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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210519Deferred Gas Costs - March 2021.pdfA INTERMOI'Nf,AIN" GAs COMPANYAgbtfrydmtWraW,l,c. ln ltp @mmtnly lo Serl,en May 18,2021 Lori A. Blatfirer Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure ,tt r:-i-iiVLD ilii iji:? l9 A*1 B; 3? ' lr. ir"'.. . .,1..-,rJ: . i ,r,iil;$:Ol; Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo. 34797 (Case No. INT-G-20-05) Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Idatro Public Utilities Commission Order No. 34797, attached is Intermountain Gas Company's Summary of Deferred Gas Cost Balances for the quarter ended March 31,2021. Should you have any questions regarding the attached, please don't hesitate to contact me at (208) 377-6015. Sincerely, dnk6ltM INTERUOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY SUMUARY OF DEFERRED GAS COST BALANCES Forthe Quarter Ending March 31, 2021 Bahnce on October l, 20il Approved for Amo.tlz.tlon (Cese ilo.lNI.ei0.os) Amo.tlzed Oc-tobor l, 2O2O through tarch 3,l, m2l Bahncs rl oI frrch 3l,2ll2l (a)(b)(c) (r+bl GASCOSTS Y COSTS (VARTABLE) ,T AT tO N REUTED COSIS (FXED) :ERREDGASCOSTS )EFERRED GAS COSTS YCOSIS(VARA8r.g 'T AT A N RE/.ITED COSIS (FXED) :RUED DEFERRED GAS COSTS :ERRALATOUITS $4,670,630.29 (1 1,070,964.19) (03,797,407.03) 8,939,435.81 187t,223.26 (2,1 31,s28.6E) ($6,100,334.20)$5,142,02E.78 ($1,258,305.42) Brlance on Oc{ober l, 2ll2ll Not Cumnty Belng Amoiltsod Accrued Octobcr l,2020 thrcugh trrch 3t,202t Brlrnce as of Irrch 31,2021 (r) 3141,303.98 (352,3{6.1E) 17,60E,959.16 (ni15,449.231 (c) (e+b) $7,750,263.44 (22fi7,79s.41) (D) ($21 1,042.20)($r4,s06,489.77) 014,717,53i.97) ($6,611,376.40)($9,364,160.99) 01s,975,837.39) lntermountain Gas Company PGA Deferral Account Status as of 3131/,21 June 30 is the cutoff date for setting the defenal balance to be amortized beginning Oct 1. July through Sep balances are estimated for filing purposes. $ {9r )rs )s *sq eoQ (B) (c)= (A)+ (B) )efenal, Unamortized Balance, (A) ;ounts to Date, (C)-Qg6s1t Year New Deferral Balance, (B) - INT-G-2S.05 Deferral Balances