble occess to ond mointenonce of utility services. ln light of the unprecedented economic situotion mony households experienced over the post 12 months ond the increosing proportion of customers locking occess to checking ond sovings occounls, the City recommends the Commission toke the necessory steps to ensure in-person bill poyment tronsoctions of Western Union continue uninterrupted untilcosts con be ossessed of lntermountoin Gos's next role cose. lf you hove ony questions or need odditionol informotion, pleose contoct the Climote Action Division of the Deportment of Public Works ot (208) 608-7.l50. cc: Lori Blottner, lntermountoin Gos Preston Corter, Givens Pursley Kendro Hoffmon, Givens Pursley EOISE CITY I{ALL:15O N Capitol Boulevard I MAIL, p.O Box 5ClO Borse. ldal-ro 83701 O5OO I P,2O8 608 7l5O I F, 2O8 584-3905 I TDD/TTY,8OO 377.352Q BOlSEClTYCOUNClL,ElaineClegg(President) LisaSinchez(PresidentPrc, Iem),PatrickBageant Jirnmyllallyf:urton.T.JThon,son l{olliWoodrngs C ITYOFBO ISE.O RG/PU BLICWO R KS