HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210225City of Boise Comments.pdf-r.., -.i.i" it tittl?.- .r" lL..-* ! ir !, .1 ;i - ',:'- -: !j ; g ij- ;.11 ,:".. IIS f5 Fffi i*: tE Februory 25,2021 Ms. Jon Noriyuki, Commission Secretory ldoho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Boulevord Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 SUBJECI: tdoho Public Utilities Commission Cose #|NT-G-2G06; Written Comments (Submiffed El e clr o nt c olly) Deor Ms. Noriyuki, The City of Boise ("City") submits the following comments on lnlermountoin Gos's opplicotion for prudency determinotion for 2019 energy efficiency expenses. For o new residentiol efficiency progrom, lntermountoin Gos's yeor two implementotion ond subsequent evoluotion provides o net benefit to oll lntermountoin Gos customers ond o foundotion for increosed cuslomer porticipotion in efflciency progroms going forword. The City recommends the Commission find lntermountoin Gos's 2019 efficiency spending prudent. While octuoltherms soved were lower thon estimoted by lntermountoin Gos, the 389,3,l3 therms sovings ochieved exceeded the compony's plonning ond is on increose ftom the first yeor of the progrom. As the progrqm motures, the City supports incorporoting octuol energy efficiency progrom performonce into the lntegroted Resources Plon to toke odvontoge of ovoided costs qnd resource needs more fully. The supplementolopplicotion presented by lntermountoin Gos includes the complete EM&V study by the 3rd porty evoluotor. The proposed chonges to the residentiolenergy efficiency progrom generolly follow the progrom evoluotion recommendotions ond onolysis of sovings reolizotion by meosure. The City osks the Commission to outhorize the following proposed updotes to the Residentiol Energy Efficiency progrom without modificotion: the retirement of the 70%tteploce insert rebote due to low utilizotion ond limited sovings potentiol, the oddition of o Smort Thermostot rebote, the oddition of o second-tier tonkless woter heoter rebote, on increosed rebote for the Tier I Tonkless Woter Heoter, increosed rebotes for Storoge Woter Heoters, the oddition of o Boiler incentive, ond clorificotion of the Combinotion Rodiont System requirements. Bosed on lntermountoin Gos's EM&V study (Exhibit 8 poge 3 of 76), the Whole Home rebote progrom con support higher incentives ond mointoin cost-effectiveness. The Cily encouroges the Commission to direct lntermountoin Gos to odopt the higher BOISE CITY HALL' l5O N C-aprtol Boulc."ard I MAIL, pO Box 5OO. Borse. ldal,o 837C)1 OSOC) I D, 2O8 6Oe 715C) | F,2AB 384 3905 I TDD/TTY, 8OO 377 3529 BOlSEClTYCOUNClL,ilaineClegg(President) [isaSinchez(PresrcientProlern),Fatrir:ktiageant.JimmyHallyburton.TJThomso'r l{r,llrWoc,drngs ctTYoFBO!SE.Opc/PUBLTCWORKS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAYOR: Lauren McLean I DIRECTOR, Stephan Burgos incentive levels for both tiers of the Whole Home rebote progrom ($],000 for Tier I ond $800 for Tier ll) to encouroge moximum possible porticipotion in oddition to the reduced boniers proposed in the compony's filing. The City requests thot the Commission opprove lntermountoin Gos' Residentiol Energy Efficiency Rebote progrom toriff ond efficiency progrom design with the inclusion of the higher Whole Home rebote incentives. The EM&V study olso identifies the conditions in the Whole Home progrom leoding to the most significont sovings outcomes (Exhibit 8 poge 3 of 761: Air Seoling ot or below 3 ACH of 50 Po, Ceiling insulotion of or obove R49, Ducts, ond oir hondler locoted inside conditioned spoce ond Furnoce Efficiency of or obove 977o AFUE. The existing building stock in lntermountoin Gos's service oreo is likely less efficient thon the 20l8lECC reference home used os the boseline in the EM&V. With the demonstroted strong interest in existing lntermountoin Gos efficiency progroms ond the number of residentiol remodeling projects, there is on opportunity to expond the sovings goined in new home construction to residentiol retrofits. The City proposes lntermountoin Gos's EESC evoluote the feosibility of implementing o residentiolretrofit progrom beyond the cunent opplionce incentives offerings bosed on the Whole Home in future progrom yeors. lf you hove ony questions or need odditionol informqtion, pleose contoct the Climote Action Division of the Deportment of Public Works ot (208) 608-7150. cc: Lori Blottner, lntermountoin Gos Preston Corter, Givens Pursley Kendro Hoffmon, Givens Pursley ABQISE.- ?age 2 of 2