HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210416WACOG Quarterly Report.pdfGtvBNS PunsLEY,,,, Attorneys and Counselors at Law 60l w. Eonnock Slrel POBox2T2o Boie, lD 83701 Telephone: 20&38&1200 Foaimile: 20&38&1300 ww,glvenspursley.com Preslon N. Corler presloncorter@givenspwley.comngw1zz April 16,2021 Gory G. Allen Chodie S. Bos Chrislopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clinl R. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preston N. Corler Jeremy C. Chou MlchoelC. Creomer Amber N. Dino Brodley J. Dixon Ihomos E. Dvdok Debqo KrislenEn Groshom Oonold Z. Groy B{ion J. Holleron Kersli H. Kennedy Neol A. Koskello Michoel P. Lwrence Fronklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Lo6 E. Lundberg Jomes P. Mohon Klmberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. McClure Kelly Grene McConnell Alex P. McLoughlin l/telodb A. Mcouode Chdrlophs H. Meyer L. Edword Milbr Judsn B. Monlgomery Deboroh E. Nelson w. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. Somuel F. Porry Rondoll A. Pelemon Bloke W. Ringer MichoelO. Roe Comeron D. Wor Robert B. white Mlchoel V. woodhouse williom C. Cole (Of Counsel) Kenneth L. Pucley (l94C2Ol 5) Jomes A. Mcclure (1924-201 I ) Roymond D. Givens (l9l 7-2008) Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Ci,I lntermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-20-05 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 34797 in the above referenced case, Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain") is required to file a quarterly Weighted Average Cost of Gas ("WACOG") calculation with the Commission. Enclosed please find the requested information. Pursuant to Idaho PUC Rules of Procedure,IDAPA3l.0l.0l.067,31.0l.0l.233, and, the enclosed information is confidential, proprietary and trade secret information of lntermountain and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 74- 106,107, and 48-801 et seq. lnterrnountain therefore requests that the enclosed information be protected from inspection, examination or copying by any person other than the Commissioners and PUC Staff. In accordance with IPUC Rule 67.02.a, the enclosed information is marked "Confidential - Trade Secrets" and submitted on yellow paper. Thank you for your cooperation. If you should have comments or questions regarding this request, please contact Lori A. Blattner (208-377-6015) or me (208-388-1222). Sincerely, ,, ____ ---"=A-- t* - Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorney for lntermountain Gas Company Lori A. Blattner Enclosure : ,,-,:|ili -l- Re: cc