HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210603Motion for Approval of Stipulation and Settlement.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fOT Approval to Place into Effect a Change in Its Case No.INT-G'21-01 MortoN FoR APPRovAL oF SrpureuoN AND SETTLEMENTand Amortization Rates Intermountain Gas Company , (o'Intermountain," or "Company") and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff'), hereby move the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an Order accepting the Stipulation and Settlement filed herewith. IDAPA 31.01.01 .56, .272, .274.This motion is based on the following: 1. On January 12,2021, lntermountain filed an Application with the Commission seeking approval to place into effect a change in its Composite Depreciation and Amortization Rates. 2. On February 8,2021, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of lntervention Deadline that, among other things, provided notice and a description of the Application and provided notice of the deadline to petition for intervention in the proceeding. OrderNo.34914. 3. No party petitioned to intervene in the proceeding. 4. The Parties attended two settlement conferences in this case and reached a settlement agreement as reflected in the accompanying Stipulation and Settlement. 5. The Parties recommend that the Commission grant this Motion and approve the MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - I Stipulation and Settlement in its entirety, without matcrial change or condition, pursuant to rDAPA 3t.0t.0t.274. 6. In light of the proposed Stipulation and Settlement, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission issue a Notice of Proposed Settlement and schedule fiuther proceedings to allow for expeditious processing of this case, taking into account the need for commeuts and involvernent from members of the public. 7. The Parties agree that the Stipulation and Settlement is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. NOW, TIIEREFORE, the Parties reqpectfully request that the Commission issue an order: l. Granting this Motion and accepting the Stipulation and Settle,ment in its entirety, without material change or condition; and 2. Any othcr relief that the Commission deems just and reasonable. DATED: June 3,2021 INTERMOI.JNTAIN GAS COMPAI.IY DATED: June 3,2021 By: Preston N. Carter Att orn ey s fo r App lic ant IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAIT Jrrrr tonl orh. Terri Carlock Utilities Division Administrator MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPI.'I.ATION AND SETTLEMENT - 2