HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200520Motion for Clarification.pdfr"i,:r!rl!inr.t,,;\-,,-IV*U -. ,, ;iI ',' i g Al,l l0: Lr ? Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com l514l 120_4.docx [l4168.14] Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOT]NTAIN GAS COMPAI\Y'S APPLICATION FOR AUTIIORITY TO FACILITATE RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS ACCESS CASE NO.INT.G-20-03 MOTION FOR CLARIFICATION REGARDING CUSTOMER NOTICE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain" or "Company"), respectfully submits this Motion for Clarification Regarding Customer Notice pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure 56. Bacrcnouuo On May 4,2020, lntermountain filed the application in this case ("Application"), which requests authority to facilitate access by Renewable Natural Gas ("RNG") producers to Intermountain's distribution system to move the RNG to the producer's end-use customer. Application at2.The Application does not seek the change rates for to lntermountain's utility customers, but instead proposes measures to fully insulate utility customers from rate impacts. Application at7-8. Because the Application proposed to change fees applicable to RNG producers, lntermountain provided direct notice to RNG producers by sending a letter to each producer. lntermountain did not provide direct notice to utility customers, although the Commission has MorroN ron Cr-eRrtcATIoN REGARDTNc CusrouBnNoucp - I published notice of the case pursuant to its typical procedures. See Case No. INT-G-20-03, Notice of Application & Notice of Modifred Procedure, Order No. 34667 (May 13, 2020\. The Commission's rules require that notice be provided to all customers "[i]f a utility is requesting a rate increase." Commission Rule of Procedure 125.01.a ("lf a utility is requesting a rate increase, the utility shall issue a customer notice to each customer."). The Commission's rules require notice to "affected customers" if an application is subject to Rule lZ2,which governs general rate cases. Commission Rule of Procedure 121.01.c. ("If the application is subject to Rule 122, a statement showing how and when the application has been or will be brought to the attention of affected customers and a copy of the press release and customer notice required by Rule 125." (emphasis added)). Cases that do not fall under Rule 125, Rule 121, or Rule 122 @y incorporation in Rule l2l) are govemed by Rule 123, under which the Commission issues public notice. Commission Rule of Procedure 123.01. Rrqunsr ron ClanrFrcATroN As noted, lntermountain has provided notice to its RNG producers, which are the customers affected by the Application. Direct notice to all customers does not seem to be required under Commission rules because lntermountain is not requesting a change in rates for utility customers. Although not required by rule, Intermountain considered providing direct notice to all customers. tn the end, Intermountain determined not to provide direct notice to utility customers because the Application proposes to fully insulate utility customers from all rate impacts. [n addition, Intennountain did not want to cause confusion among utility customers, and particularly wanted to avoid a situation in which customers perceived that Intermountain was MorloN roR Cr-eRnrcATroN REGARDTNc Cusrourn Noncr - 2 proposing to purchase RNG, was proposing to provide RNG to its customers, or that lntermountain was proposing any action with respect to RNG other than allowing the producer access to Intermountain's system for the producer to transport RNG to the producer's eventual end use customers. That said, Intermountain is aware of recent cases in which the direct notice to customer was provided under circumstances not required by the rules. See Case No. GSW-W-19-01, Order No. 34616 (April 2,2020) at 1. Intermountain would like to avoid a delay in the case due to notice issues. As such, Intermountain requests that the Commission clariff what type of customer notice is required in this case. If the Commission orders that direct notice to all customers be provided, lntermountain proposes to process as follows: lntermountain would insert customer notices beginning on May 28. Due to the billing cycle, the notices would need to be provided through June 26 to reach all customers. This is not in time to meet the current proposed effective date of June 15. Accordingly, if direct notice is required, lntermountain would propose to adjust the effective date of the application to July 15,2020. Coxclusrox Intermountain respectfully requests that the Commission determine whether direct notice to all customers of the Application is required. If so, lntermountain respectfully requests that the deadlines for the case be reset to provide for a comment deadline extending through July 3; with any Company reply comments due by July 8; and a proposed effective date of July 15. MonoN FoR CLARIFICATIoN REGARDntc CUSToUTRNoTICE - 3 Dated: May20,2020. GIVENS PI.'RSLEY LLP ,9 -s; a--> PrestonN. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company MorIoN FoR Cr-ARmceroN RScARDNc CusroueRNorlcE - 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiry that on May 20, 2020, atue and correct copy of MouoN FoRCLARTFIcATIoN Rrcmpnsc CusrouenNonce was served upon all parties of rocord in this proceeding via the marmer indicated below: Commisslon Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boiss ID 83714 Diane.Hanian@fuc.idaho. eov Matt Htmter Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 matt.hunter@nuc. idaho. sov ,2 Electronic IVIail a--> PrestonN. Caner MorroN FoR CLARrrcmoN Rrcanoncc CusroluenNorlcE - 5