HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191122Decision Memo.pdfDECISION NIEI\IORANDUI\I COMMISSIONI.]R KII,LLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER CONIMISSIONER ANDERSON COMN{ISSION SECRETARY CONTMISSION STAF'T' LEGAL FRON,I:JOHn- R. HAMNIOND JR. DEPT]TY A'I'TORNEY GI'NERAI, DATIj: NOVENTBER 14.2019 SIIBJECT: 'l'HE 2019 INTEGRATI.I'D RESOURCE PLAN Ol' INTERMOLJNTAIN cAS CONIPANY; CASE NO. INT-(;-19-07. On October 18, 2019, Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain Gas" or "Company") filed its 2019 Integrated Resource Plan ("lRP") tbr years 2019-2023 with the Commission. Thc IRP describes Intermountain Gas's plans to meet its customers' future natural gas needs in light of the Company's analysis of many factors that may afi'cct natural gas supply and demand in the ncxt few years. STAFF RBCOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Noticc of Filing and set a 2l -day inten'ention deadline. Once the intervention deadline has passed, Staff will informally confer with the parties about further scheduling and will report their findings back to the Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Filing and set a 2l-day intenention deadline? Jo Hamrnond Jr I \l rgrl(iAS'l\T (i lt, r!_\m.m,\'l\1(,l.rrlr_t Joc DECISION MEMORANDI.]M ty Attorney General TO: I