HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210218Deferred Gas Costs - December 2020.pdfA INTERMOT'NHIN- GAs COMPANY A St,6i&/ty d Nrl f€f,tfrUfd 0td0, lE. lntln@mnrunltytosf/rw' Lori A. Blattner Director - Regulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Company Enclosure i1.1; _. .i n ---i , ,., Iil* i'3 Pi* l+t 5i :-:iir . - irli.i,i' ::ri I 'l J' '-r I 1 February 18,2021 Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo. 34797 (Case No. INT-G-20-05) Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No.34797, attached is Intermountain Gas Company's Summary of Deferred Gas Cost Balances for the quarter ended December 31,2020. Should you have any questions regarding the attached, please don't hesitate to contact me at (208) 377-601s. Sincerely, dnABltM INIERTOUITTAIN GAs COf PAI{Y SUHilAR]Y OF DEFERRED GAII CGT BALAilCES Fo, lh. Qu.rhr Endlng D.c.mb.r tl, 2020 B&roro0fi6't, X20A*mrdior Artror{edct G&Xcrr€{0{5} An ilh.alocbb$t,r00 tlmfh o.o.d, !f , ,O0 Blmacfh6d..tl,r@0 (r)(c)ot DEFENRE}GA8@8T8 oomroDNTY cosTs (vARtAStq IRATVSPORT TOITRS,ATED COSII(FDGD, TOtAt DEFERNED GAS CO TS AOCRIED OEFBNE GAs OO8T3 coflMoD,Iy cosls (yARlA6[.8) rMr{sPffi T Arov Rs,ArED cosTs (F060, TOIALACCfU'ED DEFfiRED OA8 COSTS IOTAL EFERNAL AIIOT'III3 9,670,630rs fl1,070,06119) 0r,782,11708) 4206.E8751 (.+bl 32,E88I832r 6361,07630) at6 trlo au ,aI '2t?/,710t3 ta:|.975.5$.m EaItEot Odobs t, 2020 foa Crmily Affiu.d oabtr t, rA0B*tAmol&rd tlmqhD.o.ilbritl,20A0 B.hm..d D.cd..tl,2020 (rl 0)o (.+b) 1141,303.98 l{2 { 1Al u,193,072J6 ('t0.760.(E23)l s2,631,37631 111.1t2.308,49r tg)11M) t$138286.m.9{l 138J78.m2.ilt (t6,011376t0)65.8122S.50 012.15ii.61531) Intermountain Gas Company PGA Deferral Account Status as ol 12131120 $50 $40 $30 $20 alt =o = $10Ea $0 ($10) ($20) ($301 -Previous Gas Year Deftnal, Unamortized Bahnce, (A) -Total All Defenal Accounts to Date, (C)-Cunent Year New Defenal Balance, (B) - INT-G-20-05 Defenal Balances 30 is he cutoff date s€tting the defenal balance to be amortized Oct 1. July are purposes. od (A) 9$ (us {.d F{ {9{ )$s 9\ fq ,roQ